HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-12, Page 6THE WIN(*R4t1ti 'EINES, FEBRUARY 14, 1897. ia : rA DA.RN.ARDO- BOY BURNED. practice of throwing into the poultry FRIDAtr, PE13.IVLI.U1Y 13, 1897 house : truss of well -eared clover MYSTERIOUS FIRE R gilt DEATH .111 tray, The fowls always rush eagerly YORK TO%Vxstizi?, , for it, pick and scratch it over, arid a in a short time nothing is :eft of it #.f fatal l ti warredre warred ti on : oud ay but a few of the largest sterns. . evening, on _Tt, n I3ltun' font on the Eliza J. Hunt, or Crittenden Co., assennecsslon cast of loll. Milia ermont In Americen Agriculturist: WESTERN DAIRYMEN MEET. tin York Township, in which a lI►d'. My poultry account begins Jan. 1, of 1 named Charles, Bradbury lost ids life' liter tear, with 22 head, $11, to :arias? I REoltiG OF ,THE Near WARD -under circumstances whicn appear ` wheel I Iowa 11 pullets bought in IMPORTANT T 1hi;nINEd3 t' t\' i to call for the tuliestillveatigatiun. . August, :3.05, total $14,05, During At Pi;,; )- r Deceased wee was foerteen years the year I solei 2,055 eggs for $47,55, :of age, came to Canada trans South- said chickens, nios'ly broilers, for The Board of Directors of the, new ampton, England, in a Barnard() Is,, haul on hand Jan. 1, 1897, 72 scatter and cheese Association of party in July, 18:13. Ile was placed herd, mostly pullets in fine laying. Vestern Ontario, meet nu Febl'uaty I ' with John Blain, wi•o in conjunction condition, worth c3G.; total, $95.55; st in dr.: S,: r t>,cy'a ofil.e, London. with his cousin Stewart works a leas From this deducted first cost, $14.05, sere were present„ president, A. F. ed farm at the above mentioned t- and have a balance in favor of cLaren, M. P., Stratford; J. S, cation. During the year and a half poultry of $81.50. I set 100 eggs. Pearce, London; Harold Eagle, Ater. Bradbury hod been with the Blains teasel 92 chicks, Lost through all eliff Station. J. N. Paget, Oambos a reports of his behavior appear to emises, two hens and two chicks. .. John Pram, Harristou; It. W Ballow have been uniformly satisfactory. -- tame, Stratford; John Connolly, Port- I Monday afternoon Jno. Blain and ers' Hill; James Carmichael, Arva; the boy had a dispute over the terms -- ' and J. A James, Nilestow r_. 1 of the agreement under which the HAPPY HAPPENINGS IN TUE HISTORIC HAM - Tae prosid:nt in ten opanin ad• boy was hired in the course of which LET. is'ti large .handsome pear, of good dress spoke of the good hrurkdone by ' the boy persistently contradicted his Mr. John Gambill, jr., the well-known quality, ripening in, November and the Aes•lciation last year and regret-! empo1 er, and finally the man knock- and popular son of John tumble, Esq., Deeeuiber; Unfortunately, however proprietor of the 7 enrs,gden Hotel, der- the tree is tender, especially when ing the past four yeltre,g'yes the follow -1 y ink account of his rescue from heart and young, and to grow it successfully nerve trouble through the use of Alli- it requires the smile treatment as burn's Heart and Nerve Dille. Speaking its the Bartlett, The Beam: Clair - to our reporter, Ddr. Gamble said : "Some three months ago I began to feetis a largo handsome and attractive OLD TODMORDEN CULTIVATION OP }.'A^hdUS. THE SVE(.'IAL ADVANI'AOt':4 OF DOTER - ENT VAR1E'V'Ii•:i, John McAnisb, Wellborn, gave an interesting address at the meeting of the South Perth Farmers' institute on the cultivation of fruit. Refering to pears, he said the most profitable to -day aro those which ripen on in November. The Baldwin is an exception to this rule; the quality of this fruit is such that it will bring a good price at any time, But in the neighborhood of St. Mary's the tree is liable to be attacked by the cureulio. It requires to be planted in a sheltered position, top grafted on a hardy stock and careful! euiti- Netted and sprayed. With these pre- cautions it -will bear early and abund- antly, the fruit being large and handsome but there thoyaare neglect- ed the planter may expect only dis. appointment. The Bcurre D' Anjou (ltd. very much that it was not appro. r ed him doh n and kicked him. Blain dated as it should be by the dairy- r admits kisklug the lad while he was men. At the arunal conventions' on the ground but claims that he and local meetings held under the; did not hart him; that the boy gat auspices of the Association, and by : up saying that he was hurt; that then means of the literature sent out, 'Stewart Blain who was present dnr- dairymen had been cautioned against; beg the quarrel helped hint to the feedingturnips and such feed to COWS` house and left him on the verandah, supplying milk to the factories, and' after which the two men left the • /tad been urged to take the best care ; place together to visit a neighbor It of the milk, yet he was sorry to state half a mile away. They had nniy that there had been more bad flavor-' been there a few minutes when they ed cheese found in the factories last'heard that their place was an_ fire year than for several years back. He 1 and at once returned. When they hoped however that there would be :reached home their stables, cowhouso -----Maimprovement the coming season, ' and implement sheds were blazing and expressed the wish concurred in fiercely and were ultimately destroy - by other members of the Board, that 'ed. Many ot the neighbors were the work to be carried on by the there before them and succeeded in new organization this year would be ; rescuing a number of horses and more effective than ever in improv- farm implements. etc., but seven ing the quality of the butter and,milch cows, four toes of hay, a quan- cheese made in \Ve:tern Ontario. tity of other contents went with the A local Convention will be held at buildings. Milverton, early in March, and other The lad Bradbury was missed places desirous of bolding one should directly after the alarm was given send in their application to the Sec- but no trace of him was found, and retary at once. When such Conven-'the fear that he had bean tat in the aloes are held, the Association pays 'hoiocaust proved only too well for the speakers, and the local dairy- • founded when the ruins had cooled mien or Town is expected to supply: sufficiently to all )w• search being the hall, fuel and advertise the meet- ' made, his poor remains were dis- ing. The Association will co-operate I covered in their midst burned alto. with the Provincial Dairy School in :gather beyond all possibility of re. �•, . holding a Makers' Meeting at Guelph , cognition. Whether like Samson the early in March. :determined to inflict loss on his wit The Secretary will make entluries`ployer and end his life can only he of the Syndicate factories as to wheel- `imagilied. An inquest is being er they are desirous of continuingi held. the same line pf instruction another 1 year. All parties interested and 1 those desirous of having syndicates' Seventy -One Days Without Food • s.e formed should communicate with 1 On the 31st day of October last, the Secretary at once. 1 Halloween, a large sow pig belong - are President, Messrs John S. ing' to•bir. James Barnaby, of Ash. Pearce, A. Wenger, and R. Batten -1 t}•fie, will represent the Association; field, suddenly disappeared and the on the Central Advisary Board, and most diligent search of the fat m and the same gentlemen with the addi- tion I neighborhood failed to cv esti any tion of the 2nd vice -President Eagle, will comprise the Executive Commit- tee.- The matter of the Eastern and Western Association employing the same Inspector to visit the creamer - trace of the missing animal. As the. weeks went by and nothing we: either seen or heard of her, Mr. Barnaby had long since given up all hope of her renovery, but fancy les of the Province was lel'( to the his surprise one day lately on going representatives of the Central Board into his barn, to hear a pig grunting to act on as they see fit in conjunc- tion with tihe representatives of the Eastern Association A resolution was unanimously adopted, recommending to the minis- ter of Agriculture that a Central ,Secretary of Dairy Associations be appointed inasmuch as such a con- centration of effort would be in the best interests of the dairy industry of the province. The Secretary will address meet- ings at Synden and Appin this week and Thamesferd and Maplet..n next week. His services can be secured by paying his travelling expenses, or searing enongh members to cover theta. Patrons desiring his attcnd- alnee at meetings should write early St as to give time to arrange meet- ings in order. The membership fees for 1897 are now due and all who have not joined should send in the amount, (50 writs.) at an early date So as to secure the annual reports. The Best Way tO Cave Disease is to establish health. Pure. rtdh blood tneans good health. H'ood's Santa rills is the One True Blood Puri- fier. It tones up the whole system, girt s appetite and strength and cause* weak - noes, nervousness and pain to disappenr. Ne other reedceine has 'mob a record of wonderful 00t53 as Hood's Sarsaparilla. underneath the building, and on re- moving the snow and straw, he dis- covered the long lost animal alive and well, although considerably re- duced in size and weight from her 71 clays of confinement without food tar drink. On being released, the poor brute commenced eating the :clow and for a few days ate very little food, but she has since fully re- gained her appetite and now Is mak. ing rapid strides to get back the couple of hundred pounds of pork she lost while imprisoned. floom'r Hats are the beet after•dinner pill; assist dlgestiba, prevent cunatipn-. Von. bio. A gentleman from Manitobi who. wAs iin Goderich last wsek:, pw she i - ,ed 76 wheels from the Hamilton very poorly ;let fact, I felt es if I was looking fruit of gond quality. It moving around in a dream. This condi- will also be surer to succeed when tion I wrongly attribsted to biliousness, top -grafted. The Gloat Moreoaa is for I beuatne very weak and seemed to ala: a rood-lookinc�uear of fairly have no staying power. I also became. g €� n very nervous, and would jump er start good quality all ening in December, at the slightest sound. The feeling was The Josephine 11e11allnes and one of constant dread. I expected some- Lawrence are early winter varieties thins dreadful to happen, I knew not of fairly good quality and will what. Again I was dizzy, my memory , 1 failed me very often, and es 8 matter ot probably be found prof#;able for fact my whole system was out of order. market. To those who with Our druggist. Mr. 11. W. Love, corner to grow only a fete pear trees Broadview and Denrorth-avenues, re- commend -Ad Milburn's heart and nerve for home use lie would recommend Pills some three weeks ago, and I have , varieties that ripen in An gust Sep. taken them according to directions. tenhber anti the early part of Oetot,- Prom the very tirst I began to improve,' er for as a rule they will be found and nin now surprised at the change in my condition. I am very much stronger; to be of far better quality than those lay nerves are steady, and my memory ripening later on. The Flemish bright. I 00 longer sutler with that l;ehuty, Doyenne, Boussock, Ilowell, proved certainly, morbid feeling of dread. The a piremaste have and Washington would be good varie- ablehle remedy for weak in my cash weak nerves and reduc- ties to select frutn. While atlt the ed physical strength. 1 cannot reeorn- verities I have mentioned are good, hand 'them too highly to alt who sutler fur either canning ur dessert there from any or all of the symptoms which are some which are wit fit for dessert f have mentioned to you, and must re- turn my thanks to the manufacturers of 1 but are esteemed by many for cook - these ells for placing such an excellent. ing and canning. As the most pro - medicine before the public." Todmorden, Ont i fitablo of this crass,, on account of (Sgd) JOHN GAMBLE, ' their great bearing quality. and , ,largo and handsonc fruit, I would SUICIDE. AT SEBRINGVILL.G1 incaetinfeert.he Vicar of Wakefield and the GR\ND TRUNK AGGEtiTSYMONDS COULD' X701' LIVE WITHOUT Ills WIVE. 1 On Wednesday • January 27th about 80 invited guests from Ford- ; with Gorrio and the sulroutiding country,gathered at the home of ii1r. and Mrs. Wm. Gibs'(', who reside just east of 1''ordwieh, to witness the marriage of their daughter, Mary E. to !lir. Peter Doan. , Mr. Richard Symonds, G. T. it. agent at Sebringville about five miles from Stratford, on the Goderich branch, committed suicide last Mon- day forenoon. When the train from Goderich arrived there at 8: 30 a. In Symonds was on duty as usual. But from that time till the arrival of the noon train from Stratford nothing is known of his movements. The un- fortunate titan was finally discovered in bed, while by his side -lay a note addressed to his son, and on a stand within reach was a small vial label- led strychnine. The letter simply (announced that he was tired of liv- ing without his wife. His wile was taken to the asylum a few years ago her mind having become deranged. Symonds had been agent at Sebring- ville for about five years and was 50 years old. The Poultry Yard. .T. II. Davis, in American Agriettl- turist: Poultry raising is admirably adapted to women, and if the fiu•incr will fie up commodious and substan teal houses, and start the women folks in the business with pure breeds adapted to their wants, or to their choice, there will be a bank account annually front this source alone. I lately read of one farmer's wife making $180 clear on her fowls; another made $275, and another cleared $225. And such statements are eommon. Farmers Mould he more considerate of women VOtllen folks, and give then! more household help, then they would be free to carry on this profitable industry, Whir3ll would add to their wealth, health and happiness. Geo. A. -Martin, in American Aral i - Guitarist: It is neeccli ss is e'xt 11n4 eoofttk clover to redder it availa'tt food for poultry. • Daring the. 1141 two winters, I have made a da ly 1 MY DAD'S THE ENGINEER • AN INTERESTING STORY SUGGESTED BY THE POPULAR AND PRETTY MELODY. • hirs.James Smith. Don Mills R Itt1, Todmorden, Oat., Savo our reporter a kindly interview n few days ago, and spoke about the cure effected by ]iiil- bure's heart nod Nerve Pills in tbo case of her hwshand, ale J'ae Smith, the well; known, popular and eilleient engineer. Said Mre.Srritb t "My hush Ind has been outfacing for a long time with nervous debility, which aerioualy attack,-, ed his general health. The use of 11(11- - bern's heart and Nerve /'ills, whicif he 1 got from Mall. tV.L,ve, the drag;fint. ' has been very banofieinl to hire. They did him more good than anything elseha had ever taken before, istrength0nleg hili nerves, and toning up his entire, rystem. They are the grandest remedy for woe. *us affections, and, raornever'. 1118 6.4 ' tonic obtainable, They proved ea efffst• ; cions in my h 1fitliPealee that 1 com- menced giving them to my do ightief(rt 1 nervoueneese, with whish ttf(e hsrfi boeiri troubled for some tifmh, end they tit's already giving elittfafnotory remits? Mrs. tJ fr.l14ldlx'fra '2odmoreieff, Ont. The Clinton Public Board Mea relet►scd Miss Melilwen from her engagement, in order that she may accept a more lucrative situation at Ottawa, and has secured Mlsis Annie Taylor of Blyth, tvho has:bees teach. ing in the Brussels Public f33h0o1 since the beginning of the present' y ar, as her sueceseor. PYNY PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS is si aurptlslnt ly alters fime. It's n sel- f Minn ctttainty, tried and true, soothing and hailing in its effects. W, t', 3fkGoatnax & Son, lletichette, Que. nest# De fottnrthst Pys •Pnebrtai rntetf tetra. f!, flat.e.,t et.•htfmb• ru1111yn ekes( find bronrbiat • mmol, 4l,4 alas eared tV G. No'otnber of a 1,mg-ntandiai,ul ilia. J. 11, it. rtv, clietaIst, 9'1 Longa Sb,'rarontd. writes: t W5,•onra1lnlahandlees ayr,tp Priv.ttl�nrt.iai l.1 4 I' ill luratunl,te 1t,rris,ratlenl. It 1115 Oren lbs 11,nt.Mt aslhfartIon to all who ratan stint It, fnatit having ate,Rrn to the of the !. t,rnts omired frnm tt. nee 1n th.Irfamllior. 1115 nnlisblsf ad Or young, 1MIOK i,f1Anantt4 n1aMa FiehtallIIAtetii*14,An Ito Ws INi4 ISJhdbte mash wood* • Earle 'rattle, illi 'Cts. DAVZSs�i R1'.NCtt Co., LTn. ,,, Proprietor* Moariaa.i, y4 . . • .. 1 • . s • •t Capital, $1,250,000, Best, $050,000 Provident—Joint STUART. vice-Prcaldent—A, U. RAattAr.. =MOTORS JOHN PROOr +a, Uos, AIt0 011, W/4(ToroGalion, 311', A. T. Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bunk—]tours, to to 3• Saturdr ys, 10 1. De sits of 1b1 and upwards received and Mont Allowed. Special Deposits also received a: our:onl rates of it ...rest. Drafts nit Great Britain and the UnluJ State bought and sold E. L. DICKINSON, W. CORBOULD, ActNT Solicitor. GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY. DEPART //Olt MIME 11103/ Toronto and East 6:50 a.m. 1:15 pan 3:15 p. m, --via Clinton Palmerston Nixed 5:30 " 10:40 a.m London and South 6:50 a.m. 11:10 " 8:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m, Kincardine 11:10 a.m, 0:50 non. 1:15 pin. 8:30 p.m 8 " 5:50 " A. E. SniliTH BANKER, WINGHAM -- GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. Dloney advanced o Ferment and Business !nen on endorsed notes and collet! pal. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. Money to J.oan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 61 pet centwlth privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note and accounts collected. IIOBT. IticINDOO. Beaver Block Wineham, Ont --18 PUb1 J8RED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING --AT Tot:--. TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHIP.E STREET' WINGUAtI, ON'1'AItIO. Subaerlptionprioo. at err 3•Cau•, iu aeve A00, ADVEliTISIMI ItA1Eb: Space 1 1 yr. 1 o n.o. 1 a no.I 1 mo One Column 300 00 890 00 1 913o 00 s Q0. Dalt •' 90 00 20 00, 12 00 Quarter t0 00 12 00 7 00 3 00-• One Inch 40 600 300 2e0 10 1 ; for first insertion, casual ndBe. per line forcach subseequeu 1 insertion. Jleasnred by nonpareil reale. t Local notices IOe. per line for Gret insertion, and. 1 So. per line for each subsequent ,userficn. 1 Advertisements of Loot, Found, Strayed, Situations, nd Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 liner nonpareil, tit for first month, and 605, for eaoh subsequent month, Douses and Farms for Sale, not ,oxueeding S Itgee 81 for fitst month, 50e. per subsequent month. Larger advurtlenmonts Ito proportian. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or 10 longer periods. Advertisements without 'peon! e Inserted 801 forbid adchrge& accordingly. Traesttvey advertiseutents must paid in advance thee ollice by Wednges for nesday contract noon, In rder to appear that week WE CAN GIVE rot ITIONS to persons of a! grade. el ability. Aucuts, book•kcepets, elm Ito, farmers' sons, lawyers. utechanics, physicians, p eaehers. students, mariltd rtd rif Irle''women, widows. Positions are worth f 0111 Neil to 02,500 per RUMOR. We have raid retelal canvassc•a 560 weekly for yenle Malty /:ape slatted prop and become rich 11•/111 ea, Poi lip 111llta upon application and if satisfactory and mec,sory, n perrenal inter- view may be an5uµed. This Ir an Irnest a,hertiso- nant. and if yt.0 rant to 1.1,.'r your position, write btimc yon )10. p. State eatery expected Ncithtr trains 1,111 tit teensnttd apply, Tnn ORAs- LeyOARRITLO1t CO., 1.1D,, Toronto, t f HOME Emplot mot for whole or spare time : either stx ; no stria, 1141.g whatep er: plait writers preferred ; f0 to 812 weekly, book rurrtapot:denco. cop) ing uu.ires•es, specimen capics and Instructions ready to go to work. 6Cc.. tttuenable if not accepted. thorougb,y genuine. P ddrees, a Arlen Pub, Co., London, Ont. 1.15 y WANTED—Young men and women, or older ones if atilt young in spirit of undoubted thwarter, ;;nod talkers, ambitious and industrious, can fink tmpioy omit ht a good cause, with $00 per month and upwards, according; to ability. Bev TSLtanouri,Toronto, Ont, tt YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. S. G. /BROWN, Pluming:ea awn Peewits DR MACDONALD, - CENTRE STREET WINOtl ONTAat Tj VANSTONE, LLlirr BARRISTER, bULICITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loon at lowest ra•.• interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tows• and farm property bought and sold Orr'icE—Beaver Block tt•taoIIAut B. Y. P. U. --Meeting every Tuesday 1 evening in the Baptist church. 1 .EPWORTH LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursoay evening in the Methodist church.' ForaTwA ity-even Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE000K'S BEST FRIEND t.ARGESV' SALF. IN CANADA. ' Caveats and Trade -Mark# obtained. and all patent business conducted for 11ODEi&ITK IVEEIi. My office Is in the immediate etctaity otthe Patent Office, ndnyfaeititiestor securin fpatentsareunsurpasse Send model, sketch er photograph of invention wIA description and statement as to advantages claimed, .tirNochamois madefor onept'do site* ltartsstabilii}i, and my tee for prosecuting the application toil/ not bo oatiert for 'milt the potent is allowed. "Iayst..ree0Gutna„" eon. talning full Information seat free. All thomtaunl• cationic Considered at 8Irletty Confidential. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH ORO 1n th reef, W.ARIIr tororr. la, O. lnnek•Aelto, Tnee•Aehe, Scheele Palos, Neultalale Palms. ea redtr In the Aldo. etc. Promptly 1011eve5 and Cured by The "D.& La" 1.. Menthol Plaster !Wits mod Tont D. A 1. uenthnl Plaster far wore nun In the IAA and lumbago, I ltahelltallnkly prrnla..rnd Wen as a sea, Mee a1drarptar.m"ty1lnhut. theyartate - aiasla-•A 1.t14,lsTa. kl,s*batht,we, ono. "Pelee sue. t AVlft,k I.AW1Ut CE•CO., Lan. Proprietors, htextRrM.. . «, J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, .tc., SVingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO DANK OF HAMILTON. MONI:T LOAN. Office—Meyer Block. %%Ingham M• G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, •CONVEYANCER, &e Office—Corner 1lentilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne hotel. GODRRICB, ONTARIO. TENTISAY.—J. S. J EttOME; L. D. S.,IVittonart• 11-::± ly ,,tauufactur,r'g first-class sets o teete made •••••••1 n 1110 UouiIas dtou they i Teeth ecan xtracts* absolutely absolutely witaout pain, by ha new process, guaranteed perle.tly safe. OFFICE: In the Blare Block, opposite th Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. a, D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penn.ylt an Dental College. . OFFICE•-.MACDONALD BLOCK. Nora—►►Ili v1eitBlyth etvey Wednesday. J CII R1501118 OF,NERAL 1NSIJItAN E AGENT WINONA:t. ONTARI ofDEANS, JR., tt'1No, An, LICENSED AUCTIONEER F011. ,tiE COUNTY 01' l2URON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. JOHN CURItIE, WIronmu, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements specialty. Alt orders tett at the Tiaas office promptly attend ed to. Term reasonable. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 111 Heads, Circulars, ate., dto., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices; and on short notice. Apply or address 8.0 BROWN, ass Office. tt'inghatu. BOOKBINDING. We aro pleased to announce that any Books Magazines bete with us, for Binding. will have prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any, atyl will bo given on applict tion e the Tutus (Mice. " tlt'EEtt VICTORIA • HER LIF!: AND REiGN•" s Brett historic work, %elle on sight to thousands: Lord Duferia introduces it to Canadians in glowing words, Easy to make 4.0 0 meek, some make twice that. Many make more In spare trot, than dunnt; d'sy at rtgular omployment, This;yenra' Great Sex. agenary Celebrations aro booming it. Books on time. Prospectus 'recto cnnvasset e. Territory going fait Tar LBlttLnr•U*iutsiae:f Co., LTD., - Torotnto, SOCIETY MEETINGS. SS_Camp Catodoaia No, i0 . sat , she ititI a d third lleittl bper month, in the Odd 1rollnwt hfail, Y1 t� tathren waled.: o, J. Ituttay, (blot. 2r. Oordon, Ren. -toe -'1