HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-12, Page 7Ilk THE WINGHAM TIMES FEBRUARY 12, 1897, Au Old, Custom. It may ilot be generally known llut it is a feet that before any session of the British Parliament begins, a bod y of Yeomen of the Guard, falls Armed accompained by a Pollee In- spector maltesa thorough inspection of the cellars of the house of Parliament. This is a custom that has been in force •ever since the discovery of the Gun - power Plot. Before the members take their seats, it is known that no Guy I+'awks lurks beneath them, After the Guard have searched the cellars they ascend by a private staircase and examine the chamber. ASSUREDLY IT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEC E CHATHAM, ON T. Continues to increase. We hare now four unfilled applications for teach- ers from other business colleges in New Ilam p. shire, New York, Massachusetts and Ontario, and a lfitth has lust been filled. Why do not teachers and those holding teachers' eertillcates, also those teaching on starvation saint - les, quality as teachers of connuereGI subjects and shorthand. We c ,mot moot the demand made up. on ns for such. This is the most widely patronized business col lege in Canada. Here is the proof. Note how many tudents come from points north of Loudon, Stoat. erd and Toronto. Wal erten has 4 with us, God. t 'uFordwich erichl, Clinton 8, Vlpham 1, 1, Seaforth 3, Wroxoter 2, Galt 2, Preston 1. Luoitilow 2, A111• *ton 1, Alvinston 2, Marine City, Mich.. 1, Davis, Mich, 1, Corning, Arkansasl, Kincardine 1, Glencoe Palmerston 2, Paroles. 3, • Crathie 1, Lochalsh 1, Napier 1, Nelsonville, Algoma 1, Bryacston 1, Hen - sell 1, Leamington I. Lno:sido 1, Londesboro 1, Ravenswood 1, War crane 2, llolyrood 1, Allan Park 1, Geste 1, Colinville 1, Wheatley 1, Glen Meyer 1, Pelee Island 1, Puce L Aylmer 1, Sombre 1, Mandaumin 1, Quinn 1, Ripley 1. For Catalogue, address, D. McLACIILAN g Co., Chatham, Out ,yg k' 11 wax, cons ors BELIE:V. • INDtSCSIION, PLUTIERtN0 OF Till. JAUNDICE, HEAL t. ERYS)PEI.A3, ACIDITY OF THE �'`%` SALT,,,:;n, STOMACH, '1 ilifiArfsMfil, DRYNESS OF Ta:' . 1LAr•: t: -E, 5X!11. DI1.ICt12:2235, D:17::,_53. .z. ).sf:IYSPEPSIA. DR!iSY, ,,,•�(�^. inn .,nr, .nr••,.a ,, .,t -oma •,.*l,. 1(, "1 1,•41• Ul.ee,:....t f,.i �o LDUa:N '.�.) rad SUITS COUNTY COUNCIL. Horse wiled. `` The pitelt•holcs on the Wallace (CONTINU1 P- Tit(>\I LAST is:3t,Ta:,) 1 road caused the death of a hcrs,l on Sunday afternoon, and imperilled That one insane milt Ito, who is 'tile lives of at least to porsans. Mr. very weals physically, bo removed John M. Nickel of the 4th concession to the asylum as soon as possible. lei the township of Wallace was the That an old ratan, A. CYellseley, owner of the horse, and was driving who is very infirm, and Caines from to Listowel with a load of wood at the I'epperton, Cannington Station, Mid- time. When coming down Smith's land Div, G, T. It., be sent there as hill just at the corporation limit be his time expired on 1st. Febuary, ,encountered a pitch -hole, which else he will have to be t ent to the ; caused part of his load to slide fur. Rouse of Refuge. I ward upon the horses. Tide maul.- That supplies asked for by gaoler ally frightened them so that Mr, be granted. ; Nickel, who has the use of only one That supplies asked for law 'started could not hall them, and they library by Judge Masson be granted started OFF. Mr Nickel and his That the floor in registry oi'iiee:daughter, who was with him, man - That to jump alT the load without ami That the registry office was ex I injury. Unfortunately there was with ed and found in d the e. sept cin note be attended to.- zoper shape a of the runawaysteam, in which were That the statement of insurance .11Ir, H. lletnworth and a younger placed before the committee be' brother. At this juncture someone printed in the minutes, I who saw the horses coming sheeted That the different rooms in the to the occupants of the cutter to Court House. were 'examined 0.-idjump for their lives, and they had found clean and well kept, and that barely time to escape before the Mr. McCreath seemed to be an efei• runaway team etas upon the cutter, eat officer, and that a new carpet be which in a moment was a total wreck purchased for stairs leading to court Iu the concussion a projecting piece of the framework of the demolished cutter was forced into the side of one of the runaway horses, causing such an injury that he had to bo killed on the spat. Serious as was the accident, doubtless would have been much More so had Messrs. Hems- worth not leaped from the cutter in the nick of time to save themselves. A peeuliai•.featuro of the accident Is that the pitch -hole which caused the horses to run away is in the township room. Road and bridge committee report- ed that Westfield, Ball's Maitland and Eighteen Mile bridges spired new floors, that the commissioner ask for tenders for the same and the work be proceeded with as soon asps possible. That the tender' of -3L. Hardy, $139 for Tiplady bridge be accepted That Mr. McEwan be granted the land bridge provided he assume all of Wallace, while the spot Where privilege of laying a pipe on Bait Hess and gond shipping, ranks high, and the Golden Russett it well cnitiv- responsibility, and that the commis- the horse was killed is in the ated so as to produce a good sample. stoner have power to remove it at corporation of Listowel Whether and. awls stored in a properly any time. . this is likely to affect the question of constructed storage cellar can be kept '!'hat the commissioners certificate responsibility may yet have to bein good condition till June, when good prices cpn he realized for it. . Best forces aim' Wash Day makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least Labor. Its remark- able lasting and cleansing properties make SURPRISE most economical and. GROWING APPLES. Huron And Ontario Electric Rail- way. • 'rt1E VARIETIES BEAT SUITED TO 1S•F,t,T. The members of the provisional Els ONTARIO, 13o:1rd of Directors of the new Iluron • and Ontario Electric railway met on John Mc.lnish• of Wellbnrn, at Thursday in the Walker house, To - South Perth Farmers' Institutes: ronto, with Mr. N. McNamara, of The Northern Spy has its drawbacks Walkerton, in the chair. Itis a long time in coming into bear-; The company hi only in its initial ing and lirble to be attecked by the , stages, and the work considered was cureulio: yet, when grown on a deep' only preliminary, This new road rich soil, cerefuliy cultivated pruned i will touch some forth uf'the provineial and sprayed 1 will perhaps be found towns and villages in Ontario, a4 profitable as any as it wilt then amongst thein being fort Perry, be productive of a large handsome Uxbridge, •Bradford, Beaton, Shel- fruit, The Pewaukee is a thirfty bustle, Meaford, Iianover, Durham, • hardy and productive variety, the i'eeswater, and 11 Ingham. It will fruit being large handsome and of tap the Canadian Pacific railway at! goad quality. The Ontario on account FIesh(rton and Shelburne, s nd the of the productive nature of the tree Grand Trunk T 1. 'galway atermma1 terminal and the excellentgaa'ity at' the fruit; points. The main line is to extend ranks well as a profitable variety.' from Port Perry, on Lake Scugug•, There are others whose claims cannot to Kincardine, on Lake Iluron, a he lightly passed over. The King is distance ot 191 miles. Branch lines a very salable apple commanding i will be established from Flesheron high prices in the British m irket : the to Meaford, and from Walkerton to Baldwin on account of its productive- Goderich, making the total distance of 274 miles. New York ca pita lists are interested in the road, which, before its comple- tion, will cost several millions dol. I'll's, be sufficient for the payment of con- decided. The amnia) was a good tractors. work horse, and Mr. Nickel can illy That the tender of Mustard and afford to lose him. f 1 Guttridge for stone and concrete Mr. Thee. Gladman, bookkeeper for abutments for Bannockburn bride Aching Joints I Adam Hell, Esq., stove and tinware at $5.50 per cubic yard be accepted, Announce the presence of rheumatism ' stealer, Peterboro', writes the following and that the tender of the Peterboro Bridge Co, $,1273.00 for the super - •structure be also accepted. That the report of the road coin - Prominent Business Kan of Peterboro' Cured 0 Eczema • For Suits that suit. give comfort to the wearer and eatisfy your f ri, nrls,YOU had better try us. Our garment in ak ere TROUSERS know'-.owto do their work; don't think there are any better and yet we charge no more than others do for inferior work. Hundreds of new fall and winter samples to shoos° fron., at pru•es about half what you have to pay for old good., Work done for parties furnishing their mon clntli. If you think that a Tweed Suitcnnuot be properly made for El Spot Clash, call and ser) mit. work. Our terms are cash which causes untold suffering. Rheu- matism facts :--"Hare been troubled for nine is clue to natio acid in the blood.' years with Eczema on my leg, and at It cannot be cured by liniments or • times the itching was something terrible other outward applications. Hood's tried many eminent doctors and was Sarsaparilla purities the blood, removes pronounced incurable. I had given up missioner be' printed in the minutes the cause of rheumatism and permau- hopes of ever being cured. when T was 1±'inanee eomwitte t 1'eco ended °Qtly cures this disease,_ This is the recommended by Mr. Madill, druggist testimony of thousands Of people who to try a box of Dr. Chases Ointment, payment of some fifty aceounts. That the county solieitor draft a new peddlars and hawkers license bylaw in accordance with new statue, once suffered the pains of rheumatism and 1 am happy to testify that after, but who have actually been cured by using two boxes I am completely cured. taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Its great' _— power to act upon the blood and remove I An Awful Risk. t oe th- vs y impurity and that the present fee he continued. wonderful cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I Ilespeler correspondent to the That W. Lane be paid for actual i Guelph herald writes the following: traveling expense fore pounty election Big Prices For Sheep 1 As the after noon train was pulling and reported that the treasurer's London Tit -Bits; One thousand out from the Grand Trunk station is lvit• statement of county finances for were full and complete and carefully prepared, and that they be published in the minutes. rl'hatj the securities and bonds given by the county treasurer had been examined and found to be the one hundred guineas were paid fora , yesterday, a thrilling sight wa ram at Sydney, in Australia, in 1890 ; nessed by a number who were in that at the annual sale of Merino stud' Vicinity. _Shorty- before the train sheep, and during' that same year arrived an indivduatl, whose appear - 1,000 - guineas were paid at Mel- since bespoke that he was a typical bourne f'or a pure bred Vermont ram. hobo appeared near the station. He Prices almost as high as these have loitered carelessly around for come 1 ••a • • •nal shed same as those given in detail in the co been reached in the same unary time and as soon t.le tl auditors report of January 1893, t during 189(1 At the Sydney rani proceeded • a short distance clown the and that the clock procure before'sales Mr. James Gibson's famous ram trach. The train pulled out at the the next session the latest assessed 1 President, was sold to two Tasman - lively rate and those whose attention such securities. , values of the properties embraced in I ina breeders for 1000 guineas, In was still centred upon the man notie- id . ed him step to one side presumably to The warden's committee ,reported that they had decided to ask the opinion of the inspector of registry offices regarding the claim of the estate of the late Jas., Dickson and Jno. T. Dickson. That the claim of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute was a proper sine. House of Retuge committee recom- mended that the reports of physician and inspector be printed in the, min- utes, and that two. hundred capes W EDS'TER & 00., of the inspector's report be printed in pamphlet form for distribution. Opposite the Macdonald Bleck, That contracts for supplies. be wade for three months with power to extend them for another tertn by mutual consent. G0.1LHR'S REPORT. EIGHTY IN EVERY HUNDRED. SUFFER MORE Ole LESS PROM rttAT MOST OFFENSIVE OF DDSS:ASKS, OAT 1leRH—•rHt' 1)R. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER Id A WONDERFUL REMEDY IS TESTIFrk;D TO BY TIIOUSANIIS WHO HAVE BEENC-.«ED OUTRIGHT—MR. ALF:[. EDALOND,SON OF ROSRMOUTH, ONT., SAYS : t "I have been trouWed with catarrh for great many years. Have sufiered great- ly from it. I had tried all the so•cnlled cures but never received any relief from them. Seeing Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder largely advertised, I determined to try it, although very sneptival about any relief, but was greatly and agree• ably disappointed, for Iron) the first dose 1 received very great racier, and to day i ono honestly say that it has cured. 1 keep it constantly in the house, as we find it a quick cure Eli- cold in the head. It gives almost instant relief, t have no hesitancy in proclaiming it the best cure for catarrh, and I heartily reuommeud it to all sufferers from this main 1y." .Sul(! at Chisholm's Drug Store. Last week the County Council appointed gentletnsti from a distant.° on the Colligiatetnstiinto board of(.;lin- ton and Goderich. When the minutes were afterwards read for con1lil•m, atior. a move was made. to rectify the tnistake but a majority of the Council was averse to it. At the ling. 1+"tante ,orlon pa Messrs Gibson & Son 710 guineas let the train pass. In another instant, eleventh hour, a short time before f h Albert theThird, d tnd' however they saw a sight that pro- the Council adjourned several of the •1886 m . his head and with an athletic dart, I repentance when the original motion • m92. -4111E11, Ont. CURES C. 'c t ARRtit�A ;DYSENTERY COLIC CRAMPS CHOLERA:i N f'ANTLIM Viand till K. SUMMETi r M1altA1N S ihea ildr en -Adults t Atter mentioning in strong terms the improvement brought at,oti by the introduction of the incandescent light, shows that there are 17 prison- ers confined, three of whom are under 1 sentence for larceny, one insane and thirteen vagrants, all strung and able-bodied men with the exception ',of A. Wellesley who is aged and weak in body and mind. 500 there ram, p0 guineas were paid ut' id for the , eel.� duce horror to all. The fellow lowered I rural representative showed signs of laroy stud ram. During , E. G. Merrison sold a ram for 700 dived in between the fast revolving 1 was rescinded. James Sentt has then guineas, and Mr. S. McCaughey, wheels and in a;.other second WAS I appointed for Clinton and Jnu Ander- obtained 500uineas, for a sheep of I seen riding beneath the coach. The i son for Goderich, It is no reflection g ' act was a most dangerous one andon the first appointees to say that the his breeding. At the Lincolnshire , sheep sale, in Septembe last, one' tho-11 who witnessed it expected that ; Council acted wisely in making a ram, bred by Mr. H. Dudding, Great I til a tellow had attempted suicide. • change.—News Record. Grinlsb sold for 350 guineas to i The train however soon bore hint in I fiFii11; Murray & Lanrnan's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL BMUS i S, PERFUMERS AN CENEi1L DELLE; ONE GIVES RELIEF. The modern. stand - arc: 'Family Medi- cine; Cures the common every -day ills of 'ri_:s.lanity. •a P.:I-I)-A." Pain -Killer. (rsnwr lJ`VIs'.) A Sure and Safe Remedy 10 every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint is Pana- r flier. This is a true statement and it can't bo made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothacho. Two SiZES, 25c. and 50c. vatrtvv-aemv. acv. vvvv..>e easily Cured. Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco ,habit are easily oared by the use of ;Rill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. No et. ;fort required of the patient, who is al- lowed the use of stimulants until he vol - I untarily quits their use. May be given secretly in tea or coffee and -a oure guaranteed in every case. For sale by all first cities druggists at il1.00 per pack- age. For full particulars and book of testimoutnls, address The Ohio Chemical y Messrs Dean & Son, cf Folkingham. Other tams from the same flock were sold at prices varying from 50 guineas to 125 guineas cash, and' fifteen of Me. ntldding's rants obtain- I - - blotches and -all eruptions of ;1to. ski . ed an average of £102 4s. eaelt. One FOURTEEN YEAS IN TERROR It isaoothineand quieting and'r rootlike- , g msar;ic in the cure nt alt b IC;y heelers; ram, bred by Mr. John Pears, I BUT 1)R. AGNEIV'5 0000 For Tai r. I1P.:1ltT ;;:j Oeste. t0 the dist'ince his ped nous feat had i itching, Burning Sldn Diseases Cure(. for S5 boon successful but tho spectator's, Cents. today have vivid impression of thei Dr, Agnew's Ointm cut relirves in ono hodu's adventures. day and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald I Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcer Lincoln, sold for 350 guineas ; an- other brought 200 guineas, and one s.ld at 100 guineas. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has heart t theae : t For Over Fitt Years. �� Fifty AN L A disease; troubled very much with I deceased WM a daughter of.atr; Itlln (SAVE RELIEF 1N 30 sttsu-rl+es AND Tatum -•--- -�•- + llu'rTLE0 AFFECLED AUuk': W1ttOli .BAP. Wo learn 01 the'death at. Tyner: i+Lt•,u 1115 nil$1CeFrltySLOIAN$. * North Dakota of Mrs Jamesthtitsiin This is what Mrs. j. Cookburu of I wife of .Tames 31t'p�,�on, -Orr t/r' *Nil' Watkwocth. Oat, Nays : "Mir fourteen David 1ltanson. of I+'.gihoddvijie. The OLD ND WELL -TRIED REMEDY— yenrs 1 have been a great sufferer float rs by n11- sharp, shooting pains constantly passing' McKaiy, of the10 concession ofTneker- been useh my heart. Very often the d for over ratty yea spasms through lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes woreso severe that I would be - the child, softens the gums, allays all come unconscious. My limbs would pain, Duras wind colic, and is tho best swell and become quite cold. For these remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to fourteen yearn I doctored with beat the taste, Soldby druggists in every phyeioians without iTIlst Having neon part of the world. Twenty-five cants a bottle. Its value is inealu.tble. Ile sure and ask for Mrs. ttVinslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind, - M:. Samuel Pike an old and re- speeted resident of' the t<eeditd of IloW- iek died • t Fri lay last. He had reach ed the advanced age of 70. Oa Satur- day a large number of friends and aequaintatices followed the remains to Salem cemetery where ;hey were interred, smith. The death took play on the lith ot January and tiH tdcased was 47 years of age. Dr. Agnew's Our for the Heart wirer -I PILL -AGE. tised,1 determine i to try it and before I had taken halt a bottle I funnel great i ,er. Agnew's Liver Pills, 25 cord a vial, are inside I planned after the most modern in me:le VI science. relief, I felt the beneficial effects ' ide of thirty minutes' I have taken three bottles and it has done me more good ! than any medicine or any physician ever did. I Can eonseientiously re- commend it to all sufferers from heart trouble." Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. bIsk.e.ra *alai* they are as groat an itnprove=ont eve: the 50 ireatra old strong dose pat forma malas Its a bicycle it evor an ore out in trayer, Cinnamon Drop Coated makes them pleasant to take --being purely vegetable makes thein absolutely nate—they never The vital stnt'st es for Illyth dur-grips and they never fail ---10 dotes, 20 in.; 18;16 were ai follows: ---Births ceats w tbalt Store.sts, Sold at Chia. 2); marriages, 6; deaths 8. Here l yl s� awn Irresistible Prof That a Cure for D:ah.1;.22, Tes fotlowiu 1 t"-- t.• , ,t•tt anent is the best proof that dlab'tc' ig n .. iucn a lc, and that t:to:o in a remedy w .t 1e Wil: cure it. Ontario, 0 nutty ce. C+,r:•.t.1:1, to wit: I, C't:trles i,Ios.',1•1 til • G ty f Ott :vra, Pt the 0nuuty of Ca ler, 0, ti•a ltquli :r, do llcruby sole:tally declare a t fol -owe: 1. I r, side at 180B:11 SLect, in t'.;e said t•i:y of Ottawa. 2 Forth's past flft•''u year; I L••(va h .on a rem soil :ter fr •+n 1.11..0/ "; It .to 11 tho p•eminent eyulpt0:a•1 of which we •, :.,vet) pains ill illy ba k, hot. Ba,'103 (St :1, 11•' ;t:J a filo slaw of thq spine t.n b ,.0 cot toy saou:.iers, -11.4 etc. 1 w.ti in a Lad s: tut g>.nuritily':m Pel grott B:111y et :into. Tho intense pain i,, ev3:t 0.1 ta/ s:e 'd .:t.ld I soomed to goo worse eent't .11.1.11y. Vic d.) t Mrs who worn enlied iu prom indeed my d:oats° die.`totes, but their trt aortout did n , cool, i, ani they holdoatbut eligat Italie at ulyr:aroe,y. I was then so far gouo w:th the die3a.e t:t.tt I Gould not turn in bed with ,art help. lily ((vino was of a Clark wino col Jr, an 1 full of se(i;ntent. 3. I to 1k all ,dud t of mulleiuo, bat wit.rout periva.h3ltt relief. 4. IT Avi'tg of Deal's Kidney rills I (;ot n b T: at It. G. dlaeCar,ltv's d• ug' -tore. bras, been s) often dsapp salted 1 had no laiiil In spool. Iiowever. I e art d taking th.'i ', and tiny 'tune's the right IT .1 at ons, J, and I com- menced to get better Prom dist than all improvement was conti:rlotta until I wit now, ensr retyytree hemuse rain of lady kitut �c1Thein urine is natural, and I nut tlnw warkiug right along every day in lay shoe. 5. It is a great soureo of plefoltre far the to IIItltV to the world of the curative powers of I)lap's'Kidney l'illa,;tn1I make this solemn deelaration consciet tioasly believing it to be trills, an.t knowing that It is of tho same fermi and Offset as +t mads under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. say CIIABBLES 14085, 15ec1aredbefore me at the City of Ottawa„ 9a the Com:Aye Oar1111)0e, thte 4111 day M Aveit lea A nC