HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-19, Page 8t • Ott W INC( IIAM MIES, MARCH 19, 097, 1 Montreal, March 17.-Atgive $ oees I11ariset the cattle market today there were offered 450 cattle, 50 calves, half a dozen sheep, and two spring lambs. The SATURDAY -BAkCA11 DAY trade was fair; prieesR1111411 ittound. A few levee steer's for shipment were butchers' cattle, 31c n' Site ; fair, 2-70S SALE i )'t; , L "r O. �a sold from 3•itte tt' 4e. per Il). Best Great_�:.� @ 3.1e ; common, `lie :tc ; c,a ves, $2 tea 7 each. Old sheep 30 per lb'. Yearlings, 41c @ 5e. The two spring, -ALL DAY-- lambs bro'ight $8.50. Fat hogs, els ren his farm,wtts horrified on entering the irons t iseeeRatSele,ALt alttQL.VV.ILlare AtQ 4VIED FARMER LIVING. ALO II THF !'101311 yr! 1SOVL CRIME. Wolfville Aiarelt 14 ---The discov- ery wee made to•dtty of a most shock- ing murder et Avonport about five miles below hero. At about 7 o'eloel; tonight a neighbor calling at the faun of Mr. Oliver Fuller, an aged •and respected resident living alone e o find him lying in a pool tt 5- -° East Buffalo, N. Y., Mareh 15.--- of blood, his head crashed to jells-- { Cattle -140 cars on sale, including and his throat at from ear to ear. The roam showed signs of a struggle and presented a sickening spectacle. Up to the present time no discovery of the murderer has been made and it is impossible to assign any motive for the grime, Mr, Faller was not known to have any large sum of money in the house.. The axe with • which the deed was done was found covered wilt blood in the bushes near the house. It is said that a tramp passed through the neighbor- hood late on Saturday afternoon and called at a neighbors boas( to ask for something to eat. The weather being mild and 'the ground muddy impressions of his boots were made which correspond with those build near the scene of the murder, A hue and cry has been organized, but it is to be regretted that 21 hours at least have elapsed between the com- mission and discovery ot the crime. Deceased was 70 years of age. 1g , 5 Halifax, N. S., Mareh - t 6,---A tramp who gives his name as George d ll' generally at ,,filler, and says be belongs to Yale 6 pair Black and ColoredlLustee $2.50 tip; $2.75. with a few up tmouth county, was arrested hex r regular 35;:. Sa.turday.. •. • • 23 $3.10, Miehigans sold up to $3.10.1. '6 Fancy Shot Affects, regular 50 ,��3.?5 and exporters of 18 to 20 Kentville yesterday on suspicion of 35 cwt up to ;;'3 50. Steers and feederslbeing concerned in the murder of Saturday Oliver Fuller at Avonport on Satur- - 40 cars on sale, of which 25 cars ; dal He deniesg had WASH GOODS. od Il e and �'t •s he \\ tt. Wecxrldsay a good deed about our new SpringShoes their hand- some Style's and extremely good value . Po si ly you were amongst the crowd in the shoe department last Saturday, Everybody is anx- ious to save motley and we are mak- ing i; possible foe you, to do SO. 20 pair Men's Fine Shoes, worths 65 $2.50 for .. , .50 pair Tan Oxfords. reg !lar $1.:;5 for 90 33 ears of esinadas: several loads of Canada fe:ders did not have the necessary veterinary certificate, and weretherefore quarantined. Shippers were informed that eertiacates were e not necessary, but the authorities here have no instructions to that effect. To -day's market, except for best steers and for choice stockers and feeders, was 10c ® 20o lower, and the market was generally slow. About all were sold at the close. Selected export heavy eattle, *5.10 @ $5.15 fur prime, $4.75 C $5 for choice medium, and light weights lower; fair 1.050 to 1.150 ib steers, $4.10 pis 4.50. There vas a fair supply of Canada butchers' cattle but none very good. Two loads of Canada butchers' steers sold at $4.20 C $4.30. They were of 1.060 to 1,215 lbs. Choice heifers, $3.50 $3,65 ; light, thin butchers' cows, $2.60 « $2.75; fat ditto, $3 « 3.20; bull generally stronger; steel's bulls active, Cant as ee Ing e 20 pair Ladies' Black Fancy i u5+ regular. $t.75 rfo 550 pair Lallies' Lace and Button Kid Sh les, regular ��,2 for 1 48 DRESS GOODS With ru ire interest centered. in our Dress Goods Stocks than per- haps any quarter in the store and -deservedly so. ,Absolute leaders in high cl t •s novelties and its the people's say so. notours. i Wevki, Mahe anal `t•tat A w 1 '?5. e :Hutt tk iSiutih•e 1 OI nit trill �• 1 $91 • ,• Advertiser and " A +4 •t \1'itut.raand " )•uglily tlernld t, 6tar a, Satur.luy Night and " .Fitt to .i 1 , a•rimers and „ Fa:tieing (ntwttlily)t4nd 4' 16Aq4;1 1wa (y4N"4 yMv A ' ' 1 atria world and .a News ,4 OGO h .P4 1 ee a es, 551 1 411 1 75, ft no 1 71 4� 150$ (50€41 Four Crepons, New Shades and designs in Seotcli Zephyrs, Swiss Muslin, French Sateen. GRE AT BARGAINS -xti- Xid Gloves, Hosiery, Spring Capes, Mantles, Carpets, Lace Curtains, cotton, Sheeting, Cottonade, Shaker Flannel, Ready Made Clothing, New :Spring Hats and Gents' Furnishings .All at Bargain prices on Saturday .and each evening from 7 until 0. Twenty-tiv = Dul lar ticket will get you 1 dozen of your Photos, Cabinet size, at theStar Photo, value $.3.00 at M. H. MCI BOO S were Canada.. There was a go 'SIN QUITS Made in the LATEST STYLES Ga tom QUEEN'S BLOCK., WINCsII.111 PLN1NG RETORI. Having purchased Messrs. John Watt & Sou's planing factory, I am now prepared to supply the needs of the pnblie,in Navin la any I1R�CIZEp Q,NI? DRESSED art in the crim , S ' 1 r demand fur these cattle and most of pDOORS, far away train the scene at the time 1 LL MISER., SASH, weof ster bt v ers.e Catiada eCcValues were st['ong l tll0 matt Was killed. There is con- I MOULDINGS siderablo doubt whether he is the and everything found in a 'first-class right man. The officers are looking factory. after another tramp who is reported . Also a supply of LathandShinglss to lime been in the neighborhood on hand. when the murder was committed. Our prices will be found right. • to a shade higher in contrast with inactivity and weakness for other grades ; light stockers also sold better and there was a good clearance early. The ruling price for Canada feeders was $3.80; one ear sold down to $3.621; some at $3.70 and $3.75: County jell. '• -. a few bunches brought $3,85, ' -end l The following report was brought one car of choice 042 lb feeders went in by the Grand Jury last. week; -1 up to $3.95. In stoekers:,some very i "We your Grand Jury, beg to report A Big Will Slut. There will shortly come before the -courts for trial and will suit in which a claim to a st.m of $9,000,000 will be made by a Welsh coder. The claim in which initial .proceedings have just been taken concedes the right to Drytnnta estates with, annual rent - roll of $300,000- capitallzFed at $6,000- 030. In addition the litigants ifsue- cessfal would acquire the title of a sum of close on £3,000,000 at present lying in Chancery. CIaimant is M. Nathaniet Richard Thomas a Welsh collier and in alt probability he wilt be joined by lits step brother Mr. David Meredith. Among the estates involved in the 'taesgivernes are hale estate held by Mr. William Williams- -ex-M. illiams-ex-M. P. for Swansea and Glyngollen near Swansea.. held by Mr. J. Davies The property is sitaatt;d in South Wales. light thin and coarse grades sold. at that we have examined the county - $325, bulls of ttie good stockers j fail and find that at present there are showing some flesh and quality selling I twenty-one prisoners in custody - at 83.50 Ce $3.55 ; one Ioad of 25 Ithree females and eighteen males. Of the miles one is insane and await- ing removal to the saylum. Two are head of 950 lbs. brought $3.60. Milch cows and springers• -•18 ears; steady for .fresh and good forwards ; weak ,awaiting trial, one forgery and one for common juts ; all sold : 3hoice i for seduction; fifteen are committed springers sold mostly at $35. Calves i as vagrants; one is a feeble old man, -3 50 on sale ;:low and generally totally unfit to earn a ' living and easier ; prime to extra veals, 8') 25 one is suffering from an incurable (o $5.75; common to good, $4 ® $O disease. Three are children 11, 4, heavy fed and buttermilk calves, $s and 2 years respectively. The ro- e' $3.25. Sheep and iambs ----30 cars 'meander are strong, able-bodied men on sale, with slight supply and strong tit for any kind of work. These eastern advices ; values were 10e ;to are'committed for terms of six months 15e higher fair lambs; choice sheep down to one week. The three females steady ; fair grades down to amnion are all vagrants commitments not yet were slow and easier: prime to extra Made out. It is a fact worthy of note lambs sold at $5.55 @ 85.65 good .to that of the twenty.one prisoners now choice 85 to 90 .h lambs, $o.40 in jail only two are from the County of $5.50 ; fair light lambs, 84.65 Ga Huron. The others are all scattered 85.25 ; good to best bandy yearlings, over the country from Halifax to 84.65 �a' $4.90; good to choice fat Coltingwood. The ones from our mixed sheep, $4.5 ®. $1.50; selected county are insane one and the one wethers, $4.60 @ $4.75 fair to goer] committed for seduction. The in mixed $4.05 ( $4.25. Ilogs---110 sane one has been in jail since May cars on Sale: quality not equal .to last and we would recoinmed ' his Last Monday's offerings, and quantity immediate removal to the asylum; 80 ears in excess. Canadian buyers we would also reeommed the removal took a good many western hogs. of one William Russell to the hospital Market opened slow, but at 5e higher We would recommd the immedi- and good weight hogs brought a ate attention of the authorities to the further nth anee. There were too outhouses as they are in an untie and many light hogs here and ten or unhealthy condition for use. Also twelve ears were unsold at close. the outlet of the drainage. Everything. of 180 its or upwards ALIMED T. DAMS, Foreman. were readily taken at strong prices. Laid Away At Rest. The funeral of Rev. John Muteh, Mount nt I lea s� of Toronto took place to I u att Cemetery Monday afternoon, it being attended by the city clergy and members of the congregation of ChalmersChurch. In the morning at 10.30 the.Rev. Most of the beet weight yoi iters, the Dr. Milligan conducted.a prrvate mixed ppackers and the medium and service at the house after which the heavy grades sold at .54.15 to 8.1.20; body was removed to the church light Yet kers, $1.10 to $4.15, and some selected lots ttt $4,171 to $4.20, with a fete very light at $3.00 to $4, and $.1. generally for the light lots, prevailing pried at the close. Pigs which were not good enough to go senior members of the session acted in with the Yorkers sold at $3,85 to as 'pall -bearers. They Were Messes. 83:90 with some at 8'r ; roughs sold •t lr Tennant . ' w., James Pennant. Frank < n at $3.50 to $3.70 mostly at $3.70, 0, D. D. Christie, . Dr. hunter, Capt, and stays at $2,75 to $3.25 mostly Urre and Jai, GIass. The Members iti X3.15 of Toronto Presbytery attended the funeral in a body. Sunday ltev. Principal Cavell ( Zea- 'udde Boyd Buried.. preached the f!tnoral sornion of the T'he funeral ht stir Tate 111r. Jol1n dead pastor in Chalmers' Church, and Boyd ex judge of lite county of 'York fearing reference:to his death -was took piece trent his residence 529 S S.. BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SON Are Yfil If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Winghanl. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WET !®1E IS THE ORE FOR YOU where a Targe number of friends viewed the remains. At 2 a'clok the funeral services were eondueted by Rev. Prineipal Cavort, Rev. Prof: Ballantyne and Rev. John Neil. The made rex every Presby tcriatt pulpit inherbout itestt'Cet at 3 o'clock Monday the city, !afternoon. The -funeral being private Mr. Lesko Medigten of Mount t enitr immediate friends atidrelattves Far beemenred tl'e contract for the of the deceased were present. The work on Gotiorieh bar -,rennins were interred in St. James` ctrtei7. Goderich Council has passed a resolution to the effect that n) person will be employed tis fireman under 21. years of age or over 35 and that members must reside within the fire limits. 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment svIt?lout one. 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetnicre aloes 1 not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any -reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 0. Seine of our townspeople can ' testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. KARIM:D. Ss,r:ttwout).--.gleets--•At'the residence ot Mr Edwin Jarvis West Wawainosh on the 10th inst. by the Rev. W, W. Leech, asgitsted by the floy J', Swan ot Dungan- non, Mr. G. Sherwood, oft Ashfletd. to Miss M. 3. Jarvis.11��' I ser+-• In Ituntsyille on Saturday 11/Carch 13th, 519 rs. S. Derr aged 80 years. obotvntn-In Wingliate on Sunday March the 14th Mrs. N. Mcb onaldesso terste tlaste r--Ia Blueva)e on Sunday March 14th Thomas McKinney, aged, 38 ears and1e dive. V etweer.-113. Bluevalo on Sunday Mareh 14th Normarf 11unrlan, aged 21 ysArs and 5 clays. L Sr, bait -In Morris on March 11th, Geo. Smith agtgi '4 yeare , 8 months nude dept. GORDON & CO. �E�a llOF. MR. JOHNMURRAY has opened out a new machine shop, thoroughly equipped with a New Outfit of ]Ylachi.nry n eluding an Iron Planer, Lathes etc. and is now prepar- ed to do a general line of re- pairing. Engine and 'Mill Machinery repairing and pipe fitting a specialty. All kinds of shafting, gear- ing, iron and wooden pulleys, brass and iron castings sup- plied on shortest notice. JOHN MURRAY. Center Building Button & Feseant Factory. ti • it rrte�' 114 VIS � c rri V 1 -P orio cAj tirtii 0 r54 ;•01•0 Ct 0.0 1;j 0 Ammo 42 40 o....,.,ares r rAo PIA fit` Flsal 51 C73 aN4114:3,4 C(112,“171 o tl.1 1{a. (► i J A T CLEARING SALE tl. $ FILL co NTINIIES and will eontinue until the whole stook is eleared out. We are highly gratified at the success attending our effor'',:, in this direct. I ion; the great consuming mass of this country are not slow to distingnish between a false and a genuine sale, prices tell every time. Another ccnsign ment to hand ►ofgoods bought for less than -.: We would ask as a favor from our easterners, at least all who can make it convenient, to do their shopping early in the day, in this way we can serve you better in 'the afternoon, we are so mueh crowded that we are not able to give t oil that attention we would tike. 15 pieces Dress Goods were 15 now 5 10 " fa ,a "25 " 10 15 " 'i " 35 Jt 20 8 tt ft 44 .t 60 fa 45 5 it AS ft .f 60 " 40 4 " ft " 50e on the $1 Tweeds 50e " " $1 Mantle Gt,ods 50c `t a $1 Ready Made Mantles 50e " " $1 Shoes 500 " " 81 �� 12 Storm Collars 50e " $1 8 Far Sets tSOe " " $1 We -Handkerchiefs at less than cost and a great many more articles we have no room to .t mention. Everything goes all along the line. Call early and get very special bargains. M2NTYR�+ M,lClr1't N•ALD I LOCI . WINGEmi.