HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-11-13, Page 5['ifE IN ti .‘lil'.;, Ni "" rlxAk,�i; •, V• UFF)~Ft� FOR yt !> l4',i puroll And I3rueq Rv7.,1�x' 'Ikv THE E •P"F,RIENCE y OF ?tLR. ort ll xhil).itiun will piss I,()%, only of GIRA`t C3' Ii l� ( C tli .fir 'rite flirectol'd (t' the llura,n veil- I tt ,� a z;, X11;' EI, ;the prize money thin yeas . Annie `Willits, :fie daughter •of'i;,obert Thursday ,of last .w I•S SUFFfi10I MU [motif InftvtlfA- TIN\S,.Iii'TaTAi ' ari tNi 8L'IffNG .. AND. AUTUMN 1UI,LEl1t IN A NEIGH iny'IIrP iincnni 1T A,notrr A cul I rt.n afortb, yOt111,tareSt 1 ._ , •W [lifts, died on ;DEVOTING eek, of Might's ! T 1 I►IISVI tt T • Vit. rid ,� i, Disease, 1 lis V. 'Nance, •of Mlelilurchie• (mum. i Ranee I3ELanket of ixlyth, and i<:1 130 lixt I�•L.t) .'-t ;11•l::[;,;osis Berths, esus .1, . +, hair, ttrnr ,• r Ve • Fled 1 t: tt^tr1 ,• lr I a . t ! n , > ,•• • this il3 111 t , 11•. v,• ocl , I. G 1nigbt operator at, tt•P'f•1(1,11/me office, Lair•cnt to the dour ill al:=•wt r to a call, Iain Di (1I1 ; it, 1u via• struck with a itwl-h:,;i•, svitit:h li•!IP l him to the 1 fluor lits[ I)l1 CIuil�. \is,'1'r flit' [[[mail• I utas then went tiicon;rrh Ids buckets, I9:itEs till, t'U , i•eettrifl F rtirutit c'2 ), after tribes tut•• made theiresep.t,e. West- < I rata i, ha +!;i used 1,1,. , the Kingston wing. � 'Eye, i'abrt'rin of Clinton, were nlal'i'1• 011e who has been felons- ,eel. on Nov Itth• , A C rig '©? , c 'b :ur,aiLtlsm, . . a l:,1•I9�'1,�1,,1. •'^Lit cuNttn W i VIM e. Ut•ni•' t)r iiiaeTtr AMERI- '• .t :IN �YVi01 �J 1).. Lu tlir� • 4.: 11'f j.C)t"i 3! I u tits, c!on. ) , . ed from years of stitfering, can I Mr. John McDonald salt wool; lits ?� Flair li "c3�ln t'1L1 © llPsi 1 feel grateful to the medicine i d d •l I"ng folr mr. (lel, �.y „•,.III'pistil:l',It.,11°,Ir!,PI,1,71ItI I,fl j � _ . 1111 always t:C 1! , ,, t ,gc�o •. a -YS u il'l>li. u , l I t t 1, t ! Of the i if 11th t f Kinloss, (IVPs I that was the medium of release. It ;1 i)00 husliels•Gf'g,rain, the product of ipj r > < , ill hC!nn 1 •,I,•,. •I.�uc. IS therefore safe tOFa;4r that toren 1 I g wis,• t:' a veilkn,)wn t tt i111=;fn1 men in lItlrl'uwdtltitlt t f TJL yola°s }lir , •i• � MI. says: most ! .)Q •ae.ree •of tllE late ,s fa s , to result. Guide ,. ••_ •, • had now I /44.,1aylon.Remedy tint"Gu eYour. with !lien iv t:•:E• to not anklet; rift[' lid Lhl'a{duns, I The '.nets •cif 'frit!TtdR of DOnald s101f. i at flit t h VW.: tilt..tre t ute'n•ie•tl. 1 tried 1 11 r, ,•rrt •. Ir 1 di- i' "Tour 'Druggis or uxL aiit„Uf ar•t,lr• t' „ who has heel, a sufferer fruits tl It to d t'1 notate. Buy .A.25 -Cent ••li'e,r n ,u1 veau•c 1 t.ss tr,lt{v Ifliicted atism for scars past, i been released from ti ' tnc1iiir vt' is far, of 1Valke!rtnn, I , -Toa reporter Air. Day told his ex- I. ' g • l • that •that Mr.I. 1+ Lexis, a well. knt,trn PtrotE•r ,evrr)si,snit.:.s 1 tl,.,us:I t. and t,u4turEt t t St t ' '1'e r t e for 1,•t rs without tool h i.ein tit• Though will be pleased •to earn graph er, 307 ., i Ilio , fee s, , on t erienee substantially as follows.;—"1 11 is r(+Coyerirg f1."1 a IH was t t1+ •ills n gut-E,t r w t , . • •ant. ,� $a.y 1 in'ith ittl'tintchiit? hurl it vary saeort i 1 tit ,,ell to use So b ' nlericun llbau- i !ohs in have been a sufferer from rheuma- tism for the past twent:, •five years. It usually attacked me worst in spring and fall, and at tunes the pains I endured were intense, making it difficult fur hie to obtain genttenl-a•n strlike •of paralysis, ,with which he t was stti cken albout'two weeks ago. 1 j3onp7)n sa l - .filksenaa .. ' PAW* Soli -• $� ..1die seed r M :f ;�i-nb{atin ir4Too(tt^�i 1, .4 }'?' otr.'' cs Ligestiongltcerful- nFe.,s and Il st.CInt(lias Reign' Cpur ,Mo P11in2 nor Mi cr d• NO '+i A1C°TIC• ••.-- i]enil eines the U„wl.l Its wore lGt 1 ,, .-•.,+es•n the lila First' I 'lit i • tit li , •M , „ .1I , 1 1• ! f lir tt tl to an s l [renin u to �i t l urtd °iYarli c Vn gem tinged. i •in yours, and two nottica nave completely Mr. S. 'Wks, of Iillnr0, has) were Of that ollturacter. f l 14unyon's spec'alist, tvh , l,ras• rihe,i cured refs." Solo at (,i,isholni':r olere, is :efrltitl•of catarrh, as tltp Htitlp=mails tlo.•t,r tits ,••a won. t• rt+lief titan Il„ ,post •conelurlesl the purchase o .-.-.� had used :half of a mule rile nUst r uu he li The. with Mr. .7. Fitzgerald, • d health. [fie always his •third. dame which'is situates Mtlriyori'•s4Catlurl•h Cure, ani t,ef'r,ro .e tf"iI('1P tic,n • 'I he CltiziiI1S sof liinenrdine deeply I hats been 'no seou c ..sympathize keep •is .now tin .goo lea.. . T. , G. of death Vf, ' the sips[ > r 1. la,. over keel) a few vials for general n,+a 111 [tae •ta'f til(, l , son 1 rawiiy.,aindtend-it t1 sptentli,i t•.•.netly. ; -his bright and interesting' Healy y who •wa eu111mitted ?viumyf)n'E •Id•hee,uut,an, (:lira nr141oan. Frank, who died on 'fest;da,'t Of -t-he IIP l� taadtasta +ahtavc� in•r+na to !rccAhuirrs, asci at the coun:ty.: ail, •sunit: weeks since last week in the twelvth y11 of his i 1 d eta do ,y a.Calltlay psiP (lit (lure Lively Aire. The Iasi Ilacl,,iieen ill only a rest at slight. From my hips down t the title •eolleession�of:Howiek, near, ' tra!a bet>n entirely ri wt vPc, and these I iron a sI r to my feet every joint and muscle' (;Iorrie. He thinks that he will go seemed to be effected, and the pains ,On 11118 tfblt`ln birnstilf •4Lnd give the ti u t 1118 80115. other 1 ) . c tl t it e• s t 0 �p - on a n its u .one ), t L11Pb Cl ilio � ltl o seemed LO 4 h< o I SL -e 1 was at tithes nearly wild, and mind you this was my condition for up• wards of twenty-five years. During that period I tried many remedies, and while I obtained temporary re- lief lief from some, I could get Ituthing •in --tile way of permanent relief. But last year the pains did not conte •back, and they have not returned IT Why 'They Do Not Pass. d)tl �t •ehrtrge •of'naatiity, , was remove Trltinytan s • yspe .. recently to the 'Tlanlilttlt asylum. cocee xll [forms Wind'esf.icou cud 810111-: short time. On Sunday afternoon the tii Inner:11 hiss Agnea Derrick, who was Com- auh trouble. P lee Zulnynn'a Co d fJiS It of lunacy potted recscsnGi•�y'on•ehargfi b was removed to the London Asylum 11 hurdle -v :ill•et .. ince, and this is the way it, came about. One day while telling my w .neighbor, Mr. W. C. Switzer, o badly I was feeling. he said; 'islet Dr. Williams' then[ according to you will find that what they are ad - cure you. I know half a dozen boxes .Pink Pills and us .the directions, ar� .they will dot 11 8S113taEY DISEASE•r1tlLVi:N•r8 BUNDItID,1 APPARENTLY IIIRAL'1'IiY MEN FROM PAbilING A1,11:11111..Ar< EXAMINATION OR S<LTd1:4NSURANOx). you have lett-uireli into the matter you will the surpritied at the number of your frliends who And themselves rejeot- t ,, vertised to � et] its,tL�pptic:a.uts fur lila insurance, x this from experience in my own cause .of kidnev trouble. They think • themselves healtilay untlt they u!ader,o• ,family-' Well I got the pills and the medical test, and t y fail in this 0138 • used them, and the rheumatism has l point. ie44I1h A c1 Kidney -Cure will remove not. alone a early s•Iutptoms, but all forms ctif kidtt' disease. by die- eolviu„ the urtts acid and hardening sub- stances that tlu,l p1aee in the system. J. D. Locke of Sherbruok, Que., suffered fc,r three years from a complicated ease of kidney disease. and spent over $100 for treatinentt. Be got no relief lentil be used South American Kidney Cure, and he says over his own signature that four bottles eared. Lim. •been driven out of my system, and - last winter add spring in more than years I AN p.5 entirely free from my ,old•enetny. But there is one thing - more that Dr. Williams'.Pink Pills bas•done for me, and which aston- nshes .me a little. Over forty years •ago•.I had a severe earache, and used bt .liquid preparation in hope of get- ting relief. It- - nearly ruined my hearing, and .for all the years 'since 1 have been partial' y deaf. After I took. the fink Pills my hearing came s%,baek, .and now my ear is all right. My wife and sister have also found. nisch benefit from Pink Pills when Ain. down by over aact;•i , �ti,lacl it is eaife to say that they will at - ways Ile tfouncl in our house." Dr. Williams Pink Pill strike at the root,ef the disease, driving it from the -i atesn, and restoring the • patient to health and,stren•gth. In cases of spinal, troatileS paralysis; •loeomotor ,ataxia, sciatica, rheums tism, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles ete•., these pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a specific, for the trfifibtes i -tthat ;make • the lives of so many women a bur- den, and speedily restore the, rich glow of health to the pale and sal low cheeks. lien broken down by overwork, worry or eXCeSBCS, wilt find in Pink Pills a• certain cure. Sold by. all dealers or sent post paid, 50e a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be ``just as good." The cruel newspapers are publish- ing the horrid story of a sweet girl graduate in a neighboring town who read an essay on ph �•siolog'v in which she said, "The body is divided into three parts—the head, the ehist. and the stummiek. The head contains the eyes and brains If•,�n:, the ehist contains the lungs and.-Yt piece of the liver. The Stummiek is devoted to the bowels of which there is five—a, o, i, o, n, and sonletinles w and v. 6c. to the 1(inettrlhiile cemetry pure prevents poen �eaa ltu ;Ply attended. few •,,. 1 a I1 u Il,}t4 C lE nti [sail t ma ,> ` Ie brat re Pr lite c. :ilii S. T. ltl,we, cif Paisley, 1 M,tln3.c,m'y (;ili;. Cure stops cough -4, tat last wt•Pk front a visit to the sig hteweat-s, allstl+t•[;moues•:. and spoon yisi .owe oo and .A101 tlnettr. ?y heals 'the Inaiy>. Trice, `5u ylueycln's Kielnar (1'11.8 8l' ^tidily enre4' 1.01.11)t1. many old. I'aisltsy friends in In order. to show' their appreciation of the decision of bather West in giving a local firm the contract !for and '='�22�,OT.TU'�i, most of the interior furnishings of- the r=t���,(DTJT33-- paiuo in I,1tack. loins or trrnlny and aspic, hiS travels, nearly all of whom <t' fu ' 1 t' Prt •e n i•' 11 l F C rto y solid ' �+ and bidding ache do -ttmee minutes. Price 3... Ilan ,10.1 to he booming,g rtln1yon's Pile Ointet.,ot P ts.10vely!fair soon to outgrow its American cures lead forams of .piles. Friel 3:i a, r sister across the river. The Sault Marit'rnyttt �loe'- Cure ••rntlietitee a!i S,Ge,. \utile pulp and papier 011118 late- ro�purlvon et .�im •titfraA. lari+">, `3:)I, . t lt� myon/S remitle '•-1 eigetlies tare ,r. i ly :••f•tai•ted there give employment to sten to ash 'women. rlaati ,Or Ifi14 •neYt•iseaGta• 1. "• -:''doing well. He reports the (lana - M.uryodis •crit ace ore !• MulnvoEa's Anila na l emetheq relieve in t 3 miniaSes [.hied e.41,113 la.>ru,rinr u . Catarrh /Leans Danger, � f checked it may le 1L..grti t, number of men. . ply. Price ' _.._. • ad direct- �Luuvcln's Catarrh Remedies never lytoBecoo i on e S . •1 '.rhe tl'atorrn Curt+ price 250. •- Iylto • consumption. l•t•tarlaxsisarully useless to school out 4f tri •t {t tion, Sour Stoutacll,Liasr'rhtiea ,tr ConvulslOns,Feverish- u rorfns, I:r. 3 a d'.r,D3$ OF 37L in: t:t it •1': :,intile $ignntt:re cr I• YORK. s'l: Ian Y ,� SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE ----- Q F-- ulr,f.s ir • IS CN I Ar -PER t or : t(4 / 7m.;,l.aarw, tt{ l ,hf '. era • lv y -aa Ma 4••.VS*3cM'Ti c.o.la is *sot ^ : n e r , ',a'tic•I only. I 1 :rats { ' (•,,,a a' � 4 jL::t my •g;Ortiil 12,V1 .<•I nr.tnrfr e M••w,"' 1.1;i: ? i (%-.�•fr'r-0-1,-I-3..' '''A�. •17 ilii✓ : : ` ,gip• _;3 :stet g t u ; ...Lye= to Ea<_ It a E. It. •t•rt»ntso t11 L a ; � t r y o I ass} ,Int, oleo ,, 1" very Tut, � B.>c :}�, A,� X=fi'si3t••1=..•_�—�- jrE,se. f, y �' c'l Tho faa /��•-��,�--c•�'' `1' --„e•..- ✓� b CT CO?Y OF 1f!^APP :^•• a F,� ecc:y G:cA ;� v ti wraFFa.• y,«• rat . eradicates the d'aclease Afrin the systets), by impure 0101.1. his and the Catarrh ...tablets --price 355.— 1 eata!>lished. 'l1nsre` or , it • cleanse and heafl the -parts. „ try to. t,u re oat,._. Mueyoc'sNerve Mareis a wonderful tions tor inhalants. .0 true way to 'o Piic,e,': c. - cure catarrh is to purify then. blood. od II 11 everything required f'o a complete aril applioa- nerve Lan Munyoe's "Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Price $1. A. separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly `rye. a yial. Personal letters to Prof. t4tunyon, 11 & 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free tnsdiaal advice for any disease. Rood's S-treaparilla, the Brea purifier, cures ostarrh 1't its power to drive out all impurities frotu the blood. Thousands of people testify that they have been perfeotly and perman ently cured* catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla. t . + the new R, C. church in Go actors Examine both the l.usiness and Shorthand courses of the the employees of the !?,roan Factory � ti-''t`to present that Rev. gentleman with a handsome chair. Mr George Bisset, Exeter, who lies been 10 the vicinity of Art one_ shipp- ing apples, returned home Friday last He brought with him a 'box of fine ;ripe -strawberries, which he picked that neighborhood, it being one of the many boxes pieked from the same patch. This is a very unusual freak of nature. Talton With Sr asme. • A 0OLLINGW0OI1 UL8IDENT TE/2,8 HOW SOUTII AMERICAN NPRVINL C1:RED HIS DAUGHTER OI' DISTIRESSING NERV- OUS DISEASE. The father of Jessie Merchant, Colt. Lingwood, tells this story of his eleven - year -old daughter: "I doctored with the most skilled physicians in Collingwood without any relief uoming;to nay -daugh- ter, spending nearly flue hunlllreu dollars in this arty. A friend iutlueeced me to ne, though I f it being any u its use she was asy to Take ass to Operate try South Amerman Ner took it with little hoIit good Wbon,-she be hardly nble'to move bout, and suffered terribly from :nervous spasms, but after taking a few bottles she can now run around asother children.” For stomach troubles and nervousness there is netb- ing; so gond as South American Neriine. Sold at, Chisholle's Drug Store. Prof.\`tan. Toski who was drop' ped her l?y the Wiltton Comedy Co.,' was maltt?Ig' his way over to Walk- erton vitx.the Walkerton beer wag- gon when 11e fell of his seat and on to the ground, the waggon wheels pass- ing over him and hurting him some- what. On meeting with this aeei dent lie returned to Kincardine.--- Review- -� %=i%;';::::- rte,---•----�^' FOBEST CITY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, London, Ont., and you will find them practical at all points. Students attend this College from all parts of!the country. Finest set of rooms for business college work in Canada. Graduates successful in wowing positions. Catalogue and par - dealers of either course sent on applicatio - TEXT BOOKS, n every br COPY BOO PEN' ' : S i Hail Blood Iletween Them. Are ltestel epeculiarto hOIOUg elliA nell so The ever suffer Mori itis e, taatelesa, ofdot0ttt, thorn[ g;1ar As ono man delicate stater in the armor's wife, her than they care to tell. The dark rings aches, dizzinossr, 00 round the eyes. if palpitation or/r, token a run -a pure, n know Yen t3obtt'a Sarsaparilla' pili' the blood, curd. i n * t cl' a'tellies the system. C T FI t1d � Co.,� MIafil�l%p�edr�4�ltn�'ea theluloom umatio twingeI,, be system. The blood is It d is a�iar to enj0 Out or lire, •iauneror emover "oke.s► ptlttut itbas to .lY • 013 n, t br stem. , over." l 4tso. < o lth T .nary putt, to a1y. , iwa�5 t e lthooke, It enreswhe>s sl1 otjaora Tae nary � i'�..i 1 �p"lf�'�r ��.'. '� • .. 1 _:_.�� :o._Ilraft PATENTED r� ls. is BBEES and SLA�'ES, BUW O 5 : ] :..S- A pate t BOOK C VEB. given a .,-,y with every sch►ol book purchased from us. CALL AT THE POPUL&R BOOK ST ALE-. • ROSS. 67) T Lii We do neat work in the Job Printing business- and at rices as low as the lowest. If you are in need c,f any- hing such as ,ETER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, /• ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, 1.3L',:,INESS CARDS, r anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the ld reliable TIMES Office, Wingharn. 101.tl,®41"41t©'te tAlsA. rte' ys .;111;,,,;1;,;,;;,,„ , IaPu l'9' SOLD, S6,4l i1 b� i 1i Bit 81 Qhurch 8tr t- •'1 I th! f4 n:Oto 5OE 1 will give F i f tv l)ollars to any pei1e>t wlio ��.,1 brit e' atchfor;Gloss::I cclmlotlrepair,azd nal.e:ta rut•1 as wall. k. • 1.tterlthaii'(i (r . t s +) . $• it" id (rda: Iv 6 C •i s . n . r t Sit't It 49, cl S:S t 11 r x •.+r� d� ,fig 1 r t _{ � • U•, t°A .D •r t,kl ,HALSEY % , lit f ytl? Iitit� St... r1. site m aet1on:1lel Bloc*.