HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-20, Page 7TREEr ldonne° 1 1 zoo 8 00 3009 l 00 o. puling ubsoquont Bon, and itaations, ng 8 lints, for each ng 8 lines it month. .9, or fo ut epecif charged must be list bo in o appear PuRL19IIRa ON'TARJO, Qwest rate alas, town MONEY .NCRR, &o sew streets ONTARIO. ., WINGIIAAt♦ ase eats of an bo made extracted by hie new posit° th 'ennsylvan My, VT ONTARIO OOUNTY ;o. Charge IT., )picmonts a tptly attend miters, II t in the best nd on short Winrham, r Rooks or 1 have our n any style Office. r cart thfnk Amo sttnplo to patent. 00 wealth. tont ettor. Mr1Co Ott* eow .;, Canadian I the second .h, in ore - me. W. G. r, 40, meet Monday in 11. Visiting iii. IT, F TELE i'M INGIJAM TIMES NOVEMBER EMBER 201 18ir76R Tr. 3. Lisle, representing Ganong I3ros.,St. file• phett, I4,T3, says: "Chases Ointment cured meor a very stubborn case of Itching Eczema, Tried everything advertised, several physicians' pre- ecriptiona without permanent relief. Know of gevcral cases of Itching kilos it has cured.' Just Too Late. \Vo are now just coming to the tunnel, said the cautious lover, 10.nd according to the foolish tradition of others in levo wo must kiss each other. I mention it because 1 do . not wish to surprise you.' 'Nothing that you could do would surprise ma,' She said. 1D (ado you see anyone we know? `Not a soul.' 'N'or anyone that knows us 1' 'No, no. 'I suppose there isn't any sticking plaster on your fact? 'No. Why?' 'It might betray us. I read of a kissed c young lean like lite, who lee.. a girl like you when they were going through a tunnel.' ,Well, what of it? How slow yon are.' `The sticking plestea' MIS on her face when they went in; when they come out it Wason his,' • Rubbing it in, Never use a liniment for rheumatism, says a high tneditlal, authority. Don't rub is in --drive it out. Teske something Haat removes the aoid poison from the blood --take something that will inprove your digestion, and build up the body of to the perfection robust health. That "something" is Scott'. Sarsaparilla,. a remedy that obtains the best reeults in the shortest time.*sill, of all druggists, Parson Goodman—Is there any- thing you would like to do before you die, Brother ,roses? Brother . James --fres, parson; I would like ter go 'an th' parlor for one night before I die. I've got ten daughters, Ver know, ail' I liain't lied a chance at thet parlor nights ler over twenty years,—Judge. Isuffered .with plies fnsyyenro Chases Uhttrae,t Gomptetoty -• cured ono. Mrs, Jao. Gerrie, ['cross. BRADronx , JULY 4,1E94.-1 consider Dr, Chase's filamenta Cod•send to anyone suffering from piles, itching scrotum or any itehingekin disease. ltssoothing effects are felt from the first appli- eation,—J No. ilEGa,x, 1.0;110.l3son,:nates 1" RICE COc. `Lombard St., Toronto intern Adv'.rtcr FOR 1896 alance of 1 • ' 6 Free. E DOLLAR To an ry 1st 1898. Sixteen ' I leges —WITIL^ ALL THE. c • Don't daily with rheumatism. Purifiy your blood tend cure it at once by tarring faaln , Weeka course of Hood's Sarsaparilla. O THE WORLD. LITTLE: BRAVES! Mar it Report Stories, etc. Excellent Rea.'Jag... . fur every }womb, of the family. Ve offer good inducements to agents. or terms, etc., address— ADVERTISER PRINTIr COs, Londo Ont. 1$3 I Tim GUA TDSiVATOR 139 OUTHY GEN is Ti -TE i3EeT OF THE AO !CULTURAL WEER! DEVOTED TO 1 Farm Cr ' . s and Processes, Hortic ilture and Fruit rowing, ivo-Stock and ►,airying. AN While it also includes all partments o Rural int the Poultry 1 '.trd, Ent Iteeping, Gree house 1 Veterinary Re lies, Ft and Answers, 1 iresid znestic Eeonolny, an the news of the Reports are unust touch attention 1 peets of the crops lipon one of th all questions --11 to sett. It is lib contains more ever beige. is $2.50 per Special Red CLU RATES FOR ' 697. 2 Subseri t tions, in one rein' ttance $10 6 Subser tttions,v " 10 10 Suis° riptionS, ta"r , all new subscribers f 1897, payin in advance now, wt will send ft'otu our receipt of the 'emit - tan e, to January 1st, 1807, w thout ch l ge. t- •••Breclatr•.Dt Corms nee. Adclre-s UTHElt TUCKER & SON, Palish/ire Albany, N. Y. 'e Old tira.n a. r,Itarter-i -boE "Purgers" are • grail.xt.. r trw > ac. a azi Whore 13txtcuitonn, Dr Agnew's Liver £Tito at 100 r. vial are driving them out at all points. Because they act gents;,, more o1`feetively, novae pan, and ttro easy to take. Sick Headache succumbs to one dose. Chronic Constipation dispelled with one vial, and i toinach Disorders of years standtu;; ttl,rnIutely (lured. tO doses, 10c. at Chisholm's Drug Stare. .c. ir' ee,arson. ?ciatrm •>i r' ";ca: agle k :tins, • rte oho eiree, etc. • neite4•:t and Cured Ay minor de I est, such as nology, Bee- d Grapery, m Quest' )ns Reading, Do - a summary of k, its Market ly complete, and paid to the Pres- s throwing light ost important of hent bay and wlu'n rally lustrated, and eading • matter than . he subs ription price year, but we offer a cti0n in our The Best Combination Yet. tar, C ,••;a f P t St s t' l C. " a SA.,0; . N Ewen rfa+tur alaMlle/ in ^asi 7nnrn^rnDrertrlaotar E.)t i1r*x0111lm'1mat110 0:0t 1 •,. n ami r;:phi r,•tn•dy ;pi fist, th.y nrt.IlY6 tuagic.-4.i•.71'uIslr., iiuttnt,ton.1t, Out. Loriaee sic. • I.Aw t :Cn CO„ LTD. 1':,r,,rictois, dioarusA0. , "The Fa,lrlil'gr Herald al'icl Weekly Star the Beautiful "Orphan's -" yer," and "The Winghatu .i '`i I:``, All for '7"e• (Panay wolfs'.) A Sure and Safe Remedy in every ease and every kind of Bowel Complaints This is a tree statement and it can't be made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, lDtarnccoa, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 2Sc. and 50c. tramertmortaviiiiiiiiiirtrim MUNYOWS 1y' Y 4)•`'`!w f^Y, Nj'-IG .... hw J`ent at FOR Thousands Have Been Cured BY 1 he Use of His Wonderful Lithe Pellets. 1\1 o Otlaor Medicines Booeive Daily So Many Testiinorials From Grateful People. Every. Mail Brings Them Unso- STRONG WORDS OF PRAISE. lioited From Ali Parts of the Country. 4 lAS tl • 10! •,[ WA/re The BencEcial Tttoarotrts Obtrsinwd From the Use se 11Yiur,yon'S improved ktoMeso ppathto itoniedloe by 'lhoae Ai1loced With Rheumatism, gidney Trouble, $ayspepata, Cattarh, Asthma, Bronakitis and Other Diseases Arc ,Being Testittcct to by '13toaeands liavery Day, idr. Emanuel Harrison, a prominent resident of Brampton, Oatou4o, well- known in Toronto, says : "1 suffered with rheumatism since last February, rind the pain was so severe at trues that 1 could not sleep. Munyon's Rheuma- tism Cure was recommended to me and 1 purchased a bottle ; took three doses that night and the next morning 1 felt greatly relieved. 1 have only used the one twenty-tive cent bottle and am now entirely cured. 1 consider this Rheuma- tism Cure the roost wonderful remedy 1 ever heard of." Munyon'a Rheumatism Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours, and oures in a few days. Price 25c. Manyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively' cures all forms of indigestion and stone- ach trouble. Price :2c. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price, 25c. Munyou's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi- ly heals the lungs. Price, 25o. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. Munyon's Headache Cure stops head- MICHA Ir BRFNNBN, IUNREIL STRrI.'r'HY'S MURDER, CO3YFIIsT- EI) TO ITIS EEO. That Michael Brennan, the con- demned murderer of Banker J. A, Strathy, will live to see the day set for his execution is very much doubt. ed. Two weeks ago he had to take to his bed, from which he has never risen nor is he expeeted to do so. To all questions, Brennan only re- plies in mou.osyliables, and those meaningless. It is with the utmost effort that the guarcls can get hila to eat or drink, and then in very wasted quantities. His body. is u asted away to a mere skeleton. No petition for clemency has been got up as yet. Go To' The Privy Council. Sir Oliver Mowat always contended that.the provinces alone have the power to bestow the degenerate title Q 0., and test ease he made as Attorney -General of Ontario has been decided as he contended. Bat now that Sir Oliver has been translated to Ottawa, it is his duty to uphold.the soba iu three minutes. Prico25c. opposite view, by carrying the Munyon's Pile Ointineet positively case to the highest court for a dee- sures all forms of piles. Price, 25c. ision, or to adhere to his old view and let the power go to the provinces by default. however, it is as well to have the matter finally settled and without inconsistency Sir Oliver may for forms' s sake advoeatetheDominions claim and send the case at once to the Privy Couucil without wasting time on the Supreme Court at Ottawa.— Star • Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all impurities of the blood; .Price, 25c. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Muuyoo's Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes tind'cure permanently. Price, e71, Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure—price 25c.— eradicates the disease from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets—price 25e.— cleanse and heal the parts. Munyo&'s Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price, 25c. Munyoa's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Pricy 81. - A. separate core for each disease. At all druggists, tnostly 25c. a vial. Personal letters to Prol. Munyon, 11 & 13 Albert St.; Toronto, answered with free onedioal advice for any disease. Huron And Bruce At the county council meeting in Alekiliop last week, Mr. Michael Mardie was selected as the can- didate for the county council. Mr. Murdie is a most excellent man. Five graduating nurses at the London General hospital were, on Friday afternoon, presented with medals and diplomas by Mayor Little in the presence of a Iarge audience. Miss Edith Rigsby, daugh- ter of Rev. Walter Rigsby of Blyth was one of the successful, graduates. Caught at Last. For the last three or four years the Deputy Game Wardens in the north- ern part of Peterborugh County have boot} watching an American citizen named Chas. 'Taggart, who has made that -region bis annual rendezvous during the deer hunting season and who, they had reason to beheve was yearly violating the game regulations. In 1893 an exceedingly strong effort was made to, capture him but he eluded arrest. A few days ago Deputy Game Warden Smith heard that he was again in this country and went out into the woods expressly to see him. On ask= ing hitn for his license he produced a •1 resident's license which costs only S2 instead of a non-resident's premit which costs $25, and he was prollipt- ly fined 840 for the offence. - Mr. Joseph 0. Morrison, brother of Mr. John C. Morrison, clerk of Mekillop, was the populist candidate for the North Dakota State . Legis- ature at the reeent elections, and aft last accounts the returns showed him defeated by only 16 votes, !which the official count may chane to a majority. There was an immense crowd of people at Mr. Common's auction sale in Mckillop on Wednesday. The stock brought good prices. The Dodds property in Seaforth was purchased by Mr, Robert Winter fort 81,290; but the farm was bid. in at $5,600. It is one of best fauns in the county. Sonne gine ago Katie, daughter of R. II. Collins, of Etcter, had. the misfortune to get a piece of pea -nut • shell in her wind pipe. It gave her ranch annoyance and serious results were anticipated. The other day however, daring a fit of coughing the particle cone away, rnuch to the delight of the ana:101U parents. Della • -the youngest child of Mr. Jacob Taylor of' Clinton .has• been under treatment during the past week for blood poisoning, but is now out of danger; the child ran a rusty nail in its leg, and for a time the case looked serious. There are over a hundred P II, D.'s in one manufacturing establish- ment in Germany. When we Can- adians learn that college men can do something more than squeeze into professions already over -crowd- ed, the ery about over -education will Catarrh MAMA Danger, ' Because it unchecked it natty lead direct- ly to consumption. Catarrh is caused by impure blood, ',phis fact is fully established. Therefore, it is Useless to try to cure catarrh by outward applies- tions or inhalants. The true way to cure catarrh is to purify the blood. ,leori's Sarsaparilla, the great blood pu Nifior, oures catarrh ley its power to drive out ell impurities from the blood. Thousands of p'ople testify that they have been per'eetly and permanently cared of catarrh by flood's Sarsaparilla. NOW' IT'S TIN! , r r A sir • Ii F . 13L>; o ix zN I3RITISI COLUMBIA. Some ore brought dawn from the coast north of Vancouver, an(1 assay• - ed for gold or silver, has bet n an• minced by the assayer to be cassitrite or tin ore. himself a Cornishman, the assayer compared the ore with samples he had from the Delobath nines in Cornwall, and foud them to be identical in character, and he is satisfied that a deposit of the ore has been discovered.. How large the deposit is will not be knownuntil nt 1 e roan th ground be g hadbeen more fully prospected, as the dis- covered. being ignorant of the value of the mine found, did not investigate elosely until he had the samples assayed. Knocked Down Tile Jailor. Windsor, Ont., Nov. 10,-- Word from Harrow says that two of the notorious Mulder gang,. who were arrested some time ago on a charge of grain, stealing, had broken jail. and escaped. The Mulders have Tong been a terror to the peaee loving citizens of north Essex, and their arrest was Bailed with delight. As the jailor was taking the leen their break- fast yesterday morning one of them knocked hint down, and then both prisoners made a combined attack on the heavy wooden door, ofthe jail and succeeded in kicking 'it down. When the jailor i'ecovered conscious- ness both men had disappeared. An old pioneer of this section died at his late residence, on the gravel road about 1.1 miles north of Luck - now, on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 7th, in the person of Mr. Duncan Campbell. Deceased was in his 79th , year, and has been ailing ror a long' time;'having,_.been aninmate of the Toronto Hospital this summer. Ha. was of a quiet and retiring disposition a kind and indulgent father and good - neighboi, and his family have the symyathy of a host of friends. His two sons, who have been working in Duluth, arrived here only the Bight before his death. ry ) triper ;O, n_ r (♦ ':,. tj UT/ 6L -ii Tor Infaats and Children. sap lao- eita110 denature 9f 2 •01 ;. VV Le' 09 overt' „` a wrapFas< . President Cleveland's declinature of the degree of LL. D., from Priuceton reminds one of the Wash ington lady who declined to dance with the Prince of Wales. She afterwards explained that while many ladies bad the honor of danc- ing with the Prince, she alone had the honor of declining to do so. Very few people enjoy the honor of declining a degree from Princeton. cease. Mrs. Dusenberry—It's dreadful to be disappointed in love. Mr. Dusenberry—there is some thing a great Ileal worse than that. 'What, for instance?' 'To be disappointed in marriage.' —Texas Sifter. Ethel Brown agedsix years, aweigh - ter of Mr. L. Brown, a Grand Trunk fireman, at Chesney died fast Thurs- day from. ittterital injuries reeived through an accident on Monday after- noon. She was playing with two other little girls around a willow log which. lay at the top of an incline, when it started to roll, The other children sueceeded in getting out of danger, but the little Brown girl Was knocked down and pinioned to the ground by the log, remaining under it for several minutes before she was released. Medical slid was summoned soon after the accident, but proved Break Up a Cold in gime BY USING PYNY- PECTORAL The Quick Cure for COTTG31S, COLDS, CDOM', = ON- CEUTis, kE041, 1.S 1 _ rSS, etc.. Alas. ,1OSRPn NORWION, of 69 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes; .PyuyyPectnrll baa never foiled to cure my children of croup after aflWd0ssa. It 1.110ed myoelroro long-standing cough after several othor remedies had failed. It has also proved an etcelleut cough curator my f,tnhy. I yrafer it to tins other medicine for =mitts, croup or hoarseness. H. 0. t3Aanoun, of Little Rocher, N.D., writes; "As a euro for onurhs Pv,tyPeetoral is th0 best selling medicine ,4 have; 111y cue, fumes Will have no other.' Lar;e Bottle,, Cts, DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD Proprietors, bioaTroox. O c:+ © 0 0 0 • eliet for • 7.du, 72,91 Troubles r • 3 3 O 3 • Er, CODNt4t t,erno1Y and tart LUNG O ED$S'E'.t5CS, tiPlrielzNV OF BLOOD, t•0I Gee, LOSS OF ,srDelC'rE'rEl, lipEI:11L%TX, file benefits or this • article area 1001 al:Dlb:est. ®. By the aid of Tho "D, C L.•• Emulsion. I have got rid of a hacking tough widen had troubled me for lip over a year, and heave gained considerably in weight. I liked Lh111 Rmulsion so ewlt, 11sus 51' 001100 11210 ritao came aronad to take 1l to 3 T. 1I. VINGIIAI,G C.E.,Montreal. ,'Oe. and 5t per Bottle DA VOS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD., MONTREAL (1) A prophet on the other side of the line recently predicted that the Lord would come on a certain day. The corning did not take place and a son of the prophet coolly announc- ed that if the Lord did not come at the time mentioned, "we will have to wait longer for hire," • The gul- libility of some people on religious questions seems to be infinite. One night last week a man met with it peculiar accident, and he: 'was fortunate that it was not attended with serious results. Driving home- ward by way of the London road, his horse turned on the railroad track, and it had not gone far be- fore it tumbled i.,;(ib a cattle guard the man being thrown out on the took Assistance was at once se- eured, but all attempts to get the horse out of its predicament were for at time futile, until, after several hours of labor, timber was built under the horse in such a way as to raise ' it out. The poor brute whinnied its gratitude, and atter a, little attention and are was able to proceed homeward, as if nothing listless and the child died as stated. had happened. w GIVES RELIEF. z Q . R•I•P'A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of h743.nanity. F1 a.-fl" f vl l:o-..a f. 0(.'0 The "Lr'r1ap11es, of I;Ic:; 'rr" C:atc3f )1a,13 leer Te113 sen Flaterentirlg Starr. Mr, Francis Somerville, one of tbe best known men in the steamboat traffic on the rivers and lakes of Ontario, 'laving g been engaged in this business for itfi:y years, and who resides at No. 195 Upper Colborne Street, Kingston, speaks as follows of his recovery from the sickness which has affected him for some time. Said Mr. Somerville: "Tho grip left me with kidney troubles and gravel. T had severe pain over the kidneys and in the small of my back, also between the shoulders and in the bladder. "The urine was very dark -colored with ar great deal of muddy sediment. I went to Mr. McLeod's drug store and bought two boxes of Doan s Kidney Pills. I have taken theta with what people: tell inc is the usual good result. "They have cleared the eriney removed the sediment, relieved me of distressing pain in the back and between the should» era,. avid have built Hie up in a surprising manner. In fact, I ate entirely free fret* the troubles which affected eoe before taking these remarkable pills, sled Z fdeori mend them ASA certaitt eut'tti for alt troubles arising from kidney disorder's:",' i Megatons