HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-03-12, Page 1VOL; XXVI.---NO. 1310.
110t1111 EIVO
WE Ei...1..(1,7CHEAP
-110ing purchased the grocery
soak of Mr. George Good at so Much
oxi,'the dollar, we *Ili sell for
or trade: Matenes at 7e. a box, Ex-
tracts at 7e, a bottle, Mustard 1 lb
can for Ge., Mustard 1,4b Call for 12c,
Corn Starch at 6c.' per package,
Mixed 'Pickles' nt Sc. -a bottle, Sul-
phur at 2c a pound, 'Black Tea 3
peunds for worth' 40e a pound,
Japan Tea 16c. it pound, wean, 25c.,
Candied Lemon Peel 12e. .11 pound
Canned 'Cern 41e. a can, Large Bar,
• Laundry Soap , Comfort Soap.4c:
• a ' bake, SurPrise. Snap 4e, .11, cake,
Baking Powder 1.0e. a, pound, Laun-
dry Starch 4lie a pound, Pun Black
Pepper 12e per pound; Silver .Star
Stove Polish 6c. a hex, Ceylon Tea.
• 13e,17e.and 24e per package, Farin-
osa 01' Breakfast Food 10e. a pack-
ages, Yorkshire Sauce '3 -bottles for
25e., G pound Bar Soap for 26e., 4
cakes Fine Tact Soap for Go.,
) Tomat9 Ketchnv .19e. for a 3 balf
• pintbottle, .Currants 4e. a pound,
Figs 4c. a mind, 22 pounds Granul-
ated (Redpatit's Standard) Sugar fol.
$1, '25 lbs bright Yellow Sugar fur
$1. and everything in. the grocery
line equally low. The stock is fresh,
pure and well assorted. Goods de-
livered promptly. •
• • •
-Bicycles will ke1y IWO a larger rum.
thin ever this, seaeon, Si far this weak
aram mere for five different factories were
-A. yonng men from Teeswater, w to
drove to Witigham on Eu idly last, mese
aged to let his hoist rue away waile out
in town. ' ' , , driving with II young la Iv of t rwo,
lame horse, a demolished gown and a
--Publics Schools Promotion Examinee sprained mein was tits rent t.
tions %Ain tithe place on the 25th and 23th
inst.- Teacher* are requested le send itt People who 19•31tS 111 towl.
orders for taar'propere at ono. . .
. . 8 3 Keine, Gerrie ; W Cteser, Harris-
-Surrants-MdDonald a load of stockers ton; 0 E Ealy, Blyth; Albsrt Hewett,
to Buffalo on Saturday ; MeDenald add Listowel; Dan attItenzie, Culross; Wm.
Deviant', one oar cattle to Toronto; Move, Teylor., Walketton; lt tIrlaeuele,Goderich;
Toronte., .. - . e • ' ' . e s .' • I John Brennan and li, 11 Ferauson, Oliasley.
Walker, Page and Wynn, one mixed. cat to Jo
-Rev. E A.. Shaw, Belgrave, will preach Many A Young Man.
in the Methodist clutrohntext "Sunday I When fain eser.work, possibly assisted
morning and the Pastor of theniturch will by an inherited weakness, the health fails
preacile in the evening, His subject will bo and rest or medical treatment must be
e' se Woman and the Serpeut." .. . resorted to, then 1.4) medicine can be on-
-petiition asking for better poet office ployed with the SIMS beneficial results as
'accornotletion has been largely „signed and Scott's Emulsion.
tomer led bathe Post Master Galena, A
anlli ter petitien is ,also Using . gasped, and Fatality at Brueeele,
will be forwarded askIethat the .offiee
remain where it now is. „ A sad accident °tenured at Breese% on
-A, meeting of the. shareholders- of the
aVingliant Flax Company . will he held in
the Council Chasnber, Winghaire.nt 2
o'clock Saturday, March 13, for alt4 pur
• • • •
Mr a el Mrs. Ahx. Campbell are vlsitng , street and the hi -UM ef the town whieli Balm:Lees Locals.
fsiende in Welleeley a el North East Hops ; would be a great inconvenience to haat
1 ncl ole and there is DO °thee , Fresh butter and eggs at
NORTE1 END G weeny.
this week.
/Peter MoLaren attended the funeral of
hie Water, hire. alteTavisla, of Easthope, on
building suitable. Now this plan presents
itself to Me very foreeably, High Selma Great Bentropt Sale at McCormick &
we want iota mast /ewe. Now it was Pridhanes.
bited some titne 'Igo that we try end get
EsntleDS.-13utter 1. ler ib. at North
visiting in town fee a few days during the e, Business College in the town. am
air. Geo. Munroe, of Brucelield, wits End Grocery.
past week. . . the Opinion that rt Business College anst a
'rite Mises Sperling, of Winglien. are advantage- This is an age of rapid pro,
High Scheel could' be united with great ' Faallees-Geed °Pales wanted at the
North laud Cirocary.
the guests of Mrs. C. \V Papst -Seisfeeth grecs and vine of the Oollegieta Institutes For drst class oysters either in 1:1:tfor
bate adacel some of the weed try aicKEtirtes
Gael value in Brooms and Brushes at
Axial. Fisher, of Paisley, was in town Business College branches to their course
this week, staying Wall itis uncle, Poet • of rawly. Now why not nnite these two
Messrs. G. W. Cline and AL B. 'garden
, and make one building do fcr both? Such
tsar part in a concert in Teeswater oa a building furnished througout could be
na tater Fishtr. • • .
A/emitter eyening.
Liepeistor W. S. Haight% Of the Ontario
Mutual, and General Agent Stewart, were
in town Tuesday. , .
W Corbould, agent Bank of Hemilten,
wee in Gallia Tuesday 'attendieg - the
feral of his mother.
1). O'Contmr; formerly of tewn, left on
Saturday night by whieh Miss a . ,
Ainley a young. woman of that town and 'Monday fur Smits Ste. Melte, where us
who is also well known in Wingbant, met has made an engagefnentear -
her death, The father ana.. another had ' Miss Maggie Galbraith was in leinaon
pose of electing provesmee i ire out ketesaose •ateee previous to retiring I this week attending the marriage of MISS
A. Newer's, formerly of own,
goneto bed'and lAiss Ainlea went to tnrn
. •
th take steps towards nialting -dpplication I when' it exploaded, the burning oil aivering
weee extingeisbeca she was terribly burned
A hero drieen . by .(11uttuscey Jerome: Mrs Green for -------- minsn., :
Mise Adams, of Petoskey, Mich.; milliner,
for theater: • , • the unfortunate Woman, 'Define the fiatnee has arrived in town having engaged with
and owned by ,Beettle Reece, ren „ Away,
Sendey night.„ started .oe 'Petteiek,
and yen ttyt) miles or mere itith the.conntty
before the driver succeeded getting it
editor *entail. • ' The eniinals stlid bediaa
meal rip front 'beifteriagite heels, :Against
the cutter and from loss of bloodS, • a t
-On Friday avening ites‘, 'f:Tialtole.s.
Ntrilson, Matherrieticra Mader iti theLondon
Collegiate Instieate, Who has ben'n teach'.
end eufferea untold pain until eery er s
eday moping, valve death yeletesed her,
'from her agortyWeceiaseel was an only
c1 ' aliterand the parents end the brothers
'are. neariSadisteanted with grief. ...,, ...
- •,,,
. -,-- ..,...- -. .-- - mew tins week. . r. Bereee p
. sesee.;see's
,Thateo, yeteasoe road, . • it It * p ospeets thererrSeaforth B•x-
. The 13.ank of Hamilton, Wingham, begs positor. , _
to acknewleage,the following. subscriptions ' Mr. John Elder, of Winglutm and .Ma.
.to the Famine Fund: . . . Clark, of Seaford), where the guests of
Previonity acknowledged . 480,50 Mr. AleX. f./.1. OA sadeerlay•-Ferelerich
1,00 Recorder.
1 00 winter at his old home in Wavra,nosh, has
' .
Dr. J and Alta Macelcinald were in
Stratton' • Monday, attending the .ferteral
of the doeter's cousin, who died. in Texae.
r.' S. Ben e , of Winglione was in
The latest Itnperml Photos, So pet 474
I at tile Sate Photo Studio, Beaver Block.
put up for a6,000 with &bent's' es les
for thirty yearer woula maw ate annual ex- ,
peuarture of about live hundred eaters. 8 lb box Jersey Cream Sodas for 2.6e at
B sinews North End Grocery. 3-5tf
Epicure brand of meats at
Nonni Men aeon:ay.
A. money saving sale in Gent's. furnish-
ings going oil at AlcCortnick &- .Prid.
er in London for fifty. years. was ntesen
ILII 11 worded niareeset and one Jta ames Eternal
Mrs. j Slemin
VtbIt thousand dollaree.by, bat •:esaputille
peps.. Tae alaress,, from, ,-..144.• preperst
petals was read; by la1tert. Cerrie. Mealonald.
of , Viegbana
On Tneedef itftherioan; '.1 of
the }Enron Laundry, had nem badly -
resealed beetle blowing ont,of a plug in the
Bea Gracey
Now,I feel satisfied that
College is not taken hold of ay the towel
people soma private indivialuel will start
and as regards profits, the 13neinesa
Co11 farsur 'nese a Hign School. The.
surplus after paying ell expenses in connec.
1 ila-kics.or liret-at tailoring and cheap
twiaturgthsbooltoloiltritilitlIct.inss.atertIie, what‘ goStaret
workerl-together therete 41, cotime in High 1 gents' furniehiegs, try Webster & Co.
Itemeniber the place, iu Queen's bleak.
.Schonl ' called the Commereiel °aims
which would be taken up in the College end 1 •
subjects such as.A.rithmetic and practical 1 Secure one of those exeellent suits for
English, would be 'taught in 'the High labout half the uS nal cost at iNleCorrnicle&
Schools It may not bo getteially known I peieleutteas,
but I efete it here tee a feet, that there are I
Partners call and see quality, and 'nice
veryfeer teichers in our Business Colleges
1 of Lake Harlon, Herrings before purchasmg.
'' Nolan END GUOCnitr.
in 0ot:trio wee are eligible for High. Sehool. -
teachera, but surely one can be found that - ..
would fill the bill, I know some excellent ' Have you examined McCorinick & Pria-
teechere in the Colleges Ova fell abort Of herear stock and had prices quotel 'yote ?
taking up High School work ned vioe vane Deen't buy until you do so.
Now illraEditor I aave said enough for
Asitlbeoreitetiat*re": slitvisixye..t--0 1171e °riffle edewoerlltiongp'elotenr
this time and if you think $1200' or even
51000 a year, is too much to invest in such
an institution do not venture it het I am Lilian Wingla'an ot" Wiliteelairell P. O.
sure it is not and perhapsan another issue • .
1 can shiny it. to be well .spent, money. TeLL. :Vot.nt Funeens-The TIMM and
-- Globe to new subscribers three months and
the Canadian Cabinet premium ell for 40
scimething- for Nothing. .
1 00 jerjas II Currie who has been.spending the
Congregetional hurch, Turnberry 7.86-laccompanied by hie brother, GeorgeAgle•
Leiner ' °tittles, nisch as lame sreaa
Winghain who may require a sing eur for
A.ny rson reading in the town of
John Clegg • '
Blithe Lemmex
M Robinson
1.00 •returned to New Denver, . U.
11.1ethodist Sunday School, Winghent, 28.00 , COMMUNICATION.
Town of Wingham
boiler.. In springing out of the way of t o Davis
hot water, lie etruok Ins ., c. ,
tubing and he 'fell over, pert of the baling
water going intc his eye, but feertnpately
his eyeevas not setioasly injured'', •
Mrs. a
Sam. "
E S Ambrose
-A. load of pleasure. seekers drove over. T. Brandon' -
t G odericleon Mandel. afterndon .to the. Walter Scott
skating raises in. that: ,town awheres, the el Gray
championship for Western, Ontario and
-purse rif 025 were to be slotted for. Sam .Total
anti Cherlici Elliott and Reset alaiteger
from Wiaglianeenteee& Sam Elliott won
first • niece Burnside. 'o£ l'ainaercline, , school Board. have , . vu
-Regular -meeting of the School Board anything in this line is to be obtained, let
. 1 was•held iu the Connell room on Tuesday it be known if it is to bet got for nothing or
second ;Ina- 'Charlie 1.11liott.tliirdV
evening. Membees present Bell, Hisao:ate what it is going to 0051. Now 1 ant sure I
- 'a nay aentlemen wai the neser,i.
'Abraham, Barber, Griffin, Moore, mei am safe iu saying without fear of contra -
stook. ' Me ontfit of red mid white not; Button. Minutes of last meeting reed and diction thee there is not a High School in
employed last, Friday, and $attetyclv to
ton wand net fail to eniste re 'the. ' attest- adopted. 0131a:ova:me that is self supporting nor
nelvertlse tbe 1Y1cOormick and Pritiham
tion ortosssers by and his' antics end The Principal presented his report for ever will be, hut that is not saying that
fancy whistling' insured tor him a stood the month of February ' which on motion such an institution should not be establish.
ed. I say this, that the citizens will not
rinclienee of the over present and irra„ was adoptecl.
Moved by 3. H. Hiseocks, eeconded by think that they sae going to get something
pressiale small boy.
5.00 • ' NO. 3, An mon SeMene . .
50.00 \ ,-
1.50 • --- ' , . . -
, 1.50 : Mu. EDITOit,-Allow me space in your
2.00 valuable. columns to give my yiews on the
2.00 above subject. It is now some time since.
1.00 anything was said on this subject and -kit,
1.00 is to be treated iu S. hall hearted way 0
1.00 High School will never be built, If there,
75 are half a dozen in the town who eve mix-
. Sams to see suds an iustitution irt town; I
• . 8187.01 am sure the editors of •auy of the town
W Conueurn, Pro Agent. papers- will only be too pleased to have.
thein express their views on theesubject. I
d exaerience that if.
or painful hack, dizziuees, • rlache,
dropsy. Brig ' la disease, Diabe a and all
other symptousa of Kidney (ethic can
procure a box o
mewing this tar
viding each appll
sign his or her nam
of seine and present
.Drug Stere. Fir
until 35 full dee
disposed of.
D. 31. Gordon gives 15 Ms of bend pinked
while benne for 25c. and buys Butter,
and deiedapales by,the ten -pays highest
Say 1 You cannot do without papers 'inv-
. .
ooes. ing the session of Parliament. The Globe,
iltahn:d8eICv la- f Yli I .. ea illbilith, pre- Tines, for 3 monthseande premium for .40
et w'cut this outs cents. •
n address 'at the foot
at Gordon & Ceas dor at D. Al.;' Gordon'e; every azti301.e5t1se a
Handsome presents given away every
household gem, and indispensible. hal are
orne. arst 'served,
1 Dean's Pills are welcome.
Call at the Toms Office to see the picture
of the Cabinet ministers. 40 cents will
pay for the picture and the Tates and
........ Globcafor 3 months, to new subecribers.
The right men in the dealt place. Give
ration lite
Mellpme a trial for 00 try -to -date meal at
15 cents. Special. arrangement cau be made
for board by the week..
Cana 1 I's I...mut:nit Commercial School
This is the best time ot the year • t�
enter college. Five of our recent grad -
Water.. secured situations in ona week.
Callog u es free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
marriage latoonses
Issued by PRA.N1C PATXRSON. No 23, Vic-
toria street, Willem), Ont. No witnesses
required. Hon4,1 en,Friclay evening likEt 01
pow. of re-orgenizing the annior Maple
' Leaf Tanana° tllub. Thera' was no gond
1 attendenne and the club was in , d
1 with thefollowing offieerri : gen. Pees , .1.
• ' . A.alerthe ; Pres., M.' Monter ; Ceptein,
Will MeDonough; Treasntet , . '
liesuntb & 11 s .elee --Bargeins. j hol es Secretary. Herb aWigettenve; Hon.
Math to t Gloves,- etc, 'Me -hem T.D. Bowles, N Al reeepatareon,
N rata 1h1" .i _-Toilet encl. Dinner 1 E Veore...
sets. Saint writing to rt friend in town
R \rat etono- Auctioo Sale of Fenn from net Neatest sere that in that pato°
Peoperty. 1 there are 8 hotels and ell crowded so theta
is itapoesible to get a room.
aaeaseasseeeeseeseseseaseeeeeeess, 1 Boned' et the hotel?' rune from $8 to $10
'nee week. The mills ere now aoing a big
btiethess lett at present other trade is
quiet. There be re. boom
divine the coming smuttier in building
oneratione. Mill bends get from $1.75 to
$2 25 ear day and carpenters from' .to
$3 There will be a good demand for men
bot it is necessary he ear to be on the
spat in eviler' to secure a good job.
--Some neople may donbt the trutitfol.
nese of the Ashfield Porker •stery that has
been going the rounds of thiaptese bet here
is ene that I vouch for 'its truthfulnects,
Some few :taste age while thresbing on lot
2, con, 16. Ileeriele, tee heti heceeloe While
threshing to bulbi the fresh threabed
straw to the end �f art -"tiM 'ARA. Some
few days after we missed' one of • the large
pigs and a search was begun and to • oar
utter etteprise it was found in the bottom
and abint the centre of Pus newly built
stack. How it got there 'We n riser knew
unless it had been 'lying Weide the. old
stack and hid been covered 'over. This
may h doriseed.but I vouch for its tenth -
Num. 'When taken out s it We alltight
d walked away as it nothing hattliappen-
Chas. Barber, that the Principe'. get a for nothing Mud when the plans are fully
Ti' Teeter will open airs. course. of reeeipt, book printed for non-rasident pupils matured le ie Ithosee that the expense is
leeteree on the subject of TeMperence in with stub attached. -Carried.
The Finance Cemneittee recommended away and beyond what was anticipated.
OV I do not think for one moment that
the Beta ist, ohneeh neat Satereln,y niabfat either of the prevents writers wore trying
ate Methodise eh avoli ana in the evenitig in Henry Davis, Insert/nee, 615; A Wylie, to deceive the pablidin ens, way. The first
question that naturally presents itself
8 earatek, Suraley'afterrieen at 4 &casette in the payment of the following accounts:
the laseshyteriais eliuroli at de.. In'. his work, 75e. • Chas. Henderson, wood, 418 37;
supplies but unaer this heading is ; Do we 'really require
sebfeet will be "That boy of acairsa, 00 Jata Duffiel'd & 5 te, $3 3) fne
Meraley night stsame place. el 8 p. me tae that e2.60 be paid. High Sheol? If so whet are we willing
to pay for it ? Now yon can answer the
elnea of beer euelieeda with ifinetrations. Moved by Iliseocks and Barber that the
stiens await eleyvice. eecepting the report of the Finance Commitee be receiv- first for yourselves and 1 shall try and
Walley night meeting when a,cluttge of 10 ed and the once:lute paid -Carried. . present the seeond in as clear a light as
We commence free distri
same day and date paper is issue
44.5 Moved ber 'Remake and Moore that the possible. I have no axe to grind and AO
CIPIlt A Will . be made.
. . . elutirman and searetery issue orders for evidence of the fact I will give the Editor
\ essetieg was • held in . the Dinsiey the teachers and officei•s salaries for the the privilege of telling who the writer of
month of February and as soou as the ' this article is; if any one eakshimanclif any
51,n nnr- Principal shall certify that Miss Salter. '. of the citizens are anxious to see the scheme
land liae eompleted her work, she be paid 'progressaet them so state it above their
the amount due her. I own signature and then we will know who
Meeting then adjourned. 1 they are. If you willrefer to the TIMES of
Jan, so; it is there Stated that the Legisie.
- .- tive Grant for schools of two teachers is
Person ale. , al 'el al Grant $520, these Date no
J. T. MoDonegh haserone to Aylmer. lone can dispute. In the same issue the
s1J. Ritchie WM ill Blyth on Thurscley.V t a aa,
revenge attendeoce is planet at 75, which
sure is beyond the meth. But
3. k, 1. Ohne was in Montreal this Week, i stinting that such is the average, at ten
D. licCormiek was in Goaerich on Tues. ',defiant et pnpil tnere is an additionel
day, t revenue of 8750,50 far, so good Now if
Mr, It. Attach wars in town during tee , any one wilt tali% trouble to loots over the
week. I eurrionlum of 'High School work that
' • '
• • New Ads. ,
MoTtionen .1 CO-Serpri*es.
A. W Webster --Sprieg Suite.
31 Buideers Oollege-Spring Term. 1 W. "ertewla; Committee, Ti, Sil • A.. Bell,
-Mae atelasnl. of Toronto. hag been
seekinsle ta her wallet's', 11.1ra. Dawson.
fre4 ranerrt of ennsiderable merit
Wies given in the Shaw block, Friday night.
-Miss Murray, the eleoutioniet, will
give a rerifel 11011 in April edneistiog of
ficetett nn.1 Shakeepeareen selections.
-His many frieride will be glad to know
that Mr. (1. A.. Campbell able to be
'around again after bit reeent accident.
---The boot and shoe stoat of Mr. Geo.
Good Was gOifi in Toronto for 49 cents en
The &Baratta is being removed to Ottawa.
104 . .
Mrs. Fairfield has sold her lot and
of lot 400. Minnie et.
to Wm. Olen:tanning. The pride paid Was
$60010" ,
Sale Register.
Monday, March,15-alie farm stock
and implements ofD. J. Geddes, lot 0, con.
3, Morris, will be sold by public amnion.
Tbere will also be sold about 300 bushels
of turnips. Sale at one o'clock. Every.
thing must go.
Jelix Curette,
Friday March 12. -The farm stoat, im-
plements and houeehold furniture of Wm,
Robb, lot 40, Con. 1, Morris, will be sold
by public auction. The sale to commence
et one o'clock.
Jam Ourux:t,
Seriforth, is again in
charge or 1‘11-4m
1/artmeht-itnnikR +ylo Ilonntitil end
owles. " *1,-3. It.
I ' d
I Cornett into effect after July o tts y ,
Saturday Mar. 13 -The farm stock and
implements of Jobe Gardner, will be sold
on north half of lots 31 and 82, con, 1,
Morris -without resetve. Sale at 1 o'clock,
Wn. alessuar,
Wednesday, Mar. 17 -The farm stock
and implements ot John Peltoo, will be
sold by public auctioe on lot 35, con. 14,
1. Everything must be
j Cratere,
A.antioneer, 1 Chisholm's Drug Store. 3-6£
Leta a. .
sold as the proprietor has sold his farm. 1
Monday, March 22 -There wal be sold
by public emotion on the above date the
valuable property and implements of Thos,
Lind; lot 38, con. 11, East Wawanosh -110
JonE Comae,
It'paes to get your bilis printed at the
TIMES office. A free notice given with sale
bills, church hills, &o., and are read in
hundreds of homes.
I have more ft iture t money and.
in order to melees' xcl nge will, for 3(1
days, give some speci Flees to rinyond
wanting bergains. C nd see for yen -
selves at S. Greene.' re dere:
2-2Ge •
The Castro. Restaurant, Mr -Kenzie
balding, has been renovated throtighout
end every convenience has been. added for
the patrons' comfort. Meals at. all hours.
Oysters served in any style. Also agent for
the Huron Steam whash turna
out work equal to any city lauudry. Leave,
orders at my store. Jemes Makevale
Consult Year Doctor.
If be advises Cori Liver Oil, we reccm
mend Wampoleas Tasteless Preperetii
All you taste is Wild Cherry and that ie
good. What you get is flesh and streogibt,
res congbs colds and wasting (thieves at
Dr. Agnew, of Londeshoro, visited friends they will find thet two teachers will be Mr, Stinson of Minto, is the owner
here lest week.
John Della% of Duffel°, is spending a
few days at home.
Mr. T.Davis, of Mitchell, is visiting bis
ulnae, Mr. II. Davis.
Mr. John Boll, of Petrolea, as renewing
acquetntences in town,
alias Irene Eagleson, of Turnberry, is
visiting in town at present.
. ,
grate inadequate to take up the work if f '1,11 old book which he has had in
the coarse of study aid not extend beyond
there was an attendance of 75 even through
the limier Leaying or Second Class Corti
his posseJsion since he was a boy. It
Misled . "Heaven opened." or a
ficate examtnetions but wall 1 "Brief and Plain Discovery ot the
the extre expense greater satiefaction I I.,tiches ot Cod s Covenant of Grace,"
work c3uld be done and clone well, ana for I • 1
Richard Alleine. A. D.
would be givers to ell oblates of citizens, mei bV the Rev.
that With at sellODI Of Seventy-IWO and tWO inc. reading and is highly prized by
VB.. L. Dickinson woes in Go erre i teachers, the receipts would meet the ex. 311. ,, . e ., ,
week attending the siesizetaN . peedtture, Now est y ti at has .aiOn ants tattlite .
Bliss CaStiiti Harris, of Weoeeter, spent a livith two terieliers oe one watt a pass list ; One of the window blinds not rolling
couple ot days in town this week. 'Of fifteen to tteenty and threeteachers that , ,, .
up na usual, she steppea on tne
Mr. and lire. Sweets, tif Clinton, are the is going to cost the town some seven htni- i , , „ , , t
guests of Mr. end litre. j. E. Sweets deed dollare. Now I, for 'one, prefer thei ta.010 to ug tt, Ana in stepping down
Mr. W.A. Elliott and son Frank, of' later, this %what it Will eost for Li:oilers I again plit lier foot on a chair, which
well as 'mils. Now it has been stated 1665, The bock. is the most bite -rest..
V. It Beemer was ie. Guelph attenaing any interest in the 'higher education, winch
.d 9 A, I 1 MP8. Mitt Ulinton Met With a
the funeral of his ftither.V that will slow VAS fist of five or six I baa aceident of' Wednezday morning
do you prefer m yonr rat at sc too
Tendets Wanted.
Tenders will be received up till Saturday'
March 20, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the pars
rheas. of the 2 farms, belonging to Alex.
McDongall's Estate, tither singly or
together, if not sold before that date, will
receive tenders for renting oft the above).
aide. a -lab ,3. S. a'xren.
Harriston,Wetein town oft Monday. s°1"2°0 and Lb° run"ing exPen'es °f the , tipped anil threw i101' 14) the floor.
'.12. A. Principe:I ot Owen Sound h .
school. Now the greatest difficulty con -1
I I tie trill rendered ber tineonscionS,
; It has been suggested to use the lower and when a (14) '11)1' came in he found
Modellieltool, was in 'town, Saturday. renting t tic roma suitable building..
F. 11rockenshire la in Muskoka this' rooms et the howls heal. If the views of that a con pie of ribs had bean frac-
stoat I o
at special bar
Not necessary t
everything in the a
bought Geo. Ireton Furniture
the same for s e (for 80 days)
rathe then move it.
'ye °rig list of ptices,
e is 1 or tale. No
sham bat
lam. (Dr.) itexclait,.. Moncton and might tit ommttakora tf, my &Ivan la prod., and sho had sustained other
week in the interest ot Royal Tempters. eitlaetie were those of the ' Invector it
son. Xenneth, are visiting ft:knish% town. riot very satisfactory as it is too nett4gain 1.11jail08.
14'""'•14'""'•rn re, sold for reel,
only and what a not th to snit you
then come t•my own store as we will try
to Egypt oat wants tut pric
S. cirv.
Battens in zurti ttre
Do yea want to get eo 5 bargains iri
furnit et bed room • ites, sidebotirdes
extension les, spring eds, and stutterers--
0es ass, if elk 1 at he furniture store%
lately owndd b ttItrIedlairiday. ingIosIsttazi
in me own store, '110 ise of tit
bong it the busitte.
Itecht4leti;r.efot •xsass•isve oneitit, lit :wool wawa, i.teta