The Wingham Times, 1897-01-29, Page 3TALE WINCL tAM TIMES,. JAN UARY 291 :1891 FAST WAWANOSIi. CiC Ri l �it►lla'��li The council clout for 18.17 met in the emineil room on January 11, pars ant to statute, the, =Oars tai etngRobotism, reeve, NVa Scott, de'pn?ty•reeve, and M. Lockhart, Alfrod.Cdrr and Wm Bone eonneiilors. 1:Itiving each severally subscribed t', the dul:arattons of qualification and office, the reeve in the chair, the minutes or the Dec- ember meeting of 1890 were read send passed, Moved by Alar. Leekhrtrt, smutted by Mr. Scott, that P. Porterfield be reappointed clerk at a salary of $80. Carried, Jas. Nicol, eon.7, was appointed auditor on .behalf of the council. The reeve then appointed Andrew Currie eon 13; -she other auditor, 'Malay Anderson was re appointed treasnr ee at his former salq ry of $70 per annum, Moved by Wm. Lockhart, second ed by MMlr. 13one, that Witt. Robinson be re -appointed assessor for the cur- rent year, salary same as last y ear, $$45,—Carried. ' John H McClinton was re -appoint- ed collector of taxes, salary ''55. Board of health for 1837 --reeve and clerk, and in conformity with see. 2, chap 49, Ontario Statutes of 1805, Jas. McGee was reappointed for three years, Walton McGowan fur two years, and James AfeCalltim for one year; Dr. Mc\sh, Belgrave, was appointed medical health ollieer. Account of John Forster, Wingham, asking again for extras for building, bridge on creek sideline 33 and 37, con, 2; received when it was moved by lir. Lockhart,. seconded by Mr. Carr, that the clerk notS.fy Mr. FOL- ster that this council refs_es to take any further action in this matter. --- carried. Thu treasurer's monthly statement of receipts and cxltunciiture<; from De- cember 1,5; 1801;, to date received and accepted as satisfactory, Moved by Alr. Scott. seconded by Mr. Carr, that the reeve be author- ized to see John Ansley, county en- gineer and get blur to examine bridge on river, cons. 10 and 11, orthwith,report thereon and if neees- ,' ary have plains and specifications submitted for rebuilding. said bridge at the next meeting of rs'uncil. The following trccuants were order- ed to be paid: IlartsaRiddell, `herora to, stationery, vot rn; lists. etc., $1.28; k, -P. Porterfield., expenses of list ntuniei- pal election printing, rte., 34.50; P. Porterfied services as• cat:, k 1896, 180; P. Porterfield, postage and sta- tionery, etc., 1891;, $4 n8, S. G. Brown, printing financial statement for 1896 47; F. Anderson, treasurer, assi marking out financial statement for 1896„ ¢5. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Bone, that the council now ad- journ until Tuesday February 9.— carried. ._-•carried. PORTRlir.T T D, Clerk. CAS -ez fest$:, anti. 'Chi seen. faro. clrnuwt lc 3a ov ny r-4e:eVr G .''r�; R1Y fps. Carnegie Coal Mines. .ttsburg, Pas—Andrew Carnegie togst let With e ,. Day by, Day He, is Relieving Suffering Humanity With His Wonderful Improved • Ilam, oeopatho tlemedies. AH Druggists Endorse Theme Get Munyon's Guide to Health At Your Nearest Drug Store And Select a 25 Cent Reme- dy and DOCTOR YOURSELF. Miss Emma D. Lucas, Toronto, says : "1 have bean using allopathic treatment for years for indigestion and liver com- plaint. in all that time I did not re- celve its much benefit fram it as !pelt b til PM ' D row t,wa a sa o unyon s yspepsca and Liver cures. 1V hen 1. began taking the Mucyon .Remedies .7- was suffering terribly from distress after eating, and felt like giving up altogether, 1 begat improving at once and 1 new know that a cure is certain.' Munyon'e RhOumatisnr Cure seldou, fade to relieve in one to three hours and cures in a few days. Price 25c, Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and stow- aoh trouble. Price 25u. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia and breaks up a Gold in a few hours. Price, 25a. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, andapeedi- ly heals the lungs, Price, 25e. Munyon'a Kidney (;ore speedily cures. pities in the back, loins or groins and all for,r,s of kidney disease. Price '2 o. :Ylunyon's ileadauho Cure stops head- ache in three minutes. Pride 25e.. Munyon's Pile Ointment p.sitively cures all forms of piles, Price, 25c. Munyon's Blood Cure . eradicates all impurities of the brood. Price, 25u. lvlunyon's Female Remedies are u boon to all women, Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes and cure permanently. trice, Mun)on's Catarrh Remedies never tail. '1he Catarrh Cure -price 25c. -- maid sates the disease from the systerui and tho Catarrh Tablets ---price 25e.— cleause and heal the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tunic. Price, 25e. Mtioyon'S Vitalizer restores lost rigor Price 81. A separate cure far each disease. At all druggists. mostly 25c. a vial. Personal letters to Prof. tlunyon, 11 13 Albert St . T'nrup.to answered with fate inetli., it advice for any disease.. What is a Hare? USEFUL "DEFINITION SUPP'L,IED '1'U SPORTSMEN lit THE CUM li.tME SOMETIMES eALI.RI? 4 RABBIT. The Chief Game Warden for On- tario, Mr. Tinsley, bad lately receiv- ed litany enquiries regarding the difference between a hare and a rub - bit, forthe information of those and others who are interested ho has issu- ed. the following; neanttion: Tire le - pus Americanus (erxlobon), or the northern hare is larger than the comtnon grey rabbit. 1�3ars about the length of the head, hind foot longer, tail short, color in summer very similar to that of the European hare ; rich red or cinnamon brown above; tail sooty brown above, dull greyish beneath; body beneath white ears, black at the dorsal surface, this extending doivn the inargins; the fringe and posterior edge white; in Winter white though usually show- ing a good deal of yellowish brown beneath the tip of the long hairs; the Tribute To Hon, Edward Blake. The O'Conor 1)m was chairman of Mires~ the Royal Commission appointed by the British Government to consider the financial relations existing be..' tweon Great Britain and Ireland. This representative Irish statesman Lord. Lieutenant -of the county of ROSS- ec nunon, and a man of recognized weight le the counsels of the nation. lie spoke on the decision of the eoin- mission, at a great mass meeting in Dnbltn last week praising Mr. Sexton, 1.'., highly for his work in con- nection with it, and paying the follnwing tribute to Ilon. Edward Blake, Al. P. wha was also a mem- Ler. • I feel so strongly that we are much indebted to another mem ber of the comtnission that I cannot refrain from mentioning him, I refer to the Hon. Edward Blake, M. P. (Hear, hear.) To Mr. Blake's wise foresight, to his conciliatory address, to his targeminded views, and his clearness and precision in enunciating them, we are much indebted fur under fine piumbeons from the roots having seeured practical unanimity basal half, then brownish red; ears In what is called the ,j oint resort; ;tad 5 ctilt4rhl:nal (.•f Of: g91t11.11Sston I lyhjtca ot;Tt3j>:; thg �:x-tCi•n11i batiti5: feel bound in notice tiro importunt habrtai, NeW l riglaiid caul twiddle States, northward through Ontario assistance he rendortii in bringing average size, equal to that of a eat; u.bont t hitt ti" reetticttt tthieh has average weight. four pounds; aver, : since proved of so touch value, g , ,� The appointment of our fellow - height eight eighteen inches; aetsix countrymen to lead the united Iirsh height eight inches, nose to tail six-, teen inches; tail two inches. The parliamentary contingent when the iairbit prrl;,er is unknown in Canada report of the Royal Cunitnission is lbut hares are plentifu., the latter be- brought up uu the reassembling of ing ignorantly called rabbits by Parliament gives additional point to those who do not know the dfference tl„s well-deeervcu tribute. The hare never burrows like the rabbit, and its nest for the most part' Tim ann't tl table of nntnicip',I is on the ground beneath some brush statistic, cont; iled 1,y the Bureau of heap or some other convenient shel- Intlu$tries f.'r Ontario have been ter. Tile hare is distinctive in char. 'Pined f'r l8:) . The population h aeter, having a doudte set of tapper 1x57,399 au•! the total assessment teeth. It bas five toes before and be 1'a-121,566.1 s,;. Tile orune's tax paid The ears are very long and the i" the province was 15 tultis uu the tail vert' short; the hind feet dollar "t' ::4I1.2t) per head of the and the shoulder blades very Inaper- b•'ttded indebtedness-i,t $•10,724,587 feet. The fur is brown in summer or an average of ~25.68 per head. but changes to white at the approach The number of organized municipals - of' winter. The hare breeds twice ties at the close of the year was during the season, the female proclac- townships, 492 towns, 90; villages, ing her young in July and August • 137• cities,' 13 and counties,. 38 the litter averaging front five to During tbu hu t ten years.the popula- eight at birth. The fur is valueless tion hits increased 128,895 or about in the Canadian fur market, as skins 6 Per cent. can be •boughs cheaper in England . '••^^s—•a than they can be had here. owls,ssooa ntiesson.srWUP71ss,78MN' m, AVegetablePreparationt r,Ao- similating Wood antilleg uia lung the Stomachs endl3oweha'cf 51313 THAT THE 4. FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Reest.Co ntai ns neither NQ tuni,AMorphine nor Mineral. OT NATIC OTIC. )inn 1a'' S,u.t- dlx:dm ex l'ol'alG Sores – l'K1e AVE! fly auhmn„�t .r6 + oJ��• ,nlzn Nan, hula: A perfect Remedy forConstipe- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish- ness and Loss oI' SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. •••23.11.9:1111...1•2101.1•14...."••••,"..,.••••••911 Oastorla is put up in ono -sire bottles only. It Is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it 18 "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose," •Vi" Bee that you get The lao- etmilo signature ie on. oYery �,•c.,« wrapper. much longer than tate fore feet i'"put•tttt,n I here is a mumeipal --- James Smith Colvin. son of George ' DR CHASE'S C„aroonl '1.10 lilting. and Margaret Colvin. •of Teeswater,• 1.nuo ill Charcoal, on trial at Mac- died At the home of his parents on the' Leod, was found guilty ofthe mmurder 8th of January. This promising) of Sergt, Wilde, of the Northwest Young man so early cut off, was born t Mounted Pollee. Charcoal took the in Galt and was at the time of his dean, witness box in his awn defence and .2.2 years and 6 months old. About ; told a story which fc w believe. He four years ago he went to Woodstock said Wilde shot at hlm before he•fired. and entered into the study of Phrtr-' But Wilde's revolver ivas found by maty and being ambitious and. his side loaded . trustworthy, he succeeded well and I ?'he Jude fixed liiarCll 18th as' won the confidence and esteem of tate date of the hanging. , those with whom he came in contact.' Ap"'i of this year he came home' 14 in ill health and it soon becam)mo ovi- t Iespeetor Coats has presented the dent that he was not Iong fot' tills} • following report in connection with world, The end crane sooner then t • the Huron county House of Refuge:-- was expoted, and on Friday afternoon 1 �itlmber of inmates since opening, 95 he died. number of inmates since Jan. 1st The sale of intoxicating liquor in 1896, 51, males 36, females 15. Nati- connection with the mess of the Fifty ber of inmates admitted in 1896; 42, seventh Battalion Teterboro has been 1 reales 88, females 0. Number of ill- abolished by the officers. They con -1 mates in the house on the 1st of Jan. dude that unyon a who desires to, 1807, 61; males 46, females. 15. Nnm- drink call lmvo his wants sup;>lted( $OLD SY ALL DEALERS bor admitted during 1896 from the' by a regularly licensed house, ! Price 25 Cents several municipalities:—Ashfield 3, ' . Colborne 4 Goderieh trorvnsl. 2 ' e ATARR� CURE CURES cold in the head in ten minutes. cuREs incipient catarrh in -frons one to three days. QPRES chronic catarrh, hay fever. and rose fever. Complete, with blower free. Grey `?, Hallett 1, Hay 1, Morris 2, WHY NlOT THE eicz Stephen 4, McKillop 3, Tuckersmith 'READ s Otti t r'I the work of the FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SHU T A D rJ!LLECE, EO11f:`Cn, Ont., is far superior to that rf the nrdit a• y I,ltsi,'e 5 veli ,, . Patronize college• of known merit, tend your success in lir rare d. i . t1+ 7 e r c ,';^cried January. 4th, 1897. Catalogues free. Y. M. C. A. Building. J. W. t i•..al'EilVELlr, Prtnetpaf.- ST: AT„� i 1 4_4 er �t r + . _ We do neat work in the Job Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. 1 f you are lin need cif anytit - thing such as ;,r► ajar. Pittsburg, Cleve• + Y-�a I.rrEx HEADS, NOTE HliADs. BILL Fir.ans, .c and Canadian crtpitalists, has lr tu,ADC1 t Wgsr alvvttl0.la le, ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DOMERS, BCSI:NI:y (faRDS, 9 acquired 4.100 acres of coat territory Last VV(lwittibsii total. �8, Hinton i in the Monongahela Valley for a • Goclerictt 3 Seaforth 3, Wingham O anything in the line �,f Pt inning, call or writ 000,000 Mr. Carnegie and his Pitts- t 1' Exeter 1,. -44 Blyth 1, Brussels 1, total « lie I' AIt?VIEIZ'S ADVOCr17` is norv, znct bras beeli leer old reliable TIMES Office. \\'' h. burg partners will . >. ,l 14, Cause of attperism—interoper- a t rite unci alt>st anricu tura ge 11, sic mess 12, an- t 1l t <tvo 51 per ' p i T I t of the property, the names of I 8 old 1 some time, the favorite o practical1 11 Crlt"irru(' �rll SPI 1/>t eon 1 sacs a h the minority stock•hoklers have not dated weakness of sit 4 be learned. The object of the per -chased is that ttie new railroad •r,# Andrew Carnegie and his.assed'iates shall not have to return eryxrity cars, in whieh ores are t$itditght to the Carnegie blast furtatee from the of inmates, 21, 721; intellect 5,1' journalin the province." . . blindness 1, enciente 1, father in Comes Every ix .t `r4:to1 TITO”- Tint" "Weeks Cover hawse, 1 endorsing for brother 1. Nativity of inmates—England 9, Scotland 8, Ireland 9, United Stats§1 Germany 1, New South. Wales 1, Canada 11. Number of days board keepers. family lakes, and help added, 1,095. I Mr. Joshua, Pearen, one -of 'the ' most ftrtthful of the many good 11111 • in Little employees at the Doherty .Organ JO especially 1 a true alt rio ode! Mkt.* motet- , Factory, stet with a bud aceident .on li ev!r ceatsined se great curative power in ` Friday. .t►. , lel, e new •,, plaber..has }1 clay, and was started . at work on!ay gttci;. Sa;,D tort SAMPLE. 'Friday, when lair. Pearen hard the . -Gest s . Only $1 per Year �}, isucutnE NOW. Don't nii:ts an issue for 07. Nis farther or breeder can afford to do Without it. Our ' handsome and valuable slue Xmas Number wilt be sent .o small ..pace. They are a ,,bete medtctds been put into the factory on ''ITlttkisl4.1 to all persons subscribing 4� t misfortune to get his- stand etwirlot t rrr. •.l' t rr :ur , by the tatted rollers, which Wok. the 'llo9rrrrl xil 1 . , .0 ' Quehtirnt tr.kra! mug awariwoi.`.. �e 41110.0.11.10011111.11111/.111060 1 1 LOS•• .. .' t pposite Macdonald Mock. . • b A PEW OP THE J'ANOAEi 1st OO1'rENTS: e� ayrieninteerl er:u1 i•:.,per•irrrv•ntn! d.'rrioar 1 .1,intrul Pep rt. O„bar t.. 1 , I,te iii: H. r:Y' Animal C'on 0 rvrrirn' rNr.l rept ret Mitt i., 1l.,•kr'r fna:v' rlsfrrn! ruttrfatiort 1 hr 1 rt ,v,,:: !tweet Prete in 1896. The 1' r.r• .1io'it';. Irl l/ntl.V II los, /mg ''1i..•p, flew t., • isrrin ltlr rt:rnrrst ')!I yirltl. IWO:, in llctieq.P,urtire. )'rrrlriu,l anvil rrial.•irnt Glitter. ! Hili tit (marl r•lr.,•ei' ,shirt,. , I-•1 in. rpr•r•.rtx vaunt r•!! . W WIC 'idI ilr m ¢ o� d el- des1& entirely off* of the back of the j� Q- �'1, it U bbl; iiwsyb ready, wari.f!ttoteat, alwaT�'bak ' hand.- It is feared that seine of the r � I lrr trtlr rr rr/o•ex tr vC delever, msli liter a rota bones aro also crushed. It will ltxy l irrerer,aura-miter ser., «lriuii':blt' work for some tithe. +iQk t,e6rtlaelti, l*i15444e, cotutipatiOTh ate. lee. "he tally title M tarts with iioedrt uarsspernta, Y }y� -Sft ' w• e to the 1 $50 REWARD 1 will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will 1:<'ing me; . a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and iiutke: to run as.Well as, or better than ever. 14.ALSEY PARK, Jose})Hint. St., \'* mngham