The Wingham Times, 1896-12-11, Page 91 yta y held a special meeting in Ashtield Presbyterian Church on Nov. 30th Rev J. L. Moderator pro. teen. and Rev. Alexander Miller ``tonal charge of the �tllore. There was a Murray indueteel into the Congregatie fair attendance of the members. of Presbyter anal a large Congrega- tion present. Rev, Mr, Maxwell preached an excellent sermon suitable to the occasion, The Rev. Mr. Sutherland delivered the charge to the newly inducted pastor in most sae= and impressive address and the Rev. Mr. McLeod addressed the Congregation. Alr, Miller enters upon the pastorate of this. Congregation under most auspicious circumstances The vacancy has been the shortest in the history of the Presbytery, be - big only two mouths, and the call is most cordial and unanimous.. A warns weleom.e was extended to their new minister by the Congre- gation by a hearty handshake as they were retiring from. the church. From this happy settlement good and great results in the edification of believers and the couversion of souls to Christ are fondly hoped, JOHN ;♦IACNABB Clerk. Lucknow, Dec. lst, 1896. A MESSAGE ,AGE TO MOIEN. Proving tat true honesty and true philanthropny stilt exist. If any man, who is weak, nervous and bebilitated, or who is suffering f. om any of the various troubles re -lilting from During his stay in Goderich, Kidd, youthful folly,ex.esses oroverwork, will i became acquainted with Julia Card, take heart and write to ine, I will send t the 18 -year-old daughter of Levi hire coutidenti,.ily and tree ur' charge+ i ,y the plan pursu"r: by which 1 wa3 rester- , Card, a prominent merchant of that ed to perfect health and manhood, after plate. The girl ',ecatne infatuated years of suffering from Nervous Debility ; with Kidd, and a plan was arranged I Lass of Vigor and Organic: Weakness. ) whereby the two were to meet in . I have nothing to sell and therefore Loudon with the object of becomingwant no money, but ate I know through my own experience how to sympathize married. This was sometime inSep- with such sufferers. I am glad to be able tember, and since then the two have to assist any fellow -being to a pure. Tbeen in different places between Lon - am well aware of the prevalence of don and Windsor, vt'here Kidd is said quaokory, for I myself was deceived and , imposed upon until I nearly lost faith in ' to have sold the right of his potato iiankincl, but I rejoice to say that I am !masher. It is claimed that the two now perfectly well and happy once more , were not married, although both the and am desirous therefore to make this ` woman anti Kidd assert that thecere' certain means of cure known to all. If, you will write to me you eau rely upon I inony was performed. being cured and the proud satisfaction1 The two reached Windsor about r of having been of great service to one in' 10 days ago, and for the first few need will be of sufficient reward for my 'day stopped ata private iv ite boarding trouble. Absolute secrecy assured. Send pp 5c. silver to cover postage and address, ht:ue On Pitt street. Four days ago Mr. Geo. G. Strong, North Rockword they went to the Scott House and Mich. I engaged board. The Chief of Police , had received a description of the man Big Fire At Paris • from txoderich, and recognized Kidd Fire started in the basement of J. R. on the street yesterday, and Officer .Jackson went to the Hotel and arrest - Int slaters dry goods store and dry 41tM _J Usti"c�tl,o die 0cc?1 b LLIAH Z.it:Il)D O)f '.r0E0A11?0, CHARD= p wish to express our wan t3WXNDI.I 'a--5AWA '.fuHAVIt g'rati'tude to you for the box o; l:hasca'r or SOLO A PATI: NT RIGHT FOR I-WHON our omit ritabie wairk to heliinfantiau ih COTTN'r5 TWENTY TIME'S, At Mrs. Brownrfg,18& River street. 'i•t•u days ago the child. was awfully afli'tt1t•d The Detroit Free Press says:Att al- with, soalded bread, the .tape bon;r.lttnrul leged swindler was arrested by Orli- h thaxoa> � intime aettt. complete `Rnare eer Jackson last night. His name hue been efTeoted. Safely your gift waa is Elijah E. Kidd,and his home is in. wort h snore that, its weight in gold. Ewen') Yew t Toronto. lie claims to have the 264 Jlherbourne St., Toronto, patent right on a potato peeler, and ., . he has been selling the right to differ- "That's a enrious typographical ent people all through Western ' error," said. Mrs. Partridge. 'The= Ontario. He struck Goderich about title of this la w book is printed the middle of August, and sold the +The Viking Age," "well, wily not?" right to Wilmer Smith, of that town, asked Partridge, i'what ought it to for the county of Huron. After- be?" "why-13iking, oughtn't it?" wards, it is alleged, he sold the right Mr, Winkers--I Hear you have for the same county to about twenty had two pretty big thunder storms different persons, charging $50 in lately in your town. oaeh case. When Smith learned of Old Friend—Yet; the first one this he had Kidd arrested for false struck a church, but ono was hurt. pretenses. Kidd was bailed by You see the weather looked a little t,= Thomas Tilt and A. S. Polley, of Goderieh, on a bond for $200, and ho was to appear in 8 days tor an examination, In the meantime he went to Owen Sound, Walkerton and Blyth, and in all three places ho was arrested for the offences alleged to have been committed in Huron county, as the officers of the different towns did not know he was out on bail. As soon as this was lcarnedhe was released, but he did not appear for trial on the date named, and his bail was forfeited. A warrant was then taken out for his arrest on the charges of embezzlement and forfeit- ing bis bail bond, but the officers were unable to locate him until ho was captured last night in Windsor. threatening that sunday,, and there wasn't anybody thc:u. But the second blew over a eircus tent Lied killed sixteen deacons and four preachers. goods stock, valued between $22,000 be h 1 epi Ile was anloced k Elite alicomels and x;24,000, was totally destroyed. from Goderich to take him back. Miss Robinsons dress -making estab- The father of the girl has been coni- lishment, over the store, was tom-' letely tutted and is a total lass, muricated with, and. it is expected p :, , that he will come after his daughter J Aie Jraesr Shoe atone wet damaged by smoke and water, and Panslaiigh,s to day. photo studio suffered $500 damage 1 insured $400 Mr. Inkslater,sAching Joints , incur- , Announce the presence of rheumatism anee atnoants to $12,000000 arid there which causes untold suffering. Rheu- was $5,350 on. the building. The matiam is due to latie acid in the blood. total loss is put at $30,000. It cannot be cured by liniments or other outward applications. Hood's • - l Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, rOmoves Does Your Husband of eon Drink. i the cause of rheumatism and perman- If your Husband .or Son is addicted to' ontly cures this disease. This is the the use of Liquor, Morphine or'i'obacco, ' testimony of thousands of people who I purchase of your druggist a hottle of. once suffered the pains or rheumatism1 Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. 'They !but who have actually been cured by are guaranteed to cure or att.ney will be_ tatting Hood's Ssrsaparilla. Its groat refunded. 'Tablets may be given secret- 1 power to act upon the blood and remove ly in tea or coffee and the free use oft every impurity is the secret of the stimulants allowed until vclnntarily . wonderful cures by hood's Sarsaparilla. given up. Price 81.00 per pr.eluaee. TI I --------- your druggist does not keep there, ser:clConductor • Lillis met with a direct to the Ohio Chemical Works, I rather serious accident on. Saturday Lima, Ohio. ee.' of partiuc'.ars and night at Palmerston. He was l testimonials free.' [night across the track to the I platform to get his train ander way. There is at old lady at one of the Instead of putting his foot squarely charitable institutions of dila city on the rail to jump on the platform, who is very fond of reeountiug the he sprang on with his toe, slipped • beauty of her mothor, the gallantry tend fell against the platform. of her father and the honor and eke ellence of her family in general. i To my Life's End. "Yes," she said to a visiting King s iii OId ads brines many aches. and pains 1 Daughter, "you can realize hOw 1 which must be looked after if health ie great a family I belong to, when hon maintained. ainanytnig a aeoThis kidneys, p'I more I tell you that my mother was al $5 years old,' writes A. Deft, farrier, Jl Miss Canterbury, a descendant of I Aultsvllle, Ont. "and have .had kidney u the Archbishop of Canterbury)" -1 trouble five years. My son advised New Orleans Times -Democrat. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and 1 obtain ed immediate relief. I shall use them _ to my life's eud." Yoe will find Chase's --- Pills effective for that lame Much in ▪ Lit• tle back. _ The last number of "Farming," the excellent agricultural Monthly,. publis:ied in Toronto, among the portraits of a large number of leading agriculturists and a.gricultur al writers, gives one of Alr.. A. Ket- ehen son of Mr. John Ketehen of the 2nd concession, Air. I:etchen also has in the same number a throughful and well written article on the "Breeding, Feeding and Handling of ,,1: triaf n, Ettout C'lallOwlsis,' said 4' W 011, . s be delighted?" s'sked Dawson, "No; I,e's road. Her says 1f his own da 1{1)' is Santa Clans, lie thinks it's pre ly loor business for Sana Claus to ,;iv,t; toys to all the children in the w,tl and talk eeonon.+• to slim," Singing noises in the ears. snapping buzzing, roaring, caused by catarrh, all disappear with the use of flood's Sar- saparilla, The ease of a Mr. 13rown, a na- tive of Nova anotia, who was arrest- ed in Havana, is now engaging the attention of Imperial authorities. There are also ' tw a Canadians, Richard and John Beattie, of British Columbia, who have been arrested there. The Secretary of i tate was advised of the arrest of the latter and he has also laid t1 t matter be - tore the INAConllaissiuner, who will in turn lay it liefui.e, the Coloni- al Secretary. Millions die annually through lack of care for the kidneys—the first sign of kidney trouble noticeable is a single pain in the back which gradually develops into that dreaded malady Bright's di- sease—ono of the most alarming symptoms is highly colored urine giving bricklike deposits—do not delay when the slightest y s mP torn has appeared—Kidney troubles are easily prevented in their earlier stages—if neglected they may become obstinate, chronic and perhaps fatal—medical science has proved that all kidney diseases arise from an excess of uric acid or kidney acid poison in the blood—One of Dr. Chase's kidney -liver pills if taken weekly will neutralize this acid and prevent, any tendency to Bright's disease or Diabetes. Have you any of these symptoms ? Back Ache, Dull Heavy Pain in the Bladder or Base of the Abdomen, Pains in the Back and Sides, Unusual desire to urinate, Scalding urine with passage obstructed, Red 'or White deposits,. Tired Feelings, Weakness, Dropsical Swellings, these are sure signs of kidney troubles. YOUNG t EN With backache; weak back, deposits ,:in the urino and other symptoms of •kidney decay should not postpone using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. OL lk ME Troubled with stricture, impediments obstructions, stoppage of the water, or a frequent desire to urinate at night will find Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills a great reliever. • Is especially true of Hoot's Pills, for nomedt• tins ever contained so great curative power in do small space. They are a whole medicine Hoo 'hest, alwaysready, a 1- ways of 1etent, Wa►Ctory; prevent a cold '!i• fever, euro All elver ills, Wok hos,daoho, jaundice, oonsttpatton, etc. 2lio. I beefing cattle Z'be on11 rine to take with tiood'e Sars►liarallle. illsalwaye sot- TESTS 0 L1;. MAL THAT gra, ~+-Mi. .- �, I , JegeteblePrep..rotionfoiA:, 1 SIONATU slamming lir'xf006f,.' , ayt: ..- 1� ting the Stamina iii drio rely +.1 V • Promotes Digestion,Cheerfui•- ness and Rest.Contains neither Q luln,Morptaino ator l!nernt. PLOT E conc. • .,enWora.zv'= ZUPITr=7 ki Sod • .47.1a nano R r1sSaris ,A tie Sesd + Amar :int Di tarOrmain ;.para • r. ' Sugar - racrc Fte,vr. AperfectRemedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- !less and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSimiie Signature of 11,211-41 'NEW "YORK. l EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Oastoria is put up in one -size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk, Don't alloy anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it "just is as good" and will answer every par - peso." 4ga-flee that you got 0 -A -S -T -O-$ I -A. Tho fao- i i almits signature i/, s" of k c' aYfi e3 .. � a uta w�3n t 't.$?v. x;2/11 "-r. na "1,1oni-1111 a dita StOVO PATENTED FEB. 1ST,. 1896. This stove is Made cfgenuine Russian iron; no iritntinn; lined with steel. The -cleanest stove made, no ashes can get out cul the floor; will positively keep a slow burning fire for 48 hours; by patting in one larp t stick it keeps fire at1i night. Never re- quire to !rove ashes more than twee in two month::. It will take a stick 21 inches by 10 inehrs. Saves 25 to 50 per. cent. fuel. Can reguli•te it the came as a lamp; can have yoRe 1 ramie; at any tt'n' erature, build at fire in two minutes, and heat a room. 20 feet square in ten illiMutes the coldest da?' in the year. If your dealer LOES ZOT HANDLE OUR STOVES write us direct for price before you pun - chase. Any infringement on patent, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the lay. %W.; lOg I I11N�li �1161VIti� iYlillkili iI I. 0. Browning, Carponter and Joiner, of Kingston, Ont., Writes the following testimonial: Gontleureu,—I was troubled with my kidneys for tan voarsnnd was compelled to arise four and five times a night to urinate. Thq pain in my back was terrible. I nava used onottgh plasters and pills to stock a drn„ store, and obtained no relief. The doctors pronounced my ease hopeless and advised nus to go to Toronto Hospital, and I had made up my mindto ge .when 1 road Four advertisement in Thu Toronto Evening News calling your pill thn great K. and L. 1111. which I took the meaning to be the KNIGIIT8 OF LABOR PIhL, and being myself a member of that order I had confidence in the name, and I pronounce them the Workingman's Friend, for since taking; them regular for throe months, I can say I am entirely cured, and had I taken them years alto, would has 8 stexy I undreds of dollars in doctors' bills VJ. F. DROWNING, Kingston, Ont. Ask those who have tried and been benefited by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills about their wonderful curative power,. Don't be skeptical. One or two doses of Dr. alndGeffectualy, and do notiPills ar y way interfere with yn the saving our dailyour iavoc They i 1 . t gently A, POSITIVE CURE FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE pigttsOseaIeplinHatBiliousness, Costiveness and Dy rpsia, ne adose a mabox, orfot Headache. We will give $500 to any person trouk,led with disease of the kidneys that Dr. Chase's Combined Kidney and Liver pill will not relieve or cure, YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT err -E•' -ter `�'�3 GoOD AGENTS WANTED. SOLE MAN t,.. t "riTTiTi1 -- a MEYER ROS, , B' Ordaz ch St?cee , Toronto, C !tar io E uhj yl� Itis t gy''P�3':T N , _ t.,! it. .414 J Xr. A'.r'1 }�„ty.' Yll We do neat work in the Job Printing business and at prices low .is the lowest. If you are in need of any 110 0 `b as thing such as LEFEk HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, i ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BUSINESS CARDS, 1$ Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the (3 old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. FORE S.- CITY PUSii/ESS RD SHORTHAND COLLEGE, London, Ont.,' gives the most prnetieall business and shorthand course obtainable. Courses arefully graidecl, Wools and equipment the best. Students assisted to profitttbin positions weoldy. (held hotted $2 50 per week. Folz particulars of either course address, J. W. NVES't'EItVELT, Principal. 11141Y4•4, fly I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring rile a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK Josephine St., Wingharlx Opposite Macdonald Block. 1