HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-19, Page 6• MOAT, 1'E13RUABY 34, 1391 ENGLAND AND FRANCE Great Britain :tnd France are once more growling at each other. Be- yond growling they are not likely to go. Governments, if they are nc't morally opposed `towar, shrink frons the inscrutable abyss of war under entirely novel condition and with untried but certainly tremendous engines of destruction. It is, even conceivable that the first sea fight might In. t; Seetle.af such havoc: as 'alt afterwards to Wild make it d111 •'C't, THE WINUII M TimES, FEBRUARY 19, 1897, A MINtSTER'S STDHV Funerals in Winter Chauncey Depew, the UnitedStates railway magna.e, having caught a severe cold while participa- The Baneful Experience of Rev, G, i ting in It funeral al ceremony, writes to H. Backhus. I the press condemning public funerals, FOR FIVE MONTITS HE WAS RGGPLES-i AND ENDURED AGONIZING PAINS - COULD NEITHER RISE UP NOR SIT man the navy. If anything is likely to bring on a war it is the ever - restless and irritable vanity of France which,alike tinder the Bourbons and the Bonapartes has always been at work, and has been the bane of European civilization. It received a well -merited as well as steru rebuke in the consequences of its attempt to destroy German unity. But it will probably need at least one lesson more before it leaves the world at peace. England, according to the testimony of all impartial judges, has been doing great things for Egypt; . while France, having been earnestly 'Invited to share the work and declin- ed, has ever since been doing noth- ing but cavil, worry and obstruct. The plain speaking, of__Sir Michael Hicks -Beach may not have.. been _-„teretly prudent ; but sometimes a little imprudence nt.t only is agree- able, but does good. A war between England and France would put to the test that devotion of the French In-Quebee to the British flag, of the intensity of which our Imperialist •-orators are always assuring the British public. -Star. • DWT WITHOUT AID --RE TEL'S HOW HE FOUND A CURE. Fro a the Tilsonhurg Observer. The Rev. C. U. Backus is a rot - dent of 13ayham township, Elgin county, Ont., and there is probably no parson i,t the county who is better known or more highly esteemed. He is a minister of the United Brethren Church. He also fades extensively, superintending the work a i • and doing quite a share of It himself despite his advanced age. But he was not always able to exert himselfI int aw 1� the body of a friend from as he can to day, as a few years ago I which the spirit has taken its depart - he underwent an illness that many thought would terminate his life. ere. To a reporter who recently had a conversation with the rev. gentleman gave the particulars of his illness and and says the danger, especially to the pallbearers, is great. In. Canada, the public have in recent years been working a quint, yet effective, reform in regard to funeral services. In nearly every case nowadays, the service at the grave in the winter months is cut down to a simple prayer and the clergyman officiating has the good sense to request all present to keep their hats on. In many cases, too, funeral are really private, the general public not being invited to participate, and only the immediate relatives going to the cemetery. There is no disrespect in such an arrangennent. The dead can in no sense be honored by the living, ex. posing themselves to danger in lay. Mrs. McLeod, of Ripley who lives near Weodgate s factory, had the rnisforture to fall out of bed on Tues•' evening dislocating her hip and re- ceiving a bad shaking up. Miss M. E. Crittenden, of Blyth left on Tuesday morning for Gladstone, Manitoba, where she will joined in wedlock to Mr, George Stewart, a former resident of East Wawa. nosh. Why Leave The Farm? A great many people are wanting o get away from the farm because :ming has ceased to be very remuneeative: But if they flee to .town or to the city, hoping to find 'I mors remunerative employment, they are certain to be disappointed. 'i'he those iesulting mo,tly efts:, le!full of idle bookkeepers, and continued the use of the pills for milking Exchan e some time longer and the cure was . g ' complete. Seeing Mr. Backus now it --- would be difficult to think of him as ' Huron and Bruce. the crippled and helpless man of A horse belonging to Mr. Leonard g g those painful days AIr. 13ackus is Chapped Teats. Cracked or chapped teats often cure, with permission to make the . give trouble to the milker on account statement public. The story as told of the pain given to the cow by the by Rev. Mr. Backus, is substantially openirg of the cracks during the as follows: -About three years ago milking. This is avoided and the he was taken ill and the doctor who sores hulled by washing the teats was called in pronounced his trouble in warm water and some pure soap an attack of la grippe. He did not and:after wiping them dry dressing appear to get any better and a second theme with pure vasiline. This doctor was called in but with no softens the skin and avoids tearing more satisfactory results, so far as a open the sores, and thus affords relief renewal of health was concerned. Following the la grippe pains of an excruciating nature located them- attic, that should not be left selves in his body. He grew weaker practice and weaker until at last he was unnoticed, at least so far as the perfectly helpless. He could not sit wetting of the teats with milk by clown nor rise from a sitting posture dipping the fingers in the pail to without assistance and when with take up some of the milk. If it is this assistance he gained his feet he to be done, at all, there is no necessity could hobble but a few steps when to do it in this way, but the hands he was obliged to be put in a chair . may be moistened by milking a • in F • five months these' BANK of HAMILTQN 1l 1c ant t 1111CS,, Dr. Sloan, of Toronto has decided on resuming practice in Huron and has rented a house at Seaforth which he will occupy before the 1st of April. He has many warm friends who will be glad to see him back. Dr.licnry J Rolston, Shelburne, is suing the Huron & Ontario Railway Co, for $3,000 services rendered in pros lring the company's right of way through the County of Grey, and putting the bill through Parlia- ment. to both the cow and the milker. These cracks or chaps may be avoid- ed by milking with dry hands, a little of the milk on them as it is WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000, Rest, 11650,000 President -JOHN SruART. Vico.rresident--A. 0. RAMAY. DI1:sECTone .1elm PRoaroR, Oao. RoAou, WM Giulio', M P, A. T. WOOD, A. B. Lan (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Savings Bank -Hours, 10 to 3; Saturr' ye 10 1. Deposita of $1 and upwards received nu 'tercet avowed Spadini liopoalts also received at current A e9 O L.,tea Drafts ml Groat Britain and the United Statot bought and sold rates f i t While taking a flash light picture at the residence of John Hill in Grey Mr. H. R. Brewer inet with a painful accident which cost him his index finger of the left hand. The com- pound used to cause the light is highly explosive and very dangerous to handle. On this ocyasion it ex- ploded in the nicklo vessel which Air. Brewer held in his left hand and besides shattering the index Linger a nasty gash was made on his thumb besides a piece of the metal striking hint behind the ear. Dr. Ka.lbfleisch was called in and dressed the wounds and the patient is now progressing favorably. Souris, Man, Sept. 21,1896. Bates o•, Dear Sirs,- I tind your goods aro tak- W. W. COIIBOULD, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART Fon ARRIVE Fam; Toronto and East 6:50 a.m. 1:15 p.m 3:15 p. m. -•via Clinton Palmerston Mixed 5:30 ” 10:40 a.m London and South 6:50 a.m. 11:10 " 3:15. p.m. 8:00 p.m. Kincardine 11:10 a.m. 6:50 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m 8 „ 5:30 " A. E. SMITH —18 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY 'MORNING —AT THE— TIMES FFICE, JOSEPHIFII. STREE r WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subscription price, $1 per year, In advance, ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 U me. 1 8 u.o. 1 1 mo One Column 800 00 8i0 00 820 00 800• tlatt " so ao 2e 00 12 00 e 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 3 00 One inch b 00 3 00 2 00 1 0 Legal and other casual advertieemonts, Re. per lin ' for first insertion, and 3 ,, per line foreach subeequeu insertion. Measured by nonpareil scalp. Local notices 10e. per line tor first insertion, ands. 6o. per line for oaoh subsequent ,nserticn. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations.. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 Ilnop• nonpareil, 81 for first• month, and 50e. for each subsequent month, Houses and Furors for Sale, not ,exceeding 8 lions 81 tor atet month, liOu. per subsequent month. l'e rI110I1t in proportion. Lnr••nr ad rtis , s Th arms ms nasi be strictlyadhered to. tr ar• tecial rates for larger advertisements,o fo } ti t oil •cr periods. IAdvrtisements and local notices without epecifl directions will he htsorted'till forbid and charged: accordingly. Tranautury advertisements must paid in advance Changes for contract advertisemontr must be the o1Nce by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week 8. C. I1ROWWN, n'toi'alarou AND PUBLISBI BANKER, WINGHAM GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. Money advanced o F.trmore and Businosi teen on endorsed notes and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. Edmanson.&C ing remarkably well with my customers and they appear to give every satisfac- tion, as indicated by the fact of having sold one half -gross et thePilis alone in August. S. S. SOURis, Man. The Last Straw. age . pains were endured. But at last drawn. But the practice is not to 1 "I don't believe Nellie cares much relief so long delayed came. A be condoned anyhow. If the twiner forme ," observed Dicky Doolittle friend urged him to try Dr. Williams', must have something done and can- disconsolately. Pink Pills. He yielded to the advice not milk without it, let pure vase- "What's the hatter now?" queri- and had not been taking them long line be used. It will soften the teats ed his friend. when the longed for relief was and the milker's hands, and, if not "Well, you see she bought a new noticed coming. He could move used in excess, will do no harm in clock the other day and put it in more easily, and the stiffness and any way. It is excellent for pre- the parlor." pains began to leave his joints. He,• venting cracked teats in the winter, I wonldn,,t mind that." "Oh I don't care for• the clock. But when a little door opened at midnight and in stead of a figure, representing a newsboy appeared and yelled `Morning paper!' loud it 1 e enough to waken the whole family, I thought it 1i as time for me to say good by forever." would. 3 clerks and helpers of all descriptions: Fon •-every vacancy that' occuss 20 men stand ready to fn11. and that at a salary that will no. Mit of much, of anv, surplus aftet•,jrving expenses are paid, For e man even ' well qualified fur Shonklice of Ifderslie died in the now past his 80th year, but as he said. "by the use ot Dr. William's t Methodist church shed on last Sunday evening during the services. stions in the city, the prospect at Pink Pills I am as able as those ten ent is gloomy, as there are no cies. But for the man unquali- way of education and special ct there is at present no pro-, atever ot fat , bs in the city:' 0 easori boy raised t 1 nri>:�rl snake a farmer, 1s has no taste for farm life. But befog a starting out into the world, he must qualify himself well for the „position. toto which he aspires. The ,towns nd cities are dependent on he farms for fresh and f igorous 11 • + end it would mean the }•catrs younger. You can readily judge of this when I tell you that I iaid 40 rods of rail fence this year. I atm. glad to add my testim )ray in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at. the root of disease driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of par. alysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sciatica, rheumatism,etysipelas scrof- ulous troubles ets., these pills are superior to alt other treatment. They are also a specific for' the troubles Miss E. Reed, of Chesley, has been engaged to sing on the occasion of of the organ recital in the Presbyter- ian church, Wiarton on Thursday next. During the past year there have been 57 births, 2(3 deaths and 15 marriages registered in McKillop and the clerk says there were a good many of each that were not register- ed. Yesterday 11r. A G-. Fortune of Walkerton drove out into Brant, and downfall of the cities if1 which make the lives of so many before returninghad taken the horns us ` of 8 2 head of cattle. The process is pi?c�iould cease to leave the farm. a burden and speedily restore the to and .simple. Mr. said be rapid s 1p But before leaving the farm be sure tit h glow of health to pale and sal -John Little and Mr. Cunningham You know what you want, and that ow cheek. Men broken down by owned tine bulk of the cattle. • by reason of special fitness there is overwork worry or exeesses will find a reasonable certainly of attaining in Pink Pills a certain eure. Sold Mr. John Ballantyne Blyth -went to the desiredt end.. If anyone leaevs ( by ail dealers or sent by mail post- Teeswater taking with him the well Inesfarinsunder the impression that paid for 50e. a box or six boxes for known hound, "Dock.'•' ' Teeswater there are many ettadvantages in the $2.50 by addressing Dr. Williams' proved to be too quiet a place- for city not found on the farm, he will Medicine Company, Brockville. Ont., "Dock" and he returned home on discover later that the advantages of or Slic.esetady, N. Y. Beware of Tuesday having travelled the dis- city life are greatly overestimated, imitations and subsititutes alleges to tante, 22 miles alone. and that the advantages of farm life be "just as good." Thos. Foster, of Ripley, wild • re - have been underestimated. Don't - covered only a few weeks ago from be discouraged, we believe that Listowel, Sept. 22nd, 1890. the effects of a broken arm,' was.' un- agriettlture is destined to see better Edmanson, Bates & Co., fortunate enough to fall .while coming iays.-Journal ofl'Agrieultnre. Crentlema.,-I have pleasure in ray- ing that Dr. Chase's Ointment Pills and out of the Methodist church on Sun - Catarrh Cure and Lintseed aud'1'urpen- day evening last, breaking his leg Mrs. John Taylor, of Portage la tin" are selling well and are giving every and sustaining other injuries. Y g satisfaction. hinny of my customers Prairie. Manitoba, who, with her have spoken highly in their praise. Wo regret',, to `announce 9f hllieS band and two children, visited J. A. HACKING. Lily Holmes, eldedt.daughter'ofi• Mr, ltatives and friends in Blyth for Dr. CHASE CURES FATHER AND CHILD J. W. .Ilolnnes, 'of Clinton which• eral weeks this winter, died sud- Relies Of Dr. Livingstone. occurred on Thursday;' at the age of y at the home of her uncle in Several interesting relics of Dr• 20 years. She has been ailing for on Friday. Deceased for some Livingstone were t'n view a few days some time from' a complication of lied taffered from heart trouble ago in Ediburgh. The most interest- diseases being helpless for several , together with an attack of ing of them, perhaps, were the purse months, • don of the lungs, was the and Bible he carried with him After somewhat lingering illness 11 h f her death. She Was mar -across Africa. in his great journey Jas Smith oneknown years ago to Mr', John Tay- of exploration. The Bible, which is citizens of Walkerton passed quitely r, son of Rev. J. B. Taylor,of is a dumpy 8vo volume, from Oxford au ay on Friday'aftenoon last. Mr. Morrie, and leaves behind to mourn -University Press, is dated 1835, and Smith was A. native of hamburg, loss of It faItllfTil wife and loving has the explorer's name legibly Germany and was born in the year Cher, a husband and four children. written across the title. Aliso from 1828' He emigrated from that county to America in 1842 and settled down to farming in the stat3 of M$ohi'gan Ile came Cattle over to Candy ltr 18raan nd in 1872 settled in Walker- ton. ' °ceased Watt a sister of Hon. Ro:;alrt top to bottom of the page in his awn Wauteof, Minister of Public Works in handwriting there is the legend, the Manitoba frovernment, The in- "The Bible which went with me in *erinlletilt will take place at Portage all my wanderings in Africa. David to Prairie. Livingstone, February 1868." Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES dim,ly Wynne( d on Mortgages at 51 pet centwith privilege of paying at the end of any year, Note and accounts colledted. ROBT. MoINDOO. Beaver Block 11•ingham, Ont WE 'AN GIVE J'('t•1TIONS to persons of al grade ability. Agents, boolc•keepers, clouts, farness' •us, htw)ere, mechanics, physicians, pew:here, s dents, marries] and sir • e women, uidotve. r'ne ne are w otih fro ., 00 to 12,600 per annual. Si • eve paid s nal cruvasse•o $LO weekly for years Many ,eco stetted poor and heroine rirh with a .,tieulars upon application and if eatirfactor ( errt.snt}, a pelsouni inter- view may he aut:cd, is is nn hr,tcst advertise - molt, a . if Stu want • atter our position, writ •elate you slop. ate ►afar)' expected Nei her Imam , cr 111 piers n rpply. TILE BRAD- LEY•GAarii- nOx CO., 1.11) , Tore i • t f DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET 14 d l OMR Emitlovm. nt for whole or spare time : either sex ; 1.0 cam ssft g whatever: plain writers preferred ; ref o $12 weekly, book corrtspondence copying. Ups:treenes, specimen tapirs and instructions ready to go to work, 50c.. retui sable if not accepted. thorongh•y geouiiie. Address, warren Pub, Co., London, Ont. 1.16 y WAN of undoubted c industrious, can al with 560 per ma ability. YVANSTONE, �. ONTARI BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat. interest. No commission charged. Mortimer', tow) and farm property bought and Bold OFFIOE—Beaver Block 1VixonAa Yonne Wren and women, or —older ones if still) nun in spirit Iter, good talk ' n ions and n d•' in a good cause, upwards, according to ronto, Ont. t f Both afflicted with Eczema of a very troublesome type and cured in a remarkably short while by Dr. Chase's Ointment. "I was troubled for ten years with eczema on one leg; the itching was something terrible; would scratch until the blood came. How I came to know the value of DB. CHASE'S OINT- MENT, I have a little girl two years; when site was one year old the sante disease began to show upon her face. It wasn't long before her face became literally Covered with it. In order to keep her from scratching it we had to band- age her hands up. I hied several doctors, but got no relief. Seeing D. CHASE'S OINTMENTso highly advertised I made up my mind to pur- chase a box, which I did from one of our ' lending druggists. The first application I noticed a change. It was then I began to think about myself. With four or five applica- • tions, to my surprise, I am completely cured, no sign of the disease, and my little girl's face to -day is clear of all the scabs. I am only too glad to inform any person what a blessing DRP CHASE'S OINTMENT has proved itself. " HIRAM FRE?. •' Wheel Maker, ' "Norwood, Ont." SC A YOUNG PEOPLE'S I NMI. Y. P. S. C. E. -Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. B. Y. P. U.- ,Aleeting. every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. . EPWORTH LEAGUE -Meeting evary •Thursoay evening in the 'Methodist church. r Break Up a Codi in lime tel/ BY U:If1C P y -p Eirf0lt:. ,'Jrne 9tttiie Cure for (Jt)r'(:115, (Or,1,i:, Chet 1', 7at0.4.- 0:1111S, ;ttl.0 t:1Jur,d, etc. Dias. Josrrt( ::• rn'lCx, a of6f Soren.tit Mc., 1 ru.to,t r ,. ir•• r n..t t :.. r Y • Ltre.h. n •, r f y Uty,t tldnn or t+ I .) rarow d.1.N, aIs fter e1t q•.n1fof If nl..ta,diet &,L a his r•t„ra rtrr,m 1•st.t ab d. It his Hien trtovnl un ox. ellnnt yetis ion a far Ivy Nal y. 1 p.'M1a it to anv whet a+.dttdw 1•.1 Lowell, (soup or tearooms. ' it. n. I0..•11. r.c, of Little Ito her, Nil., writes; HA, a Oro t. r r• agYi fyiy.ra•tnr*i Ir tt•. 1.•r•, e'Illn n:.n:.fne.J Dare; ay CO. mac a t13 earn r.. (Anon Urge i;ottlw, ISE Cte. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, Mears:At . ForTwD ty-seven Years DUNN'S BAKING PO'; DER THE GOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGE$v SALE IN CANADA. .1. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., Winghant, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF HAMILTON. MONEY LOAN. Office -Meyer Brook. Wingharn. MG. CAMERON, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e OIRce-Corner Uanttlton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. Ournu IeE, ONTARIO. Caveat* and Trade•15uk1 obtained, and' all patent • business conducted for MODRR%TK MI. My c fSccis in the'immediate vicinity of the Patent °Mee and my facilities (or securing patents areuasurpasletj, ., Send modes. sketch or photograph of invention wit:. dkscripdon; and statement is to adrantages claimed. *rive vita rye. 4$ rna.fe for an opiniork as to patentability,and my fee for prosecuting the application rani trod be rafted for until IA* taroingMt iatent de nformation set free. 111 uCe .t i1• setters CoaSf(eree as aridly dy OoRI4cuhl.l.. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH sea 1 S. rete WZsuIxaroN. Ila- . r••••a •••Wc8 • P LAS I l.� • i • 1 here prrsrrllwl Menthol:1a-1'rhn a tteldv.r .f tano et usual,,te mud rh•'•wae..5 hetes, mw am Tory math plrasr,i TAO' Lha .Rc-id .nit pleas*ntnou of Ito M..1IrattnS,Air.11. ei2r*' Lia, 1( D., 11.3 1,(t aril I hay. utod N.ntt,•i t carte L: ser.rot easri • ofnt,&.enIK rho.motlto n4 d:.ln hoot) sae. Biota eav(ulmnet Inatome ar'A r-.`mt n.Nt rdle4 —J.• n. M00111 X0. N aahlnik.n, 11.11. It Cures Sciatica, Lttmbx1rn, Tien. retain, fable 1a Back or • Any Mitacutar Paler. • 1't! -e /Malt St-Lawrenea Co., Ltd. ,1443.1 ..., r Proprictolr, Mogi 441L. • • `' • Y 11ENTISTIIY.—J. S. JERODME, L. D. S.,1vienuati. 1l. a, is auumfucturutg first•clses sate o teeth as uhcup nn th) b d c can c ma e in the Dominion. Teeth extraotad absolutely without pain, by hts new process, guaranteed perte, tly sate. OFFICE: In the Beare Block, opposite th Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRw1N, D. D. S., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennrylt.o Dental College. OFFICE---MACDONALD BLOOK. Noxi—M ill visit Blyth every lvedmwday. JOHN RITCHIE GENERAL INb(JI(AN E AGENT WINOUAM, ()START PDEANS, JR., W110,&AM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER P'O1. ,LIE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. JOHN CURItIE, WINaEAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements specialty. All orders loft at the Toms office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. - • JOB PRINTING, 'INCLUDING Books. Pamphtrte, Posters, 51 1 Heade, Circulars, &o., &o., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderate lirieos, and on short notice. Apply or address 3.O Rit0WN, site Office, %ngham. BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announce that any Rooke Magazines loft writh us for Binding will have prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any etyl will be given on application • the Toms Otfloe. „ ICTORTA • III: LIFE Q R I E AND REIGN" Greet �irtor ork relit on fir , eight to ands, Lord , iferin in • ee it to Orn • . n glowing words. EMy to make , ,ante make twice that. Many make oto a time than during day at regular • intent. TAW Great Sex. alteuar . Miens aro boom' Book, on tintreepecturfrae to canvassers. .ry going fast T.. BRADLIT•GAaaITso:r 00., LTB, oat- e , Ont. SgCIITY' MEETINGS. Camp Oaledoal. Na. 4ein" S. r fathe Aret awl. thud Meadayt every moot lt, la she Odd rellswI tMall. 1f,1t1 ht'ethren Neloe.se. J. Ilneray, Mei r. endo■, Rea..flrc , t.4 The daaJ Dr. Agno', are t And are Cure 0 headaeh� burn, Dy troubles Sold itt CI ASST, .CAVA Continue Wo baro -ers from o hire, Netr fifth Into 1 Why do certificate fes, qutlif shorthand on ns for This is t ego in Oa students ford and 'I erich 1, U. 3, Wroxe' ,ton 1, AI Mich, 1, L 2, Painter Napier 1. mall 1, Lo Ravtnsal Park 1, 0 Meyer 1, 1, Honda For Cat it war :•a SU OV TR and do f tall at l Pay I be an