The Wingham Times, 1897-01-08, Page 7JOEOL! IT PAYS TO 6 QANA,oA L.I.tiSS COLLEGE ORATI'IAM, OAT. ( (t[1! unable tr, au et A' u de.u.uals mac.o upon it Xt!1,e14•114 the . ! ts, bill). It eups;a cud teaultth li[ own.eo, of Lee. 1•as aeuured the pos4lon -•aphet' lath ei at Alu ,Ut u,t6rig; co., •! i, t *gen. .1: tau !, dfititlu • 14,I1 p el Gi ,rt, ,a, ham of stcncgrapho• with Li, nape e.t3. lnontWeat4 1..st ween still gid, Ito hath IU ctudm,. s to 11.1 thein. IT PAYS TO ATThhID THE BEST. Coj1e„ o re•opeued tneslay,4anuary G. Nur Cat. iugt,e, address, A. LicL3t.Itt,ail w C.., Citata m, Ont yy Q. : l'' t r 'tY t. X T. 0" t: It is of HAS A RECOrRaIP •) l 643YEARS O 5UCCESS I iT l;3 A SURE CURE FO icy 6}:l`'1ri'rit„-.-.y', . DYSENT,ERRY . CRAMPS `i eeerta inFAN -ruM and eaI •‘.,1•••):: ':•3MPLAINTS t `..`re.' or Adutta_ SLUTS, For Sutts that suit, give comfort, to the wearer and eatisfy C'our friends,you had OVERCOATS, better try us. Our garment makers TROUSERS. know how to du their work; don't think there are any better - nd yet we • charge no more than others t't'rr'ti• tprk. linndrede of new fall and v:,ntr+r samples to choose from, at prices al,riut hall' what, you havo to pay for old,rnotl'. Work doneforparties furnishing their own cloth. If 'you think that a Tweed Suit cannot be properly mode for Si Spot Cash, call and tee.nnr work. Our terms ern omit. EBST-147,111. & CO., Opposite- tire+ Macdonald B1ndk, ur.hern, Ont. fY. ) 'Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually, without weakening th system, all the impuri- ties and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correct- ing Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, Hoadaehes,Dizzinoss, Heartburn,Constipa- tion, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofulae, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility; all these and manyother similar complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. F.r sift 47,44tDrocr1444.. T.•1141LBURNaGo.. TotYoxro - s34 -434-s-34-43 -0.43,i-+3>e3►•y►.43.- DIARROCOM D&SBNT.i RY, and all :IlOW. 'Z coat ,A1 22'$. Sore, SatQuick Cute for those troubles id ain-Ki11e c (mu *.l..110.) :d Xztie 711,`mid.l xt4ertiatty. Tiro Sirs ,, Z •. r -4 1Jo, battles. TUE E W. ,GRAM TIMES, JANUARY A, =SUNG XAIV. A MONTREAL ALDERMAN LELAVES FOR NO on KNOWS \\ IIEItE. Montreal, Que., Dec, 31.—A soma - tion has been caused in civic circles by the sudden 'departure from the city of Ald. Romeo Provost one atilt) most prominent members of the city council. He was elected at the last civic election to represent the center Ward the business of the city. Ile was e.n accountant and. reported to be wry wealthy. He had a large of estates to look after. Ile took a prominent part in civic affairs, but it had been noticed lately that he had appeared somewhat strange. About a week ago, it bad. leaked out he attempted to commit suicide but was prevented in the nick of time. His whereabout are at present unknown. His business itis understood, is heavily involved. A. BAD BARBADU BOY. HE ST -TOT B;$ EMPLOYER IlT THE NECK • w'1'i'krOUT PU0VOCAxXON—HE SKIPPED BUT WAS CAUGHT. Thorold, Ont,, Jan.1.—A Banardo boy named Bert Davis, about 18 years of age, who has been living for some time with Fred Grenville, a filmier, about two miles out of town, shot Grenville in the neck with a revolver last evening. It appears that Grenville had just re- turned home, and the two 'were un- hitching the horses, *hen, without provocation or words, Davis fired the ball which lodged- in the back of Grenville's neck, and stunned hini for a while. On recovering he saw Davis snapping the weapon at him again, but it failed to go off. Gren- ville hurried to town for a warrant MSS ZELMA RAW ..STOO. ..:;. A CHARMING SOUBRETTE WHO AT- e` wr $§ TRACTS LARGE AUDIENCES. SHE TELLS SOMETHING OF TIIE HARD - WORK NECESSARY TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL, ARTIST—MANY BREAK DOWN UNDER L THE STRAIN"—AN IN- TERESSING TALK \PITH tri • A TELEGRAPH 187. eettet ,a 0- a. --et L___- From the Guelph Telegraph. I. Those Who have attended, the per- 1 .=P, ^esete wit-+• •t:.. ._ _::s.. , formances at the Academy of Music 1 The Only Game. last week, will readily concede that I The seriousness with which .the Miss Zelnia is one of the Brightest of °game of gold is treated. by Scotch - soubrettes on the stage. She is a men is well set forth in The Badmin• clever musician and beautiful singer ton, Mr. Wilkinson has been living and as an imeersonator shows a tel- with great in contentmenthis villa ent considerably above the average. when one day, Mr. McGcontentment Mock, a She has a mischievous twinkle in y' her eye, winning ways and a cap' new tenant in a neighboring house, tivating manner. • Iler magnetism. locked over the fence and passed the for drawing large audiences is not time of day. alone confined to the stage, as she Is Ye 11 a club here, of course ?" the possessor of a character which is paid he. pleasing to corns in contact with, It „ Oh, rather ! replied/Wilkinson, is fall of good nature, aimable quail no end of clubs. We've a capital tennis club, and a croquet club, ities and a charm that endears her ub, and a river club, and a bicycle club, to alt those who have been so for- and—" Lunate as to have made her acgitain• But the gray eye of Peter Mc- ance. A Telegraph representative Goureck, which should have been had the pleasure of an interview with blazing with enthnsilhstic interest, Miss Rawiston which resulted in a was pale with strong contempt. biographical sketch of her life beim "But how about The Club ?" he published in these columns on Satur- day. During the course of the infer- "Club ? Why, well, we've all those view, Miss Rawiston let out a sct;ret clubs. What more--" which she consented to allow the "I was not asking about those Telegraph to make public.For treevial things. Whee's .your golf many years past she has devoted ed the club ?" best part of her time to study, seine- , — times practicing alone on the piano Oh—wily—we—haven t er- es for 10 hours ads Itis not tit ie• actly any golf club—that is, not just fore astonishing, hat under a strain yet! Is it a good sort of game ?" of this kind she began to feel the asked poor Wilkinson. for Davis'arrest and took the chief effect, on her nervous constitution. MeGourock looked him over very of police out. but Davis had cleared slowly. Then repeating very slowly, It is supposed that Davis intended She is ot a robust build, and stall[, • „Da— et— a— good—•sorrt---of--- sn alas\v thong.physique, linte opting heand rotsttle d game ?" he turned away, and disap- ies, until, she heti perfected,, the'; peered into his drawing -room. which she desired to accomplish. for days after that, Wilkinson, Like any other artist wktu has gorse while watering his plants, would cast before, she completed her work, furtive glances at Mcc ourock, tapp- graduated with the highest honors ing a little white ball into a hole on Darkness cannot be made enough and prepared to enter -on her stage to destroy light. career. Tho reaction of over study, and long hours, soon began to tell on her, and although it did not hinder her climbing the ladder of fame as an actress, she very soon became cognizant of the fact, that she was suffering from a strain on the nerves which threatened sooner or later to result seriously to her health. • Her sufferings did not interfere with her engagements but prevented herfrom A participating in pleasurcrof any kind The nevousness increased to such an extent that she became a victim to 'or Infante. ani« Children. insomnia, and slowly her digestive powers gave out, and she was fast eetes3a et • becoming a chronic sufferer from °"rr nervous debility. After trying wrr ppea. y zG/U many remedies and pei'seriptions, The man who professes to be a she one day read an adveri,isment in Christian ought fo work continually one of the daily Pape. s, referiug to at the business. complete recovery of a siin:tiar east: as her own, with the aid of Dr. Babies are not the only people Who Williams' Pink Pills. Sbe tried so make a big noise in the woad, wit's many patent remedies that salt al - out much result bcyoed the noise. most dispaired of trying any more. A certain Chinese sect teaches that Somethiug influenced her to test this women who wear short hair will tee preparation, and she ventured t.a, transformed into men in the Great purchase a box of the pills. Before Hereafter, • she had used half of them she began Over 100 gold mines have been Ito feel an immediate improvement in opened in Caiifonia within., a year. hat used twoon, andrthreeby the boxes,e she had used two or she Beware of people who do not ]ove was a different woman entirety, and children and flowers. to- day there few actresses who dis- A remarkab'e "hose deal" was one patty a better example of perfect OF the freaks of the past week, Bays the Goderich Sia". Tie owner of a lair of colts, offered thews to a well- ! known bachelor if be would tate them up to his rooms. The latit'r was not to be daunted at such a trifling. risk, and 'tis said he sco'r had -,he little fellows upstairs, anti looking out of the window. He had pc•t'ti,rined his part of the bargain, t,ut tato owner backed out of the des; 1<lel finally succeeded in getting the pellet; back again. :1 tad accident oeeurred rear !Nye sdale on ]Monday night of last week, Paul, son of Paul Hub, went out to the stable to see his horse innthcr member of the fancily go- ing ont to a. short time after found hint lying beside the horse with his head toward the manger, He was vended in and all manner' of easter- Its great 1 to et) a women, and hives used. Dr, Hunter of Kinloss have money, and Within welkingdis- - was telegraphed for but it was of tanto of bargain stores. 00 use. He Was a young mart 2-1 ... years of age, The bereaved fancily At Elmira, two little boys named, have the sympathy of the eotnmunity Danko , were lighting a Chri•tntas it is thought that the horse kicked tree, then they managed to set tire hien in the stomach, there WAS a to their clothing. One little fellow ,<ti,xttt mark of a blow. j died from his burns. robbery, as well as murder. Later—Davis was arrested in Pel- ham by Chief Upper this afternoon. 1le will have a hearing before Police Magistrate Fish. The men who has not passionate local attachments can never become patriotic in any broad or generous sense. W • hen malice and a sense of duty get all tangled up, it takes a wise man to get 'em. straightened out and separated. She /tee simile signature health than our representative foand Miss Rawiston in when he railed up - her last week. The subject w'hs sug- gested by our reporter seeing a box of the pills in Miss Rawiston', p, ss. ession. "I always carry them \vith me" she said "ancl would not be a day without thetth; although I do tut take thein regularly, I find thein rl very beneficial stimulus for one in our profession. If the rrsserticn the benefit which these pills have worked on me will do the piddle say good, I tun perfectly willing that m\• name should be published, and that f,'.e!4 should be given to the public. M.'s Ra\vl,ton's Lie" nlaneat net - chess is in etre of lice manager, ;1tr'. 'Porta McJuire, Room l',, Standard Theatre Building, New York City. =.....•:-C- zr--^••+c'::-=r: •••••= = • • ..,r-•..3 ..... PBINCB of WALES in AMERICA. ! ITIS MEMORABLE VISIT TO THE UNITE° I STATES OVER THIRTY YE U'.S A00. Stephen Fiske, in recalling "When the Prince of Wales was in America," writes the January Ladies' Home ; Journal that on September 17 (1860) l he "entered the United States for the first time, riding to the American I side for a farewell view of Niagara. I Thele, after the usual. ceremonies at 1 Hamilton, the Prince crossed to I Detroit, on September 20, and be -1 came the guest of the people of this Rehll.blic. The Duke of' Newcastle' ha4i Insisted that the Prime, as Baron Hoeft"ew, should be received by the . people, not officially by the Govern- ' ment, and thio arrangement was carried out during his tour. It seemed as if all the people, headers ! by the Governor of Michigan, had rushed to welcome Trim at Detroit. Tho crowds were so dense that the] Royal party could not get to their hotel through the main streets. There was a similar crowd at Chicago, which was reached two days later. St. Louis, where the Prince had a splendid reception on the Fair Grounds and opened the Western Academy of Arts, and Cincinnati, where another tremendous crowd awaited him, and he danced alt night at another ball, made the .Prince glad to get to the compar- ative quiet of Washington, where he was introduced by Lord Lyons to President Buchanan, and hiss Har - the lawn, and at times he could per- riet Lane, and was elegantly, but privately, entertained at the White I-Iouse." Subsequently he visited Richmond, Philadelphia., New York Boston and some other eastern cities, in nearly all of which he was enter- tained, and was the guest of honor at receptions, balls, dinners, etc. On October 20 the Prince re -embark- ed from Portland, Maine, for Eng- land. Owing to a severe storm his ship, ."Hero," had been driven out or her course, was several days over- due, and her officers and crew were reduced to scant salt fare. England was greatly alaiu:ea for the safet, of the .young Prince, and rejoiced when the "Ilett)" finally landed hire safe on his Native shore. ceive, with the tail of his eye, Mc- Gourock looking him over. Also he could hear the muttered words, "Es —et—a--good—sorrt—of--game ?" At length Wilkinson made a heroic effort to put matters on a less painful footing. He looked over the fence, and said cheerfully, yet conscious of a dreadful nervousness within : "Ir it—er—when you could spare ten minutes—I should take it as a favor if you would teach me to play golf." "Ten minutes, ye say?" "Well, well, of courses I don't mean to say I could learn it in ten minutes! Ha! ha! Ridiculous, of course! But if you'd kindly teach me the stroke—" - "Sirr, at elan cannot be taught golf!" "Well, of course I don't mean to say—that is but a fellow might try to learn !" "Golf, lar. Wilkinson, is not a thing a man can barn." "Well but hang it all ! how do people ever play? People do: play golf, don't they ?" "Play? And what might ye mean by play ?" "Well! well t don't you see people knocking tittle white balls over obstacles with a thing like that you're usilt ?" * " til," replied MeGourock bitterlY, "ye ',ee people do that, and mane's the number of em ; but if ye talk of parry' ng ! Sirr, of a man begins golf when he's pat into short clothes, and devotes his life to it, and if is grant- ed to that roan, as the close of a long life, to arrive at the knowledge that he iteams nothing of golf, teat man can die a happy man. ITe will not have lived in vain. Ay, itcsagenie; it's ju-lt a grand game. It's just the only- game 1" Every farther and dairyman should arrange to spend these three clays at Brantford and enjoy the addresses and discussions at the convention. 5. II, Monrad will make his first nppearanee at a Canadian Dairy Convention at l3rantford, on Jan. 19• 2i. qtr. Monrad hos a practical knowledge of the dairy- methods of Denmark and New Zealand, having spent several years in these count- ries. Iso is also recognized as a dairy authority in the land of his adoption. It"o will give particular attention to curing rooms and euring cheese and to winter butter making. Every dairyman should hear him. NO PitISON LABOR. IN NEW YORK STATE PENAL IxsrettU• TIONS- -CONVICT. \GILL n1; IDLE. The provision of' the constitution wiping out all prison contracts And forbidding the manufacture of arti• cies int a penal institutions of thestate, w t into effect with the nee+ year. 1ereafter all convicts in these institutions can bo employed only in the manufacture of goods for institutions that are supported whoa!}• or in;'part by public funds. The, last of the contract work was per- formed Thursday. Ilereafter the prisons enter upon an entire new, experience. The conditions upo1, which the new period begins point: to idleness for the convicts for at least 30 days, and probably longer. It will take that time. to get the "hand nlachinery" witl: which all articles will be trade, Into operation. feuding the consum in :tion of that ryelm, rbc! prisoner. \\•ill he locked in tl-ch' cells most of the time. , ,000 Is the estimated aneual pill bol for the Dominion of Canada under tale 25o. a bcx ro,,.rme Tho great demand for Dr, A.ge.ew'i Liver Palls at 10e. n vial is working a revolution in pill- ' dont and their universal use will save tho people- $780,0)0 a year. in artBilioiteattackerwultinc• from ingot:11wof the liver, headeehe, d r..ihes., la•sitade, ha OWN toe of appetite, they etie t 'elle stimulate the liver and eliminate the bile. Sad at Chisholrti r Drug Store. 10 cents.. BRISTOL'S BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla and P E I;_:, . &i S COAT FI1) The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A t°.EC!FIC FOR RI;teumatisn:, Gout and Chronic Compiaints.. They Cleanse and Purify the BIood.. All .i=r uggbsts- -and. General Dealers. ONE 'JIVES RELTEP. R•I•P-A-N-S T I:c modern stand- ard :Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -clay ills of :nnanity. . v .• 4 ...-er t.' gyp' MAAI. r ea 0 G:;,• . •c-. qg ) '1 ► fey Pies Kidney, • Kidney Pills .. Remember.• ti DON'S -Kidney'Pitts ARE THE BEST C+' 1 . •. .• ,'A.^. 8..+'.1,.'1 e 4