HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-27, Page 5THE W I G HAM TIM Oil NOVEMBER 27, 1896. At eight o'clock last Friday morning we op eed our doevs and com- unenced the greatest sale this county has seen; proksably you read about it in last week's paper, if' not it's well you should know of it. This sale will last only 30 days egad seven nays have gone already. To call it; a success In putting it very mid. It bas been a RINGING, ROARING, ROUSING, _RATTLING SUCCESS. Bad. weather and bad roads seesm not to interfere .with those who wish to save money. Just an article here and there throughout the stock to let nyoa know bow the prioes range, 1t 'Fine Fawn Beaver Cloth, regular price $1 10, sale price Heavy black Mantle Cloth, (small figure) regular $1 " Heavy Grey Diagonal Tweed for Dressee 1:. ydswide., regular price price 75 Jcents Men's Kid Gloves., lined, well made, regular 00e. Mesa's Suits, very special lines, our particular fav- orite is worth ,$p7 but the the great Men's Blaek Serge Suite well ]ined and got up to fit and Wear, molar $7 7.5 Ladies' Mantles (we just mentioned themlast week) .a few still left, worth 55 00• Ladies' Mantles that are sold regularly at $7 00 A few longer Mantles than the above mentioned Carpet Slippers for women regular prices 40 cents Tweed for Boys' Suits in small dark patterns that in any other store cheap at 40e. " 25c. �r Millinery will come to the front during this great sale, everything in tis department will'be cut to the bone. It will certainly pay you to look through our Millinery stock. There is no humbug about this business, no goods that are trashy, everything kept tip to the standard no matter what the price is. It is business we are after. „ [i 80e. 75e. 450. .50e, 5 50 625 3 75 5 00 2 50 25e. 4 oKINNON & Go, cur %”' ,±../117..1,:, ,r 1 i "7,yr 1 As announced last week we have moved our entire ;yamnoo1cs1r� �-v , STATIONERY-, WALL PAPER. FANCY GOODS, Etc. !and are now settled in'our new and commodiousquarters ii - ,50 ; Robt. Currie, sen, Y ` Lizzie (� P 0-0RY E1'.10C�, k we hope that she will soon be able tolgiavel, qui; iD',5 Robinson, equaliz- , Ing union school N o )and selecting ;opposite the Queen's Hotel where we will be pleased to meet resume her work.V ;eters 6 ; Fred. Rath, cleaning all our old customers. Mr. Chapman and family have ditoh $4,50.; moved into the house made vacant , by i 1r. Fred Kitchen. •• The treasurer reported cash on Mr. Itobt. Mills, will be a Candi- hand on 1st of September last, $314,54; received from collector :are arriving daily and we are opening them . out and gettili date efer the adherents of thety il. them. into place as recta• since that Bete $515 —making a ',quickly. as possible. We have tionai church have a new pastor in ,total of 5$29.24. Paid out $121,49 the finest stock of the person of rile Itev J W Goffln leaving a balance on hand at date Frozen To ,Death, Windsor Nov. 23,—News was A waved in Windsor today that pilin john M. Foran has keen frozea to ;Hera death rima Kansas bei rci. He wait regart farcnerlyproprietor of the Stratford °"Orph.. Herald and teacher of the Col- Ifrom a ieg]ats lustitutue, and was later in- I we think spector'of schools for South Perth. their I Prayer" is of art. It year's subs° Art Ontario Tribute, asugst the thousands rrtnry letters sent to t o sail r ,and Weekly Star ng the premi n picture, ; "The Endeavorel•, Drc.lin.'r a. fl. WE KEEP :-•--Chielio al's Family o's Prayer," we notice one i Brown of Winghann was present "MI Cough Syrup; Syrup of Red Spruce ntleman will ' nown which sang two solos. A pl 'using t) is t• '+# {)•um ' Shiloli':y { a,r. �•ii ('lire • mite Program a purr'11.,, "r�r,�tt,l ' ' worthy of r�praducing ill p' +'+ :'nn'8 f.'etl�rll %�llr•e; 'ii'il�nrr's lx'i!d 1umna, Ti euephan':3 the good feeling that exi itri bei.t\:•,•il • ,4 ndeect a ,eaut fel work DTs. taeddes and hi; t.fit's i.e„, • ,r . trawherry 3.y( r•';. i't,erry Pectori- an be hl with a whole ovens the readings rfa r lee!+ 5,«; u' 0t n1; .liagyard :e 1'e, ti.riel Ilalsain ; iption that excellent address of welcome t)y .tilt•. ''''',"111. Ilc.attlrlir•k1'r: V('tteln1,;e Balsam; , struetive address on Mlssirars. P.a. FOR UO1:7'G'R." ' f ewe. pets on this subject wort; read by Family by Messrs,Me(lee and Si,llpeon, and COLDS DTontl•ea! 'Miss McGee recited veep ,,ec:ept=i,)1v Burned To Death, 1lamileen, Mo., Nov, 12.—Five ch 1dren 'of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder i paper—the er—the Fat fly �forlafa : A number were present f l•�'on Willis- Kemp's I elteirn ; 1'.,iriz�vc ll's 13alsaln;, eelal Herald'� church. :, ,,otlt:tble nir.t•ti,l„; ++':,s Neal, iiv rg five miles north of the one dollar. 'ph Orphan's Prayer" bi'ou»ht to,t ci,,::e by sinelee, •`e,iod ' l r'of; in YUtl1' '1 hr�,;tt' a,ud a f'u21 t e z burned to death late 1 I1 t a t*, `•Sr le r alone sells in ew y ni last. night The Neal dwelling was is city for be with you ti Svc. meet sir -.list," supply of eons,', dre'1'ne ,ate, burned .while they parents were eight dollars p copy: The follow- - - - attending a dance. When they Ike opinion o 's from Mr. M. J. $500,000 vrtifinetfel.l, it LL, nt: d, Ont. ham &l AI CHISHO M'S Ulla STORE reached the burning building the Kelly, M. D. B., School Inspect• Word reached d the, city yesterday tt i il,i South B . , • - r . , • • . '6'IINCI sa &1!1, orvr, father saw his 11 -year -all daughter of Brandi) Nov, 16, i896, that an old man by the name of Cov- ,.,,,, e lying burning, in the front door- Montreal: ington, who was fol• years i~ectaon , way, clasping her 3 -year-old Messrs. Many inks for t e copy of the boss on the;ti]dland atStoufl:•iIle, Out, rent. That the r)re.11bifor brother in her arms. The flames „Orpha s Prayer." I taye not seen has just been notified 'thnt h' . sisterin shooting moose he iemoved, and r fell I+anglancl died the other d:t� luelviu,r that this form of hunting be allowed prevented. rescue. The Pathe the errs nal painting, at I can well �' ' _ �' fit license costing $10 be secured in a swoon, and has been a raving believ: with the fines py bef'ol'c ale blur at leyaey of O(i,O00. Tl;o esti Tlrilt the bounty sn wolves be raised maniac ever since. man has been for some time in ed need ' ---ter•--• that, . i the opinion of a rpiece. it tells its nely chamber, th t of.- the kneeling en on the coverlet, in npathne—all give tok nsolable sorrow. Yours truly, mast BLUE+'VALE. the Rev. W. H. Moss preached a me Thanksgiving seriuon in the Metho•' ki dist church last Sabbath evening, is therefore, there will be no service in the village ou Thanksgiving day.1 Mr, John Burgess, High Auditor. for the C. O. F., is in Brantford this week auditing the society's books. Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of Toronto, who fists, 1t is rt . f'roin i 1O to s„?,, as It z believed vn circumstances and' he beg neat means child—the his fortunes. Four t.hild, n :ilia the aired for duck and ether bird 'benefit of the big legacy—two sees q , apparent William and 14'lter, proprietors of shooting•. It is expected. thatat the of in - revert' and the un- appr'oillb e,iion the game tllarr]cd Slaughters, Add!: and :law will be chan�;r'cl d,y the addition Dfartila, of some such amendments. story-- ' that they kill many more deer than tl sudden t1'emerrrl.,us betts;l't'1'r 'If abandon- hunters go, That licenses be re- his W. J. KELLY, Public School Inspector. Mysterious i'2isappoerenee• The Council met in the Council Mr. Samuel Parkinson, of 1J borne Koons, pursuant to adjournment. was expected to Ireach two Sundays; EAST WAWANOSII. after retiring in his usual be.,tlt 1 and Members all present Reeve in the con ein E but seyt Rev. Mterian trl slNixon int' Council met on November 12 _Pur•• spirits f t the evening crosses d the fields and Iconfirmed..s of last meeting ,sad ;suint to adjournment; members all to the liighvvay, and has nor, ber.n' Kirkby—Code that the following stead• ii” f 1 Mr. John Patterson, of Dundalk present. inures o last meeting who has been visitinhero, ba's.got rea�1 and passed. the position of cheesemaker for the 'ihe account of Cameleg holt & Molesworth cheese company for next I3olmes, matterriof for legal advice in the of Jas. Hickingbot- year. ton,s award made in 1895, also for Mr. and Mrs. Bickle, of Waterloo, legal ad -vice and opinion in 1890 with their twin sons, are visiting at relating to road allowaulc(� on south i•. John Diment s, sr. Rev. Dir. Nixon, who occupied the part of lot 28, con. �i, sendingwhich said pulpit in the Presbyterial, church, firm had overlooked in in their account for at the proper time, seen by his vele tires since. The miss- were ordered to be paid: --S. Walken ing man is 5 fret 8 inches in height. gravel, $6.14; P. Barr, ditch and weighs 175 potu,rls; is npright end culvert, f8; Mr. Alct;ek. -culvert on . full -chased full !,e,r:d ,;lightly gray; East gravel, f25; John Nic''olson tile - very bald, and. is 5t years old; wore-' drain (n nnrtlt boundary, $3.04; long boots coti.o:iitde pants and ,j:trke , selectors of Jurors each $4; Wm, et, a brown fur call). The nnfornnani Little, gravel, Se?.10c; Wm. Sheldon, man is brother of l'ri,iaipal Parkinson do. Gt1 cts; 1;. 1:cMlurray do $1; John of 'Toronto and it son of Thomas , sain l,•y, Inspecting bridges, $6.00; Parkinson, of•Eseter. Scores of leen ,Tames Snell, (nee sling ditch, $1; Jas. - last Sabbath, nreaehedvery are in search, but thus tar their tf- Russell, bent under Armstrong's excellent manner. I received, and laid over in the mean- forts have proved futile. This 'Ides- I)1•;dae, $12; George Parker, timber, DTiss Margaret Sheridan, of Morris tithe. ing mate is in good financial cireuin- $4; Thomas Skelton, dit:eh on the 7th ' Moved by Mr. Coultes, seconded by stances, and was living in harnl0ny line :6.50; ,Tames Sherrie:, repairing died at s buried onrF�dayme a inst vthe Brusselseek aud aMr. Scott, that the sura of 5G.79 be with his family and neighbors. , culvert 50cts.: Jituies i3iehop culvert cemetery. The deceased lady hacl refunded hies: this year to the for a long time suffered from dropsy j ratepayers of union S. S. No. 5 1 on East boundary, „'iG; James Messer residing in con..1. of this township, RAIN IN INDIA. 1 d • itch on sideroarl, : >; joules Miller and bad been blind for years. This i b I repairing culvert on nortt, boundary, makes two deaths in one house within :said amount being part of school A despatch from l�clnbay says the $2.25; George I:ckrnier, repairing, a week. Miss Sheridan was a sister tax levied and collected last year, drought has been checked by a good I'3; Win" I-Iendei•:';n, 'pikes and of Mrs. John Diment, jr,, of this villa .but vvhecb was kept back from the fall of rain throughout the district of culvert, ''?.15; Wee •7acklfe, gravel - trustees of union S. S. Ivo. .) by Deccan, and priers of grain are ing, „.i; A. Venalstine,repahing road age. Miss Jennie Miller, of Wroxeter, , order of the council, being an over rapidly declining. $5.50: D. R.,i,), arbitration, expenses is visiting at DTs, John Fowler's, I charge of school rates made in 1$95. The Earl LIgin, Viceroy of India,. ' re. union , e},eol, ;110.80; Thos. Scott —Carried, telegraphs from Calcutta that a fair digging drain, $2.62. rain has fallen along the eoa.t of the Isbistcr—Bowman, the following MadrasPresidency up to Masulipatam persons were appointees deputy re - which is located at a about the center t:ul ninr;• officers, to act at the coming of the coast line. Showers have also Jlunicipel Elee'ion,viz,--Division 1, fallen along the coast of Bombay Wer. C. L•,idhiw; l)ivi;.ion :-', George The despatch adds that the prices of Metteil; Divit!on 3, -Chas. McCrea; grain is still rising, and that 11i1 per- Division 4, Thomas Miller junior; • sons are employed on the relict' works Division 5, 1 V ie.. i.lston, Division 6, that have been started by the Govern- Joseph Bowman. ment to avert the effects of the fam-' Code—Kirkby, that this council • ine. The Viceroy makes no mention do now adjourn to meet again (m - in n in his 'iespatehef the dro'ight in the 1• 15th Dee. next. Deccan, v. �,ich is the great territory ' Bltievale road. stock of ie Orders on the treasurer were issued for the payment of the follow- TURI'BERRY. ing accounts; Mrs. Brodnock, snow that has fallen recently, gravel, $5,70: John Ansley, inspect - Theis quite suitable for fox' and rabbit'lug bridge, plans and specifications, hunting, consequently much enjoy- i 811 ; Elliott Bros., tile, $2.25 ;S. G. went in this line is being bad by the j Brown, printing, •,1._0, .John Cornyn printing, $2; Jas, McGee, gravel and hunters. funeral of the late Mr, Car-1damages, „•:1.50; '''hos Nicholson, ruthers took place last Thursday. gravel and damages, fi3.94 ; Alfred. Miss Iiel'le. Gerunl]ll has been in- disposed n j B. Carr, gravel, $2.60 ; Menno Vin dis osed for the past week but we cent, 'leaking outlet for drain on are glad to report that she is recov- ering. ecov- 'Fountain 33 and 34, con. 3, 6 ; ering , I ountain Naylor, underbrushing Quite a number of fax mets have l and building coulvert, $t3 ; Alonzo had their geese killed by dogs. If l Parker, gravelling, 130.60 ; John people, having dogs that they are in, Forster, building bridge, $251 ; Wm. any way suspicious of, would shut Dobie, sen., building culvert, 5 ; them in • at night, there would, be Jas. Armour, making and . boxing, little danger of a recurrence of the ditch, $7,50; Wm. Johnston, shovel past trouble, { ling gravel and repairing culvert, A tea -meting is to be held on $3; John Walder, repaying road and Thanksgiving Day, in the Congrega- culvert, $3 ;John Leggatt, building tional church. A good list of speak- culverts, $2.50; McLean & Son. ers will entertain the audience, in - gravelling $2.10 ; I Small, grading eluding the' two representatives of ; and gravelaing and putting stone East Huron. ' around piers at bridge in river, Mr. Tom Powell has returned to ! 523.83 ; Arthur Brooks, piping and I�FI,•trriston to continue his studies. (filling in ditch, $13.50; B. 0,Connor KWe are leased to report that Miss : gravel, 51,25 ; Wm. Deacon, repair- �itnstone is much better and ing bridge, $3 OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS FANCY GOODS IN t(ELL'TL®IDS shown in \Vingham, including - eves Wing ham, and Gents' Toilet Setts, Cuff and Collar ' Cases, Glove Cases, Photo Albums and Autograph Albums. Toys and Pio- ture Books, a • paradise for Children. WALL PAPER 10,000 rolls just opened out; And old paper selling at reduced prices. 'i'his is pretty toughen the I -'t. fiuron n most succe boys who find it pretty' hard scratch•thef 1" to shoot two deer within a Book S�1 ing, :t,lld gave an 1n tallest of three lasses of the W.-or,tvx, • lying between the Madras and Bon , •• Clerk. bay Presidencies, having been check- i ed by a good fall of rain, • whieh Buffalo. Nov. 19.—The trolley ears had caused rapid decline in the price ! of the Buffalo railroad Company on of grain in that district information , Braine -street, hetwee„ Ohio -street and. to which effect was contained in a the Cold Spring barn and those on despatch from Bombay received this East Ferry -street slid Kensington - morning. ! avenue are being run to day by the, e'► ' Niagara poteec. It ie being used In Changes In Gime Laws. ` this experimental manner so that if . Reports of the recent deer shoot- in th( early stages some accident. ing season are pouring into the. occurs before tyansntissiotr, enti:'a Game Department at the Parliament service will not be crippled. '"• 0 Buildings. Prom these it seems experiment thus fir has been p. , iset that the verb* stringent law now in success. force was well observed, yet ctet3 _ ___ -W.-_---`°�"=""=' person has some suggestions of amendment to offer. From the �"' mass of official reports presented ` " s ''f l' it seems that in a general way the People often wonder why their nerves are rule prohibiting hunting door in so weak; why they get tired so easily; he water was scrupulously observed why they start at every slight but This was the cause of less door being sudden sound; why they do not sleep shot. Neal dy all the deer were naturally; why they have frequent Captured without dogs. In some 1 adaehes, indigestion and nervous . places sportsmen were true enough some, 1 to insist on the rule eorcerning hunt- j ys pe pC a bT C b 11 �th 'r of $718.05. ing in water being enforced, and ' The explanation is simple. It is fettle , in. mil of Crossbili are visiting itt Alfred 13. Carr and John . Me- laid informations against those who ' ttha ii e rrf the net ¢la u1;on ntlnA family Dowell were present, requesting the did not observe it. The number of Mr. fetor Campbell's this week, p ' instead at flit elements of strength and ' They intend going to California in conned to pay them and George deer` slaughtered during the season, meteIn each aoncutiori opiate and the near future. Fothergill for services rendered as it is believed, did not average more *vigor. aompoursrld t;imply d,riden :FA Mr. William Bolt's sale took place fence viewers in 1895, in the matter than two pee hunter. The reports , donot dire. !Hoods eritt,ariila feeds ' No however da that before the . season! the nerves pure rich red G1aod; gives; last .Monday. b 1 u - ter of the deer. One settler killed 90 of them. The principal sugges- tions for reform lire, brielly, that °flicers, in addition to being sent t Mr. andMrs. Campbell withtheir of Jas. Ilieltulgbottom s aware,-- , y natural bleep, perfect'digestion, is the !action, • began there was a tnerei ess sla gh '• true remedy for all nervous trottbl�eew. An epidemic of barbers' itch is 1 The eouneil then adjourned until 1 1 'll d reported from Port Huron, About Tuesday. December 15. Ray youg risen of that city are affect.; P. I'olt1'.>tizr'1>JLn CLtttiz, d. , t meeting ire connection their necks Some have hated Chastain Endeavor, of Calvin the distlrctsThat. each faints eel, A large nurnl.er of them are go- The opens mea g t 1 visit during should d �• the of ottt season, Society ce ing around with ugly red patches on wall the Young Peoples So y,-" a number of times dine. Sarsaparilla kerebiefs tied around their throats. I church, on. Thursday night last was ing the year, a family settle- Ia the Mb True lriood Twitter. $t per Wean ssfal affair, The Rev' of settlers be allowed without rroprttedonly byCi.I.I%od81Ca.,LorRoll,ltC 1r,. Air. Geddes, of Hamilton, emacs scene. rnirre Liver sirs, ea7 i • to make a livingas it itt, pastor was presentHood's Pills twt0e,ei►irytioopelrllii�, The liop°ular e, 1