The Wingham Times, 1897-01-08, Page 8M.U. ia
and each day until Feb. 1, Stock-
taking. , Prominent lawyers, sueh as, mewat, ensued, he was so Madly hurt that bei Henry D. Garett, alias Samuel A.
'Osier, and ethers organize to uphold had to be carried home in a wheel -1 Weld alias Lapier is a middle-aged
the dignity of their profession; yes barrow. His son was notified and gentleman immaculately dressed arid
dignity; 3, We read of the Methodist had his father removed to St. 'Thomas ' and with aneappearance ot eminent
and Presbyterian Conferences, and Twp doctors treated the injured man !respectability, By a slielc• paa.nipal-
we read of the minimum stipend or for -pneumonia. The deceased said IfItion of these personal attributes he
wage as 1 call it, being forced at that he had been Maltreated, but :has been earning 'a good living for
$800 per year, enough to make did not desire to have his assailants somfflyeers.
wage earners' mouths water, or prosecuted, afterwards he declared. I Under the name of "Samuel D.
curse; 4,We are at church, the minis- : that he had not been maltreated. !Weld, of Now York," he put up at the
ter willbeabsentonWednesdaynight, ' The chief of Police has the name 'of Rossin House for two weeks in Dee -
he • Will be attending the synod, tbe. parties concerned. I ember and paid his board with two
what for ? not to undermine eachi . cheeks for $110 and .$140 on a. Be -
other and see who will preach the
cheapest; 5, We read of the Dental;
Association, and they are not palling SIR JOS. HICKSON
teeth for 15ets these hard times; t, i AWAY.
THE Wilir4MANI 14M.E, 44;
Aenewise To 'cm FOUND ..k.r LAST.
Tietio, Annie Darner, the Buffalo, N. Y.
— . woman, whose disappearance last
And thou art gone, aumbered with the Thursday created a -Sensation, was
ages that are passed found iSe
Sometime buthis mot fling n brusb hap
with the sighs of
Wally woes; about half a mile from tbe western
Sometimes lueened with the smiles of city limits. Shedazed andPart-
nutty joes; uneonseious. lis. party of men
Well thou bast lett thy imprint. cping wood foand her. She is
.St. we more grey hairs among the goldea
• looks, another furrow on. the brow. new at thQ Saginaw Hospital under
Ana youth advanced a step toward the medical treatment. She can give
goal; no account of- her or
Ana uear or distant, why regret, the goal how she came therewhereabouts. The Darner
is sure.
The goal, the grave, we o annot grasp the Family formerly
lived at Stratford,.
great beyond. Ontario,
But now old '90, thou art a cy plier as
thy rothers are.
Thep ascension to the throne was hailed
with, mirth, Poured 'Whisky down Tils Taroat.
And sumptuous viands strewed the fes-
And pageantry and pride veiled in halls
amid thoughtlessness and folly. AvIIEELDARIROW AND RE DIED AS
For one, thy marriage bells ring out a A RESUL,
merry chime,
While for anntber, tol:ed a mournful
requiem o'er the grave; St. Thomas, Jan. 4,—James Ham.
Vas, cruel wars, held high carnival 111.111, marble -cutter, Waterford, a
nmf ng the shrieks, the groans, the sighs. ma well known to residents c,f St.
While loud o'er all was heard,thk roar of Tho vas died at 11 o'clock last night
cannon and slash of sabre:7'
Famine has remised at plenty, and laugn. - at the residence of his son. F. W.
to eee 'the rate wan oheee and Jaarnuall, 21 Jackson street. The
shrunken form,
cause of death was eaid to be prieu-
But. blassiugs followed soman d nacsmum,
was preached until aisle. V was tied,
oSatan quaked and r,
he chances are, however, that it
Arihicl. h meelf be. e
wascaused by maltreatment on the
hind the blackness of „Ali darkness. ,
..—....-- i
ARY 8, 1.697.
Opposite the •
# Warrants first class Bread and
Oakes of their varied, kinds
equal to any city. Puff
Pastry extra fine,
that cannot be excelled outside
of any day, and doneseo
reasonably will
always pay you to
have it done at the
orders eromptly attended to.
I am constantly making and or-
namenting Wedding - Cakes
which pr6ves Our efffeiency.
The Central Bakery has a far
and wide reputation as a first- .
elaes bakery.
' Returning thanks to my num-
...,... part olPnumber of ycung men -of
.111T, enr•reArcrtmenfarem erous customers for 'their past CHINA HOUSE,
.. I
ATILli,i Waterford. . An inquest -will be held'
, patronage and hope for - a eonth
. 1 Watched your paper, thinking'' This morning William Hammilli EMUNICc and the mystery cleared up. 1 , tinuance of the same.
'some one would have made a corns I the son, took oath - before Crown,1
ment on the wage earner's letter, In : Attorney Donahue to the effect . that N gii OILS,
The menufacturer ts not to blame, violence. reference to the $3 and $4 per week. ' he believed his father had met with • $ . til,
competition forces him to it, . Wage! It appears that Hammill was , f
earners are to' blame. Just 100% ' drinking •ste a hotel in Waterford on I fie% seeseesseetatesetswaietteseveseeess.J
back this past year, take a lesson .by ' Christmas Day with a number • of , IMIZSIE=VallIMII=2147.12141=aidi1
it. Tbe Medical Associations meet: young men. They forced whisky I
They stop unprofessional peactice, 2, : down his throat and in a row -whieb t
I ellen* Justice For A Forger.
To buy 3Dinnet Sets,
Toilet Sets, rive O'cloolers
Sets and Codoa Sets. rd
1,r1t to ar
price to stop sales for the
few weeks.
You know what a Xmas st,
of Groceries ought to be.
have it.
15 Pieces Fancy Dress Goode
reg 50e for .. ' 25c.
10 Pieces of Shot and Fancy Silk
50e and 75e for 35c.
10 Pieces Heavy Press Serge
black or colored all wool extra
The girls -mine home to tell us that Sir. Josepb Hickson ex -manager and Weld was searched for. He
wide, just opened up regular
they have a holiday to -morrow, of the Grancl Trunk. Reilwey, died went. to Montreal, where -he did up
50e for • • 34c. •
fate bank handing thein over on the
11th and 120 giving himself Stinday
PASSES to clear out.
I His checks turned outto be forgeries
teacher going to the Convention, yes, in Montreal MOaday morning, after another hotel -keeper, and was hover -
6 Pieces Heavy all -wool Tweed
and the pay goes on all the same, an illness which has confined him to ing backwards and forwards between
regular 50e for 33e
20 Pieces Heavy Dark & Light
Shaker Flannel 8e for5e
20 Pieces Heavy Factory Cotton
regular 7c for . 5e.
6 Pieces Heavy Cottenade reg.
27effor 19e
16 Pieces New Shirting 12e for 9e.
born. I have done than it is no use. ono of the mast interesting and ineetors, and was sent to Kingston Pen- ill
• lam when yoar wife was troubled bed all winter. .It bas been a gen- , Quebec andMoetreal anda little place
v. lib neuralgia, and you did not eral breaking down of of the sys- called Longueuil where he 'was
• wake at 5: 30 and. ,you were one , tem. ' . arrested on Saturday.
Lour late last quarter day. That. In a recent article, Mr. Stewart i He was brought back here, and
was deducted from your $6. Just writing of the life Sir Joseph In the Police. Court this morning he
think over this wage earner. Dont Hickson'
Says: I pleaded guilty to two charges of LatraMtt-Alflesalae-a,..elea-WfmeTaereeeematneesese....aeateete,,earetaaraersmememil
• swear, and curse the day : Mr. Hieltson,s career is, perhaps '.theft from the Rnesin House proprie- 1
. L
• •.,,Ipmy:;;;;
etse••• s •
. /. :... ,.......,,,,..-..moornommumillullaellawalloRmawenaminovn..
g 4'd:
• 4x, IF
z A'
.."ji";•- or4, ,,,,,,'
•91,•:.• '
10 Pieces Linen Toweling reg.
When do the wage earners hold struetive which our annals afford. itentiary for three years. He is a well -
70 for 5e
4 Pieces 61-inela heavy Table
Linen regular 60e for 35e
10 Doz Nepkinsextra large reg
$1,40 f ir 90e. •
50 Pieces of New Prints opened. Pestiderotis Speech, ally raised Himself from a somewhat forger alld le Said to be very clever e,
this week in light and dark Dr. Martin Joseph Routh. who place, within his reacia He entered! 1 VI
colors plain and flinty for.. 5e I was president of Magdalen College,
I ei
upon his duties at a time when the:
20 33ors Suits„good quality,
f.43.50 fur $2.48 hundredth year, heag .T hn
!Oxford, and died in_ 854 in his
4.„ , efe;and Trunk Railway was a line of, when he was suspected of heterodoxy, 1
In the Exeter days of br. rkerriPte, l.:11
4 ' Doz Aseorted Caps Winter 'habit of speech. .,
f. -°---8''''n b bat ten hunared and ninety miles in ; a young citrate came to him one day i
Goldwin length, of the exceptioeal gnage a , ..
Weight 40, 50, and 75f• 15e How are „
I " - . you sir?" of said: My lord it is tamoied. that. you. ! ill
14 Doz alear'e Litien Cellars 4 Smith est .
ted of him one day. five feet and a half, and earning I are not able to believe in speeial I -4
1. - , fl..J
about seventy thousand dollars a , interpositions of' hovel ence on be- 1 A
10 Doz (4k:or's fan, 411 -hand dee
ply ree 40 for 0 flu' ........ 25c ' - a suffering, . replied, week. He left the the service when [half of certain persons." ealeit?"1 ro
er am' sir" be
-from a catarrhal coldeeewhicb how t-
1 Box of ?int.,. illibon *ref; 5c .- 1c. vision of na.ture, to relieve the pee- . . .
their Convention'?
He was the architect of his own for- known swindler having served six 1[1 We will clear out our Fstock of
Yours, tune, so to speak. Every step in years in Sing Sing Prison Torefor er r
S. PEDDLE. t the ladder of fame was made by the amount involved being $1.5g,0003.
i his own unaided efforts. He liter- • Ile is Well lioown ln New York as a
io To 5
at a tbductioe of from
subordinate condition to the highest ' with a pen. pk„.;,. ItiN
This is a grand chance to get a first clasz gailbent at. ,
small priee. We guarantee satisfaction in every respect.
Also woollen Underwear and all kinds of Men's
reg 40 lied 50 for 25e ever, sir, I take to be a kind pros,
,s -t` the company. possessed. a mileage 00. granted the bishop. 'LI T. Leslie's Old Stand,
three thousand four hundred and lord, 1 , Is 1 L.t.A e mv mit
My Mint jOurneys- --t)--. ie.t-e-ir e;.--ej.,--y''' I -e. -.--. %geatesarailessairaeWee;eW41.4-TraIii t,17.147,4eale.761250.11-4/a-10' a -Ma'alSi-.41
Wednesdayoby the same train and I
in the same compartment of th6 same I .. ..
carriage invariable. Last Wed- I IT
nesday she felt a disinclination. to i
go, and that very da3r an accident !
. by the company, whose returns occurred by which the carriage of Has just passed into stoc!7 for ti -w .Pall Trade
president received bin/ in the garden
where the Man, stooping as if to kiss from. their being in a foreign min- the train was stnased to pieces. Now -
was. not that a direct interpoisition of 1 JE2 (air 1 i I 1L7.1LiUi— M":1 \ 1(10e.
Providence on behalf. of my , aunt?' I
"Can't say," growled the bishopp
"don't know your went."
cant humors of the system". ninety mi es, with a uniform . sten-
1 Box (4' leadepins' sted Wire
dard glInge of four feet eight and
Pins ins, 5e for le. A few years before his death his one half inches. end earning -all the
15 Doz. letilese: Pine Handker- butler became hisane, and had tb be way from. four hundred thousand
aehiefe leen etitched. 10c foe Se. sous away. When he was leaving dollars to half a million a week.
—60 Pairs Fine Kid Shoes button he begged to see the president once And this apart from lines controlled
and 1:ityA .1 1) King make more 'leo ask his blessing." The
latest seyle reg. ;.'i 85 for, ..$1.35
20 Doz eit gseat dark lining
useaki.•—aala fAik
ty hadto be made up separately.
pinin and invites ns hand, bit a piece out of it. When the history' of railroading on
light metal:irk .for eae, "How did you feel, Mr. President this vo
ntinent comes to he written, It
6 /mks „es ea ;elle Fur Coats when the man your hand, asked
will be mile day in the near future,
b: Ig'' re," iiite4 No. 1 Wine one.
• quati.t% rf•sr, for , no man will occupy a stronger or .$26, "Why, at first. sir," said the pre- prouder position than that of thea
6 Late( ;;1 :tee' !'tr et'', reg. sident, "I felt considerably itia.rmed, subject of this sketch, who gave the
$18 the •
$12.50 for I was unaware, sir, what propor-
5 Men's Pint •oitis reg. $42..e:I17.50 (Jon of human virus might have hhest years of his stirring life to the
eon great corporation which has done so
4,, Pieces heavy all wool car- communicated by the bite. But in much in tho past to develop° the re-:
pet reg 85e for a8e the interval of reaehing the house, I sources of Canada in all. direetions.
10 Pairs La 'g ls Lace Curtains • was convinced that the proportion of
reg. $1.40 fin• noe virus must have been very small in-
deed. Then I was at rest ; but sir 1 Elft -Gov, Hoard, Wisconsin, is a
had the bite cauterized." recognized authority on dairy matters
Dr. Routh believed fully in the and one of the most entertaining of
ceremonials and conventieles of life;
n and ,, iU r•ercire i eard, and he never appeared on any 00.,
•,,,pasr 1 fb,zsz «I your photo,abt easiest without his eanouleals. Some
eitt. Thz.e.„ 1, ea ill-disposedundergraduates,determitts
soar vet;‘,/nprrny ed to break this habit, and going
• •
s• • -gee oep, 4
4 • n -der hits window at midnight, they
rriItherm uelteuted, "Piro!"
The 'president appeared a,t one in
a terrible state of alarm, but he wore
IL ft, (itoinarSrts kat taiTattioals,
e....a...,• , .A.• GREY COTTONS, 8 14 and 9 1-4
CouLTPIK —In Morrison January 5tb,1 Twilled and Plain. Eb.eetings, Pala
Vein? •17,,re ot. NT r. John Coultee, a (laugh...! 1*.rint and Dress Goceiz, Blankets and
VIVIcGscion—to Wingham on Jamul -
4th, the wife of Niel McGregor,. a son. , I •
L., Fall Tweeds9 . also in Ready elViadtb
DIAItitiktri. ! ClOthing mild Fall
Rustrunies—Rose—On Deo. 25th, at ; .-ev.
No. 20,1iluclid Ave,. Toronto, by the
Rev. J. V. OckleY, iNit'. Thmaa 8' '113111' i A Clearing Lot of UNION and TAP
t,hries, of Oshawa forixierly of Wing- •
speakers. IIis fund of wit and barns ham, to Miss Agnes Itelen, second ' PETS. See them if in need of a Carpet,
our carefully sandwiched his pareticaldaegeterof Mr. 0. Itoee, Masonery Insp, I BOOTS, ' ..'„,." an • - ": - - S.
talks. His nanie is freely mentioned G. T. Ra_of Rich mon-d, Quebec.
f.anct nobby
and largely endorsed by the Agiroul-
.tteral press of the United States fbr tatteretert—Inzrorrie ot Dee. 31st, I Aiso alot4f SOFT and STIFF
th-e position of Secretary of A,giraul- tante Wight/ease aged 88 years and 10 25e. and up, ..,
Months, jor
tare in the new AteXisloy GOMM tatrivr—ta Pelmoratoia et tale 4th inst.'
meat. He should be hefted by every „sittnuti nom, aged go ramie
dahlul'ati at *4 Btatilibrd C(111°411"P e Monmurt —In InseNate. at lila fird ! ' lAsg6t °C7 ili°1"v,'•
gen, , ...
task Annie Vtogntalsi? aged 1110 relteNt.10,, 1