The Wingham Times, 1897-01-08, Page 1to.L. XXV,---NO. 1301.
Before the close
,of old '06, we desire
to tha4 our many
44FrIgitils and Cus-
tomers for •their
'very liberalpatron-
plg.e and support
which they have
accorded us during
the yea -r, you have
stood by us most
nobly and we ap-
preciate it, and
whatevor ourfaulfs
have been, let us
bury them all with
the close of 1896,
remembering ,the
Songo. tho Angels
some nineteen hun-
dred yRars ago.
-331A on earth
good w13.1 towards
Again we thank
you, wishin.g y�tl
he compliments
the season and.
many, many happy
.new years.
Marriago Licenses
Issued by Panne Peeraasele, No 23, Vic-
toria street,Winghain, Ont. No witnesses
C/• -el
• \-- •
Canada's popular commercial school. one bet.
for in the Dominion. Our courses of stndy are
bristling with good business points. Experienced
teachers in every department • ex -Students of other
business cell, ges now in attendance; moderate
rates ; hoard low. A go-ahougl school turning out
wide-awalce young men and women: gradhates al.
Ways successfu. Business is reviving and ninny
bright young persons will be needed next fall. Now
is the time to be prepared, and this is the school in
which to get. your preparation. Beautiful litho-
graphed catalogue free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
WDAIMAZA/t/RA, 464DivtAt,
Q 42,
rrrP MQQ
ClubblInt •ull.245
Weekly Globe and TII I3 i $ 1 2
A •" Mail &Empire " 1 05
Stile and . " { 1 40
" Advertiser and " 1 50
e Witness and. -; ., 1 60
family Herald & Star " 1 7°
(0' Saturday Night and . I 2 3°
,en Farm & Fireside and *. 1 40
Farming (monthly) and .. 1 79
Daily Globe and 6 70
" World and " t 2 15
d News (3 months) " 1 5
1tj f1
. .
of all CREAMS, lines Of
Pries at the
City Restaurant
r '
-Hear Charles Kelly, Canada's greee ( Robbing. Henson, enut,w, Forbes, Kerr,
I • ' Mr. .I. E. Steads wv.s in Scaforth this Mcirtillene, Reading. Trustees -Sell, His -
cock, Abraham, 13itrbenr, Moore, Homath,
bass singer. TOWN COUNCIL ,
"eee-A. message was received here on Fri • I Omen met cm Thursday evening. fl0- week.
ay, announcing the death of Mr. Oruick- 'lording te adjournment. MemM
Members present: '
shanks of Cobourg, father of George and Meyer, Deputy-lieeve Holmes, Councillors seafro.rTthi:os. Dodds spent New Years in Dutton, Griffin.
Wm. Oruickshauke, Deputy -Reeve of Gelley, Robinson. Dore, Shaw, Melees!),'
T rnberry. we' eVilson, Forbes, Kling and Gordon. ! Colin Kennedy spent his holidays in
3 -On Saturday morning, Ild re. Wm f LI • . •'• • • ,
The re ort of the sueciel committee re :
Moore met with a painful accident by eatelryrbenne7 was again a ' Dr. and Mrs, Macdonald spent Friday at
tne upsetting of a boiler of but water. F .C1 r by"Ftlpin Brucefield.
Her hand and her area, as Jar as the tBhalt:tv11CoydineotT1 ioSnO,f Stnrertel inion that°1.1'hoelis'. : Ed' Mooney, of Ripley,la
Bell is entitled under the Loan agreement t Thursitsary. coney, was 1, town
elbow, were badly scalded. eed to exemption from taxes on the new i
-January 3, was settling up day among addition to .his factory, therefore, resolved Mr. Will Herably, of Palmerston, was in
the merchants and the report from Tel:e'en:, that all taxes except County and School : towndon Taesday.
is that paper was well met, though a Rates is hereby granted to elk. Bell on , 1. J. Swan, of Chesley, spent Su et -
number of small failures ranging in liabili- assessed value of seed builetiffg during tho, de' ' t in town.
ties from $2,000 to $15,000 are reported. continuance of said agreement -Carried. ' Mr. Thomas Balmer, of Toronto, spent
-Mr. ,John T. Currie, of East Wawa- C)rclers for exemption on the different ;New Years in town.
nosh, gave a supper to a large circle of factories according to the report and reso• I Mr. James Wylie, of Kincardine, spent
friends on Tuesday evening last and an lotions relating thereto, were ordered to be, his b lideys in town
eot. Quite a number were invited from The following accounts were ordered to tha ; M dPitult Dawson, of Georgetown, spent
town. be paid : John Diolisert, postage .5R,10; V : etdays iv town.
pros issned.
enjoyable time was spent by ehose
Vannernian. talculg caret lockup, 010; acts Nee eked Korman, Guelph , polled his
MaKelvie, meal to indigent, 20 eents; Jno. vote in town Monday.
Wilson, night shelter for chief, )3.10: . , ele, Russ, Bencefield, spent Sundey with
Councillor Forbes, chairmen of the his uncle, Dr. Macdonald.
committee appqinted to search for the iron :
stakes supposed to beat the 8 W corner ofher sister, Mrs. Bastedo.
Miss Campbell, of Listowel, is the guest
Josephine and Victoria streets, reported.
that an iron stosupposed to be theone ! . Miss Ella Kinsman is visiting with her
planted there by Mr. Miles had been found. : slated Mrs. Law, in Sarnia.
Moved by Coun. Wilson, emended by ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duffield had their
McLean, that the Mayor bo empowered to New Year dinner in London.
employ Mr. Miles, P; L. .3., to find the 'kiss Mary' Sharp, Teeswater, spent
limits of Josephine street 'and to plant Monde,y with friends indown.
land r"arks on the same. • (*fames Brandon arrived here on New
Yeas : Relates, Wilson, Dore, Gordon,
Shaw and McLean. Year's night from flarniota, Man.
Nays: Sps,rling, G,olley, Kling, Robinson Mr. Ben Wilson, of Winnipeg, arrived
and Forbes. in town on Wednesday evening.
Motion carried. 1 Arthur Wade, of Clinton, is the guest of
The Mayor stated be had. engaged a his sisters, Miss Eva and Grace Wade.
house for Mrs. Montgomery at the rate of Mrs. Wm. Watehwouth spent New
$150 per month, and that the rent was to
.date from ltd of January. Years with her friends in Listowel.
Ireneen-efeLenti-Thet the Collector is (Arr. Rebt. Elliott, proprietor of the Togas -
hereby empowered and required to go on sot Chrortiele, wasi.e town last weele.tee
g well known to a large nuenber of the stud collect the balance of the taxes on the A. L. Btalwin, enitor Blyth Standard,
Sun -
older residents of Wingham. His father year-Carried.and Mrs. ieradwtn, were hi town on roll for the preseut •
a successful tmerehant of Luck noW, In • Moved by Golley, seconded by McLean, , they*, Business Locale.
the early '70's started a branoli store iu that we recommead te the incoming (loan- i E -Reeve Sperling was in Durhane on
Good Beef, • cheap, at Fields.
Lower Wingliam and Dunald, while .a oil the re-ongagment of Chief Vannorman ' Monday, looking after hie vote in that
mere child, was given charge of it. He for the year 1807 as we have found bim • place. Lettuce, Home grown, at Far quilt:atm%
inade a large circle of friends while here to be a very efficient offfcer.-Carried i Messrs. Campbell and Chisholm spent A box stove for sale -Enquire at this
who will be sorry to hear of his sudden the holidays with feiencle in Reroute and office
death. Council adjournd. e
....._..i....— - : Whitby.
IRMO* Tete wheel. House. I Miss A. Gifford, Owen Seunddand Mies WANTED,—.9. good servant girl. Apply
There is nothing, perhapa in a 'town, K. Mills, Stratford, were guests at the at the Exchange Hotel.
Band Concert.
under the control of the Clouneil more im- : parsonage.
The latest Imperial Photos, 85 per doz
Portant than the fire protection. Electric ; Mr. and Mrs. Carrie and Miss Helen, of
at the Star Photo Studio, Beaver Block.
lights are a good thing to have and add 1 Mount Forest, were tee guests of Airs.
'materially to the convenience and accome- :Holm last week. 4 pounds of good mixed candy for 25
dation-of the public: good streets, clean 'k.,Mrs. Rev. D. Perrie and daughter, of cents. 2 dozen oranges for 25 cents at
and properly graded, ere a thing to be de- ' Wingliam, spent Christmas with friends in
sired. But no doubt a few of our readers , SeaforthJtr. '
can remember being in towns where such i Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Wingham, Box Stove and Cc al Stove for sale. Heve
luxuries as lights, graded streets and well i spent Christmas with Mr. and. Mrs. John been replaced by furnace. Enquire et this
kept sidewalks, other than along main , Dodds.-Settforth Sun, office.
street was not considered of great import- Bny your beef at Field's by the quarter
reetRobt Fleuty, of Blyth Standard, was in
sore : the people had done without .these 'get it good and at the same
toven on Tuesday attending the funeral .where you will
for twenty years or more and ib really didtime cheap.
not amount to =eh, if o. person groping ot his cousin, 33 Idleuty..e-
his way home on a dark night did stumble ' Mr, and Mrs. \V. F. Broekenshire, and Weierein-Girls to do plain ironing and
over a loose or broken plank once or twice their grand -daughter, Arlie Marks, spent learn Feeley ironing: Apply at the Heron
or even three times, skinning his knees or i Christmas week iu London. Steam Laundry, 'Victoria St.
getting into the inud. That is a matter of t Mr. Wen. Thom and family, of Dakota,
small amount. l'he front street was are at present on a visit to Mrs. Thorn's
lighted and looked respectable and the father, Mr. Wm. Netterdeld.
people on the back streets might put Op `. Mr. Wm. Irwin, Principal of the Listo-
with what was going, not se with fire pro- ' wel High School, epent New Year's Day
Motion. The beet that can be got is not ! with hisfather, Mr. Thos. Irwin, of town.
geed enough. A. few hour's disastrous fire '
might cense mons damage there would pay : Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gileg, of Deka* are
visiting with Mrs. Giles' taster, Mrs. Cole,
for adequate fire protection for years.
1 and Mr. and Mrs. James Giles, also of
Wingham has been remarkably free
i Dakota, are visiting at Mrs. Clileg' mother,
from fires: for needy two years there has edtei
• la ewthorne, nt Lower WInghein.
net been it blaze worth calling a fire. This ; '1.
is clue. efficiently to cur fire proteetion I
service. Credit is dim to Eec-DeputyReevel
Holmes for the mannerlwit which he, as ELECTIONS.
Chen:mail of the Fire, dater and Light I
Ceattnittee, looked after the. intereets of
the town iu this respect. But the Chair- I ,
rn'n of the Committee couldi
do little un - 7 for county ' councillors was as might
leee he has a good 'man as chief in whose
, be expected. Currie, Hanna. and Taylor,
immediate charge is the care ofthe power ; cat up (well others votes coesiderably. In
house and weterworks. We paid a visit to : division. 8 Turnberry went strong for Miller
the tire department recently mitt wen:tint' 'The double votes played havoc) with all ' plug; special bargains 111 pipes
pl, awed with What NVO saw. At( the wheel reeeeraeg. I cigars. J. McKneete.
house we fennel the Chief 62 the Fire Cotn- f
I ee
Death of Mr. Barn Plenty., piney, T Manuel, who had everything in ' C01:1XTV. cnexturzons.
I .
It is with deep regret we record the death exceilent. condition. Dm 3.•emn ie a model
A ill
▪ 72 F. A 1 A. meeting elZ1saeMheeektliinngil OW11 Hall
ef ie farmer townettiten. Mr.:teem Tleutv, of uoatnees, plants and piotnres decorating
h'' z se
te g e", El
ti .; Wingliam, on Friday, :fame 'de. eteea,
• E. -.
which took place in Paltueretni, nn Mon. tint well and a cheery fire bnrning , in the
day inoruing Mee Fluety wee wedlittiown stove, giving to, tbe elace a meet home -
for the purpose of oreamizing a paint 'weed •
helve, having lived with his uncle, Jaines like and comfortable appearance. The
V7 inghain 140 220 121 46 161 Company to start tebIlax mill. Faeteee...„
Plenty, We editor nf the Advanee, for Chief turned on the power, the great
6 20 210 53 80 are especially invited to take part,
riin,n•y years.eir. Flenty. who WaS thirty wheels 1110VC withat jar or noise, like 'theTheme noun.
years ago. Coinime to Wingheinl. to his in exactly 114 seconds, the register indicated .?•:. 1->e N44°,1•,.. 10,Turnberry, Jan, 11, 1$u7.
years Of 0.14% ON.OM to Lillta nnnnt.ry flEt6c11 smooth even motion of a great 'engine and
2 135 41 60 . • .
3 128 20 53.
uncleee he learned his trade ee printer in a force of 160 penmis. We next visited the „ „ " t.43, 100 The Central Restaurant, McItenxiit e,
the Advance office. I -le afterwards worked hose -reel and book aud ladder shed, where 4, 4, 4, 4.28 12t) 5823 10 17
itt different towns iu on tare:, :set ding. in everything was in order. One thing tbat . .
' 31 25 building, has been renovated throughnel
and every convenience has been added for
Palmerstee in Janitary'18112. as -foremen of we notined, however, was the condition of 1?. D. Net 19 ' 11 let) 113 10 the patrons' comfort. Meals at all hours. •
tbe Palmerston Reporter. He tuok entre
.1. the rubber coats ; we do not know whether 2. 1 14 110 60 12 Orders served in any style. Alto agent fel
of the Reporter, one year later sdwi was . they have been in the service sinne the
3, 1, et 8. 41 22 182 280 1'J the Huron Steam Leandlree whioli tot
.1.*6 .........• .... ......... .6........1. ...I.. .
Editor and Proprietor of the MOM until first fire company wits formed or not, but out work equal te ally city laundry. Leiteeeti
Aeguse of last year when he dispeeed of it, certainly the new Council wilt have to deal Totals 381 325 1173 - ilk) 170 orders et my Store. JexraktcAterete ''''
and had eines been running a stationery them off in some way erthey will seen be Pattersent 117a Propuese
• store which he heel opened up Immo tine deael stock on their hends. There will 8000
erviotte, have to be a gathering together of the ' Stuart 043
Hewes; a meiaber of Court Prince ef Wales nt& The coropeny have neatly fitted COMM! CODNeibLoutt Fah 18,17-3,898.
up , rooms in the Town Hell Where they Div. 8,•WroxeterMiller. Cook,
No. 83 C. 0. F. aml Palinersten Tent, No. . tender:10h Diva McLean, Holt.
le8 Ir. 0. T. M. Ho watt it highly bete:Med meet to transact businees. • The council
• . Exeter: Rollens, Mantle&
Resisted in tittirig ua these manila, by 'mak-
young man thn 101111%1in Paltueteton toSettfOrtlit .ye; McLean. •
the Station and 11 Wingham from the beg 4 grant CO the company: the rest bees
Brussels: M - neV, Hyseip.
been secured by priyate subseriptien and
liensall: IltnEwan,, Torrance.
by the brethren cif the C. ert
7' an- ""'" ' the town to be theire and theirs forever,
'''''44u'teet"de 1 by entertainmen , and all tuned e
' tover toe
Clinton: Cox, Snell.
G. T. le, to the neinstevy
Wingl3arn: Patterson, Stuart.
-The Societies of Christain Endeavor
belonging to this Presbytery, will hold a
convention here on Monday January 18,
when it is expected that a number of not-
ed speakers will be present and discuss
syijects pretaining to C. E. nork.
ae -While Unloading coal oil at the C. P.
R. station, Mr, William Pattison had his
right band badly jamnaed. The, index
finger was almost severed between the
first and second joints, ;Me second
ger was also injured. ,ed"
-Mr, 0, J. Miles PrOvineial Land Sur-
veyer. ef Toronto was in town this week
defining the limit:, ot Josephine street, and
plaeing iron stakes along it for guidance in
the future. Mr. Miles was the original
surveyer of • Wingham, and got out the
only reap that has ever been made ee it.
According to his survey Dr. Mataloneld's
block is 8 inches off the street.
-Mr. Donald Campbell whose death
occurred on Saturday lest in Leeknow,
Moreno -Cored, Isbister, Cardiff.
leen, WAWA:WM-13CM% Carr, Lockhart,
C.Lwrox-Denuty.Iieeve, 13. S, Cooper;
Councillorg, Gi1ry, Tavlor, Swallow,
Hoover, Walker, J. A. Ford, Searle and
Plummer; selmoi trustees: Jac:keen and
EXETEM--Reeve, A. 0. Bolder,
GOIMIIICII—Blayor J. It. Shannon : reeve,
Robt. Thompson; second deputy -reeve,
Dudley Holmes; councillors Mies Tweeny,
Jas Colwell, W Goode, Jas Wilson, C
Nairn, J. Martin, Jas A. Reid, M Nicholson
11 Dunlop, 'Mos N ilber. D Cantelon, J 11,
ward' 3(3 25 25 2(3 18 57 37
" 2 80 57 15 74 64 23 )7
" 3 86 68 44 17 45 10 10
" 4 40 34 80 ;26 18 7 10
Total 248 - 184 170 163 140 07 94
Council ter 1807: -Reeve, McPherson.
Deputy -Reeve, Cruiokshanks; Conncillors,
Musgrove, Gemmill, Copeland. •
--Toronto-Mart Fleming was reelect-
ed, the flgat ee. being. Fleming, 11000,, and
MoMurrieh, 10375, a majority foe 'Ielning
of 1,585, in a total of 22835, The three by-
laws voted on were all carried by large
majorities. One was for the expenditme of
i$250.000, for the new conrt. house,: the
second, 6,00O fer,tbe new water main,
and the third, aquery as to the advisability
of holding elections on New Year's Day.
cr. A
°ANDY., The Kelly-Emslie Concert Company
Boxes of will appear in the hall en Friday and Satu
day eveuiug under the auspices of the cid-
less than zen's Band. The fact that Mr. Charles
Kelly's mimeo is cermet:ted with the con-
e . Cost. cert, and he and his talented daughter,
bear the burden of the program, is a sal-
cient guaramtenthat the concert will be
one of the best. The Winghatn Orchestral
Club will also take part in the program.
Broke His Log.
Call and inspect our stock before
Thanking you all for -your liberal
patronage in the past.
• New Ads.
Chisholm's -F.trtners.
McKinnon & Co -Mantes.
Alex Bess -School Books.
Ai 11 AlcIndeo- Satnrd iy Bargain Day.
J %V Wheaton -20th Anitird Convention.
D licLanchlin -Canada fullness College.
W McKercher-llowick Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Colin A Campbell -Syrup of Tar and 11 na Cherry.
W Westervelt -Forest City Businesi and short-
hand college.
-Have you renewed your subscription..
-Hear "Cuddle Doon" in the Hall Fri-
day night.
-The Ontario Legislature will inept on
Weednesday, 'February 10.
.11 efr. Wm Bolt, uf Turin erry has move
into his property in Lower Whigheen. ee"
--Miss Rose Breslin, Eleeutieeist, will he
in the Hall Friday and Saturday evenings.
-Rev. Maio Ain, oe Teeswater, and Rev.
D.Perrie exentenged pulpits en Smithey
Tito liret meeting of the council for
1807 will be heel en eiondey at eleven
o'clock.a, m.
- The &moll Board of 184 wiil held its
first meeting the tided Wtetneedey in
Jannuary. at 7 p. nt
-The manager:1'd tho Presbyterian
church are contemplating putting in
electric lights in the churoh.
• 3. E. Swarts hue purelaised from Mr.
Pardue, o Wawa:nosh, a four-year-old
mare sired by Saranac Anil halt sister to
ry -111 r. Campbell. of Glenfarrow
'has moved into town and will oceupy a,
cottage on Patelek street recently perchae-
ed from I) McKinney. de
-We are sorry to learn that Mr. Jas.
Elliott. of Foot, Wawaonsh, has been
obliged to make en aseidurnent for the
benefit of his oreditore.
-The Bi th stoma/6rd isa strrtek Or new
to of rr ding the speeches ete etanitelpal
consume time witlanat giv-
for the sante,
She Coneeregaledeal elle en
11 a. rid reed el
The Marks Bros. are at present filling it
a fear weeks eugegeettent in the Music Hall
Loudon. On Tuesday night, Jerry, the
Tramp, or the Noble Outcast, was on the
beards. During the last act, Tom and
Alex, have a scuffle in which Tom. throws
Alex, On this night the latter's leg re•
ceived a wreueh in the fall, breaking the
small bone just above the ankle. He how-
ever took his pert to the end of the scene,
though sufferiug agonizing pain. and when
the uurtain dropped be Wile, Wit to his
hotel im a, cab, tted is Ilea impatiently
nursing the disabled member.
• deeteeinarians-meet•
The semi-annual meeting of the Western
Ontario Veterinary Medical association was
in seeeion iteStratford on Tuesday. with a
iitirlf large attendance of !umbers present
from different Intros of the penbisula. After
the usual preliminaries, interesting and in-
structive nepers nn v idioms 'subjects were
read by Dr. Campbell of Berlin, Dr. Wilson
of Winghant and Dr. G. 11. Gibb, of Eke-
' forth, the -latter produeitig a wain defined
specimen of a hog's ceaninin that was iniuus
brain natter the spinal colmnn hiking the
. place of that useful co inmedity brains.
The result of the Eleotions on Monday
ie given below, The result in eivision
-For first-olass tailoring and ebeap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's bleak.
WANTED.—A.ny quantity of dried apples
(Sc), roll butter and poultry, turkeys un-
drawn. ce
Geo. E. Knee,
Win& am.
It Nast to get your bills printed at the
Turns Office. A. free notice given with sale
bills, chureit bills, &u., And are reed in
hundreds of hodies.
The right man in the right place. Give
McAlpine a trial for an up-to-date meal at
15 cents. Special arrangement can barnacle
for board by the week.
Great Bargain Day on Saturday at the
Star Resteuraat. Buffalo oysters 30 cents
a quart; T. & B. Tobacco 18 cents p
' ' - 'in l'asIt''" The company cleservee credit far what they
lergely 'Attended the 1 einal
pleeekelesed during the lionr of service out bevel done in the way ef iitting up their
al rod* to ties memory of the deceased 1 MOMS-, making them second to mato.
*Atha rlsgq peeled aunt tele atraeit the
r le tfl-zzt ant their solemn peel. Ittit 1 For fine laundry Work, try thc• litirou
iltactr, sell P. 11111111V eI Steam Lametle-y-, one -Bite the t'l diked rat..
Ibt*.ys who rasidia in tr Virtaght,tt, Oft pwardemaio !Moran..
Kt, 00. rtm teell ,eterde 1 to ebe weelle eel Nal 61 I-, ,, (In
,41,614410, .olieftegl.
•e,,, veil;
'zest: Oonuoillord ward 4: 3!e -
Malay, 100; Iteactina,113; Kinsmen , 88.
'Ttastee Ward 1: Barbouri$6, Galbraith.
Winghade's Connell leerl?.ltia, t1.
A. Morbeti, Reeve, T deregt7d ID
Reeve, Ned Ana, Oeftenteffieettie Deb
ee eye,. . eed
--livery day we are receiving loath
newels of subecriptions esti neW n)tvii '
subscribers, with few exeepeetens, edieddede
bow we etin afford to club ili Y4deelie
Globe at so low it nide.
tee16 rages agate weak
peg= as formerly. Tied
peed readable resteitrig -eine:pee- eeesee,
fle.reflttzd0"-ideeed•deee , !ea. Nee
Pt' ere reettenet. diked 0 es' et•-e,dde e:,
eeeene; ' Ann eta..915teredeled dee!) te:
tftedeeetieeet skeeteekl eed ".•
are. r. toe ..e.,:eitte
en. eteee,..
ttentleate eel cedee
."1"5 •