HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-27, Page 6Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually, without weakening .the system, ail the impuri- ties and foul humors o the secretions ; at tit same time Correct ing Acidity of the Stomach, curing 13111•- ousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches,Dizziness, Heartburx, Constipa- tion, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of 'Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheunsa Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of. the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility all these and many y oth similar complaints yiel to the happy influcnc of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. far Sala »1l T.MILBU t7I1 a e0s, Tosit ort'ro 2 vniilike many others probably 1.1 need. Cod Liver Oil, but can't take the ordinary emulsions. Then conte to us for Wampole's Tasteless Preparation Cod Liver Oil. You can't taste the oil, all you taste is Wild Cherry and that's pleasant. What you ;et is flesh and strength Cures coughs and colds and wasting diseases. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Chi'sholm's Drub Store. I` PAYS TO TIM W I tin.A.M. T MES, NOVEMBER 27, L606. l I Best forte'' Wash Day eueet.•ae Collip ues to attend pupils of UAUADAUUSAUESS COLLEGE 01N T. They are ece•yn'here enceesaftl, and are being Omni: In the nest positions in the gift of the bus+• ne"s pnbpc Milton lingo' t jnet placttt as Dock -beeper as d sieno;ranhl•r fur the S. Hadley Lumber Co. Com A. U. R ie: as Teacher ofausi Businesscollege,and Troy merci:A ;subjects ht Tr t' New Rork, ata salaryof :t1,020 per an0Un1. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. We have placed over i0rpup ils and havech notions ns as the one secured by apps=cation front ano'her American Business Collette to supply- them with a teacher for ;he shorthand Department. For Catalogue, address, D. 1ICLACHLANCa CO.,ae, Qat' te Mos foot,l to g her with seeing l seeing that a 1woman wlas a ehtte�mis- ting use is sondem m d by the get pini voice of the world; Whereas ic,r a nude t•1 prove stIIMI a Is runsidcr,•.l httrdlypntore than a matter at course? She would consent to take from Ilial the uu•n1e of IAiving bread; lett it lv •ultt btybet t;r,--sltrhad said, -- that ,he should hitt it on h t side of the water, while h0 i�tight ern it On the t titer. 'We know what hid eonye of these argu- ments. lie. had hitAerto Lever loft her for a moment sine:' thatquan had again op - peered before their e i'i. He had been 4t. If it were a criminal, If it ttld he be a liar. tad doubt been Info botwoon him t q that 10 had under- laid bet411 that with all alloro�or less fao- ha d. been strengthened of his having, become a late fort herself, more at na to herself a gospel of her own for the ntdanoe of her otcn soul. To herself she load never seemed to be vicious or in tote; but she rid . •stood well that hew s not equally free fro a the bonds which eliglon had imposed pen him. For his sake,—for his sake, it w lid be better tin she should be away fr m him. All this 1 as known to hint aoeuratel and all thisihad to be considered by 11in? as lie walked Amoss the squire's park in' tho gleaming of the evening. No doubt, —11i� now said to hhnself,—the Doctor should have been acquainted with his con- dition before lie or she had taken up their place at the school. Reticence under such circumstances hall been a lie. Against his rouscience there had been many pricks. Living in his present condition he ear - that into have gone up should notg tainl9 s,. tlpit to preach the Word of God hough THEjIYSTENY OF �:'� � . B TOSS. PEACOCKE1 (CONTINUED.) usher either to tell Ms own "story as to h'Ie past life, or to abstain from telling it. Ile had promised to ask the question, and he would ask it; but he would let the man judge foe himself whether any answer to lc ht given. ought mo bothering I n bo the. ,•has been ":the stirs°p about you Peacooke," he said, standing up with his back to the fireplace, as soon ae the orate' roan had shut the door behind him. reit,, Doctor's face was always ex- pressly *of his inward ;perm that his sgs,aud at ym- pathies a showed very plainly pathics were not with the Bishop. "I in sorry that his lordship should have troubled himself," said the other, "as I certainly do not intend to take any part rn his diocese." "Well sink that for the present," said the Motor. "I won't lot that he mixed up with what I have got to say just now. You hay° taken a certain part in the dio- cese tistace ion. already, lope may be very continued;h to my tbul I won't bother about that now. As far as I can see, yon are just the man that would suit me as a colleague in the parish." Mr. Peace:eta b wed, but remained silent. "The fact ie.," continued the Dootor, "that certain old women have got hold of the Bishee, and made hire feel that he ought t., aaewer their objections. That Mrs. i tantilotp has a tongue as loud as the town crier's ball." "Bile what has lefts Stantileup to say about me?" "Nothing except in so far as she can hit me through yon." "And what does the Bishop say." "He thinks that Iought to know some- thing of your life during those five years you were in America." "I think so also," said Mr. Peacooke. "I don't want to know anything for mI am quite satisfied self. AR r I� know whore concerned, you were educated, how ynu were ordained, and I canhfeelu cannot ihavee wasted yourour present time. Ifyat y you t'•11 mo that you do not wish to say anything, 1 shall be contented, and Isbell tell tho e3lsnop that, as far as I ane' con- cerned, there must be an end of it." "Anal what will ho do?" asked Mr. Peacock°. "V'ellats far as the curacy is concerned, of course he can refu.e his licence." "I Iinvo not the slightest intention of applying to his leech -hip for a licence." This the usher said with a tone of self- assertion elf- tos oo- shear, in spite of Msich grated s good-humlittle on orto- wardsthe speaker. "I don't want to go into that," he said. raft er can say what his intentions you " "Oh no; nor would your pressing me influence me. Much as I owe to your un- deserved kindness and fornearance. I am bound to say that, Nothing can influence one in the least in such a manner but the wellbeing of my wile, and my awn sense of duty. And it is a natter in which I can unfortunately take counsel from no myself, A illy besides alone, fid s he one. She a , knows the otrcunlstauces, and she is so forgetful of herself that 1 can hardly ask he had been silent, he had known tit (t the leg her for an opinion. evil and the deceit would work round upon 11.• ant and ymattars beide I u aur v walk The Doctor by this time had no doubt hhn. But now what should he do: There to discharge curious. There was a something was only one thing on which ho was alto- without much effort and do not Leaniti- becoter our 11 separate puce any pain whatever. like to — thin should I he would idol; no g improved. whichher deogreatly im nus withetbeen re L y p torrg has b f, mys lidera, he generally become acquainted. He was by no means tall again 0 had said sohe oftensin, egenets y r superior to the ordinary said now,—"If there he sin, let it Munyon's Rheumatism in one tl Cure hoursl and a philosopher, 1clear to Min,— former oon — falls to lelieve in one I, 1F this i• strong in hie resoluta erimo,thcn he would b were 11 falsehood, thin As to the sin, there some divergence of c and her. The teachir� gone in his youth which we, here, a qu atnted, and tha in hire by the foal clergyman. She liberty to prooit makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. DACNVON'S .CAOM�-EOJC 11 .Je..E 7IO REMEDIES.. ENDORSED by PRESS and PUBLIC Convincing Statements From Per- sons Who Declare They Have Been Completely Cured. YOUR NEIGHBORS TESTIFY. If You Are Stoic fink Your Druggist Icor a 25 -Cant Viai of an :teens Remedies WRC)XETb)R. Mr. F. Orr :las returned home 'tin R, Martin Mr. from Hanover. and from Manitoba. Mrs. 1i. Black is visiting friends in Elora. Mr. F I`', Miller is again home from Godericlt. 1tev, A. E. Shaw and wife was here on Friday last. On Wednesday of this week there was no less than ten travellers in town indicating that business, must be looking up. S. 13. \IeKelvie is in Midway this week on business. Mr. C. W. Andrews occupied the pulpit of the Brick Church Sunshine 1 and Belgrave on Sunday last. The Inspector of Public, Libaries was in town on Monday and 1 sug- gested that Wroxeter Mechanics Institute he made a free Library. t T , L EAST \\ A1Vr11�105'I 1 The pupils of' S. S. No. 9 East 1 Wawanosh purpose giving an entertainment in the school house on The ram •ea• program •a' t 11) hg vinp Thanksgiving „ curiosity of mankind. But o was manly, , ba sin." But t t s was + Jr , will consist of dialogues readings and Fete 111 to give Dr. Wortle a true history cures in a fete (lays. Price ' aL. and oven at this least g moment re course," a, his what had happened Go him }n Anlorica, 4ormer assurances. "Of course," said ho, of tt Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively ecitations by the pupils They w1 h the certainly eineI3o�vioi.. A l cu resale f f indigestion and stun a assisted by \il • J. j I coact inthe1 t ors wia•lt 'al thi I before to 1- ► trouble. Price _.1L. Gltffol d Miss I Daley of ' DOCTOR YOURSELF Mrs. R. Walker, VG Center avenue, To- ronto, says : `"I am nearly 80 years of age and have Buffered for the last two years with an ulcerated leg which had previ- ously resisted all treatment by several , 12uu on s usingMunyon's I began physicians. Blood Cure and Nerve cure and Oint- Its remark- able lasting and cleansing properties make SURPRISEznost economical and Best for— Every Day A i 0 0 0 0 lit � cb 6o Q+ CS OS 8 0 0 d ni forms o Elliott of xt pasgtt .• , ' then mils •q�. < is about. For myself I bate secrets. this was equally contain, that1°ac l rLouie , 't a secret in the world. I know ing his tale, he.nlust make' 1:newn his 17.anyo le. Cold Ouro prevents pact Belgrave, Mr. S. Cr ,Brown, Of Winn- haven nothing of myself which you mightn't purpose to 1ti• wife. monis and bte�ks up a petal in a few ha,Miss Maggie Porterfield df Butthis is 1 h' 1 house he had ho n -•s Price o5c f t tp too forCure grips of 11fa.1 n , know11 the Doctor s Cough C p all that I eared. 1 s But as he entered his cwt h <ll,' k' merit. Munyon' r s coughs, ' ocic the united- choirs U guy good fortune rather than my evedetermined hthat he would tell 10 1. sweats, allays soreness, andspeedP Bluevale Pi'esbvtelta it and Meth It might well have cul , with vie k it is everything. nig 1 ' t. that iY the with you; but, as a rule, I t un a< t 't ltd better he CHAPTER 17. should —"THEN Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures ist Churches, :sal the Blue le y and all 11' rntunica I3;1 utl. �= If the the her thorn is a secret t , —" THA1�T \FE 1lIL liT titers GO?„ pains in the hack, loins or grotus an kept. No ono, at any roto, by the allow it forms of kidney disease. Price 251 • should be favorable it wi no i to bo wormed out of hits by the import- Munyon's ey disease. stops head• ine „ said ;.>� doubt be rt uccs as no p;.s are them affecting of your twhich o you do have done with you be any- "1 thought that were olcl nJupite ring id ache in three Headache Curermoa •beingspared to ,temal:e an enjoyable think 110 k ng wifeMunyon's Pile Ointment p not wish all the world o�ii this to X019 one hour of the evening ing she make tea for her- cures all forms of piles. 20 e40iy a11 eveing for thof'e who will 43e pre- i water to know, do not a self and her husband. ! Des or lure Price, 5 sent. on this reds of the i water.”gfwife "Why have you waited for me?" i impurities nyon'of the Blood blood. Price, ate Miss Alice Elliott of the'` 12 COs. "There is something affecting worldylike Munyon's es s Tem ale Remedies are a that I do not wish all the to know"Because go to tea withouDyou when 1was 'married on Wednesday. Nov. know."bOOU to women. "Then tell it to no one," said Dr. there was a chance of your corning? What on to alln's AethmaRemedtes relieve in 11th to Mr. Andrew Seim of Clifford. has Jupiter been talking about, all this I R minutes and cure permanently. Price, The ceremony was performed at the residence of her brother Mr. J. J. Elliott of' Clifford, before the relatiues authoritatively. "I will tell you what I whl - do," said I tune?" all Munyon s Catarrh Remedies never Mr. Peaeooko;"I will takeaweck to think "e.Jur has not ederc' only halftlan bi The Catarrh Cure--whiteijeVer of it,and then Iwill let you know whether time. Jupiter tall, Y „ Psil. 1'he know also how far "1 always thought so. Otherwise I 1 eradicates the disease from the syetew, I will tell it or whether I will not; and it hour. Jupiter is a vary good follow. i and the Catarrh T:ab)ets—price 25e.— how 50: I tell it, I will let you I shall expert you to keep my secret, and should never have consented to have been cleanse and heal the parts. how far to reveal it. I think the Bishop one of his satellites, or have been content- 1 Mumyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful will be entitled to know noticing about me ed to see you doing chief moon. But you nerve tonic. Price, 25c. unless I ask to be recognized as ono of the have been with him an hour and a half " Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. clergy of his diocese." "Bovie 1 loft soon I 11 I At Doctor. And then the interview was at an end. DIr story, di not at once when he n retut rn to his from the rectory, d own house, but went off for a walk alone. It was now nearly midsummer, and there was broad l ten look. It was after nine ywhen helight lleft the uDoctor's, but still there was time for a walk which he knew well through tho fields, which would take him round by Bowick Wood, and home by a path across the squire's park' and by the churoh. An hour would do it, and he wanted an hour to collect his man neF t thoughts before he should ace s , may be six months hence." "Bttt it _r were to refuse' to speeik of my 1 and discuss with her. as ho would be hound m life in America," Rline toe aid comply with kwht I 1 and tho Doctor. had He passed saidletween th at he could Rhus to d1 k her advice. In this there had been must eonfesswoulcl he no more than a ra- tional re:iuiremCnt on your part,how then would it be with myself and my wife in regard to ttlo school'?" hat - "It would make no difference what- ever," said the Doctor. "There is a story to tell," said Mr. Pea- coek°, very slowly. "I am sire that it cannot be to your disgrace." "I do not say that it is,—nor do I say that it is not. There may be otrcumatences in which amen may hardly know whether he has done right or wrong. But this I do know, --that, had I done otherwise, 1 should have despised myself. I could not have done otherwise and have lived." "Thera ori no man in the world," said the Doctor, earnestly, "Iess anxious to pry into the secrete of others than I am.I take things as I find them. If the copk sends nye up a good dish, I don't care to know how she made it. It I read a good book, I am not the less gratified because there may have boon eonnethfng amiss with the author." "You would doubt his teaching," said Mr.1'eaccoke, "who bad gone astray him- self," "Then I must doubt all human teach- iiig,, for all men have gone astray. Your had stetter hold year tongue about the past, and let me. tell those who ask un- necessary questions to mind their own business." "It is very odd, Dotter," said IKn Pop ooeke, "that all this should have °eine front you just now." "Why odd just roof?" ttrritltiiE It in in I y httd latroly I rand for the lent fortnight whether 1 ought not to ask you as a favor to listen to he story of my life. That I t*ust do so before I could formally accept the outstay 1 had determined. But that only brought There war etlll a career before him. 1 roe to t, resolution of refusing ire of the might be useful; he might hers oca ht; uthiel,,—I think that lid. 1 IL be might be admired, leveryt i giro of t*11 1, it idlest to be tmtei. hurt 1 hate 5E111 be omen to him,'•ozeopt not to , made os my that another woman. As to Hutt, she did not rt tint WitP od6 that 1 twni propping ,, .;;lit his troth. why should he he doom - "Since walked a round by Bowick Lod.o I had something to think of before I could talk to you— something to decide upon, indeed, before I could return to the house." "What have you decided?", she asked. Her voice was altogether changed. Though she wns seated in her chair:ancl had hard- ly moved,. her appearance and her carriage of herself were changed. She still held the cup in her hand which she had been about to 511, but her face was turned to- ward his, and her large, brown speaking oyes were fixed upon him. "Let rho have may tea, , he said, "and then I will tell you." While he drank his tea she remained quite quiet not touching her own, but waiting patiently until 11 would suit him to speak. "Pella," he said, '' I must tell it all to Dr. Wortle." "Why, dearest?" As he did not answer at once, she went on with her question. "Why now more than before?" "Nay it is not now more than before. As wo have let the before go by, we can only do it now." "But why at all doer? Has tiro argu- ment, which was strong when wo came, lost any of its forge?" "It should have had no force. We should not have taken the mean's good things, and have subjected hint to the injury which may wine to him by our bad name." "Have we not given him good things in return?" "Not the good things which ho had a 1t V right to espial,—not that respects bio y which is all the world to such an estab- lishment as dais." "Let me go," she said, rising from her chair and almost shrieking. "Nay, Lila, nay; if you and I cannot talk as though we were one flesh, almost with one soul between us, as though that which is done by one is done by whether for Weal or woe --if you and I cannot feel ourselves to be in a boat to- ►ther for cwiilttntttg or sinking, not as much of the truth. But ho knew also that he had tot` received at any rate her ould do nothing as to which assent. She, for his sake,would have annihilated herself, had that been possible. Again, and again, since that horrible apparition had showed itself in her room at St.Louis, she had begged that she might leave flim, —not en her own behalf, not from any dread of the crime that site was eominit• ting, not from shame in regard to herself should her secret be found out, hut be• cause she felt herself to be an impediment to his career in the world. As to herself, she had no pricks of conscience. She had been true to the man,--brntal,abomtnnble as he had boon to her,—until she had in truth been made to believe that he w:1s dead; and even when he ha& certainly ll 0e'( , been alive, --for rhehacl seen hint,-�•••he had only again seen her, again to desert her. Duty to him she could owe never, ')~hero was no sting of conlolenee with her in that direction. But to the other main 14110 owed, as she thought, everything that could be it woman to a inan. He had aline due withinl her ken,and had loved her without speaking of his love. Ito had seen her condition, and hied t 'tnpathised with het' fully. He had gone o'8rt, with his life in his hand --he, a clergyman, a quiet man of letters—to ascertain Whether she was free; and ilnding her, as be believed, to be free, ho had returned to take het to bh14 heart, and to give her ail that happy' row whiph other women enjoy, bat Widish she had hitherto only seen from a was tone& Then the blow had coma I necessary', It was natured, that she should Circumstances c0tt Ir10w. V ircu ms ° a Y,e: ruined by ouch had rained her. That tats had 'betaken het which oto often falls upon tt WOInan who tenet* 1lersetf and her life to a mein. I}t,t why should befall also With her elf Price "Certainly not; certainly not," said the A cure each disease. r' $1. separatefor ea all druggists, mostly 25c. a yial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 fSIn ree medical art dvice for any disease. onto, answered with of the brides groom.Mr.5 and elm is a student of the Ontario Veterin- ary etei in- any better ary Collage and expects to graduate and yet we charge no there a are an there, at the close of the term. May he clo for inferior work. Hundreds of newi long be able to mix a dose of ilio- fall and winter samples to choose from,• divine and she never need to take a� far pooclshaif cwtkdato eU havrties' one is the earliest disire of their P Y f O? old their . orkd e to? many wellwishers in East 'Wawa If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot, nosh. visiting er m Cash, call Mr, John eeElliott's lust week. and see our work. Our terms are cash.. The trustees of Dlarnock school �T�,, STF x CO • have engaged Miss Smith of Brussels r �• , for 1897 at ft salary of $225. now enjoying a vacation. Mr. Fred Linn of Toronto is visiting his aunt Mrs. John Elliott. d Mrs. A Kirkpatrick 6f the Nile called on Mr. Ashton Mason on Monday. 11ir. anti Mrs. Wm. Cfesar of Belgrave were visiting at Mr. Alex McDou1 a's this week. • Mr. John Gardner of Bluevale gave the 1.2th concession a business call oil Wetinesday ( 'rir, and Mrs. ,James Fyfe of Mor- els Sundayed at 111'. Robert Masons. Mr, Mat. Elliott was in Blyth on Wednesday on business. 85 MENTHOL •-*--- ILnvoprtp•ril+ D;o• lbolrin,tor tnnnnml+rt or ,+ a of hem d io n1'I. tllawoAN0 rnpin, and 11111,11 ) aril ,•tl•'IM+11 \11111115' ,i1 t0 0,11 f11tm Iausr.orb+41e 11:au n.—W,11.turlc�. itt. Dl 11„ 11.1.1 11,;..111. 1, 11on. 111 re r!rd 3.••nilt•11 :wool le in eevornt ,.an^t of Inix,eu6tr ri:.ano,111 51, turd Iltu ul ay.+IY can+ 1411111,t11ve alm..nt 11001.1 a fid p. rmv vont rnilof. 16 lteus:l De 11 . C.3,,, h5iou, U•'•. It (llreF :tel..ttt•:a_&Luirlt/hi;•t, Nom, ra•t;ta, n nit , , r ny illaaenniatr ratan. ruins in trails or Sink or (A+� Brice . ': ,`: 1, -svrence ('n,,l.td, 1 �,-, • tat. r:, eitnere t51.. •, 110. .gyp .:11 tri •AMea � `4Y•1 { � tit. X S . 41.,d F ,7 Fl! 1 .F 61'ta 1i, ti Fl, , r=• 1 i '41 t I" CC J i " , Ix iRL.laF t,tt.11.? 134;1. l''9 titrt,.,:iii '`'';e%ld'YL11+t •<r..1,hi q C-Cio1PLA1NTS .. 1-ldutiei. SUITS For Suits that suit, give cotnfotw to the t wearer and satisfy your friends,you had OVERCOATS better try us. Our TROUSERS, know how to duthei work ; dont thin, garmetrt, makers, Mr.Keith of Briton was ' 't' g be properly Ade for S4 Spota , at LONDESBO.O. The. topic at the League on Mon day Evening was on missions Mr. R. B. Jeffrey Win. Lyon, Miss. Barber and Miss Ashley giving papers on Mission work. Miss Mary Luling left here on Tuesday for Manitoba. Miss Johnston and Miss M. And- rews spent Sunday in Wingham• Mr. W. Riddell has moved into the house formerly occupied by M. Wall has who Mains. Miss. Mabel j'i all been visiting her Aunt Mrs J. Bell for the past six .months from the state of Illinois returned home last week. One of these happy events took place at the home of Mr. E. Man- ning 11th eon Iiullett on Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock when his youngest daughter Martha was W. Grey t(J Mr. y united by marriage of the lath con of Iiullett. The I. 0. G. T. Lodge here is progressing fine, many members joining every' night. There is a con- test going on and there are excellent programs given every night. The officers .for the present quarter are C. L. J. C. Adams ; V. L. :Hiss l`. Johnston; See., Milton Wray; Ass. Sec.; A Crisp F. See: A I3runsdan 'rreas,, M. Andrews; Chap., Rev. Mr. Andrews; Mar.. Howard, Adams; M. Sadie Ilial. Guard Lorne Brigham Sent., Jas Outright. gather t then I thunk that no two peteons on this earth ever can be bound together after that fashion. 'Whither thou goost, 1 Will go, and where thou lodged, I will lodge. The Lord do so to 1110, and mute eiso, if ought but death pert thee and me."' Then Idle rose from bot chair, and fel ug lig her her- self on her kneris at his feet, butted cher face in Isle lap. "Elia," he said, injury you esti do vie is to speak of leav- ing tae. And It lean injury which le sure - 1y unnecessary because yon cannot entry It beyonrcl words. Now, If yellwill sit up and listen tome, I wilt toot you What parrs - ed between me and theom hDoctor.."orf and dol* inf3uta and, Children. leeseregier Mr. all tralrrierrsan sae rtt,n.,. ,..,...--- -- took bele beat et the tea -table, and iletorlo_ tsxilt patiently as be began bit tale. "They have 1 tie' • tl Holli (TO BE CONTINUED. 'VE.w YFA I Of st`IOUL KN ,er'{r TS a •va, y rer^arke.ble remedy,. both feet! :I a• r1. r:tirli11tt?% use, had won- dcxsai i...1,: qui..k action to rellGT8 distress. .r ,+e f T` . lea sero cure for Hero 1FiY+1 • x'hroctt. CoaatlH, .- i'1:11., P.'+9.110.04 ily,lsttle.ri', Cramer, t o.lw,1 ....1 I., Ilb1o(Aebwe. �y tie Inn laStHR' int• Lt!•{...5 1. •. pttY Annan for Nit 10 1.e'. nes., h,,''? ';rot,1111.et I s15'�l Its lite 1.0 6 or 1 .. , . i° Itou Mal tent auAif) ,letttyaittla, ,Fn,.. n Anr.Y.t,,bi .•, rr x Y ,. 1 sr .e as i S2Y'!r q �itll b loot.. `.l.:..••.• .• itl'V,ktA wykr nem, • .it +.•t••* +' b• �s 11(101 lata, *N.. ain*/ Agresti* j4ft1'1 •. ifq.1 Ski J.rf't) rv gtried id : oti.1111 tit 'Old t`10 , .-, Mt a%clew > ai.a'ili hitt i neretb'ii,ta. n' dPA i t• vt.,.Icrxaa,tt' a,r eathrttalllr with t,•6,1..00.1111 TAke mesa lent,,,,��aa *114 <Y 1,,t1 t11�"'t Lu.i, er1t7ayetes:,14.155e1wtnn M. Opposite the Macdonald Block, Winerham, Ont. .�..�-._�'_� ..... -. . �_.......-.� 1, 11,4 ' 1 „e';1 go - N a: { 0 The Rey. M the 13ible Socia -evening was in The Social t place on Wean poned until' 14' Mr. George hotel, has put f The ehild of Ian Monday, a3 days and was Mr..Knowls' ed business i from business s rag trade, W Pa' Their is les for the extra l that have take maturity. Wh tabie feeding six er seven o will average day. This ea profit. The to keep, and it nor will it no' that weighs 2 carcass. It has been one's self ou farthing land the cost of pec ay has passe If the farm to continue t must give n individual act ,itsshare. Nod 'The farms n for more the methods in tt it. The ex :systems and t sion of the su to lead in the tijive farming Whe An exehan our cattle of and the yon pilentiful fee when their a cbtiicest port and what tit the mangers Antler them given a mo at night, but appetites for We do not eo to eat any addition t0 t ask of a ch Ito see how n during the r and horses comfortable large quanti will supply. and fattenin thrive ton i moistened with meal round rye, c Being .shor wintered, all and steers- straw and better. The three ten by the s steur Ins re Geo. river on a he right h hepard, 2 tis•' t the d. jeer , '21 y 'ght forefi as a vain y Geo Sin Grangely s ewman, ed at prs, convulsi yinptotns ,itisdi ver. The fit. 11 le caused by tion and pen Me stomach. Caret& anti •1'rade•Marlt2 obtained• and ail patent business euhdnctelt for 110D$R'Tlt FEBtt. My tee is in the ;tuna l to vicinity otdie latent Otate and my faelr tics for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model. Sketch Dr photograph of invention with c t dvanta at clotted. Airndsi statement as t o a description a A 2i'6 rl.nroe i, ,n a l8 form» OpOtiora die g. rluteur,thhiltr and r,y Senior promoting the application *vitt soft Ort rocs for' ustttIlh1 parent ie ailntbed. "IHVr. one' Canoe;' cow twining full information seat free. AA11 combui i Le cations Considered ars titricttly Goalidilittala FRAM KLAN H. HOUG11 was k' Bo, "Nets Itialeststi 4K31'l ort„ b, bsomtn4, n N not tulle err 'blood p0 alis crimp p* , !i only