HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-20, Page 6itht eft • J✓ .t'1UDAY, NO\'I;STIIErt 2R 18 0 HERE.. N1) THERE. There is very Iittie originality parliament next .e weer 1 » • THE \ rINGIIAtij TIMES NOy1 IB i'R 20, 1890. OUR OTTAWA A LETTER. .reared list was far removed front e. „, A a+ ;their tboughte; as remote as the As i had t, Il,a ;ial't makes ,possibility r- now is of their regaining light of the deal I exposed y Lest sakes .:' c of the treasury benches. lig httnnett lalth leis lt` is the k They ,telt lenre in their positions wester • power l• at : Rests'; 's the i and in the enjoyment of a $7,000 contractor Davis. heart floe areei year salary and east. cgs for payers as alatath r live years at least. }Incl I stated and when the 1 aysrs ars they fe'ltotherswiee you Haight now hitt before >;arli:arlie . , among the Sons of Mem few indeed the country will have an telae) 1, aa' rite Ing :a handsome Snppel`ainntha- ortunien;don alto ranee to these ]nen who t't` and "ft)uglht and bled for their country— Irather bled tit;»ir country—for so limy years. shortly I seem t`]hrl`Ii:e s. hibitorz- I suet Ilon. John Haggart and Dr. ave, it Montague;on the street here a few is most i clays ao both looking like evicted argued tenants. I could not help thinking sistanee;,ofhow the mighty haat fallen. Yet its en- !these are the men who are once more are pts; of ehosing between II;a�=,gray possessed of any, and still less my own $tatt,'niellt, biro it tQ Ila{` tl')r0.1f,'�'p,1)l' mem. f Tier: I r.rir:Iel`I'rl, Soule Erle gets eau idea, Steals it or Ib 18 MY intention to deal borre,ws it perhaps, and soon his with the question of Pro neighbors are infringing on his prat legislation. In theory I t eat. It is the s ime in all grades of i and ifa feasiblequestion solution of tea important question Claes he society; the same in •the world of t)ut I will gladly lend my as business or of pleasure, in the field of in giving practical effect to polities or religion, in literature or in farcement. But there are two science, wherever you turn someone beard question and both sides is passing of As being original that ile ach a stair, honest d �' � can be reached. It is a quest which he has taken from some one country will have to, Lace tui else; Borne one else gets the idea from very short time for it is the set hies, and so it goes until what was ed policy- of the government t once cherished as being °°original" mita plebiscite seal afford the becomes the fad of the ubiie. Per- aningoppit.uniIt of tac s oa p jeering it. It attacks oar Imps- it has ever been thus, btu in i trade and financial y stens a these days of keen competition, of ; carried into effect prohibitory hurryand• iYUttl e La (t S spec .�z � . f rate �: ad � to » o w s des a pe with' etruetion of citir system of t is phenomenal rapidity, arid 115Ve taut t. nd a, brief existence, making way- for i re enure is now e ede derived. s from `Thep something else supposed to be origin.; tion is, will the country be pre ti�I, ( to make the feacrifices it woul A. fad that is in danger of running tobe giant 1 what would those sa to seed before long, is that of hold- l • It all bingos •;here. Z�� e ing conventions. What will take their ; in starting out, confronted exit place we do not mean to predict, butt indisputable and as to the sooner or later the timewillcome 1 prof onion social would b 3ph physical, when there will be about one con- enmity and the point we niu vention held for every fife that are else is as to bow far we would be now held. We do not deny that 'willing to subordinate our financial these conventions are productive of !interests to accomplish the reforms good, but we doubt very much if i it promises. We cannot lose sight of there is an amount of good produced,► the fact that the loss of some seven at all in proportion to the outlay of 1 or eight million dollars of revenue energy and money, expended in car -;on customs and excise dutiesrestrict- anson this multiplicity of cozrveu- ed importation would entail would !have to be made up by increasing In every line of work, no matter !the burden of taxation upon the corn - whether it is commercial, social, 'modifies the advocates of prohibitory moral or religious, the tendeney is !laws now largely used. Is this class to divide up questions unr eeessa 1 y t o f people, who contribute nothing and thus associations and societies t now toward the 88,000,000 of' taxi overlap each other causing some- I tion now piid on liquor, willing to times antagonism that hinders the transfer the burden of taxation to work. There are three fields along which this is particularly noticeable viz. in the Church, in temperance and moral, and in fraternal and in- surance societies. In the church we SIR CIIA have ttroiner.s' Foreign alissionary , The member for Pieton, the Societies, Tract Societies, Kino's Sir Chas. Hibbert Tupper, has set Daughters, Daughters of the Iiia• sides to,headlzag the Conservative procession must he /In Ontario. You will remember that ecision 1 Sir Chas. Tupper said a few days ion the !after the general election that. the thin a;good old Tory party would rise up ermin-E out of its ashes with new and young o sub- I men to the front who would in a people very short time wrest the keys of or re- !office from the hands of those who whole had for a little while driven them nd if !into exile, But where do we find la Ws the young men, the young blood? re -con- Not surely in Haggart, notin ` t,t� In 1lianta- too n our Igee nor yet in Sir Chas. himself. We look for the spring chickens but find ques- the same old back numbers who - pared d en- crifices are h the great boon navies and deeds have long since passed into ancient history. The recent Conservative convention held at Toronto made John Haggart chairman and leader of the reorgan- ized Tory party for the province of Ontario. He is a specilnen of the com- 1 young blood Sir Charles was going to st de- (infuse into the re -constructed party, A pretty tough old bird. .An old rooster whose crowing the -country years ago tired of hearing. Yet Sir Chas. would like to palm him off as a spring ehieken. their own shoulders to that est Tint ISE ATOR. Miracles To -Day. WILLIAM E. wares, OF PORTUGUESE COVE+ RACKED EY TILE TORTURES OP REIEU- IVSATISM, IS QUICELY RELIEVED Arm; PERMANENTLY CURED By THE GREAT SOUTri AMTRrcAN RIIISIJ- MATIO CURE. "..1 was a martyr to acute rheumatism for years. All the known remedies and Hest doctors were given a trial, but notb- util 1 obtain d your Gro any eat South Amerient - can Rheumatic Cure. It has done r Much good for Int) that I gladly give toy testimony that other sufferers from the 1 agonies of rheumatism may take my dy�ica and r this will cure thein as hf)s ent.• o reach a favor and just conclusion, ! I•n oa without deceiving ourselves we must face this question in all its phases. AS. HIBBERT SPEAKS. Sons of the Bing, Local Cnictn ' 1 it all and at the very outside the Township Unions, County Unions, Lobel ar party can only hope to hold I control of the treasurer benches for provincial, national and international associations, all holdingconventions a very little while longer. In pass- ing through Winnipeg a yew days annual or semi-annual. Then there ago Sir Ceras. • Hibbert said - "Per - A GENERAL'S STORY, RE SELATES TRE SC E Uk' HI$ V NARROW 'F.t�. WEAKENED EI} ANll RUIN DOWN 131".),II OPPRESSIVE mese s' OP INDIA S1rM`. RETURNED TO ENGLAND) • -•^•\a -III ZI IIER FATHER: FOLLOWED HE POUND TIER IN SERIOUS CONDITION. Prom the Iiatnpahire Indepnrl.lont, • There is nothing more interesting than the tall: of our brave defenders who have served their (Queen and country in far distant lands. To talk with an Indian officer, hearing his renainieences and adventures, is what those who enjoy it always appreciate, Consequently (writes a special reporter of the Hampshire Independent) I was delighted to re- eeive instructions to interview Lieu- tenant -General Shaw, who has won his spurs in India, and and is now living in honest retirement, at St. Paul's Vicarage, Sbanklin, Isle of Wight- I had grasped the bell -pull and given it one tug when the door opened, and the general stood be- fore me, You knew he was a sol- dier •�r es <a� once. His meanly, upright, .'; tees;eftwi, ve vs ter /i \Uiik• Lie t ttr a n a n t- General Shaw. w. bearing, his pleasant voice,all tol you that you stood in the presen one of Nature's gentlemen; but, he held a time table, and I felt the interview needs must be s However, he ushered me in an once put me at my ease by his able conversation. f:I'am afraid" be said, "that have come a long distance; bu me knows the precise object of visit." I explained to the 'r . eneral d but ce of alas! BANK of HAE jLTON W1NGBA M. s ilt/rtgijra 01/Inits Capital, $1,250,000. —(8 PUBLISHED Rost, $3050,000 Ri'N,1tr I1ifl.I4u MORN/WO N/NO PrcekIont—JOHN @tvnn'r. YIOe•Frestdont—A. 0. RAMdAL. • --AT Teas D ZGTOES i TIMES orFIGE,. OSEPH, STREET JOUR i'leooron, Ono, RoAort, Way Glndor, D1 P, A. T. I WINGH,t , ONTABJ0, Wool), A, li, Lz•;n (Toront0). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Etaais--Trours,10 to 3• Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed. Specht l Deposits also received at current rates of ir.,,srest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold W. COiI;130iILD, P1, L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. GRAND TRUNK I1AILw Toronto and Da Palmerston Mize London and Sontl Kincardine SMART FOR 0:04 a,m. 3:z0 " :' p AGENT 1 --t &uBsoriptionprice. $tper year, J>txA tIVAGaeo ADV11r TING RATES: Space 1 1 yr. 1 0 oto. One Column1 3 00 1 1 mo Half " 80040 00 20 340 00 , x0 00 8 00 quarter " 20 00 00 12 00 000 One Dick- 0 00 1L 00 00 3 09 300 304_ _x00 ILegal and other casual advertisements. So, per link for (seat insertion, and 3e. per linefot each subsequent insertion, Measured by nonpareil reale. Lewd notices lUe. per line for Brat ineertlon, and 5o, per line for each subsequent fnscrticr., and Business t'itnnecof a %V,int d,i notStrayed,xnig 8tlinea noapareif, 81 for first month, and 00e. for each subsequent month. Houses and Farms for Sate, not oaceeding 8 lines 81 for first month, OOe. per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger adrertisentent,, or £O longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without apkoifi directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance the Changes for eont,'z, odtcltisements must be in that week by Wednesday noon, in ardor to appeter S. G I tIt Aav N ,.,--^.- .. _ .. ^_ _ ,_ Paorsinro&'4110 Pantsuits D8 MACDONALD; .. T [axe CENTRE STREET 11U i�•110:11 0: tt .m 44 t. Clinton 18;40 a,tn m. 11:1t) " 5 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 11:;20 a.m. 0:04 a m. 1:18 p m. 11;20 " 10:07 " 0:55 p,m, MLI 1 Ep'}�,„ I',telt(go,,i 11, , with tr00d r Y 4�dd et rte i at is their pnaitions fwd would he enttt nt lfot•Oa year with Soft and expenses, write us, tiit11 des (kerion mid occupation, and we trill make a proposition for now or the futut•e. Alse•nreded reliahk• nun for Australia, Write to day as we are in a hurry, Tun IitNAOint, 41) Richmond St., West, Toronto, Ont. Morey to Loan on Notes. • Notes Discounted AT REAS0NA.I31' E lG1;TEc Money advanced on Mortgages 'it Gl p', rental+h privilege ,.,f plying• at the end of any y nor, :cot, and accounts collected, Beaver puede'-' in_bo,», ')ut. Ts, I ui. i1a, Liteand Reign" tut i ACCO1ujINCr TO AGENTS' .7t]iPow " f ne,:n Victoria; • • a . ern t -k e. Ulm h}• Lord Unfiurin; t, 111 renc•h hi;;lt water ,,,ark of viiculutien, nun ngrnt report»d twenty"nine orders the day :;t'c - he taut his 5,8081. (tutus, and many take tackle front three-fourths tells mud(' ; 5 0 etutvius.trn 1•ro4l•er•ttts five, If y ou rerun a , hnro in tl,i• gold (eine Luetic, Territory i. Keen„ fait, Tun Itnoini:v-G.tltnavvo8 Co„ I.td., l'or eito, MUTED. TED that A MAN: $�1 : to sell Canadat ;,,,,own Fruit hart. and Ornamental Trees, ',brans, incl., itOihs and d at Pot to s, et0titS11•urratalo,ue'only�atllteit{ lttsta d see most popular r:triethcd that succeed in the t•oldest rlirmates, New •soason now ecninrencl,, ' complete outlic fret`, salary and espvfosts mad from abut foe VOU • full time, or liberal eOlum'ssi,..t for part rim •, Amity now, ,.ddresin, nearest orrice. apo get t let choice of territory. LITi(Ts Lit.^TJIEIwJ COMPANY, y0111' International Nue,wri-,, CineAoo, 11'.. o; M.•s isit:oz. nun. that late' I was most anxious, with his consent satisfied It w 1 •. are Sunday School, Township and County conventions. In temperance and morals tl-ere are Good Telnplars, Sons of Temperance, Woman's haps I may appear to be over ' san- guine, but I candidly think that the Liberals will not last out another a try this great remedy. I am me." Sold at Chisholtn's Drug °Bred to obtain some personal explanation Store. i as to the narrow escape I heard one Another 'Victory' of his daughters had experienced Toronto,Nov, 12.--- Cablernh'aln recently. At this he brightened nisi 1`' was received by y � the Attorney- " must am you ust know" he said "PamGeneral's department from Hon. just a bit of an enthusiast on this Edward Blake this morning, stating point; but the tale is very short. My the Province had won in the daughter came home from India, and Indian ease. This means that the when I joined her in London I fount. :ltrlstain Temperance Hnions and session at Ottawa. Nobodyseems to Dominion will have to pay $1,000,- her ill in bed. She had rheumatic know what their policy is ,y -et. They 000 yearly in annuities to he In - Blue Ribbon Societies without have not settled the school questionand neuralgic pains; she was enerat- II! eans in the north about Lakes Su- ly bloodless, listless and in a general - number all having great annual nor have they done anything about! perior and .Huron. gatherings at immense cost. But the tariff, in fact they have cloned BETA2EN LIFE AND DEATR. ly weak and locondition, A when we come to the fraternal and doctor was seen but she remained insurance societies the work is cut nothing. There is a ring of sym th absolutely colorless, and was in than in the others. s His lame n, aronnAin „I. great wreehedness and suffering Each no doubt is doing good i, ASrir.L1,2 aAlth v s av from bloodlessness or anternia. She had a kind of fever, nervous heaci- 8eh c, and other pains, Well, I heard of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peepie. My daughter took some, and the first box had a mar- vellous effect, she regained her color, lost her pains, and became altogether different. She had quite a glow up- on her. She went on taking the pills, and Parer glad to tell you that she Inas recovered completely. I have recommended Dr. Williaxns' (.'ink Pill to all with whorl I have eaane in contact, and all who take them derive great benifit therefrom. "I have is sister at Jersey, who has taken them for a very long tinhe and has always reeolnttlended there to other people, and found them to have done a great deal of good to all to whom she had recommended them; and I, myself, when ever I have heard of people being' i11, I have taken then( or sent thein some of these pills." I)r. "Williams' Pink Pills directly and tusfit is that and enrich are so furious for the cure of antenna, rheumatism scrofula, chronic erysipelas, and re- store pale and sallow complexions to the glow of health. They are also a splendid nerve and spinal tonic, and and have cured many cares of par- alysis, loconzoter ataxia, neuralgia St. Vitus'dance, and nervous head- ache. A specific for all the troubles of the female, and in leen mere all crier arising grime worry, and over. work and indiscretions! of living. tip evert more so far as it goes, but then lt work tailed and hemmed in on every side, on account of so many others being ready to do a part of the work, and the result is as we have pointed out, a great deal of antagonism and rivalry in the wort,, that should go on harmoniously. This convention fad has reached its zenith and from now will wane. Conventions are beginning to double up, and we are glad to see Huron take the lead Next year the County Milstein En- deavor and Sunday School Associa- tions will have a union meeting. Others should ;allow this example aihd, do likewise in doubling up. It is not always for the good of the cause advocated that new organizations are begun but rather the outcome of scene selfish motive; ; perhaps the result of a petty dispute, the desire to gain notoriety, to be seen and to be heard. No great proportionate and lasting good ever comes from great meetings; they may be iinpres- eive at the time for there is ;t sym- pirthy in numbers al.d great multi- tudes will sometimes work enthusi- asm up to Hever heat but the cleat is lot on the average delegate Wore he reaches the outskirts of the city where the meeting is held. En• thusiatltie eitcitement will not with. at ins th brunt antes lilt 'txtitil e vnvieti pa y 18 these word over the inevitable fate of Inc Libe al party I fear is horn of the hope seeing his name once more liguri on the Government pay roll for +000 salary. He bases his conclus- ions mainly on the fact that the Liberals have done nothing yet. Well, it has taken them all their time, so far, to undo the crooked work of their' predecessors. It is wit the sin of omniission, Sir Cha ehargts the Liberal party but it was the sin of commission that killed his own political friends. They diel, too much. Better had they have left undone much they did for then they might not have had to answer for the Curran Bridge steal; Fredrieton Bridge job and the Soulange canal contract scandal. The only thino• nt =oft 25 TIZARs, fuss 3f Rs. J. , - , ., AND Tw•o rsoTTLEs or af, Ult..1ON;tw'8 Ct11t1& POI: THIS rI13A11T iut- , STORED THE LOST TIIEASI:I1IS. ng For twenty-five years 1 have been a a great sufferer from heart disease, palpi- 1 t.Ltlon, dizziness and severe headaches. I saw Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart advertised. and determined to tri' it. Two bottles have done wonders for the The dizziness and palpitation are gone, the headaches have <lisapl)eared rev t1 ? never 'mese telling my friends the won- s. t. me, andderful el clleerrfully recotrlfit this great cure mendas eeit any and everywhere. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. ie Liberal party to do under the circumstances is to consult Sill W els CJI) whi Wren to 1 agai Rev. d C Ittadill Turned Down. Hamilton. Ont., Now. 1 1..= (Special.) --•The Association of West- ern Congregational Churches, as- sembled here today. The rnrtst important business tr,ensaoted ova 1410 expulsion of Rev. J. C. Madill, e Sarnia Congrega tional church 1s was done on the mom - dation of a, committee appointed lavestigato charges preferred st hips by members of his con- ation. Mr. Madill refused to the committee to answer the ges. Ire was' president of the staant Protective Association. The Beet Way to i;ure so is to establish health. Pure, rich means good health. Hood's, Sar- rilla is the ons true blood purifier. res Up the w 'opo evstetll, gives ap. find strength and causes weakness uslleb9 and pain tr) .3i 88. Ribbert in the hope that he may enlighten them as to the best means they Height -adopt to avert the elreadful calamity he has predicted. n He might prove rnoh'esueeessful than meet l:is father did, when he snggested thee t and applied a means for saving the Prote Tory party from annihilation in June last. HARD r,v(a peso. 1 hear that wt... ..t_'_ . _ . i blood hers of the late cabinet is that whenlge6trivto(3 they had held the earth I y e : other medicine has such a record of I wonderful cores as Ifood's Sarsaparilla. Hoob's Plma are the best after-dinner pill; assist digestion, prevent constipa- tion. 250. 4.15:X AXD WOMEN Au s tralia. "Queen VierotimIler Lire and [Men.' bOOk. 8(11(13 niervellot,e. The Qucen Oil. wife. rn (Aiwa, umnarelt. Ren -.8 (prance. Grandly illustret. d. eminnincion, Boats on time. Pro. speetus free to canvassers. Exclusive tertdtory, Lott of umney in it. Wo understand into aro spreading i that wo hat- Marked in t .c,,ini Otte to titer, milk can and pure. ;05tr itillit.111iP.a,4 8 St YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Presbyterian church every Friday evening. Nov. 20—A good eduerttion; what it is and 13. 'Y. P. T1.- -Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Haptifit church. Thursday evening in the Methodist church. For 1142.7mqty—ix Tears Omura R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to Ram at lowest rote interest. No counnission charged. Mortgages, town and form property boueht and Sala Wingham, (ink It, DICKINSON, BARRISTER, RTC. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANOZR, . Oates—Corner Ilamilton and Bt. .intirew streets oppesite Colborne hotel. utlanufacturmir Orst.chtss sets of 41/ thlvetchAno!lirfeatdo:1 absolutely iihout pain, by his new process, guaranteed porno. tb Blde. Brunswick House. OFFICE : In the Boaver Block, opposite th Dub tea College. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penneylvazi Noix-11,111 visit 114511 every Wedroculey. JOHN RITCHIE P. DEANS, Jo., Wtoommu, ONTARio LICENSED AUCIIONEER FOR I'l/E COUNTY. OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Intplements a Ali coders left At the Trams Milo° promptly Attend ed to. Terzus reasonable. JOB PRILITM Ji. Heads, Oircuiars, ere., dim, executed In the best style of the art, at tuoderato prices, and On Short notice. Apply or address S. BROWN, Let:in:7.66V fSikIsE IN GP NADA. PALE OfililLS Weak, languid and listless, suffer- ing from heart palpitation, ner- vousness, stomaoh troubles or eDintitipation, should use Indian Woman's 13alm. It cures. WEAK WOMEN min down, easily tired, pain in back or limbs, troubled with dizziness, rush of blood to the head, faint feeling, nausea, try Indian Woman's lialm. nature's remedy for women. 'or sale in Wingharn by Co la A We two pleased to timunniee tbat any Books or Also:does left with its for Binding, will have, our prompt attention. Prices for ilitalintf in any style thing to patent? Protect your idcom 1.1for 11105, /11411C you wealth. Write Jor/N WEDDERBURN CO., Patent Atter. nem Vitashingtson, D. C., for their 41,300 prise otter and set or two Mint/red hive:mono wanted. SOCIETY MEETINGS. 1tOry's Block. Visitina brethren welcome. W. G. I Sw Ow Ort — -the erst mitt third Monday in 0, Ctrap Caledonia, No. 40, Meet every month , in the Ohl POWYS HQ. VIM& g brethren rvelces 0, J. Murray, chief. 11, r (beton, Rori.-See A. A very st Overythil seription several c) piles, itehi RS soothln, Whili partn the I Keep Vete and naest the r Reps pect upor all to se! corn eve is Speo sen tan eh