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The Wingham Times, 1897-03-12, Page 5
Oncf'ef the Greatest _. TheSURRRI pcolal e of Canada have received for a long time was the failure of the extensive wholesale Dry Goods firm of McMaster & Co., Toronto, 'ME WINUILA1,['LIMES , MA CHH 12, Ib97 No better stock of high Class (goods could be found in the Dominion, Yon are probably well awal e that the above stock was placed on the market. We were on hand to secure any genuine Bargains that might be offered. MARCH, prices will be cut to the quick, Of and one of the moo cout plee flgeres departed; about so much as;;on Daring course balance ofback. "It's pretty tough when Iran of this kind of merchandising cannot continue indefinitely. oflilised el after the p'edding for them: Soraoaf them were no doubt good (+l{€1 es sprinkle top 35c• tietton as well as in name. In one and conscientious oris men, bat among thele affairs at me time of life has to pot iii We are in business to make money and Cannot afford to Lawrenceburg, 011ie, where 11IL. oro anauy who, ttotwithstandiog their half his time telling young whipper- • pound packages, , p { h t rl t from tis only. C•lf.LL]TD HOME. Stamford, Conn., March 8—Mrs, Henry Ward Beecher, died at 10.45 o'clock this morning. She was 85 years old. She was born in Sutton, Mass , August 1812, her father being Dr. Bullard, who was a L. dict: as well as a physician. There were seven sons and two daughters in the family. One brother. the Rev. Ebenezer Bullard, and her sister, the wife of I)r. Jones, of New York, survive, Miss Bullerd became the wife of henry Ward Beecher on August 3, 1849, just prior to the ordination of the bridegroom, who 1 became the foremost pulpit orator CAUGHT. IN THE ACT Tee Telltale Treece ol the Tepeitry, INr HE MADE. A MISTAKE., Anti Plea% Mend matters a ]Bit When o Dissoovere llenlsan i e hexing- a 1 The fine loolrlug young genu ,-_•,•„ .__ otherits noon at the eturfy of one of shown into the parlor was a new one to 1 PUflE INSECT OkIILSECTV towed Ulu Tour ox five Washington pasters were a et,who was 1NSTAUT LOUSE HALER t little meeting the a rTwo Remedies we 'Recommend o diem, and they were having compere- file old gentleman, Who had lived in a . Lively as much fuzz. out of it as that state of anxiety for years le many rounders would have had at a sa- loon would inaixy Itis chaxlning.claugliter falx filer inouoy,. All young men were ufidex loch knee (loch iu 47 day s h of tipple. They were telling Sunday school stories, suspioiOli with 1iim, and• he was lemic- as a rule, but they swung around after grimy formal with these of fine appear, 1 awhile to temperance. nice. The caller intended to observe the 1 "In my youth iu Virginia," said the proprieties' by jntroclnoiatg Himself, bet dost, '"we lied, what is rare nowadays— the Bost. said in his stiffest business 1 Customers tell us to wit, a lot of more or less seedy and 1,res; shabby genteel old fello;vs who went "What eau I do for you, sir" I have I Powder does tellt that the Louse y glbeet the country delivering lectures on "I Dame to tell you, sir' thati Killer qis the very thing they ,have temperance 'fund getting out of it only asked your daughter"-- ld clothe nud feed ''Jost as I eacllrcted,' was snorted been looking for, it is instant in bt rogue Qne ! Farmers for Silting the Line whion at this time of the year so Seriously Pre- vent their Cattle (rein Thriving. our Insect s offer, such inducements except on exceptiona. occasions like the present. C.1uster•S—Sizes 19 to 21, lone: waist 1 LADIES' stlend d RibbeoOL dHMERu I full OSE— good fitting, made of Drab J01111, wurnan's size, wally cheap tit 35e. and as good a lino as is usually 25e, but we bought then, at tee Mu- . at Wu. tor . Master Sale, and now they're.... 2:ic. 1'A:voY PLAID PRINTs-••Perfectly . fast colors, very pretty effects, and { PAuTutAN PRINTS—This is a4inn w we think will gave every satisfa tion, price should be 9e, but du ing the i4u!daster & Co. sale tl price is GALATEA STRIPs—T1)18 is a useful and necessary kind of goods. It is made on purpose tor Boys' Blouses - teed not Beecher was a pastor for three years professions, dearly loved to take a glass snappers that they can t havo t n gl Six years were spent in Indianapolis 1 of sometllilig warming to the inner man. of nine. There is the most mercenary and then lir. I3eechet assured the; +<112ostof these tipplers woxeverypar- lot of sten just coming into active life pastorate of ' Plymouth Church in ticulea not to have rho rtelier get abroad that I have aver seen. I'd batter give Brooklyn. that they ever tasted the vile stuff, tend my fortune to some charitable instttu- BrM rs.13 inks they ob- DIrs. Beecher was the mother tofhree sW(•lrvect groat secrecy.11ugemeluber there tto"Perhaps- if I rl: onld explain"-- iam her." eight children, four of whom, three was o11 hem we thought to be a most "There's uatbiag to explain. I've sorts and :t daughter survive her, { abstemious olcl fellow; and no one heard it all more times than I have These are: Mrs. R Scoville,Of course you love thought he ever ,You with whom site had spent int a lady a maiden wanet you're educated, OHISHW-M'S DRUG STORE WINGHAM, O1dT Ask for Dr. Hese' free Stock Bock c- style of American print in • ' Dresden eCl'ei to in brown, 'oleo I h(se € AI S'ttnuel 1 the g tasted a drag partied hairs on any gleed, e i1OBEI�.i. the and green etlades. They have ti e d t o't of her 'd of mine who lived her. You can't live without lice, 5u.1 nppearan - gid a l Duey bu Thomas Bane h 1 but sale price is will wear Nell and g-•••--. to fade, prices range 10e. to ..... 1 FACTORY Cuero. -35 inches wide a new line, somewhat heavier than -we have. ever shown before, very 2zc special at ce and Huish of 15c goods years at Stamford, with my mother and S;fls as i1 lave uo nl Mr. < as gone on a 14,c. time in, soccer possess a brave heart and will. shield I Cunn.• Col. Henry Balton Beecher. temperance Woman as ever amso t of her from all trouble: You will holiday trip to friends in London and I.4CCG CCRTAINS —Setae very speoh.1 and W m, Beecher (.f New York, and New England, NYy mo Just to shield yaofroln nllttle res tVoOdstocic, p 1 lines hnvs been opened up, one in (;}t t, Herbert t L'ceebOt, Of Port t : more liberal Ro Hers in the good cwanted alwayti �tzse,you' Armstrong t tr is 3> ands lone, 5ti in. . , p r The lute terrain these a out embarrassment asin the- I will inform you The third line is ent the seek list p,.rticu r Y l wnsend \\.ashln#,ton•had become so suspicious that I'm not u the least in love -with this week, Mrs. Richard r \4 0 Mrs. Beecher had all em except this partioolar one your daughter." Se to.l really woe + •- 1,nU\yhat in thunder did you propose sale price is •anice s to magazines, principally i that he was the only ono who could find <' emu 14conces of her distinguished a night s loclglu�, , t p1 ce L far ellen? 13ivc o • here' 1 tell me that 5.:• vrtcle, taped and elegant eattetn, a but my flue ll th $150 elei aster &L t t B h contlibuted mituy , of of til inn.an 131_,4-,(157X-1. v u the tentlitigated r, n 1 Our a ter , husband and disenssiutzs o the Ino-' +,pllonigllt this olde1iap.rtLu1e to stay gyll to cone u1 and are all laid up. vinee of Woman, all night, and he had each a severs cold you want my daughter when you're not _ that my mother prescribed a rubbing of in love with her un(1 not expect to get Donald 111CT�crz!c of the 4th line 1 left tor Binscarth illanitoba, on Aton- _News Nctes.; gooSe grease on his feet 'and toasting it kicked out? Why, you" I Break away, papal" laughed the I day of last week, whet he expects. I The directors of the Owen Sound in by the fire eliC(l, he pout to bed.r"to secure a position as public School Nets , its it happened, inn the room where vision of loveliilessWholutrried into the \Ve wish bite S I Peet Sugar Industry are =till hold he slept there ;vas it e\v caiitet;vhiell room. "This is the gentleman rrant ing 1ie1g at tel l ' mother aS \�iuto'1' 1 . Ilcl he is alTauging her d up with Mrs. Thomas Warwick sr. Robert Soueh, firs, AleVeigh, \\ nt. Sellars, Wm. Rutledge, and Louie Artnstong IC lei • Willie, son of jiebai•d Mitche1l.,3ed g' meetings private theatricals or ler. . n, and a large number of farmers a birthday gift, gold there was an old p line was lei is r0w beets daring the corning fnslleouecl siclebourd in the sumo room, me to rifle a part, and I referred flim. to the lungs, I . otl i •, Z; .� , the minute and in his confusionMiss I ipet ed Webb ), an put i2lsido en ac t up• • Woodrow . are slightly i .� e East Buffett), March ] 1.—Cutile— + bled: bey cagoules in ilio goose grnaso to .said brokenly: r' rc, )e( tc�t resident of Sc. Helens, la grippe. o.wo' Receipts were light to ria) — ',alp 1] 5 I Take her, ley sou, take her."—De- I ,I lie annual set �l entertainment care all tc,lrl, a u,mpnred with 303 passed away op Saturday night last, our guest him sitti2igbefore the ,+ among the first settlers in fire. troit Free Press. rjJi j ,` FOOD IN THE ARCTIC: Oat morning n do �TtI 'lite to , ,nd KS It F n •t adl oa • f C< n p tet s •ars n C. ht o'D C8 c t ve x eekl,v Globe and TIMES 1 45 ilii L'alttl>al('Cl 1Vlllt He retired to bed on Saturday night Relit t0 Stralghi'Cll up the TOOm they Birds Ira grid 1 a L five the etc but u 0 Market b ee .il � Empire Igo � lst•t Monday, 11Iat t I a parCutly in his usual health' ; fotlucl tracks iuuiunarablo bet;; . 1 . , ^•ds that �o to inhumation f Wine- h 1 ted to my elm t t of ev 1 gBut is Iminovinti nicety Lives Cto k rnarlcct SU1nmPt'. vV1th a two gallon jug of goody you." t Rich somebody had forgotten to The old gentleman glared hopelessly rio'I+ limbus\T and. Miss Jessie ��c►4v� b� _ �� \\r I P old and highly d 1 1 At 8 o'clock • e for ti full nl.lu e . ndt`pcsCd with © 1,,,f.' ''� GO 0 ` 9 ! int in the vicinity a t- my nuut ac presented - f 1 I3rahagasked ito s� cars lest ' el( trrrl of t,.' ttcdee, !3e w,t, ale „ y Q��rr� f \` osh and had "Jost what happened after .that no ® 1'P(•C: 1 l ;1ChC ll 1 01111n a ttc A the town -hip a avian , i W pts on 37 i cars •• • C.clts' the ripe old nee of 78 years. body knows, but after the the servants de- " Sou mei IOC C. ?ro L 1 40 m 15e higher for choice ,randy Pthe • Advertiser nod " 1 f•0 � reek sick, ciur.►ng 1•lte nigUt, and• to a fireplace flncl the Sideboard, and iu ::c.Yl(. The in .• o2 tT. r, •� AQv y. Rea it ayes discovered that the old fel- R ,�`'A veri and 100 fatL'at'tll,;cutnttlonti,inandunderbred arctic. to 1reedi5"vastbeyond olveu 1 75 „ei•e scaeuel steady at lest , feta minutes hail paused aw)t 1 Ile low, afraid of main cold, had greased conception." They to not be fhorsauds, Family herald ct Star " stock tetltal'ine WOt`e ititet'ter1 la tlte`. SU, g in tiptopstyle, and the iearlings Saturday Night aunt " 2 5u !Reek's prices. Of the stoel:erS and [LulenK • ea meter his socks and toasteclthe greilso into his but by millions., tore U their yotlug; on l , + Farm S Fireside end '/ 1 40 ,(,dot's 30 ears were Canadas and + feet tlu:ough them, and while the toast- ' the tundra. Tl:e catLSc which attracts excellM7r• Bit'. I'hair tri%idea model manthlv)and " i 75 feeders rltl at� ]3.eader,•of the (1ti' revers; }tt r' Ri'1 to ;vas gOingen he made regular m1d not ; thcrleslecaase1otvl,er0 ill the ;;arid Fleming ( „ 6 00 and the choice lots sold readily ,lobe and • eui,llec t tit renfliria ;+,mc days 'age of fee neat tripe to the jug;. Of course, if docs nature piovi(la at'`ti 0( same le ish slane eean t inl�hor ine. thein, and the r applause.dieece Mr. Daily l „ �,• t c1 1 1 •• World nYlcl 7' .• Nowa 1 50 fl lo. ' was held in the Township <hall on Wednesday evening and was largly attended. To say that the- audience got good value for their money, is , worth of : oft putting it wild asa dollar's w � fun was given for ten cents. The music was fine, the dialogues g Al pp9©u9iti'sµ°1t g• -%“�c SPRING SUITS Made in the LATEST STYLES I` o to--, ' et stronger. prices. Best, stems o , andin the range place =:_ to600 Vis. Segel at X4.85 , a!tei terrible trigged;' enacted at Winona the tracks ontLocari)cthadilottetrayed 1,300 1.North Dakot8, in which a whole 1 him, i:o oue wonldh:tvo ever no:ieecl by .{ prodigality of food.” "Qat the barren ! lia;l'iCft'a comic tinges were \c' welcome. $5:15 ; choice light and Medium' , bv. Indians.that he lliul been drinking Out sW:unp cf the ti n:!raslianlctsicicla food funny las ever, and he is alit a 's I weight butchers', 10 to 12 cwt., sold faautly't,.�t;rs •hntchered eae jug sus , Mr. Black, teacher, and all concern - \ . !The family the that of Rae. 'Mamas of it. Ile I_e;�cr et: whether m aunt Ru1Sil more II nla.c 300rnic s oflthons uldslcflmiles to ed aro to be congratulated on. the I. at °*4.] 5 X4.40.• Can€ldii torus, 1 ". .a- heifers of at'out 750 1`ir.' Spicer, itrrtl `t}te.'. dt�ad are.. l t'•.v. At 1" oi:lc(lovcr the ruined carpet "or aver rear tlicb yatul; in a laud of plenty' success of the pro reme, which- wits l°z 7 5 3 0 I 11 \V ] d l o i t I t f 1 beyond the arctic err- "' s his mother -in -le w, . , ooufic.ei1Ce u the old •s of stackers and Yeeder�: on the. ' and 1:1,1 � , . 5 ,icer• came Star. I consist§ of ('rauberls, cloudberry neural it Stewart; grket inclatding 30 Car's o aua ire I,,rer►uont; + " cro;vberry boa 1(1. ar „ \\'av tov'ingrhatn; TED ThfC REPS' ^'" ' Saieer it,i+l hi: w•tfe IS• }t ��_ g g only to a otinc 7 >; 1b fu]IURs:— at .,a.40 • stol:k ball•i, lig1 ,q" . 1 Ut'6y l 4ir s Rurlse an.i the, .iscd idol, for silo hndthe reg es • 1! r. 1 h}tiC; 1 11 Riau \FYlsllen la seems incredible. The v e etation ' ° - Cil m'an's address 1 IC<lt fC d her two ellieletitt mt • l ton tt, 1 Forced by the per- Brussels; instrumental, 1 goodhem] the tawnslitp Of, `stcadt to Steen;, for but .fur RS th mode summer dialogue, The 1 I (;or my of Grey, and was a brother DETECTED p f Mr. \\ 7 Spicer market was dell. F� 1 1 O9t-9 ji 1uCll Cause •h 1111'Un formerly o Arrest of Voters. ATE • 1 petted SW1shillc of e < these bear enormous crops of fruit. But instrumental, W \Pigeon; dialogue, *hole- not ripe Iniciclle and The storm; song, J Hannah; instru- 1 lin guts and light thin slue i er5 the " ' if Keppel IIis d• h 1+'ceders sold a G a { 1 f Innocent irf i. the crop 13 uo p� , • iri' stockers, X3,10 C� wife was.a `Itss \yes sale end of• the :The slimmer, and if the mental, N flat tin; dialogue, The x.,.10 C.., ,3 85 ,. , the trrwnship of I� ;erul0nt. I.. Dexing the reconstruction. tinges in met eating birds had to wait until it Arkansas Traveller; son:;, W Itiftchie fur they , WFBSTER'� ► .3 t;5 a5 to quality •;and about all close e 15 cars nulcll cotes x ltd One day lost week Constables Alabama, jest after the late civil Near, R,ns ripe they Would stereo, sold tatg ,'all+ arrive on the veep day of the Inching of springers ers on• sale steady and un- Nelson and Scott of Rari.istan went ! m administered by the Repnblica)1S. This the snow. But each year the snow de - sold `Pt g `5 head r out into the township ll arrest t m ch ingt (f from Inst, week ; :scenes ell its illinleuso crop of ripe fruit z silo •slow and vvyC fed and : found 1r iron. '1'Irc coty, bet oeratsragain secured ec toed control of tth Dem- goy-, before the biro; have time to gathera fruit cafe 0n sale , I one Sold ahove ir(i ; heavy fed acrd as sol their a saw int his shanty, bet element and have held it ever since, 1 It o e the bine; Concerto the sum n - ale . the e greet The election of George I perfectly fresh and pure, and ►lptt,erntillts, L' L rl• til Sheep and a5 soon }tom he law th(•nt Ire rite up a I Democrat, as governor 18 1 Was 0110 ' lug of the snow discloses the bushes lanths Cars onsale to -day ,ts dark ni. Nei•ow Steil way to the ,with the mesh. aunicd last year's with 81 ears last :Monday. , hove. Nelson followed, but he of the hottest ever held in the state, and lying,reedy to be compared , of a "mtiny Were the tricks practiced on bosh inhthanging on them or melt - The light ict s 1 ' here In ' and good, 1 ;eels •'+ti k, . h> the prongseaten, in the ground. The frazcn meal raised lambs valuee :piteht,wk., and mete yeti a ntntlbur of `i sides in thfL device election.pPosOOper1fi timeliest stretches across the breadth of Asia. It 15enae;p t e to-1Oc ; pl'ltlle heavy lambs on ! had wnunahos the h�rt trine t a and 1 Mobile. Repeaters were coil -num 121 anevertret decays and is accessible the mo- �_ .. :. ;..•ao,f �.,!i7 ,rt„ to: 5 dd C� I '1'tle e+ntsta Isles were uttt + . I those days, and this device was used by !meat fila snow n,e1ts• Ages have taught ;flit' held t lie fur,. „• securely the Democrats to ditch thenegrocs,;vho { the birds that they have only to fly to ,i; 0f tllr late 11 l•1 to make a heel lc. trued the repeating trick. All of the arctic circle to find such a store of dialogue, The Model ifiu'n ; instru- mental, A Stewart; Dialogue, Folltw- ihg a Husband's Example;son;T A Hawkins; dialogue, Visitors ' from the City; instrumental T Bird; dial- ogue, Hard Times; song, T. A. Ha w- kins; dialogue, Competing, Railroads dialogue, The dentist; Stump Speech John Kerney; instrumental, W \•Vel'• son; dialogue, An Unsuccessful Ad- vance; instrument:it, A. Stewatrt; dialogue, An Uncomfortable Medic- ament; instrumental, \V Nilson :1'`d T A Hawkins•, Restraining Jahtiele ; QUEEN'S BLOCK., WINGIIAM, anxiety is for your Your a 0 Y Y delicate child ; the child that in spite of all your care- ful over -watching, keeps thin and pale. Exercise and d her seems to weaken food fails to nourish. That child needs Scott's Emulsion with the Ilypophosphltes not as a medicine, but as food containing all the a f 172 ;'.it.• tveragc sold at e5.75; bul:c t,t the stn ietle" choice lambs 'went ;at 5 35 ee to 40 ;: fair , to good light • rhe tun 5 �. -ell eti'eat itci'1 W11,0(1 •hill holds the fart the uegrOOS voted the Republican ticket i :,Crystallized feed " as will last thele I instrumental, A Stewart; t uni`,1•(�for (`yeI it�`r: Nelson was I thou. 1 till the bushes aro olicemoreferced into t On the election day. mentioned the tial sunlight. The Anthem. The proceeds emote ' d to t rschool 1(, 1 ch )o thec5 t pdevoted t b 10 bearing de c.$20.20;will be yw tl b gend iuS , to r da •tier b + (l f1 1� l s ►I t- he lr ; e �o a t (. •• lth e fx ,ut fro feta ftp g 1 cos ;acro opeuecl . brat ;vhtel • g 1 s had secured a The . 64rn6 alis Tieacoc 11 ht I1tOti(1nit0 swarms 0 ee.• exp,ne wethers sold at .5')0: \Vlieii ld elcocee hone' lambs, $4.75 @ $5; one lot of 78 1t); Canada sold at $5. Sheep also Welter by 10e @ '30e; one lot of 1.6.4 po lug p n . + Siuue in COnnnCilCOd. The Democratic eke- i into brills the most prolific insect 11f0 Ul'pOSe3. N ht Alarm, Lieu 4fficars at the torein the ;ver c . 1 n hotness Anderson l passed away 1 { d wile hurl - I kala B + tluili:ters were ! stock of small flshh olds With which to i the tundra, 1 o 1.ui0Peauc:,n 1>9 tl't'r m time on \londa\ an t ,r 1 hila oat their new plait. \\believer ,1 ; itlic7nt ilv^,ll alter the F110R nitllS. �1'lle Cd 011 Thut':(ltly rf last wcek at Bel• cu+ne choice selected wethers at 5 l i reached, the party iiiig thet With arrival of u rel voted an officer stark a tool: in + ��there,rave DCceased 1,ccame n 1 ot()ent but greuer)llly good to prune mixed • for solve, time, awa jtulg ilio voter's vest front, where it could g;llu barrels are black With aud I g t:et•p Sold At $4•ZCr L t`i•`15 i t' o 1 the head Warrenes troops. Hancock's '' r of cGettysburg had not ! plainly coon After hrtviu,n, exercised. t she Cuh be the cloud often ob cures the sight. Thus his 1 t open 5 ' the 4th concession about thirty For several years he had boon poor health, from mind trouhieir• and Anderson was a I'resbyterinn a was widely kown. j4lrs. ,flames 1ICGee of the N+ -'t line had the misfortune, to slip on the • Win„ btlnl pavement one day late wock and seri )usly hurt herself. Of I Mr. and \Its, Hiram Smith of Lower \ igh l e were calling. on i friends on the first line lint week, t O 0 e - have •i c •i11,; y birds at ' ed •,r 1.-rrLg lv nix hly.liealred, aucl lie satiated spell eoustitriiou ll litglzt of vaill.i„ L y S other olleas; pluca and e b l les. . t i21 lltllf t res D ' SCC g front Ln o• t tin tl con ago; e- ars g 1t mos qui- e them q y fill tIlel ti �o to th f i,nnc•h nt Canada expos r tv - - then mon •�� Hogs -90 semi � thorotl 1 1 1 t another p toes, one the presence of •sWarinS of ten - strongest. solei lit , » < proceeded o , d t+itl 11 i) oars! inconvenience from l t -when in the sec !der warblers, of cliff chafes, pipits and l ig5iou 1 '• to veto 'l Second titer. Iia ;osis : °` ' + nig ee seats of the . res " had des- e arrests so frightened the negroes ! „ped you catell a glimpse of the foot - asked nig "itwho arilwas 't. 1 ti111 Willi :getting on the groend i Rllo lied not votedeliat they to i 'aPea?", asked the policemen fto.it,geen to the polls that clay, and to election. ---(;Ili- stoopng over the itlemenble victim and the Democrats won the eailmitlitlgl his injuries: pageTinies-Iieritla.. 1 66 It anglttl'r<1 L110 men whose timely arrivae had seated the niurderoos i:rrcditarg stat: o villain awe"... "Bowes a tough Iooking Ail endencdi to instat:ev of heredl ' fellow, a little taller than 1 eon and .Pretendency 'to l iri o is l .ely. A I `yore thin yvhiskers. dclrred, gasped YrttEessei rottardel iu Paris lately. 1 Tito prostrate man ehu Tamer: deer Etampes banged himself i and moved his lips. Gansciottsness ~vas WithonG apparent pause,, leaving tt fare- � ieturttelsg, ,+ the olicslnaii ily of: seven son and four daughters. ' "Strictly speaking,P �� no the 1 "there 19 allowed feebly, Ten of the 1f le;butlent of , heard him nutter y M a 1 Genii a but rotlildr they Heel such thing as chill whiseera, Whiskers •itt`.fi:t le. 85' cnU1prll•e with- die that he had applied or perm .. colt y Yt Monday . opened 5c G tee, s riuh ambulance while on thereupon inieste<1 find put in jai u}col • wagtails in thin hectic region is ac - day 151 ' t4 t - , . th Mare ' p „ a • � tl%g n Saturdd y ; cl:sed east` ' 1 a charge tlf fraud. 'The' scheme 'worked j counted for.—New York Evangelist. • 5trC111,�41 1 1110 lYlilrCh And W11C1Lh3Str0(S )3 were 110t' been a sreste. By n0011 1!0 ILFg10e3 had and be lower than hest pliCes of t1m_,• in actiolt ..He wlta .reclining upon otic eonRIxestecl and j tile(?. 'The whole- I coda I• Itcuct,urt Stint. 1lula t' (onvera- },f t da ; \'orkers sold generally ate 6 l;e h General Grant, It few selected at $4:30 with sell. et t framed 1 1 •elan svllo f l '1"'14 ' o mrawth, It I pig; fu; heavy end-, $4 ; medium tam •+ac nest. a flee, ivhittlln�, 4 1(l R'rl 'his back agti r , {. , a st'iele. wleen the sound of firing lo12e rich blood, Strang'1-$1,00 ; liaht`phcker�generally " ti trout, IIFL11c broke p g sound .mixed• •05 C i•lu forth direr y 'S healthy 11;:t've, , March 11. ---At tin' c;ttd lf' n , tiri2ecl lzi•s weed, yr-hich was lyln 17ollay � ^ Montreal, p , •0 1vP•' 1 • �uc'kled.it..iu'ouutl est • tl!rCSt1O11, Ni ;t child reft1' .') ' inat'ket to -day; ]i00 cattle U e}1 near 1 tri,. , few ghee '• wci'C' `offer(d fo cad (° s 11! "• `li3 horse, my 110rse 1" The r ntl tt p • + a shot illi decline st (int; arts eftitenscil drailidderrt-the cry i}tje, 1 ht re u:re i, g F t r:�llt (l vayiclly to. t1xt3 btttti io'ices. Best tiitchet's' eat ,le S.;ct ' o mon sc C: of R1c11i1td III on. the nelaof BosevOrtle gSgL' fair, le G; G ,Coal , (letup lieteiled:tmoment withubttha tg,* S COtes 1 ll-aulsic'in. It is pleasant 1111..1 palatable. 1 rt . 193 ,, There•svtts a good demand for, . Itis osetiou •or: •cea:;iug luswiiltt Ing ......r .. . a , are nit fight - •T5• a "1,lie 3 8 y Z 1'e n .. C. d •. , rem 'n f ►t s ran 1 ce 4 rang Ing 1 t and t)1OU remarked: W yet. • + r •#'ring# fs til ,`On ;oue Attie: `fit Cl:t'Clgu -1 } g ln• l!*:,, \ r'i•st :3w ,e lite. 'Lambs, 44e G 1 mg. ,Tho• t sit ed on the takes t;�0 eidee 1,o start tt fight.", LI a of e t Pete l l L•IC1eatt .. 1, i . few 111W t 'S the fiis:g stied •Away, atltl. sidewalk and ,t Il cattstp11 tr . slight ' it was fonii4 Hutt ttir, eiloluy'W55 not feactx pa on the t earc pint, of the The i.trcetlelit Wier illus- back start of lits !:crag: Ile' is how Mr. Joseph Griffin . ex -warden (gfl a(:v wing. of esthhe.con distitlft ued temperament* illus - ever t•rn•tvlrE� t.*.;�1�t'ri c: nultlCtcLl qty' f.€ut'on, was ba,nquetecl at Mutat! 011 .1 Oates t1lag.coutrast, it1 the telnporalneu rt • s int, a$ tr�xtl•a , '(itlp. �..'i"tiP,rlslL" hast. : ,,..nal 1t'tr,ut' Porter ill Century. rrli"rl iii5d 'brgottenA r1i 1t•eil, n16 of rote on flys chtbk4. rid wore a chin tliii Wheal likewise liau°edtttrlliselt'os, The ]Ieatcl.'r Dr1ly;ttYrvl�'t;>! is 11 s , + sflfrl lee T Ion ,. , 1-011d of Agin awl has pg ag y scions tigablee elticngo tTribatie. +�ouCI the family hanging age•. thoI#estoll lean b aero uncon Times are lively in Goclerich'. Last week 'there were fifteen large p: e- gressiveouehre pitr;tes, skating on harbor end rink daily, a carnival, on t .1Lt t of ,• ac adranutic,l 'Friday, . , the rink . }trite every night, a Tri€ttitic8 nn Sat• urcl8y, ti phrenologists eetert€Itn• r Wilt for Y.C1 }tact, f Clt stent in the i vats 0'1 wife is now 60 1 four nights-, it l a.rtie dancing ' party and several Curtin; matches. •