HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-19, Page 41
Malin, Ca lllplban's
Pupa' o' Tin 4.0 Wild Gherr j
it sure eu•e far
Solei l3•� ,,,
THE WINWIA31. Arms, MARCH 19, 1 97.
yet decided upon the extent to which' A few daye aQa the opposition
the Canadian militia shall telco sortPapers were exultant over disco
in the Queen's Jubilee celebration in rug what they supposed to lig `ii
the llritieh metropolis. It has been i"Marc's Nest" i11 connection whit the
reported that a Maritino Province Non-' 1 ancial dealings of the Ontario
tiny et:t of the Canadian regular forces Government. Long articles with set
would be chosen butes Mr. Chamber- ' tional headings, followed clay atter'
loin Secretory fen the Colonies has day ill theopposition presscondetnriiN
invited the Government to seed ami!-ithe Hardy Government for transPerr
ilia delegation it is probable that the `lll g to a fo1'elgn syndicate to wit the
military schoolregulars are out ofthe ,South African Mining Company ,_fiir
vette. &nnther suggestion Iglu bean to j a. mere bagatelle, a. paltry $20;000
have the Premier escorted by a de-; a vast tract of land L,ying in the Yasin•
tachment from the Northwest Mount- I Lake district and rich in mineral
eel Felice but the police are not citizen Z' wealth,
soldiers but species of regulars. Theh° deal leas eousiclered
, outrageous, 64,000 acres of mineral
Government cannot do hetter than re -I•
2 doors S. of P. 0. Wingtn nl I
`-..d• " i` r •
t krIDAY, iIA 'CII 19, 1807
The Dominion GovernMent has not
quest Col. Gartshore of the First (Lon- I 1 a mere song; and sol, .of
don) Ilussars to provide the necessary t course it would• havo been, had the
escort from Itis fine troop of horse- !Case been as represen ted, but in''the
I men, No portion of tie: great page Ilight of proper knowledge and ,ex -
cant whieli the Queen has requested i planation this " "
Et)ITORIAL b U'1'CS, I shall take place on June 22 next to bo great tical is shown
and for
flop. Jxo. Davi= has entered suit
against 'lj'illiani Smith ex -M.. P. for
North Ontario for 510,000 damages
fir the latter's alleged slanderous
statements uttered at ti meeting in
Whitby on Feb, 27 '' ass statulents
were to the effect, as appears in the
It "great deal" in very truth,
would be more striking then that but ono in which the ' to • -
lm.de adetachment of the (first Hussars ° ln�i l eatr of the
of London to mens o Advertiser, province were skilfully protected all
along. The opposition have been de-
manding that the Government en•
Tf.IL LICE1raj'; BILL eourage English capital to be brought
The License Bill that has, been into the country for the proper
introduced by the hardy Government development of our vast mineral
srlt, that the Ontario Minister Os,
.Agiicitlrt3,ehh.clsnldtheoffices ofregis ^� 111eCtin; with nZttch edvers4 I
cr'iti• l81'0L$. `That is just lvliat has been
'tt ar of lands feythe smut t of i.isui naSei tiieny quarter.!. The !done. The eorepany to which the
Ontario to the highest bidder. temperance people claim that in the 'land has been granted is composed
Faure inen in South Essex di• ffer in light of the overwhelning majority i of Con ] ngledue of Byfleet Surrey
opinion concerning the prospects fur with which the plebiscite wasearried England; Mr. James Reid, formerly
this year's poach crop. Some assert and thesubsequent promisesmo,de-by of Toronto, now of London, England
that it will be a complete t'a!lure,both Sir. Oliver and Mr. Hardy they � and Mr. J, C. Kerr Q. C. of Toronto,
Others find that their trees have not nave not been fairly dealt with; that I so that practically the mining license
been injuired is the least and copse -I the bill does not go as far as public I was granted to a home company,
quently look forward to a good crop opinion would warrant in going in I The amount or territory over Wbiell u
The injury which has been clone was the restriction of elle sale and use of !this company will have limited tun_„
caused, not by the extremen cold of a p y i sit' ec 8623, be acospted—Carrie.1,
few ted but by hee severe twin- liquor. A meeting of temperance 1 trot for three years is 46 •,000 acres ivloved by Cardiir seconded by Kirkby,
' ys,that the reeve io appointed Ins sct,r
ter. Some orchards which were she! svorlrers was called •in Tor��nto at i instead of 64,000 .as first given crit. p p
tared. were not hurt but no doubt the which delegates were present from It is composed of two lots of 23,000 Hod. building -or Clegg's bridge—Car-
crop on the whole will be very much all the different temperance organiT- acres each together forming Moved by Isbister, seconded
�Se':o:v the average of the last three atlons and resolutions were •s � d b d by Kirk-
. ... i one of the tiVa by, that we expend $100 each on the east
condemning the Government and westgravel roads and
north boundary$50h:lon the
providing the adj,fin-
ing municipalities expend equivalent
Moved by Cardiff, seconded by Georg
'Kirkby that Chas. Wheeler be paid $3
for repairing Bodmin bridge and R. .
Youhill 02 for word; on sideline -Carried.
On wotionof P,, n. 13,1e, 9d.: ) 11, 1 by
M. Cardiffth3 ptthmu:sters wore than
appointed, namely: Nurth BounJary.
Chas. Eleaderson, Wm Henderson, P.
Fowler, `Thus. Jewett, M Robertson, R
Shaw and A Miller; 1st Line, Jas Fyfe,
R Macguiro, M Spence, A Hughes; S
Thornton; J Sellars, W J Johnat t i, NT
Thornton, D Breetenridge; 2nd line, W
Casernore, John Caseniore,John Purdue,
Jabez Jermyn, 1 Farrand, D. Ager, Geo.
Ca1dbick, Win Forrest, and John Ball ;
3rd line, W Ray, W Hopper, Thos. Prot:
tor, ,lohn Gamest', James Thyne, Jatues
temperance °s d e„ Moffatt, J 11 Sellar, Geo Henderson; 4111
We ns. George
of criticism that neither the geologl
survey of Canada the nor the Provin-
eial surveys is on +t sufficiently close
and thorough basis to cleterinine the
existence of Illinorals itis the waste
lands of the Crown in. the Proviaet,
Mr, It, Thompson.. of Tecwiiter
shipping 2 ears of blocks to Live
pool. Mr. 0, Donahue of Teeswere
being More inspeetiug the block
Messrs Hamilton a Sanderson lir
shipping a car of cattle to Toronto o
lir. Jos,. 13ranard 1153 lnove
into the house owned by lir. Thus
Rev. J. `W . Andrews of Londcsbor
exchanged pulpits with. the Rev. A
1fcKibbin Last Sabbath Dr. Tennan
of Lucknow D. D. G. 11I, of the A, !t'
and A. M. visited Forest lodg
officially on Monday evening llarcl
11'tth. Visiting brethren from t!1.3
neighboring lodges were also present.
John A. Barnard was in Brussels
and 0, W. Andrews was in Wingham
Miss Maud Andrews of Londesboro
N visiting relatives at the C. P. R. iii
Miss Jean David sou is visiting
friends in Teviotdale
Mr. 1+'. V. Dickson is in Toronto in
his official capacity this week.
Wingham, :tiarolt 18th, 1437.
Corrected by r. Deans, Produce Dealer,
Flour per 100 lbs.. ..... , , 1 90 to 2 00
hall Wheat 0 70 to 0 72
Sprite;'; seat 0 70 to 0 72
0. s, new,,.,. 0 19 to a 17
Veasey 0 20 to 0 30
13uttor, .,.. ,.,. 0 10 to 0 11
Eggs per. dozen . ... , , , , , 0 5 to 0 0
Wood per cord.... ,.,. 1 00 to 1 25
Bay per toi.; , , , . , .. .... t3 90 to 9 50
Eotatve,;, per bushel,....,... O 15' to 0 20
'wallow, per lb 0 3 0 0 3
Dried Apples, per ib 0 2 to 0 2i,
Dressed Logs., •,, 4 76 to C 0U
iJ to 28
A 6 per cent. Permanent Investment
The Equitably Savings Loan E:. Building Am -
elation of ;Toronto, ase selling shales of their new
i•Nue of Permanent stuck at IOa each, 1..tfticipante
0, lull earnings of the Association frottl which they
ale paying half yearly dividends et the r:ttu of 0
per annum, Balance of earr•iugs payable as a bonus
at the ems of cash live years.
For pa, deniers of security rte., apply to
A. 11. SMITH, Aosxr.
People often wonder why their nerves arc
so weak; ashy they get tired so easily;
why they start at every slight but
sudden sound; why they do not sleep
naturally; why they have frequent
headaches, indigestion and nervous
yspe ^la
The explanation is simple, It is found in
'that impure blood which is eont;n-
unily feeding the nerves upon refuse
instead of the elements of strength and
vigor, In such condition opiate and
nerve compounds simply deaden and
do not cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla feeds `'
the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives
natural sleep, perfect digestion, is the
true remedy for all nervous troubles.
FOR SALE ORN�'. Sarsaparilla
l'.iilti of 00 acres, 10,loss township, Bruce Co. Is the One Tree Blood Purifier. 31 psi bottle.
7.5 :wren cleated; sttuiau Of seri g wutrr, two root! Prepared only by C. L /food & Co., Lowell, Mass.
w•0,l0; oew•w•iud•iri1!, good house, large bunk barn,
go ),l stables; two acro bearing orchard, P miles from I�r , p� G g cure Liver It's; easy to
opportunitydeice; f irnftnbinew; it busiexce,lcsst 1f'I®(id s i-iir'S take, easy toopurute, 250.
Apply to ,firs A. Stewart, Ltiokno,r, 11,'A. Stewart '"—_"—."-..�...._.,-_,_' '
St. •nr1111us or A.0 Stewart, Teea„'ater.
• -w1Ta-
Are prepared to supply mill( of the
very best quality, These cows are as '
MORRIS. clean 1 ow and are always kept as clean
as most cows are in June. Milk from
ourn- clean cows in a clean stable is generally
considered nicer than milk from cows
ssod. that carry those evidences about with
ding them.
The Counull mob pursuant to adjo Members all present. The I
in the chair. Minutes read and pa
Tenders were received for the buil
of Clegg's bridge and the tender of
&Stewart found to be the lowest.
Moved by Mr. Iebister, seem le.
Thos Cale, that the tender of ll
Stewart for building sUICI bride for
II „ an area of
passed about equal to
mm�ent and i noshes. This area is a mere spot as
denouncing in very immoderate anct;compared with the 20,000,000 acres
intemperate terms the leaders of the of land in that country over which
Government. In fact a very notice-' gold has been found. • There is room
able feature of that meeting was the and to spare for all the prosectors
entire and absolute Want of harmony I p
that are likely to find their carry into
among these people who are suppos-
edly representatives of temperance i that country, The terms on which
thought in this province. Not con- this company has the priveiege of
tent with wrangling among them- developing the mines in that dis-
selves they go en masse as a "depute= trit:'t are as follows: First they slake
tion" for soothe, towait on the
„• I a deposit to the "
Government "impress" f p Government • )
and impress the of $90-
with their • strength, 000 as a guarantee of carryingout
Here they behaved in a most nubs_ I their agreement which deposit has
coming manner. Instead of placing already beer. made. They further
1TR. Fisirita's ens torsement of the
settlement now being considered by
the iCgaalattu•e is notable. Does it
indicate that Mr. J. S. Ewart the
solicitor' for the minority,. who is lir.
Fisher's partner, is in rigrecment
with Mr. Edward Blake the counsel
for the minority, in the opinion that
that the settlement satisfies the de-
cision in the Privy Council ? At
an rate that is Air, l+'ishor's Opinion,
and Mr. Fisher was about the rine
English opponent of the public
seirssl system as establise:l by the
Gr,vernment, in Manitoba.
their views before the Government
IION.1IIi. IiL AI%k� S WONDER I+ I; L with becoming modesty and decency,
POWER IN DRAWING A they attempt to browbeat them
WITNESS, going so fat as to indulge in hisses
The London Sun—A represent-
ntive metropolitan paper—thus refers
to the cross-examination of ex -
Premier Rhodes by Hon. Edward
- Blake,,M. P., in the great South
African raid investigation :
"Of all the men who have tested pal ance lodes and societies re 1` s e cut except as
is necessitated by the exploring or
Mr. RLocles up to the present, lir,n represent
agree to spend in opening up and
developing the mines, $30,000
the first year $40,000 the
and groans. Do these people represent second year Ind $50000
the temperance people of Ontario? I !the third year, and of the first
trove not We believe in � •
ir0 shall always advocate tem e1•_ • Pen itule of, 30,000 not less than line, John Proctor, .0 Bryn
ance but we would blush to allow
Gt0,000 shall be expended in either 1 Praetor, M Hughes, A Spier, ;fames
the impression to go abroad, without blocks. Existing rights are not to Kerney, tt Cardiff, N Black, D.hr t 41zfe
raising our voice in disapproval, that interfered with or disturbed, and Jae Duncan; 5th line, H Johntitu❑, A
these over zealous members of rem- timber must not b Cloakey, J Clegg, �, Clark, Wm hillier,
I our views as to what we. consider
„ "temperate in all things." In imning. And further, these licencees
all the
+ (Tier(;, D Summerhill, W Ames and
Walter Innes; 6 th line, J Crosby, J
Kelly, W Mickie, J Cook, ans. 'I'huell
J Smith, W Smith and J Robb. 71h
pose of experiment unless and until 11330, R Nesbitt, John Photon, W Kelly,
il' Cunningham, Jas Kelly, R Mr:Cutcl.-
the locations from which the ore has !eon, W MViuCitll, It Benley and T Smith ;
been taken shall have been actually 8th line, W Pollock, H Righ,nond. Jas
leased or purchased, and the rent cr Laidlaw, W +Marsha:l, W Phalen, Jul n
purchase money has been actually MVIeCaughey, \Vm Skelton, G McCallum,
paid. At the erid of the three years Il Jackson ane! Ge,, M,Uall; 9th lite,
the $20,000 deposit will be , applied Jas Spall, R Cochrane, 0 Taylor, George
On any blocks of land, which the Artnstrong, Sas Shortreed, J &thine;
licencees shall have decided to snake. West Gravel Road, J Gulley, R, Sterling
Frani this it will be seen that the
Government teas made a fair and
open deal and a shrewd bargain. It
amounts to nothing more than the
giving this syndicate tile privilege
of prospecting in return fol• which
privilege they bind themselves to
carry on a certain amount of ttiol k.
The mines are not. handed over to
them as some of otir contemporaries
would have their readers bellcve,but
any mines purchased by thein will
to be paid for just/ as all others have
to be paid for, The official opinion of
A. White, Deputy minister of Crown
lander, and Archibald T31ue Director
of the Bureau of Mine:., is that while
the proposition is a novel one, and
riot perhaps contemplated by exist-
ing regulations, yet under all eirctun
stances, it is worthy the favorable
Consideration of the Got 'cement.
They regard it desirable that the
resolutions shall Blake was in my opinion, far and being t
Ions that have been a not move any ore for the pur-
and I
a.Ray the most formidable ; I passed on this question great stress
secs from the notices in the Chroniclelis is laid on the 82,000 majority by
and Daily News that this was the! which the plebiscite was carried
opinion of the trained and acute) But while the plel.iscite was carried
observers who represented these] by such an overwhelming majority
journals. A superficial observer' where were these temperance people;
would not bave seen the art of ilii', I when it came to voting for a Gov -
Blake, because it was art that con- i ernment that was pledged to give
sealed itself. Indeed, scorning into; prohibition as far as it had power.
the room suddenly, looking at the; Behold "the sow had returned to her
beaming face of Mr. Blake on theI wallowing" There was no longer a.
one side and of Mr Rhodes on the temperance party andthose who had
other, one might well have clime to voted for the lebeseite
the conclusion that whoeverp turned
antagonistic to Mr. Rhodes, he hadr a) time nHadcthe 82.000 stood ports, for by their
Btrong friend in Aar. Blake, i guns, temperance would have become
and whoever else Mr. Rhodes +a
might, dislike, he had, taken Mi•, I hinder it fr m being such. issue and 1n Neither
Blake to his bosom. But as a !natter • of the two conditions upon which Sir.
of fact, Mr. Blake got from Mr.IOliver. based his promise to the
Rhodes the most pregnant and theI temperance people were fulfilled.
most complete admissions of any of! Instead of returning him to power
the gentlemen who examined the by an overwhelmingmajority as
Sous' African statesman. It is the aould be represented.y this 82,000
courteous counsel that is stndfousl• i he had barely enough to carry on
eorteous—that beams and smiles upon' the Government, consequently the
you—that you ought to be on your present Government is entil•ery and
guard against for he is the dangerous I absolutely absolved from fulfilling
because the skillful antagonist. And I any of those pledges given prior to
I know that some of the men who the election. It i$ Useless now to
are the most deeply interested in i wring our hands and call down the
this great struggle felt all this, ant Governulent for giving what we may
that the one siemens they felt most choose to consider tt Meagre bill;
anxiety after the first day was when Iwo, the temperance people diel not
there chief and their spokesman was fulfil our part of the bargain and ho*
in' late hands of the great Canadian can we expect the other p 1rtfCs rt
Laws er."
the contract to fulfil theirs.
of Ole estatrsuant e and o the effectrs in nnt of Johnsted as 0ardoc Assignee
Townmhip of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer; ►•�.,
1 iiial osier for Nate by I'ilblir Auction at 111(,- : f,Y
DONALD'S th"rEL in the Village of I11 USVALE'
in the said c onus, of 41nrnn, on TUESDAY the
0th U.y of AP1tII., A. 1) 1397, at tiro hour of 1.50 Est
o'clock in the afternoon, the following valuable ; ,�a?
menet ty, that is to say:Ti
31 alndlo 32 andialf of the tlio uorthtorth half of half lots 33 and lots
first Onncessioi, of th0 said Township of Morels,
containing 90 acres of land more or less
The soil is a first class clay loam, There are
acres cleared and in a good state of eultii talon, a
the land is well watered.
There 1400 on rhe premises a good fraise house
20x20 with kitchen art ,•hod 10x20, a frame barn
30x40 and tin ex. 11 0111/1 orcard. There
also fOlir acres of f.,11rilni,eattand about 25 acresare of
fall plowing,
Tapits 1a the
ilrVillgeof Blunlo,v is with4 outskirts
sfrom the I,
Tow„ of wleal an,
TrtItMS OF SA LE:—Ten ger cent of the purrhise
money on the day of Sale ane the balance 44 !thin
thi,ty days thereafter, Further particulars and .
conditions of sale will he made known on day of sale !
or may be had on application to the Vendor or lits I
R. VANSrONa, �1'11I, .siESSEsiI,
i3olie.tor forAsslg,ine',m.
Dated this oth day of'Uacii A. 11, 1307. Blue-11121c5.3
nd� That young 1;ady Lr yours would be
pleased indeed t0 have One of
our Betrothal Rings.
118yen 't asked her!
Well if you don't
some ether fe1.
her will be
the lucky
Cook's Cotton Roof Compound j
Is the only safe, reliable 'a
,monthly medicine on which
ladies can depend in the
honer and time of need.
is prepared in two degrees
of strength.
No. 1 for ordinary cases
is by far the best dollar medicine known
—sold by druggists, one Dollar per bo_ Call and
No. 2 for special cases -10 degre s goods and
stronger—sold by druggists. One box, ember the
Three Dollars • two
x, or No. 2, mailed boxes, Five
rico and two 3 -cent stamps.
The Cook Company,
Windsor, Ontorio.
Sulu iii Winghain and everywhcrt
in Canada by all responsible druggists
500 our stock • of Xmas.
v'zlding presents on De -
.t. 4
Jeweler zed Crlielan
ey . re here ---.
F Gos'an, Geo Breaklin r: The crockery the have been telling you of is here and you
b Feast Go/vel I11taV-: onl 1
Road, A Bryans, A Forsyth,_ M Oakley,
� to see them t0 know that they are without doubt tile,
Jas Bulger; Wal ton t ra ,�• ge • cot I Village, Wm Smith, i t 1 clispr
ayecl in \ ring 111111.
Betgrave Village, J T Geddes.
On motion of Thos Code, seconded by
M Cardiff, the Cauneil then •adjourned
to meet again on the 31st May for Court
of Revision and other business.
Airs. Peter And has donated
$1000 to the GGoderich Collegiate
board for tile purposed of founding
scholarships in connections with two of
the classes in the Collegiate Instil•
u te.
Three verdant Michigan statesmen
ordered a meal from a French bill•of
fare and were served potatoes three
different styles, In revenge they are : t pries I), ver before
try to heard of.
3 (met law requiring all menus I 8.50 Asnal l sold for , 10 o l ce 1't rticallarly good fine e
to be printed in Itnglish. Such leis- , r7ocls :)s; (,I �r then places. Be stat; you see these
12tti011 in a State A i (. making any 1 �
at all unites, Colored Sets front $x.6o to $io• and all excellent
auriferous wealth of the lands ill the scribed as small potatoes, ly 1, best
'� ` y purchases In ti:rse lilies.
Raine' River District and of the remedy would be .0 1 •
other parts of the Province, should) sapient politicians to a carry their! NN . 'L fit.
AQ .
be determined accurately and he. /landed with them tvticil they lr-,Ivei A �►�O1 � ��.
yontt doubt,. it Baying been a Matter brati:e. ('� _
Wei.*y .',+,+Cao 1►+ ..;,
pe these