The Wingham Times, 1897-01-22, Page 4Can A. Oarpbefrs 1up,c Tto `and Wild ghevrg jj a care cure for COUGHS ANI) Sold by COweenie LDS, THE WINOkUAM TIMES JANUARY -22 i(Atum. t)3 ptttit 41 put)110 u11101al ter ties. discharge of bis duty, than this com- ing front a, politieal opponent Teo. long has this country bowed to the tlotniueering of machine politicians; to long have Bellmore beim' in peel - tion to manipulate the pubic purse ti)r the benefit of their friends at fhithtul hangers-on. We do not deny there are Grit machine polite- eiane; we admit that there may be "hungry gilts",taut the point to be remembered is that they do not oc- cupy the front sects in the syna- gogite. There is 21 sufficient array of executive ability and integrity betwecn'theni and the public chest to prevent the nubile interests from suftertng. While Me. Laurier is sur- rounded by men line Mulloek, to ad- vise him,. the country will be safe. COIN A. CAMPBELL, 2 doors S. of P. 0. Wingria.m ei-C,ingipm tutt4 k .itIDAV, JANUARY 22, 197 EDITORIAL NOTES. 1T is now reported. that Hon. Joseph Martin bas declared his intention not to re-enter public life, and that either Hon. Isaac Campbell or ex -Mayor Jameson will be the Liberal candidate to fill the vacancy in the Commons, representation for Winnipeg, Both are able and popular men. r almost every central point in the constituency of Macdonald, Mane trials are yet in progess of Dominion officials who are charged with the ballot box stuffing at the last general election. Sworn testimony has already been given that at over a dozen polling places far more Liberals voted for Mr. Rutherford, their candidate, than bad their ballots counted. 't'he substitution of bogus ballots seems to have been general. Objection is made by Consevative papers that it is of too searching a character. How Can the exposure of these rascalities be too searching? Out with the whole truth, and let the real culprits have their punishment. AN address delivered by Mr. Ernest Heaton, of.Gcderieb, bef. re the Farm ers' Instituto of West Huron is full of practical ideas on that all-import- ant question of immigration, says the London Free Press. Mr. Heaton recommends the holding of a Conven- tion in Toronto "to hammer out the details," he says, "or at any rate to find taut what there is to prevent the Government carrying ottt some soul) sbeme of settlement as I propose.'' He recommends that the convention be held under the auspices of the Fanners' Institutes of Ontario. Such. 8, convention, says Mr. Heaton, "will be attended by delegates from the . different Farmers' Institutes and many others besides. The Boards of Tr"ade;in our outlying districtswillsend representatives to explain their re- sources; the retail store keepers, who are crowded out by the depart- metal stores;the hundreds of printers who have permanently lost their em- ployment by the invention of the linctype machine; the two thousand tinachanics who are now starving in. Toronto; the clel'4ymen and labor 'leaders, who are daily brought face to face with hanger and starvation.. ail these people must be deeply interested in a practical attempt to lessen the tale of human. suffering." ILL ADVISED. BLYTI;I Owin to .the inelemenev of the weather the churches. were not over- crowded on Sunday. On Tuesday lea, the all: nen meet- ing of the L. 0. L. was held in the Orange hail 1311th, when the (lee - tion of officers for the ensuing year toesplace, We understand, one of our eitizens Air. W. Montgomery, cooper, intends leaving. here shortly, and taking up Ms abode in Seaforth where he form- erly lived. On Friday night while skating on the river, Miss Nellie hell met with tui accident by falling and dislocat- ing her wrist which, will probably lay her up for sometime. Messrs McGill and Cowan, car- penters have the job of putting the finishing touch on the new public school. The sleighing last week was very good, .e )nstquently the stt eets were. black with teams dr:i wing wood. and logs, ' A .meeting of the Presbytery of Huron was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church on Tuesday. On Tuesday evening a large audi- once was present to listen to Rev,Mr. Johnston, of London, end other mini- sters in the interest of the W. F. M. L. of the Presbyterian Church, A very in advised production, pu'•i:orting to emanate from what is called the protective Vigilance Corn, mittee of Ontario, has been distribnt. ed throughout the Province, and has found its wry into the papers. This production is in the shape of a etrcu- lar, which has been sent out from Toronto, and was addressed to various individuals throughout the Province. It is a most despicable document, patterned after the once celebrated "Green Eye -Opener," which was so liberally distributed in some constituencies during the last Provincial elections. This circular charges that "an insidious conspiracy bas for several months been at work throughout the Dominion, aiming at the overthrow of the authority of our gracious soverign, the Queen and Empress, and the annexation of our beloved country to the 1.inited States. Behind what is ostensibly a political movement is plainly to be seen the hand of ,the Roman Catholic church the ever -watchful enemy of Protest- ant Itherty. ' In conclusion, the. circular advises the organizing of associations in every district to report the actions of those suspected of annexation tendencies, If the parties who issued this vile production could be discovered, a year in the. Central I'risoti would have a good iefluence upon them. Because the Globe pub. listed a fae-simile ot the circular and commented upon it, the poor. old demented Mail eharges its pater- nity upon the leaders of the Liberal party. It is not at all likely that the leaders of either party have any- thing to do with 1.t. The likelihood is that it is the production of some craek-brained f'auatic who is qualify- ing himself either for an asylum or a prison. -Ex: THE RIGHT MAN. In its endeavor to give the "hun- gry grits" a drive, the Ottawa correspondent to the World pays a Ligh tribute to the business -like ability of the Postmaster General, Mr. Mnlloek. In speaking of his department, it says, "Ile hasjnlade many changes and report has it that fist many eases he has not pleased the party bosses. The contracts which have been cancelled were in all eases these which had been renewed by the late Government without tender. Mr. Mulock has let new centracts invariably to the lowest tender, pro- vided the securities warn good. The pelace of the tenderer has not yet been takeft into es sideration, the re - ea Wing *tat thin Liberal maeslnint exe i in different parte of the country hit lifting up the Wade in hot raf at Mil folly." No higher frame TRI DEAD MEAT TRADE. The elaborate report just issued in London on the British trade in frozen meats naturally attracts much interest in'this country, and it the most active had dangerous competi- tion of the Canadian export trade in cattle and sheep. Its growth has been really marvellous. Inside of fifteen yearsit Yea`s increased steadily in magnitude, until the demand for frosen mutton alone is able to ab- sorb 5,500,000 ihs from sheep and lambs annually. Consumers in Gt. Britain now reit' on this new; trade to furnish eluse on one-third of their mutton and lamb requirements, and the volume of sales of home grown mutton in the interval has not been r appreciably affected. In 188(1 the total flocks in the United Kingdom. numbered close on 29,000,000, of which the proportion slaughtered, represented a, supply for that year of 310,000 cons of niutton and lamb, whereas in 1$;13 the flocks totalled, 30,853,800, representing a food sup• ply':i29,000 tons. During the year 1806, there was a falling off in the volume of trade, I.D. creased imports from Australia more than counter -balancing the shortage from New %aaland, while River La Platte arrivals maintained their for- mer importance. Retail eonsunnp tiara has.shown no material sbrinkeee as stooks its store at the end of 1896 are probably lighter than in the preceeding December, though the tot receipts of frozen mutton, lamb and beef for the closing year, are es. thaitted at 11,000 tons tuore than in 1895. in respect, however, of,the quality of seine Of thaeats anthe (fond Rion of softie of th4 lima when marketed, the past year has earned an tmenviabte iretsr°ity ad to t?l Ol,n temporary n tteee >tnte lit y �►. n ; .lin"e,y, thing of h'e• pute0h.a MORRIS. The newly elected members of the Municipal Council. namely : James Bowman, Reeve; George Kirkby, Deputy -Reeve, and Messrs. Code, Cardiff aid Isbister, Councillors, met pursuant to Statute and subscribed the necessary declarations of office and qualification and the Council was duly organized, the peeve occu- pied the chair. Minutes of last meet- ing for 189E were read and confirm- ed, Cardiff — Isbister --- That Wu1. Clark be reappointed Clerk at the usual salary of ;1130 per annum— Carried 73Ji XiGBAV1 The annual meeting of the mem- bers of the East Wawanosh, Agricul- tural Society was held here Wecinete day afternoon last. The Treasurer's report of receipts and payments for the year ending 31st Dee., 1896 was read and adopted. The following ofiieeks were elected for the current year :—Pres., Chas Proeter; Vice - Pres., W. Scott; Directors, J Owens, R. Scott, T H Taylor, Geo Taylor, J Coulter, R Currie, sr., 13 Wilkinson, It McMurray, W J Geddes; Audi- tors: M .II Harrison and J. S Scott.; Treasurer, Chas. A[eOlelland. b2A.BKBT REPORTS, WtxonAtt. Wiugbam, January 21st, 1807. Ootreoted by P. Deana, Produce Dealer, flour per 100 lbs.. ..... , . , 2 15 to 2 2i; Pall Wheat ...... , , , 0 76 to 0 78 Spring Wheat 0 76 to 0 78 Oats, uew,,,,, 0 18 to 0 20 Barley 0 20 to 0 80 Peas 0 88 to 0 89 Butter; ..... „ , , . 0 12 to 0 12 Eggs per dozen. .. ... .... 0 15 to 0 16 Wood per cord........ 1 00 to 1 25 • Ray per tou, 7 50 to 8 50 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 20 to 0 25 Tallow, per lb 0 4 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 24 Chickens • , . 0 20 to 0 25 Ducks.. ....................040 to 0 60 Goose 0 4 to 0 5 Turkeys,.,,., Dressed Hogs Woo] .... 0 7 to 0 8 ..... 4 25 to 4 00 19 to 23 A 6 per.eent. Permanent Investment The xgnitabIu Savings Loan &Building Asso- ciation or Toronto, at o stilling shares of their new Issue of Permanent stock at5t00earth, Participants in full earnings of the Association from which they are paying half yearly dividends at the rate of 0 per aman, Balance of earl ings payable as a bonus at th0 end of tach fire soars. For particular,.otsyeurity ere,, apply to A. 13, BWIITII, Aaxrr. FARlVI FOR SALE• Being; lot 19, and east half of 18 toWn- ship et Turn berry, two and a quarter miles from Vti inghaw, and containing 150 acres, 110 acres cleared, in a good state of cultivation, good bunk barn, frame house, two ;;nod wells, Fur further particulars apply to Drawer 277, Winabam. Kirkby — Cardiff --That Allan' ' MEETING Cochrane be' appointed Auditor for the current , ear, salary, $8.. Moved an amendment by Wm. Isbister,.and Thos. Code,. that Richard Johnston lie appointed Auditor for. the current year,—Motion Carried.. The Reeve appointed I alcolin Black second Auditor. .Code—Isbister--That John Wat- son be appointed Assessor Or the current year at a salary of $60—Car- ried. Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo Kirkby, that Geo Hood, Thos Laidlaw and Wm. J. Johnson, be appointed members of the Board of health, the first named to be for three years, the second for two years, and the third for one year and that Dr, MeAsh be Medical Health Offneer —Carried. Cardiff -1 irkby—'Chat our print- ing be let by tender and that the clerk be instructed to submit a sketch of the work to the Blyth, Brussels anti. Winghaut papers, tenders to be in before next Coancil meeting— Carried. Code.--Isbister=That • the bridge known as Armstrong's bridge be re- built .during the present year and COUNT F THE CIL ON The Council or. Corpora on of the Coeuty of Duran will it • in the Caunc Chamber in the Town of oriels, on Tue,day, 20th, of this month, et 8 o'clock p. w, 1•15b • SRR SALE OH RET`. PAU, of 90 acres, 8htlnss townsl,lp, likes Co. 7a acres cleared; stream of epri• water, two good wells; now wind -mill, good house, largo bunk barn, goo' stables; two acre bearing orchard, 2 miles from Whitechuteh station, from Lucl,naw; au excellent opportunity ter doing a profitable dairy business. App1r to Mrs A, Stewart, Lu3ltnow, 13, A. Stewart iSs, Thomas or A. G. Stewart, Toeswater. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a by.law was passed by the ttunioipal council of the_ Town of Wj,ighana on the 8th nay or January, A, D. 183)7, providing tor the issue qt debentures to to the amount of Se8T,7,70for the purpose of paying the cost of paving ccrtnin portions of Josepbiuestr:et with gr.tnollthic sidewalks, and this snail a 13y.Law was registered in the itegistrary u131,e or the County of Enron at Qcdcrloh, on the 14th day of January at 1803'. Any motion, to .luasit or set aside the satuo or any part thereof must be made within one month t,mn tin d .te of registration and cannot be made thereafter. 1 Gated tete 14th day of January, 1•07. ' ,f, It, Flsnaoson, C1ork THE HOLSTIEt• DAIRY ie prepared t0 fill orders for aripe of the beat quail 3 his cows aro well fc�t, art, kept sutnpulously ole Iand tni1L•;d with dr;t hands and aro insured fn ole stables. Surety this mills must ho nice to1 drin and meso whoio,oute than that from opwa who carr e strop plata cw idenr a or filthy premises about the that the County Engineer be request-' and are allowed tc food oe thestroote and=3t,tard ed to exatnine the site and prepare plan and specifications for rebuilding. the same—Carried, Isbister — Kirkby -�--- .That the Treasurer lie instructed to pay off our indebtrress to the county as soon as due Carried. On motion of Cardiff and Isbister, ley -law No. 1, 1897, was duly read and passed. On motion of Kirkby and Cardiff, the following* accounts were ordered to be paid: Iv Gibson, repairing enl vert, f;1; I, I/ 'errand, do., $1.50 Treas,, Brussels Halt, rent for Div Court, ,t, ; Tr'ea.sttrer I3iirth Hall 'i, 50; Deputy -Returning Officers each, $6 ; Scheel. Section No. 1. 0, 5 7 And 10 for use of 'polling booth each :i ; 1Y Clerk, election expen and posting up financial setternents, $11 ; Municipal World blank, ferns .'8.40, Brussels Herald, balance o printing account $t1; Grey, Youn atird. Spurting, lumber; :3.38 ; Cor ation of East Wltwvanosh, grave] le 9 ; 1~I Mooney, making otrt finals of statements, $'w ; T. Bn udou, do John Mooney, Oelleetar's salary, ; D StYn3itl(fVitl'te, gravel, *4,,65• ere rirty� deed of land, n motion eft' T ' ► n 1n,, tentni Matt (d rt'd wet**. X1}3 1 of the tewn. FOR SALE. , 24 acres at land ot asrollent quality, situated 1n thoold town plot et wt'ha,hmn. Parcel ono contain. ing I� acres, u11 clear, oh which there aro a good 1rame•sItarn, fraane dwellin; house or rix rooms with atone cellar, frame woodshed, frtuno barn with stab line underneath and straw burn, e good heating orchard, hard and soft water. Parcel two, . eonta1,, 0f specs of good land ell under cultivation and wait fenced. asrcol throe., contatnin;f 53 acres, 34 acres under cultivation, also well famed, '1!o be sold separately or ultorcether. Also 8 young breeding Leicester ca•esetappos.d to be with iamb, oAttIPSF.LL, 1 ni et wt'anghaut, Ont, 9 V'�ti,'i'ttart Saturday rnornii c one ��"`� film Sale that Ivill sink into insignificance arty offer ever made in the country. aoD� S we will banish all idea of profit, we must have money. i Your choice ot any OVERCOAT l x ; '°"`�at the BIG for �, down to't--.3„„77.05, Special line of Dresden Front, Shirts fol- the holidaytrade. t de. Your choice of any 'Short Pants Suits �y `iu .the BIG for 'til. 5 down for e. (sizes from to I yrs.) ..r Cash..g THE BIO FOR LITTLE PRICES Your choice of men's suits from $9 down to $3,75 wearing pants 750. to $8 all wool goods Our Gents' Furnishing department is complete, Neck -Ties Braces, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Socks, . Boys' Long Stockings, Collars, Cuffs and everything that is kept in a first-class gents' store. ALL MUST .Ci AT PRICES EQUALLY AS LD_. • In our Ordered Clothing we lead -700 different patterns. to choose from, suits from $9 up to $35, must fit or no sale. COME EARLY AND GET THEBAE.C+AINS JOHN�.O TT O , Wingham. Macdonald Block, .0.1.01..,., c j -4- IN CLEARING- SA_JE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS- DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY.. ",tom' STILL C O TI UES and will Continue until the whole steel: is cleared out. highly gratified at the success attending our efforts in this direct - at consuming mass of this country are not slow to distinguish eke and. a genuine sale, prices tell every time. Another consign-• d of goods bought for less than _� M on e = l$ k as a favor from our customers, at least all who can make it dei their shopping early in the day, in this way we can serve the afternoon, we are so much erowded that we are not able to give you that -attention we would like. 10 /1 - Goods were 15 now 5 4 tl It 25 /1 10 15 t, •ajjj ,, at 35 'r 20 8 tt t• rr .. 60 " 45 5 " " 60 " 40 4 " "' 50e on tate $1 Tweeds 500 it $1 Mantle Goods 50e " " Si leady Madel nties 50e. aoes 50e ft tt 51 1 12 Storm Colla 50e tt ti 51 Punt Sete t 50e tt " 51 0 -Handkerchiefs at less than cost and a great manly more articles we have no room to. mention. Everything goes all along the line. Call early and get very special bargains. rt as SO 11t; for mc tht fri ba. al. to frit uta ton and sc W it Inge "Da Beal Bib Fan Sta( Cel Fin An Cil\Tardwa'aisi A0DOS.A. 1 11001C. `IwN( e til t1w 444 w •