The Wingham Times, 1897-01-22, Page 5."k
as mush as ours, if you are within easy reach of' this store
so that you can drop in from day to day, and supply your
needs We say it ie as mull your good fortune as it is ours,
for while, we value your patronage, we do not value it a bit
mire ttian you will value this store when you know it
thorougtbly. Very likely you are already one 'f our good
friends, even if you have not visited the store more than
half a dozen times, for at the first visit a person usually gains
a liking for doing business here. Subsequently as they grow
to know the merits of this store better, they become its firm
friend, Read the prices quoted below and see if they do mct
make you desire to know us, if you are not already our cus-
G ',ham
Black Cashmere Gloves
Check Salisbury Cloth
White Table Linen
TWeyr ,s for Boys' Wear
?C { .ts, Speeial Lino
rsets Black Sateen
Baby's Eiderdown Coats
1 00
. 257
1 00
an,d school supplies of all kinds, from a slate' pencil up;
thing that is required by school children.
1edicinad value In s' bottle et Bona's Sans -
patina than ht any other preparation.
More skill is required, more care taken, more
expense incurred in Its manufacture.
It costs the proprietor and the dealer
but it costs tins consumer loss, as be
gets Ihore doses for ids money.
curative power Is secured byits peculiar
n I
combination, proportion and process,
which make it peculiar to itself.
More people are employed and more span oc-
cupied In its Laboratorytllan any other.
More wonderful cures effected and more tes-
timonials received than by any other.
Moro sales and more inereaso year by year
are reportea by druggists.
M ore people ar taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
today than any other. and more are
taking today than ever before.
More given wily you sltould reasons
might be
The One True Blood Puriiler. $1 per bottle.
euro all Liver His and
H(Co d's Pills Sick Headache. 25 cents.
\gingham is already noted for
merchants who sell their goods at
scarcely a living profit. Drygoccls
are cut every day, so also are boots
and shoes, crockery is smashed, and
strong constitutions are wrecked by
the strife after gold:
The constitutional can be rectified
by using
Gordon & Co's. Little Dandelion'
Pills for the Liter and
Herbal Bitters for Headaches
sour Stomach Dyspepsia,
every heathfield's Healing Balsam for
that Bad Cough and pain.
in the chest.
Following this up with Gordon &
Co's. Cream of Tartar, Baking
Powder at. 20c. per pound, which.
makes light pastry, and if this don't
make a clean job of ft, ask to see
their 10 cent Sponges and 5 cent
Soaps, the greatest faille offered.
Council met in Town Hail Tees -
water Jan 11th 1897, at 11 o'clock
a. til. ,G6 per statute, members all
The statutory declaration of quali-
fication and of office was duly made
and subscribed to by Henry McKay,
as Reeve, Joseph Johnston as Dept'.
ty Reeve; Wm. Reid, Graham Scott
and Wm. ,Jarvis, as councillors. The
Reeve then took the chair. Minutes
of last Council read.
Se?ott-Reid -That the minutes as officers of,:the Township for the year ,
just read be adopted. -Carried. 1897, be appointed as fs;llowa: elms. !
Button, Clerk, $100;
The council elect for the Munici-
pality of Culross, were duly organ- $100; Henry McEvers, Assessor, 'CO:
'zed as a council. Robert Marshall, Collector, $50; au U •
Johnston--Itoid---That we now the standing agreement of the sevc-
c,ali upon the Reeve to express the rel officers be the same as last year,
sentiments of this Council by thank- and that a By -Law be drawn'
ins Mr. Wellwooci, the retiring confirming the sante--Carried
Reeve for his courteous and gentle- Johnston--Jarvis--That the Reeve •
manly demeanor to every member of be instructed to report on the Tres
this Board, and also his untiring surer's sureties to this Council at the !
efforts in the interests of the Muni.- next meeting of Council. -Carried.
cipality, in thefulfilment of the duties Scott -Jarvis -That By -Law No.'
of the office he has held this last four 4 for the appointment of road coin -
years. --Carried. missioners, be now read three tithes
McKay--Jarvis-That the follow- and paused, signed and sealed. -Car-
ing be the rules and regulations of Pied.
this Council for the year 1897, Jarvis -Scott ---That the Clerk!
1. The Clerk shall have all books
and papers on the table at the hour
of ;meeting as per motion of adjourn-
2. Each member Shall be' expect-
ed to be punctual in attendance and
ready to take his seat at the Board .of this motion be sent to the Cleric "f
at the time mentioned for meeting as Kinloss, requesting similar action on
per motion of adjournment, the part of the Kinioss
8. No No member shall smoke in the Carried.
Council room during the sitting of Reid -Scott -That No. 8
Council.-Cnrrie.d, for the appointment -of the several
paid officers, be now read three times
and passed, signed and sealed, -Car- Live Stock A1ark3tb,
Jarvis -Johnston -That the fin- East Buffalo, N. 'Y., Jan. 19,--
ance report of tiais meeting as just Cattle --37 ears through; 1 car on.
read be adopted. -Carried, sale; market; firm good stockers,.
Jarvis -John -That this council $3.25 ® $3,50 veals, firm, gooct
do no adjourn, to meet again on Feb. at $6 «% $6.50; extra, $6.75 ® $7.
1 at 10, a.m.--Carried. Hogs -13 cars through; 20 cars en
FINANCE 1.tErcerr,-I olling Stilt- sale ; market firmer; Yorkers,$3,70;
No. 1 Thomas McIntyre, $10; Jus. pigs, 53.75 @ $3.80; mixed ackers
Welwood, d livering papers and r't- $3.55 ® $3.60; mediums, $3.50
tending meeting, $2; A. G. Stewnrt, 43.55 ; roughs, ,$3 ® $3.25; stags,
bal. printing, $13; Polling Division $2.25 Ca3 $2.75. Sheep and Iambs -
No. 6, J, 13: Geotz, $11; R. N. Thur- car through ; 3 cars on sale; market
tell , stationery, $6; Walter Richard- as shade stronger ; good to choice
son, repairing bridge, $5; Polling . native sheep, $3.65 'v $3.75; culls
Division No. 5 James Thompson, $11 to fair, $2 ® $3.50 ; good to extra
Chas. Dutton, delivering ballot boxes 'native lambs, $4.90 C• $5.10; culls
$2, 3lunieipal world, $u. to fair X3.70_
@x,4.80 ' export ewes
Gilt S. BUTTON, Clerk. $3.60 ® $3.80.
Toronto .Ont., January 19. -Tire
3^tea sharp, calif weather and demand that
Jarvis -Johnston --That ByLa w
No. 3 for the appointment of the I
several paid officers, be now rend
three times, passed, signed, and soil-
ed, in open Council, confirming the'
appointment. -Carried
Jarvis--•Johnston---That the elei k
be Instructed to send for the Monier
pal world, the same number as las!!
year, and the Reeve to have n
cheque issued for the payment the e -
of. -Carried.
Johnston---Jarvis-That the paid
Without a doubt we have the finest stock of
Fancy Goods we have ever opened out.
Ingenious Toys for children.
"Dandy" and "Stunning" presents for the youths
and maidens.
Beautiful and Costly (or inexpensive if desirable) Sou-
vineirs for the gents and ladies. . .
Bibles and Good Books f_-- e - -
Fancy Cards galore.
Stacks of Books and an abundance of erything.
Celluloid Go®ds, Toilet Sets, Allou s,
'kctur es,
Magazines, Books and Stationery.
Fine Cups, Saucers and Plates, each having a
picture of the Public School on it.
An extra fine selection of Dolls, all sizes. The
are beautiful, just see thein:
The Popular Book Store.
Call and see quality and get
prices before purchasing.
A well assorted stock of choice
always on hand.
'nes a specialty
W. fix.
*Growl. W!II bawl.
The Orphan's Praph
Without any douht, the premium
pietnre offered by the Family Herald
and Weekly Star is the grandest
picture ever offered ,newspaper
readers. There is a perfect scramble
from all
;f•of the world to secure
a copy. ;nee subscribers 'vho have
received ¢'Quid not part with it,
for a $1 iil, The publishers will
withdra the premium shortly. We
have made arrangements, however,
with tate Family Herald publishers,
whereby they guarantee to supply
the "Orphan's Prayer" to all names
sent in by the Mtn on or before
16th February'. The Family Nereid
and Weekly Star is the recognized
leader of all Weeklies in America.
We offer
'Family Herald and Weekly Star'
One year and the WinglyaN Tana
one year, all for $1,75. Doul
to sesttre a eopy. Saud *Wulff rats
to the `uritis Mee, Witr lents Otit.
Centra! liestaurant
• bus been opened in
McK enzie's Block,
(opposite the Presbyterian Church)
A Big Line of Confectionery
.Figs and Nuts kept in stock.
ERg p Iof all kinds,season,at inhand their
in bulk or served to taste.
at all hours hours
has opened out a new machine
shop, thoroughly equipped
. with a
New Outfit of IYI:achinry
ncluding ati Iron Planer,
Lathes etc. and is now prepar-
ed to do a general line of re-
pairing. Engine and MW
Machinery repairing and pipe
fitting a specialty. .
All kinds of shafting, gear-
ing,. iron and wooden pulleys,
brass and iron castings sup.
plied on shortest notice.
Center llrtalidtng Button & Fessant
notify Joseph Waddel, that this
council intends to pass a l3y•Law at
next sitting of Connell to have the
fences removed, of the Boundary line
opposite lot 35 eon. 4 Culross and ll.t
85, con. 5 Kinloss, and that a copy
4. No member shall leave his seat
without permission.
5. No member shall use unman-
nerly or disrespectful language at
Bcmi'd, and the Reeve or Chairman
shall nut alluw any person to us.e un-
mannerly or disrespectful language,
to any member of the hoard, during
sitting of Council.
6, The Treasurer shall be expect-
ed to be in atteudance at every meet-
ing of the Council from 11 o'clock a.
m. to 4 J'elock p. m.
7. All accounts shall be read by
by the Clerk and referred to the
Board for deliverance, and if recom-
mended to be paid shall initialed by
the Reeve or Chairman and entered
in the finance book and a cheque
issued for payment.
8. The Clerk shall get and use
perforated cheques, with the,words
or bearer. primed on them, so that
they can be Maid to the party pre-
senting them.
Order of buriuess,-
9. Reading and confirming •or
otherwise disposing of the minutes of
the previous meeting.
10. Reading and disposing of com-
munications and uceounts from other
than ratepayers.
11. Motions and general business.
12. By -Laws.
Jarvis -Graham --That the stand-
ing corhmittes for the year 1897 be
as follows:- Finance, Reid, John-
ston a,nd Jarvis, Reid, Chairman;
Roads and Bridges, the whole Coun-
cil, McKay, Chairman; Education;
Jarvis Scutt and Johnston, Jarvis,
Chairman; Salaries, Johnston, Reid
and Jarvis, Johnston, Chairman,
Printing, Stotts Jarvis and Johnston
Scott, Chairman. --Carried.
Scott -Reid -That Jno. McRae be
auditor to Audit the Treasurers' books
and accounts for the year 1896, and
also to audit the Collection Roll for
The Reeve appointed Barnard
13etngessner as the other auditor.
Jarvis -Reid -That • the Reeve
have a Cheque issued and the
usual allowance made to •.the
retiring Reeve for this days services
attending the Council, -Carried.
Scott -Ji t'vis-'`hat Dr. Gillies be
appointed Medical Health Officer, as
per statute: and that a I3y-Law • be
drawn up confirming the appoint -
men t.-CaPried.
Johnston -Reid _'1'hat 13y•Law
No. 1 being a liv•Lltw for the ap-
pointment of Auditors to audit the
Books trotl accounts of the \lurliri-
pality for the t'aar 18911, be read
three times, passed, signed and seal-
ed. -Carried.
held -Jarvis- t application be
made to the Ti'eswater Council for
the use of the '.l'oa'n Hall for Muni.
eipal purposes, for the year 1897, at,
the stone rate as in former years. ---4
Scott -Jarvis -That Ry -Law No.
2 for the appointimcnt of a member
of the Board of health, and -Medical
Health Officer, bit read three times
passed, signed, t&nd i+ealed,-C'arri-
ltealeniber thio. W
wuiks, (tet M pai:1.*
'ea POW
it costs 25e., does its work
does it well, or stet ges
of your money buck.
I� �lp'1,'t6'h Il.'4.'4db•
r Anything else we mummer)
,carries with it the same goal
tantee. We want your trade,
your permanent tradt' and with
it your confidence.
"''1 - X X X .X X Z4t-
fair color, and must he whip The
samples he had seen were 3iat so,
but resembled pea soup more • n
anything else'. He further says th
an opening in this market, is being'
eagerly sought for by the American
packers. In reel, rd 10 ores from
the Lake of the Wo'tds district. Mr..
Watson says that samples are badly
needed, there being nunrelens appli-
cations to see them, and oaks that
they be forwarded to him at once.
eiAt the annual meeting of theBlue- have err'alt•el some firmness at western
vale Cheese C,.., on Jan. 14th, the cattle \ ill dr:. The receipts w ere 47
following ofacers were elected for carioach; not including a few which
the current year. R. Miller, Prest- came in yesterday. • Buying for
dent; \Vin. Isbisier, Win. Johnston, i Montressl w•as steady, some half
Robert Maxwell, and James Elliott, ; dezcn carbaids being taken on that
Directors; .John Burgess, Secretary; '. market. Export cattle ranged from
lv hu. Messer, Treas.;., Robert • Black : $3.50 @ $4.10 per cwt., several of
and Alex. McEwan, auditors. It ;.better class of butcheis' cattle being
was also decided to put a butter 1 taken for shipping. Some bulls
plant in the factory, to make batter sold for 3c @ 31e per `I. Butchers',
spring and fall, and cheese in 4the Icattle-Some of the best ilutcllers
warm weather in the summerairt is I staff sold for 3ic per th. The ruling
expected to be ready to commence I figures were from 3c ® 3 e per it)
butter -making on or before the fiat i for good to choice; 2.1c Cr 2xe per,
of April next. It was deeided to send s ib formedium to fair. Stockers
the whey home to the patrons during land feeders -Choice are ignited at
the cheese making part of the season ! .,se (n. 310 per ;t,., but there is not
The butter plant to be used will lie I much demand for light stockers
of the latest and best known to the be]
will bring 4 about `?tc GVie per -
and the batter maker, Mr.
George McDonald, will at once take
a thorough course of instruetion in
the best schools in the province, so .,,.c per 1h ; ttutehers' sheep, $2.50
as to be up to date in all (,"$3 per h'a'11 not nminy na4.1*.1.
!:natters in connection with the Ito s-1.400 hr ad in all surd, l'o:
trade, and by the new method to be g i. ,
adopted, the farmers will have their ones b: in;; hoice hogs
4emarket le per i' Thick
milk returned to thein each day tat hogs= sold at 43 50 Ce r'3J 0 per
after the cream has been separated, I cwt, weighed 0:: cars ; some, 3e per ,
for the feeding of calves and pigs. , ,, . slow; not wanted.
at.preselt e'xists for cattle to export
ib. Sheep and Iambs steady; lambs.
sold at µ3.90 n' $4.20 per cwt; ship-
ping sheep, 2'.c C> 31e per it ; bucks
Market For Peas. I We wish we could make,
everybody believe that,
promptness is prevention;.
that there should be no de--'
lay when you are losing flesh
•and when you are pale, espec-
ially if a cough be pr sent. i
The continued use ofScott's ;
which recent shipments of Canadian Etnulsion in the early stages of
lung affections does prevent
the development of Con.'
sumption. Your doctor will
tell you this is true and we
state it without wishing to
snake any false claims oir
false promises. Fre;
tells more on th7
Some time ago the Provincial De.
partment of Agriculture, received a
a letter from Mr. Harrison Watson,
curator of the Imperial Institute,
Landon, England, in which he asked
for a lister Canadian bean -growers
and exporters for the use of Dealers
in Great 13ritai<n. Mr. Watson now
writes that he has heard several
complaints about the manner in
beans have been graded, and says
that if the trade is to be kept up,
this must be remedied. Speaking
of the trade in canned peas, Mr.
Watson says there is a market for
this class of goods, and a splendid
opportunity for the development of
the business, providing they are pro-
perly put up, but he says there are
certain conditions which the 1nglish
purchaser demands, and which the
C.inadlau packer must abide by. For
. in stances posers they mast be of