HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-12-11, Page 101/....4001106.441,01. .16 ---......meops.,,,..............,t... ....- TRE WINOHAM TIMES, DECEMBER 11, 1896. COM MUNIOATICRi. ,,:, a -zZ:...J.t •-.a= '.1:7;1100570Mattal 1 ,.......,...., ., :„......, MO................*•., ......**••••.....0.1•••r* 0. To \tho Vlettor or tho Times, u; II r Dear Bir, --The members t>#. t1i lb1ko N'i I orti$ Commitee are still alive mid well notwithetandiug tile threats of their would - iv be executioner, Mr.'MeKenzie, it When Mr. )TeElenzie entered the ring, 'he go,ve I% to unaerstand that he was. no amateur pugilist, net he. He struck straight from the bhorilder, and from the way he was going to wield hie "amp axe' the 4, /1211 /0 ilitmili. wi„oem,:,,ve of wt5hVi:iablt%elV ostrIletic,t sotimeniitetseue. Now it ppears to rim Mr. Editor, and 1 beli eye must of your renders will agree `‘ From now till Christmas we have , with me, that the only one in clangof I losing his head at the present time, v.- Mr. arranged to offer special induce- 1MoKenzie lumeelf, and ho will require ments along the line of more than his present flagging energiee; to save 11. Like that other executioner, epoi. t e4.-- • ti 1 t). i Guillotine, be is likely to become the NW Una of his own invention. p•e•imrir, ,nr-rc, Driven into a corner, be tries to hide himself in in a nutshell. Even there he !he is dishonest enougb to give us only part of what the nutshell contains. In • that same nutshell are these words from Mr. , Bolton; “Mr. Galley drove a hard bar - t gain with us that day over the telephone, IThe work is worth more than 515,but a bar- gain is a , bagain and that is itilloyt. , B It does M. PATTON, II THE_ CENTER JEWELER Has the largest and 3 newest stock of Xmas 111,1 Goods in town. lip] EVERYTHING IS UP TO DATFe °TICK PihiS we down the world. IjT I T1141netestOPAL RINGS rril we sell for $2.25 each. wEll —:0:---- OUR— gHIME 111,001-0 , 1 m h got V.8 for only tie ot sidewalk, VIESTMIt TE4,. t . epealt in this way of Mr. McIienzi.; from se from me he got only 515 for 10a de., that I makes the difference. I am inclined to ! think that the property owners will not be able to see that 53.8 for 03 rods is less than I 515 for 105 rods as Mr. McKenzie would I have them believe. I see Mr. McKenzie's fancy names, like hie physical energies, are ; rapidly declining. I trust he will get his ' committee to work before the figures I entirely disappear from his fickle imagin- ation, aud. inspire his zeal which appears to be or.; the wane. I will give him 55 if he can show a cheaper granolithie side. 'walk has been built in any other town in I the proviece, taking the quantity and quality of work and material lute consider- ation. • I see iVr. .:NIcKenzie is inclined tO IN STOOK. I hold on to the 510, be illegally got from the council on his own representation. s I Allow me to inform Mr. McKenzie, this The iteutgiven lielw will afford money was got contrary to all precedent, suggestions for a great many Ways contrary to -right, and contrary to law, ana fae of remembering one's friend in the :1 shall see that he returns it. At last he is compelled to admit that he put a drain peel useful, the imndsorne, the. moderately through his own property with the public r priced funds, but claims that it was put there in ni37-r ent-,r..71' , the interests of Wingham and Tarnberry. ; kin L. -,;; • There is not a foot of land on either side of In black and col.red, all the newest the line benefited by this drain, but if Mr. and most I n I r "..0 see lgtilvceKleiiiimzie 4037 piTivmetth;32conbtoruanr3drarly willine them is to adatiro th,...e,, from .2`5c to : appropriation belonged to the town of $1,50. I Wingham and not the Township of Turn- .berz y. It was collected from the rate - LI i. ifit, 't3 S. , payers of the town in the county rate and In black, colored and evening shade returned, to tne town for boundary lino purposes, and Mr. McKenzie is bound to one of the ehoicest suggestions. ' give the town a proper account of this 01.11VP. • . money. A detailed statement of this ex- ' penditure would be very interesting to the , We make a speciality of our great ratepayers and the .electors of Wingham j one dollar Kid Gloves, black and At the present time Mr. McKenzie would I • demand such a statement from his employ- colored plain Ned ftt 'ley. , ers, and the town demands it from him; it • pat. tYP"'-!:,4',,;.1.:-.:1°.`„fol : is their right and they must have it or know arai,11.;:i:: .,•Lia- 7 "-.3 te. the reason why. It will not do for Mr. Pnre litien, elnliwi(It''':(i and initial, McKenzie to flandOodle over this matter also plain and fkl.ey :•'11:. with initial any longer. Mr. McKenzie says that when for gentleman. I he gets through the Public Works Cote- mittee his axe will require grinding. It is _—._ i• my opinion Mr. Editor, that when he gets Feather P,,,:_i:., 1.,„.t., . ..:lars, Golf through with the Public Works Committee Capes, Wit tin 1.4.,Aff Cti.akes, Wool that be will have learned the lesson he Blankets. Fur nuant.:o,, Fur Ruffs, should have learned long ago, that, Child, ren and fools should not handle edged tools. Fur•Capes; extra ti,i• to hie linen, Jos. Gonne, table napkine, fine lie.ell towels, bath Chairman MAIM Works Committee. Towels, Lace t.;urtni.,s, Carpets in . Any further communications on this Brussi.lis Ta , est ry. All Wool . or sahjeet will be chargedfor at regular . ad-• vertislieg..rates, 10c per line, as they have 'tinien,`Fine Sh! ,t'e. 1.:,i' SiipperS. ceased to be of interest to the general read- er.—Ed. I we, will sell cheaper than you can buy thein elsewhere. rj We have a new line o. China Goods just in, [IC such as CAIKE BA6IRETS, rIUTIT MAKES, LILY PLATES, CHOCOUANE POTS. THE CENT <7-13AKERY---c). 14, 1111 We also have a 'full line o ,f 4' the best Mouth Organs made Fa and everything that a first class r tj jewelry store requires, in fact [ it is the only place in 1Vinghara where you can get a good up to g date Xmas Present. rT.4 111 For repairing a watch we defy 111- competition. SATUJIDAY. The following is told of young 50 Pairs Fine Kid Slices, J. D. man in one of our neighboring King make, regular 1..75 and 2, Saturday 1(fl 1 35 ' towns who is addicted to the cigar sJL 25 Men's ileavy 0 vereezt ts $(1.50 ette habit. He had smoked 1,200- Y for 3.Do packages and wrote to the man - 10 doz. Towels, regular I‘2,, for The. 00.. 15 Shaker Fie ehel, reg ttlar Sc 1„. Pit ' for 50. 20 doz. Baud lc et c i lien, hem 7.* ."' ghto stitched, regular 100 for5c. ess . 10 Pieces Heavy 'il‘erge, Dress ottlGoods reguler Tele 4,-,r 35e. .10 Doz. Kid Glove,$, 'hawk calve regular :''.1., for 75c. 10 dm. ('Tb', 3;5 and .1025c. ' 6 Pieces Table Li ecu, regular f.k., 60e for 35e. grey pay Pins, Needles, Hair Pols, Handker- yon# chiefs, Clothes Pine, Ribbons, Com bs, 'f7i1,,t piled with small ware az half price. Secure a card and get. free photos e rel. • , No; .- for chrivil inns. \V ''c' tieing ready a,no t to ge;011 adve it tag ;111(1 picking Illiol.up bargains in ell cleest s uf ii!or- 4.-wcw' chanclie. That makes it easy for ,r you to save meney. You're fault if maik _ !... yon yon don't. Tee ots' shopper on- iml •°. &third:: y will get first choice tort _to , n'r- iinh le ha in I ufacturers to know what they would give him for 1,200 pictures that had come with cigarettes. The answer of the manufacturers was right to the point—''smoke 1,200 more and we will send you a coffin. at It N. ',f,.1(sCiDOO'S. ITIONAL 11,0C AILS. cturch soitN. JAcktriv—In Morris on Dec. 8th. the wife of Wm. Jacklin ; a daughter.eeP • MCBURNEY—In Wawanosh on Dec. 8 the wife of S. McBurney, a son.' CLow—In East Wawanosh on Dec. 6th, the wife of A. Clow, a daughter./ PATTERSON,' Oitit(ssIte tbe IVIARUT SQ UARE Warrants tirst class Bread tad • • Cakes of their varied kinds equal to any city. Pug Pastry extra, fine. WEDDING CAFTS Center Jeweler. 6.", Opposite Bank of Hamilton. jfA "1 • 77.0 -gig W4C-WrWATI- tarZiMeneer5-117 NLVI MOH SHOP,1 MR. JOHN MURRAY has opened out a new machine I shop, thoroughly equipped with a " 8,1.111 Missionary sermotie will be preached on 1' the Belgrave circuit .11totty by Bev. B, Wal M. A.,- Rev. Wm. Lowe, sea St. Peurs inghatn, wiit nondt,et Kolyice and preach llaissioi a- y serve n in T,Inity church, wish 1hc. 13ilt. social will bo held ilkongtegation- ohnrch Thui witty inst. Rev. Jelly of LiftiOl.,..1 al.,. 0, W, Gloffill of berry will be present. • . Dr, Gifford, ef Wiegl.orn, New Outfit of Allachiney including an Iron Planer, Lathes etc. and is now prepar- ed to do a general line of re -1 pairing. Engine and Mill 16E0. EVERY DAY. Rubbers and Socks, Rubber Boots, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Cardigans, Leggings, Overgaiters, Felt Slippers, Laplanders, Greenlanders, Blizzards, Ladies' Fine Shoes, Gents.' Fine Shoes, School Boots, Trunks, Valises. GROCERIES. AS CHEAP AS EVER Great Value in Fine Teas,. Raisins, Currants, Peels, Spices, Sugars, &c. GOOD, 590. ORNAMENTING that cannot be excelled outside of any city, and done so reasonably that it will always pay you to have it done at the CENTRAL BAKERY All orders promptly attended te. I am constantly making and or- namenting Wedding Cakes which proves our efficiency., The Central Bakery has a far and wide reputation as a first- class bakery, Returning thanks to my num- erous customers for their past patronage and hope for a con- tinuance of the same. I am To buy Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Five O'clock Tea Sets and Cocoa Sets. We don't intend to allow price to stop sales for the next few weeks. You know what a Xmas stock of Groceries ought to be, We have it. at N. A. FAR 13 HARSON9S. WINGHAM. CHINA HOUSE, A. Jr, Ntr9H.OLLS,!\ WINGIIIAIL ONT. /trz,•cyrttlYtAtvt,•tlyiwtiS I NOTICE Wingham is already noted for merchants who sell their goods at scarcely a living profit. Drygoods are cut every day, so also are boots and shoes, crockery is smashed, and strong. constitutions are wrecked by the strife after gold. The constitutional can be rectified by. using Gordon & Co's. Little Dandelion Pills for the Liar and tier t4 ball c•sw1fl.0..* Became a very popular song, not because of the sweet- ness of the music so much as because, the words and sentiment struck home to the hearts of so many and re- called memories that carried with them a sort of melancholy gladness resembling sorrow just as the mist resembles rain. Kidnes. Herbal Bitters for Headaches sour Stomach Dyspepsia. rk. Reatlifield's Healing Balsam for that Cough and pain • in the chest. • Following this up ,vith Gordon & Co's. Cream of 1u 'tar, Baking Powder at 20c. per pound, which makes light pastry, and if this don't make a clean job of it, ask to see their 10 cent Sponges and 5 cent Soaps, the greatest value offered. THE PLEASURE Machinery repairing and pipe • Dealer in Shoes and Groceries. fitting a specialty. Winglatm. - Ont. d ear- - All kin s of shafting, g ing, iron and wooden pulleys, brass and iroil castings sup- plied on shortest notice. JOHN IVIERRAY. nal Pliftpirmary f..,111;on. In the %Aiding Dutton & ressant t church on Foildey. The rev- Center gOutlemsn is an able mei earnest ractory. rdwieh Reemd. FARM FOR SALE. 'Being lot 10, and east half of 18 town- ship ot Turnberry, two and a quarter miles from Wingham, and containing 150 acres, 110 acres cleared, in a good state of cultivation, good bank barn, frame house, two good wells. For further particulars apply to Drawer 277, Wingbam. FTER Is a time honored phrase in the advertising world, but it doesn't mean anything to the- 'Purchasing public unless these wordscarry with them not only sentiment but also a meaning that will thrillthe purse strings of every pur- chaser. It means something with us because we are after the trade, not with a. club, or with frauds, • nor fakes of any kind. We are. after th-e trade of this community with value and we are, bound to have it, for we do, every .quic•, List what we say we will do. J When we say we sell Pants made to order, for $1.99 we mean it. We sell first class values in pants at $4, $5 and $6 and so through our whole line of goods. . , SU IT1NGFRou sE3 TO $35 eTWEEbS, SERGES, WORTEDSS OVERCOATINGS ME1.11,TRooly, $13nTETIL8, ,4R2IEteE cte. IN VELVET CORDITROY, THE NOBBIEST GOODS GOING. , rCP-, CD CD VESTS P 0- ' pposiie, Bank of Hamilton. "The" Tailor. 0 k tltf'e:::'Z-Tm':'e:T:-'2e.--rrKSTM:Ets.'"'"',.4zMggeeliWre=§,ir;W§VEe:gr-"ZRMEEtTR'E )Lj• That young lady of yours would be pleased indeed to have one of our Betrothal Rings. Haven't asked her! Well if' you don't some ether fel, w 'ill IA; the htekY 1110 uu HAVi VOU 01111 FINE LINE Or —DIAMONDS, —PEARLS, —OPALS in STNGLE —and C0:11111N ATM'S —STONES. C all and see our stock of Xmas goods and •vedding presents on De- cember the let. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. J. R MUNSHAW, Jeweler and Optician. - 14s11 S Has just passe d into stock for the Fall Trade TECICr ATIVILAJT FLANNELETTES, SHIRTING 5, GREY COTTONS, 8 1-4 and 9 1-4 Twilled and Plain Sheetings, Fall Print and Dress Goods, Blankets and Fail Tweeds, also in Ready.IVIade Clothing and Fall OvercoatS. A Clearing Lot of UNION and TA V Tv CAR- PETS. See them if in need of a Carpet, befott purchasing. BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS,—Some very new and nobbylot gonodsi Also SOFT and STIFF FELT HATS from 25c. and up. A car of CHOICE TIMOTHY for fall seeding on hand. MILLS, i•