The Wingham Times, 1897-01-08, Page 6ti + WINU• AM TIMES, JANUARY 8, i8t7e .fr1<` • , ' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rae have important place. The annual Oen- W.' t yif � , . Imo been appointed superintendent of vention of this association in Wood- jHouse of Refuge, Uunlilton- stock last year was recognized by -- - A. CONTINENT DEVOID OP everyone who was present as the 1 ANIMAL LIFE. greeatst .gathering. of dairymen and — farmers ever Held m Canada to dia- . iv- A CEASELESS STRiir,OLE BETWEEN cuss purely agricultnl al topics. Tbo SENATOR POWblit'S REJOINDER FIRE AND WATER IN" AVTATITICA. coming convention will be hold in the city of Brantford on January itIi3AY, JAPIiTARX 8,18117 Senator Power, w't 1 is o;1e of the , "The Antartie then, is a cousin- 19tH, 20th, and 21st, and promises to leading Catholic=s of t'•.e Dominion ental land unique in the world," be equally as successful. The list of Mal=es a very apporprittte rejoinder to writes General A. W. G:ee1y in an prominent speakers provided is stint - those conservatives lviteespre.ss fear* interesting nrtiele on "What May be dent guarantee that the addresses to lest the 1lanit Slat scha.11 compromise Found I t the Sautll Pole " in the be delivered will be practical, enter - may not be carried out in a concilia- January Ladies' Home Journal. ' Its twining, and comprehensive in char - desolate shares, rarely approachable aster, Among others on this list are tory manner and that the worst is under most favorable conditions,are the Icon. A. S. Hardy, Hon. Sydney bound to happen "If," says the Sena- laved by an ocean the richest othe Fisher, J. H. Monrad, Esq. Illinois; tsor,itddres''ing the fearful 011e8,4'4yt'a g'iftbe in, ;Ai llttlrino Iife•-animal andProf. Robertson, Prof, Dean, Andrew carried in your every day life the 15'x, stable. seals and hales in la- i Pattullo, M. P. I'.; besides addresses theory w hi;.tl you p of nand in c,fl credible numbers abound in its and discussions by practical cheese I1'taat iris Rospnr}boo�i�invo Done for the Ileetiun with this agreement ;Le waters, and countless seabirds cover Iand butter makers. r!,,,;• All successful and would never venture to get out of teed with nests and eggs the few favored a- • t distinguished men ixi the morning bur, would lie thereEAST WAWANOSH. si ��' have imitators, and a arra t bythe contemplation of the land spots which are free from snob l 's. t 11r. chase, the, tivell- p) , during the brief, comfortless summer, i blr: and Mrs. John Elliott, and Mr. (rs ' � �' lino wit authorBook,3 dant xus pp sstbiilities of fatal acct I It is a continent vrhere abounds nig Jatw s Elliott partook of a Christmas ;•.,; i Chases Recipe dant during the day's dein;,. land animal Life, either mammals gk proved no e:ceeptiou . „Dose at Mr.Nathaniel Jobnstons of l to the rule. Dr, 1 birds, insects, spiders or reptiles. No , Westfield. j =.;'t� . spa t u chase's veric. mammal exists within six bundled ° Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott and son of %l' �It $ra•r .R; have many pre�tentd QUEBEC. I guiles of its borders. It is also ft' t Clifford wertvisitingin this vicinity 1 :'� aqui �� �quals�lrh but ...,, old of land vegetation (except t le For thepast fortnight, excitement p Tuesday. Luang s e 5 e n t f ire fy , lowest forms of eellrlar tissue rich-, Miss MaryMacDonald of the 12th DR, CRASS researches se producedire '• Chase's Kidney -Liter Pille and Chase's has been at fever heat in Quebec, ' ens, which have been found ]n. two concession spent Christmas at her Ointment, the first a certain cure for over the action or tie Bishops, in places only), have neither fe s, home on the 1st of Morris. all kidney, liver, stomach, bladder and causing to be read from all the pug- flowering plants, shrubs nor trey .' I An examination was held in No. 9 rh-umatic troubles : the latter an ttbso- I Here however, Nature displays' cheer on Wednesda Dee. 23rd, at lute specific for chronic and offensive S •r yek!n diseases. Among; his other diseower- pits, adocument placing a ban on her forces on a scale elsewhere dun- ! which a number of parents and those nes avaere Chase's Catarrh Cure and Chase's the Liberal organ, L 'Isleetuer, and known. Over the millions of square' of cruise interested were present. I Linseed and Turpentine dor codas and forbidding the faithful under pen• miles of this austral continent cease- I \hi1e sleighriding down one of alty of excommunication, from read- lesaly continues a titantic struggle of Mr. Robert Currie's hills • the day ing it. While Mr. Paeand, the pro -between the opposing ancient ole= I befllre Christmas, Master Alex Mo- ments of fire and water. In vain the Dougal'lmet with a painful accident prietor of the L. Electeur, is one who volcanoes pour forth streams of mol- (It appears that while going down suffers, it is believed that the thrust ten lava and shoot upward pillars of `the hill his toe caught on astone was intended for Mr. Laurier, and fire. Welcoming the lava as a pro- i which threw Mm with such force as is taken to indicate the bishopdisapprc- tecting, non -conducting coveringofto strain the tendons of his ankles vat of the settle met thathasbeenreacil- its lower strata of flowing glaciers,' Alex bas been in bed ever since, the continental icecap resistedly ad- I which is very hard on a small boy. ed in the Manitoba School Question. vances, certain that in time, when I Mrs. John Elliott. and Miss Mary There is a marked determination on the processes of erosion have lowered' Keith called on Mrs. James Rao this the partf the people to resist this the elevation of the volcal is craters, 4 week. innovation of priestly interference, its countless, tiny snowflakes will At the annual school meeting, Mr. which is not simply an iuterfereaeo quench the apparentlyrunexting- Wm. Anderson was elected trustee uishable fires that now shake from in place of Mr. Robert Mason who in matters politic, but is an interfel- endto end the cnatinent of Antar- retired. The following is the school report i for S. S. No. 9, East Wnawanosh for WESTERN DAIRYMEN a the month of December; The report 'day amounted to about Mia. On Thursday, Dec, 24th, a free Christmas tree entertainment was given by the school. A very good program of recitations, music &e., was presented, The church was 'rowded to the doors standing room being at a premium. The Sec- retary -Treasurer of the school, Mr. Robert Mcl:liwain, presented the annual report which showed the school to have enjoyed a year of un - precedent prosperity. 111r•. Thomas Morrow and his sister, Mrs. Burns, of Manitoba, are visiting under the parental roof. A. FAMOUS MAN! enee in civil liberty, directly sun- ties." trary to the British law. Conserv • - and Liberals alike unite in condemn- ---^ I is based on regularity of attendance, efficiency and good conduct: 4th;-- Lena Deacon. 3rd sr- ennie Rin- toul, Minnie Abram, Mable Shied, but McDouga?1, George Coultes, Jennie Shiell, Willie* Deacon, Mary immediately formed embracing the produce the finest quality of cheese Abram, Roy Mason, Alex McDougall. leading Liberals of Quebec and on and butter at a profit the dairyman 3rd jr-Alberta Rintoul, Leslie Dee - the day following the mandement, mustst have an intimate knowledge cf con. 2nd sir -Frank Mills, ]!'rank another journal was issued from the all the details of the process from Shoebottom, Alfred Hodgson. `and rains of the L 'Electeur and the war the time the milk is taken from the jr-Willie Elliott, Joe. Dobson, Roy will be carried on into the heart of ` cow till it is manufactured into the Deacon. part 2 -Bella McDougall, Africa. ! finished article. The science of Albert Salisbury, Herbert Shiell, Andrew Casemore, Ida Abram. lst -Alex Rintoul, David Johnston, Roy Anderson, Raymond Elliott, Willie Shoebottom. Louis B. DUFF, Teacher. ing the Bishops. Numbers got up THE ANNUAL CONVENTION' WILL BE and Left the church while the mand- HELD AT l3RANTFORD THIS MONTH. ement was being read. Mr. Pacaud ' was forced to suspend publication of , Dairying is one of the most irn- the L ' EI; leeteur, a T company was portant branches of agriculture. o it is almost incredulous that a dairying cannot be learned in a body of men could be found in this 1 hap -hazard way. Systematized and age, possessed of such a spirit of well directed effort is neeessary in into:erence and so absolutely devoid breeding, feeding and oaring for the of policy as the Bishop have shown 'dairy cow to make her produce themselves to be. Their methods of : to her utmost capacity. Partieu- bringing people to their way of lar care and attention is re- thinking are those of the middle ages ! gaired in preserving the milk in a and are absolutely foreign to all I pure and unadulterated condition Britisn ideas of liberty. La Patric, !for the making of butter or cheese says: -The Province of Quebec:! and to convert milk into good butter occupies in America, the position (XI and cheese no little skill is required. Spain in Europe. We have been for I It will thus be seen that if we are to a number of years the only country isupply the British market with the in which flourishes a religious obli- I finest quality of goods, and no other garchy under the most rigid and than the finest quality ahould ba sent absolute sorra." forward, our dairymen sli ` be Bishops and priests command the tboroughly educated and trai 3d so respect due to their office, so long as as to produce the finest quality. they keep their garments free from There are several sources fi oro political smirch and selfish conniv- which dairymen can acquire this ing, but when they forget thedignity training and can perfect them. Ives • and sacredness of their office and in the best practices of suec ;ful stoop to methods of unwarrantable modern dairying. The dairy schools encroachment upon civil liberty for furnish opportunities for acquiring. a the purpose of forcing the people to practical:knowledge of dairying they �,. their peculiar way of thinking, they should not he overlcoked. are adopting a course that will drive THE AGPICU::SURAL EXPERIMEN'r.u. more into religious indifference and nx.lTtoxs, ,,ptiei i n one week than twenty The Agricultural and Loeai Press tip ars of preaching will be effectual are potent factors in this regard. But in restoring to the folds of the faith- one of' tho very best methods of ime tel. parting praetieal knowledge on The day has passed when the agricultural topica is through the opinions of the spiritual leader carry any more weight in political questions than the opinions of any other man of similar intelligence.. L 'Electeur may be ruined, but there is a grim determination to put to the test once and f•:,rever, the power of Bishops. ]3y their intolerance they have alien- ated lien- &ted their warmest supporters, in fact they could scarcely have chosen a 'comae, calculated to work greater 8' • leavoe to their influence or work Competition their power in thi:, rt- children, giving a blackboard excl.- . ,,,Saore rtdrt to the cause they pro. gard is recognized more- than (-ver. [vise of the broad and narrow way, `" chainpion. Of the various gatherings field in using as illustrations 1h:' broad and MAcDtrrs'i:. Ontario during January, the annual narrow "gunge'• on R. R. ail(' mark - convention of the Dairymen's Ass°- ing different stations reached on eiation, of Western Ontario holds an either road. In the evening a very . T. la. Marquis, English master Tenders have been received at al,propriate sermon was preached to late Collegiate Institute, Kingston, the Department of Railways and the parents and guardians by Rev. w afppointed head diaster of tarsals for new pier work at Port Mr. Becker, German evangelist, of 1McigkVille Collegiate Institute. Dalhousie. I3enmiller. The eollect]ons of the NIL G. At a recent meeting of the Trus- tees of Sheppardton Methodist Church it was decided to move the church from its present position to the corner of Mr. Graham's farm, in order to secure =reground for shed room, the presentshed accommodation being alttxtsether inadequate. The eontraet Ills been closed with Mr. D. McLaren of Goderich. It is also 41 intended to put the church on a l CAKE BAi4itiETS, stone foundation, to re -plaster it, to FRC ET 11'IISH ES, move the' present shed and erect 1a LILT FL vir us, another shed on the new ground, ,S.� CROCORATld;'>i'®'TtS with/,n hall over it. 1� Oa Sunday Dec, 20th S. S. serm- ons were preaehed in the Methodist churches of Nile andShepparton and in the latter prises d istrihnted to the scholars of the Seim:l. The report showed a very o,ltisfttetory. advance hi all departments daring- the past year. With Mr, Joh; 'Echlin as 1, Superintendent and an efiieient staff'i eompetitlon. of sub•ofticers and teachers the at- 'ia 11L PATTERRSON, �r1 broucihirtia. During 150; the Canadian man- ufacturers, Edmanso'n, Bates & Co., 45 Lombard street, Toronto, gave away free 500,000 samnl's of Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and 100,000 empire of. Chase's Oint- ment. The return they brought proved how much they were appreciated. The s�'one free distribution of samples VIII �' continued. during 1890. Those at a Oat•anee should enclose a 5 -cent stamp and also receive a sheet of the latest music in return. i=ii? l�t��r�`°��I' e,�c":'�i�4r'•.-fir'•-�5^'"t,.��f,.�'u '11 M PATTERSONJ �Ciy e L� t THEt,ETii �i 1 1' Has the largest and" newest stock of Xmas Goods in town. , EVEEXTRIN( For--"" L' L 1 I0 'UP TO DATE. -i� .NICK !QHS we down the woeld. The Latest P A we sell for $2,25 each. t RINGL t OUR- • E. WE$TMI�I$TEI OlIME GLOGI$ IT we will sell cheaper than r� you can buy them elsewhere. H We have a new lisle of ril China Goods just in, such as „IELL C>� We also have a full line• of ni the best Mouth Organs made r and everything that a first class [r tri jewelry store requires, in fact it is the only place in Wingham �1 where you can get a good up to Ell BAN.ofHAMiILTON ge` WINGHAM. Capita.}, 61,250,000, Bobs, 0050,000 Prc loon.-,ouN STUART. Vico•Presldent-A, U. RAHMAY. D>treZO•XOZts JON Paoor ` cob oA. 3, sz (Toyota )' M 1', A. T. W Cashier--J. TURNBULL. Savings $tole-noure, roto 3; Saturdays, IQ 1. Deposits of J. and upwards received and interest allowed. Special' Deposits also received at current rates of il.erest. Drafts on Great Britain rind the United Stator bought and sold W. CORSOULD, Aam E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY'. DEPART L'on Anmyn Sit 1 J Toronto and East 0:50 a.m. 1:15 p.m 8:15 p. m.. -via Clinton Palmerston Mixed 5:80 " 10:40 a.m London and South 6:50 a.m. 11:10 " 3:15 p,m. 8:00 p.m. Kincardine 11:10 a.m. 0:50 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m 8 i' 5:80 " tpf R SITE D^Inteitigont Men with I cod 1F d'i tit Cf education who want to better tear po,.itions and would be content for a year with 1600 and expenses, write us, with derwiptiot and occupation, and we will make a ppropoettien for now or'the future, Also needed reliable men for Australia. Write +o -day es wu are in a hurry, TUN ANAaslt, 40 Richmond St„ West Toronto, tint. Money to Loan on Notes. •Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Molloy advanced on Mortgages at 5, pea oentwhh prtviiet;e of paying at the end of any year. Note and accounts collected. 11tLBT. MOINDOO. Beaver Block %Ingham, Ont ACCORDING TO AGENTS' REPORTS. "Queen Victoria: Iier Life and Reign" introduce tion by Lord Dufferin, a i!I teach high water mark of circulation Unn agent r+•1 twenty-nine e, ertu•i tt a tty-nine orders the day atter he gut hts proseentus, and many take orders from three.tourthe calls rondo' to canvassers prospectus free, if you want a share in thi. gold mine hustle. Turritn-y t- going f est TBB Raaritwe-GAaaersox Co., Ltd., To ro nto, nt, xII II1 k. tut --I8 PUBLISHED EV1iitY FRIDAY MORNING} ---AT =8 - T11111 ES OFFICES, JOSEPHINE STREEr WING13Ailt, ONTARIO. WA' :' TED. ®o Subsoripttoatpr1ee, $1 per your, in ttr vangt'i ADVERTISING RATER: MAN: to sell Canada grown Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Sheets, Roses. Bulbs and Bulbous Plants. Glare Vines, Smell Vaults, Seed Potatoes, etc. Wu rateloen6 only the highest and tnost popular varieties that succeed in the coldest climates, New season row cemierneleg; coi,p!::e outfit free. salary and expenses paid from star t for 0111 time, or lioeral eomutssion for part t hue, Apply now. addressing nearest office, ano get e1 o1 a of territory'. ' LURE BROTHERS COM PANT". Liter/Atlanta Nurseries, 0I11cAe ), lit., ot• ,1I'NTaSAT., gun. The Best Cvmhination Yet Space ( 1 yr. 1 Ono Column ergo 00 ( u,0. ' 3 n.o. ; l r1:0a Half " 40 00 i $.0 00 i3 00 iit•t "0 00 i 0 000 113'04 00_x 00 1D Legal and et Lor casual fitireftisemente o per for first insertion, and So/ per (hiefareaeh subsequent insertion, ,Measured by' nonpareil ecalo. Local notlous leo. Int lite for drat insertion, and SOAaq anti forerti,ome Ota of ach Lost, E'ound, dtralonn awedy ed, Situations, nonp nonpareil, torn liretWeeded, mo ntll, and exceeding for each 'rubsequo,t* uaouth, kloustre and karms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines 01 for tits} mouth, S0u. per subsequent month. Larger advertisements ht proportion, These padhered to et alermstatuavafor largbe terlad advertisements, or fo longer periods, Ash directions, will he inserted til:meets and local l forbid tices withoutshpeaged accordingly. Transitory advertisements mus be paid Int advance Changes for cgntraot advertisements must be in the ottice by Wednesday noon, an order to appeer that week S. G. BROWN, PaoeR1RTeat AND PUBLIBUNR I' Iii MACDONALD, ` L! CENTRE STREET ONTARIO, WINoneat. E VANSTONE, , aARRisTElf, S0L3rrr08. Eto., Pintermite Nol�ecomind nl,ston charged0e Morttgages lowest and.Ment property tourht and sold OFFICE -Beaver Brook Wtxansat J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o., Wingham, Oh>. E• L BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO DANS 08 ILLITILTON. MONEY LOAN. Office -Never Bionic. Whtgham. 1 MG. CAMERON, • BARRISTER., SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e Office -Corner Hamilton and St. Ancir r .ets opposite Colborne Motel. • .. �_:. GODSRIOB, �� ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. -J. S.JLttO3IB, G. D. S.,Wallonaee. is ' irg .;,T Ie manufaetur,ng firet•clasa sets of ir,. in tteehe eaDominion they oxttactbd '�1�~� absolutely without pain, by has new process, guaranteed perle..tty safe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite th Brunswick House. "The Family Herald 1 and nTu it J. iRtivtll, D. D. 3., D. s., Doctor of Dental Sur ger of the Pennaylvsn Weekly Star the Beautiful Dental College. 1 y "Orphan's Prayer," and "The Wingham TIMES.'" All for YOLliU PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. S. C. B. --Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. Jan. 8 -What prayer can do for the Christ ain 1 Kings 5.2.2:40. ( B. Y. P. U. -Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. .EPWORTR. LEAGUE --Meeting every Thursday evening fn the Methodist church. ForTvr4z"sty_af:vee Years e date Xmas Present. • i For repairing a watch we defy vt tendance has increased and the con- :n Center Sowoler. annual conventions of the Dairy tributions were much in excess of Associations of the Province and kits- previous years, It hes been decided dred organizations To rub up to keep they school open daring the against the leading agriculturist in reinter months. a three day convention is ar. educe Mr. John Cantelon, Jr., is home tion that cannot be too highly from the Prairie Province mai spend - valued. In the aIrl'ydays of Can- ing a little while with his aged adtan dairying, these conventions fattier. - were the only means the dairymen The sermons in Nile church were had of learning the best practices in preached at 10.8() a in., by the his business and in tide age of keen pastor, Rev. J. W. Pring. . to the 4 11 opposite Bank of Hamilton. frl 4 *43'04:4444 64444 40 WHEN a woman is pale, est atiaemiet low-spirited, nee- votta, sleepless, there is 110 plca- V" sure net i?fe for Iver till she has her '. system. put right by India. Woman's Balm It Is the =failing remedy for all debilitated, dyspeptle, despondent women and gels, Makes sic'h, near blood and Improves the complexion, V. An druggists, For sale in Wingnam by Colin A Campbell. • THECOOK'SBES o FRIEND LARGCS1* SAU IN CP NADA. Caveats and Tradc.Mark obtained. 'end nil patent business conducted for NODRRo11•, PEIOM. Alp tfiC611 in the immedi .ee oicinityof the Pawner:Ace, and my facilities for seer •eespatentsareunsurpassed Send model, sketch or paotograph of Invention with description and statement ea toadventages althea. .thrAerhnr d•lntncefefor•anopinionastic, xlnfsniethilIfy sed rev he far prosecuting the applicatiost toile oat do nulled for itntil Rio pefeene {d altotoed. ''Ixveeloes' Qvtree," con. alining full inibtmllion teat free. All il3y ntiatl2ll. catlOeonttldtlred se strictly on tlacatti 5 FRANKLIN it • #OUGH ism P' th i•oas• W.L IItt TON. »,4 . OFFIOE•--MACDONALO BLOCK. • NoTs—%HII visit BI) th every Wednesday. TOHN RITCHIE y,. GENERAL INSURANCE AG1s.NT WiNauAM, QNrANt 10) .J+ DEANS, J at., Wnro,AM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOS ;HE COUNTY OF HURON. , Sales attended 1n any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WING17AM, UNI., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements specialty. All orders left at the Tom office promptly attend ed to, Terms reasonable, JOB PRINTING, INOLUI7ING Books, Pamphlets, Fosters, If 1 L kende, Circulars, etc., &C., executed is the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on abort notice. Apply oraddreea S. G BROWN, I1BR Coleco, Wingbem. BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announce that anti nooks Megaatnes left with tie for Binding, will haver prompt attention. Prices for Binding in nny styl will be given on application o the Timis Office. WANTED_c13t1lt11(M1TgsMIfNor ANCI)w;4IaEnNd Australia. 1Queen Victoria Tier Life and ElaW introduction by Lord Duffertn. A thrilling now book. Sales uiarvelloce, Thn queen as girl, wife. pother, monarch. Reads like romance. Grandly Illustrated. nig eomudnstot, Books on time. Pres . epectus free to e0nvtereer Nxcluelve tsrritoy. Lets of money in it. TUN nnADL11Y.4ARRtcrsow Oo.,. LTD., Toront6, Ont. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Se tie *the Caledonia No. 40 me t the fret and third Mond.. ovmy wont , in she Odd Fatfotv3 ITitli. Vit K brethren weloo.tie; 1. iitrrray, Chief; ., ikerdon, Ren..flee' 1