HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-19, Page 2TUE FEB RU.AU Y 19, 1897,
Pod and will assist at the marriage. I
do not fora moment think that you will
require any countenance, or that if you
did, that t could give it you." ilii; to find .my ,pectinl consolation in that
"No mau that 1 know so efficiently." view of the clatter.
"But it may be that Mr Pet:otette will Painful as this flr•st rolutroduotion had
like to f111d that the clergymen from his boon utero WAS not much mora in it
neighborhood. are standing with h131." r than that. No questions wore asked and
And so it was settled whim the day should • no 0 711:mat ions expected. It may bo that
Dome on which the Doctor would. tak3 , Alrs Stantiloup was affootod with fresh
ors. Poa000ke up with him to London, i moral horrors when she heard of the re
14 Ir, Puddicombowasto accompany them, t toot and that the Bishop said th.rt• the
The Doctor when he loft Alar. I'nddi!- ' 1) rotor was foolish and headstrong as
Combo's parsonage had by no means ever. It may be that thoro was it good
pledged himself not to sono the letter;. deal of talk about it in the, Close at
When a lnnn has written a letter, and has l:rou:bton. But at tho school thore was
`taken some trouble with it, and more very little mars said about it than what
especially when he has ooptod it sovoral bas been stated above.
times him;eit so as to have madelnanx i CIIe11?T1;R X%1V. - AI:iRP'9 �,17C
letters of it. -when be has argue t his point
successfully to himself, and has triumphed ; OF.,:S,
in his own mind, as was likn:y to ba the In this last chapter of our short
case with Dr. Wortlo in all that ho dict,- ' stars I will Ventura to run rapidly
he Boas not11k-s to make waste paper of
his letters. As he rode !tome ho tried to over a few months, set as to explain
persuade himself that he might yet use how the affairs of Bowlok arranged
theta. Ho o°ultl not quite admit his t.tonlnaivos lip to the end of the
friend's point. Mr. Peacock°, no doubt, current year I cannot pr0tand that rho
had known his own condition, and a reader shall know, as he ought to bo made
strict moralist might condemn him, to know, the future fate and fortunes of
But Ile -ho -Dr. 1Yortle-had known our Days°n:li es.
They must bo loft still
nothing, A 1 that he had done was not to struggling But then, is not such always
condemn tho other man when he did in truth the case, even when tho happy
know! Nevertheless, ns ho rode into his marriage has boon celohratod?-oven
own yard he made up his minus that he when in the °tarso of two rapid years
would burn the letters. He had shown two normal abillrms make their appear -
them to no one else. He had not oven ante to gladden the hearts of their par.
mentioned them to his wife. He could eats?
burn theta without condemning himself A1r. and Mrs. Peacooko fell into their
in the opinion of any one -and he burned a°onstomod duties in the diminished
then'.. When Mr Puddieombe fount. him school, apparently without difllcuity. • As
a t,the-statiou•at Broughton as they were
the Doctor had not sent those ill-judged
about to proceed to -London with AIrs. I letters he of course reeoived no replies,
Peacock°, he simply wh\spered the fate and was neither troubled by further eriti-
of the letters. "After what you said I cisco nor consoled by praise as to his con.
destroyed what I had written " dnaG. Indeed it almost monied to hien
oPerhaps 11 was as well," sato Air. as though the thing, now that it was
Padd loom be. done, excited less observation than it do -
When the tel°gr"tm Dame to say that served. Ile heard no more of the metro -
Mr. Peacotke was at Liverpool, airs. Pea- l?olitan press, and was surprised to find
cock° was anxious immediately to rush that tho "Broughton Gazette" insorted
up to London. Bub she was restrained by only a eery short paragraph In whish it
the Dooto -or rather by Mrs. Wortie staled that they had bean given to
under tea Doctor's orders. "\o, ivy dear; undertand that Air. and Mr. Peacock°
no, You moat not go till all will be had resumed their usual duties at the
ready for you to moot him in the church, BowickSohool,aftorthe porformanoe of an
The Doctor says so." interesting ceremony in London, at which
"Mn I not to see him till he comas up
Dr. Wortle and Mr. Puddioolnbe had as-
to the altar?" slated. The press, as far as the Doctor
On this thero was moodier consultation was aware, said nothing more on the snl)-
between Mrs Wortio and the Doctor, at „led, And if remarks injurious to his
which. she explained how impossible it conduct were made by the Stantiloups
would bo for the woman to go through and the Momsons, they did not roach his
the ceremony with due serenity and pro• ears. Very soon after the return of the
priety of manner unless she should bo Po/smokes thore was a grand dinner -party
,lest Allowed to throw herself into bis his
the palace, to which the Doctor anti
arms, and to to tconie hire haft to ber. his wife were invited. It was not rt der -
"Yes'' she said, "he can conte and sue ioaI dinner -party, and so the honor. was
you at the hotel on the evening before, tho greater, The Ar3stocrsop of tho neigh.
-mod-Sigtiiu in tho morning, -so that if
boyhood were.thoro, inoludiut Lath Anne
Clifford, who was devoted, with•
there'be a ward to say yon can fly it.
Then when it is over he will bring you repentant affention, to her old fele id.
down here. The Doctor and Mr. Pnddt_
And Lady Margaret Mattison was there,
combo will tame down by a later train. the only 'clergyman's wife besides his
Of oourse it is painful," saidlOrs. Worths,
own, who declared to him with unleash -
"hut you roust boar up." To hor 1G ing audacity that she had nowt regretted
\ seemed to be so palnfol that she wan clalt0 anything so ranch in her lira as that
sure that she conkd not have borne it. To
Augustus should have been taken away
.,.U@lgartied for the third t'nne and for lila from tho school. It was evident that
said ore pf tlos ten.
"'Then I shall hnvo more tithe toattend
to yo t now.":
"I suppose so," said the lad, hot seem-
thore had been an intention at the palace
second timo'"th the,samo husband! To to make, what amends the palace could for
Mra Pexcocko, as sho thought of it, the the Injuries it had done.
pain dill not so much rest in that, as in "Did Lady Anne say anything about
the condition of lifo which these things the boys?" asked Mrs. Worth, as they
• had forced upon her. wore going home.
"I must go up to town to -morrow, and "Sha was going to, but I would not
must be away for two days," said the
Doctor out loud in the school, spooking
• immediately to ono of the ushers, but so
that all the boys prosont iniaht hear
hint. "I trust that rho sh ;1'i have Mr.
Poaoccko with us the d. after to mor -"Shp won't do that. Indeod I doubt.
row "• ;, „_whether I should take them. But if it
"Wo shall be very glad of that, "'''Enid should come to naso that she should wish
the usher, to send them back, you may bo surd that
"And Mra. Peacock° will come and others will come In such a !natter she
eat her dinner again like before:" asked is very good as a weathercock, showing
a little boy how the wind blows." In this way the
"I hope so, Charley." dinner natty at the palace was in a degree
"We hitil like that, because she has to comforting and consolatory.
eat it all by horsy f now." But an inoldent which of all was most
All that swiaool, down oven to Charley, comforting anti most consolatory to ono
the sma.lest boy in it, know all about it. of tiro inhabitants of the parsonage •took
Mr. Peacock° had gone to America, and pinto two or threo days after the dinner-
Air4. Pcarock° was going up to London party. On going out of his own hall -door
tido married onco more to bar own bus- one Saturday afternoon, isnmediatoly
band, -and the Vector and Mrs. Puddi- after lunch, whom should the Doctor
dame wu:e Lotti going to marry them.
The usher of course knew the details
more °toarty than that -as died probably
the bigger boys. Thera had even bean n
rumor of the photograph which had been
eon by one of the naaid•servatits,-who
ad, it is to bo feared, given the informs.
Um to the 'fronds teacher. So much,
waver, tho Doctor had felt it wiso to
x lain, not thinking it woll that Mr.
:enointioke should make his reappearance
among thele without notico.
On the afternoon of the next day but
one, Dir. and Mrs. Pea o wore driven
up to the set ool in of the Broughton
11103. She went gatfc fly op into her own
hallos, when lir. 1'eaeorkowalked into the
School. '.ilac boys olustereel round him,
and tho throe assistants, and every ward
said to hi)u was kind and friendly; but
... - in the whole cour8o of his troubles there
had never been a moment to hila more
difficult than this, in which he found tt
W, impossible to any anything or to say
nothing "Yea, I have been over very
many mile3 since I saw you last," This
was !n answer to young Talbot, who ask-
ed him whether ho had not been a great
trayelier whilst he was away.
"In Anierioa," Suggested the French
usher; who had hoard of the photograph,
and knew very wall wiloro it had been
"Yes, in America."
"All the way to San Francisco," eng
gestett Vbar1ey, to Pcaeockei" it, 4 When She was M1one afterwards in on 0110 score 01 novo, and Lord Garata rs
"Alt the Wray to San H'rancisoo,Chtriey, "1 supp0stt 1 can just coo then." said her own room, that, in . truth, she hats shoulct marry his bride --at anyrate; When
.-sand bask a tin.'" the young lord as though moron by moat only liked hhn before. Now ahe loved be came of ag
"Yea; I know yon're come book again," anxtoty as to the slather load as to tho bins Now ahe was bet#inning to knew AS to the school, it oertaittly Buffeted
tl:ctd Cllartay, "because I toe you here." daughter.
D0otor tomtit a satvnnt, and sent what
message he thought fit into the houso. could lot Mut go Pow, wlttoltt 1► fooling
"Lord Carstairs hero'.'' of tliscomfort, if oho thought that alta
oyes, indeed, Ailss1 lie's with your was to seo hint again whrnl ho was M
papa,, going noroas to the school. lin told C,n•,tnirs.
mo to tato won't into Aiissus that ho stip- But thio was not the last walk in the
poses his lordship will stay to dinner " woods, °van on this occasion. Ho re -
The tilt who °tooled the titin# • nod untitled two slay; at 130w101- so remit
for tho ouraoy, Whutlor bo ac eptctl it I
have lint yet heard, out 1 ant inolined 10
think that in this mutter he will adhere
to his old, d`•termination,
TUN! ItlND).
Rerosem, for Silver,
to 1n t ,�, The ass 0f kerosene greatly faoilltatea
tvh° iter, rereivetl no commission t, eon. rap, mil it to hint to renew hit intim- the cleaning of silver. Wet a flannel
vty them to Miss Mary, was. no ,lou' t, try with Igo, Poltooeke. Ho CxF1•tinect
too touch -lutenistatl in au ninth- of ono, ohm, hc' bail got tura days' Lotto front
not to take thele first to the 0)10 that t1 o tutor of his college, x111 that two
would bo most coitrorned with them. It tys in naive parinueo, always moat
Thnt very morning Mary had b"111) be- t hr; o, li,l w luta ha bas's as the thtr,i
moaning hereat as to Iter howl condition. xi.ty, in tint.` far "gores"; ttnd that was
Of )vhttt use was It to hor to have a lover, a«il mrhioh the stelciP3ti ou110gs tilfiviplittu
if she was never to sae hhu, nevor to hoar We'tltd rrlluira Mf hint. It teed hardly b3
trout hlnl--•only to ilo told about Iaint
that the was not to think of hitt utoru
sal 1 of i i al that the most of hit ulna
h h 11 l al ' SI as already to.
110 spent with Mary; but he Oil Mauna
than atm could
1 p Il w y to devote as hoar or two to 1114 0111 friend,
glnnlug to funny that 0 long enita.amont
corded on lifter this fashion would '.lava Inn school -assistant.
mora of sut'oring i11 It than she bad an.
MO. Peacooko told bis wholo story, and
ticlp:tkod. It nettled to her that while Gnra:airs,whose. morals Ware parlutpx not
she was, and always would ho, thicktng gutta so strict uta th010 OE lir 1'uttd!-
of hint, he never, never would continue to 0Ot)11)3, gllvu hint all bit syntlptatby, "''1'0
think of her. If it could be only a word think that n tnnn can he snob a brava
01100 a month it wattld bo solnethttig- 1170
10 all:►t," he x)tidi, when ho lae(trel ttsa;
just one or two writton words under on lret•,tinnrl Lefray lad si1oWn 1litn.31f r0
envelope -even that would have Wilted hi; wife at St. Louis -"only on a arca)."
to keep her hope alive! But ,lever to sea "'3'her,t is no know' tut to whet depth ohs fes
him; mayor to hear front hint Hor utter ruin 3nary motto: a ulna who has toots
mother 111111 told her that vary horning boon bora to bettor tin to=. lie tall; into tlsaafcre
that there was to be no meeting, probnb•
11 11° should have
' cloth in tho ail, dip in dry whiting and
thoroughly' tub the plate or silverware.
Put it into hot sods, wipe with a soft
flannel and palish with a chamois skin,
A rreaantiotl.
To avoid blood poisoning all fanny
hosiery should be put foto a strong solo.
tion of salt aid cont water 'before wear-
ing, well saturated and dried, without
Wringing, and without exposure to the
!?Cr ILffi�ilct, nal. Chi
Iy for tllreo ytars, ti
clone with Oxford And here he was ill
tho house -and Igor paha hats sent in word
to say that he was to eat leis dinner there!
11 so astonished boy that she reit that she
would bo afraid to nteot him. Beforo she
bad hail 0 minute to think of it all, ber
mother was with her. "Carstairs, love,
is koro l"
"Ola, mamma, what has b^ought him?'
""lie has gone into the school with your
papa to see Mr. Poucooko. He always
was very 100e of Mr, I'oacooko•" For
a moment something of a feeling of jeal-
ousy crossed hor heart -but only for a
!Moment. He would not surely '.lave conte
to Bowiok if he hod begun to bo in-
difforont to her ,already! "Papa says
that he will probably stay to dinner."
"Then I elm to See bins?"
"Yes -of course yon must soe him."
".1 didn't know, 2111(1 010,"
`"Don't you wish to see hint?"
""O11 yes, mamma. 11 he were to come
loud go anti wo were not to sleet at all
I ,haul) think It was all over then.
Only, -I clout know what to say to
"You mast take that as it conies, my
Two hours nfterwartl.; they were walk-
ing, tie two of tho) mono togother, out
in the Bowi°k woods, When once the
low -which had beau rather understood
than spokotl-had been 101 ringed cued
set at naught, Om was 111) lo" ger aa17
us0 !st tudonvoring 10 maintain a ninth -
lanes of its rostriction The two young
people had met in the portend, both of
the father and mother, and the lover halt
had her 111 his arms 1•eforo either of
them could interfere. There had boon a
little scream from . Mary. but it may
1.tlaness, at1n1 t11en 0,11111 ms 111111001E with
drink. So it scoots to llavo !soon with
"And that other fellow -do you think
be 1110001 to shoot you?"
"Never. But he '.lienal to frighten ale,
Whcu he brought out hi; knifs in the
b*droom 110 Lutvonwar th he (1i:i i; with
that: object. 11y pistol Was not loaded."
""Wby not`!"'
."Becauso little no i wish. to be rftur-
tlered, I should prefer that 10 murdering
any ono clso. But Po ditto's mean it.
His only object lytta to go) as nino:l out
of sue as ho 00111(1. As for nae, I ec.tldn't
give hint more, because I hadn'11 go: it,"
After that thoy matte a league of fri*ud-
ship, ttnd Mr. Pcnecoke promised that he
would, on %lila distant omission, tato
his wife witla aim 011 a visit t0 Carstairs.
It was (shout 0 mon' It after this that
Mary was packed up anti soot on her
journey to Carstairs. When that took
place, the Doctor was 311 xupre111o. good
humor. Thera had 0021)0 a letter from
tho father of the two Mawlrays, raying
that he 11011 again clutrged his nand.
Ho had, ho sail!, hoard a story told two
ways. • kb trusuot 1)r. Wortl.a would un-
der;taudi hint and forgive him, when ole
declared that be ha:1 balievect both stor-
ies. If atter this the Doctor chose to re-
fuse -t0 take his hors back lignin, he
would have,be (10kn01jled gecl,to ground
for °tronoo. But if the • Motor would
take thein, be would intrust 1110111 10
the Doctor's care with the greatest sat-
isfaction in the work'. --as he had dodo
For n while tl'o Doctor had hesitated;
but I1oro, porhapa for the drat time in
her life, his wife was ,showed to per-
suade hits. ""They aro such leading
people," she sold.
probably be said of hor that she was tit
"Who cares ler t'ant1'• T This,
the moment the hap; lest young woman gone in for that '.his,," hciw-
P11 the Omen.
uvar, was hnr(07 trot). \VPen
"`Does your father know you archive?" I ilavo bee:1 sure that a man is a geutte-
st►ld tllo '.)actor, as be loci tho pelta;, Tuan. I have taken his son tvitlsont in.
quiring much further. It was moan of
lora heel: from the school into the house. hila to withdraw after I had acceded to
"4lo knows I'm coaling-, for I wrote ib,request."
Hurl told nay mother. I 1w/too toll ."But ho withdraws his �aithdratcal. iu
everything; bas it's sometime: best to such a flattering way." 'Ilion the Doctor
mato up your mind before you fiat au nssentod, and the two boys wero aliowod
answer." Then the Doctor made up 1114 to. come. Lady Anne Clifford hearing
mind that Lord Carstairs would ham this, learning that tho Doctor was so far
his own way in anything that lie wisb- wilting to rolont. because very piteous
ed to nc0anlpli h. a _d implored forgiveness. The noble re-
,"WO:i't too It ;A bo moony?" Airs. moves wore all wi111nic now. It had Dot
Wor.lo asked. boon het fault. As far as she was concern -
"Not -not angry. He know* the world e.1 herself she had A:ways been anxious
too well not to 113 quite sero t11at 501110- that her boys should 10111/1111 at Ilowick.
lot her. I managed to show her that I. thing of tom hind wood happon. Anti he And so tho two Cliliords came back to
did not wish it, and she was olevor'enough' is tot, fond of ht, sail not 10 think Wail their old beds in tho old room.
Car -
to stop." of anything thdt ho does It wasn't to Mary, when she first imrivod at Car -
""I shouldn't wonder if she sent tlteln bo snppol°d that they should voter 1ane0t. stairs, hardly know how to carry herself.
back," said Mrs. ii'ortio. After all that ba:; p.►saa 1 I ase blond to Lady Bracy was very cordial and the Rad
311ake Mai Woic)n1s if he ehoosto to friendly, but for 'the first two days
come here, and as dl:try'o lover to give nothing was said about Carstairs. Thera
bins the 0A83 svol0atna that I can. de WIIS no open aoknowlodgment of her posi-
won't stagy. 7 sappono because he ills got tion. But then she had expected none;
no 010111sA." and though her tongue was burning to
"Lint ild has -John brought in a port- talk, of course she did not say a worst,
3)181)t0nu and a droving -bog out of the But bofore a mot was over Lady Bracy
gig." 5.1 that was sot:lets. had 1'egun, and by tho end of tho fort -
In tba meantime Lon! (.•ar.;tairs had night Lord Bracy lead given hor a beau-
takoti illary out fora walk into the wood ti£ttI brooch, "That means," sold Lady
and she, as 1113 walked b0sldo fila,, bard- Bracy in the confidence or her own little
ly 1; sow whe.her she was going on her sit ing-room upstairs, "that he looks
heats or her hods. This, indeed, it w,.s upon you as his daughter."
to lucre a lover. In the morning, she "Does It?"
was thin lci•o t that Main three years were "Yes, my clear; yes." Ther. they fell
31 1m other,and did nothing
past ha want<i hardly caro to see her over to kissing g foo
C' rstairs all his per -
talk aboutto and
• :,. but1
• 1 n 1i;1 now they wen togethert
sea driving' ItIsnselE into the and in a again. 1t e
hito.l gig�frosn 13roughtan-but young among the falling Justis, and sitting feottons, and his unalterable lova, and
Lard Caratnirs. 'Photo bad been no prom- about anal°r tho branches 00 though !low those 1 roe yours could be made to
Is=. or absolute compact made, but it ter- there was nothing in the world to sopar- maw- themselves away, till the oonversa-
ate then'.. Up to that day there had tion -simmering over as such convorsa-
tainly had soolnod to bo understood by Ali nevor been a word between thein but tion is wont to do -gave the wholo Mouse
that Mips h ortle was s stn
of than'. that Carstairs was not to thaw such as i, common to moro alegnnitit- to understand V a y
Atop -
himself at Bowielt tilt at some long dis- antes, and now he was calling her every ing thorn as Lord Carstairx'sfuture bride.
tant period, when be should have finished instant by her Christian name,. and tell. 01 cours0 sole stayed over rho Christ -
all the trouble of his education. It was ing her all his secrets. m1S, or went back to I3owlok for a week
understood even that he was not to be at "We have such jolly woods at Car- and then returlleci to Carstairs, so that
Carstairs during Mary's visit -so impera- ,airs," lac saki, "but we sbsltl't bo nolo shit might tell her mother ovorything,nnd
five was it that the young people should to sit down when we're there, b0oaus0 it hear of tho sho now boys who went to
not meet. And now! hero he was got• will be winter. Wo shall Le hunting, come atter the holidays. "Papa couldn't
Wig out 01 a gig In the rectory yard! and you 11131st 00311e out and 803 11S " take both the 13tinooinbos, said Dlra.
""ilollon, Carstairs, is that you" "Bus you won't bo thorn w11011 I a111," Worth) in her triumph, "and one must
"Yes, Dr, Worth), hero I tort." she said,timidly. remain Ilii midsummer. Sir George dud
"Wo hardly expected to see yon, my "Won't I? ','hat's tall you knots* nbat;t any that it most be two or none, but ho
boy:" it. 7 can manage hotter than that." !11111 to give way" 1 Wanted papa to have
"No --I suppose not. But when I ""You'll he at Oxford." another bad in the oast room, but he
andoard that Mr. ail about hisptnnrriaimooke ,t yottd ltknow,R1 'You you over Clo. You
l' '.stn' tatMaryyt oar went back for the Christmas and
conld not but ennui over to see hila. Ho that'S what you tt llfnst utt YOtt *nnstn t Cttrstalrs'tante; and the hbnso was foil,
,think of going till tlnnuary.
;tad I have Alwayx bran such great "But Lad Brae wb3't want 110" rind everybody knew of the engagement.
friends." 4 "Yes she will. We must make her `ho walked with hitn, and rode With
"0111 yo too Mr. I?olt000ke?" ` him, :.nd danced with hili, and talked
"I thought he'd blink it unkind it I Want you. At any rate they'll Madero seer0ts with hint -no though there were
didn't look him up. lie has made it all stand this; it you don't stay for ilio, I no Oxford, no degree before hips. No
light; hasn't he?" shah omit home even if it's in the olid- doubt it was very imprudent, but the
"Fes: ho has made 11 all right, 1 1110 of tho tern. 1'11 arrange that. You hart and tho Countotas ltacW all about it.
think. A finer fellow never lived. Ilut don't suppose I'm not going to ire there What might be or would bo, or 'was 111M
he'll toll you 411 :*bout it. Be to/mined when you make your first visit to the cad of stioh folly it .18 not my purpose
with a pistol in 1114 pn0kot. and seemed old plane." hero to toll. 7 fear that there was trouble
10 Want 1t ton, I suppo30 $011 must e01111) An thiel was being in i'arndiso. the before them. It may, lloWever, be pos.
In and soe tho ladies a t4r we have been
felt when ache w,lked home with flim, sable that the degree should bo given up
1 1 i' f h v i
him, and to tool that oho Mould really', nothing byibho 1)oetor's generetitY1 ant
""Thera are only ton boys this half," "I'll leave- wore'. that you are !tare, And ...loopy die of a broken heart if any, when last 1 heard of Mr. Peacooko, th
t►h bK wire to to oro hitt. a y til
then wont go into the school " So tho ! b h t B t h Blsllon had offeredto Kraut hint a Hoehn
i .,
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cath a dce.` : 2a1 °guts a box.
For ratio 1)7 all dealers. or by the
;4GOi4 of r nii1nufaCtu?ate, Edatansoo, Bates & Co,.
d ✓L. yr' JO3.• Toronto.
Couldn't Effect a Sale
The Faker -I have here the most
excellent silver polish.
The Lady of tho HIouse-Don't
need it. I haven't any silver.
''Weil, then it will take grease spots
out of wall paper.'
'Haven't any wall paper.'
',Veli, it Will stake nil paintings
look like new.'
Haven't got tany oil paintings.'
'Then i; will 1CIICW the curl in
'haven't got any feathers.'
'Nell, then, a. littlo taken internally
will make you feel as if t iu had
soma of these things, Good clay.' ---
Texas Sifting's.
0.1(002 01), °3.0011100011, of 1(5 T1NOS WAS A
MOAT 6°FF$1101t 01100 AI»SWO DIS0A$0-
SOL•TII A(*n•itICAN 1111000 011110 1*0000T1(D A
(MICA 00111-1T ISA sr1CIi•I) 1183(0111 YOU
CAT0S ALL swan MATT1iI1 111001 Tyrol 6080031
IS 83.3)1 AND 0010AN18NT.
For many years I hove been troubled
with kidney disease, necessitating the
taking of much in the way of medicines.
Two years ago they became so brad that
I had to seek the aid of .t physionn. My
uriue was more like blood than anything
else, and was very painful. Just at that
time ..n began using South American
Kidney Cure. It nark me immediate
relief, and from that little till now I
have had no difficulty. .I can safely and
honestly recommend this great remedy
to all persons suffering from kidney
Use C,'3080'$ I:1bv'etl and Tu1'pclttii1P for
nil throat anal 111117 troubles. Largo
bottle, smiill dooe, small price, 25e.
• • • e • • • • o • • •
QRezief for
' B.1LSIOl
• • se coxselICT8t►N and *I1 lUNV,
o t)1SEASYS, $i'a1'TING oe Moor', 0
t'BtrGif, total 4)0' A I'PIi•rIT10, •
3)101:IIITY, Oho bcuelus or this
O article aro most 1aa11irest, •
By Mould of no "D. h I." I:mulatnn. 1 base got
) rid oft baclt(ng eolr•t1 wbirtt i!d troubled me for •
1.1er a your, cad have gamed consWarably to
watlrbt. 0nked t1N. ,mutton so 1,0,) I ,vas 41Jld •
d wl,an ,ba tang atlas around to tato It.
T. 11. wrioII.1), 0.L.,Alontreal. •
50c. and 81 per Bottle
• • • • • • • • O • • •
Cook's Cotton Root Compound \h -
Is the only safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which
ladies can depend in ilia
hour and time of :reed.
Is prepared in two degrees
of strength.
No. 1 for ordinary cases .
is by far the best dollar medicine known r
--sold by druggists, one Doliarper box. -
trouble. Sold at Chisholm's drug store No. 2 for special eases-io degrees
• _ - __.—. stronger -sold by druggists. One box,
Three Dollars; two boxes, Dive Dollars.
Spring Chickens and Roasters. No. i, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of
price and two 3 -cent stamps.
Spring chickens, which years ago
were procurable only in their sea-
son, can now thanks to cold storage,
be had at almost any season. And
the same inay be said of the roaster,
the spring chicken grown big
enough to roast. The roasters are
killed in their season when they are
at their best, and put into cold stor.
age, not to be eaten perhaps until
the following spring or summer.
• Chickens begin to dry soon after
they are put into cold storage, But
they do not dry much the first, three
or four months, Chickens taken
out during that period are as hand
some as when they were put in and
taste about as well. After that time
they dry more rapidly, hut as far as
the actual keeping is concerned they
may in perfect cold storage be kept
almost indefinitely. A turkey had
been eateu that had been in cold
storage ten years, It was a pretty
dry turkey but it was good to eat.
Aching Joints
Announce the presence of rheumatism
whish cosmos untold suffering, ag 1h
is flue to latic acid in the blood.
It cannot be cured by liniments or
other ohtward applications. Hood's
Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, removes
the cause of rheumatism and perman-
ently cures this disease. This is the
testimony of thousands of people who
1 once suffered the pains of rheumatism
but whohave actually been cured by
taking I.Iood's Sarsaparilla. Its great
power to.Uot upon the blood and remove
every impurity is the secret of the
wouderful cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Mr. Chas. Peacock, of Hallett, was
the defendant in a suit in the County
Court of York at Toronto last week.
and succeeded in winning his case.
lie had been treatedby an alleged
specialist in that city, and paid what
was considered an excessive suni for
the treatment. The specialist sued
for a balance of $1.75, ),Lr, Scott,.
barrister, appeared for 11 Ir. Peacock,
and Dr. Gunn, was one of the wit -
tresses for defence. The Judge not
only gave judgment in favor. of the
defendant, but ordered that $25 of
I the original amount paid should bo
The Cook Company,
Windsor, Ontsrlo,,
. fso;
Sold in Winghanh and everywhere
in Canada by all responsible druggists
That young lady of yours wtahld• be
pleated indeed to have one of
our I3e.trotha1
Haven't asked ht'1.1
Well if you dott't
some other fel- •
low will tee
the lucky.
IIAV1:1 TOi MEN OUR rixn LIOlE ole
••--DIAttONbS, .tC } ,
Call and see one stock of Xmas
goods and ttdding presents on I)e-
Comber the l :t,
Jeweler tend Option An