The Wingham Times, 1896-12-11, Page 71 VPIONirAnolfig P, T. BARNUM THE GREAT SHOW THE'' 1.Nto1-VAI ` 1 4 TNE HO '1EN DAIRY is prop.wd to all ordersbr nil:k of 4dtn hs4trp1slrt5 Bit mole are well rad art kept senapeloatiy clear: sad +urUse:i with dry 4101¢51 sod are bosectiin clean eteuciws ',Surely. this r,1111:,tnust ho oleo 14) shins arkr seorc-wholesome thw. that trontw(,we whe Carley sr:c , egelr evidences e,lrtfiy premises .abut them ed 44 ; 0w1..4 to fecal,aortheetrectsawl back yards once .said: "People like' to qe u.ltxa,bu.gged," Wall all due regarrd to the '. elbow gentleman, we don'O agree with his statement. It may have been all right in the circus business, but in the retailing oVx'r±`littndiso at the present time it simply won't do.Wllen a woman buys a dress she has a right to know ail about it, it's our busiuessi0help her male a selection; if the goods she decides upon is all wool we tell her so, if it is part cotton, we (tell her it is part cotton. There is no deception, no `humbug practised in this business. -- t -. 1 ,-. i - t - t SOMA EANTIC SALPg1 Millinery has taken a tumble Ladies' Trimmed Bats, regular price 81 75, sate price ant 30 Si t, Si /, +i 2 2d SI tr 1 5n ,t Walking " It u 1 25, tt t, rV " Sailor it tt t„ 75, a a 5 ` Ig 9+ tc it ti J0, " t� 50 Q1.'-: Ribbons, Feathers, Plovers and Jet Ornaments away down rr,,,i,u4,fhisolowhittosololollts lipttolelidls,roolliaiNrr9H4'tf91GAAS" Curling Tongs, regular pries 10c, sale price 5c. Fins any size you require, regular price Sc. sale price 1o. Ladies Carpet Slippers, sizes 3, 4 awl 5, regular price 40o, sale price 250. Black and White Ducie; Salsbury Cloth, fast colors, ter waists regular 14 for TO • X.9adies' Ribbed Cashmere 1'iose, regular price 85o. sale price 25. Ladies 1+'ine Shoes, pointed too, Dongnla Kid, regular price 6? sale price $1,50 ;1 We have just purobaeed some extra valno Grey I+'lannels, earl and see then In ladies' Gorman Overshoes, we show some interesting Iines in all sizes. Black rough Mantle Cloth are in great rdemand, we have it at all prices, Special $1, $1 40, Si 65, 81 75 and 82 25. Towels large size fancy border, all linen, regular 35o. a pair sale price 20c. • Another case of Flannelettes has been opened up, they are the. aarue as we have been running for the past three weeks, regular 10e. goods, but our price bafc, that means 10. yards fur 08e. • i'Iauneistte Blankets special line at 75c. and 90o. a pair. There's not many more days left this year to sell goods, but the few that are left we are going to make big ones.. Goods, Goods, love pricerr and everything on the move. Eav-We are making up another;ear load of dried apples. McK.]TNN•ON & 4 5o. IsZ z-T.I--� ,. %, A%�erl �� .s,„„ita 1 ollueiRet,. 0111imiliv.INN6eempial/ll 4.,t '• 'n!04: r1•wNllllfl/llllllpll11Nr/ll/litLN;O,yI/ptflfll111It11,N7811N,fe 01 (f, • Wlicar A.11\ SAW and PL 1NING M�iJtS. :takeLRAN & 01,T, Props, A. largo/stock of all ,l inds of rough and plaited Bamber, Shingles, Lath, Appl13 Barrels, Cedar Posts, Hard and Soft Wood, etc., kept eotsteutly on hand and deal on :shortest notice. Orders by mail or telephone promptly attended to, I4.tcLE. AT cit SON. mizatmatosasummematzmuraza:limis ..11.1-v1:1?'G- OUT v 50 1/4.1144 :Tom: .tuWss ion .fir. ,,+- lPia:CMS $2 5 TRUfnKSk'OR 1 75 4 300 +: X5 5 0 it ac 3 495 r, 0 0 +t 0 0E0. 00017). i GREAT CHIMING SALE ...er,,,-. CNIN&. ,CROOKRR" ' AND 4 ;ASSWARE, ,af rowiarmolohoo GORRtE, ntr. Belt Scott has moved into Ms lie tcredit to the Ito wn. I Owing to warm weather lately, business Paas been very sleek. A now barber bass -tailed up inear town opposite the Ultisgow 11ouso new House w l is a .ancl lntenfls working up tt good We have rdecided to ,ofifer our t tip immense steak cif Ohina, Crockery and Glasawase at cos' for only, IL Note a few of the many The Seaford' Expositor points oat I larinted Cups and saucers Lel'Zt S amew Nroc'inelaal Seeretarm~ Our at, 9 f: ,•f' t sf,s►uc•r%' o51. s;itit-i „f :s fr111 di.1. c.ft' all the !r(j i.r:t,' ,Ht•ir'�r. /1 r Mullet reps, Weaterar O t:ti'lo :11X02iti :0, f ,{�. fi 11 int i al, Iry: *i%11i:+ l:'lt it t•sv .. �+ `Yrl Jjts'-, C'r'N1, ..c, l a at Wt,iats Ch.. � �ti yve sell our Peifiill r•a ; '� ourrs e u.' 1,1,etic: TOBEcR �tr 7�y�}�yt �'h fM,7 {`3`}.f7�.1 •''.A X' CH14+li'al-'tfirS T3if t i..1 i1 -1-�iE y West W vrauo.,". ..seers Ist q.e tats BARGAINS • 1 that , ,11a t.e Mani, per doz.,,,., 1Je ' : 15 a native c,t St1-ntfeird Mein a , Tea Sets deeol•ated. gilt grandson of the late J .T. E. Linton, edge 44 pieces $2,7.,5 I for many years clerk at' the pewee Tea Sets Porcelain El0 for the county of Perth, th, and a nephew 1 pieces.. , ..... Z.75 of Mrs. Sheriff Reseda. Ile left Diruser Sets 97 pieces ..85A0 Dinner Sets 100 pieces„ 51,50 Toilet .Sets 10 pieces, . Crystal Bread Plates.. Crystal Celery Plates., p� Crystal Fruit Bowls, .. to G. G. GRIFFIN, Wingham, - Ont. G AND AN ENTIRELY NE STOCK. W, H. Wallace has removed his stock of CLOCKS,. A T C 171 E , JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, to Dawson's BIock, one door north of Farquharson's Grocery and has added a bran new line of As announced last week we have moved our entire stock of BOORS, - STATIONER, It, WALL PAPER, FANCY GOODS, Etc. and are now settledd in our new and coinmod'iousquarters. in the (24-. .El GO R' 3E14001 -C., opposite the Queen's Hotel where we will be pleased -to meet all our old customers. OUR CHRISTMAS GOJDS are arriving daily and we are opening them out and getting thein into place as quickly as possible, We have the finest sock of FANCY GOODS IN CFLLITLOIDS ever sho';vn ili Winghain, including Ladies' and Gents' Toilet Setts, our and Collar Cases, Glove Cases, Photo Albums and Autograph. Albums. Toys and Pic- ture Books, a paradise for Children. WALL PAPER to,000 rolls just opened out. And old paper selling at reduced prices, CY i tis+. ' ��rrr�� i w.:rl . lk el r ,['" w rlir .AC0 The Pepittar Soak Stare, FANCY GOODS, ST TIO,.&FY AND SGHOOL SUPPLIES His Stock Comprises DRESSING CASES, FANCY CHINA, COCOA SETS, FIVE O'CLOCK TEA SETS, FANCY CUPS and. SAUCERS nd all other lines carried in a ag A full line ELGIN, WALTHAM :2ROCKFORD 11, '•y A T C H E 1,...8 kept in stock at lowest prig, Vit. ►i ,(� 5 11310111 INSTRUNCIPS VIOLINS, GUITARS. BANJOS, -MOUTH ORGANS AND .ACCORDIANS, ETC. Remember the place He Wallace. One door north of Farquharson's. Stratford .about fftec.n years ago. .Huron has furnished Manitoba with its Premier, Oxford with its At- torney-Generaal,'1lie: dlese;c with its Treasurer, WeIlinr''on with its' Cum- missioner of 1'a bile Works, and now Perth furnished the Provincial See - tar, . Ontario f'urnisl.ecl th tire Cabinet, and all from the een;' tral group of counties pitta Fibron as the head. No wonder .the Gov- ernment is a good one. e en- ri A riieeting of {he 1,Ve•t Duron louse Of:aoruge Nowa. The latest arrivals are henry Reynolds, from Ilensall, and James Gann, from Oc ljlorne. Tne boy mentioned in last notes has. secure a home with a fanner in Stanley town- ship, to do chores, and go to school for the winter.. The house visited by many of the County Coun cillor's on -Wednesday a, in., to in- spect the work clone by County C missioner Ainsley, and many pressed themselves as highly plcl with the improvements made, as as the planner in t high •evervtl about the Ic1sLltntion was niaanaa Henri' -Candy, furnierly of Gode township, and an Inmate since .last March,. has recovered his usual good health, and note gags to Centralia, where he has secured a good sit- uation with Mr.. Anthony Nevin, for a year, on a farm, at good wages. —New Era. - arner's' Lista tine was held inHnitail Ashfield- towrr•i_ip, 1121 �', iday fast, Como. encia at 1,110 p. Xmm, The chair was occupied by President Hailey, of West fila si inset 11. The first ad- dress was delivered l'y Mr. A•, Mcf, Allan' of Gi deritth, on- picking and shipping of fr.ait, under these follow- ing hcada; i -t. What to pick; 2nd When -to piek;:lr•d-Iluw to pick. Mr. Heaton, cif ;�f.tierictl, next addresed the meeting on lite •l+'ararrer,s Son," His made of handlingthe subject showed that tic had given it a great deal of tlarougl, t, and d he was atten- ' tie'ely listened tf/. .%r. evening Meet- . ern- ing was held at which there was a, es- good attendau ce. and a g.v ct program of vocal and instrumental musie inter- '_'_`;`,; seer ed with addresses was given. ling 'rhe affair. was fairly successful ged. 1thiougheut. rich r• Je.w a ).S Own Heart. Shelbyville, Ind., Dec. 4. --...,Tames Hall, 15 years • old while shooting zaa.bnits recently, wasshot, the charage Uncovering the lung and cutting away the second and third ribs, open- ing a holt: three; inches square, through which could be seen • every pulsation of the heart. An attempt was made on Tuesday -' to close the bole, covering it with a silver plate. It was wired to the, ribs to hold the plate as well as t," stengthen tine broken banes. - After this teas Bono -t'c akingraft- ing war, } t•rorte-d to ti.i cover theplate. The skin was all Mull rrorrrs EriIPS body. The elmr,rrs are ul(i:0 favorable for his rtN•ve V. Refire 1:,e operation a mirror was placed so I I„, boy could see his own heart beat. • 5arviaci By A Vali. A clapboard nail driven into the wall over a apriog hi the rear of her house at Vinalhaaven bad annoyed Mrs. Will Burns several titins lately and she had been - intending to re- move it, hut, now she is glad she didn't. Her baby boy a year and a half old, was playing about the yard one day this w.. k, when he suddenly disappeared. Mrs. Burns rushed to tae spring and there she found her little fellow, IN here he had fallen in; but that nail had caught his hood and waaim holding his heard above the water, though it had drawn ti t; strings so tightly Under his ,hr, -1,t as aalhaost to strangle him. Mrs., twos will make no more complaints aboutt the nail, no matter how wsany times it eatches her dress. GUINA N `; .1 N. Mr. Ed. Percy and Arthur- 'Mc- Lean, of Kinlough, tork'in the party at Mrs. Emile' aals9, Mr. Alf. Hald- enbv and Mi'::: Jennie Miller. Mr. Jas. tGilmour ltaaId a flying visit tn the. vicinity of Kilalough. Jimsav, things asr•e a little dell on the tenth ss e cion for trim this last couple of weeks and he must seek his fate elsewhere. Mr. T'as, Pi*: has bean engaged for the winter• atiirh Mr. .John Scott, Miss M. I1. Scott has gone to Winglmm tn learn the dress making. Mr. 'Will Robinson. who has been confined to th,• bans° for some- time with a severe cold is able to be around again. The most; am cessful wood bee of the sca.rin took place at Mr. David 1nt1ie's, on Friday of last. week. As a result a good days work was done, and as a reward for their faithful labor, the young men were given the use of Mr. Eadie's house where upon they gathered in a number of the fair sex and en- gaged in tripping the light fantastic toe till morning. EowICX ., The following is the regular monthly report of S. S. No. 7. for the month of November. just the names of the first three pupils in each class is given, V Class, Thomas Ferguson; IV tta Burns, Stewart Finlay, Frank ouglas; IV jr., Elsie Teskey, Mary athers, Jennie Stewart; III Maggie Finlay, Wm, Cathers, Wm. Finlay; I jr., Baker Pomeroy, Alex Finlay, Trimble; II Wess. Finlay,Chas. Way, Won. Niehol, Wm. 1IAiirixt, Teacher. The following is the rep rt of lin. S. No. 18, Iiowiek and Turnbnrry r the monthe of November. V Class, L. Fortune, 32, C, Vic. ichael, 80, J. Underwood, 21), I.V. Lockhart 41, W, Weir 39, W. s braham 32. IV jr., M. Willits, 87 Mayes, 80, R. Genunlll 28, III *Glynn 37, R. Undorwae.i, 3-1, - C rt3f..mJli�"irk °1C ' - III d 041 FOR THE HEXA' 30 DAYS l We will clear eat our stock of WINTER OVERCOATS AND SUITS at a rednetiotl of frons j This is a rand chance to get a first class garment at a small price. We guaranteesatisf~aetion in every respect. Also woollen Underwear and all kinds of Men's :; ''-`: Ni°' Is I. "y��G,' TA. � 3. GM O. CARE'S 10 TO Q5 PER 01 -TINT. . T, Les M; Old Stand. Witiglaam. i lMl/titliRlpllE'1;3m.," ,� Win S, fo A al M. W ?de Gi , aatL . Palmer, 33, Il: 3 ii'rrton, d`2. A. ntosb, 40. E.11leTrrtash, 10. Pt. II Uermmmil, 20, Fes. hooey; 20, W. eir, 19. Pr. I R. Met3lynn, 20, lea, iton, 20, E. Melntosh, 20, Average Attendance 45.45. } Illood means soundhealth. With para, rich, healthy blood, the stomach, an, 'd3. gestive organs 'will be vigorous, and trier* will be no dyspepsia. Itheuratiam and Neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula !gird Salt Rheum wilt disappear. With pure Your nerves will be strong, and your Bleep sound, sweet and refreshing,. $hod's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood. `l:'hat le why it cures so away diseases. That le wby so nsan�' t oz.},nda take it to cure disease, retain good health, re - Vent sickness and suffering. Remrosl r 0 1 Sarsaparilla out; itA*'T atri "l c her$ 11 the Oso True Blood hoilOs . it urs tate �`r #06114.04/