HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-20, Page 8•
M. E. Itrie,SDO
It is a good time to buy
goods when ;toe can buy
.them at a calf to a third
less than regular prices.
That is what oar Saturday Bar-
gain Day is doing for you. Tbeegs
are just( as we say -always.
25 Ilion s Overcoats worm $7.
$8, andel) for $4,50
20 Boy's Snits worth $3, „3.50
and $3.75 Saturday '42.48
10 Boy's Overcoats, regular $5,
and $6, Snwelly .... , .. ,0.90
40 Pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes
worth 01.70 for $1.35
4 doz. lwlett'se linderware worth
75e, Saturday 48c
6 doz. Ladies' Vine U neterweat•
worth SJc. ;es :,'5e.
G doz. Corsets, long wast,
regular 75e. for )5c.
6 doz. Large Towels worth
12ete. for 7?.e
10 doz. Napkins, worth 11c,
• eaeh, Saturday. , 8e.
10 Pieces Heavy Towl;ing, regtt-
ler 7e. for. 4-1c.
15 pieces Meavy Shaker Flannel
worth 8c. for 5c.,
3 Pieces O.1 -inch Table Linen
worth 60e. for• .. 35c.
4 Pieces 54.inch Tweed Dress
Goods worth 75e. for....... 50e.
6 Pieces Black and Colored
Serge, special. svorttz 50e. for 35e.
6 doz. (:ente.' four-in•hand Ties
worth 30, 40 and 50 cents for 25c.
4 doz. t;c•rrt's White, Dressed
Shirts, worth $1.25 for )0e.
10 doz. odd sizes, Linen Collars
worth 50c. for 121e
20 Short 'Ends c'f Fancy Silk
worth (0e. and 75e. Saturday 35e.
This is a great opportunity to
get your fall suit cheap.
15 up -to chats: Mantles, regular
S. for $4.90
20 doz.Hein Stiched White
Handkerchiefs worth 10e. for 5c.
Piles of Pins and Hairpins worth
4e. Saturday
50 Pieces of Fancy Ribbon,.
regular 4e. Saturday. ..... . le.
20 pieces of wide Ribbon, Pine
Silk at half price.
Black and Japan Tea, worth 5('c
for'' 38c ; Extra Fine Japan Tea
worth 35e. Saturday for 25e
Everything fresh and well assorted
in our grocery stock.
Saturday prices in eaarpets, and
lace curtains. Very Iarge stoek of
all -woof, Brussels, Tapestry, Union
and helps. There is always a
great cut in the prices of our large
stock of Far Coats, Capes, Gloves,
and everything thing found in a first•elass
Fur Iloct e. If you live out of town,
it will I' av you to come to Wingham
on Saturday or order by mail. Mak-
ing any comparisons you ehoose, tate
fact r :tnains t tat the values we offer
on Seta 'day are not equalled:by any
oelter wore in town! A
atgnei. Ia. 'MoIHOOO'$.
iter, Hill has moved with his family
into 1111`. Dune's house where they
will be more convenient to his place
t of business.
Mr. ,las Fox has the contract of
Under brusltiug ten acres of bush
for Mr. John Scott. Mr .Scott may
depend on a good Job as ,rim is a
leorkt r --.
Mr. Bobs Hastings'' retuned last
week from Parry Sound district
'Where he hes a share ina lumber
x :
mill and expred Mitrereit well
aatbiled with the ' prespeet* of the
Cdr. Alex lerelick of Miebigan
is visiting ins brother-inw'.aw,
Ur; Robt Harkness sold it year
old colt the other day to.. Air. Ales
reelack for a handeomeefigare.
Mr. Robt Harknessehas leased the
#rant of Mr. (libbert Stevens for a
term of years. Mr. Stevens or
better known as Dr, Stevens has
decided to quit fanning for a time
and devote his time to his professions,
Ills practice baying extended over
a vast area during this last; year
he finds it impossible to do justice to
his duties on the farms also. Before
establishing Ms 'office however he
intends taking another course in
the College that he may be better
able to successfully discharge his
duties and perforin surgical opera-
tions more successfully. We wish hila
every success in his new line of
business and extensive practice,
Notwithstanding the disagreeable
weather the brick work of the engine
house of I;Ima Livingstone,s factory
is progressing.
Mrs. Miles Young has rented her
residence to Mr. Mathew Moody for
the winter months,
The fanners are rejoicing in his
section at the advance in the price of
wheat. On Monday as high as 86e
was paid on the market, Let as hope
this will go to the $ then look out for
better time.., which are needed,
J. H. Chellew, our undertaker, has
recovered from his recent attack of
typhoid fever and is able to beat his
pines of business once more.
A considerable quantity of grain
is coming to market these days.
While S. Vanorman was chopping
wood he had the misfortune to cut his
ffat severely one day last week.
...j While the Bell Bros., of Morris,
were engaged in chopping, wood nu
axe in the hands of John, flew off the
handle, striking Charlie on the leg
and inflicted ugly wounds']
We regret to hear that the Hoover
family, of Marnoch, are laid up with
typhoid fever.
Mrs. H. Wightnlan is confined to
her bed at present.
Since lt. Livingstone removed the
electric lights from our burg the
streets have been in darkness.
Mr. ,Tobe' S:andret has Again got
possession of our hotel. John is a
good man for the business as he
keeps a good, orderly house.
There is quite a lot of sicknses in
this neighborhood at present Mr. and
Mrs Adam Hoover and daughter,
are alt down with Typhoid Fever.
Mrs Win. James is getting better
after having the same trouble and
Mrs Wm. McBurney who has been
sick for some time is away at
Brumfield at her parents.
One of the aspirants to the new
County Council held forth at the
Council meeting Ialst week with the
usual I will do this and I will do
that if elected. 'VVe have not
heard of any converts that he macre.
We get our grain chopping done
at the barn now as Ed, Wightman
is around with his engine and chop-
per ; he does grand work and lots
of it,
The trustees of S. S. No, 8 have
hired a lady teacher for the coin-
ing year at the modest sum of
$225. We think they have showed a
good deal of penny wise and xaound
foolish Judgment, as this is one.
of the largest schools in the town-
One by one the pioneers ox Huron
County are passing to their reward,
leaving as a monument of their
enterprise and frugality,, one of the
grandest and most fertile counties
in theDominion:The last to pass to that
realm beyond the bourne *As David
Turnbull, an erstwhile resident
of Usborne township but who has
during the past 10 years been an
esteemed citizen of Exeter.
The other night, ?fter a short ill-
ness from inflammation of the lungs,
Henry Doupe, one of the early
pioneers of YTshorne, passed quietly
away. The deceased was well and
favorable known, not only in Us.
borne but all through the county.
Ite was in bygone years a member
of the municipal council; he was one
of the organizers of the Lilanshard
Agricultural society, and he was a
lifelong Conservative.
As announced last week we ba>we moved our entire stock of
. ,
and are now
�iind our knew and commodiousquarters,��s/^in the
..� noc..t:., .,.y
opposite the Queens Hotel where we will be pleased to meet
all our tlkl customers,
are atrriving daily and we Etre: opening them out and getting
them into place as quickly as possible. We have
the; finest stock of
ever shown in Wingham, inclucung
Ladies' and Gents' Toilet S tt ., Cuff and Collar
Cases, Glove Casu,.,., Photo Albums and
Autograph Albums. Toys and Pic-
ture Books, a iaradise for
pApEri 10,000 roll; just opened out. And old
;taper selling at reduced prices.
oi-.:.I(~ ; T s .A_
.d46-7...-4 1F1
The Popular Book Stoner
ViThat about your fruit tor Xmas baking?
,i,. r ttntl other imported fruits are ad
anti 1 ‘voocin r10pricealmosteveryday , 'j but we have oars in the shop and
bought them before the advance.
So you know where to get there, at the old price.
and. in fact every thing you require.
is another line we can show you in abundance and for
quality, price and selection we will not be beaten.
our stock is becoming nearer completion every day.
in several different styles, ju ,1 rived and very cheap.
at N. A. FARQHAR N9 .
Im rr urgr71/111 mn/e1101411/11 10111lugn/1110 nin111111 �N,V10rur1n,T,y.0
lN� -rte 5"t ti 7r itE �1 � 't a 14 a► ang."
We will elm matt aur stock ofW�1
� .�Y
et a redectioa of fearn
1.0 �
This is a'grand chance to get a first elass garment at a
small price. We guarantee t' lti..faction in every respect.
-�-Also woollen Underwear call :ill kinds of Men's
`. Leslie's Old Stand. Wingham•
eHI1VNO1ii & Co,
There must be snare reason in the fact that this business continues to grow
despite the hard tinges and low prices, Last month was a record breaker and
Nov. will Still be better, On Friday Nov, 20th, we inaugurate a gigantic
sale, something on a larger and. broader scale than anything we have
; hitherto attempted, it will continue for exactly 80 days. It is impossible to
give you an accurate idea in an ad. of wlmt this sale means, we quote a few
prices, but it will be necessary to visit our establishment for y:,ttrself,
Dress Goods, double fold, Tweed
effects worth 30c. a yard, for 15c.
I3]alek Brocade Dress Goods worth
40c. for eye.
'Dress Goode, Cashmere Serge
colors, bine, brown and green
worth 50e. tor 38e.
Tweed, for. boys' school wear.
worth 40e. for
Tweed, cheeks and stripes, worth
50e far 40e.
Carpet i1iprecs, well made, sizes
3 to 7, worth 40e. for 25e,
Men's Top Shirts, fancy patterns
welt •glade, regular 75e for50e.
Men's Top Shirts, all wool, extra
heavy, regular $1 for • . 75e.
Men's G-urilsey Shirts, all wool,
Scotch Knit, double breasted,
very special, regular 70c for50c.
Drawers to matel' the above
Ladies' vests, long Sleeves, open
front, regular 85e for.. . . , ... , 25c,
Pins, large papers and good
quality, regale'. 5c for le.
Needles, good paints, strong and
well made, regain r Se for 2e,
Table Linen, ,„mail width, half
bleached, rcgnlar 40c for 25c,
Factory Cotton, 1 yard wide;
regular Se. for 2ec.
Flannelette 13lankets, faney borte
der in grey or white, regular $1 if
per pair, for 75c.
Hemp Carpet, good colors, 1 yd
wide, regular 150 for 10e.
Union Carpet in fawn colored
effects, 1 yard wide, regular 350
for . 25e.
Union Carpets, patterns very
fine, regular 45e, for 30e.
25 pieces -Tweed wettings, new
petterns, regular price $1, $1,25
an4rwill be cleared`out during
tht5 ale at 750.
Corsets, sizes 16 to 23, made to
fit, re alai. price 40e. for 30e.
Comet all sizes, extra good
value I g waist, regular 50e.
for 40c,
Boy's bluff school caps
Men's Ovet lls, well made, good
patterns and great wearers,
regular prieee 75c a pair for.. 50e,
2 Pair good st'tong Overalls for $1.
Special line of Ladies' Mantles
all sizes, at .... . ....... -.$3.75
28 lbs. yeIIow sugar for $1.
Without doubt, this will be the greatest sale the County ilf Huron has ever
seen, everything will be marked exactly as advertised.
of thi, business. We eharge no goods, but take I3utter,, Eggs and Dried
Apples and allow the highest market prices, We hope t number
you among the many persons we Qvill seedtxrir}g-the ext
30 clays. It might be a gocd idea to cit' ciuetliis
list and bring it along with you and.sff-
: Tote some of the bargains.
A $13 Sideboard. (ail it for ;', 88.50 .
A 712 f. debt ard. for• •$8 .00
A Bedroom Smite (3 pieces) bedstead' 6 feet
iib, rda ttreE s s'p : in ,s, two chairs and '.
a pair of pillow shat holders for-. ,
A $26 Parlor Sante (tb. e pieces)
A $53 Parlor Suite (lase pie4es) spring seat
atid spring backs covered it vo1our ve1ve�f
82 75 large oak Armchairs for ' $ , 7
Rocking chairs for . '; ►`
$22 00
$47 00
_ :
Beautiful Parlor Pictures just here froni',Cincinatti, Call and
see us for anything in the Furniture line Tram a common chair
to a Parlor Suite.
If you want a good well made Lounge, C;quch o- Chair (we
do our own upholstering and will guarantee 41 our work). Call
and see what we offer.
111- I IA\
• LI S
Has just passed into stock for the Fall Tirade
1C--..�1.7:`l;;; " I
GREY COTTON'S, 8- 1-4 and 9.1.4
Twilled a d Plain- Sheetings, 'VaU
'Print pad. Dress Goods, Blankets` .d.
Pall Tweeds, also in Ready.lVia e
Clothing and. Pall Overcoats.
A. Clearing Lot of UNION slid TAPESTRY CAR-
PETS. See them if in need of a Carpet, before purchasing.,
SOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. -Some very new
and nobby goods.
Also a lot of SOFT and STIFF FELT HATS from
25c. and up.
A cur of CHOICE TIMOTHY for fall seeding,; on hand.