The Wingham Times, 1896-12-11, Page 3INGIIAM
VOL. XXy,--
-NO. 1298,
WE 4E11
CHI 7iTialts aas
Christmas will soon be here again,
And you are all wondering, thinking
.and plannfng what you aro going to
give to Father or Mother, Son or
Daughter, Sister or Brother, Friend
.or Sweetheart. Well for the past
week we have been thinking, plan•
wing and selecting for you and we
have almost everything you may
possibly need for the gift and at
prices that will meet the contents of
your purse.
Sets of Dishes,
• Workboxes,
Photo Holders,
Dogs, Climbing Monkeys,
Mehanical Toys, Horns
Organs. Whistles,
Trains of Cars, Iron Wagons,
Iron Horses. Zulu Chiefs.
Zulu Warriors in Zulu Costume,
Hand Mirrors, Table Matts,
.:T, ly Watches, Carpenter Sets,
Collar & CuffBoxes. Toilet Sets in box,
Manicure Sets, • Jewel Boxes,
Ink Stands, 'Napkin Itings,
,Ash Trays, • Pin Trays,
Trinket Trays, •
And many things that we cannot
mention here. Be Sure to call and
see our stock before leaking your
selections.. We are bound to sell to
you and to please you. A. beautiful
line of
lVlen's Slippers in Plush
and Leather.
rover? es@
We want to clear out our Mantle
Stock before the new year, we offer
you thirty Mantles in Tweed, Serge,
and Beaver, in Black, Brown and
Greys worth up to ,c8 vour choice
for 85; 1.6 Mantles in Tweed, Sere,
and Beaver, in Brown, Black and
Grey and mixed colors, worth from
$8 50 up t:,a `'18, your choice from
$6 to $9, What will make a more
suitable Xmas present than a good
MiIiinery at Cost.
The prices aro the same every day,
as our
is every day in the week. .
Goods delive"'r:i nxlptly,
1i. CHEAP.
r'.J ,',„p .L.1 ♦
ra a Licenses
... a ki
Issued by FRANK PATsiisoN, No 23, Via
toria street,Wingham, Ont. Nowitnesse
--The Treasurer of the School
t e S r 1
- has received the sum of seventy dollars,
is being the grant allowed by the Government
for tete P. S Leaving examination.
--1?'rincipal Mosgt•ove . stood the school.
board and press representatiyes the oysters
on Tuesday night at the close of the final
boart,d meeting for 1890. They were all
—Mr. Homer Harris received a telegram
Ion Friday saying his sister, Mrs. Howard,
of St Marys, was dead. Deceased leaves
s heeband and four of a family, two sons
and two daughters.
—Conductor Parker now has Charge of
the run from Wingham to Palmerston and
Kincardine on the Grand Trunk, Conductor
Quirk, of Kincardine, has charge of the
run from London to Kincardine.
Canada's popular commercial school None bet-
tor in the Dominion. Our courses of study aro
bristling with good basine.s points. Experienced
teachers iri evory department • ex -students of other
business co0.ges now in attendance; moderate
rates ; board low. A go-ahead school turning out
wide.awalce young men and women.; graduates al.
ways successful. Business is reviving and many
bright young parsons will bo needed next tail. Now,
o '
lar time toe
b prepared,'r
and this is the school in
1i 1
winch to get your preparation. Beautiful litho-
graphed catalogue free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal•,
re '
%V A. JOHNS, t
fia)O® ♦ • e -•-.. d. • • w GOO
New .Ads.
(fD. Sutherland Notice.
Central Business College.
' V. Paterson—Xmas Goods.
o W. F. Brockenshire—Notice.
Mclndao—Xmas Gifts.
✓b. N. Griffin—Great Clearing Sale.
4Tohn Murray—New MVIachine Shop.
Colin A. Campbell—Xmas Presents.
. Horruth & Bowles --Xmas Groceries.
John Cowan—County Council Election.
P. ]?orterfieid---Gouty Council Electron. I
McKinnon rE Co.--Gigantio Sale Price
Thos. B. Sanders --To the Electors of
—C. 0.1‘. Meeting to -night, (Friday)
See the Golden Giant Mine at the Hall I
to -night.
An able Company of artists at hall Fri,
y nights.
day and Santrday
—Mr. John Fyfe, of Turnberry, has been
seriously ill with inilarnation d
—To hear the robins caroling_ last week
one world think the t spring had come.
Everlasting humor, and continuous
laughter at the Hall Friday and Saturday
f7 Jas. McAlpine, who has been living to
Mt. Forest for some time, has nroyed back
to town again.% e' •
Hutehinson is contemplating a, trip
to California. He will probably leave
Moen -lay. Saturday Mo
. •
—Jacob Halliday, of Harriston, has may -
ed into• town and will occupy' T.L..Jobb's
residence on Diagonal street.' .f
Miss Bessie Parker, of Wingham, wa4
the guest of the Misses Emigh for a few
days last week—Blyth Stands"d.
Sutherland has disposed of his
hardware and stove business to Messrs
Bunten and Bonny, cf Dashwood, Ont. S
l ,T. 3. Flannigan has the machinery in
place and will open up a broom manufac-
tory. He expects to begin work to -day..
.-Eepport of the annual meeting of the
Whitechurch creamery, a batoh from our
looal correspondents held over for lack of
ger mariy friends will be pleased to
know that Mrs, ltobt. Molndoo has recov-
ered so far from her late illness ay to be
able,to be oat again.
quite an impetus to trade ..rid help
up some of the smaller places.
f Ses-
bly be
wit( be
Wed -
Dr. P.
d re-
1111 be
d sign
—The annual meeting of the teachers
and officers of the Presbyterian Sabbath
School was held in the school room on
Tuesday evening. All present excepting
Miss McKenzie, Messrs McIntyre,
Stewart and Brown. All business matters
in connection with the school, such as
procuring helps for the teachers and the
pupils, papers for certain classes, ' cards
for infant classes, etc., was transaeted.The
Secretary's report showed the following
average attendance: Boys, 64; Girls, 106;
Teachers, 14; Substitutes 2 ; Officers, 5 ;
Total, 191; Total collection, 0124,46; aver-
age, $2.44. Treasurer's report showed
that 0133 had been expended for supplie s
for the school. After paying ont 030 for
missions, there will be on hand a balance
of 626.09. After the business had been
transacted the ladies servers a:luncheon of
coffee and cake, and a pleasant social hour
was spent together-
-The hearing of Me anvil case, Rnettsl
vs, Ritohie, came up in the Court a
sions in Goderich on Wednesday. Judge
reserved decision, which will probe
given before the count rises.
—Tho Star Photo Company have on ex-
hibition a photo of the 82 rabbits and part-
ridge shot in Howlett by a company of
sports on Thanksgiving Day and mentioned
in the Times two weeks ago.
'../-11.1r. A. M. Rush of Brantford, feit from
the roof of Peter McEwen's barn in Tare -
berry, on Tuesday of last week, and fract-
ured his leg. Mr. Rush had just
ed putting up a windmill on the harm
and had gone up to show Mr. McEwan
Trow to oil it, when he lost his ballanoe
with .the above serious results, ;%
—There will only be two eclipses of the
sun in 1897. The first, on Feb. 1,
invisible in Canada. On July 2S, between
9 a. m. and 11 a. m., a partial eclipse of
the sun will be seen in Canada New
Year's Day falls on a Friday ; Ash
nesday will be on Maroh 4 ; Good
nn April 16 ; Easter Sunday, April 18. and
Christmas Day, Saturday Dec. 25:
— It is currently rumored that
McDonald has sold his practice and intends
removingfrom Wingham. We are in-
structed to say that ho has not, sold his
practice but only wishes toget a goo
liable married doctor to take his practice
while he is attending his parliamentary
duties at Ottawa, at the coming session
which will likely open about the middle of
next February. In the meaittim
Doctor will be found at his old stand.
— The Huron and Ontario Electric
way, running from Kincardine and
ieh via Walkerton to Eugenia, the junction
town. thence north to Mearord and an,b
to Port Perry, is to be begun at one The
New York contractor•, states it
finished by ,January, 186e. A Meeting of
the provisional directors to '.tify an
the, contrasts will be bell in a few days.
This will be quite a boon to the people
north anti west, and will no doubt give
School Board.
The regular meeting of the school board
was held in the council chamber on Tues-
day evening. Present : l:liscocks, Button,
Abram. Griihin and tttoore. In the absence
of Chairman Bell. T. H. Hiscocks wee
voted to the chair. Minutes of last meet-
ing were read and on motion adopted.
The Finance Committee re;ommended
payment of the following accounts: Alex.
Ross, stationery, 966.75 ; Geo Mason,
stationery, 53.20 ; Advance 971: Tinge 01;
Thos. Moore, work at school, 02.25; Alex.
Young, supplies, 01.58. Moved by Wm.
Moore, seconded by Wm. Button, that the
accounts bo paid --Carried.
• Moved by C. N. Griffin, seconded by
Win. Moore, that the teachers' salaries for
November be paid and that on certificate
of tine Principal the salaries for December
as paid—Carried.l n be
Board adjourned,
John Walker, Brussels, was in town last
Mr. M. Lamont will spend a few weeks
with friends in Ripley,
Rev. Gallagher, of Barrie, well known to
the people of Wingham, was in town this
guest of his brother, Thos. Wood -
Rey. I'. D. Woodcock, of Carndon East,
. `Miss Janet Glendenning, who has been
in the west for the pest three years, return-
ed home on Thursday.
Mist Lilian Ainley and Master )toy,
who have been visiting at Mr. I+'. Redeems,
returned to their ham in Brussels on
11Tn. Eurron,--Noticing a communication
in your paper of November 27th, regarding
our bemuse(' manufacturers of this town
signed Wage Earner, we think that it is
only fair and just to both the nranufectur-
er, the ratepayer and wage earner that
their should bee reply, as the coxamunicrt-
tio t r
was of a misrepresenting character.
We are only answering for ourselves no
doubt the others can do likewise. In the
first place the Wingham Chair Factory
was purchased from the late insolvent
firm or essigeee of the Kincaid Bros.
and paid for in cash, subject to the town
loan or bonus which was the inducement
held out by the town to encourage manu-
facturers to settle here, and then after-
wards we had put in enough more capita(
to equip it up to the requirements of the
town bonus by-law. Wo have not only
left in the principal, but the profit also,
not even taking out our whole living ex-
on s
p se but have had to put in from time to
time more capital from outside of the busi-
ness which has been the means of enlarg-
ing to nearly double the nurriber of hands
required by our bonus by-law, and as for
building or buying large, oostiy buildings
as he says outside of the business, we want
to tell him plainly that there has not been
one dollar's worth of either profit orprinoi-
pal.out of the factory been put into those
costly buildings neither has that Wage
Earner or ratepayer contributed one cent
towards those buildings but rather those
buildings have helped him to contribute
towards the paying off this bonus we )tear
so much about. It would be a pleasure to
us to establish ail the above with facts and
figures to the satisfaction of that Wage
Earner or rate payer any time the Mayor
or Council are disposed to take time to in-
vestigate, We may employ one or two
hands that live outside of the town limits
but when we first employed them we were
not aware that they lived outside of the
said limit or that it made atiy difference
and now we don't feel disposed to dis-
charge thein without some other reason es
their services have been very satisfactory
to us and they no doubt help to support the
town in some way. Hoping Mr. Editor
that we have not trespassed to much upon
your valuable space,
Regular monthly meeting of the Omuta.l
was held on Monday evening last.
Members present: Mayor McKenzie,
The the Pri.s lc it r c•lnr
. It a in t tc v ti i h
e leptn p
Monday night, by the Rev. t L. ay R9 wrN. UI 'i
who has geoid descriptive poweseportrayed
in very interesting manner the litany
eisthte of that worrdet-f ul stretch of country
with its mighty geysers,my sterious springs,
its mountain of glass and.magnifieerrt
yons. As was remarked by the chairman.
should Ur, Murray ever again Dome to
Wing t xn, to t, 1 a thea lecture of which he
has a number, be will be greeted no doubt,
with a full house.
The following resolution of condolence
was sent to i3ro.Sohn Elder by Maitland
Dodge No. 119. I. 0. O. F.
To Brio. Joni ELD N
DEIN Sin, ---Whereas it has pleased
Providence in Idis wisdom to lay
the heavy band of affliction„upon
you, our worthy and beloved - brothr and
to remove from you, your life partner the
sharer of your joys and sorrows and while
cast down by this heavy loud of affliction
we the members of Maitland Lodge, No.
119,1. Q. 0. F. in Dodge, assembled here
beg to tender you our heartfelt sympathy
and condolence in this your great sorrow.
May He, who wept at the grave of Lazarus
and laid down His life that we might live,
comfort you in your hour of trial, may His
grace be sufficient for you until you tOsat
with her in that Eternal home where sor-
row and partings never come. ' Signed on
behalf of Maitland Dodge, No, 119 I. 0. 0,
JJowl Cowries,
Commi ttee. Jonz F.( Gnovl:s
Wingham Dec. 1st 1896.
A Flattering'STribute To The Standing
• Of The Canada Business College,
No more nattering tribute to the stand -
lug of the Canada Busiuess College, Chat-
ham, eouldbe given than the fact that at
the present moment three unfilled appli-
cations are in for help; two from other busi-
ness Colleges asking for teachers, and the
third from a large financial concern.
One is from a business college in Massa-
chusetts,@and asks for a lady teacher of
Graham shorthand,, one either with ex•
perience in teaching the subject or who
has had the experience in public school
work preferred. $40 per month • to start,
with good increase to suitable person. A.
second is for a teacher of penmanship, in a
Business College in New York State. The
position is worth from 050 to $75 per month
accordin to the ability of the party who
fills it. 'The third is for a young lady
Reeve Sparling, Deputy -Reeve Holmes and gr dri rate to take the poeitinn of teller with
C tncillors idciteau, Forbes, Wilson. Gor- r: 1-,k•9.9:;'in „s of the cities of Ont. east
d= 4Kling, Herdsman. Robinson, Hanson of lie e,$She meet be a capable steno -
and olley. gtap','rr'uiud know how to value a mortgage.
sites of last regular and special meet- The above shows that this popular and
ing were read and approved. • high grade school, which has been running
Communication from John Dickson was longer without change of management
read asking permission to withdraw .his than any other similier school in Canada,
resignation. The withdrawal was granted. has secured the confidence not only of the
Communication from Thos. Holmes bnsiness public, but also of kindred schools
stating that there was some mistake in re- when they write the Principal, Mr. Mc
gard to the assessment of walk in front. of Lachlan, asking if any of his graduates
re property as the first figures given were are open to accept Buell positions, or if he
74.85 and afterwards he was assessed can put them on the track of suitable par-
t 078.85. He wanted to know how this 1 ties. It must be gratifying to both principal
dditional amount came. It was referred and staff to know that their efforts are so
o the Court of Revision. highly endorsed. The institution has al -
Communication from P. Macdonald re 1 ready supplied nearly sixty teachers for
oot 7 inches more walk that the engineeer other colleges. The last two placed are
had given him and stating that he would H. 0. Beatty as teacher of penmanship and
pay for same on condition that the Conn- commercial eahjects in Williams' $usiness
eil give him an agt'eement that the property College, Plymouth, Pa., and A. H. Ross. as
be his and so that he could not be disturb- teacher of Commercial subjects, Troy Bus-
ed by succeeding councils. It was referred iness College, Troy, N. Y., at a salary of
to the Court of Revision. $1000 per annum.
FIN SNCL•• Iirsrour, Brilliant Listowel Wedding
John Wilson, shelter for chief, 963 ; John Dec.4.—Knox church was the scene of a
Wilson, shade trees, 06; D McKinlay, ,
measurements, 03; .Mrs. Phippen, nursing very pretty wedding at two o clock yester-
Mrs. Montgomery, 916 ; A. E. Simmons, day (Thursday) afternoon, when Miss
printing, 07.25 ; Wingham Tanning Co. Lorne Campbell, second daughter of Mr.
965.20 ; Thos. Irwin, extra work on cense- and Mrs D. D. Campbell, and A. G.
tery. 125 ; Bell telephone Co., message, Bastedo, accountant in the bank of Hamil-
40 r.enta; Chas. Walton, work on streets, ton at wingham, were joined in the holy
01; .Tas. Brook,, work on streets, 562.60; bonds of matrimony by Rev Mr. Cooper.
Chas. Helmuth, wood for hall, 0`2.10 ; Jos The church was decorated with palms,
Bullard, work on streets. $1; John David -
plants and a Variety of flowers, and which
son, work on steels, $1.35; Sohn Davidson, with the beautified gowne of the guests
work on street, 03.25 ; D. McPherson, do.,, and bridal party made an exceedingly
$2 ; .fes. Irwin, do., $1 ; L. leLean, tum- pretty sight.
ber for hall, 09.70 for streets 05.90; Bow- The bride entered the church on her
man Co., tile for' streets, $41.80 ; G Mason
stationery, 01,50 ; Wingham Electric
Lights, $34.39; Win. Holmes, repairs W.
W., 50 cents, on streets 162.80, 113 30 ; T.
Moore, repairs W. W., $1.50 ; A. Mc -
father's arm, looking lovely in white
satin, trimmed with honitan lace and
pearls, and carried a large shower bou-
quet of roses and hyacinths. She was
attested by her sister, hiss Campbell, as
Gregor, inspecting walks. 021.70; Clres, maid of honor, and by Miss Bastede, of
Barber, work on streets, 1620; JohnCornyn Newmarket, sister of the groom, and Mine.
printings11' Thos. Mannol, salary, $4.80; Scotall t,
looked (Alarming, gg bridesmaids,
gowned in white
o decl by nn, 0633, 112oved by Holmes, dotted silk trimmed. with white chiffon and
seconded by Wilson, that the account of
Irwin be referred to the Executive Com- pearl trimmings and wearing large black
mittee to report at next meeting—Carried picture hats trimmed with feathers and
Moved by Holmes, seconded by Wilson voilets. They carried bouquets of mauve
that the finance report lit adopted -Carried chrysanthemums.
. The grooin was assisted by his cousin,
Moved by Gordon, seconded by McLean, Fred, J Cam bell maga oust ,
that this council do now adjourn to meet p ger of the Canada
again at the call of the Mayor --Carried. Paper Co., '1'ornnto, suet tete ushers were
_ ,W -• Genege F. Campbell, of Boston, brother
of the bride, and Colin H. Campbell
of Wingham It might he mentioned, as
an old coincidence that these three Camp-
bell's are in no way related.
After the oeretnony the guests to the
number of about one hundred assembled
at "Argyle Place,” the residence of the
bride's parents, where the bridal party
held a reception and where also were.
viewed the exceptionally numerous, hand.
some and costly presents received by the
bride, testifying to the esteem in • whiotr
she is held by her many friends. Among
the number was a splendid Morris piano
from her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bastedo
left on the evening train for the east and
willbe at home in Wiugbarn after January
1. ---Stratford Heesia,
A Great Show To -night.
Tho Metropolitan Dramatic Company
will produce at the Town Hall their fain -
one comedy drama, Down the Slope, in-
troducing special scenery and effects, songs
dancing, etc. Change of Play to -morrow
Sale Register.
Tuesday Dee. 15. Auction sale of real
and personal estate of Wm. Martin, insol-
vent, on lot 3, eon. 2, township of Morris
For full particulars see large pesters of
apply to Robt, Mandeo, Assignee, Wing
ham, E. L. Diclinsnn, Barrister, J. A
Morton, Barrister, Wingham.
I?zvisn DEW, Auctioneer.
r n
Trade is still an the increase at
at this store. We take picaetlrable
• pride in being able to make that
eandid statement, but there must be
a reason for it. the reasons are simple
i namely; 1st We buy only from the
best manufacturers and who) ale
houses open to the Canadian trade.
i 2nd We can afford to sell on a very
1 small margin ana we do and our
customers appreciate the feet so our
go on increasing•. If you are
not one of our customers we offer you
a cordial welcome to share in the
great bargains we are giving in this
store every day.
Please note a few of the prices.
that obtain
throughout the stare, viz:
20 men's Superior British water
proof Coats, worth 8810 Friday
and Saturday for $7.50
20 doz. men's fine all -wool under-
wear good value at 75e.
Friday and Saturday for50
10 doz. fine Suspenders, mohair
ends, worth 40c ;.5
10 doz. strong Suspenders regu-
25c. for 12
5 doz, men's Kid Gloves, patent
Clasps, fur cuffs, regular$1.25
Friday and Saturday for79
5 doz. men's fine Kid Gloves,
regular 111 Friday, Saturday C3
5 doz. men's fine Kid Gloves
Astracan backs, worth $17.2
5 doz. heavy Silk Bow Ties
regular 25c. for 12
Fine Scotch Snitings, made to
order, best style end work-
manship, regular 18.50 for ..15.75
50 doz. women and boys' -:all-
wool Hose, regular from 25c.
to 35e. Friday and Saturday 213
5 cases fine Hardwood Clothes
Pins, per dozen
10 pairs fiue Chenile Curtains at
wholesale price. •
The Direct Importer.
. Business Locals.
Goocl Beef, cheap, at Fields.
Geo. H. Irvin -makes a first class fitting
suit. -
A box stove for "sale--.Exiquire at this
- Try Munehaw for Xmas 'and weddin g
Get your pictures framed at Ireland's
Furniture Store.
Tea Setts, Porcelain. 60 pieces, for 03.50
at Gxrncrt's.
Dinner Setts, Porcelain,. 100 pieces, for
07 at Grxrrm's.
Munshaw makes a speciality of fitting
glasses on scientific principles.
Get a first class oyster stew at .1. M.
Kxavxa's—The Star Restaurant.
Go to Ireland's • Furniture Store for
Spring Beds, Mattresses and Parlor Suites
A quantity of extracted clover and bass- -
wood honey for sale in 60 lb. cans, also a
quantity of beeswax. JOHN 11, SAI.'xem,
Get your Bedroom Suites, Sideboards,
and Extension 'Tables, at Irelands's
Furniture Store.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
WANTED.—Any quantity of dried apples
(3c), roll butter and poultry, turkeys un-
drawn (7e).
Geo, E.XING,
G. IT. Irvin has been in the trade for
some time and knows whereof 1to speaks
when he says that ho cannot be undersold
by any thing in his line as he buys in the
best market for spot cash only, he is thus
able to give the benefit of lose and careful
buying toli'
his customers.
We do not pretend to sell below cost; no
man can do so and carry on a, business, bel.
we do sell on a close margin—G. IL Iizvm.
It pays to:get your bills printed at rho
1 Tiaras office. A. free notice given with sale
1 bills, church bills, &c., end are read in
I hundreds of homes,
I Buy your beef at Field'sby the quarter,
where you will get it good and at the same
y time cheap.
Great Bargain Day on Saturday at the
Star Restaurant. Buffalo oysters 30 cents
a quart; T. & 13. Tobacco 18 cents per
ping ; special bargains in pipes and
cigars. J. Matt:Lem.
Mr. Jas. McKelvio has just received a
message from Santa Claus announcing
that he has the finest lot of candies and
fruits ever soon at Christmas time. Wait
for Santa at the Star Restaurant.