HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-19, Page 1..l
VOL. XXVI.---NO. 1Vii)7.
1/nlifl 41:
-Winter goods must go, stocks must
be cleared out, wo do not want to
carry over olio dollar's worth of our
present stock, and it will not be our
fault if wa do, if low prices are good
for anything, they will go, prolits
are ignored. and you get the goods
at exactly wholesale, and in Many
- eases leis, we do not telt you this for
the saki; of something to say, we
mean every word of it, and in order
to prove our assertion it you want
anything; in any of those lines, come
and see us, Men and Bay,' Rubbers,
and Sacks, Alen's Felt Boots, Men
and Boy.,' Overcoats, Ladies' lliantles
Fur Capes and Fur Coats, Men and
Ladies Fur Caps, Men, Boys, Ladies
. and Miss' Uncoi wear. They all
must get.
Our sp.'in: Printf are here from
•.5e. up and aro pretty in design and
good in olut11. See a Toweling at 5
cents a . ar(l, that we have got, it is
well worth 7 cents.
Groceries as usual. Fresh,. Pure
.and Caen p. Evaporated Apples,
'Peaehe,, Apricots and Plunis. The
best _';ze. Tt:.', h. Wilighnitl. Goods
aelivered promptly.
• • WE SELL CIIh,1.P.
el f;3 b" ` . • :
Weekly Olo , ein.l Tut 5 1 25
d :• . tI•ti • Empire " .1 OU
:sur an 71 " 1 4')
\ rtiser and ' " 1 r;t)
1 cies ,and " 1 tie
F.arn l Jerald & Star " 1 7.3
Sat •Night au l " 2 5o
Fa, . Fireeide and 'E 1 40
Fee. iu';(in mthly) andf. 17.i
1). .y Globe twat o` 0 01)
se World ane err 2 7a k
�.. News l`1.1r
r. .r:
'Marriage Licenses
Issued be 1''kANK PATERSON, NO 23, Vic-
toria r tet :-t•,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
6'r' aATFORD. - ONT.
Can t4•' ^ pepn''r commercial sotto 1. None bet.
ter in 1•,• ltornttroi. Our c3urses of study are
belt In;; with cold busine.s points. Experienced
teao) ors in every department • ex•stucicnta of other
bush css n.114ges ow in attendance; moderate
rates ; beset lea. , A eco ahead school tartan r out
wide• wake t ou.rg mon and women : grndtt't s al.
Ways 1•e . ss 11 llusines, is reviving and many
bright n•:a p riot+ will ba nee led next tall. Now
h the 1 nt r r„ n r prcp•trcd, and this is the school in
, which in set your ;reparation, I)eautifel•litho•
graphed natalnette free .
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinelpal.
Tho aunt
I{I;t;I'S ON
O 1 sir
'I1'& -(. cm R.
�,•r ;NRC' ) RIGHT.
New Atte.
R. Vanstone—Mort a s
East Huron Ferment' nstitute
M. H. 11lalucloo—For Big Values.
McKinnon &
Ga.—When in Doubt,
Chisholtn-Obishelm'a. Winter Fluid.
N, A. Farquharson—Grand Opening.
Medical Initalatip.i Co,—At Wingham
Feb.. 27th 15:17.
Inspector Robb visited the Public School
this week.
.—Wbile skating on the pond on Monday
Feank Mitchell fell breaking his arm,'.
+#—lt. Mitchell had his finger ripped with
'l saw at Bell & Son's factory Tuesday.af
—Peter Imlay is moving ont to the farm
on 1ot42, con. 14, which bo recently pur-
— Miss Dinsley, Miss Griffin and Mr. M.
B, Morden assiste't at a concert in Tees.
water last Thursday evening.
— This evening at 7.30, Mr. Buchanan
will continue the ourso of lectures which
he has been giving during the past two
weeks in Be1l'i: hall. .
—Conductor Arthur Nash has moved his
family to Sarnia, Ont. Mr. Nash now
runs"between Sarnia and Toronto and,
Sarnia and London, alternate days.
Snnrens—McDonald, 2 cars of hogs to
Colliugwood; Casemore, one car stock to
Toronto ; Page& Wynn, one car stock to
Toronto ; Day, car of Horses to Loudon,
ng. T. Walker car stock, Toronto.
—Through the breaking of a' bit, Dr.
T'atnlyn's drive: got away from him on
Monday opposite the Dinsley I•Iouso end
ran home doing but little damage. The
doctor jumped out but Mr. Jas. Groves,
who wa,s with hint at the time, stayed
right with it rid had a free and fast ride to
the stabler
—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Casltake spent the
week in Wingbam with her brother, Ittr.
Frank Shore and other friends. The
happy young coaple were just doing up the
fag end of their wedding tour while here
and have gone to net Portage to begin the
teelities of lire carrying with , them the
good wishes: of tlfeie teeny friends!
-Messrs. Young, and Paulin, the new
hardware firm and suecessorc to D. Suther-
land, have finished stocktaking and are
now ready to serve the publics. The store
lately occupied by illr. Sutherland is being
completely overhauled and will be fitted
p in first plass style. The tin and repair
shop is in the second flat for the present.
—The oldest landmark in Winghem was
removed by the death of Edward Farley,
on. Saturday mornin; -last. 'Deceased was
the first settles in the Wingbam town plot,
having come to this part. in the early slice
ties, from Paris, Ont.ef At one time he
was in comfortable circumstances, and was
known for years as the "Mayor of Wing•
gram." He was 80 years old at the time of
his death. The funeral was on Monday,
Rev. Wm. Lowe conducting the services.
"+r —On Saturday night between 8 and 0
o'clock, the stable belonging to Mr. George
Blackwell on tba 13 line was noticed to be
on fire. The fire had made such headway
when noticed that it was impossible to'tate
either the buildings or contents. A cow,
a number of chickens, a load of hay and' a
complete to outft of lac
tetor's moulds were
nmog the articles consumed.
The o •igtn
of the fire is u• complete mysteryy Wo
understand that the loss is partly covered
by insurance.
--On Thursday evening of lard week,
'there was a five mile skating contest in the
Kincardine rink, and the erranizements
made by Mr. Harvie were made most
calisfactory. There were seven contest-
ants—two Jones, 1Valkerto:i, two Elliotts,
from Wingham, Alex. McLeod, James
Burnside and Mae, Brown, of Kincardine.
The raco was spirited throughout. The
Jones skated so as to assist Dealt other and
nee came ont thn winner, seeming $12
Burnside secnree second nlace and p>l, and
Elliott the third prize of 115, Mr. Harvie is
a splendid rink manager and the result is
that skating is popular in Kincardine.
• 'Wo are m receipt of the program for the
annual meeting of the Bpwortb Leanne 1
Associations of Goderich district, which
will be held in Sefforth on Tuesday, Mar.
f6. Rev. Jos. Edge, Goderich, is . Ilon.
Pres„ -and R. Holmes of the Clinton New
Era, Pres, The following subjects will bo
a discussed 1 Developinent.of Sabbath Sahool
Teacbe•s, Ii•, Foster, • (3linton; The Home
Doparttnent, Itev.•.W. Godwin. Goderich;
Evangelistic Work in the Sabbath Scholia,,
.I. Courtice, I citniesville; Living ep to the
Pledge, A Cooper,Clieton; The] Spit Real
Interests of the League es Affeeted by the
' Literary, Socia} and Consecration Depart•
»lents, Mit. Port)and, Dungannon; The
i,itorarv•Depairtment of the League, Miss
Lrickenden, Clinton; Tho Seeial Depart.
ment, 13. J, Gibbinga, Clinton; Consecra-
tion, Will Lyon, Londeaboro ; Free and
Easy on _League rork, Rev. v. C. Crews
Toronto; limier 'Work, P. Hale, Goderich
and Mrs. Cater, Bayfield; Witat the
League can tlo for the Church, Rev..J. P.
Weatman, Walton; What the League can
do for Missions. Rev, T. Sawyer, 'Tucker.
smith. In the everting nddreaa'as w.iil be
given by Rev. J. large, chairman of the
...: ate3TA1J1tANx. District, and Rev. A. C. Crews, of Toronto.
••••••CJn n' ••
r t 1
escfoffnight next,
, at
the Wingham rink. Twopr,zoa willhe
offered for races. For full particulars
bmessse posters.
Bourquin has disposed of his jewelry
. Go d in 1
to of G. c N g tam, who will
take possession on Tn•esday Feb. 25. Mr.
Good comes highly recommended as a
jeweler ann watch rep carer, slid will no
doubt make the Lueines i e success.--Ri11.1
People who were in town,
Adam Black, Teaiwater;Oaptate Kane
T, H. aicLaughii», and John Rattle
Gerrie; la. S. Downs, A. T. Cooper, Olin -
ton ; H. L. Cowan, Mt. Forest; J. Meikle -
john, Hnrriston; ,lames Armstrong, Chits
ley; J. D. Banally Blyth, R. J. Wells Har-
riston; A.. Thompson,. Lucanow,
Married in Buffalo
Last Monday. Miss Jennie Wade, daugh-
ter of.Geo. Wade, Turnberry, left for
Buffalo where on Wednesday she was mar-
ried to Mr, Robt. Collier of that place, who
formerly held a position on the Wingham
Advance staff The Thins extend to
the yonpg couple its heartiest congratula•
tions. •
About forty of our young people took
iu the caravel at Wroxeter and the races
et Luoknow Tnosyay night. The Wing.
haat boys carried off tate prizes at Wrox-
eter—The Lendnn Harpers for Comic
dress, Por best dressed the Ballet girl
carries cff the palm every time. In
the races, Sym Elliott get third place
in Lucknow and Charles Elliott secon 1
at Wroxeter.
—The lecture by the Rev. Dr. Gifford, in
the Methodist cnureh last Tbu'•sday •even•
Mg, was one of the finest we have ever
heard here in Palmerston. His subject
was "The et -animal' Cave." and in the
most charming eloquence, he riescribed
his visit to that famous cavern in the State
of Kentuoky. The audience was delighted.
Dr. Gifford is an easy speaker, having a
very pleasant voice, while his language
never commonplace, sometimes bursts out,
into the highest sctyle of oratory.—Pahners-
ton Spectator.
FAnaticns' INSTirur'h: — Supplementary
meetings. of the East Huron Farmers' In-
stitute, will be held at Fordwich on Wed-
nesday, 24113; Belgrave, on Thursday, 25th;
and Loadbury, 20th inst. Three sesasions
will be held each day, at 10 a. m. and 1
and 7 :30 p. m. Interesting address are
expeoted from John Morrison, L Patton,
Jamee, McEwen, M, Burrell, B. Gardenier
and others. At each evening • session a
musical programme will add to the ploaeure
of the audience. The above mentioned
meetings, together with those- hold at
Brussels, Wroxeter, Ethel, and Blonde
a month ago, should reach a largo proper.
tion of the farmers in the East Riding of
On Wednesday morning, Feb. 1.1, a
quiet but pretty wedding ceremony was
performed at the residence of Mr. Jolla
Geddes, 3rd line of Morris, when his niece
Miss Aggie lleIlellar, was united in the
holy bonds of wedlock to Mr Stewart Me•
Gee, of
East Wawanosh, who is also welll
and favorably known in Wingba n. The
knot was tied by Rey W T Hall, 13elgrave,
thirty neat
of about s
in thepresence
principaly relatives of the contracting;
to 'dispensed with,loth bride and... groom
being irtlattendecl. ,,, _ he bricl_d wore a rich
,a,•, ti .d.... i t silk and
clack reel) brottle�tr nit e iv 11_
wtrlta rble The happy young cot)ple left on
the afternoon train for the sontlittreiveryiner
with-tlte ea ted tv1shesseef th:eittemere •
fetiet l
1, Death always seems sudden when it
comes, no matter under what circumstance
and so it was in the death of Martha
Poeock, daughter of Mr. Geo Pocock, whicb
sad event occurred early Monday morning.
Deceased wee in the 31st year of her age
and pad been a sufferer for nearly 15 years:
At that time she had a severe attack of
rheumatism and though site gradually nut.
grew the rheumatic pains yet, other tom•
plications, resulting from her early sickness,
set in and for seven or eight years she has
been almost a constant offerer from
dropsy and heart trouble. Although
anffering slightly from the effects of a cold,
Miss Pocock had been around the house
almost as usual up to the evening before
her death, in foot site had come to town
from the farm where she usually keyed,
for the purpose of helping her sister, who
was site: with la grippe. Sunday evening
site complained a good deal of asmothoriug
sensation and 11ir. Pocock had been in her
rooni several times (bring the night to en.
quire haw she Was. .At 5.80 when he 003110
to her r•notn ]1e was shocked to find that
her spirit had passed peacefully away.
Deceased was a tnember of the Baptist
church and during her years of suffering
she exhibited an exemplary spirit of ehrin-
tian patience and fortitude. She leaves a
father and mother, one sister, and seven
brothers to mourn her death. The funeral
aerviecs were preached at the hone() Wed-
nesday afternoon and a large couoourse of
friends foltotted the remains to their last
resting place.
itennio's New Seed Catalogue.
We are in receipt . of: , a copy of Wm.
Ronnie's seed oatalogeo for 1897, and must
say it
is very tasty in its f
get•u� Several
new things for the farmer and gardener are
included in the list of novelties offered,
among the most promising being a new
field pea called "Oddfellow." It is very
odd and distinct in shape, nhtimrd to be
entirely bug -proof, as well as being a
splendid yielder of good geality. One of the
novelties of special interest to dairymen is
the "Danish Improved Sugar Beet," the
variety grown, by the world's famous
buttorreakero in Denmetk, A new early
potato, "Rose of the North," originated
with Mr, Naismith, tate Cenadiau potato
expert, yields at an enormous rate^ We
would recommend our readers. to 00011I'0
Mr. Rennie's catalogue for 1897, which tells
nil abent the novelties of the scason. Ad-
dress Wm, Rennie, Toronto,
dliss Jeanie Stewart is visiting in Inger-
Mrs. Rash
Me. John R431te1, or Kincardine, was in
town this week.
is home from visiting in
great extent ; there are et present 400
children in fot 3r homes ietarl
there by tate Childxeu}e c: id Societies.
There are 30 suo'1 ancetien in O.ttario and
others are being formed. Formerly the
work of benevolence in this line was carried
on 0141051 entirely by moans of faititut'ous;
this was not found satisfactory. Institn-
tion life was Itot found to be a goo 1 thing
in fitting childt en for after life. They were
too dependent and were found unable to
compete with children who had been reared
under more favorable ciroutnstences.
Hato the plan was formed for securing
foster Nomas. The cost of dtaviug a chile
properly adopted into a foster borne is
about $10. Mrs. Harvey explained fully
the duty of Children's Aid Societies, when
formed, and their power as well as that of
the indiyidtual, to ileal witit cases of
neglected or abused children. She spoke
of the way in which children were obtained
for the foster Montes and narrated many
touching incidents in connection with the
work. Of 80 glomes she had visited in her
official capacity she had found only two
that were undesirable 1101 -CC -S.
At the close of her address, Mayor
Morton was called upon and expressed ids
entire sympathy wadi walk of this kind.
Should a Children's Aid Society be organiz-
ed in Wingham he would give it his most
Mrs. J. W. Vannattcr is visiting relatives hearty aid and eo operation, both in his
in and near Wingham.—Signal. official capacity and as a private citizen.
lie was well pleased with the excellent
address Mra. Harvey had given.
Dr, Maedouald paid a very high tribute
to Mrs, Harvey for her excellent address.
Work of this kind had Its heartiest sup-
port. In liiaprofessional capacity he had
seen the need of such work. He had there-
fore molt pleasure in moving that the
thanks of the meeting bo given to Mrs.
HIarvey for the able and touching address
Dr. and Mrs. Graham left for Wingham • site bad given them. The motion was
on Tuesday to visit friends and from there seconded and unanimously cudor'srd by al
will proceed to Newark. N. J. --Brussels present. ."""
Herald. Moved by Mr. :tiuiutrye, seconded lee
Dr. Macdonald, that the ministers of the
town be a committee to meet and select a
committee from their respective congrega-
Szrtj -1Vili you kindly oblige by allowing tions for the parpoio of organizing a Child.
`renis Aid Society—Carried.
ate through your !taper to state a few facts 1 , ekes.
regarding the alas business? In order to ., Veterinar7 .Eieminetion..
make it a auccesa it is necessary to have a g
goodbarn and mill with a proper elevation I The following cirouler ]las beou issued
and convenient to a creek or river. Water . by the Meister of Agriculture:—
power is not suitable •in the manufacture 1 "The new agreement entered into be
of Sax ae it is susceptible to the slightest ; )ween the.United States and Canada in
dampness' and rnineci•rthereby. Secondly, ,,reference 10 'ilia imrtortati•7n, exportation,,,
good railwey accomodeit;on must be had so: and quarantilie rf :at:i»ual provides., autpng
that our produce can be sent to any market. • other things, that breeding stock exported
Flax growing is as much the farmer's bust- i to the United States front (]arade, must be
noss as the raising of wheat, oats or any • accompanied by a certificate, signori by a
other grain. Now let us compare it with ; Government Veterinarian,that the anneals
other farmer's industries: I exported have beets subjected to the tuber -
20 bash, wheat t•t the acre at 70c $14 00 calor test and found free from tuberculosis.
50 `° oats " 20c $610.00 These certificates must give the date of
30 " peas " " 40e 9).2.00 , testing and a chart of re.e,ction, with a des.
8 acres good land will feed one now for a � cription of the animal,,'dtfng age and margo-
year anct one of our best cows will not pay i toga. Th^ continnenre of the arraugoment
us more than 930. for milk tee. 3 sores of •with the United States will largely depend
the sem: land will yield 7i, tons of flax at on the carefulness Luta corrcretnt s with
$10 per ton, S'75. '1 lr_ labor of attending winchthe regubatious are carried out, and
to the cows on a farm will certainly „eel there's no one of these regulations mote
that of flax. It will pay the farmer to die.important than that %titlt regard to the
pose of nue or t•Loof ]ds cows and invest tuberculin teat, The Covaruutent 'feeling
onrrectnesi of this
the reelrousibUity of
the money in a flax mill as will be seen by the,
the above statement. A Fatncart.: test, thinks wise before rucking any ftp•
------ pointmeets, to !role alt exentination both'
Uhureli litotes. j -written and oral of all appliointe for the
. above mentioned positions. A Beard has
].lev. D. Perrie preacked in Knox church, ` been appointed by the -- Government, to
Galt, on Sunday. I conduct ttrc examinations tan,t they will
Rev. Fisher, of Gerrie, occupied the tithe pinae as follows:—
Laudon Friday. 10th anal. at10m.
h a
Methodistc utak on r Sunday.] tlpit in theS t day. � ,
Rev. H. E. Mason had sufficiently re- I in the
Od 1fe stn si'ty�l, Dain20.11sinst. at 10
from his recent illness as to
ro 1 be able
to take charge of his regaled: services on ; a. in. in the Sreterirtary 0 tllego 42, Tem -
to peraroe street. "
Kingston, Monday, the 22nd inst. at 10
the Bishopof F
His Lordship, Iurou, ad a. in. in •the Dairy School,
ministered the right of confirmation, to a .
class of twelve in L'3lgrave on Sunday last! --
He was assisted by Rev. Wm, Lowe.' News Notes.
Rector of St. Pad's church. 1 It is reported that Bolivia will &diem
Tho anniversary services be the Presby -war upon Peru,
teriau church on Sunday were largely' Burglaries and highway robberies are
atten•led. Rev. Dr. Jackson, of Galt, i very prevalent m Montreal.
delivered two excellent sermons. Colle3- 1 Driver Hooper of "A" Battery, King.tions iu aid of church fund amounted to sten, has fallen heir to 850,030.
The Y. P. S. C. E., of the Preabyterian The Dominion Type Fonndry Company
church will entertain their friends in of Montreal has gone into liquidation.
rather a novel manner, ort Tuesday evening rhe trial of Wm..J. Hem for wife
next, in the lecture room of the church. murder is in progress at Bracebridgc.
The entertainment will take the forin of a Mr. Riiodes was examined before the
"Scotch Evening," the entire program con- Parliamentary South Africa Committee.
isting of Scotch music and readings and it' Tlie British Niger expedition lute eapter-
is hoped that all who will eujoy an evening ed Bide, the oapital of the I'oulelt tribes.
of this sort will consider themselves invit-
ed to be present. Tho bill of fare will con- I The Ottawa Board of Trade is discussing
silt of scones, oat cakes and shortbread with i a resolution in favor of ata )alien labor law.
tea and buttermilk. The program will j The Winnipeg Public School Board has I
begin et 7.30. Silver collection at the door welted the Council for 5123,250 for the our. 1
in laid of church debt, ! rent year.
Ontario Legie1atnee vnled $63,000 for !
Cliiilren's Iii 1 Address, ! the the relief of the sufferers from the'
Very,interesting was the address given !famine in India.
by Mrs, Hervey, Inspector of Foster mea
o Stti 1
ton of Lombardy,
aged nine
of Children for Ontario, in the school room Item militantly killed by tho bnrstingt
of the Peoebyteriae church, on Friday of a salving machine.
ovouingl last. In the absence of the Mayor Four hundred Welsh families from
Rev. Mr, Petrie acted as chairman. Mrs, Buenos Ayres are expected to settle in
Hervey ie on unofficial tour through Huron; Manitoba 111 the spring.-
and Perth counties and takes this means 11 Charles Christie, the hest of the famous
of informing the public as to to the extent Christie minstrels died the liausas City
and nature of tho work done by societies;
Hospital, Aged tial years.
that !lave Leon formed in the priueip:a} Mr. George iloach of Hamilton, team.carica and towns for the protection of titer, was lulled near Burlington by ' a load
orphaned and neglected children. Mrs, of furniture falling on Nin).
A report ie eurreat in London that the
military authorities at L)thiWlt have decid•
ed to disband the Seventh 13attalion.
Walter Buchanan is visiting friends id
Winghem and Walker tone—Goderich
Messrs. Robinson and Gillespie, of
•Orangeville. are the guests of Mr. Ed,
Mrs. Benner, of Aberdeen, Kanas, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Gavin Wilson, of
To -Taut EDITOR or Tar Tztre:9
Harvey described the Gibson Aat, which
ggi6`es these societies the power to take
children away aortic) mem where they etre
being neglected or alit sect and to put them
into foster homes. Under the supervision Mrs, F redwick Varela cf llrantford. was
of Mr. J. J. Kelso, Government Superin- crushed to death by a freight train in
tendent of benevolent and charitable in. attempting to cross this railway near the
stitutions, this branch has grown to a Market street station.
Albert r Hess of x �
l atvrc.), Mass, dierklr>
peered suddenly with :57,O0C of other pee-
p l:s mon: p, H 1 gene hie wife weld to
I t0Fr
]t ti ', •:
I nls in Toronto.
An investigation of . the accounts of
Casl.fe:• For,rvtlie of the C. 1?. It., frets
department in London reveals a shortage
of i{250. L. horsythe lute been missing
for a week.
The newsfrorn Crete ir, exeitiug One
despatch says that theGreets army of oc-
cupation lifts landed at l'lalaniae, and no.
other despatch announces that the com-
manders of the Boropean wershipa, have
notified Prince George that they will pre
vent the occupation of the island by force
if necessary.
Business Loa's.
Lettuce, Home grown, at Farquharsoue,
French Sardiiree, 10 cote per tlu•at
Norciu END Orocanr..
For firl.t class oe stere cattier in bulk or
served try McKeevn•I's
Camelen, se'.f raising pancake flour for
dyspeptics at Nonttzi L'' w t,nocsni.
Our motto : Good Goode- at close privets
for cast). Nonni END Gwen.
Go to Youngand Paulit,'s ftltl t are.
Repairing and custom works speciality.
The latest Imperial Photos, S;i per dox
at the Star Pnoto Studio, Beaver BJock;.
Fouxn--A bunch of keys. Owner may
have same by proving property and paying
for this notice,
WdxTLn--Ro.. • alter, (12e to 13c.)
Dried Apple: 10 . ;y quantity.
• 2b Ciro E. Bee.
Roll butter 11 cents per Ib. this week.
Frreh eggs always on ]tiled.
Nettenl P,' NA (1110Vi JIT.
Boa Stove and Oual Stove for Stale. Have
bern repiacc d by furnace. 'Enquire at this
Get your repairing done at Young &
P.auhu's. hardware and tin eniporiatn I).
Sutherland's old stand,
—For first-olass tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, iu Queen's block.
D. M. Gordon gives 15 iris of hand picked
white beans for 95e. and bees Butter,
and dried apples by the ton—pays highest
'Handsome presents'given away -every -.
day at D. M. Gordon's; every article lea
household gem, and indispeusible. All ere
It pays to eet pour bills printed at the /
nuts ofli:e. A. free notice given with sale
bills, church bilis, &c., and are read in
hundreds of homes,
The tin shop in connection with Messrs. ~
Young &P.tutiu's hardwaru.?tnre has been
put into thorongb repair and fluty ate now .
ready to cit custom wink °Pall Binds, Give :,aa
then] ra pall.`
The right man in e right place. Give �'�
T ara
iileAlprue a trial for au u) -to-date rural at •
1.; oente. ape fel irrengeusenteatt betuade
for board by the weule.
Leer 1lie pup, half grown, black
with tan fron .et Was let seen en the
]llnev;ale roe ell owing ea lig towards
W' t It Any( e knowing of his where -
a a s will oblige by reporting at this
The Central Restaurant, McKenzie'n
beildiug,.his b ss.t renovated throughout
and every couvenicnc0 has been added for
the patrons' comfort. 1Slcats at all )tours.
Oysters served in any style. Also agent for
tate Huron Stearal Leuh•try- which turns
out work equal to any city laundry. Leave
orders at ray store •Pan's yft'ALPnnp
Sale Reedet0r.
Friday, Feb. 20—The f
implements o1 John Halla,,•
ut nborrr, will be old by
on the above date. Salo t
1 o'clock. The stock include
fat cattle for whirls the terns ari ditch. -
Pr>run Dr::t:S, Auctioneer,w 01,701.. ,
An A.grr .:itura1 Drily. . tame.
If our rearm t„trt to r;.l30,11 a for tit
only fanner ' daily in Cat:u(111, )ley tan do .
sn through tb office. '1 he Toronto Daily
News is only $1 year, nue it is a waste to
sabseribe for other lilies a ; iglier prio3
9'Ite News, besides b only $1 aa year.
h us the best mei • -'its :lia,hed n
the country )ten surebs. il»ngtuiil, as everyi-
ne is dr ' „ r o, eu'rseribe tli eightliis office,
and tome prompt delivery rind accuracy.
Tlan:s and News, 81.50
once at
Bead of
: •
The New Liberal Cabinet,
Wu have just received, a sem •,ie er f
1 0
I l ry
a most exeellent and life -like photoengrav-
ing done in three colors of the new Liberal
Cabinet. The Globo Printing Co. haye
secured the exclusive control of the picture.
It is 21 x 28 inches, and was arranged
front notnal photographs by the well -knows
Canadian artist, J. r). Belly, and is being
prepared by the Toronto Lithographing
Co., which bespeaks perfect work.
We have inado arrangements with the
• Globe Printing Co. to supply it with a three
t ial trim i 1 robe
h s t of tl a 't eek
tnont V
and Wingham TI7n.e for 40 cents or Globe
and Timm for one year and photo h:ngray.
ing at 81.50. This is without doubt the
(lreate tvalue ever offered. The picture is
one thatevery one should have. Cali at this
oftioo and see it bzfora renewing snbecrip
lion. 24.1
ng nit