The Wingham Times, 1897-01-08, Page 4Ain Use, Colin A. Campbell's tug Q Tati nd Wt d heli • ,r. a sure cure for COUGHS A N I ) Sold bar ...0..""i THE WXN( HAM TIMES, x'J ANUARY 8, 189T. "IIITECHURCI1, l:l 'l)r, Jamieson, fti reeent graduate -in medicine, has commenced praetieo mereele'It is hoped that his business thaw be sufficiently remunerative to induee his permanent residence among us. The anniversary services of the Methodist church, held here on '27th and 28th of Dee., was quite success- fel, The r•ermous znoriling and 1 evening by the Rev. IL L. Hutton, of Ripley, and afternoon by Dr. Gifford !of Winghare, we re. eloquent and in - CO LDS, 'structive presentations of divine trust. The teas, -meeting on Monday evening tivas a great success. The church was well filled. A splendid supper COLIN A. CArIPBELL E was Iwo%ided by tho members and adherents of the congregation. ,lbie 2 doors S. of P. U. tV lntillnnl- ndch er=es were delivered by Revs. Hutton, MacNab and Dr. Gifford, and the t)rehessra.l Band, of Wing - ha, ., halt, supplied the musical part of l In ha ,; t1 . i the programme very much to the • , delight of the people. A social on the fhllo wing Tuesday evtlniug in the.interes`s of the Sabbath School was well attended, at the conclusion of these interesting services. Total receipts over seventy dollars,...4 -Fitt zit FRIDAY, JA13ITADY 8, 1307' EDITORIAL NOTES LIncr.-CoL. LAZIER has made leis' report on the charges against Mr.' Farrow, ex -M. P. postmaster of Brussels. The report is now before the Government, ONE of the deputy returning officers in Macdonald, Man, Dominion election by name, Uriah Seralnmel, Mas sworn that he inserted in his ballot box six ballots marked. Nat Boyd the success- ful Conservative candidate. SAYS the Toronto Telegram: "Parts of Wiifird.Laurier's speech t.'Mont- realfor strength andnobility of thought beauty and dignity of language excel the powers of any other grater on the American continent and the best ef- forts of any livinf; spearer of the Angle -Saxon tongue. Slat Cn':.RLEs T[%I'i'Ei3itseems,can- :notforgive Lord Aberdeen for re- fusing to strain the ';constitution to keen hitt iii office afterbis defeat last Jane. The Conservative leader who is now in England has been distri- butin;; his speech atta.eking the Gov- ernor-General among statesmen in England, Bat it is all waste effort, The Governor.(enerai's act was in in the best interestsof the' Diexxill:AM. • Tilel Ottawa correspondent cf the Toronto World announced that the trade in frozen fish between 'Canada and the old country is to ---receive large encouragement. Some of the largest fish dealers in London, Fang., have had representatives in this country snaking purchases and arrangements for shipment. British fish dealers have secured from the Canadian Pacific Railway and other of oter roads advantageous rates ,for the carriage of their consignments. Ox December 20th; the venerable statesman, Gladstone, celebrated his 87th birthday. Seldom has any- one attained so ripe an age, whose life has been so full of activity, as has been that of the Hon. W. it . fxladstene. His great intellect seems to have become more keen, and his conception of public questions dear- er as the years go by. The ground he has taken as to Englands duty, in that somewhalcomplieated East- ern question, will yet be y'indicated. Piaeh day goes to show the insincer- ity of the Sultan, in his promises of reforms. Nor will this insatiable hell -hound yield one jot towards re- lieving his suffering subjects till he feel the grip of death at his throat.. •Iitig nd must yet intervene to save from utter destruction and annihil- ation the Armenians. Gored By A bull. ilarriston, Jan. 5. ----Donald Sinelair a. fanner and old resident of the Town- ship of Minto died this morning as the result of injuries received from a bull he was leading to drink on Sun- day hist. HOWICK. M a meeting' of the ratepayers of the Union S. S.1(o. 10, the Officers reports were .submitted and adopted. W. Weir was elected section auditor mei R. McIntosh unanimously elected trttete0 in the room of M. McMichael. 'retiring. After a. spirited cemlpet. tarn, ten loads of hard wood was. t'ts) M. Marshall at 70e per cord, nti two cords of cedar to Mr. Aiken ". BLYTH On Monday one of the largest votes was taken at our Municipal eleetion for vallage councillors and (i3unty Council the vote standing as ±o lows: —For village coancil -Si s -1.50, McElroy 138, McNally 128,'Af#liburg 110, Itie0anghe3 70, McComniins 76; —for County Council—Patterson 2.46, Taylor 85, Stewart 58, Hanna 26, Curry 6. The maebieery in E. Livingstone's factory will be ranning order in two weeks. New Year's Day was observed as general holiday in this burg. Mrs. P. Moore, of Stratford spent her New Year's holidays with friends and relatives here. Holy communion was celebrated in Trinity Church on Sunday morning. Miss. M, Bell, has returned home from Atwood for a short time. Mr. James Sims left on Tuesday for Detroit. Our new school is about completed and will be one of the best in the section. It reflects eredit on the contractors alike from the substantial and well-built foundation to the roof Messrs. Howard and H. Ste ens ale to be congratulated on their superior mechanical work. his township Promptly ;tit 5 i'.. 1t1. ; MAIMET 1tErat TS. curing the playing of a wedding "x'4':*'1 Winghein, jenuetv, 7th tem march by Miss. Jennie Anderson sister Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs. , +. ... i 2 30,,to 2 40' Pall Wheat..,,,. • . #;. 0 75 -to 0 78 Spring Wheat 0 .05 to a ii0. Uais, new,— tali! ew,..,+ 0 Ill to 0 «)0 Barley 0 20 to 0 30 i'eas.,.....,.. , ,., 0 solo 0 30 iiutterr+,., ,.., , • ., 0 12 to 0 12 Eggs per dozen .... , ... , 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord. , • , • . , ,fi, ,, 1 de to 1 50 Kay per ton, , 8 00 to 0 00 o0. 204toto00 25 4 2020to025 040 to 050 0 4to0 5 0 7to0 8 425 to 400 10 to 23 of the bride, the happy couple entered the parlor the bride leaning on her father's arnt. Hymens knot was see- urely tied by Rev. W. T. Hall, ot iielgrave. The bride was tastefully attired in cream cashmere trimmed with silk and chiffon. .t ter the congratulations were over, the assem- bled friends and relatives to the Potatoes, per bushel, number of about ninety sat down to a sumptuous repast, to which all diel ample justice. The remainder of the evening was clajoyably spent in "trip- ping the light fantastic" and all de- parted to their respective homes well pleased with their evening's enjoy- ment and desirous of witnessing a similar event in the near future? The many costly gifts which were received testify to the esteem of the young couple, They drove to their new home the same night and carried with them the lest visiles of their numerous friends and acquaintances, for a long and happy life. ' florins.; di., tc Iet; settled on pieced in our. LUCKNO W. We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Donald Campbell, grocer of this place, after a short illness, on Saturday last. The funeral took place on the 4th inst. and was large- ly attended. He leaves a wife and three daughters to mourn bis death. It is needless to say that they have the deepest sympathy of a largecoiu- munity in their bereavement. Our municipal elections passed off very quietly, the whole Council be- ing elected by acclamation and are as follows: Reeve, J. G. Murdoch; , Councillors, Jas. Lyons, Win. Taylor, s Allain Thompson and John M. Brown. i The election for County Councillors which took place on Monday, did not 1 create much stir, but a good vote was brought out. There were six candi- ' dates in the field, but Messrs. Alex. Nicholson and James Gaunt were the favorites as far as Lueknow,was con - 7,1 cerned, the result being as ' 2 Ws:Mex. Nicholson 252, Jas. Gaul, 07 Hobert penis 80, John Humber.ones w 28, John MeCharles 15 and David (Henderson 8. The result over the whole district is the election of i Nicholson and McCharies. N. I less all accounts must v 23 or they will be s YOP co on. fOR SALE OR RENT. F.4vOt of 00 acres, Kiulose township, Bruce Co.,75 acres cleared; stream of spring water, two goo wells;pewr wind -n.41100(1 house, large batik barn, good stables;two trcr bearing orchard, 2 miles from W hitechuteh station, 4 from ucltnow; an excellent niw artunity ler doirg a profitable dairy business. Apply to Airs A. Stewart, Lit:Arnow,11. A. Stewart St. Thomas or A. U. Stewart, Turrswater, THE ROLSTIEN DAIRY is prepared to fill orders for milk of the best quality His cows ore well fed, are kept sorupulously clean anc3 milk:d with dry hands and aro housed m glean tables. Surely this milk must be nice to drink and more wholesome than that from cows who carry such plaint yidences or filthy premises about then, end are allowed to feed en the streets and hack yards of the town, mtegratgramorengepre MMES' FANCY . SLIPPER .A.nTE FE , KIC SLIPPERS, A FULL STOCK FOR XMAS. GEO. GOOD. 1, T BERRY AGI 1C_ULT tiCiL1 s Tuktnode Agricultural he annual meetin lety will be h Council am RAL the Turnberry fn the r, Wingham, ON Wednes • ,v, an. 13th, 1897 At one o'eloe p. in., for t • hearing of the auditor's report an, e election of o ers and directors and any othe usiness Mutt Watt . brought before tba meets also. a full att nciance • members is rs- que. ed WO) MOFFAT President. w F Bl +CIiBNSIIIftr Secretary NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the HOWICK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, will be held in the, Township Hall, Gerrie. on FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1897 at 1 o'clock p. tu., for the purpose of receiving the report of the Directors for the past vear, the election of two dirge• tors and for other business. By order of the Board, W, S. NtoKgaclirla, Secretary. • WZNGHAX ytY 'end MINING DILLS. 19feLEAN &SON, Props. A gang of thieves paid this placed i A large stock of all kinds ot rough and visit very early on Monday morning, plained lumber, Shingles, Lath, Apple 4th inst. Securing a ladder they ;Barrels, Cedar Pasts, Hard dna Soft climbed to the balcony of Mrs, Alex. Wood, eta , kept constantly on hand and McKinnon's house; the door of which deal on shortest notice. urders by mail or telephone promptly attended to. being unlocked they had no difficulty 1 in making an entrance. They enter- t ItteLIBAN 4St S910T. ed the bed room where Mrs. Mc- Kinnon's father was sleeping and succeeded in abstracting $5 and some change from his pants pockets. flus. Mckinnon hearing a noise, asked her father if it was 1ti13i that was moving around. At this they took alarm and made otf. They also suceeeded it making an entrance to the residence of Mr. John Archibald, but failed to get any booty. >t F1F.Af.F c1 TRvn1',i ' An attempt S'4'aSalSeir4[,onernT. wr1[ bo recd made on Mr, Jas" Bryan's residence:4rrfdaythettth,ray .f tesontot or tier JlA ahs but it failed, tines tar four \e a from MA RACT. anrfrersed to the Postnrnster at Ottawa until Hoon, en uarv. 1807, for tho con. ails, on proposed con. he 1st of Aprr1 next I n'?f" 1 Between tilt rannarr an 1ta11way Station, 12 'EAST • WAWAI II. \c times per we -k .ae.'tr maw. w ilttr'cerr c lerieh and Le now, 0 times per On`' ' Wednesday the 80th, ti "real- a:t 1Satxlee w tltxlcrichandionca dente of Mr. Finlay Anderson was 'e'rck tttoh av• the scene o f a very pleasing even,the l'rinr ., nntirort centahrl»sf furthr t+ c»ru .lona Af rto >orsi eorrtrrlets »r occasion being the marriage of his 1' third daughter Annie M. and Mr 1 Gowan a prosperous yofarrmea• ne, 5 time* per »formation as rr be !seen ling 1,11e nt 7et; a luau be oktainett the post along the renpeeth a renter and at this otllae, 11. [a, IIOPRffK, Post om(4 lnepeetsr. btratford.4tic Ireoee:her1.0#. Tallow, per lb„., „,. •. ,.., Dried Apples, per lb. , . ,1.. . Chickens•.... , Ducks.. Geese.......—. .... Dressed Hogs Wool A, fi per Bent. Permanent Investment The Squitabl. 1avinga Loan &BuildingAsso. oiation. 0* Toronto, are selling shares ot their new Issue of i'ormaneat Stock omit each. Partierpants in full earning=s of the As*oelation front which they are paying halt yearly dividends at the rate of per anniun, liatanee of earrings Payable as it bonus at the end of each fire years. Per particulars of security eta., apply to ,, A. 13. SILITIH, AMT. m FCB SALE. -Boit) g ,t 39, and east half of 18 town- ship of. ' urnberry, two and a quarter utiles frost Wingham,.end containing150 ecres, 110 acres cleared; in a good state of cultivation, good bank barn, frame house, two good wells. For, further particulars apply to Drawer 77, Windham. Th Dotter Trail, Bluer o'clock p. ne„ ors and the trans may come before t ANNUAL ME TII C. nnual meeting of the Pinwale Che tory Co.. will be held 1» the on Thursday Jamr r the election 11 ,rosters' , et one oar,' of Direct- en y other business that tine. v Order rix Boson's Secrotary A. E. SMITH that will fi Will start Saturday morning a ne sink into cfioun”! try. ., arWy trK off`!ev rha e. 41) ctr> insignicance irx POCa, 60 1:3 we will banish all idea of prof>t, we must have money. BANKER, WIN. GRAM I GENE1tAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. Money advanced to Fe.rnrers. and Business men on endorsed notes and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. moneys remitted by draft to all ports ot Canada and the 'Gaited States. Notes nod accounts collected en reasonable terms. ONT 'VE LOOK THE USEFUL Keep in Mind our Fine Kid Shoes and Slippers. Warm Pelt Shoes and Slippers. rF Overshoes, Leggings Moccasins. GROCERIES Peels, Spices, Raisins, Choice Teas, Bags of Nuts, Boxes of Figs, Fragrant Coffees, Big Barrels of Candies, ''gy p, ++ hand ^allq kiinn^ds o• fj Y GEO.,[yl.x (./J .+ Cj3[/URIES. GEO. idRiSJ 'ODi, Dealer in Shod Ana Groceries Wi17kglIttltMis • • • 0 t. Your choice ot any OVERCOAT(it, at the :EC+ for ebeo down to Q, ^'mrz„i75rr1 Special line of Dresden Front, Shirts for the holiday trade, Your choice of any Short Pants Suis , t the Bt C4 for 5 down to 85c. (sues from 3 to 16 yrs1 ' Cash Alone Captures T THE , h, ;' -Stoltnchoice of men's suit&'f cin $9 down to $ 3 wearing pants 75c. to $3 all. wool gooc s Our gents' Furnishing °department is complete, Nec Braces, Gloves, Hats, Caps, ,Socks, Boys' Long Stockings, Collars, Cuffs and everything , that is kept in a first-class gents' .store.— ALL MUST40 AT PRICES EQUALLY AS LO. In our Ordered Clothing we lead ---.foo different patterns to choose from. suits from $9 up to $35, must fit 'or no sale. COME EARLY AND GET THE B.AR(-.AINS.9 JOHN RI! ETL&Six Macdonald, Block, Wii gha n, CLEARING i SAlith MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS– DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. 422.411613 STILL 00VITINTJES and will continue until the wh elitock is cleared out. We are highly, gratified at. the success a tte;!.ding our eff'0jts in this direct- ion; the great eonsuming mass of this country are not 81a v to *1ktinguisli between a fake and a genuine sale, prices tel every time. Another ecnsign- ment to hand of goods bought for lc ;a, titan 50c.{ ri, We would ask as a favor frons our eustome>a, at least all who can make it convenient, to do their shopping early in tbeklay, in this way we can serve you better in the afternoons, we are so much crowded that we are not able to give you that attention vie would like, 15 pieees Drees Goods were 15 now 5 i 10 tt tC bi r! 25 t! 10 t' 15 " " $5 " 20 $andkei-chiefs\cit lull tha 1 cost aaad a great . g. :: ,t It GO " X15 a "Ili. moll:_ 5 -t 60 tt 40 artic s we have tui 'ocnn ..tp, menton.- I verythini gots all* alont the line. Call early and get fiery special bargC}ie 1/4 4 " At 't 50e on the $1 Tweeds 50c " " $1 Mantle Goods 50c " " i1 Ready Made Mantles 50e " t' Si Shoes 50e " " $1 12 Storm Collars 50e " " ,tri 8 Fur Sets 50e " " ai MA0DCN•ALD BLOCK. W1til;IIA141. ICILISICIMS;'c from now xntil January 1st, 189 r $1 25.