HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-13, Page 7THE WING HAM TIMES, NOVEMBER EMBER 1 3, th9t..
betwt, ngfbusiness at the present time and twenty years -.ago,
now tO othing but husdle from Monday morning until Saturday
night, zn January till Becember., aaverything tet down to the Tlewest
possible point, fou will Rid about
as any place. We are always on the alert, looking out for gnode'that
you will require and havit;g them when you want them. P&+obably
you have not
► R
tke it
:s all
for this season.. Would it ,not be welt to let us show you thestyleetthat
are correct. New lines are constantly ibeing added.and we will •con-
sider it a pleaeur=e to show them even though you do not care to buy
at present. We :ht've opened. up some
ill' Lira IN fLANNLTTZ
fiat are being sold rapidly, ,either dark or light colors, they are wort*:
10 cents a yard. 11.0 yards wit cost you only 68 cents and dozens of
patterns to choose from.
'CCO!p!iuntryrrAuluMulll!Olull/lui 0,0" .
Un11111 tpBan!111A e1/1/1111/1Vllgn/nm;
eean, llllll1l1.4f!IIlUala!
�1t�'`tail}.t.'-��^,�c.^t•�.'`[�e.7Lr'3�t`�C].^`r-r"I.�.�C'ri�a^r��t`-.;Era„,,a.'I�",��,ji.,cT.]����T^aF �`7�.T1.�!'"�
We will clear out one stock of
at a reductio • atom
10 Tt ' 5 SEH d rIsT T
This is a grand a ce to get a first class garment at a;
small price. W = guarantee satisfaction in every respect.
Alsb woollen Underwear and all hinds of Men's
1 GJO. CA.RR'S g
T. Leslie's Old Stand. Wingham.
What about your fruit for Xmas baking?
other imported. fruits are ad-
CUflflANTS ani RAISINSbutewh otahtee
bought them before the advance.
So you know where to get them, at the old price.
and in fact everything you require,
is another line we can show you in abundance and for
quality, pride and selection we will not be beaten.
our stock is becoming nearer coinplc:tion every day.
JCt' LEC f.111 -d11.
in several different styles, just arrived and very cheap.
at N.A. FA C U HARSON'S .'
Five In A. Wroele,.
St Ittiannuas Nov.lt.,—The Knauer Mrs Neil McKinnon is at presen
Laura,, bound for Tonawanda, from on tan .extended visit to- 1)etroi
where site has two daughters and
several relations living.
Miss Maggie M'ekae of London
is visiting at her sister's. Mrs. A.
Miss Atonic Davidson of Wawa.
nosh was visiting friends, relatives
and au.ruaitrtanees on the 2nd last
Idle •cook, name unknown. They week.
1 put offlfr•orn the wiledlr in a yawl, Mr, '. Melntyre ade a busines
but were upset, Mate Duquette trip to IPSfnioss last wmeek.
clung ,a t night to the rigging and • Mr. T. Ross is putting a soon
j left the vessel on a hatchway, and.'fouildatiun under his cropper, and
was washed ashore at Point Albino
otherwise improving its capacity fo
chain for November is, "Pray for
t Canada That it ]nay be a God -
t. fearing, law•abiding Christian land,
pray for every wise effort of the
young people to advance true
Christian citizenship,”
A pastor at the recent C. E.
convention in Belfast, Ireland, said
"I am like the centurion of old, for
since I have had a Christian Endea-
vor society I am able to say to one,
go, and he goeth,and to another, come,
s and he cometh, and to the Lord's
servant, do this, and he doeth it."
Wiarton, with lumber, was wrecked,
during the big gale on Tuesday
nightooff Albiulo Roint, 19 miles
from !Buffalo. Five people wee°
drowned. They were: Capt.
Morrison, of Glasgow, Russell and
Jas. Morrison, of G ,lalgow Scotland;
Maleolan McLeod, of Toronto: and
Miss Annie Perkins has returned
after visiting friends in London.
Mrs. Peel of the American Soo is
at present visiting her mother Mrs.
John Ardell,
Great Clearing Sale at the Glas.
gow House, Gerrie, from now until
the 1st of January. Everything
going regardless of cost.
' Miss Susan Ardell who has been
in the Soo all summer returned last
"-'- Mr. T, W. Pickell has engaged in
INSPIRING SCENES. the Tea Business repesenting the (.r
Marshall Co., London.
MONTREAL., 10th N(aveniber1896• Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mirehouse o
The ofilee of the Family Herald Kinloss, spent last Sunday with old
and Weekly Star, is defog a phen- neighbors in the Alps.
omenal business. The establisliment Alr. Robert Marshall is out on his
is open night and day. and the work rounds collecting the tax,
of getting out the paper and getting The revival meetings which were
the navies of new subscribes on the conducted nightly in S. S. No. 2 for
lists, is taxing the eno, mous estab- the past two weeks, by the Rev. Mr.
lishmcnts to the utm•-' . The public Walker of Teeswater, until further
are greatly in. re. •.'� in the scenes notice will be conducted only once a
of activity a Family, Herald week.
office. The i . ease in •:new sib. Since the disbanding of ,, the
scribers is evidently running far a- bicycle club, there are fair ehances
bead of all previous records. New of an equestrian troup being organ -
machinery is being rushed in to ized on the 2nd
meet the emergency and altogether
it is very clear that the Family Her-
ald is doing an enormous business. Rev. A. C. •Crclvs
The new picture, "The Orphan's , General
Prayer," is taking the people by Secretary will be in Clinton Sunday
storm. and Monday Dec. 20th and 21st.
The Monday night meeting is to be
r ,
0 mass meeting of all the young.
}j Ij~l ytfr Tr, n � *y ` people in the vicinity.
K,vY The report of the Convention held
v; Mr. James Acheson Is suffering in Ottawa will be very valuable and
with sciatica:. ' r
Huron County Endeavorerz.
the price only 15 cents. Every
Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson of Endeavorer should have one.
Dundaik were visiting around here Brussels Epworth League has lost
this week. its President by the removal of 0,
Mrs. John Robertson bad about D. Lainont to Brantford. Rev. Mr.
four gallons of jelly and preserves ; Arlin, honorary President, will coln-
stolen lately. plate the term,
Mr. Aikens' head lumber inspect- A reading circle has been formed
or for Mr. Rumble of London, was
shipping lumber from here to Boston
on Monday.
Mr. John Mitebell who lately re-
turned from Keighley, England was
visiting at Mr. R. N. Duff's on Mon-
Miss Libbie Copeland of Teeswater
.spent Sunday at Mr. John Robert-
son's. '-
Several farmers in this vicinity
took their Hire geese to Wingham
for shipment last Tuesday.
The Bible Society will bold a meet
ink in the Methodist church next
Tuesday .•Kevening. Tbe Rev. W.
Hall of Belrave will andress the
meeting. Both choirs will sing.
Mr. Frank Scott has returned from
a two month's sojourn with his
eousins in • Stanley township near
Mr; Edgar Coultes of Goderich
High School, spent Sunday at home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Macdonald
spent Saturday and Sunday in Moles-
Wash, G. Collins, organizer for
in connection with : Rattenbury St.
Methodist church Epworth League
of Christian Endeavor, Clinton.
Meetings will be held weekly at the
homes of the members, and a pleasant
and profitable term is expected.
The books of the course are "The
Torch Bearers of Christendom" liy
Doherty; "Life and Conduct," by
Lees, "Modern Missions," by various
writers, and "Barbara Heck." by Dr.
Withrow.—To Huron county be-
longs the honor of having the
largest number of junior branches
of the C. E. Society, and the
delegate from this county at the late
inter -provincial Convention, Frank
Hale' had the pleasure of bringing ,
home the handsome banner awarded
by the Convention. The banner is
open for competition next year and
several other counties are already
working for it, but Huron should
make an afford to retain it. On
December 4th a public meeting will
be held at Clinton when Mr. Hall,
of Goderich, will present a report of
the Convention. The President has
the Canadian Order of Chosen also been invited to give an address.
Friends,ons of the greatest lust- W.• Alexander, President West I
that Society has in the work. Her Presbyterian` church C. E. Society,
has lately put in councils at Luck -1 Toronto, writes:— Rev.W. T. Hall,
now and Brussels, and on November 1 of Belgrave, was a member of this t
6th he put in a council at Bluevale, ' Society. One phase of our work is i
with a membership of 26, with the I very practical. The Temperance
file following omcera;--P. C., C. A.1 Committee have for five years ear -
Toole Al. D.; C. C. Alex AlcEvran;
ried on active mission work Friday
A. C. Mrs. Wm. Messer; Recorder,
Wm. Bailey; Assistat Recorder, Miss
M. Frazer; Treasurer. Robt. King
Prelate, Mrs. Geo. McDonald, Mar -
On Wednesday 18th, a Social will
be held at the , e,-ide ce (.f Mr. Gum -
mei., under the auspices of the
Presbyterian S. S.
We are glad to hear that Mr. Ar-
nold Tate wlio has been on the sick
list fur two or three weeks, is improv-
The annual I3ible Society greeting
will be held in St. Stephens church
Thursday 12th inst.
We are very sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. Rush who died in
Winnipeg this week. Me went out
with thu intention of taking up innd
and nn Monday the sad 110Vas ut as
wired to hi,1 wilt here.
,lir. (;flie-i.rc, why teaches on '11,e.
six til et.incescit.n, happeni0 with
an accident it•; which- he broke a'
,link,. We, hope snob to l,t: able to
„ce bi: at hi- duties as teacher.
Jua' li'•1t• our newspapers, says
the Sund:ly Sehuul l'iuius, are fi:iJ-
inn occasion to make sport of ole
greeting with which the distinguish-
ed Chinese Viet:, oy commonly 'shows
his civility and good breading on
receiving a stranger. He asks, "How
old are you?" and we, in our
ignorance and inc vilify, laugh
rudely. Yui he simply pursues the
time-honor;d custom in thus ques- 1
tioning- -a custom that had milien-
I niums of civilization back of it when
our ancestors were still naked,
i savage heathen. The first present
anon of a stranger to an Oriental
sovereign reported in the Bible was
when Jacob was presented to
Pharaoh. "And Pharaoh said unto
Jacob, How old . art thou?" Jacob
was civil enough to answer the
question without laughing. It is a
great pity that we are less civil, or i
less civilized, than Jacob. Perhaps
the Chinese newspapers did neat
peke fun at Gen.
n Grant when he
greeted Li Hung Chang with "How '
do you do?"—or feel; or "I'm glad
to see you"—without being charged
for the sight. Our way seems right I
because it is our way. Their way
seems absurd because it i- not our
evenings, front iNovetuber to April.
In one of the worst quarters of the
city two of the young ladies began
a "Self culture class" among the
shal, James Gardnier; Warden, Mrs boys. Their education had been
F. Scott; Guard, Arch. Patterson; sadly neglected, some could not read.
Sentry, James Pugh; Med. Examiner or write and others did not even
Dr. Toole; Organist, Mrs. Rev. know the alphabet. Out of this
Moss. Trustees, And, Holmes, Jas. class have come 18 good scholars,
Pugh, Wm; Patterson, Nights of
meeting 1st and 3rd Fridays of each
and best of all some of them are
leading Christian lives and others
The Co. Sabbath School Executive
have postponed the date of the Co.
Tato United States navy cost Convention from January to Sutti-
over, $•211,000,000 last year. The finer, when it well be held ti in eon.
American jingoes would not mind )unction with the Co. Lndeavor
: Gnion.
the cost of th ° navy if they could try Every hlatdcavorc r in the Co.
it 00 s'mle-thing. Forcing the Der-
, 1 should contribt tts to this colon n.
danelles was atter cued lately, bol ho far secretary Cooper and Vice
allot might have rained the nickel I fres. Miss Ross are the only two
plat('. ' who have responded. Address W.
it is figured out thttt about! Karr, lirw.seis,
$100,000,000 worth of gold is re-, The lirst Isocal Union in India
moved from circulation In the
1'tlited States by being used far
1i•eth-tilling. The satire estimate is
that gold worth at least 00,000,000g:estiolls on "llow W shake hands iu
could ho recovered from American ! our Endre]. meeting.." Be short.
graveyards if the teeth o the last 12ead I)euterouurtl ,3i•G,
two or three generations were col. i The subject for prayer in - the
was organized at Mussooie a few
weeks ago.
This column is open for Sttg-
y f v)
-wiNGEAivr, lectcd and sent to the smelters. ( World's Christian Endeavor prayer
rlu'At W,.rm.
'ro peuteet against the Army Worm
neat year, it is advisable to clear off and
where possible, burn over lands that
wore inruat3d this season. If this is done
wherever the worms appeared,their rava-
ges will be largely prevented next year.
Tbe chrysalides should be looked for ,
under stones, bunches of Held grass,
bits of board or any rubbish Which may
be found in the Holds or along the
Tenet's. Experience in various parts of i
the country the past year, shows that
the advance of the pest may be checked 1
We may have other things
just as good or even better but
that is not the point. If you
know what you want and ask
for it you will get it. We won't
try to give you something else
that is just as good instead of
what you ask for and what
you want. For this reason as
well as the reason that our
stock is always elean and
fresh, you will find it safe to
buy your patents
Ereo sample bottle or Wompole .1 Laxative
Compound is yours for the asking.
He Knew It Was Loaded
Teeswater, Ont., Nov. 7.— • This
afternoon Archie Gillies. the 16 -year-
old sun of .Mr. A. (Allies, was ac-
cideiitally shot. It seems that be,
his brother and n chum had been
out shooting. On returning they
cle,ined the tui and young Gillies
picked tip the empty gun, pointing
it at his chum and remarked that
he could hold up botli of the others.
"Could you?" said the chum,
1.ielli:t,g up a rocked revolver lying
on a tattle and pointing it at Gillies.
.At this junctnr,• the revolver went
(:fr. ;i.(' bullet entering the lower
1 rut +:f the 11i1c,a1 ea d 1 ciging in the
Shnrll(ler;,. It. was a cat -e of knew
it nab loaded but did not know it
arae cocked. Serious results are
not a pprelieuded.
LiVo SL.t:k itaarrcats.
Montreal, Nov. 1L—About four
hundred head of butchers' cattle, 25
calves and 500 sl.cep and lambs
were offered for sale at the East End.
Al,Lattoir to day. Ln:tilers were
prieent in large nunrber:a but trade
in cattle was slew, as dr t vers • were
after better pi ices. le •ur head of
the best cattle sold at 8c per ib, with
got.d stock ai 2c C 21e. while 2c
mor e or less i.Ct'na-e'.. to le the ruling
rate, for common st(etc. le per 4h
was offered for an old lean cow
Calves were all sold oft' early at high-
er prices. Shippers paid from 2c to
24e per pound for sheen, and lambs
bold at from :lie to a flak: over 3e
per pound. Fat luitibs were scarce,
and sulci 1'r c.l,.:I ie to etc per pound.
Ea;r l'utialt., Nov. t'.—Cattle—
Receipts, 161 cars :'gxii:ot 262 last
week; mai ke tf'itirly active, and
prices for all grades were higher;
choice to prime fat steers, „4 70 to
$4.85; fair to good steers $3.45 to
$3.75; gond smoother fat cows, $3.40
to v"'i3.70• lair to good butcher's' cows,
$2.60 to $8 .)5ts,141
cars; market fairly active, Yorkers
fair to ehuice, $8.85 to $3.90, roughs
eurl,niun to good, 4;3.10 to :3.20;
pigs common to fair, $3.60 to $3.85
Sheep and limbs—heccipts 80 cars;
market fairly active; lambs choice to
prime, $4.80 to $.4.90; culls and
common, $3.:,u to $4.; Canada lambs
good to choice. $4.25 to :;4.40; Rhes p
good to choice ]randy weight as'! l:r'S
$8.65 to $3,70; culls and conit,..n,
$1.75 to $2.25.
bq plowing, furrows, rolling, or by poi -
zoning n portion of the Drop attaoked, l
but prompt action is always necessary to
secure the best results. A recent bulletin Medicinal value in a bottle of Hood's Sorsa•
on the aubieot is No. 104 from New pariila than in any other preparation.
York experiment station at Geneva • More skill is required more caro taken, more
TO 1)A ITT) Cream Curtains.
Here is an easy way to do up cream
muslin curtains with pattern of shaded
roves 'lake three or four pounds of good
rice, leash it, and put it nn to boil, al-
lowing one quart of water to each ;t•)rmi
of rise, and let it stow slowly for boars
till the ries Is nearly all dissolved intc
stnreh, then strain, and divide the water
nail two muttons. Add a little told
tenter to one paten. and. soak the onto -
tains in it for an hour, then wash then)
in it. It IA better nut to use soap, but if
t:na cattalos aro very soiled, you may
white curd soap on your hands, and
then pass your hands over the curtains.
Hinge the curtains alas lukewarm
'Water, and profs out the tnoletttre. Adel
A Hain boiling water to the second nor-,
than of riee•tcattee nip In the ourtains,
'Minim out. fold in a sheet, and heat
with, a railing pin. Halt dry the cur.
trains In a shady place, and finish as
expense incurred in Its meneractere..
It costs the proprietor and the dealer.
More but it costs the consumer less, as be.
gets more doses for his money.
More Curative power is secured by its peculiar
Combination, proportion anti process,
which make it peculiar to itself.
snore people are employed and mere space oc-
cupied in its T.aboratory than any other.
More tioilceitaAt.nmrlsrevelln bynyoxr
More Bar's and more hlerease year by year
are ra'portet, by druggists.
More people ar tatting )tood'a Sarsaparilla
today than any other. and more are
taking today than ever before.
Moro and Serfs. *roan reasons might ba
given why you should take
00 S
The One True Bleed r urifich
Uood's Pili$ Elok allow