HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-13, Page 6THE WING LIAtM'" TIMES, NOVEMBER 13, i896. CONN R. [Itlii1PDLL SELLS NOTIIING Bi'T PURE DRUGS AND CHIME PATENT MEDICINES. lived honestly. Yet year after year he syste:t ttieally and deliberately robbed the people of Guelph. IIe took their money from various ac- counts ill VfU.10US ways. Sometimes it wm a cold steal and no record was made; sometimes figures ware erased, and sometimes whole leaves were torn out and destroyed. Ile stole $500 with as much grace as he did $5. His whole system of book-keeping was cleverly designed to bide his betrayal of the people's trust and the wholesale pilfering of their money." The friends of the accused claimed as extenuating circumstances that he had already been sufficiently punish- ed by loss of position in society and r monetary restitution made, a claim which appears to have influenced the judge in giving sentence. If such things are to be allowed to interfere with justice, then, even-handed ad - I ministration of justice in this province is only a beautiful theory. SATISFACTION GtTAR:1GTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. COLIN A. CAMPBELL DRUGGIST. 2 Doors S. of P. 0. yrup of Tar and Wild Strawberry wi11 Cure the Worst Cold. GREAT CANADA. • 4. . The era of prospecting and dis- dKAtd•nOant 1 tmr ! covery in Canada is proven only to have begun. The discovery of a {stone called corundum, whish is 1i'1tIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1890. i similiar to emery, made in the Icounty of Hastings, and worth $80 a ton, will greatly add to the ie. putation of Canada as a country in in which every mineral of value can be found in large quantitiy and of surpassingly fine quality. It is also reported that gold has been found in Algoma beyond the height of land, in the region east of Lake Nipegon. Mr. Blue of the Bureau of Alines says that this re EDITORIAL NOTES. the "Family Herald" for, venturing to place in the homes of the people so grand a picture at so pilling a cost. We understand the "Family Herald' for a full year and the "Orphan's Prayer" are secured 'for One Dollar, a sum that seems little or nothing when one looks at' the value the subscriber gets for it. ]3ustri. • 1VIcMANNus—In Winghatn, on Nov, 10th, tile- titfe of Mr. ,Tames MuMantitts, a (,ion. 'YX LruLso� --Yn East Wawanosh, on 1 Nov. 70, the wifa of Mr. Andrew F argu- I son ; a daughter., -,`; i1143J R1]CD. ' Gor.Dorl—Krr•rtr -On Tuesday Nov. 10 by the Rev, 1), Portia, Archibald Gordon of Tclrnberry to Catharine Keith of Culross,lf+ Dna), �1 HI.Nr.Y—In ` ii vnuosh, on the Oth inst, Jams Henry, aged ;5 years, 10 months. Powru,I,—In Turuberry, on the 6th iost, Mary Ann Powell aged 47 year.V FOR SALE. 25 1:,'es are offered for sale by the undersigned, on which 12 otoliths al edit nil b •iven. Full particulars uta J• be had on appric to' , E. A. . 3M1 Winglimn, Nov. 13. Banker. .510 REWARD. —ON— BOOZSSHEanoA099E8S MARKET RI'.POUT4. 1i•1NllH N. Winglrani, November 12th, 15116. Corrected by 1'. 1)crurts, .Yroduce Dealor. Flour per 100 lbs„ ...2 2.4,,- to 2 40 Fall Wheat , 0.82 to 0 Spring Wheat %4t0 44r5^ to 0 13. Oars, new, ,, ... , . 0 16 to 0 20 Barley 0 22 to 0 32 Pews o40to0.49- Butter..... ...... .. 0 11 to 0 12 Eggs per dozen 0 12 to 0 13 Wood per cord , .. , ..... 1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton, 9 00 to10 00 Potatoes, per bushel,0 to 0 •h9- Tallow, per ib s 0 4 to 0 4 Dried. Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 3 Chickens , . 0 20 to 0 25 Duoke 0 40 to 0 50 Geese 0 4 to 0 5 Turkeys,.,.,. ,,., 0 7 to 0 8 Dressed Hogs , , . , 4 GO to 440 - Wool 10 to 23 DO YOU WANT TO BORROW? It is ea,•J to pay off a Loan nn our plan ns it is to pav rent. A t:600 loan taste 7.5u per month, and ma off principal and interest in eight Jcars; other sums in mono' tion. Timis of ps>nieer limit. en to Dight J ears. First utortgi go imps eyed prop. erty only. Ask for prospectus. A. 1: S\IITOE, Anti.c•r. The Equitabl.. Javingo, Loan & Building Asso PROFITS CUT TO A reward of $10 will be given y the Public fiebool Board of the Town of w'ingh 1 to any person that will give such inforntatiot ae would lead to the conviction of the party or parties that broke the windows at the school on Monday evening, Novena. berfad, THOS. BELL, Chairman, IT is announced that the two We want to double our sales during the Ontario vacancies in the Dominion corning month and Will sell • Senate have been filled by the se- Men's Heavy laced, pegged Boots worth $1 for O00 Men's, ' 8414:mils, Bellows tongue lection of the Hon. David Mills and FAIiDI of 00 oeros,'Iiinloss townslii}>, Bruce Co., worth 31 30 for 31 35. Mr. George A. Cox of Toronto. 75 acres cleared; stream of spit, g water, two good ' Boys' Heavy pegged, slug nails, Bellows tongue sizes 1 to E • or ,1 10.w•lls new winr•rr.l•rood house,large barn, Wood stablestwo acre -bearing 2 'ea from DoJs' strongpeggedBuhno rUs no toe 'ups size 1 the prospects are bright hitechuieh station, 4 from Luc•6now; an excellent i to 5 for 85e. opportunity ler doing a profitable dairy business. Men's tine laced or gaiters wnrth,81 14 for a keen contest for the honor of Apply to Mrs. A. Stewart, Lucknow• II, A, Stewart Boys' fine lace or boots worth 51 2.: for `1 10.. FOR SALE OR RENT. representing, this division in the Sr. Thomas or A. 0. Stewart, Tueswater. FARM FOR SALE i Special line men's ubbers 50c, Being lot 19, and east half of 18 town - County Council. Mr. John Hanna has had his. address before the elect- ors for some. Mr. Robert Currie has at length yielded to the wishes of his friends and will run, while the names of Lockhart, Johnston Patterson and Stuart are also spoken of as probable candidates. WILLr:111 MCKINLEY will be the twenty-fifth President of the United States. ' On the 26th of February, six days before his inauguration, he will be fifty-two years of age, the same age that Abraham Lincoln was when inaugurated in 1801. Mr. Lincoln, like McKinley, was born in the month of February—on February 12, 1809. He was in- augurated on the -.the 4th of March, 1861, twenty days after the comple- tion of his fifty-second year, whereas Mr. McKinley will be inaugurated six days after it. Like Lincoln, Mr. McKinley served as a Representative in congress before his election -to the Presidency. port is probably true. The region t 0 miles to file north of I i- Speesa1 the Rainy River mines, and the ship of Turnberry, two and a quartet - i WORKMANSHIP THE VERY news comes only through the reports PROF. COLEMAN'S report upon the supposed deposit of coal in Balfour Township west of Sudbury, has been given out, and though it is necessarily inconclusive in regard to several points it presents the results of. his observation upon the. spot and of the analysis made of samples of the mineral which has been named anthraxolite. Looked at• from the econonris side Prof. Coleman says that it is probable that the an- thraxolite from Balfour may have considerable value as a fuel for local use. Hare) coal is sold in Sudbury for $9 a ton, and this fuel could be laid' down in that town for less than .alf that amount. If it should prove to contain less ash than at present on sinking upon the deposit the, anthraxolite should have the ordinary use of anthracite, It ap• pears to be too fragile however, for use in iron furnaces. WHAT IS A RIGHTEOUS SENT- ENCE? The light sentence of three months' imprisonment imposed upon Edw•ald Harvey, ex -treasurer of Guelph, wi.o ad pleaded guilty to a long series of thefts and embezzlements, as verely eomnlented upon by .Royal City paper's as a flagrant miscarrl ig e Justice. In this connection the Braid says; "Harvey's was no or- ary offence. Ilis wasn't a ease of i1 unfortunate fellow beinginvolvcd aneially and taking money tl.at tt"c belong to him, firmly resolved y be, to pay it back when his ntnees improved. Harvey of independent means. Ile d have lived well even had he is about X30 women's 5 .•. THE GREATEST LEARING E s OF THE DAY -�' I — 1 Our present intention is to close up business in Wingharn on the 1st day of Match. Our stock must be disposed of Co 0 on or before that date, Overcoats to be sacrificed worth $12 for $8, worth $14 for $10 375 Men's Boys' and Children's Suits Must Go. Suits worth $8 for $6, worth $12 for $9, worth $15 for $ix. Boys suits in the salve proportion Hats, Caps, Shirt, Gioves!Neckties!Underclothing Everything must go at a Sacrafice. OUR CLOTHING MADE IJP TO ORDER MUST FIT OR NO SALE. Our 1 SUITS TO ORDER ARE a,f,,ORLD BEATERS of prospectors, and the particulars are not to be had. On Saturday Mr. Blue received a letter from. Mr. Hill ruining engineer, 'of Port Arthur, stating that 'one bad been discovered in the region of Jackfish Bay and Schrieber which showed rich in the assay. We would be poor -spirited indeed if we slid not feel great enthusiasm over wha t promises to be a splendid epoch in our history. It cannot be cleniad that we have suffered many reverses in the sli;ht progress we have made since Con- federation, We have gone forward like a ship dragging her anchor, and compared with the meteoric success of the republic to the south of us, our national growth has been very disappointing indeed. South Africa prepared the world for great sl eculations in gold mining. N w processes have made mining anin- dustrial enterprise, rather than a speculation, and at this point the Kootenay and Rainy River d•, -strias were opened up and promise to dist count the world in their --ichness.r . The oceans of' rock seem to be so immensely rich that the greatest capitalists of Europe are certain to -invest millions in the development of Minos. Taken altogether, it is a marvel- lous showing for Canada,and business men should feel encouraged. Our manufacturers should seize the oppor- tunity to hold the market that the miners will create. Makers of machinery should be swift in their movements and provide the tools that are necessary for mining. Our own sense of the importance of this movement, should afford ,ns proper protection, and prevent a dollar that ,hould be spent at home being spent abroad. • Taken in connection with the mar- vellous discoveries of gold in the Yukon district, where miners are pieking tip $76 in an hour, we can hardly imagine what will come next. - • Taken by Surprise. The news came from well infor- med sources that the subsc ' ers to the Family Herald and :, ec]tly Star of Montreal, are re e iving their wonderful premium late • entitled "The Orphan's Pray r." Great in- deed is the surprise and great is the admiration th': pig are is creming. The Revere .d Edward Everett I Ir'e of IPosto - e eminent Divine is first anion t the enthusiastic' admirers, and his' taste Is beyond question. Artists connoieseure and other judges of acknowledged power are loud in their praise of .the "()r phan's.l'rayer," 14113oinnng in heart. felt thankfulness t, the publishers a miles•from \Vingham, and contaiwng150 Larlien'Dongoln, Laced or Buttoned worth $1 50 for $1 15. • acres; 110 acres cleared, in a good state Ladies' Fine nongola lacer) or buttoned, razor toe'We pride 6)v -selves on beeping the nobbiest stock of of Cultivation, good bank barn, frame worth 81 76 for $1 50 1' house. two good wells. For further Ladies'N..Inllitadr'elt(aiterswo'th 1for000. T'IWEEDS, OVERCOATINGS, WORSTEDS, SCOTCH AND IRISH, THAT ARE IN THE MARKET. We Mean Business. This is a Genuit a Sale. BEST. TWEEDS particulars apply t0 Indies'Felt ;:dimes s, frwershous, i;ardi_ums eta: p pP y Boys' and 0iris' School Boots, solid wearers. ' Drawer 27 7, Winubam, Boys' long Boots sizss 1, 2, 3 OLST1 N DAIRY were worth $2, $2,50 now $1 I!9 HERE TO STAY. GROCERIES We understand interested parties are spreading the report that we are not likely to be long in the 28 lbs good Sag, r $1; 25e. Tea for 13c.' w business. We beg to assure the people of wgham , that we have embarked in the milk business to slay, 30,.. Tea for 24c.: 40c. Tea for 30u. that we are increasing our business daily, that our milk is clean and pure. Our customers are on• fest , recommendation' :Go Medal Blend 'Ceylon Black WINGHAM Tea for Dido. SAW and FLAMING MILLS. Kologna Blend Black and Mixed very fine in lead packets 15, 20, and 25c. each. Fine 8c. Currants for 5c„ 10e. Raisins for 7c, 51 tehSay s 8c Brnrms 10e., Big 13•.re Soap, 30e., 2 A large stork of all kinds o'rou h and email bars Roup, 5r,., Bakirg Powder 3 e., lump g Chirnbeya 4c, (11041)05 Lina 10c.,, Sardines 60., plained lumber, Shingles, Lath, Apple Picklke 10c., honey Syrup fir., Bird Seed 6r., 6Ibe. Barrels, Cedar Posts, Hard and Sift Taptoca,26••„ 5lbs Laundry Starch 21o., 6Packages Wood, etc., kept constantly on hand and gcr Scab'brushes 3�nncd Corn 6c„ lOr,. Essences deal on shortest notice. Orders by 1 mail or telephone promptly attended to. Rolled Oats, Wheat Flakes, Corn Meal, Barley, &e., atm every- thing else to be found in a first-elass grocery story. McLEAN & SON, Props. IU cLEA.N & SON. 1 I -3_A -TS and CAPS_ The balance of the stock to be cleared out re- gardles. of cost or value to make roo,n for more gr series. Bats that were 58 now $1, $1,50 hats for 50c and 05c, A lot of stiff hats 5'.,10c. and 23c. Good Table Butter and Fresh Eggs Wanted. �-y GEO. GOOD Dealer in Shoes and (Groceries. Wiriigham, - • - - Ont. M. PATTERSON The Leading Jeweller has the largest and new- est stock of novelties in JEWELRY • and SILVERWARE in Wingham. Having the larg- ent Repairing trade in this section of the "country, we : t 1 a 1.)..d to se l c.l eapartha n others who have a small re-. pairing trade. M. PATTERSON .11EW1;LEI t. Directly opposite Bank of Hamilton. WINGR AM -' - ONT. JOHN RUETTEL 4,SO Macdonald Block, - arm: A GAIN DAY CI,EARING SALE, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS- DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. STILL CONTINUES and will continue until the whole stock is cleared out. We are highly gratified at the success attending our efforts in this direct- ion; the great consuming massjof this country -are not slow to distinguish between a fake and a genuine sale, prices tell every time. Another consign- ment to hand of goods bought for less than 50c. on the - $'1 We would ask as a favor from qur customers, at least all who can make it convenient, to do their shopping early in the day, in this way we can serve you better in the afternoon, we • 'e so much crowded that we are not able to give ,•ou tha attention we would like, 15 pieces hress'Goods were 15 noir 5 10 11 1t " " 25 1 10 15 " 8 /1 5 " 4 " Tweeds Mantle Goods Ready Made Mantles Shoes 12 Storm Collars 8 Fur Sets It it 41 •1 14 11 11 " 35 ',S 20 " 60 4 45 •' 60 ' 40 50c on t e $1 500 " " $1 50c " " $1 50c " " $1 50c 11 11 $1 50c " " $1 50e " " $1 "Handkerchiefs at less than cost and a great manymore articles we have no room to . mention, Everything goes all along the lint. Call early and get very special bargains. G. M°=NTYR�+ MACDONALD BLOCK, WINGIIAM T rrilVJUB from now until January lst, 1898 for $1 00. r