HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-12, Page 7410
k'y you
Speak key
1f m t•.111 t' "+ f n•t •,„rr,ht•"a+n nl•enaratinn
TURPENTItE for the throat and respiratory or.
gans. \Ve have hundreds of testimonials from
public speakers, singers, ministers and others.
One rev. gentleman says: " 1 never think of
entering my pulpit without Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine at my side." Such in-
clorsations from the ministry should give con-
fidence in Dr. Chase's Medicine.
If you are troubled with that tickling sore
throat, so common among speakers and
singers, you will find DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF
LINSEED AND TURPENTINE a positive and per-
manent cure. Teaspoonhil dose, price es cents.
Edmanson, Bates & Co,, sole manufacturers
for Canada, 45, Lombard street, Toronto.
I , ^ c"6- one al I ea
:t r-aWAAMER OOM1'i A1NTS t
irACllildPcn. tic4dul'fS
IT PA' . T»
Still leads ♦11 S•to •th to l as 1 11;Ana '•t '1 •'1) )l+ 1,1
Canada, In p1.0 int pupal in e11•)iee p )Sitioili and
preparing them for each places
Frank Cooper, a nnpil from g,Cxati'i, has 140•'Cp4•
•d the positi•m et B., ,k keeper «•it•t C. tV. tr tsar
of the s.tne place,
W L i,ee•Is is'M to v er of the 1'ortoneulh Trust-
s ( li'ee,
Dlary "iahey,position a4 Sttumgrapher n11h a
Detrol, IL in
lna Mi liken p )titi 1 t as Ste 1'Isl.: miter with the
Sydenham 11 at•i Oo , tV.tlla••eh t2
IT PA i'S TO GO Tai r.32.3EST.
For Catalogue, address,
0. SicLACFTL.t t:h.tltn n, 't t1
WOO ref3 P dD r1:-1r7fQlrS•'=')• n.
•tile Great English Remedy.
st a res:oases Gtia,•antecit to
promptly and permanently
euro all forms of Nervous
yatort'iica, Impotencyantl alt
d'ects of Abuse or T.xecsscs,
Mental Worry, excessive use
XL'f09'E and After.
of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu-
lants, tc:1iel. soon lead to In -
drafty, Insanity, Consumption and an. early grave.
Has been prescribed over 35 years in. thousands of
cases; Is the only T.cliab:o and honest I'ttccitetne
known. Ask druggistfor Wood's rbosphodiue; If
he offers some worthless medicine in place of this,
Inclose price in letter, and wo vent scud by return
mall. Price, one package, C1; six, S6. Oae total
please, six win cure. Pamphlets free to any address,
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Gobi moor bi3 Liseaso,3
Yreit' to his I,eeledk .
if} EST NOME Testi
: ' ..,!ARCH 12, tbU7.
Mr. Henry Abratnt who line liten
living in John \Vetr's house has. rnov
ltd ttith his family into Joint Fortunes
nIn sixth concession,
( rite at number of people left f •r
it't►litt)bit Oil 'rimed:1v among • t1,'
member were Messrs Rubtand 1)1lvici
Metcalf and Henry IJili, wo wish
WWI Sl1eCe39 in the prairie pro
A number of our young people
TEE MxYERII:NJti UIi' 'ritntE WHO HAVE drove over to Mr. Root Hastings on
nta1.N LICiti.:1) filo) Pi Tit yr
1'A 111111, IIY4r1. SIA, El ON EY rc MFLAINJ.'S
nr srusevQN'e iit:AIEI)It1'3—ASS YOUR
Immense )'OR MUNYOA'S 01.7IDE TO
TUE 1tf"ST ,
T'rirl•itr (tvPninar of 11et ta'nntr •,i„1
Mr. D M. Johnson, the tt• 1•knuwn
carriage builder and general bl ekernith,
Living in Toronto for the past n years,
says : ''1 t+as troubled with blooding and
protracting piles for seven or eight years.
used many expensive medicines in an
effort to get relief, but could not. No
one can tell the paint suffered • r years,
I heat n using Munyon's Pile c ure and
inside of two weeks 1 was out. pletely
cured and able to go to work. Before
this I was unable to do anyt ing and
believe that if it had not been I) r Nlun•
t'on's Remedy I would never 1 ave been
curer'. I would not hesitate to pay 6100
for the good I received front y our Pile
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom
fails to relieve in one to throe! ours and
cures in a few days. Price 25u.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively
cures all forme of indigo;,ion and stom-
ach trouble. Price 25u.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu-
monia and bieaks up a uuld 10 a few
hours Price, 25c.
Munyon's Cou,fh Care ~tops coughs,
night sweats. will) F snr'•a•e6S, and speech
ly heals the lungs. P, ;(-o,
Munyon's Kidney ()tiretil eedily cures.
pains 111 the back, Iuinii oriruiUs and all
forms of kidney disease Price 215c.
iIunyon's Headachy Cure stops head
ache in three a,inult-a. rrice2uo.
Mto.)on's Pile 'tii,tu,t-nt p sitively
cures all forms :d pilaf 1't lee. 2:)c.
Munyon's 13iri'i Llurt t1sidioates all
impurities of th•' •+'n, il. Prier, 25e.
;•lunyon's Female Itcti.edies are a
Mea on's Asthma 11• 111, tiara relieve in
3 minu'es •lull (-ure pri•u1t tcntly. Price,
Mut,'( n's Otis 1)h 11*cuedies never
fail The °stars is 011 i'N--price 25o.—
anal eatea t110 dint•$ SP rrnm tbe system,
and the Cntnrrh 'l tibletei--price 25e.—
elearee 11'•11 held the parts,
M N nynr'a Nert•e 1 tore is a wonderful
ne••ve tonic; see-,
: •'.
Mn"s'> i'i \'itnlizer re 1. res lost vigor
Sold in Wingitam and everywhere
talo e
• ) • all res gg
• tl
in Canada responsible J
tripped the lrght• fantastic too tilt
morning when they departed for their
hotnes we II pleased. The young
people seem to know where to enjoy
themselves as that was the eceol.d
party at Mr, Basting; this week.
A sleigh load of young people from
Culrees drove out to Mfr. Smalls and
spent a very present evening.
Miss Bella Anderson wilo lute been
visiting friends m Morris returned.
home last week.
Master Ilugh and Miss Janet Gil -
o re Stanley are \letting their uncle
Thomas Gilmore.
Price 61.
A separate c ure for each disease. At
all druggists, mostly 25c. a sial.
Pe:''c nal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11
4; 13 :A ibe►'t St., Toronto, answered with
free mediae advice for stny disease.
3 C1).upGa e.t. Linseed nnn t Turirf euLlnoy by
"My little boy I ad a bad croupy
Lough," says Mrs. Smith, or Bathurst
street, Toronto. "t1y neighbor. Mrs,
Hopkins, rscommonded mo to try Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. I
dirt so, and the first dose dill Iritis good.
One bottle completely cured th3 011.1. It
is surprising, the popularity of Chase's
Syrup in this neighborhood. it appears
to rite it can now bo found i I every
Mr. John Elliott jr. was in Britton
Berlin and Preston on business hist
Mr. Jas Shielis' family who have
been seriously ill with diptheria,
weare glad to say are rapidly recover.
Mr. and Mrs. .lit mes lti (led, hits rid
leaving for Toronto this week.
A number of the 12tH concession
enjoyed themse_I''cs at the box social.
at Mr, ltuht Currie's on Tuesday
U^. Barrow, gave a. trop - to the
panple of his vicinity on Monday
11 r, Uenhee at an, of Teusw Iter was
vi-i.ln'i Inn c01M101 Mr. Will Abinekle
O t 411'day.
0 v'lt.2 to various causes thesehool
attendance has taken adrop late -
41Ir. Thomas Anderson. of (1
respected reeiden1, passed peacefully
at:his he m.' here o1i Monday night
from the effeels of la grappe. V
Dr. and Airs. McCaih has recover-
od front their recent attack of grip
Miss bcondreth is also laid ap with the
same troub'e
John Se )udreth took a bu-a-
nee: trip to Lando 1 acid Toronto
this mock,
Mr, E. Vincent, of town is a 'pr,)
re-eional clog dancer and is about to
.)i en a dancing school in Belgrave.
AV►u. Dumprev spent Sunday .in
the vicinty visiting; old friends. •
Quite a number were in the
linrsc Fair at 331yt1 on Tue:.lay
Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingham gave
his lecture on "A trip to Ireland" in
in the foresters Ball Friday even -
.Tames F. Brandon left on 'FVednes•
day fur his home in Manituba. Be-
fore going his friends gave him a
oyster supper The boys report
having hail and good time the next
time he returnee we expect to see hila
take a life partner with 111111,
For quick and easy work
For cleanest, sweetest
and whitest clothes
Surprise is best
est for
Every ay '
For every use abort the _
house Su rprir.ct wont.;
gest and cheapest.
Sea for yourself.
c•'.tea:-.rarrasna,..7,,.._,-.1 . • a Rwsescar_.%..•.... . -" .
WITif DOING '(WAY Tusze Gast.)
fi:i it.tNCE' RIt)NE .
Tho Whole Story
ta,I:. .1,, :ti at nttnine1 and great
00 «es to wnnl:,ti,-hell by door's Sarsepar-
11111 li yui••illy told. 1t. purities and en -
rums the Wood. tones the stomach and
gives et length 111111 ' igor. 1!)isetise can-
not, en tel. t tats system fortified by the rich
red 010 til which comes by taking Hood')
tl Esse t•at'ilfa• _
Hoorls Pt r,r,s ort re nearest, sins; head-
ache, 1n1igeetian, biliousness. Alt drug-
Reports front S'•. George do W'iUd;ll'
bring to light one of the worst erilnr'
poisshle to imagine. A n au by 11:i
name of Roy a11(1 his life are cha"g
with having attempted by the n:1•s)
inhuman methods to destroy the lif
a little child eight or nine years old
that by its desalt they might gain as
few paltry dollar•, of insurance. The.
loan and woman failed in their
tempt and are now safely lodged be-
hind the bib's in the Sherbrooke j n 1
The women is Roy's second w f
Some years ago an insurance pull::
was taken oat on the lif.; of Roy':-
luy' first, wife, and the insurance ran 0,
the two children.. The wife diet
and the insurance was held for tax
rhildren. One of these children lvsa-
elven away and the other, Roy kept
for himself. Ile soon gut married
again. After at short time Roy he.
gall to consider how lee could get the
inset -am money left by the first
wife to the children. Then coni
menced the brutal plan concocted by
the two. The little child was put ui
in a garret, tviie1'e it was hoped the
was hoped the hinters cold would
destroy the yanng life, And even
this was not enough to satify the
cruel nature of the maul that was at-
tempting to rake the life of his own
child. Somewhere he or his w.[
had rev.d or' heard that if peas were
placed in a child's nose they would
10 lime grow and cause the death of
the child and so 1(as tett
forced into the nuetrtls of the little
ode, and its ears were filled with
wool, and it was left in tl.e cold to
die. Suspicion was aroused, how
ever, and the pour child was rescued
but not until its (lands aid feet were
frozen. \Vhen the officers went to
arrest Roy and his wife the former
declared that the child was his Ina
he could do as he liked with it. They
were examined at Windsor before
being brought to Sherbrooke. They
will be taken before District Magis.
trate Mulvenaa in a few days. Roy
oat, several children by his second
wife, and one en infant of about six
months, is in jail with them.
Tex Ye ir.t Atone.
Over ten ears ago one Al. Marsh
began prospecting in the Kettle
River utaultry and round a gulch
1iL,hiil'1 rhe Al ,nastl'e l•L)uutain which
ht u11(11e up his miner contained gold
and he •1t etre proceeded to 100001
I1)r l ((hook, runt sbacr; then, alone
11111 tinati1L'11, lalile5 fi'n01 1111y 11tunan
't•c!•lettiun, has 0onl.inned his work.
Ile has now a tunnel in over 900
fort, all eceomplish• (l by his own
hands. IIe has wheeled the earth
and gravel out in a wheelbarrow and
timbered rip the tunnel as he went
ahead, cutting the logs on the moun-
tain side, rolling then) down to the
(week h, tion, peeking them o11 his
back to the cltunp, and shaping them
with ax and saw into ' the nccefsary 1
dimensions. Sometimes he would
progress as much as a set (four feet)
in a week ; sometimes a slide would
come from the roof which would - re-
quire weeks of weary toil to rt move.
Immense boulders confronted hills
and had to be blasted, but, despite
obstacles, he has pursued his way.
Ire is one -of those me 1 who wo.l'I
give up. Of such still were the
pioneer 'heroes of the west made.,`
"0001) 1•A)1AIUTAPi" or ALL 0011516, scorn
CI1n to -OosT 75 cams.
Mr. E. A.Norton, a well-known citizen
of Grimsby, Ont,, was severely attacked
with inflammatory rheumatism some 20
wax. come 013 littlLIEVZ years ago—after a time he recovered.
INDIGESTION, IMMURING or THE but five or six weeks ago the dread
HEM,disease returned so violently that he had
saYSI.SAUNDICE, to Give up work. For nearly three weeks
SALTRHE ACIDITY CH THE he lay in bed suffering terrible agony.
SALT RHEUM, STOMACH, O, Another resident of the town who had
asaarause; AEYNEsB o r ter
-J SADACHII, sxtlr,r, been cured by South American i2heu•
nlwousNBss, Dfzz1Nlisl. matte Cure persuaded him to try it, and
YSPEpslA, At;or$1t. to his great surprise lifter using the
edicine but one week ho was so far
"°Q+'°•+ »i ' SWAN mrecovered as to go about town. From
E'ER, KIDNMYA, 8TO1UCi14 the first dose taken he felt marked im-
1eowxot re provement, and to -day he is moot en-
, ts";OOD': - thuslastto in singing its praises. No
case too severe for South American
ithennlatie Cure to cheek in a:x hours,
and cure permanently. S.ld at Chis-
holm's Drug Store
10410u04 leo,
TG1 osero.
The Keelung of Dreams.
.1 dream of maples foretells a
Ritts eerl'1
Dreaming a bon t keives
C Meng lawsuits.
To dream of clear (tater
success in business.
A (cream concerning
Ill 'x115 a loss (.f property.
To 500 a rainbow 111 at (11(0O,
f>r;te.c 1'1S a long jtlrnCy.
'1'o dream of flying indicate= s
gr sat increase in wealth.
A Marin or flies seen in a dream
in indicative of enemies.
To dream of seeing a grave
foretells a long spell of illness.
Crossing a bridge in a dream
indicates future success in love.
C1 dream about mice foretokens
slow accumulation of riches.
A dream that your House has been
hurned denotes business losses.
Eating calve in your dream means
at sudden increase of your property.
A dream about a ghost indicates
vexation, loss or disappointlnent.l
A dream about marriage indicates
poverty and other misfortunes.
A dream abont keys ineauts that
the dreamer will shortly become 1•ich.
in a dreSul
indicate s
'25 cents 00101 IIay Fever.
•• lnotpiunt (l:ltarrla.
t• 11
Catarrhal Headache.
16 Cold in the head in 10 min
/1 Foul breath cattmed lq
nate rrh. 25 cents secures Chase's Ca-
tarrh Cure with perfect blower enclosed
in each box. Sold 0,• nil dealers.
Lan a FT
k k k
STOLEN from EK :71 NGE
Barefaced Robbery.
Mr. E. Phair, yf Hewiek, has a
number of '07 lambs.
T.tere are at present 65 inmates in
the l-inuseof Refuge.
Mr. Frank McLanghin of Gorrie
left ou Monday for Winnipeg where
he has secured a situation.
The Palmerston fax mill and
farm will be offered for sale by
public auction on Wednesday March
The people of Iiarriston are inter-
ested in having some action taken to
assist in having the flax mill a.id
woolen mill put into iperation again.
Miss i3ella 13ethune, of Seafoth has
set:all'ert a situation as teacher 111 a
;chore in the Northwest and leaves
shortly to take charge.
One of Kincardine's most promiu-
tint business glen passed away, last
Tuesday, in the person of A. M.
Williamson, town clerk, and collector
of customs and excise at this port.
Wednesday mornings' train ran i
down at red fox on the line East of
13russels and the result was tbe sud-
den (remise of l[r. Fox. Section -man
Miller fell heir to the pelt.
'Phe Messrs. VonEgmond of the!
Seefut ill woolen mills, has dissolvl_d
partnership and Mr. W. D., Van -i
House of Refuge Notes.
Death claimed another of the in
metes in the person of Henry
sell waltz from Crediton, He was Efrenond will take over the bust-;
about 06 years of age and died on nese.
Monday Mauch the lst. Tuesday Mrs. Wm. Stubbs,- of West Luther
Lnotbe death took place in rite per- is t fit p ),lesser of a q'lilt which has
son of Miss Mary Adams, whose
!mine ryas formerly at Behoove. Ilei•.
age was 25 yP:ars. The l:ittst era -
are Brown 1 Ash ores.
erre Jaame, 131 u t n 1f .A. field,
viharlotte end Mia -,*s .Jane and Eliza-
beth Crooks (mother and two (laugh -
tors) front ;M,)rt'k l.n'A•t.ship, making
65 inmates in the house at the pre-
sent time. Henry Mono, who went
through a critical operatioa, is
making rapid progress towards.
recovery and will soon be around
again. The inmates were very mach
diads ppointe 1 lam Sunday because
4tiss Agnes Rod4or(deugh;,er of
Charles Rodger,E W. was accidently
drowned drowned in the well at her
mother's home on'Monday forenoon.
She went to the well, which was a
pumpless one, to get some water and
while in the net of (lipping up the
water sipped in. Iter mother saw
her fall and gave the alnlln, but bo
fore assistnee arrived she Waft teasy rterar gripe, wu it
drowned The sad affair east a _ 1'6,100 eas►', Mi'. Chanbe 5 also ,r Nffee.ts area positive pl04asure. to
gloom oves the neiglaborilood as the,boxrht from N. 'Wait the Ta,,Int vials, ln.pilts, 20 emits, Sold at Chs
deeeas^d was very id tell r(apeeted, on Mort street f )r t 1600. helm'e Drug Store.
R• IPA -N -S
The modern stand-
ard ?family Medi-
cine : Cures the
common every -day
ills of humanity.
horn in the family over 033 years, l
and a bible which has been handed
d evil for over 20) years.
All the material for the new chair
ftetory is already an the ground and
than 3) I'(t'•Itetor Mr. Clerk, Walkerton
will begin work on the farine work
this week.
The G.T. R. earnings for the week 1
ending February 21. are 9811,;301,
an increase of $38,911. upon those of
1.2,1 year. 'Those of the C. P. R. ale
t,0:11:) an increase of •813.000,
there was no service in the House. ) -
There has been a good supply of
first class lee safely housed for n.c
th•s coming summer.
Mr. Wm. Chambers, son of Mr:
Andrew Chambers of llarriston has
completed the purchase of tlrc Brown
As a Ayirtelta Rono'ator told $ cod Build-
01, Pr, Agnow's Litter rills oto Rap -
planting ail others,
farm arl,joaning the town. '1his so 4, eat hath Moon los.. d4`tt tt l that It tr.
farm is one of the best farm 1n the harrlto supply tt
township, and on it are inset class (;,ret Constipation or Nervous 'Ger
buildings and sarge ()rebore. The n' •', err the complexion, rid it el
price p•titl( tv,y atndlyrkt•tt d 'wa;' ,1 1.•• auk; yellow skin coatbd tongu,h.
Alt dtt
Paan- 'Mar.1
(rte .nr Davis'.)
A Suro and .'. Remedy in every case
and everyof Bowel Complaint h.;
This is a true statement and it can't bo
made too strong or too emphatic.
rIis a simple, safe and quick cure for ; s
Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism,
Colic, Colds, Neuralgia,
Dia.rrheca, Crowv, Toothache. •
TWO 51Zir:, 2:,e. and sec.
eeoc+vry vsoiv®a avriawmw-•vran
171 .:.`., C.::,:f.n.:ioon a,%11:Tii'StC..:1:.'00'
Lir...- ..1119 1:1171.2.7.1-;s a .....as fat? t`.in
.0 got ..'L.
T113 P1 `J`'. -in PCLIC'7.
Our rca)resontativ) i t..rviewci, :.Ir. 7a:l:gs
13rayley, of Bandl on, at his oface,
tVilhi m titrnet. ra :i IS on , :"'1•.'
Might se man. a:11 0 1:1 of 1:a•ua:'.•) 's for,t 1 -•t
manufacturer i. His g•,ois, S,:u"cry h ed. -
nate, punches, d'e;, etc., aro ku0w0 f'cui
ria ilax to Vancouver,1,1* stand very high its
the estimation of tho ttado.
it r. Rrayley sWjd: "For yoaarI 1 have been
troubled with gravel and v.ak'toss of the
k111:eys. 1h; dto standup and clench my
when urinating, so intense was tiro pain. The
pains arroodmyloittswhere alinostiilt0lcrrt o,
and 1 felt as though a cat were being pulled
down my back by the hindle,,s.
"1 trent from bed to m: rao t:11 at lost I could
not tlristat1 at a'1, and had to bo operated 011.
I had uo confidence in anything, and trade tip
my mind to sub r torture to my dying day.
Reading the tes,intony published by the Doan
Iflatmyrins CO.,1 sem a similar case to my emu,
end, being in constant agony, decided to give
them a trial, and got a box of the pills -from
Spacktnau's drug st0r0,at the corner of Market
"11 dill m0 na good, so 1 got another, and
tnother,ltnti1 lima taken four boxes, and Woo
about givingup wheat relief canto. X continued
to take them till the pain left my back, End I
am now as limber 55 au e01. Xnstoaa of getting
up a d0xon tiniest night X never get ftp more
than 0ne0 now. The urine is now perfectly
clear and has no sediment of any kind.
"1 am delighted to testify in behalf of Dean's'
lriianey fine, at they 'cured tee aftot the fart
Yay of hope had Na."