The Wingham Times, 1896-11-13, Page 8. ugi • t ' }t," (' ua OTTAWA a LETTER. In the !meantime matters political are' Perseus having claims against '�i ;4 3 am „Amt.," " 17 F,► moving along Qi5 fin- 4 •l • 1 t'al Se >il?lYn L t t ' a1 e ' 'MCI THEWXNGU4 TIMES, .t'i i. Y - A113J(•tR At , Ibvo, O% Ub .1 id Ct)U1id $ 8110111d 0 0 0 0'$ ")' 0 fit `° s " ' lyerc atny of you readers ever the direction of honest government. � present such under the new rillei- t• � r �'i'«�.,, - Pe ��t li1•itis tteetb[e(i with Whitt poetic writers If they leave any tarda up tlheir'pal law, before the now rine! a! ' i t - - - -- - - would call an "actin„ void. That eleeves they have not pulled them 1 al w eetbre the last meeting in De- �atei ;zee -Ts ..ir,kt,I�}: Y,. Nene ese;:t4 1'3. Loa. ,2111tltytteSs, void, hollowness o' (10%S11 yet. > r r., 4,E' a l �1 letter early. So 'ember. New councils Cannot be Vacua N 1 itis ctillfl•(.11tet)6, to d21y in the Country does nota eau to Have expected to !;.now the v 0 _'�".3.11.:3,1*;i�� . .. r validity Uf lime , -, •tts 1 a• my taearch for nest's, If there l3 air suffered by- the teninge, The revenue claims contracted b redec:esso ' ge absence of nc'we I- ' `? is increasing c, y � rS` otl••e ,, Eat z rt t �� - es v l r. 1,•t , , t nit rho c, ••.a „ d IiEItI .�-!I 1 IJ ,l NIgnM1v,ntt7 ,1'1 {i I A have tI pretty consequent neon In -1 r, y its:t.Dt i 1 „ <raf)tl ,,tory to tt 11 1E)t1 it1 v s Cin l ReSd,1y Mr. Thomas 13atkei• i • 1H.La t,,.,t at• .0 I. Itt*,..,I., ;,,••r•:, �• : tete of that e 'edict importation. Our export, had, a normo; escape from delft! 1 ere );14.111,,rs,•a,,,i, 1 h•(.n ,.:•.•v••eas engendered YtvltiGit has been aching' VOW, 1 don't 13e11(:�'e CIl1t` trade !ti !{7Qlilno Up end talCin it tett 1 feeding; p 1. t:s:.i t tlt:,,, to ,', i[u • a y, ndered in the e:unetl, over the, iietol• on the , ai trine hal eYelltogc'ther -Owe is no relitlblecausefor lII( rias f(ecling ll etlt)aIo in the ra,kk„c;�=i•. . a.; t> 1 talc 121 Of Ltlth 4 vu.1 ae Ir fel' the ill t,, seal` tenet E(eC &ealll(latl, rlla►l'in. 'there are, as Yet, no evi- , utouldzng shop of Messrs. Coleman's I f. es- , ;.�n:0eiiar+,I::.9, • 's ;.a.e,, t'r foundry, Seaford' when h- was over' - - $ldl:v(lLlis, •• 13 lnG..'!`t'.Stt11n, not On1V lLtiVilyB fel t ttlltt When !11 $.Ilett i( tt1'1`: tl('11CeS of C' Ctl'tLF ltatlef?, hut on 1110 CCI13£' b ' • Co„•• , I expo, ed the l> 112tlerletan Bridge other hand WO find a strong duspas- 1 the gas. uf” the lnotltd- t free, } ^. ,. } r ; , ::t , ar,,,;:,•, ' 1 dell!, the '1'vlut u{� Valley Railway _ ir.tun to ,; s nuticed "that Mr. X3,lltet• had 1 beee.t eeep Tents,. which have come to el' q . 1 ,y.i .., C1 an tt1 CL tGatYll . ,, 1 >, 1 1E to lig4t ivt't*l'Q 111' 0 ()12 the ;1110. ' • : end a ' -s t , _, , •.rt e , •. < •i•a in it , 1 f lfl til e in t 011 1 ceased work, and went to See w �s i , J.b l l i the {:•t edwill e late . Ctseand.11 1 • } lti, f lit. l+fy st lf, in talking, . te: was the matter, when he found wallie ei 1 tt:atese tlieee feels' I had yeti with isle and When 1 ttl , daiy with a prutltil,elht Coesei 1 atIl•e 1 • - res(411 t'y,'t,•,t0 "1f.offal'. th,11 should' you that I cannot get over 1111- pl'tI- fl'{)lhll»heoftl2eoutlyillgCUt1SGIGuencles Cul•rellt Ilfstot'y questions for be . ae�evualy . • c:)tteld( real by ever, pensitl, for exposieg the political :in- conversation drifted onto the subject I In tithe, l: ] , Who is Minister of t ratepayer', and stltiuld have an int - 4 101 and that I halve. booked anvthe ,of these totters, My friend said:1 Interior in the Canadian Cabin tl:h y ate will prick up your Dale :1 to, "0h, we know who writes these I �� What city in Ontario is Called portant bearurg• on the approaching hear all about it. Ottawa letters, itis senator' so and Lune Stone City',? S. What nog 31111 ilelr.ati elections. We do not, in t.0 .101t, St 0," naming a gentleman who sits in . artist, Novelist and author' dl tlh1, a�l.,.ly,lt., purpose to eritielbe aur, You will admit if you have studied the uppe2• chamber. 1 did not en- ?'eq(ntly'? •1, Name two chariot colluciii0rs :or aliy'•u121 of them from, the geas;raphy of your country that i lighten 1111)1, but gra.eping at the•in his host . fuuoue litel'lltnre? k4 t tl}1k 1, Sttttli�,lt()ltlt. No Ctoi. bt I the tit, Lawrence River is a 1J1'etry j !suggestion Olt the bcli t that it is j What pI•011111lent C',21) 1d1i111 sta pGabout as near as ever I will get to mall celebrated his golden wed(' they are all right, f* Deed fellows + big river; nolle of your trout brooks;' , , r: b the coveted goal, I will in futurt sub -1 recently? 6. Who is J.:il, Barrie' IlighlI respected 4112 )U their ft;Ilnlvs' and diet its strong current it eapaLlf scribe myself to these tatters _ ; �' p :a . of developing 1t pretty good head of r i This .s what Inspector Tilley sa as citize1s. • That is all vrell and' water power. Well, at the Stuck's 1 TIt1a SENATOR, of the Clitlt011 Madelites, and th goad its ifs place and may secure for Island;• you will remember ~tuck's I h.—It looks nice, don't it, even te2teheri -"'Rhe we heal passed a ve the person who possesses these char- 1 Island where the Davis Bros. got the without the emolytnents. T. S. 'successful axltnlltii tecn1. • The etud. c`1Gti51105, 2L liaLndS0P10 support but: contract from the Government for I building a $385,000 dam without r'1end1 gave evidence of thontstigh teat thee qualities alone de not fit one to tender, a very Iarge body of the y C7xeetang, ; ing." Irl whoa[ organization a discllaige hes .d'uti•es, ass a public man, great St. Lawrence River rushes 1 am glad the hateful creature has ,management, the eines is marked There Must be something more sub- - ub • through between it and the main gone,.the exclaimed, as she slalomed good. In prillcipala of education stantial behind these. We do not land. It is the construction of the the door in the wake of the departing eNeelletlt. In practical teechinn ntend to discuss here, the letting of --ss 2'Ueraseeie EVERY FRIDAY S:a 1x iNf , —AT Tun TIMES OFFICE, clOafi:PHlisi; Seeger W]NGIIAM, ONTARIO. laubtairiptiozhpx•fce,$1Per 3':re ; 4.t:dvatnee • ADVE1ITZSIN0 RA1•l:(,: Space l 1yr. 1 tan.,, 1 3uo. i e ', ' IT 0 Ono Colunul $10 P $Mp Uu 1 $Ap uu 300 hat _._ � • quarter o eco w 00 1. U Mr,,-�_ yes filch ! r,00�' 30 let, 300 o� U1 19,9 Pointed Toes. use 1 Pointed toes, says an English the ; authority, are to disappear from et: 1 shoes before very long. It has been the 1 discovered that the 81200 has to be ted I very In'ueh Ionger than it need be if "ed ! it is made with a pointed toe and if el's the wearer' has to walk in it with. 5. ! out suffering Chinese tortures. And tes-1 this extra length makes the foot look !ng much Iarger than it need be. So uiueh has this influenced the size of Legal and other eaeaaiads estist11 1.2 ts, Sc. per line Ifor Oat insertion, and Yee. per lino toreach subsequent intention. Measured by nonpareil 1c.,lo. . 1 Local notfeus 10c. pu' line for tinct 11 00111031, and ae, pot•lino for each subsequent ,nsorticl . And BusinessChancestW nted notclewitbii Situations. notpareil, $I for ant month, and too, for %sell Advertisements Month, 2louses and !,'acme for Salo, not exceeding t3 limas e1 for Stet month, 00e. per subsequent* mouth. Larger ad vet Usoments in 1), 01)04134), 'these terms will be strictly adt,t,. to apcufal stat. for larger advertisements, or 10 longer petfods. Advertisements and local notices without epecif directions, will be inserted till forbid and charg�ed acoordAl},iy, i'r2 stteu v advertis,,meuts must be paid in advance IbI, Changes by Wednesday. contract noon, inontn order to appear that weak S. G, IttOWli, Paorn n on arm ELISLIallas Ys the fashionable shoe that, it is wins- eir pered, the knowing bo0tnraker has ry GRAND TRI/NK RA.ILIVA3.', Ch• DBP1,1tT 2••OIt ABEAM TBoaf rd Toronto alld East 0:04 a.m. 1:18 p.m 17:20 " 10:07 '• — Palmerston Mixed 720 p"ln"'v1a Clinton London and South 0:30 a.m. 11:10 t" rna • cuts were unusually%l,ltSilig•e11t, and . darn that has developed the hater visitor, good: In •methods of teaching— p• g_,,. 3:15 p.m. 8.00 p.m. power.�Toty what will you Why Lu you lust said a minute o xetlent. In spirit and attention of Knseardine I1:20 a.m. 0:04 a.m, the ealitriters, are oak and elm con- say when I tell you that this same ago, when she camein, that yeti were crass- cxeelleilt. 1:18 p.m. 11:2O " travere3 , the duties of the Inspector Davis concern, or one of them in glad to see her. mildly remarked her ' 10:07 G:55 part. husband. ! lar. George Baldwin and Mr 13 or any of the other points that were Janulir3' last without tender secured husband. who have been in the rm- i� Well what if I did? she sna eel, raised by the Mayor, although a a 21 years lease, renewable for , pp ploy of Mr, 5. Mullet of Seaforth for another term of 21 years of this You didn't expect me to meet her everal years, intend leaving for good tical could be sand about them gigantic water peeler for the small with a club? by way of criticism, but taking the sum of $1,000 per annum, no rent to But you kissed her, too, faros that Australia about the first of next whole'transaction from beginning to be paid fothe first two ears. The necessary? month, where they will Hush th end and platin a mild construction late government did many a dam- Yes, it was. She'd have thought therforte, tai .Hillery has a broth on it and it reminds one of a bargain noble thing, but it will be bard to solllething was the matter. Ar)d I there and they are going where between a shrewd business elan, on find a Inure damnable sacrifice of ,n`antetl to fznd out just what si,e is. Phey 01•0 1)0141 Steady' rehab one side 2111d a parcel of green coothe country's assets than in 'tile case cause over for such a day is 11115, will lg ascan stheir• many frim try lad3 ot1'the other, upon the ocea- n'of this lease to Davis. They simply It was to see what you had, given will always be p11 11) d to hear shin of their' first visit • to the city, handed over the property to Davis 1110 for a Christmas present—that,', of teem' (lmg well on the other side Apparently his word •' %vas law. at his own offiir without makingany all. • So she could go Home and tell of the equator. 'i'ht'V take passage Wooden facings were better than yby thn D,uninion lice Steamer, attempt to see how much in your her husband. iron, because'Grahalll • said so ;elm Merest they could realize upon this If T remember rightly she never Labrador, f„2• London. eurbine flet the crossings is better tremendous water power, the whole said anything about you and your than oak,*because: Grrsantth •.said so ; force of thee St. Lawrence River., present—it was all about the child - the Contractor cupidsputili an infer- Can you blame me for liking to ex -'ten's toys. And I'm sure they've !:ARE OF COLDS. for Oak, wfltrn tele kind of ,oak was pose tbese political sinners when I got more and prettier things than precautions to bn Takers Duren; the Com• not stipulated in the contract; because discover themher children have, from the wayshe ing Cold Season. Graham solei so ; and so -on:through pulling the govern , spoke, hinny of the colds which people natoh the whole ,list from the; day Mr. ';teems, rather the country'e le;. p Law! commence at the feet. So to kee these Graham came to town till the conclud- Well this is a new scandal. It is the Men never see anything! ec trslnities.warm, therefore, is top edeas first time you or any body else has She wanted to find out what I got an insurance against the endless list of ing inovetnent in getting the Public heard of it, but it will now pass into , and she wanted to show me what disorders which spring ont of a slight Works Committee to break the con- the long list of scandals we have ex- I she got. Don't you know now? it cold. The first and golden rule is, never tract, by:handing over the, final 1U ✓ posed in these letters. What do you $'Vas to crow over me. be tightly shod. Hoots and shoes when payment,. which should nave been think of Minister Mulock? What (xo Oh, that's it, is it? Why bless they ttheFbloodrby presvure�rewhonn a Mid one year. Of` •course Chairman you think of the two scandals that your dear heart, Lu, her husband is 'the contrary, they do not embrace 'th Galley °..Lues in for the large' share have developed out of the Post Office 1 over head and ears in debt! He bad foot too firmly, they get fair play, en of blallle first because _Ile is 1116 Department ,duringthe past ten 1 to borrow money to get those dia- the space lett between the foot andstoo chairman and second becausc'he has clays? That was a nice job at Brock -1 mends. bad more to saythan the other mem- yille where James Kavanagh drew a! 1 don't Bare—isn't your credit zs hers of the Committee. This does salary of 8400 as mail transfer clerk !good as his? not, however: relieve the other meal- for performing the very work his bets from their share of the response 1 brother Peter residing40 miles away • Genuine Hog.Cholera. bility. Their duty as council•Ibrs was also receiving and members of that0 '. Committee is to a year for 1 Windsor, Ont., Nov. .6.—A'' num- • ma atiienlsefves• • performing under contract, Then I ber of the veterinary surgeons in thoroughly eottver- the case of the Guillett Brothers. !Essex and Kent Counties 111.v0 is - sant Witll`'Ewery question be- fore that Committee.and if George Guillett, Tory M. P, and his sued statement that the so called theireuse ex- brother Charles, with two friends hog cholera which is causing such done, then theyn are the more guce of what ils ty y being f discounted a joint note, The pro. reveres at present is nothing but a seeds of this note went to Postmistress lung disease caused by long white bD culpable negicct, Equally, open to Schwabe or its egaivolent amount, criticism are , the Cuuneitlore 'who parasites preying upon the t..... opposed the ;reading ailing of to �`Pa FVIi '1,000. The Guineas say it was a lei the Iungs, but the Governmer:t Toa BAN�: ofH IL 011 ear INGHAM• er Capital, I1,350,000, he lR ds Rest, 4650,000 President--JMIN eTOAST. Vice-President—A. G. RAMSAY.. DIRECTORS JOHN Pa04TOR, 0E0, ROA01t, Wm 0(8800, 141 P, A. T. Woos, A. B. L$n (Toronto). Cashier—J, TUIINBULL, 10 1, Deposits of81upwards recIC to eived and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of it„erest, Draftee:, i1reat Britain and the United State. bought and sold COR 13OTILD, AGENT E. L. DIOKINSON, Solicitor.. Money DQ Loan on Notes, Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages et sa- pet cane/Nil privilege of paying at rho end of any year. Note e and accounts eoilcoted, d YtORT'. LvIcIIdF10(J. k- Beaver lllock Win,h Ing gets a good supply of warm air. The second rule is ono much nsglected,and is —never sit in damp shoes. It is often • supposed that unless shoes are positively wet it is ,unnecessary to change theta while the feet aro at resat. This is a great fallacy, for when the Ieast dampness is absorbed into the sole, in its evaporation it absorbs the heat froth the foot, and thus perspiration is dangerously checked. Any person may prove this by trying the experiment of neglecting the rule, and the feet will feel hold and damp after a few minutes. although, on taking off the shoe and examining it, it will appear to quite dry, Solicitor's views on this importantsignets on rheae iIio»June ,echlsabe Chas, stoaff hove f veterinary surgeons at Win(l- question. • Did. they ktiow alladbbnt 'Guineawas appointed postmaster of on and area nowe convincedtl that it? . Were they' so 1 fam lia;r.•to4tlk Cobourg in her stead itnnlediately it is genuine hog cholera. In spite 'every-phase•oi iese difiiettity that they, 'after the election in June. The of all they have been able to do the could afford to ignor bathe opinion of 'Ottawa Journal an independent disease is spreading at an alarming (fir, D1ckineoni? :'lot. At all likelq,•:buff paper, in referring to this deal says : rate, andlnow the Wacker farm at their action tease•^bh-' chara(ster1zed” "It is incoming extremely interest.' NAtallterville and the Robinson and by everyone'vettakuaws the•iris aPd` fog to note how tnallyr rotten trthns- Hurst fl)1'tns at Sandwich , outs of nritnioipal matters, to be12sth'.. h South art, eantions are cropping up which hinge quarantine On the Walker f 1;0 Ing short of eontumaeious sttlllidity:• These' 1ncn a supposed to be•z'epre— presentaltives: Did they -stipes that they, were-, r �;esentf� i • rtla wishes sof'all1 coti3idei'a' je poi'tNi tt i " their artl itt .ie the ;t u �� e oh appointments. made by the late hogs were slaughtered yesterday 5'vernment after its defeat at the and the rest are to be killed, polis. Thirteen hogs, all that Hurst owned, RESURRECTING TRE of a ('OIU'SE. were slaughtered yesterday. Dr. It was a happy family gatherinn' Mclfiaehran. Dominion Government that m t ehief inspector is on the spot aiding the local officers to stamp out the plague. The most stringent precaut- ions are being taken in view of the terribly contagious nature of tilt, disease, The carcasses of the animals killed have to be burtipri and the ashes buried in lime or h. earth eight feet deep and covered four inches of lime. The clothing. of all persons who come in outsetwith the infected animals is to beboiled in solution of carbolic neit!, and the fences and woodwork of 11)11 pens in which the los were kept will have to be burned. „. a In Convention at Toronto year the Council ,is eet be reduced In tleRt week; a. ,meeting of the "uncm- n111nber, let it 601'ter ns0(, ,6.4hi�tf� e, ployed," These men all had a good In the-natneof all. thit,fs.b.qsiile.i , Iei;, us get above cli(1ues';Ll1d•.pa rties; antes get Outside bf sat;ret'y oil** and induce the best that CPh',bc' got td' COMB out FLnd represent.us.. What ,pl`bllc service would be promoted if is the use of putting up men who are these gentlemen would step into re. !never guilty of the gross indiscretion tirement for a white, Their eviction of possessing an opinion of their own was a surprise. But what an exhi- t once, Iiagg'art, Montague, Tup. per, Tisdale, Wood. and Bowel!, but „gf,,u tola theta on the 2ltrd of June tfiat you thought the efficiency of the on nlunleipat matters—men, with rabbet backs that can accommodate themselves to any shape? What is the use of electing men, who xlever say i, word from January till 3<3e m- ber? Whom (10 these men: represent anyhow Pn We would not entrt blcion, I3owe1.1, Ifaggart, Wood and Montague all crawling into bed to- gether once more. Truly politics make strange bedfellows. Why it two only in Jttnuary.Iast; cold bitter weather it was for some, that these salve men pulled 'all the blankets off Under the old system n count` or IForIto ugh Hands. Rough hands prove a sore alffiotion to rnany women when obliged to do their own housework, yet by a little care their trouble may be altogether avoided. At all times the itan.isshould be kept scrtlpu. lously olein, and gloves should always be worn when blacking stoves, cleaning silver, etc., yet if one has several pieces of work to do in immediate sucoessicn, each of which will probably soil the fin. gers, it is wisa, not to bathe the hands between each teak, unless they are unfit for the next work to he done. 'Too much bathing will make the skin too tender, and a very tender hand will roughen at every opportunity. The following pomade is both curative and preventive, and if need weeding to the will keep also hands very whit) and soft: Ont a quarter of pound of white Wax Very small and mix it well with a flask of salad oil, the juice of two lemons and half a pound of honey. Let thefts grad., dally nielt over a scow fire, mild then beat the mixture until 11 is cold. .Apply to the hands at night, and steep in loose kid gloves, with the palms cut out. stile Ditch .;nttntltres. A largo outlet ditch or conal is 0581)7 19,121(20,1 by the deposition of silt from the Months of laterals, whether open ditohell or tile. Not only is the fall of the' ditch injured by the egurth, but weeds grow nattily when the ditch is empty and act +:s nets to notch Inueh refuse material, during high water, whtoh would other. +vise be washed out. To prevent washing from the laterals, encicsa the lag$ half dozen or dozen the in It reetangtllal• tiee Which onrreepond in • !n o Aue diameter of that titer rrhetxt traI113Rc+t oar . 'va Iiatlsined8 y II1 the nutnbel 1441,1,) 01 bawd f` Sit Mackenzie and left him to of Cott ty ll sseleete t tl ist iI tete s'nt..af art dol $rpt• Arlo ' lse'e k A reconelilatioIt has I i ' • dthroug , �,.1.t;tclttrrltl2tltuent eon ra f b( itho ,s n it, a leen out the province were about, 1,400 sista ttitetr IE►Cornti+. 'Phea6 lioar(l�boxotl �' ffect i•.and these hungry eouisoutof and the new act reducing the rat :pit, I',1 toe a nutlitxir of 1ttllGtrirt; sof tlol•Irlrs,� (Yf c t - K tart Sears, if h1►dc ,1 t a job:are uniting their efforts to get ber to 500, will save the farmers it t,l h.trd wo.ttl, it is touch easier bl,tt gun nippe ' a'(srfr tiff ri£ b oliaese on of the treasury ahenl,er tc e Ince k)e� ry Ileiieh(lEl. i(3 estimated, about $�5fIXx1 n yPitt'. ocean tilt thepnlnln difc}I. Ch4ti it ie tai . ANTED. • AN: to sell Canadz grown Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, rtosea, Bulbs and Bulbous a A1210, Seed Potatoes, Aiailtelo. 1.' etoatal gne`onlyatihe highest end most popular varieties that succeed in the coldest • outfit free, ss3 salary arid expeneow seaSon !IOW sPai 1 Irewl startt for full time, or liberal commission for part time,Apply now, addressing nearest office, ane get Melee of territory. LUNE BROTHERS COIIPANY, IntornfStenai Nurseries, CuloAoo, 11., or kilns•raanL, (Inc, YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. 1% P. S. 0, E.—IIfeeting in basement of. Presbyterian church every Friday evening. Nov. 13tH --.The most interesting things I know about foreign Misson, B. Y. 1P. U.-- -Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. EPWOBTH. LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening its the Methodist church. For Tw sty.. ix Years UNN'S BAKINC DER THECOOKySSESTFRAND l+.artGeS1'rtrpi.Lr iN CANADA. -� 131g ads, are needed to boom bad medicines, Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound has merit alone to commend it. y'lea praisedtoles Cery�tr*C1fne kialhll, Out I think sty tonic and restorative qualities cannot bestir- pawed, I v,•ai faa2lnr pterly for some time through overwork and before 7: had wake* one bottle of year medicine, I felt ta(25181ell Letter. 'iuro Italy, 24/ Tango St., Termite. Z. 1lteftab,. For sale in Wing'13atn by Voll* Aft, I*za bs . DR MA(;DONALD, CENTRE STREET Wixom au, VANSTONE, BANNISTER, SOLICITQIt, Etc., Private I•17d interest. No Company rate char,ed. Mortgages, taw and farm property bought and hole OFFICE•• -.$carer BIoak WINanAIt ONTARIO. • • J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, 4o,, Winghans, Oat. E• L, DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETO. SOLICITOR TO BAN$ or 1fLIIILTOH. atone LoAR. Office --Meyer Block W}agham 1 0. CAMERON, . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Office -.Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne .Hotel, t;enitaIon, ON7'ARIo. T"4L'tTISTRX'....rt J. S� JEItpD��r L. p, y,, 4M1 y,DSOIIAts. tuethnseheapttyths ea,,bn'� ode �rk�ktab i,t the Uemhrfom. Tooth extracted absoIutcly wittivut pain, by I»Sow process, guaranteed perfe.tl. sago. Brunsx cg Househe Beaver Block, oppos}to th Aa J. tItW N1 b. D, p.y Doctor of boots] Surgery oP 1110 Pen»sylvan Dcutai College. OFFICE-•-MACCCNALD itLOCK. No7'w Will r isitlltyth every Wednuadty.. "�-Ci-1N RITCHIE !J GENERAL rNSuuitANCE AG)NT WinottAst, ONTARIO I. DEANS, Ja., Wi 0nau, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY' Ole HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co, Charge Moderate. J.01;IN CTIIRRIBE, WINoaaat, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Perin Stock and Farm Implements a specialty, edAlol , orTersullefrteaaonhabT,ose office promptly attend JOB PRINTING,, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, rosters, 8 1 Heads, (circulars, &a, 40•, executed alt the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address S. 0 =3ROWN. NM Office, wingham. BOOKBINDING. Magazines are left with us for bind n will l have pour prompt attention, Prices tor Binding in any style will he given on application 0 the Tama Q01ee, wanted...An idea b 0010 a ,p** thing to hatentr protect year Ideas: they may bring yott w tp. Write .10(117 WitoDERSURN, 4 CO. Patent 1 fi r• toys Washington, D. C., for Mott 41,809 prate ar *ma kat of two hundred 1nvaateeas Woofed. SOCIETY IktgTXNGS•. rt_eeurt Iiaftlead, No. SS, Candie X18 'r— OMMMer 2oresterl,,neete the leo$ I ea last cleat evening of aoarymonth, is 03.8• *erg's Work, 'aslant brethren tvotoofire. W. 64. Gray, 0.]& IX, It. 15111.11, k, a4. See ratno.c ,llo-1tCe1:1k 8O►rxdn3a r4NoMo10neym. eAl t Re Odd Feflaw9 Men. Vtet`royyrsollora' Murk/. 3h1aGicomi C ft: .3o • ! h