HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-12, Page 8KLIE W IN. Cit LIA.M TIMES, , NI RCIT
12, Rai,
lately, Ott of theta containing noble • GLENANNAi�Y,
osentin2ent�, Ataiong tdtesc was the .Mrs, James I+'cx's' many friends
Peel iv.nttr•u on, "hlochde rile 13ornttt will be glint to know that she is able!
• Briar Bush," Alr, Bengough slung I to he about sklgain.
but one solo, an irritation of Mr. I ;•1;ittster Albeit and Agnes :Nilsen;
SATURDAY--BARGAIA DAYWhitney liockeridge'a rendering of, went tc I'2iisley to attend the wedd-
'"Tell ller I love Iger," which was ting, Of Aiiss Tena Reid.
heartily applauded. and the azul- Mr. D mal] Reid of Paisley: is
Immo world hnVO liked M. least en-, visiting in ort• ricinity.
tether TU tit •ttwlltgs of hemi men r AIr, Glilbert Stephens made a fly'-
! were a little disappointing to sortie, ing visit to Lnuknow last Sattmrday.
while to others they afforded a great evening on the eight o'clock train.
source. of amusement• The eater- � Pretty interesting Gib.
teiittaent was thoroughont, very re -1 Mr. Robert Ilarkness lie rentedfined, elevating, humorous, and I Air, Stephen's farm for a term of' live
possessed this rare gnaiity, that ears.
when ene went home and thought I y
it all over the more they liked it.
Every one was glad of the oppor- r Tq the i:lntor nio T1,IRi.
tuaity of teeing one so well known by 1 Dear Sir,—Clifford as usual ploy
newspaper reputation as Mr. Ban -'the dirt. The above appeared in
Bough, We hone Ile will be here your paper of March .4th, dropped
again under more favorable circum• from the pen of your Wroxeter
stances. scribe. This is a game that Clifford
The Presbyterians of 'Mies' and people know nothing abort, and
Bluevale have extended a cell to clang that they have not played - it
with the Wroxeter boys. Before
your correspondent writes articles of
this kind he better have his author-
ity from a more relloble party than
the ones that visited Clifford.
The Wroxeter boys cannot come
out and make the above claim
against Clifford and tell ' the truth.
The first to play the dirt I claim was
Wroxeter. The Wroxeter • boys
wrote to the Clifford boys sometime
ago stating that they Would appear
in Clifford on a certain date. They
did not put in an appearance and
did not have enough principle about
them to say the • reason why, and
when they dropped into Clifford on
their way front Mildmay, they 'did
not give any notice of their coming
nor did the Clifford boys invite them
to come. They appeared to 'be out
for a good time, and wanted Clifford
to pay for it. When Wroxeter club
makes an arrangement let them
stick to it or at least give seine rea-
son for their not doing so.
Thanking you Arr. l ditot.tot: the'
space •I have taken up,
T terrain,' Yours' trtil�T. `
1AIIx3Ma .
• .-DT$NGANNON • '
Mrs. R.. Young of.Richwpod.: farm
has returned.home !after•;in ..e :tend-
ed .visit .to; her sisters .Miss • Clark
and Mrs, Waleh, of Goderiehe
Mr. James Holland is laid s,up at•
present: . ,
• Lr•, R. 1' .Sends,Ieaves for.0alg,ary.
this week with.: a. load ,of:cattle As':
he is a proniinentyo.Ung . gentlemen
he will be greatly. niissed:In; society.
This is his first shipment; , we ;wish
him:success., ..
DIr, W. McLean is_home from a short.
v[sit from North Dakota .
Mrs, Thomas Smylie is indisposed
at present with a severe :attack of
very sick at present... .We'' hope:, to
Pair of nee Seoes. at ab nit s lesa
than r, eallar priee ort Satarday.
Lad hi,' Laze and Batton, black
or tan. P tinted toe, patent tip.
Ladies' Oxford Lace Shoes
in Oxford and tan.
Shoes for the little ones.
Infants' Batton Boots, Oxford Lace
Shoes and Strap Slippers, tipped
o; plain, alt sizes. Men's and
Youths' Kid and Calf, black,
;an o:• ex -blood. All at
'Saturday's low price. All
new Noah stock just
opened this spring. Mr. West now of Toronto,
The but social at Mr. Thomas
Stewart's last Wednesday evening
was well attended considering the
Mrs. A. I LeI wen is improving
Mr. Peter. Aicrwen's little son
Chester, died on Monday, after an
illness of two weeks, The funeral
tools place on Tuesdtay'afternoon.
Kid Gloves.
On Saturda e morning we shall show
a large importation of French
Lazing Kid. Gloves in plain
and fancy, coming at 5Oe.
Dress Goods and Silks.
Fresh,. Crisp, Rustling of good wear-
ing qualities and just such as Air. W. J. Duff has returned from
everyone wilt be looking for. ' Anaconda, Montana on Monday.
A choice made now will His sojourn in the Copper city seems
well repay the trouble; as • - to have done him good.
we had a great Dress Mr. George McDonald returned
Goods Col -
week. last from lege, whe ere e ieph hassle learned the art of
butter -making.
Mr. John Fitch had a wood -bee
last Friday* afternoon, which was at-
tended by a large number of men.
In the evening the friends assembled
at Mr. Titeti's home and engaged in
the mazy whirl until the wee sma'
'oors ai' morn. Mr.and.: Mis. Fiteh
are entertainers of the first order and
we congratulate theta upon the suc-
cess of the enteepr izes. ' ^
We are sorry to report that • Mr.
Alex, McPherson is siek. .He bad an
attack of the grippc.and it. is feared
inflamation of the limp may set
We s'incerely hope that his . iridis-
rosi ibn w[lt be of Short diaration.
very pretty Wedding took place
l ek'at the home of Mr; Wm.
Gemmiil';twhen his daughter' i[iss
Belle 'was United in marriage to Mr.
Eli Bolt. Tne ceremony was per-
formed .b the Rev.: Mr•' Goffin of
Gorrie. The bride who was assisted
in the ordeal' by Miss Eva Bolt look_
ed quite ch triuin� lir. John Gem -
mill jr. attended 1ho .wants of the
groom. The happy couple were :the
recipients of many . costly presents
which attested the esteem.:in which
they were.held by the. friends. We
join in wishing thong, a happy .. and
most prosperous life.
The Misses McPiven and, Aiken
head, and Messrs. MeEwen and Aik-
enhead are visiting et Mr. James
Wylieb this week: •
Alr. James Moffatt of , Dakota is
visiting friends in this. neighborhood
We understand that be was, married
to a young lady tri Cliesley this
Mr. Millen late of..T3owiek has
moved«into the house opposite Mr.
John Gemmii's: We • welcome Mr.
Mr. M.' A. King of Grey has gone Millen and family into the commun.
Thessalon. ity. •
F. V. Dickson has gone to Toren- The I� oliowing is the report .of the
to. , standing of the pupils o£ S S No. 2
Carpets,,Laze Curtains, Veilings,
Ready Made Clothing spring weight
Overcoats: in light Beaver with
off price. Gents' New Spring Hats,
Shirts and' Ties,• Factory Cotton reg-
ular 7q.,for 5e. This Cotton is good
value for 7e. Ribbons ie.', Pins and
Needles ` Zre., Clothes Pins b dozen
for 5c, `Washboards 2 for 25e Ask
for $'25 Ticket, good for 1 detz. of
numfaer 8 Cabinets, taken by the
Star Photo Co
The above -ntiees.:are good each
evening between'?-tiid 9 o'clock'
at ; H. -MCIND00'S
. Johct' Iamilton is , end%og ' chi s
of.eattle to Toronto this ' week. ` He
chipped 3 cans to Buffalo .on Satur-
da y.
Oar Curlers went to Winghain nn
Thursday and defeated Wingham by
15 shots
A large consignment of Jem Jars
arrived in town this week.
Mr, Gavin Davinson met with en
adeident on Monday which .will re-
sult in one of his fingers being stiff
He was shoeing a horse which in
some way took fright and pushed
him Over'.
Business is booming in the bicycle
line just now, no less than 19 bikes
coming to town.
Misses Lang and Lennox, have
moved into the store, formerly oecu-
etl by R: Ross. Mr, T. Hemphill
will use the old Millenery shop for a
bicycle livery.
Airs. Walden and her two sons
have moved to Treherne, Man.
Jc i RL7LT'C i f iz
which has been bought at a low rate on.the dollar and,
must be cleared out in Thirty Days.
he Stock Consists of
and will be sold at about half price.
Conte and Secure Bargains.
I`1!C[� .;, P!1t1HAM.
Ruettel's old stand, north. of Queen's Hotel -
;ire YOU L
If so it is your advantage to 1
call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug
Store ,Winghatn. They
are the agents for the
celebrated Wetmore
hear of their speedy recovery. 1. Because it is dangerous to be a
Rev. T. L. Armstrong atttended moment without one.
his aunts funeral at . Etrathroy last 2. It will never rust and is conse-
week. • quently durable. A very oer[ous accident happened 3, A' .person wearing, a Wetnicre does
to one of Mr. Thomas Begiey's boys not find it a bother, .
he having the misfortune to break 4, W 1
his leg while out sleigh -riding.
Mr, David Bell had a weed -bee
last week. The boys all worked
hard and by so doing cut •ui5 about'
30 cords of. wood; In : the, evening
they all enjoyed themselves at tripp-
ing the lightfantttstitz until the early
hours of morning..
Mr Thomas Holland of.Tittus:ar- GORDON DO tw
We will guarantee to hold in
position any reducible rupture.
5. This truss cannot. possibly move
after adjustment,
6.. Some of our townspeople can
testify to its merits.
7. Satisfaction guaranteed et money
rived home last week r extend-
ed visit,
Turnberry, for the month of Feb We are sorry to chromele the
BLUEVALE• guar , based on eneral efficiency, death of Mrs. Donald McNevan, sr.,,
Owing to the deplorable state off The asterisk indicates that such pup- who died on Thursday after a . Sick -
the roasts, and the windy disagree- Ills were absent from one or more of gess of but three days. The remains
the examinations. were interred in Dungannon,
able wind; weather, people Prem a V Crass IV brass omeetweseetektoneemboomemeteleasomamem
distance did not attend Bite J. W.
Bengough's entertainment in the
Foresters' half last Friday evening,
and consequently the hall was not
iuite full. If the weather had been
5'00 500 •
C Harris 413 W Elliott 269
W Mawkins 260 N Henning 258
*M Lagleson 245 T Wheeler 303
J Stuart 229 Rose Stuart 186
fine no doubt many would. havebeen L Stuart 216 *Agnes Stuart 163:
turned. awc,y, Mr. Bengough conn- i Elliott '216 *Gerrie Harris ]29
ltnienced his entertainment by saying R Barris 208
x'Ladiee and Gentlemen, owing to III class sin. 11 MASS the exeellent conditioner the roads
especially the sidewalks which I see Laura Ben's 205 I� Ea glosoir .:$ l.fi McYi;atr Motaiamsora—Attire Manse, on
,you keep scrape(1 off so nicely -no N Barris : 294 J Magee `110 icCWednesd t tluareh 10th, by 13ev, 1?.
doubt you are afraid of being fined 1 Net. DfeN'ton235 W 'Hall 128 Ma detti t Morrison, of I incard e.. to
GI/AV—In W icigham, March ice, the
ife of Mr. Thos. Gray ;; a son
'Amain --In Last Wawanosh, on the
7th ieeteithe wife of Mr. Wm. Currie;
A son. jor
VLitsicx•,Arntt--tf Turnberry. on March
8th, the wife of Mr. Jarnes. Linklater ;
a got tief
Marek tIIGD. ,
if you do not—t am glad to see. so',Lem Nichol .212
many of: you present."He .their I, Aicil en 212
gave an amusing and effective tem. I J Stuart 01
Terence leeture, illustrated by a 1 Pt, 11 sr.•II crass
.drawing to the small human boy, 350 400
'wbitlli *vat so well represented on [Mary Nichol l6lf "l�:dltli 1:Iarris 279
' .day evening. For «tire srua�ll iM A `1 ^,wen 185 fa ttli Har 708
ota( girl he recited Little ot- S iVZelihven>'n1
nnfie," as Jessie Alexander , ,1,1eN l gh'nL32
(kit. it lig 00'o/ening he •. et$2 CL.i
Brat of his o . MS,,wliteh r Albert f�111 t't''
red in the newspapers
Marys Wheeler
and will' continue until the whole stud% is cleared out.
We are highly gratified at the success attending our effort:: in this direct-
i eet-
ion; the greatun ing'mass of this country are not slow to distinguish.
between a fake and a germine sale, prices tell every time. Another consign
meat to hand of goods bought for less than >1
We would ask as a favor from our customers, at least all who can make it
convenient, to du their shopping early in the day, in this way we can serve
you betterin the afternoon, we are so much crowded that we are not able
to give you that attention we would like.
15 pieees Drrss Goods ere 15 now 5
10 t, « w 25 " 10tr4r Ilandl erchiefs at less than
15 " " 35 e''`20 cost'and W great many more
8 e .. t.60 ...,, 45 '
5 �s - " '` 60. " 40 article,e
tve have do room to
4 " " 500 on the 1 mention. Everything goes all
Tweeds 500 " " $1 along the line. Call early and
Mantle Goods
500 " $1 get very special bargains,.
Ready Made Mantles 50c "1¢
Shoes 50o
12 Storm Collars 500 " "1
•8. Fur Sets 50c " " $1 I
Gs- IV"
has opened out a new machine
shop, thoroughly equipped
with a
New Outfit of Machiuiry
nclucling an Iron Planer,
Lathes etc. and is now prepar-
ed to do a general line .of re-
pairing. Engine and Mill
Machinery repairing and pipe
fitting a specialty.
All kinds of shafting, gear-
ing, iron and wooden pulleys,
brass and irori castings sup-
plied on shortest .notice..
• • DITD
i111iaF,wetr--In Blucvale. Ont MbudaY,
March 8, Chester, *to et Mr. Peter • Me-
a fen, ed 3 yeirrs, 6 months and' 25
Alettecy---In; Brussels,,'ori Thureday,
March 11, 1807, I+illiaiti Laurette, only
daughter of Mr. Wm. and Mra. J. Ci.,
a.inley, aged, 20 years, 2 months, 24 days.
,'Tie funeral services will be held at the
• family residence at 3 p. ru.. on'Satutday+.
1 March 13, afttbr whioh't15ts `.atorta a •girl
leave the bootie at 3.30 tor 13russele
ce *eterya .
Centel. fullding Th itton "Sc remit%
T. A. 3ViII,LS
is selling oul his
winter goods rew
girdles; o c' L.
Now is your chance
to get Bargains.