The Wingham Times, 1897-01-29, Page 6it
;;.E WING tiMi st1W.0g, 3KNt A 1: Y t Rai .
t attif"it"lrg .i.4 et,i iil4lY
It'•ttIDAT, aa.NTJA1tY 2J,1597
11Ir. Ilodsun, fn giving evidence be-
fore the Tariff Colntllissioners, pot
trait a demand on 'behalf of the far-
mers in ' hieti we are Sure a majority
of (belwill not come, since ttwould
utterly belie their principle and ruin
their logical position. Ile pressed for
the retention of a protective ditty on
pori:. ..1, it ttcr from Mr, \S'iIsoll, in
Ot r columns, shows that the farmer
188, in reality 110 interest 111 the duty
on pork. The consumer loses, but
the farmer does not ;(tin, The only
man who gains is the packer. But,
at all events.. it is against the pr•otee•
five prir.cipie that the farmer is wag-
ing war, and he flagrantly smithies
himself if he calls the retention of
protection in his own (site. Mr. Hod -
son's plea is that if the duty on pork
is removed, the .Americans lvill flood
Canada with inferior goods. What is
but the argument of all protectiunists?
Your monopolist. never ask for mono-
poly in his own name, but always ill
the name of the puplie, the interests
of which he assures you it is hissingfe
•ain1 to promote. The plain answer
to -such a plea is that if the imported
goods are inferior, the consume will
Ace bay then'(; while the only security
for the qu'?.tity of the native goods, is
their ability to bare the test of com-
petition. We have to discard tale'
Mea of protective dutes altogether.•
This is the only firm ground on -which
the farmer can take his stand --Sun,
Coink ink ATIOtI.
DEAR SIR,—Lona, ere this I pre-
sume you have placed etre on the list
Lf •dclinqueuts, as a correspondent,
and I own to my negligence, but
you will no doabt be. willing to
overlook the matter when you coil
eider that I am only,. an ordinary
farmer, with, my time fully employed
in my farm occupation, I" have also
a number of public duties I am ex,
peeted to perform and besides you
know, farmers as a rale, ate rather
poor correspondents. Then again
the: ordinary news from this locality
would not be interesting to your
Numerous readers, so I am placed at
tt disa%iyantage in the way of gener-
al news. But as your country in the
neighborhood of Wingbam is largely
devoted to the dairying interests, I
thought a few figures - showing the
extent of our business during the
past season might be of some interest
to your readers. Our cheese Co.
started an May 5th. and closed on
Nov. 11th. Total amount of milk
taken in during the season1,022,235
lbs., making a total of .00,593; lbs:
ehcese, selling for $7,692,87. Avers
age p,•iee received per lb cheese
8.491. Average monthly yield was
1 ib. cheese from 10.86 lbs milk.
Our make has not been as large as
it has been some years, but consider-
ing the season we look upon,. this as.
a'fair showing. I would be pleased
to -have you report the operations of
some of your cheese factories in ;he
vicinity of Wingham. We a 'e hav-
ing a peculiar winter, there being no
snow in this section yet. At tho
New Year the frost was out and the
roads lucre almost impassable witik
feud and slush ; now rain is failing
send the temperature mild. Weather
profits predict a anild open winter.
I. L. B.
Hampton, Co. Durham, Jan. 20.
Aching Joints
Announce the presence of rheumatism
untold causes sutrerinK. Itheu•
rtsatiam is due to hitfc acid in the blood.
It cannot be cared by liniments or.
other outward applications. Hood's
Sarsaparilla purines the blood, removes
the geese of irheumatism and perman-
ently cures this c meline. This is the
teatialany of thousands people who
once eu1Yered file pidt g of rbeu(natiem
Vet who have actually been eured by
takieg Hood's Sereapnrilln. Its great
poaret to act upon the bltxid and remove
every impurity is the secret of the
wonderful cures by ITood's Sarsaparilla.
One of the largest loads of tnaple
Togs we have ever seen was brought
into the villAge on Saturday evening
Ia st4 Mr. Robot. Maguire trait the
driter• and the horses sive owned
film Thos, Todd., C'f St. Belefrs.
'rhe load cunslosl
ruder itoiltItatIlorki
Jr'Cl(rikn iii,- tit
;pc large logs
.1600 feet.—
He Was 115 '•oast, (1101.
It tyl It At P :° ON af:4R011 \y,itllt-
Ridgeway, Ont., Jan. 22.-- Jos.
Jones, who elaiined. to have waited
on George Washington, while he'
was a gest at the honor of his flume•
er, died her yesterday tit the relate
etl age of 115 sears. Jones woe a
catered hon,. and op to about 40
,bears of ago was a slave. it. few
years pl til.1005 to the outtireak of
the war, Jonce and his wife fled
Iron Virginia, and, after missy herd
shil.a and unrrow escapes, ruaehed
tl►i, rtCtiuu, whine he leas resided
ever since. .Ile was a stall of tort•
siderable intelligenee and seine
education, tied allvats maintained
that lie wits born iu 1782. Ilisstate-
ment came to be generally believed.
]lis wife, who survives hien, is 105
years old. She is blind and fur the
least few years has been in the alms
house at Welland.
Women *d141 get Ideas oohs
Every wonldn111nahatural'eurittsity
to see how other ls'omen furnish their
homes. To satisfy this The Ladles'
Home Journal will publish (laving
the year interior photograptds views
of a hundred of the most- artistic,
cheerful and eomtortebie homes in
America.. These will show in detail
the construction, fitting and furnish•
ing of parlors, drawing rooms, halls,
reception, music, sitting, dining, bed
and bath rooms, kitchens, porches;
piazzas, etc. This unique series will
be full of excellent ideas for every
housekeeper or homemaker. It will
present views of the interiors of
houses of moderate cost, which are
fitted and furnished' with conspicu-
ous good taste, and at comparatively
small expense.
The Whole story
Of the great ealbs attained and greet
cures accomplished by Rood's Sarsapse
)lltiis quickly told, It purifies and en-
richens cite blood tones the stomach mutt
gives strength and vigor. Disease eau
not enter the system, fortified by tete
ri(th, red blood which domes by taking
Rood's Sarsaparilla.
Tho Life of Dr. Chase. ' kTools's PIx.t.s are purely vegetable sold
do not purge, pain or gripe. All drug -
As a compiler of Chase's Receipt Book
his name is familiar in every household gists. 25o.
in the laud, while as a physician teaThe Dairy Cow.
work on simple formulas lelt r.0 itupriut In raising stock of any description
of his mune that will bo handed down
from geuerativn to generation, Elis last the breeder has to be guided .by the
great me,liuine, in the forte of his Syrup kind of animal he wants to produce,
of Linseed nett Turpentine, is having hence the necessity of having a-prac-
tho large pubiie patronage that his Clint: tical knowledge of what you want; if
mens, Pills and Catarrh Cureure haviee eneourage beef e the calf from the
TineDr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and T• >a
pontine. is especially adapted for all vei'y,beginning; if the dairy avoid
Bronchial and Asthmatic troubles. anything that has a tendency to fat-
ten and give food that will develop
He Buried His Father in a Hole. the milking system.
On Sunday evening, Jaynes Coon- Animals intended for breeding in
ey Carne into town and reported that dairyusesheuldbesoleetedfronlbrcecl
his father, .James Cooney of Blair, noted for milking strains. A cow of
commonly known as the Earl of bad milking family many ocassionally
Sunnybrook had been sick for solne be a good milker• and more than this
days and bad died on Sunday morn- is not wanted when it is . net
ing. might to breed from her the same('
People began to ask questions, and cannot be said when breeding is
Cooney is said to have told various intended for there is little chance of
stories. of such a cow bestowing her good
He did not procure medical atten qualites on her offspring. These re -
tion, for his father would not let him marks in regards to breed apply to
get any, as they could do him no the selection of the bull for a well
bred sire will certainly tramsnlith
his qualities to his offspring.
Oonteepaptivss Way tty r'atal'ttetl.
erne (ert•ptaels !s 111taste ,l Airmails
try the 1•ntprd or linnItit t(1 flit an
fttteletie'dt-' nn 1 fi'le lun,tlea I.le tlisenee
mut l'!t1''it'l:tl(' In elevate 1t!'tlemies
null ile:ttI (tf' liti.l,itltl:: strtl IO be
r(`(lnii'i'd hersni'b'r lu 11'1!:•11 all new
elesis t f lbl>,Ii•,•n,t' wt., !f, tt week
ft or 1I'1$ ulh,;,rn't�i
ileitsall i•t tl'•(: en iteeirporated
village owl it. ti s' r„11! i'i1 t•titit'ntly
1)011t's' 1n ('tins "1111 , 11''. 11. .J,
l), t'UUlte, 11 1 sloe• b:,t'l'i':IOi' (if
I311'th, IIXIR 1.1(•11 et el lead elrl'k
1tt• n •a leo 14' 1.A. nisi '11r, itiit,l'ge
1' yil:l li:ts Jlt 1•:l 111'I"''fi'rel rht' ■
of flit e'.h'l'e'•',tri:•lit naut... I'•Mows
T,t et.,.), .tl1'ee?,, .`'e7tr of ,.i:•,lriletiuna
ttpit 01 lo t l' t tnn•1• [' l ltl ,•bure11
d curs hntl 1.11,1, tpf:i • f' i,ilil!!e tattler-'
alit! :;1'+•1.1 es.; t 5 r•., alai to keep
order nt'il.'r 111;
WIH' ' SVP R W ITii 1nr4 JS f'
en Chases continent %vie Cu -e •theta at
n t.u,t u1' Lot 00 (r ,tr•.
Piton, scro:ula, eozeluAti3 erapttons,
scold. head, ., (lt rhes:n and all - other
(alnoyin;°, and piin ul Aida disease; ran
be easily eueo1 by Dr. Chase's Ointment.
•' I laud protruding rile. for .teu
. years," writes .11, 1f, uftheria.nlL, com-
me.eiat traof Truro, N.S.; "tried
utauy remedies, anti doctors oper-
ate, 1t loss no use. WW1 completely
laid up at. times. Oh•'esa'a O •utmeat
was recommended to me by Mr. Ilrennan,
of the Summeraide, P.E.[„ Journal. I
tried it, ani ono box. completely cured
Mr. Static, the editor of the fitreets-
'i le, Ont., lteviacv, „i•, this unsolicited
testimonial «atter date o` Nov. 0, 1895:
''Iritis a box of Dr .Ch Ointment cured
my • daughter of ec t.olA. That was six
mouths ago, hod int>••u h':s since befall
no ran pprnranee of the di:eAse."
T. IVniiace, black.+truth, of Iroquois,
Ont., was tt emitted with idled itching
pi.e•1 or 11 prruw. •' 1 tried - every
remedy that an.ut' out in vain," he
Write+, t' until C tried 1)r. Chase's Oint-
tnitnt, It sv118 tt godsend. One box
en -r+1 nr,."
All d 1'rs n'ltl 1;tltnangon Bate; ,t Co.,
n(a,1u'tte n-: s To. onto. Pr:ca 00e.
Linm<:e11 uutl tarrentitle Etre every mo -
titer's hou::rhold remedy - for coughs,
eolds, th:unt awl In ,tf;ections, Dr.
Chest' has (1L.44attotl the Nista and maael
the rtvut"dy,.tt.t to take. Large
bottle only 25e,
good, but he wanted a priest. The
sen replied that if the doctor could
do him no good the priest could not.
The funeral would take place the
son said, on Wednesday, and he had
come to town in an endeavor to se-
cure his fsl'tlher's pension.
.He made enquiries at different
places to see if money had been left
with anyone in the village by itis
father, statin; he had money some
When some parties said they would
go up with him and search the re-
mains, 1
n to replied that h hadburied
, p e urled
his father on Sunday before coins;
A constable went up to the house
which is about four miles from Ros-
Seau, Ont., found a hole- that had Criehton Campbell, in the New
been dug about three feet deep and York Sin,: One cent will buy a good
in it the body of the old man with sized bananas Which when baked in
his clothes on but no coffin or box. its skin in an oven for 15 or 20 miu-
the body had been placed in the hole Utes until it is quite soft and • burst
and about 12 inches of snow and .„!<,p.t ;done ntttkeii it tall t eal, Now
cartel thrown over it. The son ' ie• l;Ft
theli (leas sold at street Col'iher 4181 '
fused to make any further statement really plantafl.s. Humboldt calm- Tflat `0'1:;„ "utt t.t'rcu.'s would be
at present. He said there was some lated the food product of the plan- plerlat<S Inter+l to htiye one of
moiety and he would telt all about it our Born:that Kings,
at the Trial. There are indications thi1 as compared with the potato; 41 llttv5.p t shat flet;
to 1, and with wheat 133 to 1. I
of the grave having been disturbed s f u Well if en de,n%
For Over Fifty Years.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hes •
been used fur over fifty years by mil-
lions or mothers for their obi idren while
teething, with perfeutsuccess. it soothes '—
child, softens the gurus, allays all
pain, cures wild colic, and is the best
Iemedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste. ' Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Twenty -five cents a��
bottle. Its value is invaluable.. Be sure
and ask for. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing r-'
Syrup, and take no other kind, '-4
BANK ofHHA'' iLTON ,F tMintttpun 4'ineS
Capital, 01,250,000. Bast, $050,000
Preeithnt-••JouN MART.
Viuo•rreaideut—A• (, ItAtem.
I3 tktegrotts
JOHN 1'R('1"l0R• (:u�\, ROACH, lost flraoN, Jl Y, A, T.
Wcon, A. 11. Las (Toronto).
Da"htor•-•J. T[llt�Fn1LI.,
Savings Dank --Now s, into 3; Saturdat e, 10
1. Do 1osi4S of OI and upwards received and intertat
apeelot Deposits. also received At current
ratca of tr.:raxt.
Drtei'ta0. i.1(1 4 8IYt,dn and the I:s;ted ('tate
bought and sold 1
W. COI1 f1OT1LD, Aorua
E. L. DICKINSON, Eulioltor,
impute' raft num,: rnoif
Toronto fend Bast 11:50 a tn. 1:15 p,lu
3:15 p. m.••vit(Clinton
Palmerston Mixed
London and South
6:30 "
0:50 a.m,
3:15 p.m.
11:10 a.m.
1:15 p tn.
8 .1
-XV 'iJu:-•�
SSINCI/Alli. o 'rAItIO.
Subscription price, rtt i.t r 3 (sr, ix. re f+Vf'*met
AI11'1:RTitil['(l n.:T):s:
t;pace l 1 3 r. ! Atq
Ono Column 1'i(1 00 540 00 1 sae 00 s 00
halt 40 00 lu UU I2 00 tl 00
[;touter" zu00 Y.'(0 700 3110
nuc tta•L f: Ja :1 tete
J L'e
7, Q
_ A
l.rt:n1 and other carnal ivd' ertisen,et,ts, 8e, per lin t
for Iiret hire,tien, and Se. pet line forwu•hsubbequen
insertion. Measured by nvl:llareil tcole.
i.oeal notices )N0. per lino Put first insertion, And'
tr. per line for each subsequent..nmeriler.
Advertiseu,entsofLost, leurm,�S�treycd,SituatIonay
Alla nusineas Ottawas II allted'enit exceedbur 8 Buse
,w., troll, 51 for first utauth, and 5tta, Porotic ,•
tubing:mit month.,
[louses and Farina fon Salo,. neer .oxevcdinq 8 Breva
'L for that month, 00o, per subsequent month„
' f,arAer advertisements in p'orot•tian.
t Meuse time will be strictly adhered to
1 bpeclal rates ter larger advertisements, or fn
longer periods.
I0:40 :::111111.
Advertisements and local notices without sped*
11:10direction,, u -ill he inserted tilt forbid and charged:
uoeoed'transitory ttttvertisemento must
13:00 ' pabt in i trance
(i 50 a•ol. ' Changes for contract ad%artisetne,itr tuueb be
5:30 p.m the muse by V O41uladay 8000, ,m order to appose
li:.:0 t1 that week
Money 1.<l\anced to Paton rx and 13usiness 1110) on
01 104'rtx) t.ut:sand collate rel.
Moneys re•nitted by draft to all p u•ts of Canada and
rho Ceitul l5tutee.
Netts and accounts c.'llettal on reasonable toms.
Money to Loan ori Notes,
Notes Discouut. d
Motley ativa,let.1 on Norte -ages at t4 pet oontw•t f7
privilege of paying nt the end of an) year, Not.
mud accounts colleted.
S. 0. !MOWN,
PP.OPRIRrpx AND Pomo 5:1$
0: r.t ,
l3ARRIsTER, teuLIC)T011, Etc.,
Ii i atst. tNCompany tt, uiston charged. funds to loan
ott ages,tra
and farm proper() bought and sold
0PIft{:E—BoarcrBlock iVnsogi
%1 inghan,, Ont.
• 1a L DIC1i►NSON,
111'l CAI' GI\h r ('(i )018 t0 romans of al boxa1•.TQii.'re want of vox. smear,
grvdet of +'bilin. Aaent , t.rtk•koel.eta. e1el ;e,
turnters' stns, la8.3(:s. tett halos 11 sieians,
�' itilo�fetalrsiiit•r'xme worth hemuird P141 eats) (oin t412 00 OHf0O- tdeKor731ork.11'Ingham•
I.e,clleli,hu'i11,1r• 1.1111k Mars •t peer
sLrlft(uti,irtt,t\+tei tcn•taty n 'est / ..
r t
Ci, 1111118. ltd ft., ftfilr )cur p09110,,
`ri u•l Ito 11(5• a •;t. u eh el.. Oldie ,clary expcettd
.,d Neither M1,18141111 (11(1(11)'3•, 7nli l;nau• t
/��•.f LL-b41.a17101, (0 ,1 1),;, tf
�{. , GonNnlcri,
Beaver Block Winrharn, Ont
t+•. ):erunman. ttobt,ta paid totomai Cuuvnaro's;150
cute' for ,cnIs. AL's to to still Ice: r or and
ARE 133 To f : -
t f
s ilCnapp ca eft
1 ul inttr
t't\e 11A�}' t•i•1a,tlh'a:11.(t'eltAdlCrtiae•
111. G. tlA,1rn:nose
Orrice—Co mer liaudltol and St, Andrew streets. ')
opposite Colborne hotel:
MAN to ten Cl rads g co:. rtuit
and Orman entad Tres r, t in t:h 1a, Inter, Bulbs and
Bulbous Plants. Grape Sines, small Fluits, Seed
1'otnt a t to. i\' e o n '1
oe . u t )tri, :C truly the highest and
'Rost pop:tlartarictle.iIbat sot seed iu the coldest
climates. Now seasot11,4w rcluwencinp; complete
ou>stit £trev, salary and expenses paid from start or
full se, or liuorrI, ghlniiasion for part time,
Apply nom, ntidtefAile nearest entre, ADO get
tpo ':o of territory.
1t Inten+a#.ti,11:1) 544,isories.
t1 .till Cf' f.1111 �0i�, 111., or liina7yf',i5 Quo.
and the body taken up a. second a3' from personalexperience that 3
bananas .weighing one pound, are
time. • equal in nourishment to 26 pounds
An inquest will likely be held. of bread when baked:
13anailas should never be eaten
Dr. Chase Cures Backache. raw, they sere full of animal germs
Kidney trouble generally begins with 8lid are pf•oductive of tapeworms.
a single pain in the hack, and in time de- Haw bananas aro very indigestible. • • ,
velops into Bright's Disease. People
--I)I 111.)`1 t>.',
troubled with strioture, impediments, Youngsters fed on •Tari bananas
stoppage of water, or a frequent debit... nearly always suffer from. diseases " 1sl'' +?* l,',
tel urinate at night, wilt -Sod Dr. Chase's of the intestinal c4tnal,andeonvuisfons. -• 0 ' 4 in °"� i 1,2.3 � ��
Mdney-Lever Pins a blessing, Read the s
wonderful Cures in another column. One Physicians call such children banana --ono , - ., i , IO c
pill is a dose, and it taken every other b'' blessht frill positively cure kidney trouble. Baked bananas are also the ideal ,, ,l , stS
fbod. for nervous persons and shies• •Xmas
Another old resident,
lttt relit: other f 1-
1 et- ail! le
the lucky
II.I\'1: vitt: "rP\ OtIll FINE LINE 011'
of West mics, Also brain workers. I learned 11°11' '1 • • "la" s, 1•, t8et'1tl!, (t De-
SVawanosii, passed away on Sabbath their great power to sustain mental erttic"`.' 1 • ,
morning, Jan. 10th. in the person of effut't in India. If Wall street brok•
bits Woods,
who some 25 years s ago ors and others who are under great
Came the Vicinity of 5t. Helens with (mental strain would on two rnnrn-
her husband and family. Mrs.Woods lugs every week include a couple cf
was in her 63rd year, 'being a , baked bananas itt their menu and
woman who was largely and highly leave nit the chop or steak, they
respected, and leaves a family of would last longer. I am as hard a
five .sons and one daughter, who Drain worker as any poraon'in •' Nevt
have the deep sympathy of a very York, and T have subsisted for sears
large eirele of friends. The remains cntieely on baked bananas.
were into red in the Dungannon r... .
"temetery,V being followed to their Does Your •Husbrctld or don Drink.
lltst resting place by a, large eon- It )vr,r lUterine:Id or Soti is addicted to
course of friends and acquaintances. rho use of Liquor, Morphine or tale co,
win:Immo of your druggist a bottle of
()(bars hate., hull'(( Chloride iso- O014••Tablets. They
found heilth rigor ahel lire guaranteed Ltrcu o 0
witch i '
.i:,.. r money will be
sod ,
i A .'�nllrtrtlpltrillia, and It rotaudit,t, i ubtets h»nye b(► given secret
sur l y e powrrc to bully You also, 1Vh�y ly ittt tela or c'ttir05 end elle'- free: ase of
lot • wtuniilitnts allowed until .v lUntitrity
Mayor Holmes of Clinton], on Syed., given ulr, (.'rico $1.16 per pneka . IT
nesday tined one ,Y vnur (reg Itif d(lehrt keep thetri sehtl
fo mproper' conduct at floe n5. A.sts fink O3hio>.h lh,ttilitut �'iVallttb �l Y'rt5rk ,
1C , j{e0rtrt3r.?lrt'1r clad
barraeka. • . ttrst!ntoulats free
1 Ira h
rt ♦Y Y
wig . x' .. Oaf j t' i It
; iIi
. 1' II J,3:iaia,ix
WHEN a woman h pile, ..ill
anaemic, low-tpitittd, net.
Voter, steep1ess, there is no plea.
sun in life far her till she hu her
system put right 5y
Indian Woman's Halm
It Is
(fie tae eutfailiag:ttn/tdy fns ail
stebnlit dI dtspoedent,
wospen and �MAW hely
. �ntr tog
aria it 11+11
i► An iupisfr„
• o til St It ill.;,:,, t yr Colin
Cantplt 1,
H ONE tinpiolu 5-113. for whole or epard time :
either tux ; no ext as-ing whatever: )lain writer$
preferred ; -•0 to 512 weekly, book correspondence,
copying.:Marcages, speehnen capie'sand Instructions
ready to go to work, Me.. returnable if notacreptod,
thorongh.y genuine, Address, Narrcn Pub. Co.,
Londe:, ant. • 1.15 y • .
WANTEWANTED—'sun? Hurn and women, or
D—older ones If still young to spirit
of undouLted character, ;;nod talkers, ambitlousand
industrious, can tinct employment in a good cause,
with 5l:0 per mouth 10(1 upwards, according to
11h1'T &t :u rr, Toronto, out, t
Y. P. S. C. I3.--i1Ieeting in bnsernent bi
Presbyterian church every Friday everting.,
Jan. 20th -Our failures tend successes
Luke 1:1.11.
B. Y. P. TJ.- -Meeting every Tuesday
evening la the Baptist church.
1 PWOBTii LEAGUE -Meeting every
Thursday evening in the Methodist chinch.
For Twanty seven Years
Cartatsand- Trads•Iiiar • u1std, and all pensee
business . C
K sad
ut:t.d. for .111t►f/lttxitt MOIL �
Ate hie thti'iaa.eli,tc vicialt,afthe Pat.ntOIEC
and ray facilities larsecopia 'p:tpetsaressot y sue
Seed a164.1, Ilona .,phalesrty*.it,,114. , wits
dttcri fa aa4/taus..( a, teadvsata ..egee* 481 ger& Iiilessfostans nine
t Llseaet.
a Rely, sid sty 188 pifterenting Atte
A a.nwt at I*III r
iiEVTISTn1,.-J•S. 41118034)33 L. Et,.3.iW th..
e � .- tee h fat chert try Arstrcanea•sets o
p they, ,ca
Y ttxt
intim, Bondman. Teeth°
absolutely, without p[tiby l g e�w!
process guaranteed porftt.tly safe.
OFFICE: In the Baaver Biotite aP2loeite th
Brunswick house.
Axntli J. !Itch!(, D. D. p, 13•
Doctor of Dental ;gtlrger,t' of the-t85l04,44,
,loptal Collego,
osetoc.-•MAe sows, stocu,
Nois—.N [ll visit Blyth every Wed,iabda
WlNon tae '
t3 DEAN8,1a., trlxo..Att,
LICEi3,S 13 Aucl1O11EL''Ft •Tl).j> ,.dE 0Otih11$
OF 11C110N,
M5ie iattended to any part of tho Co, Charge
Sales of Farm Steck and Perin 1'rhiliteiie,i0
Alt orders left at the Ttuaa wilco promptly attend
ed to. Terms reasonable.
0 '
N,TN(LUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, t33J. Goads, Circulars, sat, do, executed in the beststYto of the art at moderate prices, and on short.notfep, Apply or tddresi
R83 Office, Winp'liarn..
Wo arc pleased to announce that any .Basile'
511100zinee8left With OR for Lending, win have,
prompt attention, Prices for Bindingtn any aryl
will be given on dpp,icatfon e Lha Tams 0>Boo.
" tiUEES VICTORIA! it1 1t Ltr1, AND ItE1GN" .
Crest historic work, sells on sight to thousands:
Lord i)tifferin intro4ucas It to Canadians In glowing
words. •-Easy to make 00 a week, soma make twice
that, Many ' Y<
d y make ntoro in Amro time than dunng
day et regular employment. file years' Crest ifex-
rtgenary Celebrations ars liootning It. Book/ oh
time.'ricepl1actu8 free to canra4.e,8. TorrftorY Rainq
fast Ti,.I3n4ILBY•GAnttlilsoN Co., Ltn., 'Toronto,
Ont. t
g 8*. Cantp 14lh:doair its t9� no,,M
the (tett and third Mond.y. ft.
ever *Oath, in .he Odd Pturtit > -. lu l<
O0r116esr YrsloC. a J. '2urtaj, {