HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-02-12, Page 31 WINUHAM '1'IMEx, FEli.t ,' ' M UN■ON CIJRINti. fi E IRK. HiS IMPROVED HOMOOPATHIC REMEDIES ENDORSED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM ONE MAN'S GREAT WORK. Prof. Munyon Has Placed INI1hi:l the Reach of All a Cure for Each Disease -_Rich and Poor Alike May Doc- tor for Themselves. Gnearest d ug tst-it will Lou. youowha io uao and you can buy the remedies from any dru;x:ttst at 2$ Jmacs ab.+tt•e You eau be your owe doctor. Mr. James Carr, 'Toronto, says: ''1 think there is no rem dr .o• rhet.- mntism lit(+) Dlunyun's. 1 was troubled with that di tease ; ui i e;eryth u. possi- ble to secure relief, Uut w,utd get no benetit until 1 used 1luttyuu's remedies, The rheumatism was fu my limbs, and it was so bad at times 1 was obliged to (4'uit work. Three bottles of Muuyon's Rheumatism Cure cured me until nave not had a pain since. Munyon'e Rheumatism Cure seldom furls to relieve in one to three hours and cures in a few days. Price '25e. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure pusttively cures all Corms of indigesaiuu and stom- ach trouble. Price 35o. Munyou's Cold Gore prevents: pneu- monia and breaks up I. cold in a few hours. Price, 25e. Muuyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays surauess, andspeedi- ly heals the lung;. 1'i ice, 23c. Alunyon's Kidney tlure Speedily cures. pains in the hack, loiosgroins fortns of kidney disease. rPi hie 2;) uncial! dall Munyon's headache Core stoats head- ache in three minutes. Pi•ice'2.3c. Muuyon's Pile Oiutuleai p .ettively curets all forms of piles. Price, •.);.),i. Munyon's i3tuu.l Clore Hr•(.lwntoA all impurities of the 1>lo0.1. P. i ,a, 23e. I unyoo's Female Ratu:Alias are a boon to all women.. Munyon'e Asthma Remedios relie4.e in 3 minutes ;and cure p,rauaubutly, Pktue, SI. Munyon's Catarrh 11...utadies never fail. The Catarrn lan•H --price 25o.- erad'oates the disease from the syetettl, and the Catarrh Tablets--a1rtue cleanse and heal the part.. Munyon'e Nervo C.tre is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price, 2)c. Munyon's Vitalizer matores lust vigor .! p oe $1. A separate ours for oiult disease. At all druggists, costly 'L tc. ra vial. Personal latter:; L, Prof. \luny 1•l, IL & 13 Albert St., Tor'aat,,. tins .vere l .oath free medical advice for allay disease. havo3 a B37 wit 3. a. J:t;IC aira. Last week three buy's,. NT. Wei- gand, II. Wendorf, and A. 1Veber, employees of the Knt',ehtel Furniture Co. opened a barber shop in the, U an- pany's works previous t a ve)rki'1 lulurs, says tae 11 t t) ✓ : L'J3G. tl'. J. O.unpb.:il soil )f li t t it th1 J bell was was the lir't pleae 1 ill the chair, and was givetl t d+',' oii t.'.) wadi a jaeknife. The knife not have !seen in goal e ).11iti ) 1, 0..11 to tit have pulled ba sty or the ty would not have complained to his father. Thi: resatt of the SI1/tV.112: W.13 that Campbell lodged a • e)tnpLtiut with Duncan Campbell, J. 1'., ehargin;; the three buys with a,..tlalt en his son. After hearing tilt; +:ao,3 the magistrate tined the h)y.i exalt. R does not take touch t , :1 it:' an assault case under th w ;tnd the magistrate could du no otter titan inflict a tine. \Vhat n t rruw eat.: t p•.s inost of us growth pojalt3 in tdt hive had wh.:n we were b tics -and never knew it. It was a fortuu rte thing for us that magistrates wore not as fond of law in chose by.; t 1•o d Lys, as they are in those enlig'tteied age. A ' Baby Eczema and Sestd :Read. Infants and young children arepeculiar- ly subject to this terrible disorder, anal it not promptly nrte3ted it will eventual- ly becotne chronic. Dr. Chase made a special study or Eczema and disease of the skin, and we can confidently recom- mend Dr. Chase's Ointment to curs all forms of Eczema. The first application soothes the irritation and puts the little sufferer to rent. A asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to hood's Pills. !'!mall fa elze, tastelet$, efficient, thorough. As one mea 1.00 said: ` 'fox never kpow pet have taken& pill till It is all ever." 060. C. L flood & Co., rroptletbes, L(iWell, class. 'fits milt pills to take wltt► lliood'e. ;'ersapsrflis• STOLEN from EXCHANGES Barefaced Robbery. Daring the coming snmmet' Ches.' ley will build a public school at a cost of $0000. Mr. Charles Dowing, of the 2nd con. of Howiek passed away on Wed- nesday morning at 1. o'clock, at the ripe old age of 83 years and six months. Mr. G. 131. Cresswell, treasure of Tuckersntith Branch Agricultural Society was entertained by his fellow directors at a complimentary supper at Dick's hotel, on Wednesday even- ing-, The machinery in Main Living. etc n 's new saw mill, was put in mo- tion for the Rist time on Tuesday afternoon of last week,and worked perfectly. John Baxter, of Mitchell who f. 11 some few weeks ago and broke his thigh bone died front his injuries Tuesday morning last, in tho 82nd year of his ago. Messrs. Frank Guttridge, of Sea - forth and Alexander Mustard of l3rncefleld, has been awarded the coo• tract for the erection of the abut :lents of Bannockburn iron bridge which are to be made of concrete. R)v. lir. C)oper, of Knox Church Liitowel intends going to New York the latter part of this month to take a course in eloqution in some of the colleges in that city. I'Ie expeets to he away two or three not.Ths. It is currently reported that owing to physical infirmities Mr. Dickson, who has for so many years faithfully presided over the ,jail at Goderich has tendered his resignation; and than Joseph Griffin, ex -reeve of Ashfield is to be appointed. in his place. While watching a game of curling, its the rink Ula I? i1iv evetltnlZ, Robt. Magahy, or Listowel, son of Mrs. Magahy, Main Street west.;, ha C his. feet Ia►oekell from tinder hint • b,' a curling; stone, and fell so heavily on !Au) ice that his collar bane w ti b:.,lc• ed. - Last Sabbath evening after the lamps had been lighted in the basement of hguwudvillu elureh vile u1' t.tte t hatl- delters containing. three burners tell to the floor butt most fortunately all. went out no further damage wa-id t It than a badly soiled floor and sonie'sad- ty demolished lamps. At at meeting of the McNillul: Mutual Eire Llsurance Company. tie:d id Seaford' on Saturday islet. Hr. Sdaanoi the secre.a.ry-treas-t:er was a.ppoiuted a delegate to mama' the a.tuual meeting of the Mutual Fir,: Underwriters' Ast-ociatiun to be nel'l ill 'Tuivt:tu un the 2 itlt inst. 1[rt Saner, widow of the la t' r ,y. S v •r, r. M. I) . and In trh('I• a' Charles Seager, Goderich, died at Port Davey un January 28 in iter 75 year. Deceased w;is one of t old- est residents of Port Dover. Ste wn. 1.1111 in Ooalhrook(1ate in Shralt shire England and came to t a Tarlo with her husl'a td in 1815. lir. W. iI. Cline. of Seafurtlt g •t a snow 1 last. •ins; ,naw bath )n Sunday Li. Ila iv 1A psacintr aloha' the street at th, side of the Methodist church when an ival tneho of snow slid. •07 too rout', nearly burying him alive. IIis ha' was driven down over his f are, and the riot torn of the force of the dov n '111, lura (In'talii+tteiv, he tt'r4 frightened than hurt as at the. first to thought it was a message front tn.' idler world. .kIrxantler Torry of the 7th cop. ,f 'riac't:e,'.ntith slaughtered a piz last week 'high dressed the snug Wei.;;':' of 298 pounds. Mr. Torry got ,i' t•vm► Mr. S. Houston in .Time I tar and it was then scarcely a mouth old. It was of the Tamworth breed. Some condemn this breed of pigs because hey say they do not 'mature y ung tn•1 are hard to feed. bat Mr Terry seem -3 to know how to feed the:if to. nt Oise the food tell. • 'roe Bruce County • pout c'1 for 1 t7 eoll;titts,of eighteen :.embers. alt• really they are classed a: fol.. •o t : -Reformers, 5; Conservative, 8; ' i t -on Conservatives, ; i'aat ron ft -formers, 2. •- Tieligrion;-1'recby- '1 ut 7. Methodist, Co Baptist it ,•-t'0lisilit►n 1: Ronan - Catholic, I As Me. Shouldice the member, io On. iVairden-for•18.17', is aMetho-. li.l. our t'I•fenda of- that denomina- i•nt can -claim -that ,th('y rule the •n.1Kt in Bruce, for ' this and neat year: Miss Dura. Smith daughter of Jlirt. It. Smith hardware tnerchant Brussels. has been engaged to teach a school near Listowel tender vacant by the decease of J Grills the late teacher, Miss Smith render good service we have no doubt. Early last Friday to )ening the people Brussels, were sally surprise 1 to heat' of the demise of Hattie, eldest dangh- ter of Geo Rogers, Brussels. Con- sumption was the cause of de ith, set! his illrte3s only extending over six tt'ceks although she had been in failing health for about a year, The W. C. T. U. petitioned the council at their meeting on Monday to pass a by-law prohibiting the importa- tion of indecent literature and photo- graphs into Mitehell. As there is a statuary law to meet all such eases, and any may prosecute the council's hands were tied and the petition was fy'led. „lies Annie Ross, who is now teaching in Glencoe, declined the offer made her by Blyth Public school board a few days ago, and at a special meeting' of that board un Friday evening Mis3 Stevens, of Clinton, was engaged at $250 per annum. The board met again 011 Monday evening and appointed Mr. James Barr caretaker of the new school at a salary of $100 for a year. 'l'he tenders of Messrs. John Will - iams and Wm. McGowan to supply 20 curds of wood eae:t at $2 per eurd Isere also accepted. Mr. Richard Selwood of Chest:y, and his teat:, had a nice bath on Saturday, which was cold :f not re- freshing. He has a contract of -drawing ice, and when dr•iviat, on the pond in the morning fur ;r load he got onto weak ice and t:w Learn wont through to the bottom in several feet of water, ia00111)anirtt by the driver. After aunsidcraloc work they all reached terra "folio. is safety. It in unnecessary to remark that Dick and his team made rapid track's for home to get fresh clothes and dry hides. ll:s; McmAth of Dungannon tout with an accident of a pec t11at• but decidedly unpleasant nature, and 'tall a nt trvelons escape front being :alae I. Going into the yard fut. a pail, of water, the top of the well Ii'o way allowing her to fall to int- ow tom a distance of about 4.3 feet tiulelu were 8 foot of water in the well and she went straight down. Coiling. :o the top again she managed to ease': a brace that held the well tai posi tun In thi; uncomfortable pusiti,n t etmtined half an hour with the ice w chilling her through and r,hrun.;N, wl.en her molter noticing fur :Il sena: ea ue out to look for he,. ar(1 was horritlr(1 to hid her at tl'e 1 , t. -in of the well. Situ r,t•u n t o. ee t.,.• assistance, and it there was a ,Iv t cntb at the ti•p of the ItielI, it took soule time to get ropes and 1.1d,ler4, that when ressutid she was in a :tit1 title co itiitio,l. Fortunately she ,n;tained nu inj try tliruu.;h h r fall. 1 'tr she is not yet ove: the res tit of the ,hock and exposure. CASTOri Por Infanta, ani. Chi:Iaea, TIN fee - finale bus 'tt Another °case, "didn't kno v it was loaded, " happened at of Mr. John AMU roy in Morris on Friday evening lase. A young lad named Douglas Armstrong aged about 17 years, who lives with Mr. McIllroy, was firing off' blank cartridges from revolver, when one of them failed to work, he looked into the barrel 0 see what was wrong, and in doing so turned the cylinder round to a chamber that eontaine+t a loaded cartridge. While holding the revolver with the barrel at bis head he pulled the trigger, the result being that the c irtrid ;e dis charged, the hall sti iking hila in th : upper front tenth and glancing down• ward peaetrating tl e tongue to Vie root, where it lod el. Dr. • ltiiln: was sent for and t fter probing f)r the bull t for some minutes 1 c re moved it and the 1 atient is now do- ing nice',. If the bullet had not struck the teeth first and broken its force the result !night have been in- stant death. Prevent sioknesi and save doctor's bills, at this season by -purifying tke blood with flood's smrespasilla. BvI,t;tlr; l'l. the (' 0 The great n,lrtnke (,: e.t It:l;renoo la s0 common that etery one tat ier:(tands what is meant by the term "spoiled child," for spelled child is synonymous With over-iuitulged It is a CO31011011 Casing for young mothers to give a ohflri wit:its'yj t he cries for, If it it possible to do it, and establish n habit of erring en the part of the (shill and n habit of giving on their own part that makes the child the very worst sort of ;► tyrant imaginable. It 1s no uouenal thin„ to sea ;► mother completely "under toe thumb" of her altJld. The child kpnws hit power oven at the early age of two years. Iie lute only to cry a 11ain to have small eon, cessions mode to hint, and to cry a little longer nn,l louder and harder to Iattve i larger concns,a los made. Sometimes a mother wakes up to this patty but still terrible tryanny In time -to change such a state of affairs. But more frequently the knowledge onines too late to the sufferer, and after snaking I repented endeavors to regain lost ground, rather than face the tempest ct tears and the louder storms her resistance invokes, the mothbr relapses into the easter pc. ion of acquiescence to every demand. The result of this weakness, and thole weaker concessions that preceded it, is a spoiled baby, a spoiled child and almost inovit- al.ly a wayward youth, growing to a selfish, undisciplined, uncontrolled man- hood. The parents of the spoiled child should be made to realize the fact that they aro responsible if their pride and over -indulgence bring then only grief and anxiety in the future. From the time the little one is able to distinguish be- tween right and wrong, firmness should be the watchword. And the habit once formed, it will be quite as easy to insist upon prompt and cheerful obedience as to follow the selfish and sinful practice of "humoring the child to avoid a scene." For 1'hotog+•als1it. .A novel idea for a photograph ease shows n number of gay butterflies ar- ranged as receptacles for the pictures. The butterflies are made of yellow crepe paper, their wings decorated with tinsel, fastened to the long stria, of wide satin ribbon by glue. A pretty one for a white chamber hat huge butterflies of white crepo decorated with black and gold, mounted upon a pale green satin riboon Childr.-e'A Ear ,•h04. Acute pain in tit.: oar, to which ehild- ren are chiefly subject, most frequently arises from inflammation. It is accom- panied by a sense of throbbing pain and noise in the ear, sometimes deafness and ooueral symptoms of fever. Lt every case of this kin:i dispersion of the inflam- mation' is to he atte,npte.l, first by drop- ping a little laudanum into the passage +and by the applit,atlon of a blister behind the err, which shonld bo kept open until the symptoms are considerably abated. In all cases of a slight nature this treatment will bo found to succeed, but in more violent affections suppuration is often :narked by an increase of pain in the organ and by n more general affec- tion of the heal. The only treatment then left is to endeavor to promote sup- puration by fomentation, or by injecting warm water into the ear by means of a syringe. A poultice has also been advised, but the situation renders it an inconven- ient form. When matter once appears, it is to be removed by injecting warm water into the ear. Should the discharge bo too pro- fuse or long continued, mild astringent injections will be necessary, consisting of five grains of acetated ceruse or vitrio- Inted zinc In eight ounces of roso water. Sometimes the disease extends to the bone, in which ease, before a cure can be effected, exfoliation will take place. •As' deafness, 1s sometimes the Done.- quence of this complalnt,the advice of an experienced surgeon should be taken when the complaint is either violent or obstinate. Walnut Ketchup. When walnuts aro In a fit state to pickle beat about fifty to a pulp in a mortar, then set in a large jar with five ounces of shallot, a clove of garlic. four ounces of salt and a quart of vinegar. Stand these in a jar, stirring night and morning. Then strain off the liquor, boll 1t for halt an hour gently with one ounce each of whole pepper and an- ahoVies, a dozen cloves and n blade of mace. 1Skitn the vinegar as It boils,. strata through a thick cloth all lot 111 stand t111 ceid. Pont', free,•of sediinettt, Into bottles. cork and seal' and eters In a dry place. The sediment may bn kept for flavoring sauces and thick aeons. Ili,le'IY+II1141:,II1litallal+l'HIV 1'1•. •,IIIIt'111aa111.,.Itu,nP' .kkgetablePreprationfarA7,- simitating theEood rand Regula - ling the stomachs andDowels of SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE --•OF-- Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness andRest.Contains neither Oplunt;Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NAI%% OTIC. 1 stems a i'Old27n£ih?UEZ I'ITCil1..2 Sad alltleaana • RdawSSx- oldie Seta • DI -Cmimtak.fa& • isCSugar lintegrow stas: Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea; Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish- Hess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IS ON THE WRAPPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF CAST IA Castor's is put up in ono -she bottles only. It is not sold. in balk. Don't allow anyone to sell yen anything else on the flea or promise that it is "just as good" aid "will answer every pur- pose," Ai -See that you get C-A-S-T-©-R-I-A. The fac- simile signets:e of is on every wrapper. Oritioall cp' 142, the work of t1ao FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND CDLIEC,F., hili fin, dill., is fat' tUpciler to that of the ordinary htiaitta•ss S(•1' 01. Partt't.ize ;t college d' known merit, and your success is a:;;u1(•(1. College re -upend Janna ry ft It, 1897. Catalogues free. 1'. M. C. A. Building. Y .f. W. tt ESTERVEL1', Prtue:i.ai. %'- R. yx b Oto rt We clo neat work in the Job Printin;: business and at uriccs as low as the lowest. If you are in need of c•.nc- e thing such as LEPER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BIL;;. HEAT)~, ENVELOPS, POSTIsRS, DODGERS, BUSINESS CARDS, O: anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. 'iO e'V1a 'ictus. $50 REWARD I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as yell as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK, .2 Op )osite Macdonald Block, • Josephine St., Wingham 1 •