The Wingham Times, 1897-01-29, Page 7ASSUREDLY IT PAYS TO :CANADA DUE::: a COLLEGE X, s1 ik rl', Is still nine .e to obey, to • tit ia.: de t" (rte t pOt. Tor 6ti~1,r1'+a's'Ae1,:, L<q i(.te• n sue tau k., t•.•. q1 .tl, •, 1, •, o t Pau l -141.4 uA(,rc.,ner,,u P ate1.0;nicker Ntd1i 1 -Le n , .+. n'.,, t..1.H 11. L Co. otren„ lit haw.. Alice li iI1 le. -S, tin• p,:. ti 't r'r .te,.r :traphe n.ti at lca(li+l, 1:411,114. sus 11,•7.+! 1. . '1,., 1 •t) • The 111.00 pn.n.;o. a (.)t:d(•rottl 1.81) tot I, an • cntain to Illit 1.,.0 IA, .lIli ... s 1.1.111i duan xr pas TO AT END Tula BEST. t('jonepe .",."N'.,L•st.) tt. Per Clata:ogne, ader•si., b. \1.L:t.CI:1..tN c: , WILL CURP2 OE RELIEVE INDICLESTION, FLUTTERING OP THE 1 JAUNDICE, HEART, IRYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF THE ?, ,' SALT Rustle, STOMACH, a•Itn)1'+1 1 HEARTBURN, DRYNESS of THS IEADACHE, SION, BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS. YSPEPSIA. bROP$Y, mea .i.q .n..1.. et Maeda, IMAMS from .,...d..M rtrtn. KIDNEYS, STOMACU. DOWELS OR BLOOD. _ Por Stutsthat mil: SUITSUII give nomfore Lc til S, weever end Fatfsf vont' frionde,you ha. OVERCOATS, hatter try us, Ou pp n garment maker Isar+R• !. nw td1(113thei work ; don't thin then' sae any bottc and yet eve charge no 'pore than other do for inferior Work. Hvinelre is of ne- t fall and v; inter 5:unpit•4 to. choose hot! at prices (ti/out heli whet you have 1 f pay for old woods.. Worts dondfor pnrtf,: furnishing their ;own cloth. r .. If you think that o Tweed Suit ennui be properly senile fete :'i Spot Cath, ca' and see our work. Our terms aro coal , ACJ B r, I J A & CO ., Opi*Inft" 1 be " it rinneld Thank, CURES t DiARRHtA. DYSZNTERY COLIC CRAMPS 61011RA ,iNf:AIV1 1M Viand altOtga %OMMER. COM11DAiltr$ ir\elil(4 erk eiMulfs r: " tel:o, 17Aee.,h.che, Scuttle. , :YourainIc ta(tlats, .'.,.A Le 1:10 Nide. etc. :•. , t J nlpa1p0.1. (urea t y lnoH faster 1.:rayen.kIx11 n1Ln1dueler. 1;11 a+e :.a'kelt and ImulA n, I • •• aa4 re nnnuend Mittm) aU n 1.;(y r tnrvlyan et, theyaetel a • Z..xie.- A.!AVON,'u ':xabetatony,Oak ..C1: Co., e.'.. - TUE i, il`.J N( 11AM nivws,,JAN UMW 20,, 1697. actual lice -ties which could be proved to he lios-to spread abroad reports which have been absotntety damning. And she hits succeeded in getting hold of the very people through wholn Bila could injure ane. Of coarse, all this oar.' rc'spon(leneo with the Bishop has helped. The Bishop hasn't kept It as n secret. 11'oy should be?" "The Bishop has had nothing to tlo wi h the school," said Mrs. \Verde." "No; but the things have been mixed up teen/ter. i)o you tbiuk it Would have no elfeet with sttob at woman as I:ady mune Clifford, to be told that the Iliiltap ball censured Any conduit'.severo- ly? If it loud not been for Tire. Stand - loop, the Bishop would Have heard nothing; about tr. It is her doing. And it pnlnn xne to feel that I have to glee her creslit for her skill end energy." "ll(r aieked ress,t" you mean. "\Y het sloes it signify whether she hat. been winked or not in this natter?" "Oh, Jeffrey(" ",110r mv1ckedtloss is a matter or coarse. We all knew that brforollnlld. If a per- son has to be wicked it is 0. groat thing for hint to be successful in his winked• ness, Ho wou14 havo to pay the final penalty even if he failed. To be wiekod an'1 tQ dl) 110thi0. is to be moan all i'..nn:l. I run afrai.1 that Mrs. Stanti- lonp will have suc1ooded in her Wiel;ed, vas." . BLITCH9.111KG O`VICE. It Alalt••,( 1h• ±i..t.i$I11:s and Ilressing Of 1Ip •f Vamp) nut ltelY 1:w.y. The illusteatlon represents an apparatus whtoh makes the skinning and dressing of beef 011 the f•trrri a 00 nparativety easy Mutter. In tilt (+retch or fork of a good-• sited tree plaeo one enol of a stout polo. Rest the other on on n fork, formed by fastening to,g!ther two four by four bleb. soantltngt or other similar timbers. try.' means of it rope or stay chitin (digit spreading apart at the Itott ln. $'o tile: pole o: cross piece Attach two stnatm ropes, long enough to reach the ground.. Tie to tits ends of three rope, a a by 11 inch oak or other hard wood etantltnt four feet long with two pins isscrted, in either end et rip ht angles to easel other. About 13 Welles frail' each mei of the. square timber round alp n spume about three inches long on which place two iron rings. To tiro rings artauh iron books, or CHAPTER XX. -LORD BRACY'S LETTER, Tho Fehool and the parish wont on through Angulo and September, and up to the middle of October, very quietly. The queried between the Bishop end the D ice 0r had altogether subsided, People 11 the diocese hail OCiteed to talk con- tinually of Mr. cunt I11's. I.'eaotcke 'There was st111 alive a certain interest as 10 NS. hat might he the ultimate fate of slut poor lady; but other matters had Cattle up, and she no longer formed • the ons topic of conversation at all the.nteet- ings. The twenty boys at tho school Nils that, as their numbers led been ditnlr.ished, so also hod their reputation. Tbi'y were less loud, and, as other boys wt nil have said of them, lose "cooky" than of yore. But they ate and drank and played, and, lot us haps. learnt their lessons as usual. Airs, Pomcccko - had from time. to time received hitters from her husband, the last up to the time of W1)1011 we sp.I8I having been written at tin Og len .Tunes[ )0, at which Mr. 'Pea- eocko had stopped far four -and -twenty hours frith tho object of nlaking•'inqutry as 10 the statement math to ilial at Ht. Loci+ Hera ho learned enough t0 o'ln- vivoo Link that hobert 10frey h;:d te.:ti hint the ttc.th in roe; i(1 to what hod there occurred. -1I10 people about the station still remembered the condition of the man wbo had been taken from the car when sufreriug front delirium trem- ens; nine ronlelnbered naso that the man itatl'not died there, but had been carried on by the next train to San rraueiS00, nne.of the porters also declared that ho had heard a fumy days afterwards that the sufferer had diet! Almost immediately on his arrival at San Francisco. Informa- tion as flu 80 this lir. Peacock° had sent limo to his •wife, had haul atlde(1 his firm belief that ho should find the roan's grave in the cemetery, and be abic to bring home with him testimony to which ,no authority in England, (whether social, episcopal, or judiatel, would refuel to give credit, "Of course, he will be Merited 'iil;hial," said Mr.'. Werth) to. her husband. "They 0111111 b0` flurried here, anti 1 will perform the ceremony. I dein't think tiro Bishop himself would oi•ject to that; and I shouldn't care a straw if bo flit" "11111 ho gn on with the Fcisbol?" ;'1:1spered Mr., Worts., "!S ill the school go on? If the reeled goes 011 ire will go on. I suppose. About t1Ytt sou hail bettor ask Mrs, Sotntiloup." "I will ask nobody but, you," said the ,vife, putting up her facts to kiss him. Ali t:ria w118 going on, everything wet. mil, I to (=fort Mrs. Peacock°, anal to ..1y.3 her hopes of new tiro. Mrs. Worth' :. i 1 her bow the Doctor had premised unto ho himself would marry theta as -eon as the forms of the Church anal the ;oral requisitions woblil allow. Mrs. letecpc'ko =opted all that was said to tui: 4:21otl,f and thankfully, but 11111 not is :in allow herself to be roused to such •s.itOment as she had shown on the oc Olsten recorded. . It was at this time that the Doctor re• eelvect a letter Which greatly affected I1I.t mode of thought at the luno. Be had er ismer beeline hipped an a low -spirit - •+(t, if not despondent, and clearly show- i to his Wife, even though ho was •heat, that his mind was still intent oa time injury which that wretched woman :lad done hill by llor virulent's. But tl;o letter of wide!' we speak for a time I0010ved this feeling, and gave hint, us it wore, a new life. Tho letter, which \v: a from Lord Bracy, was as fnliows:- "Aiy Dear Dr. \Vortlo,-Carstairs left no for Oxford yesterday, and before be Ii it rill, startled his mother and the con- i' thhlc ably lip• n piece of information. /lo 1 u'lls us that he is over head and oars In lave with your daughter. The com- munication was indeed ,)111(10 three days ago, but I told him that I should take a day er two to think of it before I wroto to you. Ho was very anxious when he told 1110, to go off at once to Ilowick, and to see you anti your wife, and, of course, tho young lady; -but this I stopped by the exercise of 5wn0what ' peremptory parental authority. 'Ton he inforn1od 300 that he had been to Denial:, and 1141(1 found his lady -love at home; yell arid Mrs. Worth) having by ch;tnan beton nbs0nt at the time. It seems flint he de- e:arect himself to the young linty, who. its the (morels° of it Wise discretion, ran away front hint and left hint phsntc(1 nn the terrace. : Thie is hiineeeunt af.whe. p.t.,;C.i, anti. I do not In the least do01er tt:t absolute truth, It ifs, • at any rate, (To 1114 Ct11'i'1 U t•:h). • stay chains. After the animal is killed and hind legs are skinned, insert tbo hooks in the large tendon above the hook joint. Two men, 0130 at each end of the gamble, can easily lift the carcass, either raising it oft the ground at once or n short distance at n time. It can be se- oured at any height by means of a rope, A, which is arranged with a series of loops. These ere Flipped over the turning pins or handles and thus prevent un- winding. .As the skinning proceeds the mon will have to stand on barrels or some other elevation to enable them to swing the carcass Meer of the ground. This apparatus can be used for lifting hogs, sheer, eta., but need not be matte so strong or tall. The whole thing is eat eely home-made and easily con- structed. If no tree is convenient to sup- port one and of the pole, n post 0an be set in its place, or three rails, fastened near the top and set up like a tripod, Will do very well. -J. R. Henry, in Farm and Home. Best for Wash Day For quick and easy work For cleanest; sweetest and whitest clothes Surprise is best Best for Every Day For every use about the house Surprise wc=rkS best and cheapest. $eo for yourself. Frank Smith, of Clinton who ie employed witha S ISV mill bock in West We wn,n,sh, met whit rte exceed• ingly painful accident by up•('1tin 11 Pot of 1(1111:g fat on hid foot; al- though. 11140 to wall:, he cannot put his boot on. Diary, the youngest daughter of Ii„ llolnles, Editor of the New Era, whore illness has been a bourse of deep anxiety file two months has recovered sufficiently to walk 0)081 though still very weak and unable to leave the house. `D McCormick txoderieh,hals bough: the old Deticr l•reperty at the barboi with a view (,l erecting a brewers there on. The new owner expects t1, start building' operations within two weeks, and to bane it completed early ill the Spring. Air. A. lr yness, of Fordwich, has built a silo which is 8 by 10 feet and 14 feet high, Turf he intends tc file it next summer with corn, oats, peas, and Russian sunflower Mr. W. in- tends having good and cheap feed for his cow next winter. The Use of Cosmetics. There is a great deal to be said for and against the use of cosmetics. If we could be beautiful without any artifcial aids whatever, bow happy we (night count ourselves. However, as the protti- -4t "-"man, with the most lovely coot • p;t•xiuo, e„11nu0 boast that it is niwnys porfeet,,or will lestforevor, our thoughts meet tern to a wherewithal to improve oar imperfect and failing complexions. I do nee 0101113 to say Hutt 1t is desirable to "make up" the face, but there are 1na31 nseful and harmless cosmetics whitth• no woman need fear to use. Rouge and paints should never, on any account, be applied to the face, All rouges ere bad for the skin and paints are dnngerons; therefore, by using them, we .fly front one evil to a greater. The skin is only glossed over for a short time, While the harin dono is irreparable. The best powders are, however, permis- sible. 13A r:::A CED ROBBERY. S :se LE .i FR02,[ EXCHANGES. C.ntro 13rnco Farmers' Institute meetings will be held in Malcolm on February lath and in Chesley on 1.7th nit. Southampt,ln carried a by-law by a u'rg'e majority voting $11,00) for the pa, chase of a Saugecn water rower and electri3 light plant. ' The sp`•ing ju.'y sittings of the High Court of .1 ustiee for this county wilt of en here on March the 8th Mr. Justice Armour presiding. The actual cost per day for maintW,&11Ce of the it mates of 3...._..t-* .1 ;..p.'.>.'•,cr.s.:T.Y,rl:.i;Js- .a-:.sn,.r v'-t'..•a.assc:a:: We aro exceedingly sorry and were. very much 1nrprilt-d to 14841 1 of (be death of D1r. John Stewai 1,11)0 wellknown prop) iet(lr of the Ben - miller Nurseries and father of Mr. Charles Stewart, merchant tailor, of Lucknow. which occurred on 'I'ues- da3 from heart failure and inflame - tion of the rungs, Deceased has been 111 for some time hut not such as to cause any particular anxiety until the last few days when his illness assumed a serious character. On Saturday Mr. .Tales Hughes, of Culross, an old man of almost 80 yeast of age, was working alone in: the barn, where he was subsequently found lying on the floor of the base- ment dead. It is supposed that he1 he was taking corn from the n,ow above the granary and in solnts way or other slipped, falling through the trap door in the floor, a distance of about 15 ft. Prom the appearance the body when fund death seemed to have been instantaneous. W. Southcott, of Exeter, who had been coninlitted to Goderich on a charge of having stolen good :in his possession, was before the county Judge on Sattu'day'.to answer to the charge. The prisoner admitted his guilt, asked fur money, and was remanded for sentence. 011 S1turdot' M, J P. Doherty. of Clinton, met with an accident that might have been much worse than it was. Some of the children were play- ing upstairs in the house, when they aceidentn'.!y set fire to the. curtains, end -in exLieg ishing it, Jay got his hands somewhat burned. O:t the 18 nlcinl)Gr3 of I -31r: County Connell only three toe lttex- 1lerit=nced in County Council work. ')'va of th340 i.; \it'. D.luglas of' ties district, who although inexperienced u tete higher;,,luunlcipal work Wil =eon acquaint himself with his new lubes and render good service for iio District and County. There died at the family residence -f Mr. all;! Mrs. Stephen Powell t,Exetel', their eldest daughter, Atli :ata, at the age of 15 S'eal's and 1 -tenth; I1t'crn:=ed has been ailing C.OflSunlpt:(d1 for some time past tfireful'O her death was not in 1111 • est uneXI+:•clecl. The funeral took tee to the Exeter cemetery on Fri 1 • t'. A sen-•ati(.n of a rather lamentable nature wa3 ete;iced in Exeter Elide% last when it was learned that William Southcott, a prominent business man in that. town was under arrest for the alleged theft of a quantity of cloth from the tellnrshop of her. Jaunes G-reive. On Monday he was summer ill' tried bele rs Magistrate Lewis of ( Cu e.lit•:tn z::d committed to Goderich i for ...101. A. meeting of the creditors of Mr Southcott, was held on Monday James Driller was appointed assignee by a vote of the creditors. The liabilities were found to bo ;:2,800 with asserts $1,200 Messrs. 11.. E. Pickard, N. Dyol' Ilurdon and John Treble were appointed inspectors, It was decided to sell the __stock en - bine. The John Southcott anl011nt to $2,000 with nominal assets $1,000, Messrs. Thos. Sweet and James Snell were appointed inspeetors.-Exeter Times. When Dr. Watson first began to write under the pen name of "Ian Maclaren," he took every precaution I to prevent his identity from being I known, and, in fact; only his pub -1r 1iterrkne v who "Iui - DTaclnl'P11" j eras. Dat PI'ofessui neurge Aelalli Smith, Watson's friend and classmate at once decided, froln the style, that Dr. Watson was the author, sand sent hien a telegram of congiatulation, and in this way his identity was discovered to the public, resulting in fortune and fame to himself. Ches. M. Bentley, Secretary o" the Jbi'ii1 Arcanum in Port IIuro•l who secured $3001 from the Arcade um by fi't1u 14.110111ly representing. the death of !I S. 13alleotyne, was arrested last week, the complaint be ibg raid by Snprvnie Secretary Rob SOIL gt'ho calla 1 (1;1 Ecoid Boston for the purlieu e. The arrest was Unite a snrla•is's to Bentley's friend:, as it woo, Snplulsf'ti that tl,c .representa- tives vt' the ! oval Arcanum would snake tie complaint against hila, the $8,000 halving'' been returned to the order. OI- f-a; ! AMON COATED Dr. A gnaw's Liver Pills are coated .mss :t Cinnelm n drop, very ntali •act dell, htfu! to take . Tho following gentiemen have.Il bei :1 npnnifte(1 license coma1119:i01) One _i•... LL dl• , 41 it a vial for 20 cents. f)r 18.'7 ,';tat 1Inron-Satnine' -, ., ,,,;. r ' 3tel*' FopuhliltyIstt. mi uty wlltrlWhnd )la A;., it:,1 ; T;1Tnei Ste 011011s ( llWCepin; c:traolt( or,, ttel'ore It alto Clinton ; 11:I'h 1fc'thl Irl'le, I3iytit a a1. No:t l 111 idlee0i(--I., C. McIntyre. Parkhill :.1;t 4. 8.1111h, John Gavin. 11. 1). 1i':;.t flu Mg, E:10t Hume -- Thomas Gibson, Ibidwich ; Geo. the 1"'ortttl.e, \\• ingham ; Geo lilul'clie, the S•381„ra House kat Ilef(t.fe, it at free:tion over 15e; this includes everything. In Kentucky a noun aged 103 has been married to a woman aged 102. It is 1all(1 that the match was made by the giiltlyi ung couple without the consent of their parents. At the first meeting of the new town council of Walkerton a bylaw which will come in efl'eet on March tbo 1st places a licensefee of $25 a year for the sale of Cigarettes in the nlunicipalty. Mt'. J. W. Brown principal of the Ilan beer 1'. S , Is taking a course at Owe 1 S bund Collegiate Institute !Ii- t•i• e' in Hennvei' is taken by Mr.:Vaylor it former principal e•f Pati -•.('y P. S. The aleft :tinned sleeting for the p8rll.lse ol'so si(lcriug the advieal,iI. ity of or^atltifing at branch of the Young Men's Christian Association in Goderieh was held in Knox elttu'cii on Monday evening. The young ellen dol lett semi t''1 be tcrested 111 the work, or the stormy weather of that evening may have kept attva1S SOIl1C. Hugh Semple, who was sent up from Zurich on a charge of' breaking; l into a store in Hay township, Was J tried. by the county Judge on Friday and being found guilty was sent to the common jail for 30 days with, hard labor. The prisoner, who defended himself, showed consfdabk' skill in his cross exatnlination of the witnesses. ( N' il'liO. no 8l'ittinr, lbs fru 0 rbniencr. 81101 Li s4.0 and uteatsa'm' t • the tsvt(+ Md st t,lvnear,t after ( (1' '1.. :old at Chi:holu'H 1)i*.g Slot TTTTY77YTT/TTTr rerTTTTTl'TTm , r r 11T -,T TTY ri he Emulsion Is invaluable, If you are run Idown, as it is a food as well as a medicine. The D. & L. Emulsion e Wul build you up if your general health is impaired. t. The D. & L. Emulsion IS the of Cod Livet r 011d 4, agreeost ing with thpreparation most eedi- C816 stomachs, The D. & L. Emulsion Eisprescribed by the leading physicians of {.anada. The D. & L. Emulsion Is n marvellous flesh ptoducer and 1101 give >>t all appetite. yen SOC* & $1 per Bottle no sure you Ret 1 DAVIS & tAWItEICE a i0., (i b. the genuine ►J $..t,ta,uttt1,..1111.10-LL/114114111.1A/""MAL L.'t t r-..e.,•rsrms •w..•.'<•:.L--' MUR,AY re x n L A N M A l ' S FLORIDA WATER THE CWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURINO OP ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, j. TOILETS OROR BAT/ ALL RRlOi!lSTS, PERFUMERS ANO i E EO!L DEALERS. ONE GIVES RELIEF. R•I•P•A•N•S The fmodern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. -si MARK .• J 1 Pam- iIIer A Sure and Safe nemedy in every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint is E'a This 18 a true statement and it can't be made too strong or too emphatic. I1 is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Co110, Coils; Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. 5 TWO SIZES, 25c. and 50c. Moo uo.ra-- Our Manufacturing Interests. What, a Hamilton Manufacturer' Has to Say, Lir. James Brayley speaks for the public good. TIi78f PR.9131 PQF..ICT, , Our reprosentativA iulefviowo(i Air. Tallies lirayloy, of Hamilton, at his ofhee, DS King 1\ illi.eul Street, Mr Hrayleyis an enterprising Lulhuess man, and one of Hamilton's foremost manufacturers, His goods, Saddlery hard- ware, punches, dies, eta., are known from llalifax to Vancouver, and stand very high in the estimation of the trade. Mr. frayloy said: "For years I ho.vo been troubled with gravel and weakness of the 1(1111eyd. I haft to stand up and clench my Meth when urinating, so intense was the pain, The painsar:tund mylcinewIotoalulostiutolcrable, and I felt as though a cat were being hulled down my back by the 1(L:(Meda. "I wont from bad tow roe till at last I could not urinate at al, and had to 1)0 Operated on. I had 11) confidence in anything, eta mule up my mine to suit r torture to my (lying day. 11. a(1it:g the les heeny published by the Doan Iii(lu'tyrills 08., I saw a sinlSlareasc to my own, and, being in constant agony, deckled to give 111001 it trial, and got a hoe of the pi11s flora Sraettlnates drug store, at the corner of Ararket Square. ., "It did mo no good, no 1 got (mother, and another, until I had t four boxes, and Ras allont giving up when relief came. T continued t, taloa theta t171 the pain left my back, and 1 a^ t now me timber as an eel. Inate,nl of getting n ;11.1000u Vintage night 1. never get up more than Ot100 now. The urine to now perfectly elearand has no sediment ()limy kind. "t tun delighted to testify tube -half of Darn's Kidney fills, es they cured me after the 1.s$ ray of hope bad fled."