The Wingham Times, 1896-12-11, Page 4• 1s1'RIDd.Y, DECIBUSSII 4. X840.. A KINDLY Y SUOOI'.STION. The Glue, in an indirect but g00dnat red way, eu'rgi'sts that If titles are to. tie passed around in . Canaria., there is no reason why the lawyer and politician who was so: largely concerned in defeating the earned al boll should holt hereafter be known al, Air IV.1laas McCarthy. Pidlitically he sacrificed his amble tion for a good cause, l,ot:ially of cu- pyh g:t gteed position,. and Scrupu- lausty male to better traditions than ., 9 the oritin,tt, carie which is sufficient to those who are struggling for a high place ill the land, Mr. D'Alton McCarthy can scarcely hope to tit a reward commensurate with his ability and sacrifices, If it would bring either pleasure or added pros- perity to him, to be known as Sir D'Alton McCarthy, the majority of the people of this country would be happy to see Lim possess the title. -- Toronto Star.. ENGLAND'S VIE THE St. James? Gazette devotes a leading editorial to the discussion of Canadian interests as affected by the prospects of tariff revision in the true% awarded to j ethi1 al friends under tii•,e new regime as they had been, without tender by the late governrlrent. But Mr. Mtlleuk has chosen the fair straight forward course and while there may be some disappointed ones the country, I am sure, will commend him in the end for the eourse be is taking. Ile is most anxious that every tenderer in the past who has reason to believe his tender although the lowest was overlooked, would communicate their suspicions to him,. Since I drew attention to this matter before, some very strange revelations have come to light. ,lie wants your co. Operations on this matter. You will 'be surprised to learn when the House nets the amount of nUonev his vigilance has saved the country. THE. COUNTY PRESS. There is no ageney in the county that is vested with the same amount of power, for good or evil, as the country newspaper. When I started out in these letters from Ottawa some three years ago to have a week- ly ghat with the electors of Canada I did so with a view to keeping thele thoroughly posted as to what w;Ts going en behind the scenes, that when it came time for ahem to reel der their judgment at the poll, there might be nothing hidden from them. It was more to expose the political sinner than • any remuneration I might receive for my letters that I initiated this feature of journalism and the fact that now some 130 papers of the country press have asked me to furnish, them with cor- respondence from the capital. stands in evidence, I think, that my efforts have been appreciated and points to the good I may yet be able to do. With such a powerful lever in my hand I have for the future as in the past determined to direct my- efforts towards securing honest, economical and pure Government and in this, throwing party allegiance*,to one side I feel I have nine -tenths of the people and press of Canada with me We have our Liberal, Conservative and Independent press. Those who have carefully watched the events of the past few years cannot but be impressed with the idea that the day is fast approaching when tete press of the country will altogether be ran on fair independent lines free from party servility. Thebe are very many people in Canada who today believe that the patron- United States,. and urges the govern- ment to do something for Canada, which it says, is infinitely mote important than Guiana and South Africa. Continuing, the St. Jaynes Gazette says: "It would be well, before it is too late, for the Government and Parlia• went to consider whether the Dotu. inion has received the attention ib deserves. the consolidation of the Empire is an absolute necessity; yes nothing is done to accomplish what Mr. Chamberlain, long ago, promis- ed. What has he done, and what is be going to do for Canada?" Continuing, the St. James' Gazette points out Canada's temptations, alas refers to the alleged "boast of the A.nglophobe American papers, that she has no chance even of a customs union until Canada joins the United States." OH OTTAWA LETT 4:p Ottawa, Dec. 8.—Without in the least detracting from the interest other members of the Government are throwing into the work of the r respective departments, I must say that it was a fortunate thing for the taxpayers of Canada, when Mr. Laurier selected for his Post Master General a man possessed of the ability,' energy and courage as that shown by Hon. Wm. Mulock. There is not 0 department itt the whoe service where complete organization Is more needed, than in the Post Office Department and for that duty a wiser selection could not have beets made. 11r. Mulock is a millionare without doubt the wealthiest mem- ber of the House of Commons, and it is therefore apparent that he is not in the Government for salary or what he can make out of his position. His whole heart is nolo bent on the great work he has undertaken to give to the country a complete Branitfierd., Dela, tT'13q 4etilsn petition trial yesterday rday a.fte'rnoon was of short duration.. .After some unimportant witnesses. had been ex- • unlined, Wm. Sttigar, a Mohawk• Indian, gave evidence that Peter Atkins, a chairman of a polling sub division, and an active worker for Mr. Henry, had given hint a $2 bill and two $it bills, for having voted. for Henry. took up the subject, "Proper inter - Mt:, henry said that heto had told pret.ation and working of the signs r lets. wanted , ^h,horane a clean , ' workers that 1115 c' campaign. He knew nothing' of this In fractions. A discus seen on the corruption, and he did not know where the money came from. The judges decided that the elec- tion had been rendered void, but Mr. Henry was not adjudged person- ally disqualified. �tl 'I cj/ u.tVe `�•� ID t1 ' WII1 n Eakin illtEttliwettia. easel. ition Wrgen i I {,� the practice of undermining and X N G H A un- derbidding resorted to by teachers. After some diseussion the subject Capital, 111,250,000. f d t theresolution conl- IL I Ull 01;11° . Rest, $650,000 was re erre o mittee. "Grammatical analysis" was dealt fully with by Mr. Huston. Mr. W. 11. Johnston. explained :the Methods of teaching composition to second and third classes. At the atternoon session Mr. S. J. A. Boyd Y'. C UL1iCS6* spelling book in school followed. A number of resolutions were adopted,. as follows : The associations thought that Gage's system of vertical writ, ing should be at once authorize. On account of teachers leaving to preside at high school entrance and public school leaving examinations. they considered that the examine- Mrs. D, Ballast, who underwent an , ations should be held ae;er tho 30th operation some time ago, in Wint. of June. The association strongly. hale, contrary to expectations .s condemned the practice of under - getting around uieely, mining other teachers, and any Acciden.ts will happen. A iew person guilty of such hereafter will days ago as Miss Lizzie Clelland, and be reported to the association. In her youngest brother were driving' the interests of education and the into Teeswater; they had the mis• . teaching profession, it was suggested fortune to break the front axle of that committees be appointed in their buggy, which threw them out each inspectorate for the purpose unceremoniously on the hard grouted. , of supplying Interesting matter 'A: iss Clelland was thought to be , P seriously injured, but we are glad to hearty vote of thanks to the teachers learn she will soon be able to be and their friends, who supplied the around again. Her brother got off entertainment on Friday evening, without a scratch. • The horse got the meeting broke up.. away and smashed the rig badly. 1 _. .• The funeral of Miss Jennie Aiken took place from the residence of Mrs. Thos 141eF.>,a�•ue on the 27th Nov i• thepress of the country,. After a • and was largely attended. Much sympathy is felt far Mr. Robt, Aiken in his bereavement as this is the third, death has claimed within a short space of time. HOWICK. On • Thursday last the farming effects of the late Mr. George Rush were sold by 1Vir. Torrance, auction- eer of Clifford. There was a large assembly and good prices were ob-. rained, especially' for sheep. Mr. Rush had been in the northwest working this summer, where he was seized with fever from the effects of which be died in the hospital and his remains were brought to Petrolea to be buried. We learn that his widow, with her young family, will snortly vacate the farm, to live with r f?•ienrls at New I3arnburg. ago in the way of printing and ad• YMWe hear that our worthy Coli:n- vertising from the government hues cillor lax Will 1+'' l will offer up such papers. Let us take the. last report of the Auditor General and classify the Conservative .papers whose influence there are many oo believe was bought u »dth this;, government pap. f tJ. total number of papers receiving tech patronage last year, 80 received from $1 to $10; 211 received. from $1 to $50 ; 258 received under $100; 31 received from $100 to $200 ; 16 from $200 to $300; 5 from $300 to $400 ; 5 from $400 to $500 ; 4 fro,u $500 to $600 , 1 from $600 to $700, while 16 received from $700 up wards You will note that 258 Con- servative papers received less than $100 each, many of those sums rang- ing from $1 to $3 and that is what is called Government "pap" Is it reasonable that any newspaper would sell out its influence for the paltry sums I have quoted. Hard11. The sante charge will likely now be made against the Liberal press but you can see how little the •e is in it postal, money order and savings Then bank system at a minimum cost. 1 hen if it .can change shown to e'u He goes to his office at nine o'clock. county dealt 1 of Govern nater in the morning and, save lunch and has secured xt more economical aid- dinner hour, he remains continuous- the conditions s its affairsad'and than ly at his desk until eleven and more benthe conditioys of trade have been often twelve o'clock at night wading think:Hled lie a. chely ofpolicy t through correspondence and con we may safely assume that tracts, cancelling those band any the present got ernlnent will receive evidence ofcrooked work on which fair independent support from leased have been awarded to political fav- of those nrp pp whichibad opposed orites by the late Government with- a when in opposition and when as a party ;all they cordd offer the out tender at the sacrifice of public' country were promises. money. It would be impossible here ! THE Slts.l'roil. to enumerate the many evidences of i fraud and collusion between the late i government and the mail contractor. that has already been brought to light by Mr. Mulock. It will all come out when Parliament meets. While he is cancelling mail contracts by the hundreds where he believes the eour try's interests have been sacrificed in awarding these con- tr. �3ts bi the late Government he is rigidly adhering to the principle he laid down when he commenced his work °flat every mail service should be pat up to tender and the contract awarded to the lowest tenderer. It is true there may be some fault find- ing by friends of the Liberal party "in cm of a war with Spain," rem:irked Duke tie. "ijnele Se in will ,iso into the entomological production tmsiness." "I don't think I follow you," re- plied Gas well. "Well, we will go into the man- ufacture of the cantharides." "What do you mean ? The can- tharides is a sort of beetle used in medicine." "I see you begin to tinderstand. In other words, Uncle Sam will make the Spanish fly." --Pittsburg Chronicle -Telegraph. .. iI - 1'. r; P Ira! __.. , r.., 1 Ism . 111 ey, wl o er WOMEN Aad MI.i<'EIIS, President --donee S uARr. Vtoe•Preeldent—A. 0. R4NdAr. DnREC'roltti Joux Paoor Woo) Ono. Roam, (Toronto) ' M k, A. T. Cashier—J. TURNBULL,. Saving Bank—Houra,lato 8; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed. also received at current Spacial Deposits THE FAIR SEN ENTERING THE BIBLE AS Pr 0itoTER,5. The Woman's Northwest Mining and ]Investment Coltpaiiy, has been incorporated .in Spokane, Wash , with a capital of $2,000,000. The trustees to serge for the first' six months are: Urillia Bertrand, Jennie L. Gandy, Florence N. Kent, Anna May Keiser, Etta 13. Reed, Mary A. Davis and Waltrine Willis. The objects of the incorporation are to buy, sell, and bond mining property, build railways, smelters, and such othert hings as are useful to such inco"parations. Miss Keiser says it is purely a woman's movement. She said: "We expect to open offices in all the great trade entries in the coun- trys, also one in each London and Paris. We have excellent connect- ions, and expect to do a good Uusi- 9.�. —18 PUBLISHED EVERR3r. VIII 4 7lroliNINGt TIMES OFFiG 4QSEPHII STFI&Er IINGIIAM, ONTARIO. SAbsoriptl0n price, $1 parr yr ur, lr} Rc4Va Po ADVERTISING RATES: Spites• 11yr•. 1 Ontc. dmo. 1 1 u Ono Column 500 00 840 00 1 $20 00 S 00 11a14 " 40 00 20 08 12 00 0 00 raster " 20 OP 12 05 7 00 3 00 0 J 0 2 1 oh 60 U 0 Inch I I 00 rates of i, arast.. Drafts er, Great Britain and the United States un 6ou ht and creed •• E W. CORFOLIDD, Ae>•NT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Legal and of for castle advertisements, 8e. per line for Prat Insertion, and2c. per line foreaehsubsequent insertion. 'lasered by nonpareil scale. Loonl notices 10e. p(:I Ilya for ant insertion, and to. per line for each subsequent anteater., GRAND TRUNK. RAILWAY. Y. Advertisements of Los ,TLound,Strayed ,Situatione, and Business Chances 11 anted, not exceeding 8 lines nenparoii, 51 for !lest month, and 60c, for each, subsequent month. Blouses and Farms fa *Sale, not exceeding 8 lines 81 for best month, 50c, per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in proportion. '!`hese terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates Per larger advertisements, or fo longer eu'orperiods. IAdyttso th nts and local notices without epeoiff directions, will l•o inserted till forbid and merged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be. paid hi advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in. the olden by Wednesday noon, to order to appear that week DEPART ron UtMIVE v'AO➢T Toronto and East 6:50 man, 1:15 p.m 8:15 r,. m. -•via Clinton " 10:40 a.m Palmerston Mixed 5:80 London and South 6:50 t .ren. 11:10 " 8:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Kincardine 11:10 a.m. 6:50 a.m. 1:15 p in. 13:80 p.m 8 ' " 5:30 " WNTED ,-,Irdinepgent /den with loot] �i Fi education wire warts to better, thob pna,t'nns and would ho content fur t, vo with 8800 and expensed, write us, wish des r iritic n and.accupation, and \r0 t at make a .°poet:toil for now or rho fat:re. Mao ,,ceded rail bee :ten for At steeps. ,vr'to 4o day as tea aro in a hurry, T. M! iMlaa, 40 Richmond St,• Nest Toronto, Ont. Money to Loan can Notes, i;"l otic � iscou�i .cd AT RE ASO TABLE. RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5i pet ceut>tihh privilege of plying at the and of any year. Nut„ and accounts collected. s&)ttr, ibintiti)Oti. B himself as 2nd Deputy -Reeve for the nese. We have an expel t in une township. Rossland District, and upon his re - Mr. Jacob Plaliiday, late of Her- port we, shall purchase one ormore properties, incorporate ,anal . do a riston, with his brother Willie genet Georgi have this week gone to live at Wil ham, the latter has been engaged as drayman to the firm •1f Messrs. Button and Fessant; We wish then! weep Your Nose Out. every success in their new appoint- A story comes from down South ments. to the effect that an over -inquisitive man passing behind a circus tent WEST HURON TEACHERS noticed a projection against the can A.St;OCIATION. vas, and put forth his . hand to feel A meeting of the West Huron it. It was a mule, and the coroner's Teachers assoeiation, was held in jury returned a verdict of "DI ceased Goderich Collegiate Institute. Mr. came to his death by prying into J. S. Delgaty, president of the what didn'teoncorn him." There are association occupied the chair. a great many people who can't keep after the ordinary opening exercises their noses out of their neighbors' the following committees were ap- business. No amount of expostula- poi.nted: Resolution, Messrs. Baird, ing or warning seems to • have any Tom Loekbart Mrs. Robb and Miss effect upon these harpies,from whom Wiggins; audit,, T. A. li:cLauchlin, . nothing, from the merest trifle to the and J. Spencer: programme, 5. P. weightiest business matter, is sacred. Hall W.H. Johnston and Miss Vosper. • They can tell you more about your At the afternoon Session Mr. Wxn. own business than you know your - Houston M. A.., Director bf teachers' self, and aro always ready to let you institutes, discussed the best Methods know all the neighbors think and of teaching literature. Mr. George' say about you and your business. Holman spoke condemning the New- ; The wise man will find in his own land series of copy books. Mr, G. , affairs enough to engross his atten- Baird then read a carefully prepared tion without tendering his neighbor paper on: "The care of school pro- ' unsolicited advice. If your friend is perty." He was followed. on "The' wise he does not need it. If he is a dignity of the teachers' profession." • fool he won't follow it. The man In the evening apleasant At Home! who minds his own business is re was held in the Collegiate Assembly spected in the community, but as room where an excellent programme Solomon says, "Every fool will be was provided. A lively discussion 1 meddling." was held on the .outlook of the put.,- lie school teacher. At the close lun-•) J"atnes Killoran of Seaforth hag cheon was served by the teachers of been called to the bar. Goderieh and their friends. An cid man was breasting stones' On resuming business Saturday the auditors' report was read -and one day on a country road in Wales adopted. On motion of inspector 6 when a gentleman came riding "Bother seconded by Mt. G. Baird, the along. thesestones! Take thanks of the association was tender- them out of my way!" he said. ed the Goderich Collegiate Institute Where can I take them to, your for the use of the assembly room. Honor?"y The election of officers resulted as I dont care where; take them follows: President S. J. A. Boyd, to ades if you like." Belfast; vice - president, Mise Date "Don't you think, your Honor," Watson, Goderieb; seeretarytreas, said the old man, "that I d better urer, George W. Holman, Hurondaler take em to heaven ? They 11 be executive committee, Thos. G. Allin! less in your Honors way there?", B. D. Grant, S. P. Hun, B. A,, J. A. —Spare Moments. business in handling mines. Stone is the official broker." wANTrol ` ills GUT ttEN ANI, WOMEN i 41 ctu.tas.,:.n for U.nada acd Atistrada. -queen Victoie Icer Lilo ail Pei ..11" Introduction by Lord Duffel in. A thrulinr% new book. Sales marvellous. Thr- Queen us Citi, wife, mothea, monarch. Ito. a like ,on•ance. Grandly illustrated. Big commission, Beol.s ue time. Pro. spert,ns free to elm vassatn l.xeinsit o tortitory. Lots (1 money in it. Tin. BitanurvtIAIIRIV.oc.Y Co., LTD Tgto ,t,, Ont. 1 he .rest Cembinatioo Yet. :'The. Family Herald and Weekly Star' the Beautiful S. G. BROWN,. PEWIT I tTOa AND lemmata DR MAODONALD, • CENTRE STREET WINER AM, ONTARIO R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SuLICITOR, Eto., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat e interest. No oominfssten ohs,, on. Mortgagee, town and farm property bought and sol., QFyICE;--Beaver Stock Wislonan J, A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o,, Wingham, Ont, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. boLzo:TOR TO .BANE or UA2TILTON. MONEY LOAN. Office—Meyer Block. wingl,am M. G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Androw,streete opposite Colborne Hotel. GUDNICICTt, ONTARTe, DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEitOME, L. D. S,,1WINGUAte. , ka- Isrnanufacturing first-class Bets of ,th s r cY in the uDominion. as t can he made Teeth extracted ��tlit�9 absolutely without pain, by his new process, guarantees perte.tly safe. OFFICE : In the Baaver Block, opposite 40 Brunswick House. ARTHtilt J. IRWIN, D. D. G., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvato Dental College. OFFICE-•-MACDONALD BLOCK. Noss -11 ill viait 1313 t11 try Wedm•cday,. "Orphan's Prayer," and "The ll•CHN RITCHIE, \Vingharel ,Tn ii:s.' All for !J YOUNG PEOPLE'S IOC. Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of. Presbyterian church every Friday evening' Deo. llth—liow to strengthen our faith in Christianity: Mark 9:14.29, 1). tai. Gordon • B. Y. P. U. --Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist churoh. EPWORTH LEAGILB—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. For Tvr a'ty--' ix Years TECO 1K'SBES T FRIEND LAPIGES1' 3ALF, 1IN CPO/ADA. PALE GIRLS Weak, languid and listless, suffer- ing from heart palpitation, ner- vousness, stomach troubles or constipation, should use Indian Woman's Balm. It cures. WEAK WOMEN, Rini down, easily tired, pain in back or limbs, troubled with dizziness, rush of blood to the bead, faint feeling, nausea, try Indian Woman's Balm. It's nature'. remedy fo; Women. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 1VINGUAD, ONTARIO pDEANS, JR., WINOtaid, LICENSED ATICTIONEER FOL. r8E ooUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge. Moderate. T O13N CIIRRIJ , WINeaAnr, ONT., �e3 LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Fader Implement& specialty. All orders left at the Tniss oftfee promptly attend ed to. Torras reasonable. JOB PRATING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 131 3. Heads, Circulars, 8te., &o., executed in the beat style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short - notice. Apply or address 8.0 RRowN, ants Office, Wingheon. BOOKBINDING. We aro pleased to announce that env Eooks Magazines lets with vs for Binding, will have! prompt attention. 1?ricesfor Binding in any style will be given on application o the Tuna Office. Wanted—An Idea Who can thick or eo a elmple thing to Defeat. Protect your ideas; the' may Pring you wealth. write 3011N WEDDERBtIRN & CO. Patent Asti* ,,eye wasbington,. D. E., for their =1,800 prise ofbs' and list of two hundred Inventions wanted, SOCIETY MEETINGS. 0 Court 'Maitland, No. 25, Oanadlais e 0■ ,�■`•""Order yeresters,ateetsthesecond and last rriday evening of every month, iu Gee. gory's Block, Visiting brethren welcome, W. G. (fray, C. h. H.. B. Elliott, It. S, _Camp Caledonia No. 49 meet, t'ior sale in Wingintm fly Colin A a S. oa §. —the drat ell 'tsird Monday he evcrvTnonih, iit.ho 01d 1re11otVs nun. "Vieitltit 'n, hrelhren welec..e. J. Murray, Chief. Hr Goyim, !ten .See Campbell.