The Wingham Times, 1897-01-22, Page 611 xng 3.111.q:. P5 ]'BZDAY, JANUARY 22, 1807 EDITORIAL NOTES. • THE most glaring bit of humbug Of recent years, tartly observes the Sarnia Canadian. is the excitement 'hitch has been worked up in the United States over the death of he Cuban guerilla loader Maceo. Every editor inthe United Statesise d for nt ed certain that Mateo was foully and treacher- ously assassinated, by the Spaniards. Men of Maceo's eolor are assassinated by the dozen every day in the week in the United States. and no pot- itieian or newspaper has a word to say in objection. If Mateo were alive and in New York, the very editors who are glorifying him as a patriot and a hero would refuse to Mt with him at the same table or ride with him in the same :ear ; and he would have to come t'o Canada to be treated like ,.:, bumnn being. Mace° was a mul'�ttto.. She had a succession of heavy south- THE tr INUliAMM i w•I-F.,1S, JANUARY 22, len, February to December, 8,9751 lbs :of open trellla iron work. Experience and one year as a two-year-old tbas demonstrated that besides the 9,662. lbs; and another daughter • costliness of tubular bridges, they a, year old, from Nov. '95 to Dec '96 : are open to objection because of the 9,028- lbs, 014, granddaughter of G want of ventilation, and the injury cow Io. 9, yet in the yearling class, , to the iron work resulting from the from Oct to Dee 1,661, and last but laccnmulatlon of sulphurous gases in not least,. that grand cow, No. 13, (,the tubes There is also another and from Feb to Dec then dry 11 days, still greater objeetion; itis the strain - and from Jan 11 till Feb 6, 13,106 ing of the floor -plate rivets through lbs. There are also a number of lateral deflection, When, in the of two year old graded running all'morning, the sun shines upon the the way frntn 7,000 to 8,000 for the' east side of the Victoria bridge, each milking season, which the manager I tube in expanding bends like a bow last calf until they dry of to give , as the sun changes, and the east side run, � cools, the tubes expand in the oppo- site direction, causing n. 'working' of 1 the bottom or floor -plates, . which tends to cut the rivets. The effect is There is a charm about agricul- ' to cause the rivets upon which the' tore if one is. sueceasful. The mai •strain comes to p.,p out and fly like who would bring up his sons to a pistol bullets with a loud report. fondness for agricultural pursuits The open iron work of the up-to-date should make is an especial aim to bridge is much lighter and quite as present to them this successful side strong, and is not subject to straining of the profession.. from unequal deflection, always estimates from. dropping of safety. Aluminum has been proven. to be as good as stone. The metal approaches the phybf.al properties of lithographic strne from its ability to absorb fists or slimy substances. 'kitting skates are now made of aluminum, affording at the Game time exceptional strength and light - cress, a pair wei{zhitir only 24 ounces. '..Alnniinem articles for t he toilet are now made in great variety, among other things, combs, t kill' handles and hairpins. Pens made of an aluminum alloy towards that side ; in the afternoon it is t'lailned write easily and clo not • rest before maternity , A company has put on the mark t aluminum gui(ars, banjos, mandolins and lutirarl. 'rho instruments are made out of one piece of sheet alu- minum; pressed into shape. They are satin-liuisi.ed, and not only snake a beautiful looking • instrument, but give a rich tone. Farm Notes. ,* * • There is no charm in slipshod Twelve Months On Tho Voyage. farming, none in weedy fields, fallen The British ship F'lackbraes ar fences, fence corners full of rubbish, ' rived at San Francisco on the 7,th• or barns and buildings in a general state of disorder. Did you ever see west gales shortly after leaving such a farmer come out successfully? Liverpool, which did considerable damage and the vessel put back to $I I8 ACAINST $35. * * * BIG 'DIFFERENCE IN THE RE- If we acquire an Interest in the Birkenhead for repairs. While lying -rU`Rxt S OF DFEERENT agricultural journal, such a journal in the docks she was badly damaged DAIRYMEN. will become invaluable to us. Let On April 19, off Cape Born, she' had us not neglect it because we are busy. a heavy, hurricane from north -north ONE ALAN AL&KES OVER $100 APIECE There are hints therein which, west to south-southwest which last. OUT OF HIS COWS—ANOTHER SE- CURES CCURES BUT e35—RATIONS FAVORDAIRY- reading to -day, we will fitfd use for no trood. Oue clay Tr popular druggist, ed twenty hours, tiro wing the slip ��, t�, Iian,i.lr:c:, seat ms tL sample of Dr• to -morrow. : on her beam rmt1 and shifting the ra.,, ,,•. T .,,,,,,,._r: .,,. 'O:It ,., +,.,• I`hr. 1' S1II; Ili ERIE. North Hastings' O:dest Inhabitant Male and Hearty. ' .Tonins Monre, of Bancroft, Ont., one of the ua:.Lt and best-known .residents of Hastings. County, eau boast of won- derful ::ez)th and vigor for his age. " Although I am Over 84 Sears of BP," he says, '' 1. (rtes as young as ever I did." Mr. Moore, ltbwever (tad a narrow es- cape it•oin death about a year ago. "I was so bad with. indi,;eslion," he writes, " that ti:o doctors gave ane up. I tried various alleged remedies but (mind them 'D BY 't' .* * e• result : ns lunitn,lottl After tai.IZLg 'DIEM. I cargo and blowm„• away a complete t,ro I war; able to r;et tip. Then Clover is one of the best subsoi.lers. set of sail, she hada succession ofwest t m; for a box. I mild Bron eat any - Wart roots penetrate the soil to a erly gales until April �3 when awry I tail:I h t t' I as ab10 to During the last year the Ontario Department of Agriculture collect- ed information regarding thereturns obtained from dairying in different parts of the province. This infor- mation shows what a vast difference there is in the profits made by differ- ent dairymen.. The returns received by one man in Dundas County, average 45% on 30 grade Ayrshires in the season. Another in Lanark got upas high $96 .a piece from thoroughbred Ayr - shires. A dairyman in Oxford with a Holstien herd, made on an average. $71 a piece from his cows by selling their milk at a cheese factory during six and one half months. Another, with a herd of grade shorthorns, glade an average of 1080 per cow for milk sold in Guelph. One with a mixed herd made nearly $90 apiece from a herd of 12 cows on milk and butter sent to To- ronto, But the best returns of all were received-liy another man Iiving near this city, who made an average of $118 per cow out of a herd of Jersey cattle, from eream alone. On the other hand, a man in Stor- mont, with a herd of Ayrshires, only averaged $35 apieee on his cows. Why such a vast difference in the figures? Ot course contiguity to the (market counts for a good deal. But cars, breed and feed counts for still more The man woo made the big re- cord with the Jerseys, in York County, gives this as the daily ra- tions for his cattle; Winter, 5 lbs. .ornmeal, 5ihs oats, STes oil meal, 20 $)s corn fodder. 51bs roots, 5 Itis hay and about Sibs straw; summer, green corn with pasture. The average weight of his cows was 900 ib. The Oxford man with the Hol- stien, fed this ration: Winter, 8 ills oats, 2 Zs bran, 40 lbs ensilage, 10 Its straw, and 6 fibs hay. Sometimes a little oil meal is fed, but meal ra- tion never exceeds 10 lbs; summer s g. ,t a , o. im,' tt great depth, loosen it and carry heavy gale to the westward of Diego ttrtlk rive Inila, to Baueropt and back, • down the plant food. Every farmer Ramirez set in. The ship sprang aleak w�;h CiU ;,,, I :,ey-Liven' ruts will, can afford to at least use this means and started the decks, the salt water without, f.:(l, euro at kidnrv, liver, of feeding and draining this laud, going through the caro into the fresh Rtoitlach incl blood troubles. 'roc Kale even if he can not afford a subsoil water. The ship was headed for by 1 Lu.o �al„ esutL5. dose.til dlrian ou 'plow. * i Falkland Islands for shelter and •to Bates & Co., emitaetmanufacturers, Toronto. make repairs. Arrived off the islands . - -p e( - I The method of hauling the manure a heavy southwest gale was encoun ` peritflue s �t I teat uilcosery or coughs to the fields and spreading it as fast tered and not having sail enough to ast-a L and comU:untpt!on, It is pleas - as made, thereby permitting it to hold the ship up the crew had to keep ant, nu:ek and Ccltain. 20 cents. leach where it will do the most good,' oft for Montevideo. .Arrived at Rion -1 f presents the additional advantages tevideo on May 28 a large portion of, l that it aids in keeping things n at the cargo was discharged the ship,i•e- f i about the stables and barnyards.. aired and reloaded with "all the cargo * .* with the exception of about 250 tons As a rule we find the best stock, of salt, and sailed on Oct. 15. Had 'the best barns and the best farmers head winds to Cape "Torn; off Cape 1 1 where the- windmill towers loom corn had strong southwest gales and. ' among the buildings. There are no blew away several sails. After that - h-. long drives of the cattle to the rivers the vessel met with moderate weati er 'when the drouth comes, neither any until port was reached. thirst among the stock in busy tines., 1 * * * Make the farm work as light and !pleasant as possible to the young folks, remembering that they can not see it from the same point as do their elders. Routine work is tire- some to young or old in any calling. In many ways can the monotony be avoided. rye oats, pea? and millet with pas- ture. Average weight of his cows, 1,200 lbs. On the Other (land, the Stormont AN OLD AND wr:LLE-TRIED REMEDY-. county dairyman, who only averag- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has ed, $35 per cow from his Ayrshires, been used for over fifty years by mi l- fel this ration, winter 2 lbs oats,211slions ot mothers for theirchildren while peas, 2 Is shorts or bran, 2 lbs oil teethtng,With perfectsuceess. it soothes meal, 121bs clover hay, 1 peck of the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best roots, with straw and lib; summer, remedy for diarrhoea, Is pleasant to green oats and tares, wit pastin e.y gk every 1 * * * To say that weeds are in no de- gree conquerable is sheer nonsense, as is evidenced by the contrast be- tween the fields of the diligent farmer and the sluggard. Most weeds come from seeds, and are annuals. The work lies in preventing the seeds from maturing. * * * It is a wasteful practice to feed whole seed or to use it for fertilizer. Haul away the corn, if it cannot be ground at home, and bring back the heal and the bran. • Stripping should all be done at ones; do not milk and strip two teats and then the other two, but rather milk all of them and then strip twq or three times round, so as to be sure, of all the milk. For Over Piny Years. • An Angry Fool. I "What fools we mortals 'be," quoth . • the immortal Shakespeare. One of • the most arrant fools is the man who hat not a rein upon his temper. There -04 is such a thing as a righteous anger, which it takes a man in the full pos- session of his faeulties and diginty • to experience and manifest. There is a kind of anger, however, which as Solomon says "resteth in the bosom of fools." The man who kicks stovepipes all over the room when they drop just as he is connect- ing the last length, and the man who wants to lick everybody. who tramp• les on ilia diginty or calls him a lilts, belong to this class. So also does the red-faced individual who seeks out the person who has done him a real or afancied injury, and exhausts i the written and unwritten lexicon of the language in expressing his views If some of as could only see how we look when we allow temper to sweep us into ridiculous scenes, we should be careful about allowing our angry passions to master us A newspaper h the aisle. Sold b dru ists i Average weight of his towsD .., 800 lbs'part of the world, Twenty -live oants a bottle. Da value is incalu.ible. Be sure and Bek for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 10.1120t LABS OF MILK. Syrup, and take no other kind, ploding•.—Stray Shots from Solomon That '. uuug ,art (If yours would be pleased indeed Eu hare one of our 'set.lt,th;'1 ' Rings. irtlt.`n'1• ;l.kt•(1 het! 11 ell if you don't ,•:, t,iherfel- 1 .w ails 1'e I -I ky • -111 i,11� of, -:'•.4:. (TUR FINE LINE of .--1)I >'4 ).•;1/-t, 1 —11:-"s1 10;4. • • • . ( •i I• 4•.1 i. report credits the reformation of a —01 1 ' ' ' notorious drunkard to an ingenious , Scheme planned by his wife She --'() • ' �)r C,LII 111"1 .•• our -t, eek of Xinas goons- nits.; a•,t,11'':.' I 1 *"' '11t4 on De- eent'e,er•;n- •. S..7..its.11:14.1 a SPECIALTY. -rind ., 1;s.1'1'1ON •1ri� had flim photographed when he was on a particularly "wobbleyjag," and presented him with the picture when liet over U U ehis)' spree. Thenext g 1 time my hot-headed friend that you feel like smashing things, go and take a look in the mirror before ex This was the record made by one Tubular Bridges. -of the Rathbun cows last season. In the course of an interview with The Rathburn Company have in the an eminent Canadian engineer, who "lined Barn" at T)eseronto one of the was in the eity attending the melting best dairy herds in Ontario. The of engineers, a rept.rter, learned that following, from the Tribune of that the tubular system of bridge eon - Sown, shows the milk records made struction having been condemned by .ene of the Rathbun cowls : Cow the egg 0...• .vin d, the Victotta from Marchi to November 110; bridge.,. ,A,1 t est of its kind. Ma .' Kiss; two•ye r.oiid hello, No. In tomelt of that .from oaf tv Kalif 9i 919 '(_ f' `b :dgp,eti'tf3` ro p it a .1 lewill lie sse1; , i lir d r! l n o -�'..d P' lb `'ceriilbere • t b n . ni j f'ititll � 1 fr+f Mover ,<q'.R, n•. bLtiattl tit ,, .fi Uses of Aluminum It is claimed that alutninutn plates , are 4cstihed to become the universal • iilateriai for lithographic printing,; which means a revolution in the' lithographic art. Of all the metals! 'that have been tried besides alumin. um, says the Aluminum World, to replace the eutnbersone lithographic stone, zinc is the only- metal that has given. any aa'i'dfaution, but it was found that zine could not be de- yarded tlpn(s- rPe fnsm a good work the Ate plates ' Mist be ' absolftltety lie rtstkl. e'woo '4h inti eolflrs l Art nl'6t foi>ii, o :i 44.40:5...%4444 WHEN a,woman is pale,,1 anaemic, low-spirited, ntr- volts, sleepless, there is no plea- sure leasure in life for her till she has her system put right by. BANK mHAMILTON dbtnlingka WINGIIAM, Capital, ;F1,250,000, Rest, $050,000 I're41dent-40Utf STUART. Y1oe.Presidant-A. ii. BANAAy, InitU TOES bus PROCrOs, 050, ROAM, %Vat OtssoN, bt P, A. T. woos, A. B, Lan (Toronto). Oashler-J, 7?URNDULL. SavInge Banle—lIoure,10 to 3; Saturdays, IO I. Deposits of 51 and upwards received arid Interest Special Depostts also received At °wren: rates of korest. Drafts ou Greet Britain arid thd United Stetor bought and bold W, C0111301'.JLD, AGENT E, L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART FOR ARRIVE FU0M Toronto and Bast O:5d a.m, 1:15 p.m 3:15 p. m.• -via Clinton Palmerston Mixed 5:80 " 10:40 a.m London and South 0:50 a.m. 11:10 " 8:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Kincardine 11:10 a.tn. 0:50 a,m, 1:15 p.m. 8:80 p.m 8 " 5:80 " Aa E. "+ 1TH BANKER, W I NGHAM emi.eRAI. BANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. Money advanced to Farmers and Uusiness leen on endorsed cotes and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys romitted by draft to all parts of Caunda and the United States. Netts and accounts collected on reasonable tortes. • Money to Loan on hates. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE If ATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 51r pc, eentwi,h privilege of paying at the and 01 any year. Not,• turd accounts collected. RODT. MoINDOO. Beaver Block Wine -hare. Ont WE CAN GIVE FOFITIONS to persons of al grades of ability. Agents, bookkeepers. clerics, Meiners' sons, la fryers, mechanics, uhysiciaus, p sachem, students, married ar,d single women, widower. Positions aro worth from 5100 to $2,500 per annum. W e have paid several eannssos 550 weekly for years Many have slatted poor and become rich will us. Particulars upon application and if aaliafactors or (I nese rnry, n pemonal inter- view may be artOnetd, 3 Lis is an bcnest adverrise- me nt, end if y olr v ont to bfth•r your position, write btfote ywz ►seep. State eatery- expected Neither 3..ft.8.1 or titp;c1sn(tdrrl.ly, Inn BnAn- LkIr.G'AR51t3.ON Co:, Lrn, Tnrodo, t f A MA and Ornamental T Bulbous Plante. Gra Potatoes, Etc. Ive ea most popular varletie climates. Now seas outfit free, salary r e hitt time, or liber corn, APph' now, dressing eholee of territ es. 1, . fie BROTHE Ii,ternatIone Nurseries. Cmcaoo, 10., or b ndTaRAL. Quo. NT D. • s, ell Conran gertrn Fruit uits, hosts, Bulbs .and Ines, .'mall Fruifa, seed ognc only lire highest and rat succeed in the coldest w conunencing; Complete noes paid from start for ion for part time, ncareat office, ano get COMPANY. H ODE Employment for whole or spare time : either sex ; ne canvassing whatever: plain writers preferred ;, r0 o 512 weekly, book correspondence. copying actresses, rfpeci,nen c.ipirs and instructions ready to go to work, 500„ returnable if not accepted. thorongh,y gen uiva. A ddress, tt arren Pub, Co., �LAo�ndon, Ont. 1.35 y WANTED—'Yours 33101, and womrn, or rG older 03308 it still young In aplrit of undoubted character, good talkers, ambltiousand industrious, can find employment In a good cause. with 500 por month and upwards, according to ability. Rev T S Weaver, Toronto, Ont. tf YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. S. C. B. --Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. Jan. 22—Revivals at hotne and in the Missiodary field.—Mise Cline. B. Y. P. U.—Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. BPWORTH LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. ForTw4 tty seven Tears DUNN'S BAKIN:C POWDER THE OOOK's REST rRIEND LARGett'` $111.t 1r4 CANADA. Indian W man's Balm - 3 `'Ft`I' 't/iitt ri$1• I Its M151 tit slit A ,• `la n4 t frl*. 1, e i AS4E0,CAN. FOREIGN ' Caveats and Trade•Mark3 obtained end all patent lousiness eoadu,ted .for Mean LTi‘ IAMB. My °Mee rain thBlatredla,te viefaityef the Patent Office a nd my foc(((us, ler wearier patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch er photograph of larentiea with description and atatensentrut toadv‘sta e. claimed. ***Xi o targe if mod* fa,. .,i, epi.,yion.��,,�s,,� ,t,ppi r.t o'rrr, moi; d Peru oriC1l.. a sae an er vela48 1811(4er(i. " Ifrvarto ' Goran„"' con. ingfull 111i1�I.aitt tilt It It' a FAIN11011'0 ii Oe ��((��GH its. [1� 1c$il 6iIIi■egMN� ` 1.wAs --15 PUBUsill,D EVERY FRIDAX MORNING --AT TlilE— TIMES OFFICE, s1QSEPHirtk; STREEr WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. Bubsoriptionprlee,$A per Year, ill tt4114•1104 ADVERTIStNC nATFS; Spaoe 1 1 yr. 1 O men 1 8 n o. 11 inn Ono Column 800 00 590 00 1 520 00 S 00 Balt ' �� 40 00 20 00 I 12 00 0 00 quarter t0 00 12 00 7 00 I' 800 One Inch 1 0 for —Legal insertion,, and 8a, per liad ne forma eubsequene insertion, Measured by nonpareil scale. Local notions 10e. per line for ares insertion, and 50. por lino for esob subsequent diderticn. and business ()fiances W a Wanted, pot exceeding linins( nonpareil, $t for first month, and 50o. for oa'Ch subsequent month, Mouses and Farms for Sale, not ,exceeding 8 lines 81 for first month, 500. per subsequent mouth. Larger advertisements In proportion. These terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or 10 langur periods, Advertisements and local notices without spoilt directions, will be inserted 601 forbid and charged accordingly. Traesltury advertieomonts must paid In advance thaoiliuosby Wednesfor daty 11008, in ordertoappear that week 8, G. RROwN, PROPancTON AND PUBLISH!! DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET W1NGUAU, QNT'ARI D VAN STONE, JL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest care interest. No oonmiaswn charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Boavor Block 1VtNonA)t J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, S;c._ WInghant, Ont. E. L• DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANIC Or /INariT TON. MONEY LOAN. Oeico—Meyer Block. Winghmn. MG. CAMERON, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ,ko Office—Corner Hamilton and SE. Andrew street: opposite Colborne hotel GODERIOB, GaTAxID. DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEROME, L. D. S.,WINoUAM. lb a,an`ufacturmg first -elms sets df tineth tiret, eDominion they can ext acted' absolutely without pale, by his now process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite th Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. O., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of tho Pennsylvan Dental College, OFFIOE...MAOOONALO BLOCK. NoTx-Will vlsitBiyth every 1Vednnaday. JOUN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANOE AGENT !fi WtNenem, D. DEANS, Ja., WlSenAta, J. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOh OF HURON. Soles attended In any part of Moderate. OjiTAai 413E COUNTIY tho Co. Charge 3 JORN CUR1tIE, WINaa.af, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements specialty. All orders left at the Thos office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, fosters, ft I 1. Heads, Circulars, dee., dto., oxoeuted h, tho beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice, Apply or address S. G RROWN, nes Office, Winghem. BOOKBINDING. We aro plo&eOd to annInine0 that airy Hooke Magazines lett with us for Binding will have, prompt attention. Prices for Binding in Shy sty1 will be given on application a the TeNtu oMuc. ',QUEEN VICTORIA • HER LIFE AND REIGN" . Groat hietorio Work, sells on sight to thousands: Lord Dufierin introd(iuoegs it toCAnsdlans in glowing works. Easy to stake #'20 a week some make twice that. Many make more in Spare week, than durum day at regular employment. This years' Grest sex- sgenary Celebrations are booming it. Books oe Mine, e, TON free to curve/nets. Territory gring t e BhA Lilr•GAltRATAON Co., L'rn., Termite. Ont, t t SOCIETY 11 ETII`1'Gts. ... 4��r1 ll ado ,l. b, 1* t, O. e• t -'4e n K d taf' itbgd •mssry iamqEAA .,. tY4'0 . I!yt3 ��yI, �Ve6rebi ri�e'Vi$`:%Ve ,T, �r, mei .�i olydtt nkirl:,.••sli ,.. r444 ANADI G stili unable rstenugrupt her co11et:a Lou Brown. f etet,o(,•,a,l etroit, Mich Alice blunt' atload$ng pub The three twain uuall IT PAY' C011e10 re. Fbr L`atalo tit SUI oV 'TR and . do f fall