HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-20, Page 3;tuts that euit, cramtr the r and satisfy riends,you hacI try us., Our ant makers how to do their don't think are any better re than others indreds of new o choose from, it you have to one for parties eed Suit aaanot Spot Cash, call Jenne aro cash., ez CO., iald Block, Int. 01, Ort. BELIEVE LETTERING OF THE : HEART, WIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF. Tin DIZZINESS. DROPSY,, too or ma...a. attantf dloordornd iiNYS, STOr/LACS, :ruLS ON LOOD. Wined, and all patent DEBATE FEES. My thy of tho Patent Office, patents araunsurpassed graph of invention, with, to advantages awned. hrottarkpfatirm«8tO he for prosecuting the 6estted for lintit the tat:TaxaOusba," Coa- (rte. M1 comment, detly CoRftdoNtilti. HOUGH atitair.0.0.110. 42111; WINGIIAM TIMES, NOVEMBER :;:0, Bad.ZZ'oung Taxi ..4.rxeSteci. .0114.1,1`e01 (Bad Young Man), the Albert quelian murderer, 'was cap- titan- onothe Blood reserve Nov. 12. Theerailewas well kept :deter he murderediPoliceman 'Wild, And ho watefollosesed to his brother lodge On the reserve. His brother im- naediately,.disarmed him and sent word nettle nearest pollee seletach• ment. tSergt. McLeod earrired cenieklystted soon had Charcoal in charge,elithough he made repeated attempts,te take his own 1ire by stabbing himself with an .aetel. iXe bed profusely, bat will lire ;to die by the :balet or on the ffold. Further details show that :Sergt. Wildlesirderder show that he was shot by -Charcoal while alone, and the ilindian '.then escaped with his hone. Wilde's body was !found sonaabours:after, frozen stiff. :gergt. WU& had •lseen in the Dolce for,over ten years, tprevious to -which he .was in the Qaeerizs Life Guards in Eng- land. He ;was a single man :and Was buried:est MeLeed on the 'Lath. Draa 3r our a usband or Son Drink. If 5:01,1r Husband or Son is addicted:to the use a Lignor, Morphiue or Tobacco, purchase of your druggist a bottle :or ifIlhloricle.cif Gold 'Tablets. They are georatateedtto cure or money Will•be refunded. Tablets may be given seevet- ly in tea .or :coffee and the free use ..of stimulants allowed until vo u n tarAy given tip. Prioe.)81.00 per paokage. If your druggaet .does not keep them, send direct to the 4.0hie Chemioal Works, Lima, Ohio. Book of particulars aaa testimonials free. he Farmers' Condition. A 1111iSSA.CON TO MINN. Commenting on the Coin af 0 the country and the present peas-, trune-phillaat true oi?esty and nthropay stint exist. Trovi g 3:t poets an exehange SaVS: i While aaioney is not over eslenti- , lf any man, who le weak, nervous and fol ‘1,ith farmers, we believe they ibebilitated, or who le suffering trona any are getting:into better shape :linen- 'of the vatim-18 troubles result/tog from daily Even \with the strese the tyouth ul folly, enesees oroverwerk, will ke heart and write to me, 1 will send past lore or .eix years fewer farmers bhn eontidentiolly and free of charge have t1iedfeoinparativ:Ay speaking ;the plan pureueci by which I was rester - than any other business men, We 'ed to psrfeet health and manhood, after are tall thet interprst is betas.; tears 'leering 7111 Ner.vou_ELDebility promptly eneteand the prineipal of Iseavro nvoill:nto sell wtreliTteesrTi many aneregages reduced or fully want no money, but as I know through paid. Farmers have certainly tee own experience how to sympathize maintained their good credit itt the ; with such sufferers, I am glad to be able t oemassv\i,slanaywafreelloci)vf-blr ofl faee of prevailing depression, and . to -day we leseotieni any other large ! quackery, for I myself was deceived and group of people. Farmers contrast Disposed upon until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but I rejoice to say that I am this state &things with the reeord ia,nol.titimerfseestlivr,wuseltillIteerderhoe:eprg oionliirLintoblies 01 failures •aalong merchants and manufacturers. certain means of cure known to all. If Cur heart is stirred with sympaty YDS will write to WO you can rely npon for such faranersas are really afflict- bfeihng cured and the 'proud e .tisfaction oneer williii3)00001 so uf greatioientserrevivicaoril,ofoonemin ed finaneiMly, issat there is hope for . :ill when due economy is' exercised trouble. Absolute seerecy assured. &InYci an effort made to -keep out of debt. Be. silver to cower postage and address, industry and perseverance are shown Mr. Oleo. G. Strong, Nortla Roekwocti and a heroie determination mani- 1°4' _________ ' fested to overcame all opposing Poorly ventilated sleeping rooms Yankee Xethodists. A Mitchell boy who .has resided, for soine years in 'Chicago; writes as follows regarding be last Presiden- tial election: "The fight is over and :Mr. McKinley is te be our next Presi- dent. I am a Demoerat and east my vote for Bryan. I ;never saw an 'election so exciting as the one we have just passed through, or more barefaced intinaidatioa resorted to. The large houses and factories would let their men off to march in the gold' parades, but the name of Bryan dare not be mentioned by the employees while on duty. ' Business Houses put signs over their doors the Saturday before .tielection forces We are confident with all are thegreat breeders and feeders of these opposing . forees in successful disease, and are not toe places where operation that 957, of the farmers only "the good man meets his fate," can and will pay 100 cents on the but where many a one not so good dollar. Take courage, farmers do meet fatility, and. perhaps death your very best. to make success cer- without knowing what was the inat- tain, and you will prove that this ter. Sleeping rooms should never prophesy is cermet. be without fresh air faCilities, and should not be occupied a second time I CAN'T SLEEP. without being allowed.to keep "open house" in tile interim. IS THE DAILY WAIL OF THOUSANDS OF IIHMANITY WHO HAVE SFVVEIIED AS WM. PEOUDFOOT OF A. Forty -Year Old Grievance. Removed. nurrsvitte HAS—READ WHAT GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN EEIVE DIP FOE In Bath, Ont., Chase's Kidney Liver NT Pills are a standard remedy. Joseph am. • Gardner, of this town, suffered for 40 1 was greatly troubled with general years with indigestion and its ever pre- sent accompaminients—constipation and headache. K.4 L. Pills are the only remedy that gave him relief. 2:.5c. a box of all druggists. One pill a dose. nervous debility, incligeetton and sleep- lessness. I tried a number of cures and consulted best physicians without any benefit. I was finally induced to give South American Nervine a trial. 1 had hearrt of some great cares OV it. I took at,got relief from my sufferings, and It is reported that a recent storm after usiog one bettla sweet sleep came destroyed the splendid magnolia tree to .ine. I slept like a child. Six bottles in Mount Vernon said to have been holnes Drug tore. havo completely :Aired me. Sold at Chia- planted there by George Washington S About fifteen feet of its top was %e County Poor House. broken off and the trunk was split 11 for a distance of ten feet from ' the Speaking from observations made fracture. Before the •storm sit was made daring a recent visit to the County House of Refuge, the Sea- over forty feet high. At its base the tree was about two feet thick, saying', "This house will be closed' forth Expositor says :-- gradually tapering to a diameter of "Thare just now 62 inmates of until . after the eleetion, when the.i ere eight mehes. The part broken off employees will report to work if I whom 16 are females. The place is a has been carefully laid away. The The men 1 model of neatness cleanliness and McKinley is elected." .wood will be used to make minature I order, while, the unfortunates eon - were aetually forced to vote against souvenirs, and the leaves will be their honest convictions. Bryan, fined there seem to be remarkably • bi • d contented When pressed and gived away to visitors. ........._ institution in done by the inmates, RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. with out'any hired help save the considering everything, made a wonderfal ran, and I am sorry he was not successful, as I think the free and unlimited coinage would be a big help to our people." assistant Matron, it may readily be judged that there are competent . HEALTH'S PARADISE. heads to manage affairs. The build- . log, however, though well enough arranged is wretchedly built, and exempifies.the folly of the penny wise and the pound foolish .polie.y of trying to get a fifteen thousancl dollar building up for ten thousand. The fact is, it should never have been taken of the contractor's hands, and the architect should have been pro- secuted. Workmen are now engag- ed in building brick pillars from the bottom of the building to support the roof, the weight of which has been bulging out the walls at the top In fact the whole building is a miserable botch, and it will likely need as large an expenditure to keep we say that the whole work of the =Gamin alma ,rwcyry YEAR'S TOMMIE FIRM THAT DREAD DISEASM, CATABIGI-110N• GEO. TAYLOR or WEL'ANTON, PA., TB raz THE WORLD WHAT DR. AGNEW'S CATAElt- HAL POWDER HAS DONE FOE TIM. Ievas a martyr to catarrh for twenty years—tried every known renaedy, but got little or no relief. Was troubled with constant dropping in thelhroat, terrible pains in my head, and nay breath Was very offensive. 1 WM induced to give Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder a trial, and the result was magical. The first application cleared my bead instantly. I persisted in its use, and to -day I am a mired man, and it affords me pleasure to lead my testimony. Sold at; C'nisholm's Drug Store. it in proper repair as would havo Sad lidisteke. erected a better one, both in appear - A fatal shooting accident occurred ance and workmanship, if expended Nov. 12, on Bury road, County at first. However there is no use of Bruce, about twelve miles north of Stokes I3ay, near pine Tree Harbor. Conellus Crawley, and Royal Craw- satisfaction at any rate to see these ley went out hunting deer in that unfortunate old people so comfort- vietnity. A brother of Royal Craw- ably provided for, and inclines one ley named Richard Crawley came to over -look the unsightlyness of down from his camp, about two the building. An addition will soon miles from the north, to hunt with need to be made. as thepresent them, they not knowing of his being structure is becoming to small to in the bush. Royal Crawley saw accommodate those desiring admis- what he supposed to be deer some sjon, while a hospital ward should at distance away. The shot struck hisi once be added, The council should brother Richard in the breast. He spend a few dollars in planting out then called his companion hunters trees and laying out the grzunds in and they started with him alive to better shape so that they would not amp. Ho died on the way thither. look so bare and bleak as now. It is a beautiful site and could be made • • an ornament to the county, as well GEO. SEALES, A WELL ENOWN CONTRACTOR 0.? NIAGARA FALLS. COMPLETELY rui- nous') EY TOS GREAT SOUTH AM. Ertl CUT ny CT: RE, .— vioUsAN Os MORE CLOT BEAN THE SAME TESTI- MONY. I was a great sufferer for years with acute kidney disorder and pain in iny sides. When almost al: other known remedies had been fairly tried and had failed, I was advised to take South American Edney Cure. Ono bottle did I/10 so much good I purchased two tnore. I tun now cotupletely restored—feel better than I havo for five years. It's a great cure; will give relief in six hours, and 1 delight in recommending it to others.' Sold at Ohisholm'e Dru.; Store Another of the honored pioneers of Stephen, in the person of Mrs. Charles Eilber, of Crediton, has passed from the scenes of this life never more to return. Mrs. Eilber was a native of Wurtenburg, Ger- many, and came to Canada in 1581. she had reached the good age of 72 crying over spilled milk, and the years. She had been a resident of best must now be made of it. It is a Crediton and its immediate vicinity for over 40 years. Constipation ..,,,,xsp.ellbt,deTntothtihsewtplyooAlv.. ouldAnnyotthiN Causes fully half the sickness in the world. it wasted by any means, and a dompar- . reteins the digested food too long in the bowels atively small sum would be required A few days since while Mr. Arthur Couch of Clinton was alighting from his waggon he gave his feet a wreneh, causing an exceedingly painful injury. He was laid up for a time, but is now able to hobble around on crutehes. What is con- siderable of a solace is the fact that he has an aezident policy which guarantees.him. for lost time. Karket Jottings. Famous apples are wing shipped from Canada to Chicago at good prices. That the English market cannot take all the apples that Canada can send has been proven this season. Advices frem the West state that a large qmintity of Apples have not been pieked as it wouldn't pay to gather them. Canadian high trade butter is now much sought after in the -English market. The box package is much preferred for shipping purposes. A new era for the value of wheat seems to have arrived and higher prices are considered certain by good judges in England as well as in Canada. The trade Bulletin object to the Government going into business on its own account in competition with the trade of the country as WtIrl (1000 under the Couservaaive adminiatra- don. The Trade Bulletin says thet the Montreal Elevating Co. made a mis- take of 1,800 busk. oats in trans- ferring a cargo from 11 barge to an ocean steamer. The deficit was made up in London. Never in the History of Canadian 1 apple trade have such heavy losses beN known as this season. One firm ent in 400 bbls choice winter ; apple and after expenses were de- '4 ducted ikhey had 10 per bbl. , Canadian shippers of apples are complaining loudly over the treat- ment of Eii‘lish firms. An Edin- burgh firm 'efused to accept 2000 bbls. sent them and another firm exacted le. alpb1. before they would aeeept deliver . TURNBERRY. (Tatendodlor last Issas...) Miss Minnie Higgins who is attend- ing the Harriston High School was home recently. • ; A number of youag pe, ple spent an enjoyable evening. at Mr. John Fitch's residence one tevening last week. • ::ste.../. •teseetse• ,ibereWIMIXEMOI 1 AVegeiablePreparctiourcrAa, shnitating tiraFoOd c:11,..131c54 Lan- 1 Int the 5 tentEt.ths c# , - -7-11-diwas-,-,,-7---„...,,,,,,e1 Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contai ns neither OpmaUtorphine nor Mimi. NOT NABO 0 TIC . _Ticzye of Old 12r..7:70-72 P.T.:=12 ,Pump,lin itlx.renrker • i?ocheila SA', - . Arise SW . ,Ffv•s, . wilt - .191 ON el enct St& 4 Ifi'vw Seed _ frw .549P.7 ' esiostreace, Nara: Aperfed Remedy for Consti- .11011, Sour Stomacti,Diarrhaea. Worms ,Convutsions,Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SIZEP. TaeSimile Signature of 'NEW YORK. ktT. • .0..;;.,,/.. -4, ..:'---A ;44: EXACT COPY OF WRA.PPER. a a.tu, rEmi.;Lttp.t...erammatTeatentrtes.,:et, SEE THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE ••••••,••• 0 F 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF ritra7.4.401Mrninlaair13221•09.2.,..03.1=in (instals is put up in ono-sise bottles only. It is not told in bulk, Don't allow anyone to Bel! you anything elr,e on tho. plea or promise that 11 12 "kast as good" and "will answer every pr. pose," ka- Boo that yon got 0 -A -S -T -0 -11 -I -A. into to- ena...7=2 rat% is on avor7 el Trappe... The people of Belmoilv have or- ganized a Literary Society and in =neaten with it they Ineve a paper ;let „tea, which is edited by Mr. John Camp -'t ;I t - bell, teacher of that, village. t,e,liessts. Root ln1!nj.lqSanr1y i 0 Fraser and John Wylit, . aeo.return, ! ed from Manitoba.' They alili look I well and enjoyeq, the trip vertemuch. Mr. and Mrs. Lam pbell are vibiting , in -Wellesley.' . Mr. Fred Kitehen and family'', re- moved to their future home in Kent !-I County. Before their depiirttp-ilWI t; Kitchen was presented withete a I bum and shaving enp by •Itiariends. , . t /A very sadeeaent oceurred last week 1(1,6"aeath of Mrs. Tom K. Powell O1' The deceased had. bsen to Wingham on the Tuesday previous to her death and early on Friday morning the angel of death visited the homettoThe funeral which was largely attended, took place on Saturday to the Wingham cemetery. Much sympathy is felt towards the I bereaved family and we can well say , with Wordsworth: • SO I E MA.N ur.aCTURES— And when the stream ' -124) •,. ..4LI -Ltu P '-` r:.4 Willa% overflowed the soul was passed ! lc\r-R,11-1:7"i,..,411 ,0 left. 1 87 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario. B -11, .,..„, z....:)., I A coanwscalYo'usness remained that it had ' Deposited upon the silent shore, . .. _____ Of memory,images anu precious thoughts That shall not die and cannot be des- 9 . ..1 Wil 14 4: itun-Tiltri' PATENTED F1G13. 1ST., 1896, ws—.4....,..r.s.A.,.....v.wevararnawrarawmorioesmetuncala erg., ,h;a: • 4,-**.w-r-A,v, ..151V This stove is made cfgenuine Russian iron; no imitation; lined with steel. The cleanest stove madeeno ashes can get out on the floor; will positively keep a slow burning fire for 48 hours; by putting in one large stiek it keeps fire all 'night. Never re- fr 1Vugvo quire to move ashes more than once in two Mcnths. It will ,T take a stick 21 inches by 10 inches. Saves 25 to 50 per cent. fuel. Can regulate it the ,came as It lamp; can have your rooms at any temperature, build a fire in two minutes, and. heat a room 20 feet square .in ten minutes the coldest day in the year. If your dealer DOF.S NOT HANDUI OUR STOVI.S write 119 direct foresrice before you pur- Yj chase. i Any infringement on patent will be prosecuted to the full -seese.s..s extent of the lats. GOOD AGENTs 'WANTED. troyed. Mrs. McDougall; of Kent, is Visit.; ing at Mr. Hugh McDougall's. Mrs. Aikenhead and Mr. Malcolm McEwen both of Brueelield and Mrs. Spears of Kent are visiting at Mr. Wylie's. Mrs. Sam. Vanstone is waiting upon her daughter who is lying sick with inflammation. Hiss Van - stone is teaching near Exeter. Quito a number of people from the sixth concession attended a wood - bee at Albert Willitt's last Monday afternoon. In the evening a party was given. 'YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT A ,„ :,. v T viif9z ' K kt EY il Ki W OR `id v. sq., .e. 4 eP12,1 $ 441 kil al 4 ;,V IgiA A. 4.1 ii.l. 4,,Q: i J -1,-i 0 ' we do neat work in the Job Printing business and at prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any- . thing such as , $ • Lwin HEAD, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEAD, — ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, I3USINV.SS CARDS-, Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. 1 tii,ivservia,,Wr;wwit.elyitewvvitotritywstatt,,w6w,,,‘ er.etsie.sasevansarninesent-aestmeli. will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me d produces biliousness, torpid aver, hub to do all that is neeessary. 00 gestion, bad taste, coated townie, Mak lieselaehe, In- somnia, etc. /feed's' Pals IIIS mire coestIpatIon and all itil regaltet, easily rind thoroughly. 2110. All druggists. ;P,repared by C. X. Hood Si Co., Lowell: Masi. Tbe only rills to take with Hood's Sarsgewale. •••••1** Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Xights. FOREST CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE Londo1 n Ont , Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure all 11)1 gives t111 inos.t praetical business and shorthandeourse obteinable. Courses ' ‘ eases of itching pilea in from three to . ' ni hts One Application bringel cone - fort. For blinel and bleediegpilea it is Carefully graded. Rooms and equipment the best. Students assisted to peerless. Also cures Tetter, 'Salt Rheum, !profitable positions weekly. Good board $2 50 per week. 3'or pal den OA S of the skin. 35 cents. Sold at Chisholm's, -coue addreas, Illezerna, Barber's Itch rtrid all oruptione I of either rs Drug Store. J. W. WtSTERVELT, Prineipai. • a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK, Opposite Macdonald Block. Josephine St., Wingham