The Wingham Times, 1896-12-11, Page 5--is eusf Is11Er1
EVERY PRI 4Y M011isi1W
laeription price, $i 1Jt+r yEar, i)µ advance
Space • 1 1 yr. 1 0 ala. 1 ;i n o. 1 1 ma
Column 800 00 340 00 1 $20 00 8 00
I " 40 00 20 00 18 00 0 00
truer '1I `0 00 12 0
00 I 7 00 _1 00
1 _
eget and other onsua advertisements, Ne. per lino
Slot insertion, and 3t, put line fol each subsequent
inion. Measured by nu paroll Peale,
ow notices 100, pt.i line for that hsortion, and
per lino for each subsequent ,nsortie1...
dvortisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situ:410mi%
I Business Chances Slanted, not exceeding 8 line*
iparcii, 31 for that mouth, and OOe, for each
lsoquent month,.
louses .and Farms for Sale, not exceeding $ lines
for Rist month, 50c. per subsequent month.
rgor advertisements iu proportion.
Cheso terms will be strictly adhered to
ipeeiai rates for larger advertisements, or fo
igor periods.
Advcrtlsunonts and local notices without lipoid
•ections, will he inserted till forbid and (merged
Iordingiy. Transitory advertisements must be.
id in advance
iihangeo for contract advertisements must be in
conics by Wednesday noon, in order to appear
at week
S. G. 1BROWN,.
PaOrathroitAND 1,'1 TIH OW
'INOli AM,
'Write and Company funds to loan at lowest rat 0
lterest. No commission chartreo. 1lortenges, town
and farm property bought and sols
IFFICE —Beaver Block wta°unaal
J. A. M O1tTOR,
Witlgham, Ont.
Office—Meyer Bleak. Wingham
Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets
)pposite Colborne Hotel. °
DENTISTRY,—J. S. JE11031E, L. D. S.,WuoonA1t.
Is manufacturing first-class sets of
teeth in tlleauoomi non. as they Teth excan twade
r oted
absolutely without pain, by hie new
process, guarantees perie,tly safe,
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite tJv . -
Brunawick House.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., D. 8.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvau
Dental College:
NO2 x—W ill visit Bb til try Wedh•wday,.
pDEANS, Ja., W1Nol..tM,
Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charge.
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements
All orders left at the Toms office promptly attend
ed to. Terns reasonable.
1-NCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, B 1
3 Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short -
notice. Apply or address
s.0 tIROWN,
Ines Office, SVingham.
We aro pleased to announce that env Books
hiogazines left with us for Binding, will have'1
prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style
will be given on application o the Thin Oifce,
Wanted An Idea
Wh,ouen stmhik
thing to patent?'
Protect your ideas; thew may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDERBh7RN & CO. Patent Amu.ov
no Washington, • D. C., for their $1,e00 pries omit
and list of two htmdred inventions wanted.
Court Maitland, NO. 28, Canadian
O;, O ■ ■- 'Order FeresterP,moets the second
and last Friday evening of every month, in Gre•
gory's Block, Visitingft brethren welcome. W. G.
Cray, C. 18. lis B. Elliott, it. S.
Ctmp Caledonia Ne. 90 meek
S. O. S --tl.e arae axd third Mont l*
evtry month int .hs 0Id Fellow HAIL visitid
brethren weidm- e. J. Murray, OBlef. )1a t
Glerit3n, lton.•$ee
An1ez, ca Adis England's Assist-
It is not every day that au A.tneri-
improved Hommotiathic Reme- can firm will admit its inability to fill
dies Co�1 bine The Best in an order for roods from.a Canadtsln
AIi �yStenlS
house. and ask the assistance ,of
'English firm tea help them out.
Nevertheless a reliable despatch saes,
that the demand for the "Or'phan's.
Prayer" picture, which is sent to all coNTRACTED IN EVERY Limn_
The Most Obstinate. Cases the subscribers of the Family Hie,- 002 TN ACTED
Where AD Other Remedies Fail aid and Weekly Star of Montreal, is
alread j so great tbat the publishers From the Newmarket Advertiser,
' e of the Family Herald realizing; that
Heston We suppose there is not a resident
& Co
il; i U U�IB�LL�.
If You Are Sick Ask Your Drug-
gist for Munyon's Guide to
Health --Buy a 25 -cent
Munyon Remedli and
titre Yourself.
Mrs. Henrietta Herne, 181 Sherbourne
street, Toronto says : "I was •troubled
off and on with rheumatism for the last
nine years, and' it has been so bad at
times that I have practically not been
out of the house for two years, The last
attack kept me in the house for three
weeks. and I then tried Munyon's
1, Rheumatism Cure. It relieved the pain
at oboe and enabled me to walk around
the house almost immediately. It cer-
tainly gives splendid results. My son,
1who is frequently troubled with cramps,
;took a few doses of Munyon's Colic
;Cure, and has had no pain since."
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom
fails to relieve in one to three hours, and
cures in a few days. Price 25e.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively
cures all forms of indigestion and stom-
ach trouble. Price 25c.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu-
monia and breaks up a cold in a few
hours, Price, 25c.
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs,
nightsweats, allays soreness, and speedi-
ly heals the lungs. Price, 25e.
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures.
pains in the back, loins or groins and all
forms of kidney disease. Price 25c.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops head-
ache in three minutes. Price25o.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively
cures all forms of piles. Price, 25e.
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all
impurities of the blood. Price, 25c.
Munyon's Female Remedies are a
boon to all women.
Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in tween these walls," said the guide,
• min u Price,
the firm or 1 rang . •, , of Newmarket, who does not know
were not fast enough able cabp d to theroduce n tl oe etfirrs
Mr..J, A.Moffatt, who does not know Thenyan regaining invalid's chair was his pro -
years Rowney &Co., London, England, ' of his years of suffering and who cured, and he was wheeled about
for assistance, a favorable reply has has nut beard of his release from a eventuall he was able to wheel
been received and their large life of helplessness and pain through himself about. The continued use
establishment is now busy, day and the medium of Dr. Williams' Pink of the Pink PillsThe coil added to
night, on the Family Herald's great Plls. Indeed we doubt if in the annals y
g ' „ y " of medicine there is a more remark- his strength, and then the chair was
premium picture, Orphans Prayer. discarded for crutches, and the
able restoration than has been ac -
pPrayer" the k o,f n ices a .great ducing the
complished in Mr. Moffatt's case, and ei' t hes Moffattfor a cane. At this time
had so far recovered that
"Orphan'she deems it his duty to man- h
deal of time and skill, but, with kind to make the facts known lie was a frequent contributor to the
what are probably tete two best art columns of the Advertiser, and pro -
through the colums of the Advertiser. ,
Ten year ago Mr. Moffatt was , euring a horse and buggy he was
working in the Newmarket hat engaged as local reporter for the
factory. Through the influence of paper. The once utterly helpless.
the damp room and possibly the Invalid is now able to go about, and
carelessnessein regard to his hea d f h' b h
ihr1'rs!owes rsis
utii,sa•.*:4:.;in.i e:. r, ,e- r. z: e�>,.'y- sr.e,
houses in the w arid, working day
and night, the publishers of the
Family Harald hope to be able to fill
promptly all orders. The plan an-
nounced at the beginning by the
publishers of the Family Herald to' he was attae sed'avith a severe
send the "Orphan's Prayer" to sub- •
scribers in the order in which sub -
eventually se"'-
scriptions reaen them seems to give limbs. For some
perfect justice, "First come, first almost ennst
served"is their motto, and it is a orotic paipd t,l successful after -------------------
in treatment f r ,ehis trouble but 1
good one. The price of the Family ¢ ' had failed. Vl'ilti such marvelous
with no result;'eytlnd an occassion-
and Weekly Star, r=•in lu g cures as this to its credit, it is no
the "Orphan', Prayer," 1•• seeds • al temporary/ rebase from pain. `yonder that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
' Finally to malke m tters worse he
r. It is, in .ed, r- are most popular medicine with all
-was attaclk with alaria and rheu-
can be ' done ;flair ao orotic feve;ti. He tilos then forced to classes throughout the land, and this
h YK'
ness and aasistanc'e dnrir g the
illness of my late: husband Bsrtbltlo-
mew Flynn. Ale 1110 prr•Inlpxness
with velli' li the s'e'c tied funeral
benefits were paid and for thr, kind
manner in which yea °':laked and
delivered the cl:eq ^ f0:' the endow-
ment due to ]lie'. I desire to special-
ly thank the ec•mruittei', Messrs D.
iIf. Gordon and T. NPelands for the
way in which they looked eftee the
business affairs of my late husband.
My sincere wish is that the Order
may prosper.
Yours sincerely,
tpr*get in an out o. 1s buggy tivlt o M. A. FLYNN
nth Win Karn Oct., 27th, 1896.
aout any assistance, and is at his post b '
rl his of duty whenever called upon.
s he Was, an ' Thus we find tnat after years of Mr. John M. Moran, of Kansas,
offerer from rlieu• suffering and helplessness, . Dr. and formerly of Stratford, whose
Williams' Pink Pills have proved death was reported last week, is we
d spent much money are happy to say, alive and well,
the report arose through the death
of a Mr. N. Moran and there has been
evidently some confusion as to the
initals. . The glad news will be re-
ceived with joy by Mr. Moran's
friends all over the country,
only one doll
vellous how i
little Money
case certainly justifies the claim put
tee � ; „� ',forth on its behalf that it 'cures when
"Choserit Tour -Christmas prese
fe, TBatkins? •
s it—seal-skin sack?"
for your a
t' W haNr
"No. m going to pay for her
.present o me."
"A (great many people sleep be -
ores • nd cure permanently. rice
�,. showing the visitor through the
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never
fail. The Catarrh Cure—price . 250.—
• eradicates the disease from the system,
and the Catarrh ablets—price 25e.—
cleanse and heal the parts.
Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful
nerve tonic. Price, 25c. -
Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor
Price $1.
A separate cure for each disease. At
all druggists, mostly 25c. a yial.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11
& 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with
free medical advice for any disease.
(Intended for last issue.)
Mr. Neil Reid from • Paisley is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Jas. Scott has returned from
• Manitoba where he went last har-
Miss Nellie Huffman, of Lucknow,
was visiting at Gilbert Stevens'.
They both visited friends at Raeket
Hill last week.
John Weir is putting a straight
fence'along the frontof'his farm.
A certain young man on the 9th
concession is very anxious to •know
who the Glenannan correspondent is.
If he will send in ten new subscrip-
tions to the Tains the Editor wi 1 be
at liberty to tell him who the miser-
able creature is.
Mr. Harry Wells has returned
borne after being absent a few days
on business.
The annual meeting of Eadies'
branch of the Upper Canada Bible
and Tract Society was held in the
church on Tuesday 24th inst., when
the Rev. Dr. Moffatt gave a very in-
teresting in
to c n missionw
teresting lecture 1
Canada and the North West. At
the close of the meeting the follow-
ing offrcors were appointed; Pres.,
John Hutton'; Sec,, Miss ' Janet
Eadie, . Collectors for 10th and filth
concession are : Kiss A gielKitchell,
Kate Taylor, M. II. Scott, Maggie
Anderson. For coca, 8 and 9,
Jessie Miirray, Maggie Gilmour,
Ruth Lewis and Miss Fortune.
Mr. Hugh McDonald, of Goderieh,
formerly of Zetland, 'wvas visiting at
W M. Bair d s last week.
ancient English church where the
noble families were interred.
"Same way over in our Country'
replied the visitors "why don't they
11 ,t
{.either medicines fail'.
By request we publish the follow -
jug from the Canadian Forrester :
I "Dear Bro. Gummer-e-Will you
kindly insert in the next issne of
The Forester the encloseed references
t'o'the life and death of our highly
esteemed Brother. The tett; B, Flynn
was for many years a highly respect -
'•ed citizen of Wingham occuppying
several positions of trust and respon-
' sibility, among them that of town
Clerk, the duties •of which office he
NV; "tr4l
k_J .
.:or Infancaa 1.n�3. Children.
n,... .«..Teem is at
• :»' :•
!pt. '1rt'- • ' Tr044 ans..
Chester Whitely, of Seafurth, is
working np quite a reputation as a
boy violinist.
The Commidsion:�r of Customs has
issued a notice to enllectors through -
get a better preacher? —Yonkers always discharged with marked out Canada regarding the importa-
Statesman .
Odd feather pillows should be put g was found that
oto theTorontogeneralhospital, h' efficiency
leted : and uniform courtesy. tion of Meteor Bicycles, to the effect
w en He was a most marked and enthus- that these wheels are. manufactured
I eta aul
with torticollis (wry neck). During iastic Forester, loved by our ]noble wholly or in p srt by prison labor.
the first six months in the hospital Order, and ever enjoyed in a Customs officers :u•e instructed to
ire was uGder•the treatment of the great measure, the confidence re- seize all sueh geed:S attempted to be
staff electrician, but the powers of spec t and esteem of the members of brought into Canada.
lectricit entirely failed and after ,Court Maitland, No. 25.
on the grass 'during the summer
rain and allowed to become through-
ly wet oceassionally, then taken and
fastened on the clothesline, dried in
the wind and sun and beaten with
a small stick to stir up the feathers, consul tit•ron of physicians It His attainments and
Smiles: Truth is the very bond
is 1 a of Society without which it must dis-
This seems to put new life into the was deemed advisable to preform , t:hristain. gifts are portrayed by a solve into anarchy and chaos. A
feathers 'and freshens them. an operation. •Six weeks later a: monthly publication, issued by St. household cannot be governed by
If tee will bear a man before 1 a second operation was pe farmed. i 14iarks church, St, Louis, Mo., of lying,nor can et nation. Sir Thomas
Christmas it will not bear a man The operations proved successful only Which he was a most enthusiastic Brown was cines asked: "Do the
If Christmas finds a bridge he'll
break it; if he finds none he'll make
The shepherd would rather see
his wife enter the stable on Christ- known. to the s.a made provision for the loved ones said a woman's sphere was her
mas Day than his shee Selected equipped institution no- permanent;
p rlieould be obtained. i• He was who aro left behind. With sincere, homee'Now if you had been at home
Never use a dry chamois for rub= then advised to go Home, partly in good wishes, to•dav instead of grin lin• ahem the
Bing polished wood, no matter how the slope that the change might 1 Yours in L., B. & C. streets you would not Have seen
•D. M. GORDON me comb g from the n•atinee, and
in so far as they afforded a tem- • member. devils lie?" "No," was 1118 answer;
1 Our nreinbers one by one are
porary relief. He remained in, the! passing over to the great majority, fol', then even hell could not .sub -
hospital from November 1890 to slat.
Januar 1892 and with all the but whet It comfort it is even to those
modern remedies and appliances I who "visit the widows in their afflct- . "Yes." saki Junes, after an argu-
pp I Ion' to know that our brethe•n have ment with his Wife '•1'�-e always
` ff of that well •,
soft it may be, as it is a matellal prove beneficial, but instead he con -
which collects and retains dust. tinually grew worse, and in March,
For this reason, the idea that it is a
1892, he was again forced to take to
good one for wiping eye glasses and !!his bed, and those who ,knew of his
spectacles is most erroneous. Glasses , condition did not believe he had long
which are habitually wiping .with + to live. At tbis time every joint . in
a ehamois•skin "wiper" will soon be his body was swollen and distorted,
liopeleasly scratched. and he suffered the most excruciating
•e • ' beart,'' said _ walked died of lob. cc,o . I agony. - If a person � asked across
the physician. when the post-mortem ; his bedroom i intensified theain as
examination has been concluded. p
though ho was being pierced with
"Impossible!" replied the dead . knives, and when touched he would
man's churn. "He never smoked ; 'scream aloud with agony. In 'this
anything but cigarettes.' state of hopeless suffering heremain-
-- on
t you know
n r -'n -law
_Iothe r your hair so tight as � ed bedfast for eighteen months, all
that cropping y u g the time using all manner of medi•
"Brother Flynn was well educated you would therefore have been very
a good linguist and widely intelligent. much happier at the present morn -
A man of. wide general reading, and ent."—Ilari.)er'e B'iza,r
most of all familiar with the New • .---- r .. ' � �-.--�•^°
Testament, and the language of the LIFE' -.,1 J ,DE '.
original, he was instructed in conver-
sation and gifted as a teacher in the
Sunday School Besides he had
If'Tile Sto.naol . m Nat Ilialit.
`' xs their leceureo:3 1< t` re Canstfpra,tion?
added to his stores of knowledge by ; rzttete oth be Get tet? .o 1.7.1L ant
wide observation. A soldier and ! �etatlottc 730 ?TOIL , VD sten; Ideas•
non-commissioned officer it] the -----
English army for more than a score Any and all et' thew: d�nots Stomach and
Irivor Disorder
of years, familiar with the experien-
of the Crilnearl war throngh which Dr, Atfn0t+ : Tex, ,1',ll t pet q„iclsly
and will m),r• ,ir,•t t 11. ,:•11 nn1 chronic
he passed, lie had a fund of incident Limes. No Hull,',. ,, nr . No griring.
that will Inalie it fall out. , eines from which relief might be and event that made hirci interesting.
Son-in-law—Oh, yes; but that's the :
way I prefer to lose it."—Judge. , the treatment of a celebrated Tor-
At breakfast Christmas morning onto specialist, but with no better re-
Ha,milton pore was just a trifle suit. After this last experiment had
leaden eyes, and Mrs. H. has a failed he determined to give Dr.
suspicion of haughtiness and reserve ; Williams' Pink ?ills a trial, at the
about'he', same time discontinuing all other
The juvenile stockings has panned' treatment. At the tend of three
out well, and Jimmie and Tom were months there was a noticeable change.
loquacious 11 i in his condition, and so =loll that
"We heard Santa Claus, papa, his mother thought he could be lift -
said Jimmie. (ed out side. Ile was still so weak
Bleed IS 'Life. Papa started, and mamma smiled however that be wits only able to re
itis tke medium which carries to a smile with a whole lot of meaning main uta a few lnintitcs • as before.
every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its and traced of sareasn1 in it. ' when taken back -'to : bed he felt a
4•18 pure. rich and healthy you will be
nourishment and strength. If theblood•. "Ile 'made an awful noise and sudden. tingling up leis toes and
well; if impure. disease win aeon ever- tumbled on the ,stairs," continued trough his joints and spine~ • The
take you. Hood's Sarsaparilla has
power to keep you in health by making
your blood rich and pure.
jloped for. Then he was put under Best of all Brother Flynn knew
what the grace of God in Christ
Jesus means. Like Luther be knew
by what rugged road it came to him
His whole nature revolted at any -
tilling like the merit of works or
any merely human meditatation.
Conscious of his failings he had no
confidence in the flesh, and cast him-
self from first to last on the one
Meditator between God and Man.
A useful man and efficient in the
Sunday School, he will be missed
He died peacefallly in the faith
which be early espoused. and . wa
buried froth' the church in which he
uh , �, spent the closing' years of his
Jimmie, the next Inornintr what,. she awoke life, y'J he consolations of the
1 smile wid: "ed, the fain lhtld left the body, wind had widows The
aro extended to the
The inatelna sIn el? )� ' bereaved.11
"Guess It must have been the load lodged in 11i§ anis; and then for
IIoon'sPxLts are easyto take, easy to. be carried," chimed In Tommie some weeks the pain flitted about ACKNOWLEDGMERT,
operate. Cure it digestion, biliousness. And neither of them understood frornlace to lase in the arms and To the Officers and. Members of
Re cents. t heir Mother inscrutable smile , then disappeared altogether, and he Court Maitland, No. 25 'C, O. P.
whish has breadth! ltsngtb, de t,ii has not IA • ci a per ,isle of pain since. "Winghany.
1.tiler W!1} tire•' tall lag C 1 n J. tender
.-i ri1 .11n u -
t; y� Ill L hjlE4
1'.•"-11 i1� !I'. A_. C]L .,-(�: AP ., � 761;-t'nt
These little 1,1!!,4 ., , i t+ , "•,user work-
ers and are fa•'•''s:71• , 'rl in n vial for
10 coo n. 8ol,l .,1 c' i ''ulna's f`orner
Drug Store
PYNY - pecToRaL
Positively Cures
in a surprisingly short time, it's a tel.
entiiic certainty, tried and true, soothing
and healing in its effects.
W. C. MCCOM0Eit & SON,
report In a lrttat Mkt Pyny.Pettotal enroll Mrs,
0.Oarcrau of rhr0rtO told In rifest and bronchial
tube,, and a13° cured W. G. McComber of a
lung-atandin,t cold.
SIT,. 3. II. j-ttirre, Chemist,
ref e'onge St., Toronto, writes:
n As It Lemma eolith emitting syrup I',yny-
peetotal 13 a VIA SnrnlueLle Apreparndnn, It
has given the nlmnat satntartitn to ell Who
have trued it, ninny haring spoked to mo of the
l+ellellts tred from its use Sutton. fantiliet.
Sts suitable for old or young, bring pleasant for
the taste. itsosleWith 1n ton been wonderful,
e,,11 ran Alwnra rarnmmand it a3 a rtaff and
Billable cough Sneditino.-
xttr, folfio, sa rug.
The Greatest of all Liver,
Stomach and Blood Medicines.
Rheumatism, Gout and
Chronic Complaints.
They Cleanse and Purify the
All Druggists and
General Dealers.
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine: Cures the
common every -day
ills of humanity.
1;0501,•-tcite. racc•3,1•1te. Sctnt.ic
1' •'••�, ::curt 1,:zio T'nfns,
Pain in the Side, etc.
r,en l:y 1:t0ered nn1 Cured by
.a. �'�,j
I iu 4- De p a79
Month! `taster
Ilarinr nand sour D. .t 1. ?'enthral Plaster
f :r sown, ata 1u the bunk nal hanb.go,I
nuh,Kitatingiy trrmnn,rntt ,,nun N3 n Safe,
1n norm rn rpldremodl t1e1 fret, they netlike
magic.—A, LArutglr Ellcabetlu,wn, Out,
'trice 28c.
rroprietors, MONTREAL.
Iere in Ottawa
Irresistible Proof That There Is
a Cure for Diabetes.
Tho following sworn etatemout is the best
proof that diabetes is not incurable, and that
there is a remedy which will cure it.
Ontario, County of Carleton, to wit:
I, Charles ?loss, of th i City • f C:t•'wa, in the
County of Carleton, Bir.cksnlith, do 'hereby
solemnly declare as follows:
1. I reside at 180 Bell Street, in the said City
2. Portllo nftenn years 11
I ':,-:o boon a
groatof cufreter fralul Itl.laoy (Ilse 'so;
past a non this
prominent synlutolld:l of which wo;o tovero
pains in 103' beck, hot flashes cxtondingfront
tho base of the spine up b jtweou my shoulders,
dirzine: s, headaches. rite, I was in a bad sate
generally and stifiored greet agony at tunes.
The intense paiu prat 1u: ea Idy s oc Vit1 bend X
seemed to get worse coati really. Tho d,, •tors
who were caned el pronounced 111y disease
diabetes, but their trratulntit did no good, and
they hold oat but nlig 1t hope of 1,Iyrt:eevery.
I was then so far gone with tho disease that X
co}Ind 1108 turn in bud'without 11011i. illy trine
was of a dart: wino color, an 1 full et sediment.
3 Ito'lt all Muds of Ino;lioiuo, butwitllogt
per:nail.:i.t 110101,
d, 11 ti••r r i of Doo , s Kidney rills X gob
b,xatII. P.,+IaoOtr.1r ad•a';store, buth..ving
(102.31 no often dis:111it utvd hats ni
thea lruwovcr, I tl,evte,d takingI sohot,o,tl anind
they t^t.•k 8110 drift ell It at en,..l, RDA 10001-
Inn,re+i to got blister Front thtt tittle on
i1,1,'rineluant was coati:loons until 1 hot now
aft +r fire stooks use of 71nr_an s Iirdn 'y I'311 t,
entirely free from pain of. any kiwi. The urine
r l
natural. and I Pm now working right along
ovary day in lily shop.
e rt to a 1,103,8 t 11000 of piens800 for ole to
t. r if v to the V ,11'14 of the 00001.'Tc 1 ,wens of
t>,11 N 7ti•lney rills. *mil I Blake this s'lemn
d art',iall a 111.•elelfl•In41V belioving it to Int
trim n Li )nlowin,gtli:tt it is of thr's me fore*
1t+ -,.t 1 if et 70' 111,14.;11 under oe t1n ant, lay rirtwe
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