HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-27, Page 2xn inn (fats 0 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 27, lasts, be devoted jointly to the church iln• provement and the Sunday .School funds amounted to over $41.00, All the people were vary fundi pleased with the result of their ser- vices [N(. 1A 1'1IALE',.r\u¥EM.1iE1, 27, 1596. $3 and reeoluniended payment. Mr. Gemmill reported having let a job of culvert on 13 line to James Weir at $7.75 and recommended payment. Cruickshank-•-Gemmill—That wa grant a refund of taxes on account On Wednesday Evening, Nov. 11 of charity to Edward Farley, Mrs 131.UJ VAL] , Rev, P. Straith, of Innerkip, visited Manser and Mrs. Phlppen—Carried, (Intended tor lest issue./ thlssectiofl in the interests of thc ijpo. Aiusgrove--Diment -- That the Rev. Mr. Radford, of A hhurn, Canada Bible Society incl delivered clerk notify John Nichol to 'MVO Preached. is the Presbyterian church the last two Sundays. Rev, Air. Radford was visiting in Brussels last week and took the place of the Rev. John Ross in the pulpit of the Presbyterian church in Brussels last Sunday evening. On Tuesday evening lir. Radford atenfl- ed the induction of Rev. Mr. Camer- on in Easthope, near Stratford.TheI of the Nile branch, Chas. Garvin, ]r. neat two Sundays the Rev. Mr. ; vice-president,Wtn. Bailie, Sec. Trews Mitchell of Toronto will preach in and Robert Aleiliwain, (Depository. the Presbyterian church.• A good staff of directors and lady a ' I Mr. Edwin Bailey hasas been to ch1n g collectors wee also appointed. school near Hayesville at a salary ofI Miss Agnes Morrow who has been three hundred and thirty-five dol- lars, and has been re-engaged to teach in the same school next year with a raise of thirty-five dollar's. Mr. A. AicEwall has been reingag- ed to teach in the senior department next year, as Miss Ballentyne in- tends going to the Normal School. Miss Jessie Frazer of Turnberry wi11 teach i the junior department., We are sorry to- 's y khat Mr. Norman Duncare ho has been em- ployed in the tail'oi•ing establishment in Woodstock: has been obliged to came home owing to ill health. i We hope he will soon be better. Mr. McDonald of the hotel gave a shooting -match on Friday last. Mr.. Robertson of the Bluevale road returhed home from Manitoba on Monday. Eight new members joined the Epworth League at its last meeting. Ail the available members of both the vilfiage choirs are practising for the entertainment in the S. S. No. 9 East Wawanosh, on Thanksgiving. Everybody is welcome. Mr. Will i\icCully assistant in the cheese factory, spent Sunday at his home in Kinburn. Some mean person poisoned a valuable collie dog, belonging to Mr. James Robertson, last Thursday. The dog died in great agony. Mr. Robertson is doing his best to find out the guilty one. The children of the Methodist Chureh 5, S. are practising for a Christmas entertaimmnnt. Mhe milkmen are through .with their season's work, and the. -'farmers ed the funeral. f Proving that true honesty and are drawing milk for Mr. Bicker -Ruche an excelent address in the Nile church, on the work being done by the Society's workmen and women in the different parts of the world. The meeting was not nearly as large' as the object deserved, but all who ! attended received new interest in the work of the Sgeiety. Mr. Joseph Hetherington was appointed Pres. ill for the past eighteen months, is very low at present, Wore Greased Glove + Seven Years. John Sii•on, mason, Aultaville, Ont., bad Salt Rheum so severe that for Hiroo years he wore greased gloves. He writes : "I used a quarter of a box of Chase's Ointment. It cured me. No trace of Salt Rheum now." Chase's Oint- ment cures every irritant disease ot the skin, allays itching instantly, and is a sterling remedy for piles. Avoid imita- tions. 600. per box. MORRIS. (Intended for last issue.) Miss Cora Souch, 3rd line, is home again after spending a month with friends in St. Marys. Geo. White, of Vaugham, spent a i $4.90 ; Airs. Phippen, $5.35 ; Ed.! few days this week with his old ;Farley, 54.88 ; W Deans, culvert 1 friends on the 1st, Mr. and Mrs. J's.155.75 ; W. Cruickshank, inspecting' Sellars. q,y�ah 'drain 56 ; J. Breckenbridge, bur�•- \,`•Rich. Mitchell, 3rd line. as bought ing pig and ealf, $1 ; W Carruthers, i a grain crusher and wrlil start up repairing drain, 73 ; J. Nichol, clean - business in Molesworth.' This will ing drain, $30.51; P. Dawson, do., be handy for the farmers of that vi- +44.46 ; Dr. Toole, medical health cinity :as they have no chopping mill officer, $ 5 ; Board. of Health—Wm. ' near. McPherson, $4, Wm Gemmill, 54, .T Rich. Armstrong and Fraser Em- Elliott $4. John Burgess $8, W Deyel . busy returned home from the Bruce $2 ; Robt. Hupter, repairing culvert,) peninsula, on Friday night last, $1 ; John Ainsley, gravel, $1.75 ; S. where they had gone on a deer hunt- Vanstone, $4; Isaac Young, $12.50; i d't' These two old J Anderson $3 • R. AI. Anderson,' fence removed off sidewalk before the 26th inst, or the council will re- move it at his expense --Carried. Diment Gemmill -- That Mr. Cruickshanks see that Mr. Nichol remove fence before the 16tH inst., and if not removed to have the work done at once—Carried. Tho clerk read the report of 'the local board of health and expenses i current for the cu r incurred thereunder year Cruickshank—Diment—That, the report be adopted and a.,counts paid --Carried, Gelnmil l—Diinent—That the reeve be instructed to assist the treasurer'. in making the annual statement --1 Carried). The following accounts were pass -1 ed and orders on treasurer issued : - Thos. Musgrove, gravel, $3.12; dog tax refunded—Jas. Crawford, 51 ; Rev. H. M. Moss, $1 ; A. Cleghorn, $2; 11. Crittenden, $1'; H. Tucker,1 $1, John Finlay $1, R. and F. Mit-1 shell, $1, H. Wheeler 51, Alex Me- ' Ewen 51, J. and P. Toucher 51, Jos. 1 �IH.Ie'ar��.,�1 Yeo $1, F. Carruthers, $9; Elliott i Bros., tile, 511.10; John Watcher,' repairing B line bridge, 60 cents ; Bristol's. James Weir, 57.75 ; Mrs. Moore.1 road tax refund, $2 ; Mrs. Manser, Fergus, Apri18,1801 T.2obert Phillips. Druggist, ?argils. This is to certify that I have suffered from piles for, a long time end tried several articles re• commended for title cam• p2lalut, but none of them benedttc.l me till I tried Cbase's Ointment, which bas completely cured m... Mote...JOHN GEBIRIE. Phillips, fir., Drnggld W itnesa. " My six-year-old daughter, 'telt a.wahhsafflicted With erni,tlon tbeingfor l ehind htaiecathe ra.prlltried>r pal )mot at bought Inman - arable tiled e I e-: advert 00Y r remedy ,r Y g the child y took erahl0 metilclnes and Roans, and to tnedtcal specialists in skin diseases, but with- out result, Finally, a week ago, I purchased a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment. and the first 'impli- cation showed the ouratiy° effect of theRernedy. We hero uwd only ono -sixth of the box, but the change is very tuarked ; the eryyuption hayy., all dls- currl.ed, a(ylgesd) confidently AXWI LL JOHN^TON 11.1 Anne St., Toronto Sold by all dealers, or on receipt of price, %e. Addross, EOMA t2WI, RATS et 00., TORONTO. To Cure ng expe r ion. hunters report the game very scarce lumber. $1 ; T. Moore, Bryce dram,) this year, so scarce that they return- $4.98 ; P. McLaren, part salary, $50;1 ed empty handed, They have made Paul Powell, part salary, $20. i several trips to the peninsula and Council adjourned to meet at same 1 tl i is the first time they have come place on December 16, at 10 o'clock.' FTYTTYTITTRYTTTT1TTYTT17/71/.,TTTTT7Tt1,Ttrtr SARSAPARILLA IT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. IT WILL ZVI AXE YOU WELL/ Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. I is home without all the dear the law ----- would let them take, 1 . A MESSAGE TO HIEN. Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Diment attend -1 a'' o ` Mrs. Diment's father, the la -:e Mr. Thomas. Sheri- I true philanthroplly stilt exist. clan on Monday. Mr. Sheridan died hlselves. of Walter has teen owly re. other, in to his at his home near Sunshine on Friday If any man, who is weak, nervous and is coma- bebilitated, or who is suffering Flom any and was buried in the Brusse i tern. The Bible Society meeting on Tuesday evening was not very argely attended owing to the rain. v. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave, gave interesting address on the work he society. Rev. J. C. Madill, of ia, pastor of a Congregational rch there, whose name has been inent in the Toronto dailies for past week, was some years ago a dent of Bluevale. odist of this p ace s anniversary services on aunday Nov. 15th and the Tuesday following. On Sunday morning, the frastor J. W. Pring preached a sermon to the children from Eec, xii 1, and in the evening, the Rev, A. Fairbairn, B. A., (Presbyterian) of Dungannon preached to a large and appreciative audience. The collect- ions taken were good and were de- voted to the Sabbath School funds. On Tuesday night Nov. 17th a very successful supper and enter- tainment were held. The ladies had provided an abundance of fowl and vegetables. besides cakes pies &c. inmost ad libitum. Seldom have we seen a better supper or served in a, more excellent style. It was serv- `trd in the Orange Hall as there is no basement- in the church. After supper all repairec,l i4) the church where they were entertained in , the following manner:—"Addresses were 4telivered by the Revs. F. L. Arm - Strong. (lpiseopalian) of Dungannon Wm. Goodwin and Jos ge a G'oderieh, the lutterTurnishing in ItB admirable and unique style, a Iry valuable preseription as to how c eetroy-equrebe! The choir of Mt church, funt" the niusie 16131i wita• r'that could be desired, 'Wm in selection and rendition. The tir000ttio of the supper, w hick are to A Good Deal in a Few Words, 'I paid a Toronto specialist on catarrh , large sum of money but I got no bene- fit. I tried thea all, but finally, almost in despair, and assuredly without any faith, I tried Chase's Catarrh Cure. It is all that it is recommended which is saying a good deal in a few words." Joel Rogers, clerk. Division Court, Beaton. Improved Blower in each 25e. box. TURNBERRY. Minutes of Council meeting held in McDonald's Hall, Bluevale, on Monday Nov. 16th. Members all present the Reeve in the cbair. The minutesof last meet, ing were read approved and signed. A communisation was read from Amos Tipling, re sheep killed and wounded. The reeve reported culvert on 6th line, let Samuel Vanstone finished and recommended payment of $4, also along with lir. Diment examin cd work done on 8th con. by Frank Carruthers and recommended pay- ment of $9, also examined Powell drain and recommended that Isaac Young be paid $6.50, also let a job of tiling drain across road on 8th con. line to Isaac: Young at $6 and recommended payment, The Deputy. Reeve reported that along with Messrs. Musgrove and Gemmill had entployed Robert Stapleton to clean out 13allegh drain •ate 53.75 and re. commended payment and that amount be charged to James Bal - lath and put on roll for collection. Mr. Diment reported having let a job of culvert to James Anderson at PTheD1&L e, il Elmolsio of the various troubles resulting from youthful folly, excesses oroverwork, will take heart and write to me, I will send him confidentially and free of charge the plan pursued by which I was restor- ed to psrfect health and manhood, after years of suffering from Nervous Debility Loss of Vigor and Organic Weakness. I have nothing to sell and therefore want no money, but as I know through my own experience how to sympathize with such sufferers. I am glad to be able to assist any fellow -being to a cure. I am well aware of the prevalence of quackery, for I myself was deceived and imposed upon until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice to say that I am now perfectly well and happy once an- re and am desirous therefore to make this certain means of cure known to all. If you will write to nue you can rely upon being cured and,the proud satisfaction of having been of great service to one in need will be of sufficient reward for my trouble. Absolute secrecy assured. Send 5c. silver to co"er postage and address, Mr. Geo. G. Strong, North Rookwec•d Mich. A Chance For Some Nice Young Man. The Edinburgh Scotsman of' Sat. 24th contained the following para- graph. of an English fruit dealer who received the following note in a barrel of apples: "These apples were grown six miles from Goderich on the shore (t' Lake Huron. They were picked and shipped by me. Kindly let me know, where you live, your nacre, what you paid for them and the con- dition they were in. Address--------• Huron Co. Ont. Can. So far so good, but there was a postscript and in a lady's hand, and naturally it was the most inter. eating part. It ram "Written by his daughter Edna. We have eleven acres under orchard, just loaded, and I've been pulling apples all week. I think I'd nearly as soon get married as pull apples, so if you are a nice young man just come along, that is to say if you are not a farmer. I dont want to pull Is invaluable, if you are run down, as it is a food as well as a medicine. The D. & L. Emulsion r Will build you up if your general health is impaired. k The D. & L. Emulsion Is the best and most palatable preparation of Cod Liver Oil, ng with the mostdeli-� cate stomachs. The D. & L. Emulsion E Is erescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. The D. & L. Emulsion Is a tnarvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite. 50c. & $1 per Bottle Be sure you get I DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. j the genuine MONTREAL w .0 ,.tt..,A.a,A..,....,A.,,,J...., BANK of HAMILTON 1jRtingljam Imes WINGHAM. Capital, $).,250,000. Rest, 11050,000 Prsriduitt_JONN en/Aar, Vice-President—A. O. It ►N RAT, DnuccrOUB JOLN Paooroa. (1110. Roam!, \VM Genoa, 31 I', A, T, Wow, A. B. Las (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Saving. Bank—hours, )Oto 3; Saturdays, I0 1. Deposits of 31 and upwarde recoiled and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates ot ii. . stoat. Drafts on Great Britain and the United Status Ought and mild 0 N'S Kidney Pillts Kidney Pills S Kidney Pills "Remember .. D'S i Kidney Pills ARE THE BES any more apples. Mother might say ti I was two young, but never min(), l'nl seventeen. I hear yapa coming • 1 .. sy I'utast (shit. Edna- —. ., .i: , ' , ';.DON W. CORI3OULD, Aor'NT E, L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. T ILWAY. R RA GRAND NK T i DEPART > • ' T FUlt Ali1tIV1. 1'ROFROMrl Toronto and East 8:35 a.m. 1:27 p.nl 3:15 p. m. --via Clinton Palmerston Mixed 5:30 " 11:10 a.m London and South 0:30 a.m. 11:10 1• Kincardine 3:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 11:10 a.m. 0:30 a.m. 1:97 p.m. 8:35 " —IS rwwL1s11ED EVERY TRIDAY TiZ0RNI1'[G --1•r TIM— TIMES ()OFFICE, 40SEPHINE STRERP WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subscription prloe, $1 per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 1 yr, 10mo, 1 3 mo, I lino Opo Column Melt Quarter " One Inch Legal and othor for first insertion, insertion. Measured Local notices 5e. per line for Advertisements and Business 40tltl OhaT nonpareil, 881 subsequent month, Houses and 01 for dtet month, Larger advertismnents These terms Special rates longer periods. Advertisements directions, will accordingly. paid in advance Changes for the aloe by that week new e, en av 'Y mgWanted—An 860 00 40 00 20 00 6 00 canna and 3e. by 100. par el/el/subsequent ofLust, 1 (.m9. Wanted, for drat Farms for 60o. 10 will be etriotly for larger and local he inserted Tramsitut;y contract Wednesday S. 840 00 1 520 00 20 00 12 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 _2 0--- advertisements, 80. per lino foreach subseeneet. nonpareil Reale. line for first insertion, ;neortice. Found, d Strayed, Situattonl t not ' month, and 500. for Sale, not ,exceeding per subsequent proportion, adhered to advertisements, notices without till forbid and advertisements advortisemnte must noon, m order to G• aaown, i'KOrsIRTOR AND Punts/nut 8 00. 000 3 00 1(b per line and e ee leachs 8 linea month. or 10 spool charged must be be in appose DR MIA(JDONALD, WINGUAai, CENTRE ...�• SOLICITOR, funds commission property Block STREET ONTARIO, rate town R VANSTONE, L� BARRISTER, Private and Company intermit. No and farm OFFICE—Beaver Etc., to loan at lowest charged. Mortgages, bought and sold \i'INGUAS J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, S;o.. IV Ingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OP EADIILTOrr. MONEY LOAN. Office—Meyer Blork )Vingham E M • G. CAMERON, e 1�1 . r 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c t Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne hotel. GODDRIOR, - ONTARIO. -1">ENTISTRY.—J.3..1 J, Is manufacturing 1t ,. teeth Is/ ;a in the E1{031E, L. D. S.,wrxoaeta. first-class Bets of se cheap as they can be mads Dominion. Teeth extracted without pain, by his new tly safe. Baaver Block, opposite th absolutely' process, guaranteed J1sr1. Y OFFICE: In the Brunswick House. ads. are needed to boo medicines. Manley's J. IRWIN, D. D. s., D. 3., Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvan BLOCK. visit Biytit L\miry- wedriesdpy._ ARTHLIt Doctor of Dental College. d OFFICE---MACDONA4b l NOIR—Hell e JOHN RITCHIE GENERAL wINEUAN, INSII1tANCE AGENT ONTARIO 3a., WiN(.,(AM, AUCTIONEER 101> ,:1E COUNTY OF HURON. • in Ally part of the Co. Charge of p DEANS, 1. t' LICENSED ss Sales attended Moderate. JOHN b. Sales of specialty. CURRIE, 1VrNonAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Farm Stock and Farts Implements left at the Timms °Mee promptly attend reasonable. All orders ed to. Terms INCLUDING Heade, style of the eotlee. Apply We are pleased JOB Books Circulate art, at or address'MOWN, BOOKING. to left with on applic.tion POINTING, Paulphlr•te, Posters, Ste., ac., executed :edetate pries,, and nes Oilicc, \\'incham. [i 1 In the beet on short BookMagazines have, any style Ofdee, anuonnee thnt any tie for libeling, will Pricce ter Binding,+in 'gthe Tims prompt attention, will be given ideathingtopatantf WEDDIExB[i13N y& CO., PatenMr:nays D. C., for their $1,800 two hundred inventions wantedSOCIETY prize oer stsJam washington, aid iII2 of MEETINGS. �1 �+Court:gratland, No. 25, Ur 0. 1 -.-"Order Ferestet,nuxta and Jest Friday evening nt eery Month, gory'. Rlok. Oieitinu brethren welCome, C. R. if. B. Elliott, it. S. Canedit the secone lu Gre W,OGray, Sr ee Sa'- ••Csrsp Eiaiedoalr No, to n tt the Arst and th;r(i Moflt�r rtn dyer enontia, le tate chid Fellows (tall. VW'tO Sr y+reit watce.:e, J. Murrep', Chief. H, OrR[Yla, iliM..9eri n Intelligent \len with goodWANTED - education qhs want to better theft positions awKl would ha content for 0 year with 80)0 sod expense, n•rite u, with des •riptionad occupltriolt, and wcwill Masse a propositimi fonow or the future, Also needed reliable 11)cn for Australia, tvrite'n dLv ns we are In a bur• my. TuNMAAGER, 411 Rieltutond Vit., Wet, Toronto, 010. • Money tr Loan on Not. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advame, d 01 Mortgages at 51 pet cent e fprivilege of payul¢ ut thu uud 01 ,my year. Nnt. and accounts collted. FOBT. MaINDOO. Beaver Block \Vinghenl, Ont. ACCORDING TO AGENTS' REPORTS. "Queen Victoria: )ler Life and Reig" itttroduc• tion by Lord Dufferbt, will reach hgh water mark of circuliutio,l, Olin agent report•d twenty-nine orders the day atter hu Prot his prosl.ectu,, and]ll•\' tlalie OIIINI'N flQill til ur (•(Ills 111rdet0 eallt'aNNt•1'u piYoslte(•tlla fl'e'e, if yon xvult ain thi. gold mine hstle, Territory k ••pig: fTus Ita.tolmv41utpn•ivreua Co„ Ltd., Toronto, Ont, WA\TED. A1iAN• to sell Canade ::•own Ji'uit and Ornamental Trs, lihiube. Itose4, Bulbs and Bulbous Plants, Grape Vines• small Fruit, Sed Potatoes, t te, \ye catalogue only the highest anmost populur rarietles that succeed in the col doselltyates, tNew season Dow commencing; comp) ttoutfit from, salary end expenses paid from start fo1 fll timle, nt liberal commission far part time. Apply nw, addressing nearest olfie. tufonhoicc of territory. ranted BIC Tt1EIIS COMPANY. Itui•nation..l NO11teAUU, 11. or Mo\TaaAL, quo. IAIANTED—i11 UIIT 21EN ANI) \loy1E. U 11 8i ni.vac1N for Lannda aAus trha. ••{ue, n �'ieietia llcr Lilo and !feign.Introduction by Lord Dffel in. A shrilling tebook, Sales urvellus, Tho tut0n us ci11,anothe.t, lotusr,h. ket s like 1manctt'. Gimd1illustrala d. iii4 commis+io, koks un tine. Prspeetus ir'e to centamrro INclnuli0 territoryLots of mloey it it. Tls BRADLat' UAtnlOzrsot 0 LTD„ Totutltu, pat. Tha Best Cmbination Yet"The Fatnily I-Ierald anWeekly Star the Beautifu"Orphan's Prayer," and "ThWingbanl Tu:iis' All for YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. • B. Y. S. C E.—Meeting in basementesbvteri(tt church ever Frids eveninPr ) y yNoy. 27.th-Some blessings forgottThanksgiving topic. Ps. 114 :1-135—MiBaird. P. U.- -Meeting every Tuesdevening in the Baptist church.EPWORTI1 LEGUE-1tleeting eveThursday evening in the Methodist church.For p1 THEDOOK'$ LARGESV Tv;'sty-six YearsBAKING t BEST FRIEND ALE IN CANADA. Emig bad merit ley/ kigkly', restorative passel. aooi C before year Uttar. !K1' Yew For e esuerbdI. ads. are needed to boo medicines. Manley's Compound has alone to commend it. Dear Sirs: 1 cannot praise Mata- ' Celery -Nerve Compound toe and 1 tkixk its tonlc and qualities Cannot be ear - 1 Was feenna poorly for Will tkroosk et*erwsrk aW 1 kat take* las fettle et arediolaa, 1 felt aintpletely Tera iralyr Rt., Tsr. S.. Z, TRelfalt, kale itt 1Vinghanh by Col1M A Sr ee Sa'- ••Csrsp Eiaiedoalr No, to n tt the Arst and th;r(i Moflt�r rtn dyer enontia, le tate chid Fellows (tall. VW'tO Sr y+reit watce.:e, J. Murrep', Chief. H, OrR[Yla, iliM..9eri