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The Wingham Times, 1897-01-22, Page 3
E wI!.'rGLEAM TIMES, JANUARY 22, 1697. afting The TreUe Use In Houses 1 Ito he.7416 age,• forth' rs agt •,•b` pl nlueh ver and. }Luria roit tea on, his• nearly to. be sr this e• bone lid was t, .ses hfs Go, (Vs- ; period. mayor nporper • Army and a ta>Iposed. ley are some of usionally utbs will Blame if against ' ;Jas,-hn his 82nd g out of sustitfned to have when d it was sigh bone t seen to d not be the man's `sial. eonnectto elections '1` had rath- em enter. to of therm ras elected. rolton, of i; H•ender,) f Kinloss, 'vis of Kin- I Walkerton int made at tination in, )f Huron' ted to the ashels : po, 'n, not all tsilels; gar- ;arden ear- n parsnips, he's; apples AY, 1 tOn beans, 12 head. tt meat for lent results ,hown if,,tlro ,ed /by the ,ye Ctrs ago,, in tt'od need, riot in that cent of the whereas last in general deaths was xtraordinary to abundant- m'nley which • placing the to reach of nt' cases it g of life,-._ rapped in cid although are cod he had it recollection os Wintering, who has been rs a reside nt t North-West. less in Oxbow, sere$ of land aich he lives hundred acres and produced .it'. Wintering- ' country and r the climate :d. with his Ie$ally prosper - t the old home a couple of teem t% . "iike, Success of His Rented ru ad if om(eo ath . Rented Has Made His lame Household 'VWith These Wonderful/ EtcifW to the Hauge rue into, ,`St olid O MOCTOB.. .Saye your 4rhogtet put ,you up a MmIW -cheat of 114u:won's ]tiereeilipti, gtut$y iseunyon s Guido to Health and you can Savo hundreds of foals,.`,* 1u cttocaonh" - Attlee. Mr. W. A: MuLinn, Toronto, Bays : 'tI t = twas troubled for over live years with an ,obstinate form of constipation. I of course tried numerous remedies ,Jrl an .effort to secure relief, but may case did not, seem to. get any better, J. • began •using 1llunyon's Cathartic and must say it has given splendid reeults. MI the biliausuess and oouetipation ,has been ,'removed. I have no hesitanoytin recom- 'mends.ug this remedy to ,like +sufferers." .Munyon'a Rheumatism Owe/seldom .fails to relieve in one to itu•ee tioursa.and toureaii,n a few days. Price. 5e. 1viunyon's Dyspepsia Cure rpusitively ,eures.all forme of indigestion .rand-stom- •melt trouble, Price 25o. Manyon's Cold- Cure prevents pneu- ,Inonia,and breaks up a aold lin a few iho.urs. ePrioe, 25u. ,iVL:uayoo's Cough Cure ,stops ,sloughs, iaig.bt sweats, allays soreness, atud-speedi- ,ly.beals,,Lhe lungs. Prine,125o. M rayon's Kidney t;ure+apoedi}ty,•aures. 'pains in the back,loins rDr 'Groins and all a orms or kidney disease. PrieeMe. unyot,l's Headache G'inre stops head• aaob% in three minutes, Pnioe.:3c, St9unOintment, .1. ait'• e! yon,s Pile U 1 tY y ,cures all forms of pill's. I°,I_ ;x .M.eny i o\'d!:atsol.t.;.ixvia tadicrcf;aty all IimpuritiiSslit the blood, 'Piniue,.2wo. Munyon's Female Remedies `,sire :•t3 ,been to all women, ,Munyon'a Asthma Renie,ttlearrelieve in ;Butninutes bad eure'p,:rtualaeia.tly.'t rice, $i M,uuyQ.n's Catarrh Iwaaatti,s never `fail. ':Ih1e Catarrn Cure ,pniue ark.— aaradioates the diseases from the `system, ,and.the Catarrh 'Tablets—feriae *cleanse and heal the parts. • I .,M,unyon's Nerve Cure is a twondetfol ,nerve tonic. Price, 25o. • .,Munyou's Vataiizer restores tlost,vign, r Rohm. $1. p_i .Y1 separate cure for each disease. .19.t ,all,druggists, mostly 25c, a yid. Personal letters to Prof. Moan,yoii, dd. it as Albert St.,iFroronto, answered,witla 3•use,wodi. al adta$se for any disease. 1r It is asserted that the at otirrent from our easkey i use in houses, s*leciataand becoming quite seunmon,f IChicago Record. lois prising in view of Ithe which tapping of 1alroein i affected. A sit I ingthe source vie lighting,n ve akantly rvitll convtlef>ae *results. A st tion su perinteedent iin;;passing a saloorgp.qBeed, t ,eleatttic light go out and teen. kap tblright again, as tha ineand t ligats the trolley ears some times do:' He thought a queer w•a or ,the ;lights .in his station to behave, •and the de- cided to investigate. iBeing'amillar with. the technical idiffet•enees and the method of •supplying elect• ric power for the dxhiapafisioniatld ill- ureination of cars, land ithe ,current system for lighting, dhe'knew that by 3'Idg11t to ,speak. Aehleg Mitts James, i !have lalwayd been a Announce the presence of rheumatierta' which causes untold sutferiug, Itheu- of faithful wire to ,you, haven't I? matiauh is rtue to ratio acid in the blood. It cannot be cured by liniments or other outward apptioatians, Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, removes the cause of rheumatism and perman- entlyaures this disease. This is the testimony of thousands of people who • ogee suffered the Paine of rheumatism but who have sotually been cured by ! taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Its great power to act upon the blood and remove every impurity is the seoret of the wonderful aures by Hood's hiarsaparilia. for Of couree•you,have Miraad'. What is are ,You— s the ! And in Al•Ghirty{tliree years we star' have lived ,together !I have always e with done my duty, :haven't I? it an be Certainly.,+oerta%nly. • Who's deny t ifor•d terrain- Ing that yoat--- y:suspectedelect- You have never;found me making pot en practice re - :at very simple experiment 'he ,could make a d& tudbanee,nbout anything find out something nziore as to the unless I good reason. do you? source of the supply of *the ,current, Surely aaot. "-What under the A, lighting company wires =a •build- shining cans pytareyiou driving at ing so that any antendeseenalarny in any how? James I would ,not :say another word about it Iif itteould stand it any longer, but those slim little pipestem legs of yontrsilook:so • distressing in others "cease to O+ilew. The •superinten• your bicycle •stockings:and kriicl\el - dent passed into tat -Side room and! bockers that il,iust,earl?t.keep till an - •quietly unscl'ewed,one•ofrthe .inoan.l other minute, if .you ,don't either s trouble or kicking up a fuss over little tbing's, theme Ton? Of course ,trot. lid like to know what you're— I have h.ad my •share of the sorrow and stood it avithout!murmuring or complaining ,? this— Now see theme ..Miranda..Mirandawhat's all If thingstdoritt;go •to suit me I generally anake,the'best of it and let it go at tbat,•doni't:I:? To be sane. iIs there anything that --- And do you think 'that I would it can be shut off •oritdken out 'with- out effecting the ,ethers. !) n `a rail- way plant the lalma;ps°areleddn -such a way that if one is-dlrut•off •all the descent b i u pad. the calvtes.of:your,lcgs or wear long pants, trill •tehe,tbe.tthildren and go to aunt Rachel's.and never coons back ag dlll- s. as be tax:p fitted ;all the k ane wire :went,out. On 1-ttit the current sup - lights on t the 'follow pying the elecri',, ' am 'that street, was .by agreement cutclif:at ,ar"eerWin time At that moment the •illumination in the hotel ceased. When the :current• Was .burned on argaiitet the -saloon was ageim lighted up. Examination showed,that•tae wire bad been tapped near •Ghe-saloon, the connoetion with the *Seed •mire ,being made my means of xt wail. "tdlarge number of smaller tatips ssiev.e !found. n some. cases tt'e job. Iliad tbeen . done by a bogus station maid., •was `,ertlled •ebulaz1 v for the payment .of the current supposed to have been , con- sumed. ';This at all a tezrts was the the store- told- by some .cif '.those found using the stolen ,current. • Slte'r. A, Daisy. A Batch of Forges Wefts, Asensation has been ereated .in Lon. kl •'"i"aronto's sensational "dayilighti: kion towndtiip by the tlisbatvetr'y,ff:eat robbery" in thell'eople's Coal Com -1 tensive forgeries on the part of Wm. parry's, office on .Green streets .hast i• Frazer,hitherto one of the tmiostgpepu. eonngltletely fizzled• out by the •oonfesa lar and highly respected warmers .in y,. ;Mon af ,the cashier,:, Daisy Stillman,' ;the community. Soule dim ago Or. that the whole stat cy was a fake, and: T 'gazer presented a large number of r that:sbe•took the lu",oney herself, midi motes to A, E. Cooper, of t:thiis ,city, cotter :secreting it, flied herself illi ;a' :and asked thepi to be dteeosnted. emir,,where she was afterw .alyds' ti?hey bore tele names of prominent found. London tow,mal-tip farmers, for rviholra She telaims that meanie is concerti-, Faazer said be Chad been puatehasing ed in thejjob with rhes', and as aisle!',cantle. In the •amounts they ran all company ,refuses to 1psoseeute on cots- i the 'way fron4 :$alto 200 dollars teach. dition that the none is returned,,; Mia Cooper puhtnhased the notes,E the girl is: allowed, to: go. She has, I which were m,anlned to mature text, of course, dost, her poait'sion, and it is i alll,land which lin .all amounted rte! understood. \will leave town. about $1000. Decently Mr. Cooper i Much syei pathy is 'felt for. her became suspicions,, And was astonish -I parents, who are respectable people ted ,to !find on encitttias- that every mai i at in Catnpbellford, a vililage east of whose name the 'papers bore, debated. „"' ' , "• 2!'oEonto, but Daisy has been some- all knowledge of the shotes and pro -1 svhat+,of a high flyer lately. She noan©ed,, them clumsy ;forgeries. The; .estme from Roebcster early Hast year, name of nearly .ei ery prominent; • ...and had been evith the wait teompany fanner an the community is attach since last April_ to every paper which 1Cr SO! Among ttfse signa)uree mine Pse James Knave, Robert .Hod. IOW Chariton, James Skalaa an Paisley, John Porter, Leo to .ug John Ma d herson, Alex.H Harr Lear Alex. Robb, Thomas Hi a /:,arr Loft, James Cranston Alba Kennedy. The young WAS a home on Friday, but lef he sum night in a buggy, and h:t of bee seen in the district. r., Blood Ti Life. It lathe medium whiuh carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and str ngth. If the blood is pure, rich and healthy you will bo well ; if impure, disease will soon over- take you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Inas power to keep you in health by waking your blood rich and pure. sir goon's PILLS are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestloi' biliousness. •25c. t• The .Professional Revolutionist-•- It'sno use! I've seen a dozen of them, and not one will join me in my con- spiraey. His wife—How is that? I thought they were all bitterly opposed the Government. The Revolutionist—They are; but every one of then` has a conspiracy of his own. romiammorOwle 1 '-o Gripe When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old fas& toned, enpt-ooatnd VHS, trriteh'teat you all tO pieces, ate not in it with 2lodtl's. Easy to take and easy to operate, 1. true et Mora 4% t . 1t1fgil ep to lataripM lints, oeEteitml andante. IA earettete. tea, Oa t Hood & 00.,WaillApirsg, The way iritis ib te;tre wadi sco'l'd P11es Cured by Dr. e, 1. M. Iran, 136 Drolot St , Montr 15 years suffered. Cured Blind 1 ing Piles. William Butler. Possa fered many months. Cu ing Piles by one box. Pabano Bastard, Gow Suffered for 30 years. Piles by three boxes. Nelson Simmons. M cured of Itching Piles, Thr. Chaser Ointmen cure all forms of Piles. the above if in doubt. Tier father had , id "it never could be. They bosh sat In t E parlor—M o, iri tears, Afiet loiag sear& g and a desp"o ate effort she found er voiees Tis'it In despairing tones .he cried, "611„ t.la a ritay ! If we ° - t part, -late wait till after Chri .mss." requires a condi Bonet recite Oi °ye',tlitarai>tirilh, whish per_ 0 0. Ont, u of Protrud- Point, Ont. d of Itching reburg, Out., ill positively Write any of Does Yam,„' iunhanu,ar,:Son Drink. If your Husband"or,tson is addicted to the use of Liquor, Morphine or 'Tobacco, purchase of your •dl:uggist a bottle [l ill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. Ther are guaranteed to,oure,or,muney will ,retuuded. '1'ab1ets,tnay,bergiven secret- ly in tea or cotfee.and',the .tree use of stimulants allowed until ,vol pntarily given up. Prise,$' 1.00,per _lpeekage. if your druggist does ,not ,lceep.thern, send direct to the O,bio •Ghem;ical Works, Lima, Ohio, Book ,of ;partiuc.:ars and trestimonials free Zia Michael Tagnai, who ,has for many years bee ;a sident•of Seaforth passed to the gi ,.beyond ,en Wed- ha night. The-,eipcumstances surrounding 1death anep;ta:ticularly sad, He lad attended a ,meeting of, the Catholic Matual Benefit Associa- tion on Monday evening., ;and white on'his way home was stricken withpara lysis and fell frcm the aid ,,wa1k..A:tbout- an hour later he was found by Mr. Jahn Drawin lying .helpless on the hand ground. He was assisted home said medical aid suweaned when it was found that one side of his body was completely paralyzed while he had remised a severe blow on the back of hit head by his fall (causing concussion .of the brain. Mr. Tagney was a quietandustrious man, and was much respected by all who knew him, Ale leaves a widow and family. Brow many !people are ashamed to go lento company on account of their foul.; •smelling breath. caused from catarrh or cold in head'? It tbey would study their ! own interests they w,iuld sooa have, avant breath bike their neighbors. Their tisane, Sure cure',for CRtarrh and that. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. Give one w through the blower and you get 1 immediately. Price, including! wer, 25 cents. Incandescent lights have been put! the Goderich jail and court house THAT THE "ASC -SIMILE SIGNATURE' "I can forget but never can for.. give," muttered the enraged hus- band. This sounds the wrong way round but it was true. He could never forgive his wife for writing to a. former sweetheart, but was always able to forget to mail the letter.—New York World. Tranquility is a certain quality of mind , which no condition of for- tune can either exalt or suppress. Nothing can make less; for it is the state of human perfeetiun It raises us as high as we can go, and makes every Inan their own supporter; where as he that is borne up by anything else may fall. HAD INDIGESTION ! For a Matter or Some Forty Tears or More. Joseph Gardner, stove dealer, of hath, Ontario, is a great believer in Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for indiges- tion, constipation, dyspepsia, l;right's disease, rhenanatibm, anti kidnoy, lir'er and stomach troubles generally. "1 was troubled for over fprty years 'with indigestion and constipation," he writes. "At intervals I suffered from severe headache, I spent dollars and dollars without' result until Mr. Balt' our druggist, advised ane to try C'hase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I did so, and must say that they are the ouly remedy that gave ane relief. I would not be with- out them for anything." Many people suffer from rheumatism. i Bad blood and diseased kidneys bring, it on. Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will remedy all this and cure rheuma- tism, sciatica and all kindred complaints. Mere) is a sample case : " My boy Was all crippled up and suffered awfully • with rheumatism," wr.tes Mrs. II. Wills, of Chesley, Ont. "HIe also had a touch of diabetes. The doctors could do him no good, but Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills completely ctla•ed him." Sold by all dealers and Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto- 25e. Mien all other remedies fail Dr. Chase's Linseed and Tamen-Caw will cure the worst throws eold. 25 cents. 0.0 •0 0 • •••••• • ReZzef' for :Lung :Troubles rat • O • 0 0 • EMULSION® • An CO414UJI'CPION and all I,ENG 0 szei siASus, SPITTING OF 1111,001). 0 4':)1'taifr, LOSS OF APPETITE, I)1 iL1LITX, trio benefits of the e =allele aura, most manifest. • Icy the n1d of The "D. t 1." Emulsion, I bare got 1 ridota hocking cough which had troubled me for • nvrr u )tor, cud hove gg, nod considerably in 0 n•xt,P!hr• 1likod title xm.'kinn ao wort I was glad • W,teat ihu 11,, c i a around ao tako 1t. T. 11. 11112,;(111.1.11, e.E., Montreal. • 50e. *Mil 81 per Bottle • DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD., MONTREAL • ••••• 00 ••••• 0 HY NOT EAD . . kregetzblePreparalionfor "'::- 1' • simitating lhel''oell and Reg till • tui the S tuinaca3 sr.µ llawela (;' I ramminto Promotes Digesiion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Gontains neither NO lum,Morphine nor Mineral. OT N.A11C OTIC. IS ON THE Jbmpku, Srs l - R.ote[4 Sda• - dnim seal . alive., reed - iifmd ,iirgar . } WRAPPER OF E'TERY BOTTLE Or Aperfect Remedy for constipa- tion, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convuls ions,Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. IA EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Oastorta is put up is one -size bottles only, It is not sold inbulk, Don't allow anyone e t sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it Is "jut to good" and "will answer every pur- pose. t Jar Hee that yon got 0 -A -S -T -o -B I -A. Ths fao- almle Q -- - aI ea signature(it . every of wrapper. CC:4514i r;At"-•p iIf C AJLE- r`"1 \\// jj ''-', X175, . ViLitta the work of the FOREST CITY BUSINESS ANS SE;* .! 9:`'„'F ',OL_LEGE, ioneon, Ont., is far superior to that of the ardina' v 1:11,;• of known merit, 'inti vonr sue(e$S i' ;lain rt, 4th, 1897. Catalogues free. Y. M. C. A. Building. • M. Pa troll a college t,;14 a re- opened January l.S'l'EItVLr;r, Principal. ter f ' r'7 Jul ,,re 1• f / l ;i rt:irj NVe do neat work in the Job Printing business stud at fo prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any- • thing such as THE BESTS • LE rl:r, HEADS, NOTE HEADS, P TI.i, HEADS, i `The FARMER'S ADVOCATE is now, and has been for some time, the favorite and most practical agricultural journal in the province."—Glencoe Transcript. F4 T.YC1' ' IN A "4wold e'tD... Tint” • A E'EW OP TSE JANtLt ' L' int CONTENTS: r,•,rultural and ltoperinren'. r ".li••> Annual Report, tario Fruit Growers' :la,. ,,:/ t • i'eftiofl and report 1ttllio 11ee%teejrers' annual (0??r''(t1u5. e Fanners' Insect Nests in 189(1, e boor Man's lee House ENVE'LOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BUSINESS CARDS, , 10,r anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. $50 REWARD 1 will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me a Watch or Clock 1 cannot repair and make to run us well as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK, Oppositt Macdonald Block.