HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-19, Page 72
Ono Remedy which bets :Soyer Paned -
Tried and Tested Ointment.
Becalm other alleged remedies far
piles, scrofula, emitted le eruptions,
scald head, chafing, black heads, salt
rheum and skin diseases generally have
proved umiess, don't condemn Dr. Chase's
Oirttnreut. It lits never been known to
fail. For instance, Nelson Simmons,
Meyersburg, Out., ,ivrites
seItcl ii gPiles,r and lLcaus recommend e's Ointment f iot
x,dgety. wive using it I have had
perfect freedom from the disease.','
Peter Vamtlien, L'Amable, Que., had
the eczema for three years. ,Ile tried
tee doctors, but received no benefit.
One boa of Pr. abuse's Ointment and
ee boxes npletely. DLazgeasPcnlcs111`cured
Iris legs sand body, bet the Ointment soon
removed them. He will swear to these
Chase's Ointment may be had from
ane dealer
Edmansoe, Bate oC the acturers
Co„ 4G n Lombard
street, Toronto. Price 00 cents•
o ser s greatest remedy for coughs, - ands of„gil•is \i'Ih0 have gone into
ds, br•onclv:ciaal and lung ff
ut '
col g a eetions is 1011r commercial houses than the
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- world dreams of." ,
Dentine` The medicinal taste is li 1 oil ' heel where
I U ..+' WING L IA.�r < 'MIES, ;MARCH 19, 18b7,
Long h t,ve T sou Ih.t for a happy face,
Oft havel sought for a mind contel,t;
We waste our days in an endless race
Pot. pit nettles that Boon are spent.
A weary struggle for silver and gold,
An endless effort for glory and fame;
Ourefforts are endless our strugles untold
Farther our object, stili higherour aim.
And happiness knocks at our door in vain
She is olothed in the garb of the toiler ;
Wo bar the door in cold disdain,
Thus being our own despoiler,
then li i,i,piness sorrowfully turn:; away,
And leaves cis alone to our Lite.
1l'1:eu she is gone the bid her stay,
We know her worth when too late
:s k
A prominent American merchant
in an address lately . aicl of the
wrong clone young women who are
flocking to the eities to earn in livli-
bood in metering the manufacturing
and merehantile .establishments:
"More wrong had been done thous -
19,11, 20th Alen 21st,
Stratford March (i. ---The Uoat'd of
Directors of the Western Butter, and
Cheese Association rnet hero this
afternoon, Mr. A. McLaren, ill. P,,
President, in the chair, The other
officers present were: J. S. Pearcy,, j
London ; Harold Eagle, Atterclifrci
mutton; J i\. Paget, elan es ; ,.lt)lln
Praia, Jiarriston; John Connolly,
Porte�'s hill; R M Ballantyne, Strat-
ford, J. -James, Nilestotvii and
the Secretary, S W Wheaton, Lon.
don. Inspector Millar was also pre-
ssen t.
Mr, Wheaton tendered his resigna
tion as See. Pions, of t�lhe :Assoeiattion
to take effect April 1st e' r r t that address, aelattselt}
p , when be a c
Best fez•, -,•brae
Wash Day
!makes clothes
sweet, clean,
white, with
the least
remark -
abbe lasting
economical and
2 e,
• r .43''.•w"':T4 9 C: 1`: AiLwv�rS � ..>.�<,.Y•<-., •.
A leaches' Oh^nee. .L W11'>', AT 13.
est for_...de
A neterrlrost LADY UNDERGOES AN kxI'r;In- ENCS AND reer.Ar.es THrs xusTornY pia HERR kATIIjf 013-JECPEf), SntE I)10 NOT
A srvEBgTimm. I:N011• \vHAT it:rntRTG1 MEANT
Mrs. James Graham, 180 ,Tames street DUI! \I'.t l WEDDED.
Darun, liatnilton, wife or the v known
to fol-
,tssanies the business management of lowing olloumstaoeae. Mr. and Mrs
"Fa! ming" Toronto, the well known Graham have resided iu Ilanail/un for
agricultural journal. Mr, George well and favorably tcnown :
the past fourteen years,, and are very
]lately, Brantford, was appointed to Mrs. Graham says: "Du f 0. iii •
mastI succeed him. The following resolu- months prior to taking Mdlburn's .!Team
ma-Imeel making it pleasant to take those who are of necessity wage-
Large bottle 25 Cents. earners �, I tion, r\hich speaks well for the work a Ind Nerve Pills 1 had Feih.us trouble
go . In answer to this + arising frofn wrong action of the hean't
which Mi. Wheaton has done since and nerves. Oneof the systems wars
becoming Secretary of. the Western that I could not lie on my left silo, for
Association 9n 1891, was moved by if I did .so my heart throbbed so i•iulenft-
Harolcl n terrIaugle 20d Vice -President. ly as to give me great ;min. The small -
Vice -President,
eststint noisemy hoearet r the slightest exertion would
Vice-President,�and was carried un- was impossiblfor
and seconded by J. S. Prara, 1st mtatte toin;,r ibly.sh „rt1t
Animously : That while we exceed- flight or stairs without stinuppiaupg a to rtst
ingly regret the resignation of Mr. and regain my breath, 1 was excessive -
Wheaton, as Sec.-Treas. of the as if with ai�rue and mMythend and fop were
tl;j r,��, iG, ''u°@' 1:1 '�,'! I OC u- Western Dairymen's Association, we unnaturally cold, and 1 suffered from
l +tt 1 p then not unolilecttonal but as Directors of this Association, wish sharp pains in the back or my head. The
question he said. "I sincerely wish
that a sentiment could be awakened
among the young women of the net-
`ion leading them to seek positions
whore there is today sogreat a need
for intelligent service, where they
Iwould be safe from danger, where
their surroundings might be elevat-
ing and congenial, and their c
0 only
!desirable in every sense. .There are
I are tens of thousands of comfortable
homes all ''ver the land, tnousands
of them refined and cultivated homes
needing intelligent competent service
that .tens of thousands of young
women, who are now` :ovelcrowding
I the labor market with danger, dis-
comfort and almost ---starvation, to
themselves and their competitors- in
fierce race -for subsistence, co'tld ren-
der with reciprocal advantage .
Let the character, dignity. and in-
dependence of household service • be
Ireeognized by the housekeepers of
'the land and then properly set before
our yoing women and and a vast
new avenue of self respecting, use•
lftil and well paid occupation lies be.
fore them.
W1L=, cuan on RELIEVE:
And .v.ro voodoo of drMnaO. aa.W/
rroe, d,sa,aer.d
Sul] !Waal! Shorth:tn 1 and 13 riin 1 9 a •'r, )11 i ,
Canada, in pl a+i it pupils in eh•sioa positions and
preparing them for snob pintos
Frank Cooper, a pupil r .' n i�, e- •sin, he's ar •op'•
eel the posters of ito>I: k -s spur wi: r J. W. i• a -or
of the S_Ine pla'•u.
tV L Ltrwis a -s 1Ltnaeor of tho P•"•tsroenlh Busi-
ness Co ieue.
Mary 11ickey, position as - Steno-;rnpber with a
Detroit nem
lea Mi liken p5sition ns Stcnn.ra;rher with tire•
Sydenham Masa Co , wallaceburtr.
• For Catalogue, address,
4•14 4t u.,r, ''.,t
x. tie". t n;
end elf
iR Ckrldremor 'Adults.
P a2 1 C. S S c
Lityr 141
4rd time a ketarter a box "Vert, '• " o
quitting the hold in whole bnttr,tmon#.
Dr. Agnew•. L'i'ver ; illy at 01 i •'.•fat are
driviug'ti.orn out at all pa fits
=e0au. a they trot gentry, Marti effectively
1 novelpain, and str. nsy to take
Slick Headache Rneetiefbe t') one alnse.
'Ohronio Conetipnil••+' linpei'ed with ono
4 viol, and Stoat eh It:.nr�Tgra of terve
intending abeolut„r' '• , I 1 eeee. 20
cants tal•ldriv drivel.... • ,1, ,
>� g,R' i a l at f�hiaholnt s
No truer wordsthanthese can be
uttered flit the fact cannot be dis-
puted that no single factor in modern
life is doing so much to degenerate
ot11' young wolnenhood than this mad
raee on the part of our girls, impel -
ed by necessity or otherwise to go into
the business world. And why ?
ply because it is considered more
'respectable' to be employed in an
office, store or factory than to be em-
ployed in domestic service. The
vei'}• word 'servant' has a taint
about it that the majority of young
woilen dislike, and from which they
flee., But what else are they in
business establishments but servants
pure and simple. Indeed far less
leniency is shown momen in our
business houses, than in our hotnes
to domestic help; mueh less. •
It is the pot and kettle idea that
seems so dreadful to our girls, and
though reams of paper and tons of
ink have been wasted on the servant
girl problem its solution lies right at
our own doors, and within the
, bounds of good common sense. ' We
must quit this nonsense of thinking
household duties is beneath any one
of us, no matter what our station in
life; it is not be neath the highestbred
:girl ever bread on this earth. House-
: keeping is really a seience, just as
much as any others, and requires
equal intelligence and adaptability
tceomprehend and master it thorough
ly, No wonderits performance has
been left to the ignorant, when it
, has ben considered degrading, but
lift its standard and a more intelli-
gent class will engage in sorvico,and
; thousands of our young women
now risking their health and their
honor in business houses will turn
attention to a channel where they
more rightfully belong, and where
they can employ their God-given
talentsto a better advantage. And
with the adva'htage to the girl, will
naturally come theeadvantage to
the mistress, t') Our home, to our
wr+rnanhood, and to ow' country.
Mol A,
A Radical Change
MM. Jan Graham, Hamilton, Ont. says :.
'•My doctor said that my heart trouble
could not be cured, but X am happy to
say he was mistaken, for Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Nis have made a
complete cure in my ease, t have now
no hpart pains, sleeplessness, fluttering
or breathlessness, and am entirely re-
stored to health and vigor."
to tender him our hearty and sincere sl ewmlurr of a door would nearly set me
tl i•
lanes f'ot his able and efficient wtiu. Frequently I would wake fat
n I frightened, and then was unable to ge
services during the past five years to sleep again. 1 lost flesh aail becan'
and we further wish him every very weak and despondent. I fel
success and prosperity in his new miserable in mind and body,
calling and avocation." For sir months I have been canstnntl.
taking medicine, trusting that it woul
As the experience of the past few ' help me, and for a time was u>gder the
years shows more instruction in the i care of 11 too efforts [
Castleton, —Matilda. the1.;.year-
olcl daughter of Datr4it'1 Cornelius has
• been married 101 main named Burley
from near Mount
1'lie farmerfarmerobjected but the ma then
insisted un the nrarr•ige. Tiae father
warned the issue. of licenses but the
mother swore that Matilda was 18
years of uge, The minister was 111601
bidden. bidden to mar••y the girl. He ask -
et Iter bef yrs tn•; cereal )n y if she!
knew the reeponsib1blt'(esof marriage.
She said she did not know whirr it
meant. But in spite of this the
marriage as perfeened,
The Orown-Attorer has been, not!
tied of the matter.
1 No is the Time
t To purify your tslood with IIcod's Snrsa-
t parillu. March, April and clay ere the
trying mouths of the year. At this
v seaason youyourulood lea loaded with lemur-
' ivies whichwhichhalve accumulated during
cI ' the winter. and these impurities must, be
' in mediately expelled. hood's Sarsapar-
lilla 18 the One True 13lo.ed Purifier. It
is the medicine whiula has accunipashed
many thousands of reau.trk•il)le cures or
all blood dr,eesee. It is it hat the millions
tette in the spring to build up health
and ward off sickness.
Samuel Hilliard, of Kleiriburgand
oul Palely, Owen are iu
trouble over a green goads game.
Tai kt ,r • eV teeteeSnpp )yea von for
of the goods and the Kleinburg man
the "come On."
.physreaan, but all t
factories in the best methods of shade towards az cure where of no avail.
making fancy cheddar cheese is ; �y physaiash dually told my husband :
"You know there is no cure for heart
urgently needed. Greater efforts i disease.' which made ane more despond -
will therefore be made during the 1 ent than ever.
coining season by the Association Six weeks ago I was induced to try
along the line of improvement in' from thnttti t rteeamy re=torationerve rtol and
quality. The Board decided to dates. I have takerne
n four boxes which
appoint 3 Instructors for the coming I bot'ght at John A. Larr's drug store,
season. 11 r. Millar, Kincardine, was corner James and Merrick -streets. These
appointed Chief Instructor and will mlelan caths only edicine that Fes done
have immediate$ emy char a of the tern ha yt., sgoodthe
ay that they proved that , or given roe relief. I gam
torte, north of the main line of the G doctor was mistaken in disease c y so in r that h
a:a rt
T. R. between Toronto and Sarnia oulu not be oaredi., Sinra I
and will Tool: after the P \Tprosecutions 1 c14e1nmeoced taking Milburn's IIeart stud
I ls
have been daily getting
of parties tampering with milk in betterre Pi
r. I can now go upstairs tl
n without
the whole of the district looked after ' trouble and attend to my daily duties
by the Association. The territor I cvathorit the slightest dis„rees. . I have
south of the G. T. R. will be divided
y I:nir:ed in flesh, in health and in e'.ren>;th
and my blood is healthy a.nd cirenlates
into an Eastern Scct.ion.. Mr. Janhes' freely. Lying on my :tiller
ide causes me no
Morrison, 'llenfryn, was appointed ; inconvenience or pain, and f enjoy health
Instructor for the Western Section i ZQdrastfnl sleep. fly nerves are strong
ane, vigorous, and there has been such a
and Mr. Alex. Clark, Shakespem•e, raddcalchangeforthe better in my con-
Instruetor• foe the Eastern Section. I clition that 1 cra.n say these wonderful
Inspector pillars work is well known ; pills have practically made a complete
to every maker in the west and . c'°il e'
I I to teoommoucd them without the
needs1)0 commendation. The other 'sli_•htest hesitation to all sufferers from
two have been among; 001' 111061 ; similar Complaints. (Sinned) Mrs. Jas.
sue eSSfllr el,a'Cselll :'hers, The fact• Graham, Han)iltnn, Ont."
ories will be charged :$3 per else' or 1
4 days instruction or 4 visits of ono i Mr. George Walker of Mill Roadday's durationeach for $10 and fora T uckersmith passed peacefully away
each additional date $2.50, the Asso- to the better land only'riday last. Mr. 1
dation to pay the travelling expenses 1 Walker's departure was sudden and 1
of the Instructors. A circular giving unexpected. He retired to rest on
full partieulati.s will be .issued to the previous night, apparently in hi
factorymen inn few days, who are
requested to send in their applications
at an early date. The ereanerias
will be looked a fter by Instructor
Sprague who wits appointed for that
purpose by the Central Board. The.
next Anneal Convention will be held
in -London on January 19, 20, end
21st. 111:18..
Salt Rheum Cured
GaNTr.rntaN,--Your 13urdock Blued
Bitters cured ane or Sail, Rheum three
years ago. Tt WAS so bad that I lost my
linger nada. and 1 cyan truly say that T.
know of no more valuable medicine in
the world that) B. B. B. I have had no
return of Salt Rheum since,
Emerson, Man.
Word reached town Wednesday
of a terrible accident which happen
ed to Miss Henderson, of i3ervie,
niece. of Rev. A IIenderson, formerly
of Atwood, The hanging lamp,
under which Miss Henderson was
sitting, fell upolt her, and in an
instant her clothes were on fire. The
family rallied her up in blankets as
quickly as possible As t1.e best Means
of extinguishing the flames, and they
succeeded, but the unfortanato girl
was badly burned about the face,
arms and hands, besides one of her
hands was badly cut by the broken
lamp glass. The young lady has a
number of friend:] here whom she
Visited last summer.—Atwood Bee.
Experience proves the meritof Hood's
Sarsaparilla. It curee all forme of blood
diseases, tones the stomach, builds up
the nerves,
usual state of health. In fees he
Male's Kidusy-Liver Pzllo.
I Chase's Pills have trained popolariiy
because they are a speuitia for the uric
acid condition, prevent Bright's Disease.
uure P„beumatism and all Uatarrhal eoa.
ditdons of the Kidneys atn'l Bladder.
. They do this because they possess re-
markable alterative, tonic ane diuretic
properties, exertinf a wonderfully sooth
ing influence on irritated or inflamed
wucous membranes of tho Kidneys
or Bladder, Ono pill a dose, 25i a box.
The cheapest medicine in the world.
Robert Baird and Robert Hadden
of Kincardine, have had of cr 1,000
acres of land in the Rainy River
country for the past twenty years.
It is in the vicinity of the Seine
river. A few days ago they were
offered 1~25,000 for the land,. by a
mining syndicate with an option of
10 per cent. for GO days. They have
not accepted the offer but have sub-
: mitted a proposition looking to the
sale of only a part of the land.
appeared to be unusually c'•eerful.l
On Friday morning he did nc t make
his :)ppearauco at breakfast at the
usual hour, but nothing was thought
of that as it was frequently late in
the ttn'enoon before he would get up
About seven o'clock, however, he
called his grandson, wl'o slept in the
same room with him, to get up.Again
about nine o'clock he was heard to
walk al2ross the floor, and he was
thought to be getting up. When it
drew near dinner time, however, and
he had not yet cone down stairs, his
son went to wake'. bun. At first
he thought he was still asleep, but on
drawing closer to the bed, he noticed
the vital spark had f1ed, Mr. Walker
was lying in his natural position, j
with one hand under the side of his
face, and had apparently slept away
without a pang or atrnggle. Tt was
n remarkably peaceful and pleasant
death,. I -Ie was 82 year's of age, and
althou;h enjoying good health, sold 1
able to beeabout till the time of' hie (lentil'
he had been troubled occasionally
the past week or so with weak
spells, caused:by heart failurr*, and
it was no doubt, in one of these that
lie passed away. But tete featnl es
-were as peaceful and as natural as
if in sleep, showing that lie had
never suffered a single pang.
Ilagyardes Veneta Oil a� as:
T',Las curtcn IN 3 to 6 NIGHTS-1TOIRINO,
Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure all
eases of Robing piles in from 3 to 0
nigh Fs. One apptimition brings comfort.
'For blind and bleeding piles it is peer •
le=s. Alio cures tette••,' salt rheum,
•rxenaa, barberr'itch, nod all eruptions
of the skin. ]believes in a day. 33 rents.
Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store.
Another c Id resident of Blyth, de, '
parted tllii life :tbont three o'clock .
on Sunday morning; tee one to be
called away was Mrs. Selina Poulton,'
relict of' the late Itanry Poulton..
Dt cemed for the past 35 years had
been a cripple, caused by rheuma-
tism, and through all her years of
suffering she bore up bravely, elwa}-s
)hppearing bright and cheerful She
was born and married in England.
On April 7th, 18.19, she, with her
husband incl fatuity, sailed for Gath-
ada, arriving in Quebec on the 81st
of May.
:TeeInfant:. aril. Chi e1ren,
The !aft- +'
This old reliable medicine, ii, u :'.')ver
4: third of a century, eur09 rheum•ttiatis,
stiff jnints, sprains, bruises, tatvellings,
trust bites, chilblains, chating, neu''ilgi•r
acid ti'i pain or soreness lar 10440 11` h.r,r.at.
2rc at all druggists.
'Cho Walkerton 'Telescope says.
that the closing of one r.f the Ilan -
over furiiiittre 'factories has thrown
blinds nut of work.
.cpm RpT-.t�� pCttlierr,'epr,T
riser I9s
Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it
Tlhc modern stand-
ard 'Family Medi-
cine : Cures the
commonve day
ills of humanity.
•ea11mq rows pus •0i 5 '0,,z4S 0.01
sa _ %,r
era 3 pan
d uusaru as
.�� rz
(•,sze.va axnaa)
")�w sifr
v E
sI sannal
OSOr[1 eoa man.) am
go 'am 'can 4
-44 'SX.AZIT,Tdair00 fr e1 O r Ern PIM
'aa/'LAravit41 'tra)arzialVTcr
'array.. 'spz0a
•crno..p 'schwas°
THE L7r, twidi
Lea a ir,
Tho "Empress or ,Indic i " Chief
Tells an Interesting Etopy.
Mr. Francis Somerville, one ofthe best
known men in the steamboat traffic 00
the rivers and lakes of Ontario, having
been engaged in r.,is ba,iness for fifty
years, and who resides at No. I,3 Upper
Colborne Street, Iiingston, ;peaks as
follows of his recovery from the sickness
which has affected hint for some time.
Said /:Ir. Somervillo: "The grip left
me with kidney troubles and gravel. I
had severe Iain over the kidneys and in
the small of my bac]:, also between the
shoulders and in the, bladder.
"The urine was very dark -colored with
a great deal of muddy sediment. I went
to 11Ir.'McLeod'.s drug store and bought
two boxes of Devin's Kidney Pills. 1 have
taken there with what people tell me is
the usual good result.
"They have cleared the urine, removed
the sediment,. relieved me of distressing
pain in the back and between the should-
ers, and ]rave built me up in :t surprising
manlier. In facet, lam entirely five' from
the troubles which affected nee before
taking these remarkable pills, nnd l:
recommend them as a certain Core for alt
troubles arising from kidney dloorders."
- li 7iiyr, Kingston.