The Wingham Times, 1897-01-08, Page 5fl .1: VV 11\ it,AM JANUARY el 1397. X tit At least once a year, Stocktaking is in order in every welt regulated business. That's what we are aoing at tile present time Tak- L ing down, measuring and weiabinti goods; its a big job, ' but it is part of e business and must be done. As a natural resultc came across odds and ends, remnants etc. hese -be cleared at interesting prices. Some tfrilts Wwe make m,?re money by gelling below cost than by carrying goods ovtr. That's the case with what mantles we have left, every garment is perfect fitting and guaranteed to give satisfa.c- ton, Prices range like this: $ i`J,0 Mantles for $ 3 50 6 00 " 4 50 ervous People of ten wonder why their nerves an eo weak; why they get tired go easily; why they etar t at every slight but sudden eound; why -they do not deep naturally; why they have frequent Ileaciltchea, indigestion and nervous Dyspepnia The explanation is eimple, I is found in that impure blood wttich e cont:u- nally feeding the nerves upon refuse instead of the elements of strength and vigor. In such condition opiate and nerve compounds simply deaden and do not cure, noocl'e Sarsaparina feeds 'the nerves pure, rich, red. blood; gives natural sleep, perfect digestion, is the true remedy for all nervous troublee. 7 50 1.4 500 5 50 8 00 10 00 44 Cc CC 675 Lots of cold weather ahead of us yet and if vire a mantle, let us show you what we have. her4 do business. CIKTIN_TNON & Co BIrTiI- you re - We ?, are school supplies of all kinds, from a.slate pencil up; every thing that is required by school children. e7rvcr7r,vcecrevxceemrsec•Inwarxecr*......Ips W out a doubt we have the nnost stock of ancy Goods we have ever opened. out. Ingenious Toys for children. "Dandy" and "Stunning" presents for the youths and maidens. Beautiful and Costly (or inexpensive if desirable) sou_ vineirs for the gents and ladies. Good Books for the 'Aged.. Fancy Cards galore. . • • Stacks of Books and an abundance of everything. Goods, Toilet Sets, Albums, Pictures, Magazines, Books and. Stationery. **t Fine Cups, Sa,ucers And Plates, each having a picture of the Public School on it. An extra fine selection of Dolls, all sizes. The are beautiful, just see them. ii&L,1101111C.. The Popular Book Store. Wi'GRELER STOREZth Annual Convenno aft the North End. • Having opened up busin 'th a full line of ‘: • . gROCER.,IES ol:)Pogrto the Te4itti Park. 1 wish to intrnatcJbakil.$e11 goods at lonfpriee.s, 1 intend do business on a thoroughly CASH BASIS and. good customers will not have Blake up for other inaple's bad debts. OF TIU'- D ai ryrn e n 's Association of Western Ontario will be *held in the STRATFORD OPERA HOUSE, BRANTFORD,' ONT., Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1. per bottle. Prepared only by C. X. /leo d & Co.. Lowell, MasL cure Liver Ills; easy to Itiood`s Pills take, easy to opar4tte. We. N•TICE. Wingbam is already. noted for merchants who sell their goodsat scarcely a living profit, Drygoods are cut .every day, so also are boots and shoes, crockery is smashed, and strong constitutions are wrecked by the strife after gold. The constitutional earl be rectified by using Gorden & Co's. Little 'Dandelion Pills for the Liver and • tz,„ !lethal Bitters for Headaohss sour Stomach DySpepsia. lieatlifield's Healing B&s9,m ir that. Bad Cough and pain. - in the chest. Following this up with Gordon & Co's. Cream of Tartar„ Baking Powder at 20e. per pound, which makes light pastry, and if this den't make a clean. jOb of it, ask t see their 10 cent Sponges- and 5 cent Soaps, the greatest value offered. • CEntral Restaurant has been opcned in IVRICenzie's Block, (opposite the Presbyterian Church) A FUll Una of Confectionery Figs and Nuts kept in stook. FRUIT'S s Ofa eallsl-cl,d as,itrlitahnecIr 0 YSTERS in bulk or served to tas- i1 1iour ho $ 53, 3AS. MoALPINE, onnuat. AESTAtIRANT. EVY MAVHL 1110P, MR. _TORN Mtf RRANT has opened, out t new machine Tshop, thoroughly equipped with a -OX Newt:fat:ft of tilachim y tdiudirg an iron Planer. Lathes etc. and is now prepar- ed to do a general line of re- pairing. Engine and Mill Machinery repairing and pipe fitting a specilty. All kinds of shafting, gear- ing, iron and wooden pul!eys, brass and iron casting i• sup- plied on shortest notice. GLENANN.A.11. i Death Of Thomas XeCiTeevr. James Wallace has iuoved with ' The death of Thomas McGreevy his wife and family into a house on ex111. P., removes from the arena a Mr. Gilbert Stephen's farm, 1a man who had a chequered career Mies Millie Small, after spending:For many years, he was M. P. for her Christmas holidays with her , Quebec. West, a nd treasurer of the Con- Remember this. parents, returned to bet place. Iservative party in Quebec, Provinee. 4 works. Get It One of our thrifty farmers made aiWhite in that cuPtwitY, "a through lc if isHoutils 11' CONDITM:4 hastytuove last week.: he considered ; the incompetence, or worse, of the it easier than to pay rent. Ministers the limn of whiehMeGreeyy miss Bella McBeth of Brueefield, 'was the bead, was allowed to expluit, is visiting her uncle Mr. T Gilmour. the BoruiPion treasury to the tune „Tames Gurimir, after spending his of hundred of thousands of dolled's. Christmas holidays with , friends in When lion. Mr. Parte discovered the Stanley returned borne last Satur. raseauttes and. demanded the punish - Ment of those gailty, McGreevy and day. Mr. John Mitchell of Manitoba, his partner were made scapegoats formerly.of Turnherry iat present though it was proven that all or al e visiting his friends and relatives in most all the money went into the Con - this neighborhood. Servativeeleetion funds. " The great- er criminals escaped then, but they have since ' been punished by de- privation of office. For causing this he has since been helct in detestation by the beneficiaries. TURNBERRY, Whilst the year 1896 wasfast passing away, about 50 guests as- sembled at the residence of Mr, D, Gernmill, as a farewell Visit to. Mr. Thos. Bremner, who is shortly Iwo, ing the neighborhood for Toronto. The company the greater portion -of which were young pe.ople, ,Atuused themselves at several ganies, and vocal and instrumeotal music. In the eourse of the evening an address 31..11F.V.A.LE. On Tuesday evening of last week Miss Annie Men tardy attended prayer •meeting in the Presbyterian church. The Mght was damp and she naught a cold which developed. into pneu- monia, and. in spite of all that tender. - nursing and medical skill could. do was presented to Mr. Bremner, and for he; he died on Saturday after - read by Miss Mary Hooey, Of which noon, ,• Alai sympathy is felt for the fullOwing is a copy. • annms.her bereaved relatives, and especi- • I ally for • her heart -broken motber To Mr. Thomas E., Bremner. I who is in -feeble .health, Miss Me-' Dear Friend,- • Hardy had suffered very much th We the members ohnon- the fall, from a severe type of throat f te 1,ary Congregational ehurch, very :trouble, which bad no doubt weaken- nnioh regret that you are about ed her constitution, and when pneu- dopart from amongst us for a time, r.tnuniaset its she was unable to with. Aithooeit we are very sorry to loose stand it. MisMeHardy was res. von, still were are pleased to kllow : Peeled bY Ali who knew ber and 'hat von are ening were ypu rnavIliad many friends. A large number prepare yourself to make your lite of •faiends and rtkttivet attended the still more useful., You have grown 'faneral on Tuesday afternoon to nu amongst us, and by your 'kind, show their respect for the dead . and agreeable, 'sociable,. and obliging their Vali-lathy with the living. companionship, you have, won the A -tithe Pre:pi% teriantt, in. BlueVale e4teem and friendship of every one have no statimied .minister, Rev, D. Perrie of Winp,•ham had charge,of the funeral services. We arepleased to know that ' Miss Annie Same is recovering from her dangerous illness.. Mr. R. L. Stewart, mathematical master in Alexandria high school, returned to his duties last Friday, with whom yuu have become an- quainted. As a little token of es. [Tem for you and your valuable ervices as organist, we beg leave to present to you this gold. watch and 'lard. We hope they will serve to ,"111 to your mind, the many sweet nod happy thoughts connected • with to hillt119, E, 21, 1197 Farm Produce Taken as Cash" Presh BUTTER, EGOS, Pure LIVAD alvroa en hand. COAL OIL, LAMPS 'ETC. WM. "411ila. Growl". Wingba rth'eileal addresses by praetietti Mai 'n every planted sueeeisfill &them. or official programme giving foil particulars address: lirlifrATO.Setirtary, 861 Ifehmend St., Center ntAilding London, Ont. vaetory. . .i01111 "OD BAY. • Button & Pedant Sw bow hi pound of L VJiilDER, -.1. does it wel ;ii l, or DU get 1 costs 25e., does its work andil your money' bat*. 4-1 ,1,01,0010100,1, Anything else we teetanmenddrr'l riearries witti it the saute guar -BI tantee. We want year trade,gil your permanent trade and. witb !jit your .coeficlence rtg CHISHOLMS Dial SORE4 ,41# WINellAff, ONT. ;LIA'q • ..•ft,etet,i For leorty Dyts. St, Thomas, ---A remarkable case is being treated h> 0 leen! physician. A man, 06 years cf" titre. who la, subjected to fits bf men,01 ahheratiOna has abstained from P cd fr. 40 days„. being a vietirn ef the denoion that; he had been divinely ord. T ed to fast . he received wild to partake again of food. He a otaatneed yes-. terday ttat bis long fast was to encl.: to -day. He is still in gotal health, Live Steck ktu...h.t,, • East Buffalo, N. Y:,Jannary 4. - Cattle -66 cars through, 125 cars ort* -7-'-• - sale; market steady; best heavy • steers, $4.75, ® ; gore! to ChOiCe shippers $4,40 :El. $4,65; light butch- ers to good handy filed( in steers, $3.95 Ca) 4.35 q.t.) 41.40; good to extra fat heifers, $.75 Ofe P4.175 ; fair to good butchers' bull, .$215-- ® 3.35. good -smokers, $3.25 (4!3.50; feeders 13 60 Cu 3.85; veala active; tops, $7 @ $7.50: others, $t 50 Hogs -29 • ears through; 103 oars at sale; market••active and higher good to choice YOrkn. P8.70 ® $3.75; light, tt3.80 oar associations, We hope too tan,' after spending Christmas with his a 75 ; $3,55 ® $3.65-; mediunts, $3.50 $3.90; Inixrd packers, parents and. relatives.. you may (-ontinue to be as pat haw ben, tisSfill to those around you and Mr. Nor man Farquharson of @ PB•55 ; behvYt 2350; rotlszils. 83 • C83 .8102i0n;•gstage, l'0312;2 - 5 -c' -::L.12 75. eciosed Mr. and. Mrs. Christopher t" Yourself, and nnWwe sy- fare. Wingbain, .,ttended the funeral of ® well, the paryer t,f (etch one ot Miss Annie dellardy, on Tuesday. barely steady, t tit an eat,ier groon ve came to Bluevale, from Mni- 114'c'rrieablIga °t 1 )tdi.ilureisntelt:tt‘t1:: el. if 1.11sit:i 1,;,4°ft jaestt pai: 1e Hogs closes the fact that late Chit:Ago tlospatehes reported the warkc.-'; tlie,,-; weal< and. lower. Sheep and lan.ns-50 cars or. sale, Mein; hoz s; st co . , 4 0,nadas 14th at 1.30 p. in. at the as compared with i 3.1 eos a• week lose of the meeting a large dividend ago. Eastern that ;s.t111,4 ttA-te up 25e, will be paid to the patrons. with only 35 ears al-. ti.0.14 Jersey The box social under the auspices City and Sixtleto Slat .e. New York. of EboneZer ela* held in the house Valtles here uel e ii.re :::: :10 higher or Nir, Edward Buman. of Morris on than Sa.turday for troo.1 to choice Tnesclay night was a very fanny with °thee glatto: abuitt I 5e better airah to 1. ust people especially to than Saturday. w hilu shee.p were all the :,.4 tug people. Mr. Bosman's of 10 te ale hotpot' than Autarchy, large Nese was comfortably tilled Very 00(1 choice bon hs si 'III a t and if the weather had been fine it ® 5.40 ; fancy at $5.50; late to, gond; would have been untomfortably $5 e." $5,15; good tu eboiee filled. Mr. and Mrs Boman and fami- weight wethers sold at et o 1ywee v y kind and every one was fair to ch&ce mixed, :',:12.1.5 (i,4 ct grateful t hem for the good time export ewes and %%ethers, 1,,4 they onAteli. When the boxes WOO. Canatlit lanbs-The were tLelling the girls looked wistfully at the door to see what kind of partnerthey would get. When the partner eo fi:axed it was mins t9 watett thv.a.preiont on the girls faces dome girls Jaws would fall with dissapointment seine would turn very heavy lambs, 'NW*, red and some would have looked qaoted at $5.10 -to. pleased, however every body made Veit receipts and hi the best of this bargain and latighed bring an over aim enough to keep fat for a, long time and prices int1.e, 1+4 short programme was given gave the crewd an excellent or). portunity to talk and laugh .sonm which was very muell enjoyed a8 it Wiwi Mr. and Mrs. Duoglas Fraser were driving to ehurch last Sunday the whilfletree broke at the 13. hill and the horse trotted on and left thent sitting in the buggy. When the horse got to the Church shed, Mr. Jame Elliott led it back to the buggy and the Fritters contin- ued their journty. Mrs, Win. Messer teeeiVed word on Tuesday that her brother Mr. . MeAllister of BOISSeValti Manitoba *was dangerously Ill with pneumonia. iod ;,:. w rtiyott till wo -meet :whin ; toba ,their wedding tour, and axe fly bia comeit guide uphold you; visiting at Mr. Kirswel of Turnberry With his Wert securely fold you : w!th (.,11 till we wet „wilt) ;,1 and also at Mr. John Musgrove's. The Bluoyale Cheese Company Signed. will hold their annual ineetino. in the Mary A. Hooey Wm. Gemmill . . And. Longley • John Hooey. Turnberry, -Dee. 30th, 1890: \r,.. 13remiter in I.( ptving Baal that be felt quite unequal to the task of expresing. his feelings of surprise and.. pleasure, regarding the beauti- ful gift so 1.5enerously tendered. He felt that his services bad been. over- rated, what he had done was done with a sense of duty, and not with a hope of reward, and that du V had been also a source of peasare ncl. ofprofit to him, and he would always remember with pleasare the ones with whom he had been aSu- elated in the their and -church work. This handsome present would PO) maiincier to him of many a pleasant IWO 4,c,nt in their vont pa a y . • • Which would. you rather trust? An old, true friend of twenty years, or a stranger? You-, may have little health left. Will you risk it with a stranger? If you have a cough, are losing flesh, if • weak and pal, if consump- tion stares you. in the fac, lean on Scott's tmulsion. It ha been a friend to thou- sands for more than twenty • eara. They trust it and you ean• trust it, Let us send you a book telling you all about it. Free for the asking. iCtarT 40%IltNe Iletlevale, Oat, fl Foresters' hall on Thdrsday January 0; „to of six ears was C:411 f tit tbe prevailing ad ve nce ; got (1 '0 ehoiee brought i; 5.30 The ttne 'al't). .)1.d host 11sitiat- 10 to $,5.20; gnerally, $5.10 tti e5 15; good tal wethers 5. Today's , fitted may ef stok, ue.yr Montreal, Jan. 4.- (Merinos at tos day's cattle inarke 500 tattle, 25t) Oleo and ianth i:1 ea I N. cs. Trado, was dull. 1k4.% 1. 4.*er eompared with it, Week mg( k • it 1313 ge steers. sold for 31c to 8;c, 4ta ti si iiatebers stnek at 1.1,, 1kt 1.4% t rice.,• Pretty good stOttk 44 id ;I' t, 416, per ib. eornmen, l. 7 ye 2 Three extra eahes lor others sold front , 2 to sheep, 21e to 3e itor t 4, 44 e, Ifogs, 4.1t31).. Liberals ot .., .‘Arr, lerreo ottt a warrant; fel t Anderson, ott tt . dopnty Mr. Gladstone celebrated We IltAllet.1t0X-es lot thy oig,tpseventh birthdo at Iwar& John Mxie1noth4 at* Don &Won. t • , • II stand, 404f. 04- tat'T.