HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-19, Page 5• ' • ' "..."7"r• ' 7.'T•41477.70-:.•4. U. ilk: NV IN (1.11ASI '11.3,11474S, FEBRUARY 19, tb97, in DOUBT As to whether you are buying Goods Cheap enough try this store. Corn- pariaon of prices you are paying elsewhere with those with which we eharge, may open your eyes to the Aloney saving opportunities always open to you at this store. Jest now our rirIFE.PIL ICO) Pfie 11.-43E: Is an affair in which our customers rare taking great interest. If you want to get acquainted with the store we. feel like saying that this is the beat tpne we know of. Wo shall be glad to welcome you among um' list of patrons. 0<ab••••••Car.4,..43.A:11,..c) PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Raisins good quality, 5 lbs. for 25e Fresh Corn starch, best mode, regular pried 10c. trade sule price 5c A few more vegetable dishes 1.4, These orb made -of the beet Iron -stone China, fancy pattern. round, uneovered, in three size, regular price 15c, 20o, and 25o each, trade 6tr1e price 10e, 12140 and 15e each Special line Laundry Soap, 5 bars for D'0. Brown Teapots,•emall size, new shape- 'regular 25c, trade Fele price 15a Vactory Cotton, )ard wide. regular mice 4 and Ott trad eale lattice 33to Towelling, 20 ii•nches wide, fancy border in red and blue, heavy make, regular price Sc, trade :sale price 5c Black Brocade Dress Goods, good patterns, 42 inches wide, Tat black and guaran- teed acid proot, good value 4.0c,but cheaper at our tradeaale price 25o 'Ginehates, new colors, new patterns, warranted not to fade, 'sure to give satisfaction 50 a yard •, en's Extra Heavy Dark Colored Flannelette Top shirts with collar attached, in red;brown and blue (.13ecks,,one of the Lest wearing tElharts se bevelled, reguisa• 70c, trade sale price 50c Whitt Winter Goode we baceileft will be cleared outt.during the next few days of thia great sale New'Goods aro coming to and daily and we are maibingpreparations for•great- ly increased sales during the rpresent ard following am/the We told you soaraatime ago about our big purchase•orrOottonade. IP you requireaDottonade let usf 'bow you what we are doing. . !Follow up our "ads" every iweek. We never make a statement we (canna u•ftiII, iblIVER TERLINING1I5 cents a yard. • —.0:— McKinnon. & Co, TES 3L47,1?" olUriFt WIC" .0f:Orookery. We intend opening this week and will have iin:aefew da3s, the finest range of ie S TOILET r-- At Winghturs leaturday, rob. 27th. It' you have Oatarrali and desire to be cured without risk of losing your money, call on our represent. ative in Wingbam and ho will give you a Germicide Inhaler rend meal - eine for the cure of your disease whhout asking one cent of pay in advance. Give the remedy a fair trial at your home and if successful you can pay $3 for same, if not; no charge whatever will he made, This remedy cures where all cite fails. You Can try it without money and without price. For remedy on above liberal terms call at Campbell's Drug Store, Wingham, Saturday, Feb, 27. Remember the date. Those who can not call can have the remedy sent by addressing Medieel Inhalation Co„ Ltd., Toronto, Ont, WROXETEa Mr. R. Black shipped a car of flour east perfe. P. R. this week. Mr, John Barnard is ou a business tip to Kincardine this week. W. A. Lee, of Orangeville, was the gueet 'of John Bray last Friday. The S. S, Convention at Fordwich was 'very largely attended by prom- inent Sunday School workers from liViroxeter. 'Messrs. Hamilton and Sanderson •Sliipped a car load of cattle to Tor- onto on Thursday. Mr, Robert Miller made business! trips to Fordwich and Harriston this; week. • ! Revival services closed in .the Methodist Church k.n Sunday even ing. The 100 harvest has begun and en view of the threatened soft weather there was a great rush. Mv. Joe. Barnard, the contractor, was ,equal to,the occasinn and put on a sufficient force ofmen this week. I3ERVIE. A very successful tea -meeting was held in Knox church February 7.91h. Tea was served in Michell. Tlie audi- ors feethibition ence room in the church was .erowil- t ed to its utmost capacity. flexion& ministers gave short pithy and in- teresting, addresses, which were Tail ; of information. These were inter- ispersed with vocal and instrumental music from the choir, which was v16111 tendered anti reflected much emelt. Major Stoneman and son the femme baritone singers, gave solos, readings dialogues and recitations, making a very rare treat. Miss Maggie Hein derson presided at the organ. Tice greatest harmony ebounds in every DINNE S branch of the co success is written on every depart- ngregation, and anent ef the church work. The pas - !ter of this charge is entering upon ithe 8th year, and each year received Steen the people numerous tokens of diatom and lose lbr hint, The pro- . ,eiteds of the meeting werti ninety 1 drublans. Several from Winghant •I itaeateed ui with their presence. N.. A. FARQUHARSON'S.''. . GLENANNAN. ithat hae,yet been shovenoneteide the cities, and ;they are as WON1DERINUIL W.A1LUE as they aate IBLEATTTIFUL GOODti. We shall also ;upon :some very fine lines elf whlek aveexcvtion ttly good ,value and very pitchy designs. Intendlifing Ptarehasers SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CACI, AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS .13EFOle E BUT. • GROCEIRT lines full and. Creek ;as usual at CHINA HOUSE, e Mrs. Eadie who has had a severe *WINGHAM; attest& .0if eotejestiou sf the lungs is reeovelieg under the skilfal treat- ment of De. Macdonald. se.'-----"•es-es---- -ea nu Illber of our young people drove over to Mr, Peter Ilastinge on tee s eth concession, one night last week, •'....a...... 4a. 1 1...! TT 1 and tripped the light fantastic till the early dawn when all dispersed, , • 1•'" Iri a pleased with the night's enjoy• has just passed into stook for the. Fall Trade;,, -,,y,' .... 1 2 . tnint. day hist week as Valter Dun- X4a1" XTPTLIE...111E.J1 kart wee working with an axe in Mr. •• Etetric-'s swamp, the axe aecidentally ennui in contact with his hand,nearly FLANNELETTES. SHIRTINGS severing .his thamb from his hand 9 end puttleg bad :resit ia his ind.ex GREY COTTONS9 8 1-4 and 9 1-4 finger, Which will Ji1 Win oft' work for some Mane ler Twilled and Plain Sheetings, Fall A p .i..• li ) :lig wai held at the Ione of el r. ,101111•Scott. on Tuesday Print and Dress Goods, Blankets and eveffing,,f 1..4 .week After the ineettng wile over, 311.. Seott wai Fall Tweeds, also in ReadraWadp itvited forward, when Mr...John Cothing a.n. d. F. al. l -Overcoats. , . .fVeeeelpng I son presented him with a ine easy- - !OWL, as a present 111.111 Eddie& • , church, that themight show in A. Cleaiiiv I..6t of UNION and TAPESTRY CAR setae small way, their great appreci th- PETS. Sec en) .if in need of a Carpet, before purchasing tenon of lus tel as their precen Scott who was e,ompTetely i 10 0*.rS, S H 01;LS and. RUBBERS.- -Some very not. to. Mr' taken by surprise, made a brief re. an,1 *6 bi,y good,. . . pry in which he thanked his many . Also a lot o'r S. )1:T awl STIFF FELT .H ATS from Wends tor their extreme . kinitnese I 2'5C. i'tntl u:i - • .• . afilrming, that what he had donewts done through a sense of daty, and .. . ...•-... .1,RIVrar.,...* . • J nOt ift thif CX paqta Lion ofany reward. • • - Mr. 11., Small, made 1'. Ilk ing trip A par 6) L I tO 1 C E T I MOTHY far fall seedIng on hand. 'to Williamon'sortirs on •:.Fi iday, ' . ..,01. A l•ft ifr-i- re •-t* i'. Kant be some attrition, • ."1: 'La/". "1"4-14-41' 1.• AITOTUBIN-RIVATZ XtAlllt IN on as soon as possible anal build 0 ilIS HOLM'S TROD -13. (mother bridge on the river at eon's .. 0 and 7 urging their olefin on the WI NTBA .. TIM ONE 18. IX MILDItAY, . 'ground that a largely signed peti- . "•• , • ..,....-.., Walkerton, Ont., Feb. 15.—After ti" presenteda nulub" af years 4g° was on the file, and perfectly valid FL as yet to take action in this mat. , of mouths the Mildinay privatbanter. et.. Cares all roughness of the akin has been etompelled to assign. • Mr, Oa nee. lint Of having 0116808810n to makes and keeps it soft and Sheriff O'Connor Seized the property rebuild the superstruction of bridge On 8,11116111Y, en an exeLintl°'' 'or cil would not under the eircumstan- smoelh. of the concern, and it's PmPriew,r8 on river con's 10 and 11, the coan- $1019, at the suit of the Rcv. S. E. ee„ make any promises, or take any Pleasant to use, being nelther oily . u Wadel of Chepstow, and irminellately acliowhatever'in the meantime. nor stleles. SOW by the °untie thereafter, the Company assigned ,,0 The collector reported that on the and a badseason all over, there was1 or in 2iic. bottles at. Mr. John Snyder liverman of Mild. prevalent complaiut of hard times port of the taxes of 181)11 that he was 1,1 TORE as yet unable to collect. I CHISHOLM'S DEW S willogArc on. a hard struggle with fate for a eouplTe e may. This gentleman has called a meeting o'f the ereditors of the bank, far the 27th hist, Another writ for 81600 was isseed,• by Mr. 0, le. Klein Lockhart-Carr-eThnt the time barrister, on Satarday; at the suit of for returning the colleetor's Roll be -- -- elethiss Stroeder, , against Messrs. 'extended to the end day of March round on cattle. A few -eattlee, e Sehurter, Geissler, Lobsinger, Her- e'rs of the , sold for shipment •this morning, at gottand Zettle, proprietors next. -next. ' - the appointment of township officials By Law No. 1 1897. 3onfin»ing from 30 0 4e per Ib.; butchers„ 34'se bank c; mil - A special writr, mon 20 ne. First claes stock was also issued for the current yea . . 31e per The fair, Ile 0 ni against Mr, Zettle individually, oa f.: account of a. transaction with his son roadcou.DnYe-irljawN C:I-. 2 n t" nls:ioPtiPeQri silt. 1 ng the calves, sold for the Faglish market, two selling for 15.50. Most othe incidentally arising out of the cliff), 13y -Law No, 8 to authorize and market were young, and sold at $n catty of the bank. lilr. Zettel sold collect 3% extra on all taxes remain- 2-te; empower the collector td charge and .from $2 0.4 $4 each. ,Sheep,. 3e; bucks his farm to his son in November last 1,I** Since the commencement of the December next. East *Buffa lo, , N. Y., Fa rit lambs, 4 0 4?:ee1leavy hop., taking it mortgage thereon for $4910 ing unpaid after the 15th day of 3c at 3e; liglit, 4e0 4'.e.trouble in the bank Mr. Zettel has 1 . tir5. lsr:'1 discharged the mortgage. Mr. Scree- By -Law No, -4 disposing of the tax ' -Oattle-145 ears on .01e, 'itiOia- • !- levied and collected from .dogs and, ing 50 cars of Can -mins. _cir 'the .. .. .. . S'er, doesnot think the discharge bitches for the current year. and has brought suit to have it de- AB Canachis, 25 to 30 cal 8.11 ei e sta. Is ' was a genuine business transaction read three times and pessed. and feeders; a fair proportion of bti t Tile treasurer reported cash on chers' some bulls, oxen, etc.; good. . 'elared that Mr- Zettel is still the hand January 1 t th $1050,73. Paid a rough, coarse but fat stock, slow- irnortgagee. Than e bank is not in- out since then, 131753.05 leaving. . handy butchers', 19c 15e higher, ,corporated institution, but wet ely an n nI !balace on hand at date, of $20(3,71, though generally steady; all told :association of private parties, who' carrying on busineds under the name !dered to be paid. l . Munici The following accounts were or- values were g_enerally--1-0e7ebove last . . • 4Moudaye"Choicest export mat:keep- .e... ei for the past fourteen years have been pal World, St. Thomas, at $4.85 •€-3 $5, with fair at 84.7-teess-eS7ss re .-, of the Carrick Financial Company.. : e etatione ry, 73c,; IS, Porterfield servl- $4.65; good, 1,050 to 1,100 ib. steers All their private property is liable* i e --- ;B. Nicoll , auditor:87; Andrew Cur- ees as Division Registrar, $1.8.00; J. sold at $1 0$4.10; one load of Can - for the debts of the institution, and rie, auditor, 87; J. Bentley ada butchers' steers,. of 1,014 lba.sold ..' when a run comnieneeal on them. • !..T. H. McClinton refuntied dog -tax getteen, at $3.80, and three ears of steersaild after the Messner failure two. nientlis I ago, they claimed a surpins of e50,000 i 1806, per, and heifers of 880 and 900 lbs, sold all told. The liabilities .of the bank , were then given at $64,4300 with as- G. Munn. .7 Stewart, - and. $3.75, half a ear, 870 lbs., mixed, 1'reee heifers ;el. $70, and postetre tati ery T. A. Small $3; F. Anderson treeaur- $3.50; and a Mai a car, same weight e;,. ,, ands ea , ,'.i3.65. commoner grades sold 1 • sets, nominally over e65,000' NearilY '15 all $5. at $3.15, o $3.4•0; one load of but- ./.. $40,000 of theliabilities. es for farmers Bone -Lockhart -That this eoun- - cher& cows. at 2.00; bulls were and others in the immediate neigh - now adjourn, to meet on Tuesday steady, with last week for strictly fat ,•-;• borhood. It is now said that the as- March, 2nd at 3 p. in. choice, Canadas at -$3 0 $3.25; come sets will not pan out nearly so, weli P. Ponamarin, Clerk. .mon to medium sausage and buts as at first stated. Mr. hurter the chers' $2.d0 @ $2.85, stockers and. manager, has been carrying on a -- feeders, 10 to 12 cars; native, 25 Se mill and Mr. Hergott, another of the Uncle Sam Don't Want Him. I to 30 cars; natives steady and, a . Last Tuesday Torontonians shade stronger; Canadas, active, -and. s" - *,s vela° come down town may see 10 ev 15e higher; 2 eatCanada.' szl- Irdian in fall native costume stockers, 760 Zs., average,- j•••'N.. - • proprietors, was earryiug en a Amu- ; dry, both of which • were dependent on bank capital, and both of which are now closed up. - Their notes are. weeking the streets. For the infer- $3.75 top price,. andetle6 same4-tians. • '.••••., in the bank, given by themsel% 'es as mation of - those who do, it may ty of feeder ,-firought t13,871 AM . ..• individuals to themselves as a bank be said the striking looking stotA: disposed of. . • and counted by the bank as valuable aboeiginal, is"Little 13car" the North.' t I ',•.- !friend of the family,..- .• • assets. Their value remains to be west thief, who with . his band of i seen. The interim assignee is a Crees,erossed the border into the Inth'tn 13, AIL:d not a )1264. I United States at the time of the • It can no loeger be-VASehati Pan ,ness me n, so that in the meantime the 1 rebellion of 1885. -Last year he arid minia lacking in sympiaiby for ,:Hi managers will practically have eon- ! 1 his tribe were deported by the doo distress. A very large snits 1 itrol until the meeting of the creditors I Washington Government, and he has been subscribed end this at the 1 .011 the 27111 inst. 'just been down to Ottawa to make eon when we have most need off- sire of the Government's permission charitable funds at hotue. Iter4 for his people to occupy the Indian it 11"W -be -kbptfil1t. •the --', reservation. - - Government williaTaMtlehgat.„,.A4L.0 "Little Bear" is a perfect type of contingency which as the Viceroy • 0- • • • e 7 • . 4 • EAST WAWANOS11.• The council met Feb. 9 pursuant to ;adjournment. Members all pre sent Minutes of last meeting read - the aboriginal Northwest Iiidtan., himself says may any da v occur and and passed. Sturdy, thick -set and well built, he , to meet which, therefore is a regular Communications were read from is an admirable specimen of it tnan dutr of the Indian Administration. • W. (1. T. IT, ot"foronto; Stratford 'physically, and his strong, features. Let the Indian Government either Bridge and Iron Works, and Coder- remind one at times of those of the ; from a reserve fund or as soon as the ieh Lumber (o., were received read and filed. • lime Sir John, A. Macdonald, He; emergency occurs. take, 4 an. speaks no English, and though long , which it will be able Thannual certificate from the associated with missionaries takes no I, actly by the need. To let. theili e Registrar General. Torontc, 'certify. stock in Christianity. Yet he is, doos become skeletc ns and thee:invite lug that the clerk inhis capacity of after his own fashion, profoundly 1subscriptions front the 1)00P0 of the division Registrar in 1806, registered religious in his convictions, and he, Empire at large who have no means 63 bir%s, .7 marriages, and 28 moreover, leads an exemplary 11( •e, I measuring the needs seem unworthy ing made a solemn vow of temper- the otherhand it is not to „Driti,ia being a pattern to his people. Hav• I of an illustrians administration. On deaths, and authorizing him to re- ceive payment fur same inaecord• ance with the provisions elatina. ance as a young man to the Great taxation as some t thereto in the amended and eon"- Spirit, he never touches intoxicating the proverty of the -• -ittoo peaeelt ry seep' - Willi; • Ir liquors and he endeavors to maintain owing. British 1. 85105 is lighter solidnted act of 1896, le. Births Mar- a high standard of morality in his riagcs and deaths; also a small ae than wasathat of the ,nalive melees., Besides which British rale has Overt the cultivator immunity from breg- ular exaction desolating warfare, and Mahratta raids. The ravages of local famine have also beet, greatly lessen ed by improvement Of the nieahs -of ...- distribution. The main cause of Hin- deo peoverey is the over growth of of pepuletion which, formerly war end famine kept down. This ie not an agreeable reflection but - the fact apparent ly cannot be nenlesi. count from 'Municipal World', St. Thomas, for stationery received. Lockhart-Uarr-That aforesaid accounts be ordered to be paid. Plans and specifications for re- building bridge, on river, con's 10 and 11, were received from John An- sley, Co., Engineer. Lockhart -Bone --That Mr. Ans- ley be authorized; to advertise for tenders for rebuilding said bridge forthwith. Tenders to be received up to noon on Teesday 2nd March next. -Carried. The auditors' report and treasurer's abstract for 1896 received and read. Scott -Carr -That the report now read be adopted, and that the and'. tore be,paid $1 eaeh for their ser- vices.arried. Lockhart—Oar—That the min - 61.011 for tenders from the printing offices of Whighlute and. Blvtli for the towniship • printing required for 1897.—Carried. A deputation from nonnybrooit district, Consisting ,Of Mears, Mar- wood, Potter, Jefferson, , end • Wallace, requesting the council: to go tribe. During his trip east he has visited Ottawa had htontreal, andhe expresses himself as greatly impress ed with the white man's industry and inventive genius. Accompaning Little Bear is Rev. John McDougall, the celebrated author -missionary, who has written "Forest, Lake and P_airie," and '•Saddle, Sled and Snoeshoe," and is at present engaged On MS third y ilume of the history of the North west, which will bring the story up to the date of theRed River Rebellion of 1870. Later in the series, he will give a new version of the rebellion of 1885. Thursday Little Bear and Mr. McDougall left for the west by the Pacifie express. We Sunk Narksta Montreal, Feb. 15, --About 500 cattle, 15 calves, and 150 sheep and iambs were offered for sale at the cattle market this morning. Prices were good, there being an advance in prices of about 1 cent per .1b. all • on. What might have resulted in le up serious accident in the funeral prod div- ston of Miss Rogers going to the cc° 156" etery lest Monday wee fortreiegor.... averted. Dr. MeKelvey's horse driven by Alex. ran away After upsetting the cutter irt one of the many pitch holes. Ile upset and damaged the first cutter he eats* to and ran into Robt Johnston's cutter and stove in the back of it. Mr. . -Johnston and Robt. Graham caught . the frightened. steed and' provent4 • further loss of property it' mating more eeriotts.-Brussels Post. •