HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-19, Page 5\\)
rings James Sleiltheef sthe 42th con, Bridgeport Coun, Meech Tip
;Laves Of Thousands
This slueeiell iintevestsevery won an in elels. asintriltv. v1Ithere ,else can vvo-
WESTWAWAII OWL Execute= of Litt Riephant.
.001110NOMMIPININCIMI.P.M.6111. kl•11.0111.11•411.7 7...."01.•1010.1.0.1111/01.101:: "It ".
of NS est ltVaevanosia,.passecl away on
Saturday week, in elie7th yea y „of
his age, Theeteafedeseelsoesleate ;sell
known.cund hiseyhy sesteemadesrivase
among the ditiff,,t eettleiseofetheatewc,
ship, having atelitti6it on .00 feign
whene (diedin eend by his
ritsoatdind itry -secured for' him-
setratesse eregeedeshouie, For
many pears tpast died suffered
ftwn eleenientiettiebutillis health was
otherwise good fowl inoteths ago.
big elephatit at OW BarlanDi
Bailey winter quartete, prison
whom an ensaccessfei attempt .wats
_made y+*terday, eve.s e.xecuted
in the elepleant'a barge this morning.
Tip weighed,- 8,500 poancls and
stood tee feet six inelees high. He
has l*n. with the cineol Sinea 1877,
but bad become ugly of Itste and his
keepers weve afraid rite would .sill
them. .A block and .faii were fixed.
0 the rafters of the eaten' end a
PURE A, Trouble That es 1; "T2; INSECT POW
i an 1 et the aesortment or the velem whieh ,our .stoele • represents?
Oerteiinly uot.eatside the large eiey stoves .exeept illei'e. An this
. figAIMeogs, BI PA
(weans bartlevork, capitol and ereeteeienee pat !into !this stock •
ton ourmart, to be drawn ont,{ty eur.cuft(guerson 'demand
Num is rat -
n •
in the -tempo of the very beet eleess ,geeds ,values it
Ilea ever been ear abides. greater.
WI WANT 'YOU1-1 DRESS G00108 TIT:n14.
ItrIthiS•ati tbigs you to the stone, Ave are -off:Ain to get it, if right There are many ways in which 1
goods sat right tpeices have any entletence. .1.1efe pare -some of the values people may Prove bei fetors to .the , Custoinere tell us that our bisect
whites etre .rnakitqa the department femme. human rece.. There are those who Powder dos its work,
Dervible-fuld :Dress Goode in small etripe, ilissItecoloesfor spring, 14.e, a yrd. .of their alaundauce spend large sums , Others tell ns that the Louse
42tineln(doaleteefold) Dress Goods, ;good %weight, .very special line in
&made !Dress. Goods in all shades, 4:2 emetics ,witieeshot effects, very neat
design:Land geot'equality, eloth as good lie esee !base. ft venesho yen at 40 foe 25e
A vita:lel number ie. a small Tweed ieffeet :in fawn, grey and brown
colorings. iYoueivill require to see ebis eine eto dully eappremete the value.
le is en ty .2.De.
Tiaerangeof:Black Goods we are.ebowingen ,prices is of exceptional
merle, lin ,plain•and fancy weaving. IThe goods:are .Fast.Acid Proof Black
and the ,best 'values we !save shown et :25e. esnel:30e.
Plaid Dress -Goods for waists wili the in ,favorasenie ayes +we have pro-
cured est grea reduced pricee, They eiveielegent !patterns and beautiful
goods„ !price :30c.
Particular .attention is paid to a line Ite•sellatalOr.A..yard. 'If you wuuld
like a ffeacy ipattern in pretty weave ond goodeeolure. .have them. In
plain goods .the•range is most complete. ellies esea most ipepniar priee end
very pizetty .gootissulay be procured.
We ;ask specialattention to our showilie.of Dress Goorls.at:50e.
• A liae we -ave %willing to pin our repukoion to isatsBoucle.effects in three
coloringe.—No. a es. one of' the newest in 'shot effents .Blts.e ,and Green
shades. No. t2lis:a.Plue, Black and Fames. No..3 es a Garaet, Black and
Greet). 'The etelleeind finish of these geoisis perfeetand,the gric.e.. is 60c.
In high -cease _Deem Goods we have some enterestieg lines. :Never have
such elegant .euede been shown at the • nee 1 '•
Two Remecties we Recommend: -se
i Farmers ler Kilnug the ;face
weich at this time of the
year so eriortsly Ree-
f vent ear Cattle from.
IleProm the SUlitie$, N. D. liocoal,
wasettleenell•wIth.stosoaeh trouble I heavY rePe :Placed arolead the ele-
and elespitt the ,etforts .eif the best Phants Reek and tixty emu did the
ntedietti 'skill .11e :grew gradually reste 1•103eleele wee Peroken, 14.'coan
worse, Mill (death 'relieved ibis suffer. the tune ehe strain was pat on the
ings on -Saturday, .1.1e ewes a man
who erejoyed ;the confidence and
respeet +of !the ,vekole, community, and
his widew..andrfatnily have, the sym-
pathy erred' ;in their, bereavement.
1 gis e ou a
correct idea of the ;beauty of these goods eve eere shostelseg .a t e7.n.e.z.8t;e., 90e. P
. .
and $1. Tritneeingssito match all dress goode.
'The Met:meeting urder sthe
piees the Methodist chutweli last
Thursday .eveuing evas very 'success-
ful , the paeceeds :thou $50,
Eight clollere was the, result eif the
social for the little flake the folSawing
Owing &be storm the attenela.nce
lope meal the .animal was. dead was in large buildings and beautifying :Killer is the very thing they have
one and a half minutes, He. was publio parks, Others :spend, their ; been looking for, it is instant in
defiant to the last. . money in charitable' works, and . in 1 action as well as in Dame. In one
___ . alleviating the sufferings of less for- I pound packages, sprinkle top 35e
Indian Remains round satiate eellows, and for these acts !from us only.
they are honored. The. person who
A rather peculiar and Interesting having ,obtained relief from sickness'
find was made on Monday afternoon and makes public the imam . '
on the further side of the ;big doele, which. health was regained, is none! WINGIIAM, ONT.,
Wiarton,in the shape of some human the les?, a public benefactor, A Wong
bones and taaioskulls. It appearstliat these latter is Miss Elena O'Neil I Ask. for Dr. Bees' five Stock Book. •
Gibson McLaughlin WaS passing daughter of Mr„James O'Neil, a
along the slum, and observing the welt todo farmer residing near I
tracks of some ;anima I supposed to be. eliliatream Kings County New:
a Inink, followed them till they dis Brunswick. Miss O'Neil was attack Suicecte at 'Mooratown.
Appeared in a leole in the rock. Some ed' with anemia (poverty of the 1 Sarnia, March 19—John Hum -
at tee :enmities last Sabbath %was boys were skatisses, near by and on
very seine being called crawled 'leder the rock
The Christian Endes;vor dewed ;and found a kind of a shelf on
its evetsing meeting. whiehalwere the honei. and skulls
aW C. • •• •• . .
., mae amst, spent They brought the ,eserais to town orie . promptly cheeked, and the blood cia 1 On Thursdey night Wm. Humh-
. a se benging Walsall.
Sabbath in town. He came from) !of which is on view in the Wiarton I !idled and renewed. Having di. I rey's went to Mooretown tu attend.
Kincardine and reports itemes aim Canadian office and each of the boys
as being very theft
I •
is carrying around a bone a the this happy result Mies O'N ." is 1
'covered a remedy that Will achieve • to hasiliess, alai not having returned:-
;Saturday hie relatives 'meanies
arty to his ft iendeand nefgthburs one ;ionSince
Robert Armstrong, air gave a ielefunet red men in his pocket. How willing that less fortunate sufferers alarmed. George Humphreys, a so»,..
emaine were placed I may reap the benefit from her ex.: together with a son-halaw, drove to,
vening last week, which was very Mere inot known,
successful. Vie first white man gazed on the
Possibly before 1 perience, To A correspondent of the I Mooretown on Sunday and funnel
man for a few. ClaVe.
Robert Ray is visiang John Wight- waiters of Colpoy's Hay.—feanediale story of eer illness and recovery.. from a hook in a furniehed house
I Record, Miss O'Neil related the 1 Mr. Humphrey's body suspended
Richard Wilson of idlyth, was the 1
BLUE -VALE. te lee'
te-' 1'7 She said: --"I believe that had I not :owned by him. Mr ilumpli:I•evs:
begun the use of Dr. Williams' Pink I was not known to have ally business
guest of James Owens. feet Wednes-
ty and Thureday. \ Pills my ti' mble would have . ended i •troubles and no reason can be assig
ugh McLean leaves fur the North- . There is canaiderable ickness in fatally. My illness came about so !for the except mental depression.freeelt
est met Tuesday mid if the Pros- land Mr. Edward Leech are both ser- 'I ' = cede)
the villagc.efAir. Jame Crawford gradually tLat I can scarcely say 1.,louii.'kyt bermopuagitleteilnleadvbeti:diCertetvontehratete--- •
The first symptoms
blood) a trouble, untbrtunately too !Phins, of Sarnia, aged 68 Years,
common among the young girls oe, committed suicide at ifooretown, a
the present day, and one which is village 10 miles small of here on
certain to terminate fatally if I Fri& '
7`-.... 7r7'.:.-''.'7*.....__?r'!7"'''''''''"*".."`_'"!'"7",!•'"•! il
Vt. iSlvtiv%/WWZ,11,11.1:eq/ZA141,1b/%ft to,k11tdtvlb,teVINIVIto Vrtrtf i pe
ats iie bliwnt v11"n 1. 120 '1 I 1 anisly ill and also Mrs. /John Dimentlivere a loss of color, and a tired feel- 'Humphreys leaves a wife and
turn and take hiwife and feenily Airs
th him in the autumn. McPervie, of Exeter was visit.' ing after etteh moderate exertion. 1
week. 508.
Ss.. ing her mother Airs Jessie Messer lasi,1Ceradnally I became as pale as 1
corpse, and was extremely nervous. BELMORE.
Killed the Fireman
Miss Bert Jamieson of Fordwich i Then I was attacked with e pain in
• als visiting at Mr. ...Lecke Casemore's. ' lhe side, which daily grew more and. Miss Ilock from Mildmay is enjoy -
At Gilehrist'e mill, 2nd coneessien, 14Mr. Thoman SIcKinm:372\who had more intense. I coughed a great ing a pleasant visit in town at the
tes from Tiverton,
ace, between seven and eight , been'I ,' pneumonia for over a deal and finally grew so weak that residence of Mr. Duffy. As a. con -
the boiler week, seemed it great deal better if I went up stairg 1 bad to lest when sequence of her presence in our will-
ploded and instently kilted the 'last Thursday but in the evening I reached the top. My appetite for. nge quite a number of the gen
hteen years, on Thursday last.1 worse until Sunday evening when 'dizziness and severe headaches and
ma.n, Kenneth MeDiarmid, aged ' took a rein pse and became gradually 1 eook me. I was subject to spells of 'men are taking music lee.sons. till:
was thrown about beventy-live he died.V2 • anima on Tuesday . was gradually wasting away until I Miss and Mr., Clonilenning, a
t his body beh r ''' '.1
.-, afternoon was very largely attended.ilost all interest in life, I had tried 1a social dance at
Nisi Porter of WintrItam .atiended
Mr. fennortby's on
3 lit, ed
land strippod of all the clothing, and the Rose W. H. Moss conducted !a illicit er of medicines but found no Wednesday eveni"
There was a young man beside the tl . ,•
-$ 0 0 0 rir Par .1161
easteeeeea'a..ieetesaeteeetteeeseeeielVim f <2,4,,,e4botiplAit,40,11,4•11400*/%141:4 eitxre
1 elf;
Did you hear that times are gc.liug to be better roe
I He
in Winghaan
• 112_
x;,- is on deck to help you out
Large consignments of Spring and Summer Goods in
never yet ate toadied, and offers the g; eatest values to
the public geoerally in
. as t le . resby terians have I relief. Iit this apparently hopeless Mrs. McKee and daughter are
boiler warming himself when the no stationed minister. Mr. McKie- condition while reading a newspaper i nttending the wedding- of Mrs.
Mc -
'explosion happened, and he was nee etas but thirty-eight years of I saw a statement nf a young lady
unhurt. The bullet. jnieped aboutI Kee's sister, near Scent ford.
. Mrs. McKinney and her two whose symptoms were almost identidA neither uf the residents of ( 01
little ones have the sympathy of theical with teat of my own, whose village atterded the wedding ot Mr.
village% and ninny friends in this I health had been restored through the Geo. Inglis to Miss Bell of Ltilselet,
vicinity. 11180 of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This1 on Wednesdey evening hist.
Many will be sorry to hear of the statement was so encouraging that I ' Mr. Abram commenced the .eree-
early death of Mr. Norman Duncan, I thought Iwould try tbis medicine. In tion of the new mill hi -t week
who died last Sunday afternoon, I my caseas in that of the young lady I In the course of a month it will b
was employed for some time, heel read about, the result was mar- completed, arid our village will once
in the tailoring establishment of Mr. vellons. The pain in my side from more boom with activity as it did
Lyon in Woodstock and had an which I had suffered so much, left before the mill was burned.
me, my nerves were strengthened, 1!r. McDonald our general iner-
my appetite returned, and my whole chant has disposed of his business
18 MC:Di:1111nd and .Iae. Got•don home here but was in pcor health all and renewed. I was now as well as are sorry to lose Mr. McDonald as It
system seemed to tie strengthened here te Mr. Carter of Teeswater. We
• !leering evidytnY froill ell the the time. However he returned to anY member in the family and have i is a gentlemen m every sense of the
iet was given [Joann'',
in cInnit vLion with the mill, a Woodstock and as he didn't improve not known what sickneSs was since Item and will be greatey missed by
was no Ida n..3 to be attached to brought him home in October. A limns' Pink Pills,
mely that Mrs. Duncan went for him and 1 I discontinued the use of Dr. Wil- 1 the people of town. • -
laereon, and that the explosion few weeks ago he had a bad cold in I My gratitude toward this grand
auseri bs• some lief ?recoil weak- his throat tli weakened him eell- i medicine is unbounded and I hope GORRIE.
f the boili.r. The revere! of siderably and hastened his death. my statement may be tl
flung in 01 wil i met such an Tuesday of last ‘
week was a damp bt•ingin,g encouragement and health !
flS I The social in aid of the °resale,:
Hely death .x8,1110111 on &it urday I misty clay and Norman grew a 110 some 'other sufferer, gational Church funds, on r: st.
ism takine pl lee in 'rive: ten 'great deal weaker but his death on The retifyin ' s I - f 1120, at the residence of the lit .• .i
fun( ral wins a very krge one. Sunday was very unexpected for lie 1 the use of Dr. Williams link 1.11g, i W. Galin, was, considering tl e Un-
1Ir. McDonald wae the telieiaa was up and had walked across the ' in the case of Miss O'Neil, prove that tfltrtv'eoli,e‘t,ble condition ef the elements
room a few minutes before, Mr, 1 they are unequalled as a bloodbuild- I decided success. A large
Duncan wits Very young only 21 i er and a nerve tonic In tie • contingent of the. Turnbeiry el inch
3 -ears of age. He taught a class of of young girls who are pale laid was on band, m good time, laden
girls in the Congregational Sunday sallow, listless troubled with a fiut- like bees, not however with bents-,
School in Woodstock and the secre tering or palpitation of - the heart, but with sweets and palatables. The
d," a deficiency in the
orpuscles of the blood. to Mall N•eil kindly on behalf of the shoeld be lost in taking a course
tary of.the Cheistian Endeavor wrote' weak and easily tired, no time residents of Gerrie sere by no mean
behind in responding to the invite -
society, The funeral took place on of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, tion to come and spend 11 pleasant
ause is found in want of
. will speckly enrich the blood and I 1
which time. Gerrie was well represented.
Wednesday afternoon.
I ment was the Art Gallery. This
a 1 uaique feature of the entertain.
, , . ...
brine a rosy glow of health to the
It cost the conntey $15,000 to put' cheeks. They are a specific for
down hog cholera, in Essex Kent and I troubles pectiliar to females, such so totally different from what had
suppressions, irregularities, and all
as I been anticipated, shat the anticipa-
Elwin counties but it would have cost
had pertnitted the disease to run itsi
i , !Wm and the realization became a
a mach largersum if the Government forms eI weakness. In Mcn they I great source of amesement. The
effect a radical euro, in all eases i
course, arising from overwork, mentel
worry and excesses of whatever
There will be a union of the Ep-
worth Leagues of Ohristaiti F,ndett- natm a,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro sold
vor in the vicinity of Belgrave on in boxes, never in loose form by the others made tip a capital Inustql
Monday March the 22nd at 7 :30 in dozen or the huodred, at 50e a bog. programme. Games of various itiria
tbe Methodist Church 13elgraVe. D. were indulged in and the hours sped
or 6 boxes for $2.50, and May be
W. Greer of Lucknow Epworth had of all druggists or diea by Sandwichs and cakes appeared and
'Moue, Secretary of the Wingham mail from Dr Williams' M cl* disappeared, and by and bv as the
Mahe: Rev, Dr. Gifford, and Rev.
T. Hall, will address the meeting.
A Musical and Literary program
will be provided, Collection at Close. Reform Association evill. be held et !The Proceeds amounted to between
Every one invited. $8 and 0.
Dangention On Vridey May 21.
htty feet end welds.' No cause for
the explosion can he. given, as an
all lines, at prices expert repaired the boiler a week
Ids customers and ago. On Saturday Dr. McLaren,
coroner, held 1111 inquest. The fielow-
. ing jury wee empanelled : A. D.
IA:Mug-ell, Do eild Marrisuo, Neil
Donald Itie.
11 qualisiee and culors, PRINTS, GINGUA MS, ZEPHYRS illUSLINS,
consisting of CASHMERES, LUSTRES, ,SERGES, and PLAID GOODS in j?iielcciiierti.set;
lennstene, Duncan attack of la grippe last June which
WI 11 la in Gilchrist, Neil
ELAINES, eat. Teeeneth McIver, Malcolm developed into consumption. Re
1, I% elver, Donald McDougall jr., spent his summer holidays at his
41MIIETIMAIMmn.....CmilMEIMI••••• i men
uttuner wear, at tesry low prices.
A la; go and varied stock of Tweeds of all kinds, suitable for Spriog and i there
1 verd
Ready Made Clothing for men and boys, Cottonade, Denims, Misrule's, was
Flannels -ace, Cottons and Shirtings at all Ividths and pica),
inspect our stock of
If you intend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring, call and the y
ness 0
f untun
• i Rev.
before put chasing, where you will find a full and complete stock in theee I Ing 0
3ines at pl ices that will save you money every time.
1 i addition to our immense stock of
• lEtC2)Cier to6k, frzailacirCI) ILi A
l'We !MVO PIM received and passed into stock ten cases of the very tweet woo
sqles of Ste es and Rubbers at stub prices as will insure a fit to yew pnrse red C
as well as e our feet and our steel( f plough boots and other heavy Its c
for rough work is worthy nf the closet inspeetion.
nxmia means "want of
Out• Stock of GROCERIES is always fresh and good, at as low priees as eufiic
first dais goods can be sold. lack
Long experience in Seeds makes this store impu
HEAD( ) UA RTE RS for the
4., SEED TRADE mi tur
2 ouds
at lowest prices fi r first class home grown Seeds of all kinds, free from
foul weeds suet as foreign grown sip& often contain. Our seed list rem an ea
sista cif Blom' cf all kinds, Mem) eth, Red, Alsike, Lueeane, Crimson, While end t
knd Senfoine, Chicago Lawn Gi tistese, Timothy Seed, 14 different varieties fat
tf Seed Corn carefully 2'leete.d. Millett and Hungarian, "Little Giant"! •
Seeder 221 manufacturers p1acs. , in jUS
I3ear in mind, our seeds are home grown and colleted by otirselees le ith sera
all the care that oetr experienee of Many years in the trade convinces tie , '
to b neeessnry and you can rely ni on f.etting fresh, dean and reliable tuPPi
. eeds at closest possible prices if yen buy froln ,1
lent food, dyspepsia,
of exercise or breathing
re air. 'With it is a
al reptagnaree to all fat
. Scott's Emulsion is
ry food to get fat from
he easiest way of taking
It makes the blood rich
t those elements neces-
to robust he 'th, by
Wing it with red cor-
iPot .*it M, Cent4 And 4 EN, t•IV .21 iln..i,g1141.
Messrs MeLaughlins and Asians,
were present and gave Inn11:1woll
selected instrutnentals. Soles, mid
duets from the host and 101(2esS and
Company, Brockville Ont. hands went round on the dial, the
t s+ l
!friends disappeared also, Linn the
A eonvention or iico--**707s1 Karoo SOeMi of 12th became a hvetone