HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-19, Page 8MFINOOO 'WWII 1 WANT SOMETHING NOG I ALWAYS 00 TO M. H. McINDOO'S �•-_----•1:`amili'tr Sayings. SATURDAY. FOR BIG VALUES. Drees Goods at 50c., Tweeds, black Brocade* .;ud figured goods. sergee,, and Cheviots. 7 here're worth 05 and 75e. Dress Goods at 35o.. all wool, hand- some whitings, very desirable for street gowns. Plaits, Cheviots, and 'Tweeds, 'They're «r.rt h 50 and 05, 50 Pieces wide English print worth 110 for 00, 20 Pieces shaker tunnel worth Ss for fie .'O I'ieceu rectory cotton, reg 7c for do t Pieneslreavy' flit .wont tweed reg. 60e for 48c G Pieces heavy cottonade reg. 280 for 23o 20 Doz. gent's. tine linen collars reg. 20o Saturday 2 for 20e 50 Pairs ladies and cent's line shoes 81.85 for. $1.35 30 Gent'e: stiff hats reg. 83,50 for.... $l 50 11 Doz. ladies' shirt waists reg. 75e. for :....50e 20 Doz. ladies' laced kid gloves reg. $1..23 for 90c '6 Doz. clothes pins for 5e 2 Wash boards for. 25o Fine japan Tea worth 35o for,. 05e Great bargains in fur mate, fur ceps, fur capes. ready made mantles. lined kid gloves, underwear, overshoes. cardigans, gloves and hosiery. Every thing in winter goods at aud below cost. We have been requested to o,,nt:nue our Saturday Bargain Prices every night freta 7 until 10, which we have decided to do after Monday. Bargain Prices Every Night From 7 Until 9 at M, H. MBI1DOO'S News Notes. ing story comes from Ridge. y being turned out ou the relatives, while suffering fro motion of the bowls. The exposure sing his death. • An agitation is on foot in Montreal to ovide better facilities for crossing the St. wrenoe river, either by improving the sent Victoria bridge or by building a bridge. Goverumeint aid is wanted for ter project.., ie.frnit growers of On :trio are threat. new peat, th'e Sad' Jose Scale, ark Louse." • This insect ,has lately spread through the 'urseries•and orch'erd.s of the States of Ohio,tnd Npw. York, doing great damage. THE \1'INiarliAM 'I'lM +'S 111EJ3RLTARY 19 1S97. Death of A, latstowel Nian. TEMPERANCE 14ECTU13EtS A mut holding ft railway t,ie1 of RF.V. 0. T.ta tdnr, OF CUM' from Parent) to Ressland. segued R. I)rt,Ietiirtxu oNT.0 WU AU;ott�:NCF . Ai Liv ingst•)ne, fell off the 0. 1'. R.1 train onSuedes- morning between I It is known to onr readers that Eng:is'1 River and Martin, West of Rev. E. 0. Taylor, of Chicago, wh't Fors William, and being caught' last fall delighted large attrlicna ee in beneath the wheels, was killed, the' Manitoba, ha, been for the p tet body beteg horribly mangled. Oa .several means itt Oataria lecturing searching thepoekets of the unfortunate !under the direetion of the Provincial roan a bank book was found shoal i:tg W. C. T. U. Mrs. Alureda Ltving- deposit's of money with the private • stone, Provincial Preis Superintend• banking hoose of W. J. Se.)tt. ent, Ontario W. 0. T, U , send t f )r Listowel, Is is sup;:osed thedeeeeeed pu.blieatio a the following acc•)'int was from that district. The min of his work : had a supp'y of whiskey with hint The people.of Ontario are having and is though': to have been drinking; the privilege of listening to the lee - as his actions were peculiar. tures of the brilliant orator, Rev. P. 0. Taylor, of Chicago, III. He is logical, practical and scholastic; he is beautifully climate and pure in his language, and can handle the most pernicious vice in a delicate Way, s Much so that the foolishly f:t,tidiou are disaro. d. His address on Chris Patrons of Industry, Mouday the county Association of r. or t li oa. Patrons �s of Industry rue at � nt There was nota large attendance. The following resolutions were unanimously passed :-Than we as Patrons assenthl'- at onr annual county meeting, held in Clinton, call the attention of the Tariff Commis- sion for the Dominion that they are expected to fulfil the pledges made to the people when in Opposition., and request that they at once proceed to place on the free List, earn, coal oil all wire for fencing purposes, all farming implements and binder twine, also the abolition cif the Senate and the abolition of the maintenance of government house and free passes to members of Parliament. Officers were elected as follows :—Co. Pres., John Gowenlock, Seaforth ; C. V. Pres., 13. S. Phillips, Hensall ; Cora Sec., W. S. Lawrence Clinton ; audi- tors, R. Common, Seaforth, J. W. Yeo, Holmcsville; Sentinel, J. Stewat t Kintall ; Representative to G. Board, J, Gowenlock. Huron Medical Association. The annual meeting of the associ- ation was held in the Town Hall, ' Seaforth, on Feb. 8rd, wben the following members were present ; I Dr. Shaw, Pres.; Dr. Turnbull, Sec.; !Drs. McNay, Burrows, Bethune, ' McGinnis, Seaforth ; Stanbury, 13t1y- field ; McKenzie, Moncton ; Graham, !Brussels; Taylor, Goderich. Inter- esting papers were read by Drs. ;.McKenzie and Graham, Which ' provoked splendid discussio:i. A resolution was passed by the ,assooi- • anion and presented to 1)r. Graham ' of Brussels, who is leaving the county to practice in the city, eulogising, Mtn for the great interest he had always taken in the association, be ing one of the first members, and regretting his departure from the county. The oiilce•'s fur next year were elected as follows :—Pres., Dr. MeKay ; Vice•Pres.; Dr. Stanbury ; See.-Treas., Dr. McGinnis. The next 'James Quinn is on"ti 1 for setting fire ' to Mr. Hatt's barn in G e1lih" • Township. 1 The other day- e . comp,pion. of Quinn's muted Busby, confessed/thee he was with Quinn when the barn wits fired, but he said ' .Quinn did it. Now Quinn swears that 1 13usby did the deed in his presence. Fire, Tuesday morning dirt damage to . the extent of 6620,000 to the building. and stook of Sanderson, Pearcy ce Co's wholes sale paint warehouse on Adelaicte Street 1 West Toronto, and a fire in the premises of the Toronto Storage Company Ota York Street did damage to the same extent. The Gr a is have begun hostilities in Crete, capturing Fort Abgia: The powers &served notice on Greece that they 1 blosade her ports and begin hostilities in their eida unless she immediately with raws. The temper of the nation is such tat it is not probable this notice will have y effect. On Thursday evening of last week about o'eso3k fire was discovered in the tog t of tits wasters de.pa^trnsntal bock of }erliamznt buildings. rhe hydrants e found to be frozen and the fire fight. ing ..ti3)tia'rce3 of tits city appeared to be in a domoraliz3d state. Consequently little could badone for a time to stay the rrogress of the flames. That portion of thr block built by Mr. Mackenzie proved to bo fireproof and hero the conflagration stopped. The records were saved. The portion of the block destroyed included the Public Works and Marine and Fisheries departments. Tho cost of rebuilding will be about $x50,000. Mayor (Dr.) Shannon and Major Jordon, of Goderich, attended the ftinc'ral of the late II. W. C. Meyers from Seaforth and had a very un• pleasant expericece on the return journey. Opposite the public school at Clinton the horses asserted: their powers and the result was that the occupants landed at I)r. Shaw's , oMee f'ir repairs. The gentlemen ! were :i&..,eriously injured, although; thrown from the rig and battered. They trained home and the outfit was sent for next day. The darn-; age was not serious, and we are pleased to Chronicle the fact that Goderloh is still speared a Mayor and 4w The call was clue. meeting of the association will be held at the House of .Refuge, Clinton, in April when many ,. interesting eases will be presented. • House Of Refuge Cdni. ni6tee Mcet-, ing. The County Council House of Refuge Committee met in the Clerk's office in Clinton last Friday to determine and award grocery sup- plies and other business. There were present Warden Cox, Commis. stoners, Mooney, Hyslop, Torrance, County Clerk Lane, Inspector Coats and Manager French. There were four tenders for meat, that of Ford & Murphy being accepted ; two for bread, A. Kings being accept- ed , e for general groceries, J. W. Irwins accepted. The Com- mittee decided to erect a pig pen and poultry house, for which the 'County i Clerk will receive tenders (after i plans and specifications are prepared) up to March 25th. Inspector Coats was authorized to secure livery for tie of any clergyman to attend the House o'Eefage on Stab tths to hold religious services. The Inspector is to report the cost of a refrigerator and if satisfactory one will be pur- chased. Several ;minor matters were left for the Inspector and Manager to deal with. It was decided to plant one and a half acres of orchard, and to graft the, old trees where necessary; the varieties and cost to be submitted at next meeting. The committee recommended that so far as practicable the supply of dry - goods for use of the House of Refuge be seettred from a wholesale house direct. A Set Of single harness is to be Harper& Lee acemnt was left in hands et Inspector, extrair, &c., to' Le settled by Comtnittee. • day, in Air, George Johnstonr'13 house 1st line of Morris, fair the benefit o[ the Orange Young Britons, was very largely' attended.The basso was packed to the door's and windows too and even standing roomwas scarce. La grippe in l,rc,vlilent it, this' rietnity. Mfrs. Bieklc is visitin„ her parents Mr. and Mi.'s. Walter ltutherfurd. `Ir. Edwin Cowden, brought a sleigh load of young people over resins \Vinhlutm to the social tat Mr.George Jallnston3'. Ate 'Palmas Jenkins of the Bine- vale road opened his house to a large number of people, last Tuesday even- ing, when ire gave a bez-sneial, the , proceeds of which Will increase , the fonds of the Methodist church. ' dr. Jenkins gave a short address which was followed by' songs and instrumental MUSIC. 1� s ' lI)r33 Pella 07e: A. B:i443. Pickering, Feb, 11. --As Air. Tho:. tran t,tttzenship is a masterly ore and is doing much towards arousing electors to the solemn re)peneibility resting •up)n thorn. Ii : very sib aifi cantly asks the question : "Would they think it right to accept revenue from the liquor traffic for the church treasury?" If not, way should their consciences be sot lead in the sleep of avarice that they would accept revenue from the sale of intoxicants for the support of the Government? Government is one of the ordin- ances of (;rod, hence it is as vitally wrong to ttceept revenue trona the Neer traffic for Government par - pews. a wog being pronounced against it—as for the money changers to sit In the temple. Mr. Taylor has a definition of tem- perance that can be held in theory and handled in practice : "Temper- ance is the moderate use of things good in their essential nature, and total abstinence from all things bad in their essential composition." Ile declares and established scientifically that liquor is in no sense a food: ha only inlaence is to unduly s.imalate or cause a commotion, and paralyze or stapify the activity of the nervotu system. Liquor is classed as one of the six worst p )icons in materia medica. It attacks the brain,. the homy of the moral and mental power,. He tells us that experimenti show that liquor in small doses excites the imagination, memory and power of associations of ideas, and it depresses judgment, conscience and will. These results throw the entire man out of balance, as is plainly shown by the charts that he uses in his scientific lectu"e. The higher fecal - ties • are deadened and the lower ones stimulated. Some judges declare 'he says, that 'nine -tenths of crime is due to liquor. Rendering dominant the animal impulses, it hardens the conscience and drives men from the Gospel. It is not a coincidence that the intemperate man is a moral weakling and social wreck, but a physiological and scientific copse• quence, as shown by the lecturer. Truly the relation- between liquor and'soc[ai Viee;i3 such as to awaken the must indifferent. Temperance should htiveas aides onr •legislators teachers,' ministers and every onewho 'has to de with inoulding _ the character. No man, at the pr'eserit time certainly can say ihat.the Bible approves of wine drinking...,AL'. Taylor's lebtareas shotnd be heard by the young 1)&410societies, ineluding Sitoday schools, Epworth Lea tees, Christian 1 deavbr, 13. Y P. U., Bands of Hope, ete. It would be ne.dless to mention the different Temperance soeietnes, such as R. T. of 1'., S.. of T. and W. a. T. U., for, of course, they will give their Mit cordial cooperation in fostering and promoting an interest n sae:a addresses if they are present n there community. Many places from which we have heard hat e expressed themselves ae abundantly satisfied with the lectures, saying that they were immeasurably above the average address of the class. Mrs. Thornley, Provineial presi- dent, writers; "His lecture. were most educative and the best along that line that they have. ever heard in London. Every city, town and village in Ontario ought to !rear them." Mr. Taylor will be in \Vingham on March 11 and 15. Wilson was driving across the iron sapension bridge over the river his horse chocked turd fell agntnst the wooden railing, which gave way. Iiad it not been that the harness broke, the cutter with four occupants would have been dashed down on the ice, fifteen feet below. .As it was the home went over, but in the f:til one foot caught in the iron work and the peer animal bung thus sus- pended for about twenty minutes. Finally with heavy pries his f.tot MIS let loose and he fell on the ice below. The horse was badly cut and bruised, bat was able to walk !tome. Bishop Baldwins' Plea. His Lordship Bishop Baldwin has issued the following plea to the members of iluron Diocese: —To .the members of the Diocese of Huron, greeting: My object in appealing to you on the present occasion is to arouse your sympathy towardsfamine and -plague stricken India. The de- tails of its sufferings are too familiar to your minds to need any rehearsal on my part. It will therefore be suffi- cient, if I seek to impress upon your minds the solemn fact that not only are thousands dying in Bombay, the city immediately affected, but throughout the whole Presidency, misery and want, such as baffle description, seem everywhere to reign. An appeal for their relief has now been made to all parts of the Empire, and I am confident that to no land beneath Her Majesty's sway will this appeal come where it will meet with a more hearty and vigor- ous response than in this Dominion of Canada. Blessed as we have been by the good hand of God, with rich and various plenty, we have the means, as assuredly as we have the will, to afford thein timely and much needed relief. The love of Christ which prompts to every effort to assuage the safi'eeings of humanity; the t evhlatt. of the . truth which teaches tits eontltrll the afflicted of °India areboaCi7 elft"3dnte...fn a common br other:be:O the undeniable -; and gratifying::f'tct that they are feIlow • subjects 'of the- same Queen, and fellow 'Members of the same Empire as ourselves, all irresistibly lead us on to afford them- immediate •and substantial relief. • Confident of your hearty and generdue response, I now STILL CO 'A e' � 1'�� EIRE appoint Sunlny, •;•l ebruary 21st, as '" the day on WhichI desire an offering to be tirade throughout the Diocese and will continue until the whole stock is cleared out. -on behalf of the Intlian Relish Laud, 'We arc highly gratiried at tree suece.a attewl1da :g our a fforts in this dircet- g p ion;,the great cinsaming mass of title e:ountr;v are not slow to distinguish b�etiti een a lake and a genuine; side, prices tell et•cry time. Another consign ment to hand of goods bought fur icrs than NOTICE yE4V M&H!NE SHOI \Vingham is already noted for merchants who sell their goods at scarcely a living profit. Drygoeds are cut every day, so also ore boots and shoes, crockery is smashed, and strong constitutions are wrecked by ; the strife after gold. The constitutional can be rectified by using Gordon & Co's. Little Dandelion' Pills for the Liver and Herbal Bitters• for Headaollas sour Stomach Dyspepsia.. Heathfield's Healing Balsam for that Bad Cough and rain in the chest. Kidneys. Following this up with Gorden & Co's. Cream of Tartar, Baking Powder at 20e. per pound, wlriuh makes light pastry, and if tele don't make a clean job of it, ask to see their 10 cent Sponges and 5 cent C trier Building Button Soaps, the greatest value offt'rc'r1. 1' _r•t,.ty. MR. JOHN MURRAY has opened out a new machine hop, thoroughly equipped with a N ew Outfit of Maehinry nclu•.ling an iron Planer, Lathes etc. and is now prepar- ed to do a general line of re- irtiring. Engine and Mill Machinery repairing and pipe fitting a specialty. All kinds of shafting, gear- ing , lion and wooden pulleys, brags and iron castings sup- plied ©n shortest notice. JOHN MURRAY. & Fessant • Aa:r._,.. 13LUI:VALIsl. Mrs. Barclay, from Enniskillen Durham smutty, is visiting her niece Airs. U. G. Ce semore• Mr. Jord:tn of- 'Tonawanda, Ncw- York State, was here on business on, satni day. 'I'hc hr)x•social ;,given on Wedne- 111111111111 .•,..,. . .mim;ulGrinnllnP,lUlnrtllp NI I r /JOv/ .:rem • )' 1.4 n�i N CLEA RI � _. S.ELiLE. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Praying that God r wiJ.l ::::o eh all hearts toward the aficted and,needy. I remain, your ,brother in Christ, Meat's= S. He hoer. 1301C11. DAvrnsciv—In \Vingham, on Feb. 14th the wife of.Mr. John Davi, u; rt daugh- ter, neaurzt g'TIAiron—GIt.MO,jn—At' , rho r nose, \Vingham, or, Wednesday p'eb.litth; by the Rev. D. Perrie, Mr- \Viliiat>;t Dtiaglr, to Miss Kate Gilmour, both of Turn - berry. 0) k" 11oGrs--Mclsar.r,Aa--On Feb 37th, at the residence of the bride's uncle, John Geddes, by Rev. W P [-fall, of Belgrav'e, Stewart McGee, of \Vawanosh, to Aggie McKellar, of fdorris. tieo Corttrrt---\VADR---In Buffalo on the 10th inst.. by the Itov. George White- man, Mr. Robert, Collier, of 13uffalo, formerly of \Vitight) rn, to Miss Jennie L. \Vade, of \Vingham. BnYDo:xE-11A5 Ir.Tot---A.ttbe residence of the bride's parents, on the 10th inst., by the 1tev, li zra Pear. Mr games•Iiry. done, of Milverton. to Miss Mary Hamit• ton, of Mornington township. mita f rtl'Ant.nr -In Lower Wingham, on Snn-1 day, PO. l tb, Edward Varley, aged 80„„„..41 1' • C years, g. s 'l�i'ococ:x•--•In '4Vinfthaui, on Monday, � ..Y.�. Feb. 15sh, Martha, daughter of George and Margaret Pocock, tiged 30 years. 7 MACDONALD 3ILOCIC. menthe, and 13 days, coo..., 1 We would ask as a favor from our customers, at least altsdansepa snake it convenient, to do their shopping early in the dao`, in this vi .vise Can serve you. better in the afternoon, m at e bo much crowded that wo are not able to give ;, ou that attention NI would like. 15 pieces DressGoods were 15 now ft 10, to ee i, 4e 25 eA 1() 15 ” " .e " 35 20 8 ,e 5 " 4 • " Tweeds " It e, ,1 " GO " 45 " GO " 40 50e on the ;:,i 50c " " Mantle Goods 50e " " Heady Made Mantles 50e " '• :.1 Shoes 500 " " &;1 12 Storm Collars 50c ' ° " ;>I fl 'le'ur Sets 50c " " :1 &r1 Irtndkerciliefs at less than cost and a great many more acticles we have no room to ite;itiun. Everything goes all ai n;,; the line, Call early and Let vt.)'y special bargains. 0,✓D'�y WfGI1AIr ,