The Wingham Times, 1896-12-11, Page 2H. McIND00.. t MIs. SIFTQN'S all700.Z$OBs.
(letting really ror the "old inan's
coming; nthkin;; roots for holiday
display; ialiltt:t'liu;; the hest of goods
for about halt their value to reduce
stock. Tlie hire Itnl'ldaY Salo com-
mences no Sate, Inv morning. and
continuing everyday until Xmas.
Saturday prices will make shopping
here irresistible. Leak at the values.
New Black .n'nse G,) )ri. opened this
week in Crepons, Cheviots, Serges,
Friezes, Repps, Flcnriettas, Saliels,
Selicians, all sold on Saturday at
Bargain Prices.
10 pieces Heavy. all -wool Serges
worth 50 and IiOc. for 35e.
8 pieces Heavy Scotch Tweed
Dress Goods worth 31.75 for $1.25
15 pieces Shaker Flannel, reg -
alar Sc. for...; 5c.
6 pieces all -wool Serge, very
fine, worth 30c. for19e.
10 pieces of Toweling worth 7e.
Satua day 4:1e.
. 10 doz. Napkins worth $1.35
Saturday . 78c.
-10-doz. all -linin ToWeis, worth
10e. Saturday .. 5c.
10 doz. ladies' Wool I lose, extra
heave, worth 18c.for 121;c.
10 doz. ladies' heavy Cashmere
Gloves and lilts worth 30e. for 19e.
10 doz. large Silk Handkerchiefs
initialled corner, regular 30c. 19c.
10 doz. heavy wool Hose ft.r
Boys' worth 30e. for 19e.
15 Suit Ends or One Scotch
Tweed, suits made to order,
fit guaranteed, worth e18 for 13.90
Fine Black Worsted ,tuts
made to order, worth .S'19 for 16.50
20 Heavy Overcoats, all -wool,
regular $7. for.. 3.90
Astrakan Capes, Electric Seal
Capes, Persian Lamb Capes,
Far Ruff';, Fur Gauntlets; and„
10 Ladies' Astralcan Mantles
fine fur, bright ctrl, regular
$30, and $35, for $25 and $29
20 Boys' two-piece Suits worth
$3 and 0.50 for $2.48
6 doz. ;-rent's Underwear, reg-
ular 75:'. hnrnrdav .. 48e.
4 pieces Iii• inch tine Table
Linen worth (i0c. ror 35c.
50 pairs, Fine Kid Shoes, worth
$1.70 fin i1.35
20 I.Tp-tn-Arlt, ,mantles, regular
6, Saturday $4.50
Fi doz. t,elnt,'ti !':lues- 'ries reg
ular.:30e. for. 19c.
BIOGRA1'1tIQAIu shin, 'It OF MR. GRl Met.
wA?:'sa I'rrOVIN(I AL BECRk; rAnr
Mr. Charles J. Micklc, M. I . P.
fo I3irtlo, Dian.,. the new Provincial
Secretary.for the Greenway Govern-
' rent, is a son of the late Alexander
Mickle, who was postmaster at
Stratford, Ont. His grandfather on
his mother's side was the late J. J•
1E. Linton, Clerk of the Peace for
"the county of Perth. Ile was born
at Stratford on the 22nd of Jule,
1849, and was educated at the Iiigh
School of that place. After leaving
school lie studied law, and was called
to theBar of Ontario in 1872. Ile
practiced his profesion in Stratford
1 until he came to Manitoba in 1882.
' In the fall of that year he took up
his residence in Birtle, where he has
built up a profitable law business,
and where he enjoys the utmost
respect of his fellow -citizens, who
admire his integrity alid sterling
Thos. Wilkinson has built a new
stable on his property here.
Mr. A. Haslam has improved the
appearance of his grocery by having
a new verandah placed in front of
Rev. Mr. Hill was absent last week
addressing Bible Society meetings he
being the agent of the Society hi this
district, ,s7,
Messers. Watson and £;eddes have
purchased the saw mill and will do
custom work and chopping this
winter. They will also pay the top
price for good sawlogs.
The target parctice under the
management of Mr. Robt. McKee,
on Thanksgiving was well patron ized
a large number of geese and turkeys
being disposed of as prizes.
J. W K. Vannorman arrived
home from M anitoba last Tues-
day, looking none the worse for his
trip. He had a good deal of trouble
with the school question before he
got it settled.
Wedding bells rang out merrily
from the hones of our genial post-
master here, on the evening of Tues-
day Nov. 24th, at 6 o'clock, the
occasion being the marriage of his
daughter Lucy, to Mr. Wfu. Watson,
of West Wawanosh. The • nuptial
knot was tied by Rev. J. W. Pring
in the presence of a few guests The
bride looked chancing in a dress of
grey velvet, exquisitively triinmed
and with sprigs of beautiful blossoms,
in her hair. The presents were cost-
ly, beautiful and useful. Wo wish
the young couple a happy and pros-
perous life. Mr. Watson is a broth-
er of Mrs. Dr. Irwin of Wingham.
Rev. E. A. Year, wife and child
were visiting friends in and around
Nile last week.
Misses Potts and Rusk, the effici-
ent and popular teachers in the
Public School here, have been re-en-
gaged for next year.
Mrs,W, Echlin,of Ridgetown who is
visiting at her father's here at pre-
sent,was brought home by the continu
ed and dangerous illness of her
sister Miss Agnes Morrow.
Rev. W. Godwin, of Goderich, will
preach in the Methodist church here
next Sabbath.
1 Middle District Superintendent
Fitzhugh, of the Grand Trunk, has
complied with the wishes of the
people in the northern towns by a
re ,arrangement of the time table of
passenger trains, which went into
effect on Sunday at midnight. The
trains have been so arranged that
the delay at Palmerston will be but
short. The changes are made with-
out increasing the serviee, bait by
making more direct connection at
the different points. The T. R
authorities think that they have a
time table now that will remove all
ause for complaint and that their
atrons will all be satisfied. In
fixture trains will leave Southampton
t 6.20; Kincardine at 5.50, Owen
ound at.6 and Wiarton at 6 a. m„
making direct connection with
train leaving Palmerston at 8.40 a.
m., reaching Toronto at 12,10 p. m
and Hamilton at 12. In addition
Kincardine will he made a terminus,
nstead of Wingliam, and the morn -
ng train running from the latter
place to London will leave at 5.50 a,
lothes Pins le., Hair fins le., Wire j c
ins • le, Handkerchiefs le., Ribbon p
e. A counter piled with small
e about ?. price. As we have a
,ded not to order any Xmas cards S
r, we will give every person
$25 worth of goods, 1 dozen
oWrl Photos, ("abinet Size,
by the Star Photo Company.
worlif uaranfoed, regular price
X00, i1a,ve your photos taken for
Call and get a card
at M H. McINDOI Se n1
. returning the same evening by 9,
Moreover, the train making though.1011 �N ti 'saw
conneetion between Toronto, Hanril•
ton and Palmerston will run forward Kincardine, reaching at 2.15
to '"' c it. T E
m all
and returning to Wingham at 2.30
to make connection with the London c ---B �[ E RY--•
train at 3.30. The Kincardine people I •
Opposite the
Warrants first class Bread and
Cakes of their varied kinds
equal to any city. Puff
Pastry extra fine.
will thus have two trains a day, in
place of one, and can go to London
and back the same day.
The Grand Trunk authorities are
evidently preparing for snow storms.
This week they will distribute over
their western section a number of
snow plows.
We torlfot to mention last week, that Dr. Moffatt
of Torento. shiresaed a meeting fn the Methodist
church, ou the work of the Tract Society. The
meeting this year was poorly *I. et r u All 11 ,
old collectors aro regmutCd to collect on their ac•
eustomed routes. While in Bhtevalo, Dr. Moffatt
WP.6 rho guest of his niece, Miss Jessie Grey.
Rev, W. MOUR received word one day last week
that his little grandson, biestnt Willie McDonald,
snn of the editor of the Ohesley 1.nterpriae, one
dying of typhoid fever. The shock maria him ill and
he could not preach on Sunday, but we are pleased
to say that both Mr. Mo e and his grandson are re.
Miss Jessie Malcolm of Lrncardine, end Mies
Jessie McDou;nll of Montreal, spent Thaukagtving
atMr. Jelin Itobertmon'e. Mise .ic1)elmall went to
Stratford to visit a Whrle,snd then proceto to Mont.
Mrs, Marry Doornail of the bluevnle road. is bo.
belluunng to improve after her fans' and 3St•i0115
til uoss.
Uwin; to the ilh,ess of the Rev. 11'. II, Moss, the
pulpit of the Method st chard* was occupied by the
Per. lir. Dixon Se Oath evening.
Kra. Bruce and Miss Cross have returned from
visiting their brother in Manitoba.
Mies. Maggie Robertson accompanied Miss. Jessie
Malcolm back to Kincardine en Saturday.
Miss Emma McCracken of the laluevalo road is
visiting her brother Mr. Toni 11r.Cracken of London
Miss Cora Mester spent several days with Miss
Nellie Marti y of Belgrave last week.
The Blues' ale Cheese and Butter Co. anciently
knots when they haven, good gran, for they have
engaged Mr, George McDonald to make their ni:cese
next year at a considerable increase of salary. Otte
hundred and six tons of cheese were manufactured
, ne%ale factory the }net summer. The qual•
ity of our These is excellent tad we hope that
our factory will c tituo to been the future as it has
been in the pest, ou f the vers best in Canada.
st Miss Alice Gardme was quietly married on Wed.
neaday evening;, to Mr, John Macdonald of Wiughain
They were married at the home of the bride's put•
ents, Mr. and Mre. John Oarduier. Rev. 0. Moss
tied the knotVAThe bride was dressed in a brown
travelling gown, trimmed with green. The happy
couple we,,t on a short wedding trip returning on 6
Saturday. The best wishes of the community fol.
low them.
Rev. Kr, Nixon preached an excellent setnton to
young' men an Sunday last in the Presbyterian
charch, iris Text was "Unstable us water thou
shalt not ,seed." As u rule when ministers with to
preach a sermon to young then they choose tpe
Prodigal Son as their subject; but all 1ounp men
are not prodigal sons, and Mr. Nixon scents to know
it. Mr. Nixon's address was full of•,geod practical
advice, that eau ai,d uoede to be used every- day by
every ane
.About fifty people front Illuet•ale attended the
concert given by It. N. Deaf at, tho 0th of East
Wawanosh on Thanksgiving night.
The Huron Expositor says:-Iion.
G. W. Ross, the Minister of Educa-
tion, -is busy, in company with
representatives from other provinces
of the Dominion, revising the manu-
script of the "History of the Dominion
of Canada," written by 11Ir. H. W. P.
Trement, of Montreal. The book is
to be authorized for use in the
public schools throughout- Canada,
and will probably be introduced.
after next •midsummer vacation
This is a commendable move. We
want- our children to be taught
more about their own country. If
Canadians have one lack more
prominent than another it is the
weakness of their national sentiments.
Our children should not only . be
taught everything about our own
country, but they should be inspired
with a pride in their native country.
Wehave here as fine and fertile a
country as there is in the world,
Our children should be taught to
take a just pride in it and to hold it
up at all times. If there was less
prating about thee aehieverheiits of
the old lands and loyalty to the •
mother country, and more about the
grandeurs of out' land it would be
better for us all. It is all well
enough to have due respect for the -
old land, but loyalty to our own
country should be the first considera-
tion with every true Canadian. By
all reams then, let us have more
Canadian histdr'y taught in our public
schoo s, in fact in all our educational
Sale Register+,
Tuesday Deo.15. Auction said of real
and personal estate of Wm. Martini insol-
vent, on lot 3, con, 2, township of li•Iorris.
For full particulars see large posters or
apply to Robb. Mclndoo, Assignee, Wing -
ham, E. L. Dickinson, Barrister, J. A.
Morton, Barrister, Wingltam.
Portant T)EANs, Auctioneer.
DOUGLAS -SMITH -At the Manse,
Wioghamr on Nov. 25th, by the Rev, D.
Perrie, dr. John Douglass, Gorri to,
Miss Eleanor Smith of Wroxeter.h
WlLcox-Day-At the residence of
he bride's parents?, Nov, 120, by the
Rey. 1). Penne, her. Grant S. Wilcox, of
Livonia, ;Mich., to Miss Janet Dey,
�1eldest daughter of Mr, Alexander Days,
AUSTIN-CsAfPBELL_A,t the residence -DIAMONDS,
of the bride's parents, Turnbetry, ori
Nov. 25th by the Rev. D. .Perrie, Mr. -PEARLS,
Robert Austin Kincardine to Miss Jane -OPALS in SINGLE t,``
Gunn Campbell, oldest daughter of Mr.
-and COMBINATION'Wm. Campbe°
2`thImes Fleming aged 84 years. -STO\ES,Pt21MU-In Carrick on Pridey Nov.'
Call and see our stock of Xmas
CoLvER--In East Wawanosh on Nov. goods and welding presents. on De -
29th, Lovina Colyer, aged 87 years, 11 comber the let. tl
fPAar. In Wfngham, en Tuesday, Dec -
em her 1st, 1896, Edna youngest (laugh. R. o A \ A /
tar of Mr, find Mrs. Wm Pals aged !'1 Y!(
12 years, 5 atonthe, 16 dayb,. Jeweler and Optician.
that cannot be excelled outside
of any city, and done so
reasonably that it will
always pay you to
have it done at the
x1.11 orders l.romptly attended te.
t I. am constantly making and or-
namenting Wedding Cakes
whiett prones oar oStIIeieney.
The Central Bakery has a far
and wide reputation as a first-
class bakery,
Returning thanks to my num-
erous customers for their past
patronage and hope for a con-
tinuance of the same,
I am
Is prepared to fill order s for miil: of the best quality
Ills coins ars well fad, are kept scrupulously clean
and milked with dry hands and are housed In clean
,tables. Surely this milk **lust be nice to drink
and more wholesome than that from Bows who carry
such plain evidences of filthy premises about them
and aro allowed to feed on tho streets and hack yards
e1 the town. •
'fo SMAHE M01: 110031 2.00
$2 50 TRUNKSFOR $1 75
275 " " 225
3 00 '• " 2 45
400 " u
5 00 if ti4 00
Cause to the premises of the undersigned, lot 93
(:on. a, Hut 1VAW411esh, ou or about NOV. lit, w
black and white yearling heifer. t3wnerrnay reenter
the same by pro%iug property and paying all ex-
U. 0, NArma,
realm, Ont.
MeLEAN &SON, Props.
A. large stook of all kinds of rough and
plained lumber, Shingles, Lath, Apple
Barrels, Cedar Posts, Hard and Soft
Wood, etc., kept constantly on hand and
deal on Shortest notice. Orders by
mail or telephone promptly attended to.
Wingham is already noted for
merchants whQ self their goods ' at
scarcely a living profit. Drygoods
are cut every day, so also are boots
and shoes, crockery is smashed, and
strong constitutions are wrecked by
the strife after gold.
The constitutional can be rectified
by using
Gordon & Co's. Little Dandelion
Pills for the Liter and
Herbal Bitters for Headaches
sour Stomach Dyspepsia.
Heathfield's Healing Balsam for
that Bad Cough and pain
in the chest.
Following this up with Gordon &
C1o's. Cream of Tartar, Baking
Powder at 20e. per pound, which
makes light pastry, and if this don't
make a clean job of it, ask to -see
their 10 cent Sponges and 5 cent
Soaps, the greatest value offered.
That young lads .0f' *'ours WOltlld be
pleased indeed to have one of
our Betrothal Rings.
Haven't Els-ked her!
,if you don't
smile i.theefel•
l'Jw mill ie
the lucky
Tir1 t' -E YOU nrsx OUR rl;vE LIlvi'vr (fl
To buy Dinner Sets, Tea Sets) -
Toilet Sets, Five O'clock Tea
Sets and Cocoa Sets.
We don't intend to allow
price to stop sales- for the next
few weeks.
You know what a Xmas stock
of Groceries ought to be. We
have it.
'` Note some of the bargains at
A $13 Sideboard (oil finish) for... 'z $8.50
A $12 Sideboard for $8.00
A Bedroom Suite (3 pieces) bedstead 6 feet
high, mattress springs, two chairs and•
a pair of pillow sham holders for $16.50
A $26 Parlor Suite (three pieces) $22 00
A $53 Parlor Suite (five pieces) spring seats „
and spring backs covered in volour velvet$47 00
$1 75
$2 75 large oak Armchairs for
Rocking chairs for
Beautiful Parlor Pictures just here from Cincinatti. Call and
see us for anything in the Furniture line from a common chair
to a Parlor Suite.
If you want a good well made Lounge, Couch or Chair (we
do our own upholstering and will guarantee all our work). Call
and see what we offer.
1T_ -M1T ]L S
Has just passed into stock for the Fall Trade
�'IG"r �►L�L ]ANT
GREY COTTONS, 8 1-4 and 9 1-4
Twilled and. Plain Sleetings, Pall
Print and Dress Goods., Blankets and
Pal l Tweeds, also in Ready .Made
Clot, hing and Fall Overcoats.
C. Tearing Lot of UNION and TAPESTRY CAR-
PETS. See them if in need of a Carpet, before purchasitio',
BOO' I'S, SHOES and RUBBERS. --Some very thew
and flabby is Moods.
Also a I1 �t of SOFT. and 5/ITT FELT HATS from
25c. and up.
A ears of CH\ ')ICF; 'TIMOTHY for fall seeding on hand,
a �- -�-r Z�.Ctt►