HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-27, Page 1INGHAM A lObt 440. VOL. XXY.---NO. 1296. WE SELL CHEAP. Conditions conspire to make the pre- sent season one of the greatest oppor- tunities to shoppers. Speaking for this etore, which leads in selling, we may say that stocks are usually large and unusu- ally fine, and, bought at prices more favorable thrill often comes to the shrewdest closest buyers. We would say mere, but accept this hint that in any buying you may think of, big or littleethe possibilities of complete, quick service, of getting just the kind of goods you want. it little better, and at prices a little lower than you had thought of having to pay, are sure to be had here t eina will briag you here again. WING-TIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1896. marriage Licenees Five Dollars and Costs: Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- The trial laore the Mayor aanl' Currie, J. P., of the lois implicated in the stealing of goods from John Hanna's store house as reported by last week's Trues, re- sulted in fiye drillers and oosts for each of the two boys, Shaw and McGregor, who pleaded guilty, Charles Deans whose name was also unpleasantly mixed up in the case pleaded not guilty. The evidence of Show, McGregor .aud Carrick went to show that Deans had no baud in the steal- ) .ing of the goods but that he hal. helped to convey them frons the rear of Boll's fits tory to McGregor's stable. Deans received Training in Commercial Science and a sharp lecture from the Mayor and was Shorthand can be obtained at the disoharged. When being taken to Goderich by Chief Vannormaaa Oarriok told the chief all about the cutting of his harness whioh occurred some time ago. As a re- sult Thos. Carrick, Robt. McGregor, Chas, Deans and Harry Shaw were summoned to appear before the Mayor and W. F. Brockenshire, .1. P.'on Tuesday afternoon. Carrick and• Shaw did not appear. Mc- Gregor pleaded guilty of breaking the fork and Deans to helping out the halter and whip..,arDetuos evidence went to sl ow that Carrick, McGregor and witness had rriet at tee house where McGregor was working and that McGregor had proposed tbat they all would go to Vannornian s to do some injury to him : shaving his horse's tail was suggested at first. They .met at the G. T. R. Station in the evening and were joined by Shaw. From there they went to Vannorman's stable'Carrick and McGregor going into it. Thay threw out a halter and Shaw and witness cut it Up. They also ent up a whip. McGregor car- ried away a, fork whioh he broke and 'hid under the band stand in the park. The Court then adjourned for one week. In dismissing the conrt the Mayor took wee, sion to criticise the •practice of parents allowing their boys to run arounl the streets so late at night. He said if their was note marked inapt ovetnent in the town in this respect,and young lads were het .kept home at reasonable hours, he would New Ada. introduce at the Council a by-law to coin pet them to be.eff ape street at mope,. toria street,Wingleana, Ont. No witnesses required. • NEW STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME. THE .41 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, - ONT. The Leading,Commercial School in Western On- tario. Thnusands of former Students now in sue- cessiul business life' Write for prospectus. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1, Significant Fact the Constant Increase of Our Business. ° 'There is certainly a reason tor this, and this very reason is -we sell reliable goods at a moclerateeprice, goods which satisfaution. That counts ein the long run. . OUR BARGAIN... DAYS .4. • Areemery day of the week. We will mall yon goods as cheap on Monday as we einem Saturday, and as as cheap ot Tuesday or Wednesday as cm Thursday 40 Friday. And wily not? is there any reason why you should be charged more tor the same goods five days of the, week than on one particular day? When we say cheap we mean it, and do it every titre cheaper thee any other house, con- sistent with reliable, dependals10, goods. Here are a few of our common, every day, Monday morning to Saturday night rodeos : Rerfect fitting Corsets for 35e. bought to sell at 35e. :I.eiclies" all wool Cashmere Hose, full Rim, Do. worth 35c. :Ladies' Casbmere Gloves, 190 worth 250..., 'Xefidies' black and white all wool Ring' wood gloves, 23e worth 30e. • 3 Ib. bar the Laundry. Soap, 2 bars for 25e. Men's natural wool Shirts and Drawers, 48c, worth 60e. Union Shirts and Drawers, 37c. worth 50oh Mena tine lined Bid Gloves, 65e worth 00e. 6 lbs. Tapioca for 25e. glbs. Sage for -25c. Linen table Damask, 58 inches wide 25e. worth 40e. Linen Towelling, Ou and 101e:c worth 191 0. Colored Cretonnes, 7c worth 10c.. fixed Pickles, 10e. per bottle. Corn Starch pkgs for 25c. Best Baking' Powder, Dairy Cream, W. 1lb can. Good clean Currants, 5 lbs for 25c. Linen Bath Toe els, largo size, 25e worth 35c., to tees) 1.0)00 TRY OUR CANNED GOODS. RASPBERRIES. • STRAWBERRIES, PEACHES, PEARS, TURKEY, CHICKEN, DUCK. LOBSTER. ALL FRESH STOCK 1 NOBL CANNED BEEF a Ib tins t W. A. JOHNS, • ; CITY RESTAURANT. t Gee,- . es --300 Holstien Dairy. II, I.% Gorion-Notlee. Tenders for supelles,1891. Mainnon & Co. -A Sucdciii. W. A. Johns -Canned Goods Colin A. Campbell -Perfumes. D. Gordon-Baraain Days. J. R. Renshaw -The measure. neenuth and Bowies -Our ea quiff D fp. ••••••ZINIOMM11011101211..M.11101S LOCAL NWS. ---john Farquharson of Teeswater was in town on Tuesday. Sheriff Gundrie of Goderich was in town 71104lay. Mr. Robert Fleuty of Blyth Sandaved underehe parental roof:el'. hours. Sudden. Death. Ist The many Wends of Mrs. Elder were. ebocked to learn of her sudden death wbiali end event onenrred at Eveleth, Minn.,. me Sioeclay Nov. 25. Mrs. Elder left Wing' - hem about the beginning 9f August to. attend a meeting of the Daughters oa Rebecca, in Sarnia ofeshalinhattente tee-ratimmasticetteember. From there she went to Eveletat where her son Clarke lives. About the first oft October 'she was taken down with typhoid fever which terminated, fatally as above: statedel Deceased was big* respected by all who knew her. Doe bright oheery manner always won for her •achniratioe. She -war a member of the Methodist ebureh of this place. She leaves - a husband, a daughter, Jennie, teacher in. the Chatham Business College, and one son, Clarke, station master Eveleth. COMMUNICATION. To the Editor of the neve. Permit me through your columns to make the following offer to the property owners in and around Wingliatn. Geeereenex-As I expect to be absent in the spring when the flax season opens and as I feel the neceasity for such a business being eatehlished at 'once, I make the following offer : If a Joint Stook Company be formed having a subscribed capital of 47.000, I will furnish a barn 50x100 feet, a suitable building for a mill, large scales and a suffioient ground as paid up stock, at a fair valuation and for this stock I will not ask any dividend unlese the business pays six per cent. on paid up capital. I will also give the Company the use of 8 acres of land convenient to, the mill to spread flax on free of charge and subscribe 0,500 on the same conditions as other stook holders. This offer ia open for acceptance until the first of January 1897. Geo. McKee SEE. COMMUNICATION. To the Editor of the Toms. DVAR Sin : Kindly allow me. a reply te Mr. McKenzie's letter of last week. When I was allowed to engage the En- gineer to survey and lay .out the sidewalks at the north end of Josephine street with- out any interference from Mr. McKenzie, the property owners had to paer only 1115 for laying out 106 rods oft sideWalk. Through the meddlesome 'interference of MerealeKenzie in superseding the authority of the Public Works Committee and en. gaging the Engineer without making a bargain with him as to the costs, the pro- pene( owuers at the south end of the street had to rev 018 for 63 rods of sidewalk I can readily understand why Mr. Bolton approvee of, and commends Mr. alleXenzie's eet ion, and why Mr. McKenzie falls back ie. Bolt= to help nim out. I thank Mr. McKenzie for that letter of Mr. Bol- ton's ; it will deceive no body and provee my case in a nutshell. I am afraid Mr. Mellesswe's sharp axe has cut his ingers. Now as to the tender from the Guelph 'Pavement Company. If the company awere nee aware of the change in the sped- ficatione, it was not the fault of the Com- mittee. They sent man. up here, as be 'said, tolook over the ground and, pat in a tender. When he was told of the intention of the Conanaittee to make the change and • which he approved of, he decided not to put in a tender until he would god/emerald lay theperticulaes before the overmany. Whethev he did tkis or not I cannot say, but the tender came in as agreed. It was at the rate of fourteen cents per loot and I fear one„and I believe every member of the Coininitsee, believed the company tendered ,fully aware of the change. We had no reason to think otherwise. This gentle- man awd Mr, Graham were here together ad tveneaway together and both got the sante information and had the same chance, although the specifications asked for security this company both in this tender And the ene following dechnedlte give any. -Rev. and Mrs. Perkie entertained the members of the Presbyterian choir on Mon- day evening. i -W. H, Wallace hiove..-into th store, lately ocenpled by Bose. Wateseedeashiseedeenaxtell"4" It H. Gordon littering a foundation under his property on Patrick-st. recently purchased from -T. A. Mills, Be is also retying a new draiu and.cistern put in, and the interior of the building remodeled. He will have the exterior bricked in.the swinge, -Largo Size Towels, 3 for 25e, worth 3.4,3 each. Boyis.: Wool Gloves, 15e. wort 'e` le) and • 25e. Double width Tweed Dress Goods, 25o. worth 40 to 50e. Reripeth'e Standard Granulated Sugar, for $1. Boys' °moats, half off regular Vide. Xen's hoevy Tweed Overcoats, 33.90- . never watt made for the money. -It is reported that Wm .McPherson Reeve of Turnberry, hat been visited by a deputation, from the Township of Howiok to allow himself to be a candidate fortcounty westerner to which he has con. Rented. Mr. McPherson is an Ex -warden of this county, and we Wove, no doubt he will make eti excellent representative. -I will be in the Clerks office next week to receive taxes. I trust as many as posaible will make it convenient to pay during that time. The taxes are clue and should -be paid. W. F. Ettoon.ziesitine, Collectoe. Church ateeassea, Rev. Dr. Moffatt lectured / room of the Presbyteriansroh-,..,.-Weth- rasday evening el -the inlasatsts of the Upper Canada Tract Society-. • Rev.Dr., Gifford is in Toronto this week. CM Sunday he welt exchange pulpits with, Rev Censing of Pordw loll. • ---- -The yonug men ot the town gave an, Assembly , in the TernPerence Hela on Thursday night. The harpers .were pre- sent and attended to the musical peat et the program. Beeembiar humber of the Delius - gl 'A YEAR IN ADVANCE wetly or cerelessly. A rate.payer of N ing: • M. GORDON. belonging to the town of Wingham rm. D ham ougbb to know bow money belonging to tbe town was apent, without having to Trade is Still OR the increase at emotion, Why did Air. ticKenzie not go to another muntolpality for the infor- OA is store. We take pleasurable render an account of t expel money belonging to the Town of Wingbam, to the town as all Reeves before and since have done. I am sure I would be far from aooesing Mr. McKenzie of speeding money ignorantly or oarelessly. It was neither tbroiegh ignorance nor careareeness tbat the ten dollar bill found its way into Mr. Mc- K.'"enzik's pocket, nor was it through ignor- ance nor carelessness he came to the. con. elusion to put a drain through bis own farm at the town's expense in the interests of the town. Nor was it througleignoranee nor carelessness he rendered au account of the expenditure of the money belonging to the Town of Wingharn, to the Deputy - Reeve o6 Turnberry. He says that in all these traessaotions he consulted eitizeus of of the town, then the citizens of' the fawn in Mr. Malieezie's estimation consists of one man. only, and all their interests center in•that one noan's pocket. Afraid Mr, Editor that I am trespassing: on too much of your valaable space I shall con- clude for thepresent. More again: .1. Goleatie. Chairman Public: Works Committee. • COMMUNICATION,: EDIRVit: As the time now deaws near that we have to pay our taxes felt the Town it might be well that we take a glance of how the workingmen are going to pay the amount of not only theirs own taxes but also. the exemptions of oursown manufectoriest Some years ago we gramma a bowls and exemptions to three factories in this town so that they would give etn- I ployment to a Mated nu inter of inenenow some of these bonused manufacturers-hene been able to build and buy large and costly buildings outside of their business and. R might be wellIt'or ne to ask how much toeswe contributnig towards the cost of this sus oest I aloneseith a great many other voted this amount"61^ :money with the under- standing that employment would be given to a great number of ,nen, . and that one Population would be laigesly increased and that those conning in would ,contribute saw to the amount we bad voted. \ Now whet has been the cese? Instead of\ men being pride in being able to make that candid statement, but there must be a reason for it. thereasons aresimple' isaruelyi 1st We buy only froin the' best manufaeturersi and wholesale • houses open to the Canadian trade. 2nd W'e can afford Uo sell -on a very small Rargin and we do'ancl our customers appreciate the fAct so our saes go on increasing.. If you. are not one of our customers we offer you. a cordial welcome to share in the great bardains we are g.ying in this store every day. it Please note a few a the prices that obtain throughout the store, viz; 20 men's Superior British, water proof Coats, worth $1.0 Friday and Saturday for 20 doz. men's fine all -wool under- wear good. value at 75e. each Friday 4nd Saturday for.... 50 10 doz. fine Suapenders, mohair ends, worth 40o................ 10 doz. strong Suspenders regu- 25c. for 5 doz. men's Kid Gloves, patentV, Clasps, fur cuft,,regalarSt.24...' Friday and Saturday for 5 doz. men' n line Kid Gloves, regular $1. Friday, Saturday GEl 5 doz: men's fine Kid Gloves Asti man backs, worth t . 72 5 doz. heavy Silk Bow Ties regular 25e. 12 Fine Scotch Stdtings, made to order, best style and work- manship, regular 18.50 for -1535 50 doz. women arid: boys' all - woo/ Hose, regular from 25e. to Me. Friday and Saturday 20 • 5 cases frice-TIardwood Clothes - Pins, per do 1 employed we hod our taeteries futl of aye 10 pates flue 0 working at wages from $3 to aretand wholesale p if a man withta family applies for ..jado be is offered the same wages and told tleet D. M• G they are not able to pay any more, thearee. have to eithertithe R or have no work. and. a, these are thsparties who have to pay the taxes. Has our population increased? Weak around tovereenia we how many empty houses there. ere. Where di our factory employees heel Why sbon). I our work- ing men center -bete towards giving employ- ment to people living in an adjacent 'All- ege. Has our Chanel' ever received a report .Mr. GWAilislil'S tenders were accompanied of how loaner men are employed in, those :by tliveiguatures of two bondsmen and a factories, how many help us to par our taxes or are. we at the mercy of' those ;WAS I -perked cheque as reqeired by the penple, if not it is time we bad such) at re- 'speeifiteettioes, and being the ibwest by treintrter of a cent per square foot the Com- port. those factories nee not keeping ep tottheir Hoping•tetut our yor and Commit will look into tbis matter at their first meeting and' let ussederstand where we are end if :mitteteltad no other alternetwe but accept it I don't think there is a pnoperty own- er. in the town of Winghara except Mr. MeKenstie who would be so unveasonable arc to complain of the Committee's adieu in t agreement let them pay their taxese. ' the letting of this contract. We let this Yours contract telly aware of oust nesponsibility .. Yours, EARNER:. ;writhe (tete, we owed to the property owners, We used the beat Indolent we ator is called the Christmas nuraber,. and were possessed of. None of the money News Votes. old Stoma Ohms° will hardly find in hie :toned its way into our pockets, we have no budget a more welcome gift for women . accounts for our time bolero, the Council George W. G. laterris, moister and builder of the Ferris, Wheel died' at Pitts - then is afforded by its Wealth of fashion . neither did we render a cietaeled statement later and eta descriotiort' of •' deem,: goads 'of the expeediture, to timDepnty-Beeve of I burg. of typhoid fever. t Etna winter miltinery,, and , general Dead literary matter pertaining to ths.hpliday season lt answers the annually tocurring Turnberry, our detailed ses.ement has Bay your beef at Field's by the quarter, been rendered to the Town Council and ; !where you will get it good and at the same may be seen any day and now if we have 1 time cheap. plaint as to the difficulty of selecting the faileri to please the Coattail or the property handsome endapatopriate gifts. for resen.rwriers,. who entrusted tie with this respota- Vhe petition against election of Mr. wo ere willingto heed oVev any Maclaren,,M..P for North Perth; was with an artiole on. "Men's and -Buys!' ger. sible duty, • a • I'd ear. " poeicions to those better quelified. I trust diernissed at Stratford. - k. number of Morris toed Watvan.osh Christain Reid the %moue southern, novel. I it will not be thought out of place if I , ment for oung g itt, t ontributes a dramatic story of an un- should. soy, at die same Cone, that I believe ; Tines office. A. free notice given with sale It peys to get your bill& printed at the ,country market on their own regponsibility happy lover's Christmas • gift,. and iiMeilk froni my.owu obeervatioas and from all I church bills, &a., and are read in faunas who. shipped! apeles to'. the ' old tound that After paying eXperises they were M. Robins tells. hoer a group of bright the informetion I can gale thet Wiegham ; bills, hundreds of homes. • out of pooket, their apples tied i-Otont ten Southern Children. celebrated "Christmas- heat got the beet sidewalk of the kind built en the Sly." The Christmas dinner le- anywhere, and, rts I tiaid before, taking the A Buffalo man has invented a ma- . cents per barrel. That le, a Moo ehippieg ceives due attention in the Cookery article quality into consideration I do not beieve ! chine to do the work of moulders. It one hundred barrole' would have to pay 810 'ill this , is re!orted to have demonstrated woe - to square the deal. and Gifts for the season, mid a new kina of a, cheaper sidewalk has been built - part te the Province, and all Mr. McKen• &dui results at a public teat. -The Eveleth Star of Nov. 18 says: Christmas tree are desoribed in Mese Weetherepoon's Christmas Tea-Teatable. 1 ziese ernmilainte in my mind, and I believe Address all eetnrnunioations to Tim he the mind of mieny others, aro simply a, An English syndicate is reported to DELINEATOR CO. of TORONTO Len. , 33 MO deo= grapes. • Mr, McKetzie says have mede lame purchases on the Am - Richmond st.Weat, Temente, ()int , or • the' something about iny taking up the side- erican side at Niagara falls with a view local agent for the Betterick Peftern. ' ' walk on the street in front of the recteket of making a more attractive resort. . Subacription price of the Delineator, square. If he means to say that I took up We do not pretend to sell below cost; no 111.00 per year, 01: 1.6o per single copy. , tide sidewalk, without the authority of the I man can do so end sorry on a business, but 011. a ohn Elder of Gladstone, Manitoba and ai iss Elder of Chatham, fantod°, were • Men's heavy Frieze Overcoats, 8(1, writ th $5. en,lled to the hecisiao of the wife awl mother this week. Mrs, Elder has been keeping Special lite. of German made Mantles, Good Heavy blankets, 00c. per p or. 'hoes° for her son .1. O., but is now lying in 1 box 13oyei Long Boots, your ch et e tor with typhoid fever. Mre. Elder is a very $1.05. sick women but the beet hopes of hev re- - Teumbermenes Rubbers, $1,25 up• eovery ere entertained by heeptlysiolan. Teadies' German House Slippers, 256 0. pair. --,los. Stubbs, of Pettrboro, Provincial All wee Carpet, yard wide, 66e worth Demity 1. O. G. T., lentil red in the Illeyere' 00c. Hall on Monday night. There was a fait 'Union Carpet, yd. wide, no. worth 5.c. attendance and ell present Were pleased IteMnants Carpet, for small rooms, 10 with the planner in which 'Mr. Mehl's pre. per cent leas than wholesale. , seated the subject, Er. Machined told Coffee Sugar, bright and dry, .25 Ilse el,, Rev. Harry E. Mason were aleo present Grey -Flannel. "the town beater," lie. F. Brockenshire, Grand thief Templar; end spoke. The Ohm woe °conned by W worth 15e, little off style. for 61.50 anti '41Z *OE RAVE A Ittkrtli'l; Volt ALL YOUR mini) APPLES. • ' wy • ouvar. ItOlVitl Sc BOWLES. paragniph is going exonn3 to the efeict that Recording to a new net paseed Lliit yeat, all municipal councils shell' ix. .pire an Dee, 31st. Tilie bicorrect. The cOuncils still hold office heretofoae, till the new councillors are sworn in, in lIanuttry, but no municipal commit reel beeies, and 6 teed° any financial expenditure, niter the tborities will commend talon of the Alit of Deeeinber, unless for matters of emergency. uebitiou ct the we do sell on a (dose margin -G. H. Wm. Council, actieg eerier a property owners he ea,ya what he knows is . The Grand Trunk Railway has homed a not true. .Pbere was‘nothing in my lett , The IVietropnlitan and all of the lead - The ShipMent; Of Oorpies. new form of certificake which must be letter from which it could be inferred I' in g newspapers of Moscow have opened filled out and signed by them mid by the found fault aith the action of the Publie subscription lists for the relief of the ehysiciae and medical health officer when Works Committee of 1891 as a Committee. ! famine sufferers in India. a body hie to he transported by train from What I did find fault.with was, the action 'Mr. Alex. Bell. Manager of the Scot. the place where death takes place. The Of Mr. McKenzie as a member of the Com. regulations conneeted with this certificate eihieriug himself to do a work that Mal tisti-Ofinadian `Leen and. Investment forbid the shipment of bodies of persons working men in the town could have den '' 9"95nit of Montreal, has dieal)PC"tea if any, fixing his' emeying a number pt clients otiteef pocket who die of mien pox, cholore, Yelldw fever keetiing his civtl. time, OL other contagiout disenees, and prescribe owe remuneration and potketirig the ec nbitee,neetee . say that ei Canadian money. ' Ile tries to 'wiggle out efetbleieeke murdered at .0teentgest Province. manful expoeure by seyieg he was t14. Mile,. of*Banta Clara, at the end of October. stild to be lui.- Mau in Wiliam of sufficient teethe:dial .; Tee neeree eneeite, le skill and wisdom to set the old water tank eeigeno. of them got a ten dollar bill but Mr. Iste- . Le:even-It Emit Wawasiotili, on Nov. ogthleiriss _______..__ „___ _ _ 21 ORN. btIllsitlieti arkoitir ill find.hNeeitialtheeetvaelridalit engs,gerl at this very mune work, but note ',./ . 1 t utalu ) 17th the wife of Mr. Peter Leaver i a travelling public from danger of contagion, of Tartiberry to prove if he spent money eon. 1i, • Silting Get your B room Sates, e.de end Extension Ttables, Irclenut, Plerniture Store. -For firet-oless tailoring and Weep gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the placee in Queen' e block. Wevren:-.A. carload of Fowl and Boll Batter, for the MO= market. We are still buying dried eepples. (3c.), Gs E. Kise. Gr. H. Irvin has.been in the trade for some time and knows whereof he speaks when he says diet he cannot be undersold by any thing in bis lie as he buys in the best market for spot cash only, he is thus able to give the- benefit of lose and careful buying to his etistomere. Sale Register. Tuesday Dec, 1st -The farm stock and implements of W. A. Ashton, S. half of lot 33t Con. 1, Morris will ,be. sold by public emetion on the above clate.-aSale at 1. o'clock. • Peemi Dens. Arena:seen Mei I 'm 30. -Auction stock and itin Henry laintoul won regulations regarding the manner in which other bean May be shipped. When. the journey exceeds eighteen hoerti the betty -enlist he plated in air -tight casket or metal clime Hitherto there have been ne satisfactory roles for the shipment of tb ndertekere tie well as the i,tithe Gretia Trunk in its detire to protect the' Hone*. Ile asks me g AIABANAMilAs•AA.LAAAAISAA-_,-AaiiiIIA/AA 1Am-a _AmerArlYillAAAAANAiiilliLdag1 public au implements, 4lotaketri7 Ternb<0..Tyliout IP a -a lumber, Ti , eel . nrther particulars e Joust Creente•a-see. Atetioneer. Dec 1st -There will be sold by' valuable farm turnips emmil, ArettOnElt. .rne property of Welt esters. So Nov. Ser --0 Turnberry, stock St: dav Nay. public an the F. a at Wingbarn, the ted Stalliene-Gulf A. r. 1. This Iv ses in the country . for fall title and pedigree sae 3. Chultta, Aulterreer.