HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-13, Page 9Fergus, April 6,18% TO Robert Phillipa, Druggist, a' ergue. This is to certify that I have suffered from piles. foga long time and tried several articles re. commended for this come. plaint, but none of them benefited :no till I tried Chase's Ointment, which has completely cured me. Mas. JOHN lunula, 11. Phillips, Jr., Druggist Witness. "Myex-year-old daughter, Bena,wasafflicted With eczema for 24 months, the principal seat of eruption being behind her ears. I tried almost every remedy I saw advertised, bought innum- erable medicines and soaps, and tool[ the child to medical specialists in skin dissects, but with- out result. Finally, a week ago, I purchased a box of Dr. Chase's' Ointment, and the fir'stapppli- cation showed the curative effeet of the Remedy. We have used only one-sixth of the box, but the change is very 'narked ; the eruption has all dis- appeared, and I can confidently sten, my child is cured. (Signed) MAXWELL JOHN^TON, 112 Anne St„ Toronto Sold by all dealers, or on receipt of price, 600. Address, E0tl7AfSOtl, BATES & CO, TORONTO. Nistrn Adver ger FOR 1896-7. ]3 lance of 1896 F'oe. 0 a .e TIE DOLLAR, To Ja nary lst 4898. Sixtteeta 1I' a ">>s Each Week 'ITFI— AL! THE ikITIS OF THE WORLD. Illarket Reports, Stories, eta. zcellent Reads g.. ,. r every member of the family. W offer good iudueomen s to agent;,. For orms, eto., address— TERMER PRINT' 1 C CO., Lonon, ' nt. 3 4 TM CULTIVATOR ®9 1 AND, CIUNTHY GENTL'MAN THE BEAT OF TIX AGM LKLILS. DEVOTED T Farm Crops and Prose • ses, Hortieul 're and ruit Growing, Li a-Stoe and Dairying. While it alai) h o hid o s all minor de 1 partmema alt l,l.ral interest, such as the Poultry. Yars Entomology, I3ee- Iceeping, Greenh. se and Grapery, eterinary Repi] s, Farm Questi )ns s and Answers, Fres e Reading, Do- mestic I+1conom , an , a summary of the news of th weel . .its Market Reports are u usually complete, and much atten on is pais to the Pros- i petits of the rops, as th `owing light upon one of the most i ..portant of all questio s---•- IV/rear to Gu. and when to sell. I is liberally illust'ated, and contains more reading ma ter than ever be re. The subscript on price is 82.5ti per year, but we ,1%r a Spee' Reduction in our LUIS RATES FOR 189 2 S 'seriptions, in one remittan44.e$i44 6 bseriptions, 2 s. Subscriptions, •` gg 15 To all new subscribers for 1 97, ying in advance now, we ill end from our receipt of the retn t- tance, to January 1st, 1897, witho t 'charge. tea °Srl.ciirtne Corxen nue. Address LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Pitiillslrers Albany, N. Y. ICanada's Cheese Export& From the opening of navigatio to October 10, there has been shippe from the port of Montreal to EtLrrlp the enormous quantity of 1,279,02 cheese while in 1805 the shipment from the opening of navigation t October 12 reached a total of 1,171 680 a clear gain of better than 107,000 boxes has this year, rrll year 1894 has heretofore stood a the cheese season par excellence wird a record of exports of 1,726,05 boxes: It, however, the preset' rate of -exports holds, which consider ing the rapidly increasing prices ix the British markets it is more that likely to do, even this previous recon will be excelled, It is hard to realize by the mer mention of figures what 1,279,00 boxes of eLeeso really means. PIac the boxes in which these cheese Wer shipped side by side and reckoning' the average diameter of each a sixteen inches, they would stretel over a distance of 322 miles, or a trifle more than twice the distance Montreal to Quebec. Again reck- oning, each cheese at 70 pounds, which is abont - the average, you have a total of 89,530;000 pounds sufficient to give every soul in Can- ada, the United States and Mexico one pound each and still have enough left to pass around in Cent- ral America. Could not he Down for Eighteen Months. THE SUFFERING OF A TORONTO JUNCTION RESIDENT FROM HEART DISEASE. THE W INU :IAM TIME , 'NOV-EMB 141 110, SAGE TO It/1W. cl Proving that true honesty and true philantIlropfiy still exist. tl; • If any 'tier), who is weak, nervous and " beUi1ltntud, Or 46•i1t) ;;4 Qlalrel'ili:; f:0m ally I of the vtui I:ls 1roubles re:: u1tiug F`rc,tn youthful fully, e x:-tisstr, or(V('rwork, will 1 take he rel and write to me,..1 will feud him cu'i11deoti.,1iy and 1re.o of' (Merge • e • the plain pur:)ut+t, by wile!' 1 Was rector - S E'.l to perfect, health and manhood, after 1 Years of alarming a't'om Nervous Debility 8 i.,'1A9 of Vigor and Organic Weakness, 1 baro nothing to soli anti therefore want no money, but es I know through lay own experience how to s, lnpathize 1 with such sufferer's, I stn glad to be able 11 to nssiet any fellow -being to a cure. 1 cl alba well aware of the prevalence of quackery, for I myself was deceived and Imposed upon until I nearly Jost faith iri c mankind, I,ut I rejoice to say that I am 0 now perfectly well and happy once)more and am desirc.us therefore to shake thi. c certain Gleans of lure known to all. e you will write to me you eau rel' pot) being cured and the proud s,t' action t of having; been of great, se vier o one in need will be of sufficient r It'd for my 1 trouble. Absolute secrecy assured. Send 5e. silver to erer postage and addreea, Mioll. alar, (leo. G. Strong, North Roekwocd Not an ezeeptional ease of heart die• ease but very distressing w that of Mr, L. W. Law, of '.LTorontn J actino, Ont , who was obliged to bo opped up in bed with pillows for sigh en months, be- cause of smotherii r •pelts that would come over him wh ever he attempted to lie down, No treatment had doe any good unit he tried Dr. Aatnew's Cure for the Heart, and here one dose gave complete relief, and oue bottle cured him. and to -day he enjoys the pleaeuros of good health las others d..,. Heart disease will kill if not cured. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. Many of a y us will need to retrench in other things in order to give Ai: the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ. It ought to he, no doubt it will be, a pleasure to many to make some sacrifice in the greatest of all causes. To learn to leave things with God, and to do one's work as if 0-od could iTe trusted. is to gain the repose and full -heartedness which permit one to porn' out his whole strength without anxiety, worry or distraction. Catarr-ii and `:olds Relieved in 10 . to CO minutes. One short puff of the breath •rough the Blower supplied with e- bottle of Dr. AgneW's Catarrhal P. der diffuses this powder over th surf e of the nasal passages. Painless • nd . elightful to use, it relieves instan, y tired permanently cures Catarrh, flay .' ever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat, 'Jionsilitis and Deaf- ness Sold .et Chisholm's Drug Store. It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. George Harris, sister of lir." Samuel Robertson, of this village, which occurred at the family •esiclpnee on the 8th con. of Kin]oss, on Saturday morning last. The . deeeaased lady had a thistle removed from her finger the previous week and soon sifter the finger became wollen, blood -poisoning setting in. For a time the treatment seemed to be suceessful, but on Thursday t morning she became unconscious, and passed away on Saturday morn - ng at the age of fifty-four years -- Luck now Sentinel. The Hest Combination Yet. "The Family Herald and Weekly Star the beautiful "Orphan`._ ''gayer," and "The Winghari- "i'r�li;w,' All for Principal Cameron of Brussels has forbidden the wearing of label but- tons by the pupils during school flours. The fad has virtually gone to seed and a bad crop at that. Mr. S. Dickson postmaster, Sea - forth, has sold to Ms neighbor, Mr. Wm. McGavin, one of his farms containing 100 acres, being lot 22, concession 12, in the township of ,McKillop, for the sum of ';15,700. Dr. Joseph Parker, of London, has little Sympathy with. nebulosities either of theology or homiletics, and stands squarely for a vigorously evangelical preaching. "Plagues of rhetoric set in panels ofadlmiration will never," he says, "touch with resurrectional power and hope a world dead. in tresspasses and sins." Tore His Flesh in Barony. "I was trouble with blind itching piles for 20 years , was,iflnabie to work and tore my fie h in a g on . United Stale and C n dine doctors [ tors failedto ro Here Cha s Ointment was a God- send. lam a better man than in 20 years, and am able to work every day." Philip Wallace, blacksmith, Iroquois, Ont. Chnse's Ointment cures phi's, eczema. and irritant diseases. All drug- gists, GOc, per box. The man who, in literature or religious teaching, aims to. reach t he highest rather than the mass, seldom. finds himself on the way to suc- cess. He is teacher, leader and com- mander of thepeople who reaches downward rather than ' upward. When the churches begin to look for. nice neighborhoods, for the better class of people, the cultured and the wealthy, they run to leanness and to disappointment. There are those who affect to . be too sweet -spirited to tolerate the ilii - precatory Psalms. They were not out of place for the piirposefor which they were written, and when one reads of the outrages and insults for which the Sultan of Turkey is re- sponsible, he feels that these Psalms express the mind of all righteous people of to -day in view of the horrible character and acts of this man, Catarrh in the 'lead, Is a dangerous disease. may lead directly to consumptio, atarrle is caused by itn , re bi. ., and the true wavy to cure i i= ...urifyieg the blood. Hood's Sar . ilia cures catarrh because it removes the cause of it by purifying the blood. Thousands testify that they have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. HoOD's PILLS are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. 2130. Mrs. Samuel. Laird, now residing with her daughter, Mrs. R. Hays, in Seaforth, was one hundred years of age on Saturday last. Mr, Wnt. Baldwin of Seaforth has received the sad intelligence of the death of his only daughter, Ida wife of Mr. 1 dliar Crossley, whichoc- curred at her home in Oxbow, As- siniboia, on Octsber 20th, aged 21 years. Mr. Geo. Mott, of the London road, ri'akersmitil, has won the very hand- some sum of over $180 in prizes at the fall shows this year. Mrs. Mott has long been a very successful prize winner and she does not seem to be losing any of her skill in this diree• tion. Prevent sickness awl save doctors' Mlle at this season by keeping rout blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla It 13 1896. Best for Wash Day For quick and easy work For cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Surprise is hest ' I. @ Simon llowletty.,Vnjoyed a rare treat one day sst week in the shape ,of a feet. of wild rasp- berries.I He found them growing in lis swamp; and no doubt he antici- pates a farther repast as he says there were still some green ones left when he i'ras through. This is quite an oddity at this time of the year. Mr. Wm. Arbuckle was in Gocl- erieh of Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Elliott were visiting in C1iflord last week, • ' Miss Maggie`McDougal was quite ill last week but is now imyroving. Mr. John Elliott was down to Westfield on Monday. Apple -Butter snaking is the order of the day. - :sir. Ben James left on Monday for Toronto Ben will be greatly missed by the young people of this community. The following is the Sehool report for S. S. No. 9 E. W. for the month ,of October. The report is based on a system of daily markings; deduct- ions being made for bad conduct, lateness etc. 4th class, Lena Deacon. 3rd class Jennie Rititoul, Mable She'll, Maggie McDougall, Jennie She'], Mary Abram, Roy Mescal, Alex McDougall, 2nd sr., Alberta Rintoul, Frank Shoe - bottom. 2nd jr., Frank Mills, Roy Deacon, Willie Elliott. Part ii, Ida Abram, Bella McDougall, Herbie Shiell, lst, John Abram, Alex Rin - ton], Howard Shiell, Raymond Elliott, Roy Anderson, Wille Shoe - bottom. At the examination held on Oct. 22nd and 23rd, the follow- ing pupils were successful. From 3rd jr. to 3rd. sr., Jennie Shiell, Jennie Rintoul, Maggie Mc- Dougall, Mable S`ieil], Mary Abram, Minnie Abram, Roy Mason, Alex NeDougall. From 2nd to 3rd; Al- berta Rintoul. From 2nd jr. to 2nd sr,, Frank Mills. 1 An Easy Cure for Drunknnees. brunkennven, 9lorphioe and Tobaco, habit may easily be curd by the use of Hill's Double Chloride f Gold Tablets. No effort is required f the patient and stimulants may .1 t ken as usual until voluntarily given a 'tablets may 1),1 given its tea or coffee Without the patient's knowledge.' A. [cure guaranteed in every case.' 1+or Pale by all tryst eines druggists., or will be sent. 6111 receipt of -n 1.OU. For full purtienlars address, The Ohio Chemise,. 1Vicerk.4, Tama, Ohio, • Barristee W. 9, Diekson formerly of Brussels, has 'been re-elected State Attorney by .a majority of 251 and. hobs • Werk., also well known in Brussels had (leen returned as Sttte Auditor .with :t Majority of 286. 'St. Thbmas, church, Seaforth, was the scene of a pleasant event on Monday last, oti whizh occasion the church was filled with admiring and interested friends It was the mar- riage of. Miss .Maggie Case, second daughter of ilrs. 1'. Carse, to •lir. Clement Iing of ,New York, and formerly of lip' I3auk of Commerce staff in Seaforth. Where Do Yoe•Buy?---1Ve would call the attention of our. readers to the advertisements of The Wingham business [hell in the, TimesSeon time to time large numbers of catalogues, price lists, etc,, are sent through the post by city establishments soliciting mail orders fr•,)ln people in town and country. Read carefully the prieei given by out business leen, and taking the quality of the goods into considerattion the prices will compare favorably with the city prices, and you always see what yea are buying, too. izeforc sending oft~ a mail order go to your storekeeper and submit a list of your wants and see if he cannot do as well for you. Reading advertisements is profitable, Xtehing, I3urnitig skid Diseases Cured For 35 Cents. Dr. Aguew's Ointment reliot'es in one day, and aures to er, salt..rhouul, piles, meld head, ooze a, be w itch, ulcera, blotches and till me of the akin. ,[t ieStalling nod quieting bard acts like magic i+''1'•'r4nr'aof all tinny humors; 33 cents. Sold at e_'.,isiltlf.,t'la Drug: tare. Best for Every Day For every use abort the house Su rprise worLu hest and cheapest. See for yourself. zs.re. :. "T', i,.'^.—�F.....«Ir.':�: ^..., �-.4 '�., r!.-=^'%:.0 •^rk.rd:� •::sK'::3:AgCJi.i� 1.0 CENTS 8eares a Goad Liver And Good Hea° h. Ac rz System noun or, .Wr.Agnew' : plant/. ator and Blood I:,: ill - Ever Pills are Sup - all Others. So Great hal -'oon the Doman 1 that it's hemi to Sunray it. Cure 'Constipation or Nervous head- ache, clear the complexion. rid head- ache, of eruptions, yellow skin, coated tongue, etc, Act easy—peter gripe, and the after streets are a positive pleasure. In vials, 40 pills, 10 cents. Stott' at Ch1s. holnls' Drug Store, • The Iilytli syndicate have received the returns from their first shipment of 237 barrels of apples L-i'nt, t„ Edinburgh. They cleared 70 cents a barrel. They have forwarded 2 cars to Liverpool; 3 to 1lnnch;as,t'^; (] to London England; and will :-end 2 from Luelrnow to Glasgow. 14 Cars in all have Or well be shipped ai.d the profits on the winter Ii'u]t are expected to be better nail that already reported fur Fall apples. The following d1I i.'cti ins fur prel,ari11g • .poultry fur shipment should be closely observed :— Stop feeding 24 hours-, before killing, kill by bleeding well in the iieek, ' nt never wring' the neck, p.itek tv,;ll, leaving on' the heat., Oak) wing; and tail feathers. Entrails lion drawn, place the,head under the body, and tie up pluthp. A nandsoule aft- peara.nee is generally worth from lc to 2c'per lb. All poultry : hould he clry picked and •ie no , ease should the feathers be retuov:ed by scalding as it means a Toss every tiine. :For Infants and' Chihli T.a. The tae - simile re9, •'"' sit t ll atigeatlus ever; Baker lying on his back ;ind to all appearance dead, Ile was carried into the open air,•and with the ass]s- tance of a doctor Was' br oug; L t around again, after co-risidei'ab]e difficulty. It was a narl'o\1' cscipo 'nil sin ex- arience that Mts. Baker would not care to pass.tiir'ijligh rigain. Reeve 7ienbedy'' of, t;lintel', n'et with a paletil' ;lint. nnplc' ' iiit accident the fi? �1it"af the fire. With the laudable: intentian''Of guing for some refrebhlne19ts for the firemen, he was clossin,, the: street having his hands in lila' overcoat pock- ets, when he tlij?red on the ho4e and fell forward, his.• nose striking the stones WI t11 "considerable .force. Councillor iticlurra'y Who was also• en the same errand, Int'['with a silpi- lar experience, but was not ptarticu- ly hurt. ' While Mr. P. Keating Seaforth was working at lir.11I. Jordan's new stableon Tuesday, he had the misfor- tune to fall from the scaffolding. One of the boards was loose. and when Mr. Keating stepped on it, ft turned and tumbled him to the ground. In the fall he struck the bottom scaffold, which broke t'le ''all, and thus prevented what might have been a very serious accident. As it was he struck on his head. eutti.ng a nasty gssh, which required a couple of stitches before the doctor could dress it. Ctatfps, Collo, Colds, DXA1'ttiu A, DirsEx''1'E12Y', and all 130'VVEX. COALMAX1MO. .A Sure, Sate. Quick Cure ter these troubles Is (rsrtRr Davie'.) rsaaf Xiaaernntly'sod ;rfetflally. Two sizes, lige. and etre. bottles. 340.3•4-30-481+043443.43•4 rrT, .T TT TTTTTTTTTTTTTT,TTYt 1 ,T TT TTTTTTTT,' :The D. & Emulsion "t Is Invaluable, if you are run down as it is a food as well as a medicine. The D. &'"�. Emulsion t Will build you up ir/your general health is impaired. !J E The D. & L. Emulsion CIs the best and most palatable preparation of 1 Cod Liver Oil, agreeing with the most deli- - cats stomachs. The D. & L. Emulsion EIsprescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. M The D. & L. Emulsion EIs a marvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite, a F Seo. dh 81 perBottle Be sura you get i DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. I the genuine MONTREAL j1L,,,i.,111111''IILLlJ.an,, 471 1111014,41,,.. 11y,�seltelassiffsailloseassg q PYNY -PEC9ORAi< Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothirc and healing in its effects. W. C. D1cComnaa er Son, Bouehotto, Que., report In a letter that r7nl-•Yectoral eared Mrs. t,i ..q,ci nd a1 oro a ecold V. 0. ilueou,bor a 1'a Jon's'-atandlal cold• 1Lr. J, II. I i..ryr, Chemist, 25 to, aoubsuitesc"Aagues,lhandlunyrI,GPectoral is root tnvaluahle prprao; has given the utmost satlefaetloa to all 'who 11:we t: Sod it, many haring Spoken to me of the laments derived from its use in their Widnes, l t Is suitable for old or }wing, being pleasant, to the taste. Its solo with no, has been wen,lertUh and I era, nl,rays reenmmeud It as a sato and zeaablo tough medicine, ' large Bottle, 24 dais. awls & LAWRENCE CO., L'ra. Sole Proprictcra oNTrzsAt Our anutaetulillg interests. R•I.P.A.N'S The modern stand- ard. 7aini1y Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of h,1;�- sanity. S • • Wheat a klansilton Mainufac1la'oi. Has to Say. I,Ir.,James Bray:cy steaks for the public good. THE PROPER s Gr,1a 2. Our representative interviewed Mr, James Biaylcy, of Tramiltou, at his office, 88 Xing William Street. Mr ilrayley is an enterprising ` business man, and ono of Hamilton's foremost manufacturers. His gaols, Saddlery hard- ware, punches, die+, ata, are known from Halifax to Vancouver, and stand very iri„h in the estimation of the t. ado. Mr. liraylcy said: "For years I ilaso been troubled with gravel and weakness of the nilneys. 1 IieIt t1; 5151.1 Ip and 01(110'.)rlyteeth when nrinat:ug, so intense ryas th.1 pain. The pains around uryloinswhere almost intolerable, and I felt as though m cat were being pulled dowel my back by the hind 10;s. "I wont from bad to w rse t?,i at Is'tt, I could not urinate at a:1, and had to be operated on. I had no confl,ioneo in anythimt, and made ep my mina to stiff r torture to my: (tying day. It •adia.g Oho Sas.n tony pnlrlistit d by Olio Doan lii,ln„yi'ills Cc., I saw entailers t: c to My elan. nal, being in e0uat:tut ngoli5,dccide1 to sive them a trill, and g,1 a box of the pilo front epael:titatl's drug store, Ott the corner of Market Square. "It ail me Ito good, so I got another, ant, another, until Shad t..:e n font boxes, ani was about uit ilnaup when 1 eitot came. 100111i100t1 t, take thiol till th„ 1r tin left my back, and Y all stmt as timber aa a it eel. 100105:1 of getting e dtvotst times a 111;!'t t I clever get up More than once 2lc:r. The urine is now perfectly clear and has uusedit:sent of any kind. "1 ant delighted to testify in behalf of Dean's Iiicl n y 1' Ili, as let, y cured 100 after the last 04 al lured had 1.d.”