HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-19, Page 1•••••-•••- I `•••0-",," ' "•"••''''', • '
VOL, XXVI,—NO, 1311,
-fAllYfr, rhos. Friendehip, of Cuirass: form-
erly ot Clinton, who has been farnong for
the pea few years, is giving it up ancl is
moving into Witighatneek
Saturday Mein, old Mr. Prosten
was affiliated with a engin attack of pude',
sis. Although he is quite an old men the
attack is not considered serions.lge
"—Staff Captain Turner, of London, will
conduct a Wee Memories meeting on 111011.
(ay swelling in the Salvation Army Bart'
raehs. Silver collo:Aim will be taken.
--ellev..I A. Pedley, pastor of first Oen,
nregntimial Cherish, Lendon,
lectured it. the Congregational wthureth
hero a few weeks ago, has resigned ins
—Springbock, the horse owned by .1. E.
Sweets, and now in training at Gotterieb
fur the. May Rem; is fest gaiumg fever
among the horsemen. Tile odds on bine
are being reduced.
ter A, deputation from Illogyale consisting
Messre. Daft, Elliott, Bjatess, and Din.
inan was in town Itionday completing
iiIlto be built in Bluevel
arrangements regarding new flax
—Dr Macdonald will leave on Monday
for Ottewe to be present at the opening of
Parliament on Wedueeday, During his
absence his practice wit! be looked after by
Dr. J. A.. Macdonald as heretofore.
V—We regret to learn that Mr. C. A
Clunpbell luta been confined to his room
for the past week, nursing his knee whin h
he had dislocated 801110 time agorr hope
Mr. Campbell will soon be aroun again,
—Mr. Alex Ross has a new thing in the
line of window fixture called the ourveletto,
which is a bow -shaped sloe to be used. it the
place of the old time poles. It can 1).3 m Ade
to suit any window and gives a graceful
sweep to the curtains.
—The Globe on Saturday announces
that Harris 10, Phippen.Montgoinery,and
Manger w h o nre nosy serving in Kingston
Pertitentiary`will be released in a few
day, they having been pardoned after
serving one year of their sentence.
A. twee minim of Winghamites attend-
ed the tea meeting in connection with the
Il.slgrave Methodist Church. The pit.%
holes were not good but the -entire party'
report a good time, The Slethodtst choir
was out and supplied the musical part of
the program.
—The first "kic" to sit in the White
House is a descendant of n family welch
in the old Celtic days did not spell its name
McKinley, The original Gaelic is supposed
to hays ben "Mao an-ollairnia" the son of
the beau. cent -ivied later iuto
Omsha 13c�,
—E clay et 11.50 a. m. the oorr ect
time ie 'sent from Montreal over the C..P.
It. line oral is indicated by a succession of
single ensiles on the instrement. At 11,50 a
sneeeasion of double clicks begins which last
one minute. You can get the correct time
at Roes' Book Store.
—It is said that in the Algoma district
0,000 111511 will be employed in the early
spring. One thousand men will be engaged
in building the lesiny River Railway, 300
men wet work 011 Government reeds, 1500
will be prespactieg, 3000 will be employed
in the 111i1JOES, and 200 in canoeing and
Mist; Ramsay recited 'The Cotter's Sat-
urday night,' a difficult task which she
aeeemotielted successfully. She also de-
livered' Beene' 'Address to Edinburgh'
with mute' spirit, and being recalled de-
lighted her nutlience by her rendering of
one of her favorite humorous
Scottish American, In the Town Hall,
April nth,
Iloring purchased the grocery
,Istock of Mr. George Good at so numb
'on the dollar, we will sell for cash
••Or trade: Matches nt 7c. a box, Ex.:
tracts at 7c, a bottli,, Mustard I lb
-can for Ge., Mustard ill) can for 12;
Corn Starch at Go. per package,
Mixed Pickles at Se. a bottle, Sul-
phur at 2r, it pound, Black Tea 3
'pound for $1. worth 40c a pound,
•Japan 'Pea 166. a pound, worth 25c.,
'Candied Lemon Peel12e. a pound
'Canned Corn 4.?,c. n tan, Large Bar
Laundry Soap Je., Comfort Soap .4e.
-a cake, Surprise Soap 4c. a cake,
Baking powder 10; a pound, Latin-
-dry Starch 4t,c a pound, Pun. Black •
Pepper 12c per pound, Silver • Star
Stove Polish Ge, a box, Ceylon Tea
13; 17e.and 24e per package, Purim-
-osa. or Breakfast Food 10c. a ,pack-
ages, Yorkshire Sauce 3 bottles for
25e., 6 pound Bar Soap for 25e., 4
rakes Fine Toilet Soap for tie.,
Tomato Ketchuv 49c. for a 3 halt
pint bottle, CurrantS id: a pound,
Pigs de; a pound, 22 pounds Granul-
.ated (Redpath's Standard) Sugar for
$1 lbs bright Yellow Sugar far
$i and every thing in the .grocery
equally low, 'The stock is fresh,
"pure and well assorted.. Goods de-
iivered promptly.
°sandals Leactinir Commercial School
'This is the best time ot the year to
'enter college. Vivo of our recent grad-
uates secured situations in one week,
Cataleg ties free,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANIt Pxransorr, No 23, Vie-
toria street,Winghtun, Ont. No witnesses
New Ads.
111 IT kicIncloo— G t tat Shoe Sale.
—The Ontario Mutual Lite Assurance
Compeny have added the tortetory of
Thos Wnodeock—The Holstein Dairy. their leL13. agent, Alex Dawson, to that of
Meanetniek & Pridharn—Bankrupt Sele 1 Dumeut Stewart, whose headquarters are
• T A Mills—Drege Goods, Boots anai l at Stratford. 5. G. Brown, of the Trues
will act its local agent at Winehain.
hoes Police holders who have received notice
McKleinon es Co --Bergains it.•„ Dress prerointtis due during March will pay
—The Bluevale Preshyterian congregn
Hen have given an unanimous call to ltev.
W. ,J. West of Woo istoek.
—Roy. Duthie of Lucknow
perform the Services in St. Paula church
on Sunday
Me J. moor° has returned home after
n absence of seine weeks in the 0 d
Comte); in. ohatge of a load of horses.
—Mr. 'Wel. Lumsden, who has beeu in
IN/Ingham mace last, May, as linemen for
the Bell Telephone On., has been trans-
ferred ta Owen Soyal.
George Ire in, while cutting ice on
the river dose to the Lower Wingham
dam on Saturday last, slipped into the
water aud as the cerrent is runniqg feet at
this point had it narrow escape,
Mesdames Malcolm and Robertsou, of
Thswater, celled on friends to town Wed-
nesday. These ladies were returning from
Bipley where they bad been attending the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society.
'Miss McLean, Miss C. Either and
Mesas. Farquharson and Graoey took
part in concert at Belmore Wednesday
nightes,After the program was finished
they were given it supper at the hotel and
altogether used in royal style.
Baggageinan Ed. McKenzie, one of the
best known of the local Grand Trunk em-
ployees, has been transferred from the L
1.1. B. on whicb be has operated for
years, to the Sarnia local, succeeding Bag -
gagmen Sneath. Baggagemen Plurisy, of
Kincardine, will take his run,
—The early robin and the imperturbable
tramp have made their appearance—a sure
sign of spring. This week the town was
visited by more than its share of the latter
species. Some of them look as though
they were waiting for the ice to clear away
before taking a spring bath.
.—A. meeting was held at the Queens
hotel oe Monday night last for the . pur-
pose of re-orgenizing the football olub for
the coming season. Tee following officers
were elected : Capt., W. Allenby.: Sec'ea,
W. B, IVInDonagn : Treas., A. H. Irwin,
Committee, j. Lookeridge, C. Henderson
Nd R. Hamilton.
—Ort Saturday evening the overflow of
water at the power house, mused th own
to be in darkness for a tow minutes At
the time tbe Nitta failed Rev. Z; - O.' Tay-
lor, who was lecturing in the Baptist
church was discussing a very technical
point. IIs stuck to lis subject and endeav-
ored to throw what ligbt he could on it.
The sale of Mr. 0. J. Geddes, Morris,
Monday last was well attended. His
stock 1118 10 prime condition and the result
was lively bidding and good prices were re-
alized. (Iowa brought from 228 to $38;
last yeer's calves from 212to-215 each ;
sheep frees 213 to 217 it pair and a brood
sow in pig brought aver 230. J Currie
wielded the ham02er:4f
—Considerable iuterest was manifested
in the Corbett-Fitztimmo»s light, in Car-
ees, on Wednesday, ie. fact, there was
little Oise talked of in the streete. Reports
were reeeived direct et the Queen's, 13ru ns -
wick and Exchaege Betels. The Queens
and Bechar's:a bad wires running from the
telegraph offices. Reports to the Bruns-
wick house were senteecross frnin Gordon's
ding store and teteneeinh office—a large
crowdgatherea areattaljp,01,,e_ftligee centres
A. good deal of money Veelfiiiiirid hand,
while Fitzitnmems was the faworitein many
respects, Corbett was thought to be the
winner—but the sturcisCormehtentrt knock-
ed the vanquisher of John L. Sullivan out
in the leth round.
.—The statistical crank is alive and op
to bis usual doings. His latest effot t 15
inspired by the example of two composit-
ors: "The first," bit deeleres, "with every
pick-up of a letter would givebis head a
reverential bow the second threw a
gratuitous motion into his right hand
both moving at least six limbos, otit and
back. Amusing thet there are 150 lines,
of thirty-three letters each in a column of
typo 111 11 sheet ot impel., the printer would
give his tiead or his hand lust 150 rods of
extra movement in each ettumn, 000 rods
a nu t af six dau s, 40,800 rods or 140
miles in a year of travel," Such reckon.
ing may be valuabiob yin inisdireet-
ed energy, but if the "compositor "got
there," few readers will care to know
whether he traveled one mile 1)5 000 thous-
at the Bank of Hamilton, here, and get 1
their renewal reoeipts.
—Pails Review: Barb wire, judge
LOCAL NEWS. 1 Jones bolds, is not the proper material for
a line fence. At Wednesday's Division
--0, E. McDonald shipped it load of ho is Come Watson Bilker sued Richard Law -
on Tut sday.
—Th i last Carnival of the Beeson, Tnes-
aiay night, next.
—A Galbraith has opened ont n. flour
and teal store in Chisholm's new block.
see tor 260 damage to it mare. Tho parties
live on adjoining farms en lot 1, eon. 1,
Blenheim, and on Aug. 41, a mare owned
by Enter caught and cut her foot on a
one-straod barb wire fence owned by Law-
ton. The judge awarded plaintiff 235.70
ruling as above.
—The Lucknow Curlers played theI ne
waw -011 Sitturdtay Mr. Walter Green of the
Wingham ignite here 'on Monday defeating Win glictin Electric Light Works was thrown
lent by a large score, llrorii e. sleigh belonging to Mr, Chapman
Si—Mr. D. J. Geddes having purchased D. and Miven by his boy. Mr. Green fell on
MoDonald's hinehoring busi Sal in the his heed mei although be complained of
north and, takes possession , Saturday abt at the timehe helped Mr. Chapman
,.. —The Hockey 01111) went . to Bea.
, form, Mr. 'Green's injuries were more
with some week they were about to per -
forth on TueedaY evening ah °r° 'Idea" tut emit tem they at firet appeared and by the Seatorth team by re of 13 t "PI
AAA SOW 1:, .'t t;',41.3EIN• to toe eoute.
to 5.
--3. A. 'Mc ton purohased theithfc he-
--A number of thes of tlici aonging to tate of Mr, George Good
that town. ._ The (Toenail s ' aye the privilege of
purcinising the ea& at a reasonable figure
—33y error hut " k wefOlt d that the it they desire to do so. Some place should
Boots and Shoe . It of' \ A good certainly be pre dad by the Connell to
was sold et 490 wl. .11 al 17 Lifteat, 47 deposit Yeleable apers to protect them
and Watt rurchai.af 1,) .b.sh . Mtdry of against destruotion by Are and this is a
Ottawa. good opportunity to make ouch provision.
Lebanon Otelpter (troy Wroxeter
of. end it has titli Ara the Clerk's ofilee.
to pay a fraternal visit ttethron fl
• •
Frelick, of Wingharn, is visiting
her mother, Mee. S. Peawson.—Brassels
Miss Carruth, who has been in Toronto
ing the millinery openings, has re-
lies,. Mr. Lowe is 10 London, in attend
arm of the Lxecntive Committee of the
Mrs. Henry Day, of Winghare, is visit-
ing her !ether, Win. Dane, Esq., of this
village.—Gorrie 'Vidette.
Mrs. C. Deltas lute returned from Lons
don, where she has been visiting her,
daughter, Mrs. Hatutyn, Hill street.
Miss Nellie Macaouttld wept to Bruce.
field on Wednesday to be present at the
celebration of ber grandfather's 90th birth.
Mies Ella Deans attended the Foreign
Missionary Society in Ripley this vacate
as representative of the Mission Barn's
Airs. J. fie Alunshaw and Miss 1.40.411Qit
atttended also.
Bliss Hattie Stuart, of Wingham, and
Mrs. Art Stuart of Palmarstan, were
visiting at .las. Fox's on Weduesclay-
13ruesels Post.
People who were in town.
Wm. Wilson, Wroxeter ; T. IL Mc-
Laughlin, Gorrie ; Jas. Murray, Exeter:
Coli u McArthur, &Luau, B. C.: Herbert
Porter, Grand Rapids; D. 111. Clark, Rose-
land ; R. B. MoKay, Walkerton ; A. P
Joint, Seaforth; Alex Genoa, Listowel :
John 5 Tennant, ISI, D., Lucknow; A
Halliday, Chesley; W H Grundy, God-
erich ; John Hamilton, Wroxeter:
A Pleasing Recital
Mies Alexandrine, Ramsay, whose name
has become very well known in Toronto,
as an elocutionist, gave an evening of
dramatic readings in Association Hall, on
the evenings of October 23rd, before a large
audience. Her selectIona included a rnono-
logne, "An April Shower," a scene frotn
Shakespeare's, "As you like it," a scene
from the 'Hunchback," besides many
others from well-known authors. Miss
Ramsay's tall, graceful figure Ionia her
ideal assistance in her selections—Toronto
Saturday Night. Miss Ramsay will appear
in the Opera Hall Witigham, on Wednes-
day, April 7,
'The blockade of Crete on into effect
The Groep Seualeon has left (hate
• on account of the threatered bloclo
I At s
sex the vote en the too tl o ,Von
beslaw resulted in a inejority of 71 ;or
the law.
1 The London Oity Count.il has dlcided
, to impose n license A o or $1.0') on •cige
ette venders.
' h Mnntreal rollinir'II ve clo ed
dew°, throwing about 400 meta out of
W. Leraway, the mell bag thief
was sentenced to three years icaprisou-
meat at Detroit.
Charcoal, or "Bad Young Man" the
Indian murderer was hanged at the
Pollee barracks, McLeod.
A. Popular Reader
A beautiful young Scotch woman, Miss
Alexandrine Ramsay, has of late been
attracting considerable attention in this
city by her recitations, notably at Mrs.
Sherwood's readings at the concert of the
Scottish Society. In appearance, Miss
Ramsay presents a somewhat striking
mixenre of the best (track and Scotch
types, yet when giving &end' recitations
in her soft and midlothian dialeet, remind-
ing one of Sir Walter Seett's heroines and
the days of Bonnie Prince Charlie, her
large. eleek, grey eyes mirror every shade
of feeling and her every moyeinent be-
speaks the refinement of the gentlewoman.
She has a deb sympathetic voice and a
strong, well moulded, though girlish,
physique—New York Heine Journal. In
Wingham, Wednesday April 7.
- • -
—Miss Alexandria Ramsey takes rank
as one of the leading readers and enter-
tainers in Canada. In appearance, Miss
Ramsey presents a somewhat striking mix-
ture of the best Greek and Scotch types,
yet. when giving Scotch recitations in her
soft Midlothien dialect, reminds one of
Sir Walter Scott's heroines and the days
of Bonnie Prince Charlie. She possesses
the advantage of a striking presense, ease
and grace of movement, and a sweet aud
flexible voice well under command. She
depends for effect far less on gesture than
on tone and expression. Not a mere dis.
play of eloeutionary attainments, not a,
talk about something or e,t something, but
personating an (author's works, Miss
Ramaay seems to have the ability to infuse
life itito many diameters. Every Scotch -
men in this part of Huron shonld bear
Miss Ramsay on Wednesday evening April
Itit, et the Opera Hall, Winglitan.
—Tho meetings of the Rev. Taylor were
well At -ended. The revereecl gentlemen
certainly deals with temperance question
in an entirely different way from whet it
is nodally dealt with. He views the ques-
tion etetirely from it scientific point, of
eiesv, pointing ont the offeetestif alcohol,
physiologically, sodally and morally. UN
address Sunday afternoon on 'Citizenship,'
shonld have been hefted by every Christian
, 1 elector. Unfertunately the day was ex -
Miss Ble Baled, of Londogesis visiting iri
..._ \ tremely Ltortny mei the attendance was tInismallIn his Monday evening's address
ts 'McColl, of Port Elgin is yieding iti , he showea that What was regarded as
e="...` -east ,
w13. N,---,,-„Itempern,noe twenty -live years ago could
Mr. John Stephenson was in Brussels ori [het today in the 'Hein of modern science
uesditytt 1 be called temperance. Alcohol is no longer
VMS. T. mey,ten 3oft oo Friday for i regarded es it f
eod in its nature, but is a
poison, ma should be dealt with as such.
orciute.V 1 Mr, Taylor's lectures are purely eancetion-
Thos. Tipling of Goderieh was in tows ' al in their nature and he studiously avoids
this week, all interference in polities end all railing
Contractor GrAtIaM, Of London, was iis . and abuse of Any elass,of men.
kneeTuesday, . .....—.............
Mrs. J. Kling is visiting at her parents ;
In Dayton, kohio. 1 ilexes Notes.
Vi1fiss Istatiie Roderus is VititinMende ' An,
earthquako shock nes 'felt at
in Seatorth this week. g , H . .
Mrs. Math, of Loudon, is visiting her ' Stratford City Council is considering
1 parents, Mr, and 111re. jas. Duffield. a turfeer hy.law.
1 VoIfiditor Mooney, of the RipleyAstprests, Rev. John Mute') died at a quarter
' WAS in town Sunday end Monday.'I.OF VIOL 1 O'clOck ling morning.
Mr. llarry Davis attended the funeral of Matitoba's etesttthution; to the Indio,
Rum Ainley et Brussels of Saturday. famine fund amounted to $13,009.
A writ has been 'Fatted in n mit by
Thompson, for his cotuenisesoe ur 030W,
on the sale ot the Graud Open House
there last fait to B. id, Rothwell of De-
troit. The MAMMY elaime that the sale
was made through bin) on the under-
standh2g that, he was to get half the
amount realized. 'llr. Claris disputes
his claim.
Mr. 0417 hying on the Clovernore toed
road about a mite ease of Themeeford
went to his woods on Satuaday alernoon
with his eon In law. They too tl mold-
ron kettle, anti in Wart; it ,it is septic's-
ed he strained himself, for int a short
time he eoniplained of not feeling welt
end soon titer expired. The post mar -
tem examination showed that one of the
main arteries seas twittered near the
Tsusanera Lccales
Rer.Dr, Pott, of Toronto. has been Fresh butter and eggs et
elected Chairman of the International Noiteu Exit Gnoceays
Suedes, Schools Lessons Coin tnittee. Great Bankrupt Sale et McCormick tt
IJ'ierce • . is , ,a in tbo in- Pridlun's.
terior of (Fenstees-13utter lee. per lb. at North
Crete, and unless the powers
iuterfere the island will be devastated. End Gt.ocery.
FARMS8S—Good apples wanted at the ..+•.,
Mr. Guile, Liberal. wee eleotsel in the North End Grocery. .
House of Coramone in Bonaventute by
00 of a majority. For first close oysters either in bulk • or
served try McKLIVileS
S74.75 has been Lreditod at the (mak
Good value 11) 13rooms and Brushes ti,t
ngeney in Lucknow for the Indian
Nowell END 1.31i0e81117,
fainiue relief fund.
South Huron Conservatives will meet
at Hensel! on Mareb 23 to nominate a
candidate for the Legislature. 3 lb box Jersey Cream Sorlae for nittet
North End Grocery.
'Vm. Mulligan was sentenced to twelve
years in the Hinson Penitentiary at the .Epicure brand of meats at
Pembroke Assizes for mintiest tweed t. euteir Exit
The latest, Imperial Photos, 85 per doz
at the Star Photo Studio, I3eaver Block.
1 A. money saving sale in Gent's. furniab-
Jeseph Freeborn died in the Hamilton ing$ oh,g on at McCormick & Prid.
City Hospiaal from the effect ot a rib await%
broken several years ago aud neglected. , Fon S.inx 1.4ISAP —A. comfortable dwells
The stamp mill in connection with ing house with stable. Apply to M. La-
the Kingston School ot Mtnieg is now 180,re. Box 107, Wirginun, 3 Rib.
crushing ore from different places night —For firstsclass tailoring and cheap
and day.
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
The St. Thomas Board of Education Remember the place, in Queen's block.
is taking steps to suppress the habit ' Secure one of those exeellent suits for
of cigarette smoking among the seboolpebrnidtta, hall the uertal cost We e.114ormiele,
Farmers call and see quality and pride
A mass meeting. of 20,000 persone was
of Lake Huron Herrings before purchasing.
held in Trafalgar equare, Lond )n to ere -
press sympathy with Greece in the pre-
1 Have you examined McCormick. te Pride
sent troubles.
here's stock and had prices quuted you ?
Protests have assn filed at OegoOdn Don't buy until you do so.
hall against the return of Mr. Bennet of Horse ro Re:Ir.—Frame dwelling on
East SiMC03. Mr. G'rabam for North
Albert street apply to this aline or tn Perer
'Ontario and Mr. lieyd tor South Brent. Imlay, Wingham or Whiteehurch P. 0.
By the bursting- ot it watermain on :
Tete Yore IPSZENDS—Tlie MESA and
Atwater avenue at Montreal, part of the Globe to new subscribers three months and
Western end of the city wasinundated the Canadian Cabinet premitun all for 41)and damaged to the extent at over 85,000 cents,
It is reported that Lieutenant-Gneer-; D. M. Gordon gives 15 the of bend pitelftecl
nor Mackintosh of the Northwest Terri- ' „an, beam for 25o. and basButter,
tories is about to resign his office and and dried apples by the ton—pays highest
move to Rosslandto look after his min- pekes.
ing interests.
Say! You cannot ao without papers due -
President Kruger, who is visiting the ing the session of Parliament. The Globe,
Orange Free State espressed his con-
viction that in the event of win' between cents, TIMES, for 3 months, and rn einium for 40
the Transved and England, The Boers
Handsome presents given away every
would be victorious.
day at D. M. Gordon's; every article is a
The Quebec, Goverreneut has granted household gem, and indispensible. All are
$500,000 to the scheme for building a welcome.
bridge between Montreal and Longueuil on.1 Call at the Trues Oftice to see the pictuve
condition that the Federal Goyernment of the Cabinet ministers. 40 cents will
and the city eaoh cont. ibote a like. pay for the picture tied the TIMES and
amount. !Globe for 3 at:mettle, to new subsciibers.
A new club has been organized in Sate. I The right man in the right pieces Give
nia to be known as the Point Edward McAlpine n trial for an up-to-date meal at
15 cents. Special arrangement can barnacle
Railroad Club, for the purpose of hnying
. for board by the ween.
air brake and other echanical instruc-
tion given them The club fins already It pays to get your bills p intsd Oft
sixty tnetnbers. , Times office. A free notice g yin with EeIe
Rev. J, W. Oh 11 rah now of Rosemont bills, church bills, Lee., nd are read in
hundreds of homes.
formerly of the Bervie Circuit, has re..
oeived an unanimous itivitation from the The Central Restaurant, MeKenzie's
Board of the Methods 1 building, has been renovated throughout
Quarterly Official
and every convenience
ist °horde to become their pastor for lute beet' added for
the next conference year. , tbe patrols comfott, Meals at all hem e.
' Oysters served in any style. Also :vent for
the Huron Steam Laundry which twee
ont work equal to any city lannclry. Lett ve
orders at ley store. Jtllits McAteer -is
1 Ten ers tea, Proprietor.
Alex. Clark, cluteeemeiter, et the Avon.
dale faitory, North Eeteltope, Inc the past
five years, having been appointed lestruc-
tor for the Western Beater and Cheese
Association, luta taken up his residence in
Stratford and will make his headgnarters
1 Tenders will b ceive . up till Saturday
Nevelt '20, at '2 o' lo c . re. for the limn
Ws. Ilsrtrall'i, .0E Kingsville; was chase of the 2 farms, clot:ging to Alex.
annoyed by whifecepe who turned a stream McDougall's t state, ither singly on
of water frodi it base 111(0 her house and together, if not sot( of that date, will
ordered her to leave town. Owing to the receive tenders for entail on the above
inaction of the lnen 1 constabulary the nate.
rases3-12b Many A Young lit ean.... Smnir.
toneantteerralwill be reported to the Attorney. 1 .........................
I When front (seer -work. possibly DES.F ita
rEISPOetae Ninettottan Olt4)eitisett ..e aye by en inherited weakness, the Imolai fare
that Alte (3, M. Copelend o ,,,Winenixarreed rest es; seeaical treatment mut be
recently appointed Y M. (1, A. SU.,MlarY resortedto, then, no medians ran he tww
for Michion, will be sent brick it he ployed ebb the *Ono beneficial 1 minas as
comes to Detroit, and an effort HO bScott's Emulsion.
from the Michigan Y. M. C. A. foe
violating the alien labor law.
made to e( Net the penalty oC$I,V00.1
About midnight, Fridtty, itira, Farms: Fy PAR K
i . -
bough, win) lives a short distance dist of ' ....e
Waterford, wet awakened by a feeling of
euffocetion. tlpon inyeetittation She found
the home in flames, and had Met time to 1 Josephine St., Winghairt _
get her eight ehietree out. Evetwthing in i - s - ueffsart xmor .00tt n.
the house was lost, even the clothes they) 11 ho advises co ) Liver Oil, v e )U cm
heti been wearitg. Mott neighbors went mend Wampole's T tstek as In t a a lei kee,
to the hooses around th..viljage t?Il 8°Lnr" Ali von taste is Wild Ofterry and il t t. to
day, end were softest:Ad iti securing many
od. Wlvtt Yoe ge.. is tieett anti steel gth.
useful erticles for the fleetly, There wits mos oongho..coku and wasting diseases kt
400 insurance on the lionse. Citieliolm's Drug Store. tnlife